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The Long Vigil
The Sept gathers at the Caern Amphitheater to enact the Seasonal Rite giving praise and thanks to Helios, Luna, and Gaia
IC Date Autumnal Equinox
Players Aaryn, Brooke, Bryan, Burt, Dragomir, Hjalmar, Micah, Rian, Shaun, Theron, Xavier, Zyler
Location Sept of the Enduring Spirit Caern Amphitheater
Spheres Gaian Garou Kinfolk

The Amphitheater has been decorated.. nigh, adorned with what to some may be junk, but to the Garou they are trophies of war. Around the edges, one can find Bent rifles, broken Wyrm-fetishes, shredded armor, horns, fangs, and garlands made from smaller teeth and fangs. All still smeared in blood, although cleansed from previous taint. Urns are placed, see through, so the dust within can be seen. Broken bits from vehicles, cages, and..is that? Yes, the skull of a t-rex? Oh no, that can't be, right?

In front of the stage, is a raging bonfire. Burning high and hot. Under control, with puffs of images of glyphs rising every so often. The ambiance set, the stories ready, with chants to praise Helios, Luna, and Gaia to come.

On this, the night of the Long Vigil, the Sept has worked and brought in their trophies that adorn the Amphitheater. As the bonfire burns, and the sun is setting, the buzz as the amphitheater fills is electric! Waiting for /just/ the right moment, Hushed Blaze walks out to the stage. Holding up her hand for attention, much like at a Moot, and following through with a long Howl, the Rite is ready to begin.

"We all gather here tonight to sing the songs and tell the stories of the previous year. Join me as we thank Helios for his blessings!" She begins a chant to Helios, ending with a prayer for his safety in the coming winter.

"To Luna! Give us your aid in the long nights to come! Protect your brother, Helios, and your sister Gaia!" At this point, Hushed Blaze gestures for the first Galliards to start coming out, and begin telling stories. She steps down from the stage, and moves to greet those here, while the Sept can enjoy the beginning of songs and stories being told.

Burt enters into the amphitheater, smoke roiling off him and the scent of petrichor intermingling with cedar ash. He walks to the collection of trophies and sets down blood soaked name badges before finding a seat.

Zyler.. is.. well.. the man in black. He's off to the side. Not quite alone? But certainly not really attempting to be a main part of the group. Sitting there, he's watching on as the Vigil unfolds, black gaze watching each person in turn as they'd come to share their stories.

Hjalmar walks up to the amphitheater. More than curious as to how this all unfolds. He takes a seat at the side and watches all that unfolds.

Rian arrives, dressed down but still snazzy. He hasn't got a lot to contribute, but as he moves through the array of trophies, admiring and studying them with great interest like a newb in a museum of awesomeness. He finds a good spot and sets down a single Polaroid amidst the tangle, messily written on at the bottom in sharpie for a date and some other description. "This is amazing!" he says to himself, making a few NPC acquaintances along the way until called to attention by the opening howl, smiling like a dork.

In walking towards Aaryn and the rest of the Frostbite pack is Theron. He is holding over his shoulder a thick leather cord, that leather cord goes through the void of an ear hole of a massive skull of a rock troll. It's like a backpack it's so large, once a hideous creature the flesh and blood burned away leaving a fine trophy of alabaster white.

Bryan comes strolling through with a raccoon on his shoulder. As he starts to move in more populated area, the raccoon kind of flips out and loses his shit and hops off Bryan's shoulder and onto the ground, skittering away. "I DID warn you," he tells the raccoon, then moves around to study the various trophies.

Hjalmar takes in all the trophies from where he's seated. Glancing at any and all to enter this place. His face lights up in a smile at seeing some of Frostbite pack here.

Up first on the stage! Rock 'n' Sock 'em Cubs! Reenacting the tale of a sparring match turned chase the skull pigs! All acted out, while singing what they will do to each other until they have to team up to chase the skull pig, and rip it apart! Complete with another Galliard cub crawling in a very fake pig costume. At the end, as they 'rip' the pig apart, red confetti is tossed up in the air for blood squirting! Gotta love cubs sometimes!

Rian's attention is drawn back to the trophies, randomly giving things a quick and clandestine poke with a finger tip here and there, resulting in a little twitch of happiness. "Lookit this thing!" he comments at Bryan when he ends up nearby, "I don't even know what that is!" When he sees Brooke off-stage, he waves like an idiot to get her attention, "This is great! I heard you were throwing a 'light gathering with a few stories' but wow!"

Micah arrived with his bow string across his back and a large red put bull beside him. A braid of raven feathers and beads is threaded in his hair, dangling from the back of his neck. He stands near Aaryn, watching the proceedings and the glancing towards the upper reaches of the caverns from time to time.

Aaryn enters and looks around the Amphitheater for people she knows, giving a few smiles and a couple waves. And then there's the looming /skull/ behind her, attached to a Theron. She watches the snazzy Raccoon with interest and gives Bryan a chuckle and a nod as she walks past, heading to look over the other trophies. She gives Hjalmar a bit of a shy side-hug and pauses to speak to Rian softly for a moment, tugging a small bag of treats from her satchel and offering some to the Silver Fang. It's about that time she spots Zyler and heads over towards him with a bob of her head. It's always the ones trying not to be bothered, isn't it........

Brooke waves to Rian with a grin. "I'm glad you like it! So many volunteered to help and bring these in. The Sept has done well this year with their fight against the Wyrm. Praise Helios!" She hears some giggling up front from some of the other cubs and lightly shakes her head, amused. "I hope you enjoy all the stories tonight. The Sept Galliards have been working hard."

Oh. The glare. The glare itself could easily be its own epic trophy to top the rest. The stink of Silver Fang is all it takes for Zyler's glare to level on Rian from across the room. He frowns, eyeing the idiot that bumbles about among the trophies. A small snort before he'd finally look away, watching the cubs play out the story on the stage. When Aaryn walks over to him, Zyler raises a brow, glancing her way. He's otherwise noncommittal.

Hjalmar watches all those basking in Helios's praise. Seeing their trophies. And the games the Cubs perform. Then there's a that sorta hug from Aaryn. He gently pats her shoulder and smiles. "Hello Aaryn. Good to see you again." And a nod is given to Theron. "And you as well Theron!" He then looks at both. "So. Tell me. What trophies have you all brought?"

Burt nods approvingly at the cub's intro sequence, the stern expression on his face unflinching. The spooky Uktena looks around at the assembled Garou while trying to scratch his chin without messing up the painted mask.

Micah has to crouch down and grab Tank by the collar as the cub's story progresses. To the war spirit, the line between pretend and real can be a little vague and he is eager to join in what he sees as blood sport. The two talk quietly to each other as Micah holds him tight and gives him scritches to calm him down.

"I wish I had some tales to tell as well, but I'm afraid I'm rather light in that department as of yet. Maybe next year, though." Rian says with a grin to Brooke. But he lets her get back to making her Galliard rounds while he listens to the story and watches the stage a bit. Also, gotta do some ambling himself, poooooooossibly making his way ever so casually and obliviously in Zyler's direction. But not there yet! Instead, he makes a pit stop by Micah and Tank, commenting, "Wow, lookit this guy!" about Tank, and offering, "Hi, I'm Rian." along with a handshake to Micah. There's enough going on without breaking into long winded Fangtroductions, so he just... doesn't, for now.

Quietly, Ryn settles in next to Zyler, arched brow ignored. Really, he should be used to this by now. She moves ever so that Micah and Theron can sit nearby as they finish, but otherwise settles in to watch the cubs' story progress. She eyes the selection in the small white paper bag and withdraws a piece of chocolate covered fruit before offering the bag to Zyler.

After the stage is swept from the red confetti, another group of cubs come out, and setup some props. Giving the appearance of a mountain (through boxes), the cubs take different places on it. Out comes someone covered in fur, looking like a bear. He roars to them, asking for their help in the fight, and they all agree, and scurry around. Then a prop that looks like a rabid fomori deer with two heads is wheeled out, and they run up to it, and with fake weapons they take it down.

Micah stands once he is sure that Tank isn't going to chasing cubs and dragging them off by the heels. He gives Rian the once over and then...smiles. He can appreciate someone that doesn't spend the first 5 minutes they meet giving their entire lineage. He extends his hand to Rian , "Micah, and this is Tank."

Tank likes his titles though so he goes into a very long series of barks and dog howls that probably doesn't sound as impressive as he thinks it does.

Theron smiles over to Hjalmar, "The head of a Rock Troll...a great victory for Frostbite..." he explains and then he heads over towards Brooke, "Where should I put the trophy?"

Brooke nods to Rian, and moves toward Bryan. Giving him a polite nod, she asks, "Will you be joining in tonight?" She knows he has the raccoon, and it has been awhile since he performed a story. Keeping it gentle to get the man back into business of their Auspice. As Theron asks his question, she then replies and points to the side of the stage. "Over there is good. There is an open spot."

Rian also offers to shake with Tank, or possibly just offers his hand to the MAW OF DOOM! "Impressive sidekick! Um... Spirit, right...?" He does not sound super sure of himself there but he's making his best 'I am definitely not a Theurge' guess there. He wears his noobishness on his sleeve and is fine with that.

Zyler sighs softly. Aaryn.. will.. be who she is. It seems. He's not sitting, but he doesn't walk off either. That says something. Either he's learning to adjust? Or maybe she's wearing him down. Either way, when the bag is offered, he just shakes his head slightly in declining it and Rian gets another chilling glare as he'd obscurely pointedly make his way closer to Zyler.

Tank offers his paw. Apparently this is something he has been taught that dogs do.

Micah nods, "He's a war spirit from Mars, Nerigal's realm. We met in battle and became allies and he came back with us. He's learning to pass as a 'regular dog' but he's not, at all. He craves battle and he likes to fight."

Burt quirks a brow at the possibility of materialized spirits before "Hmmm"ing. The Uktena stamps his foot at the next display on the stage.

It's been a little bit since Xavier was here, but he came. It was time for him to be around the rest of the Sept. Keeping quiet and moving to find a place to sit, Xavier does find that place and sits down. Leaning back in his seat and listens.

"Oh you're THAT tank! I heard all about you at the moot, you're famous now!" Rian tells the spirit quite sincerely. To Micah then he says, "The gym at Pennington Towers has a dedicated animal training section. Like for training in lupus or what have you, pack or alone. Obviously there's plenty to train with around here, but if you two ever want a change of scenery, it's just across from the Smoke and Barley." During a look around he gives a smile and a wave at Theron and Aaryn too! He doesn't know that glaring man in black but he's also smiled at! Rian secretly wafts his pure breeding at Zyler.

Brooke notes that Bryan is busy, and she approaches Xavier. "It is good to see you tonight, Shield of the Heart. I do hope you enjoy the Galliard's tales." She gestures to the stage as the last group is getting their props off the stage.

Another little play is set up on the stage, it's props consisting mainly of a large cutout of a tree. A patchy colored cub, Pink Floyd for those that know him, tells the epic tale of when he was an American Cyclops named Skully and did fierce battle with a squirrel. A small lupus cub dressed as a squirrel and set on a little shelf on the fake tree does FIERCE battle with Pink, first with a toy gun while someone off stage yells 'bang' a few times. Then by leaping at Pink and chasing him around, trying to nip his tail. Squirrels don't usually yip quite so much, but the cubs are having too much fun to be overly realistic. Eventually Pink ROARS at the squirrel-wolf, "I will get you and make you into a pouch!" before picking up the entire tree as if uprooting it, and chasing the squirrel-wolf off stage.

Bryan was in super space mode. It's only after Brooke walks away that he blinks and answers, "Yeah, I'm here." Which was not at all the question. He glances over at Bro---oh, but she's gone. Oops. He peers around briefly and focuses.

Micah furrows his brow at Rian as he tries to place 'Pennington Towers' as he doesn't get into the city much. "I'm been to Smoke and Barley once. I have been meaning to get into the city more and," he looks down at Tank, "he's

Dragomir comes walking towards the Amphitheater, without much in the way of clothing. He is wearing a pair of metallic silver shorts, which hug his form in a lude manner. A hand-stitched (poorly) jester's cap on top of his head, with three distinct bells/tendrils dangling from the top, and dozens of tiny little bells attached - so that even the slightest movement on his part causes him to jingle.

Carved into his skin, obviously by his own hand are the words: Fear, Terror, Hurt, Pain, Betrayed, Lustful, Cub-like, First heat, No more. Written in a black permanent marker over his chest, is the word 'Unfaithful' in neat feminine hand-writing about an inch in width. The word 'Untrustworthy' is etched across his forehead.

The man walks in, and settles down to sit near the back - on the ground. He places his hands in his lap, and watches somberly of the proceedings - careful not to interrupt.

Xavier stands up and bows his head to the Elder, "It's nice to see you again Hushed Blaze-rhya." he says to her. "I know it's been a while, I've been doing things with our pack which I feel may have disbanded, though I need to confirm a few things before I say much on it." he says to her. "Though I hope to get back into the swing of things again." he offers a smile to her.

He looks up at the stage, "I know I will. I remember as a child my grandparents would bring to a few moots that were nearby where they lived and honestly it was something I've always enjoyed." he chuckles. "I feel that I don't have much of anything exciting to tell as of right now." he chuckles. "How're you doing Hushed Blaze-rhya?" he asks.

Zyler shifts on his feet, eyes narrowing in a chilling glare in response to Rian's wave. When Dragomir comes in, his attention is drawn that way. Maybe he can't help it? Or maybe they can't? Either way, the man is eyed coldly from where he stands. There's a short shake of his head, then he turns, glancing to Aaryn. "Enjoy the show. I need fresh air. Too Silver Fangy in here." he'd head for the exit shortly after that.

Theron steps forward, the massive skull in hand. held by a leather cord through the void that was once the massive rock trolls ears. Dark empty eye sockets starting back at anyone that looks in the eyes. What a creature this must have been at once as he carries to where the trophies belong. The kin decides to tell the story...
"Behold the skull of a Rock Troll of the coldest mountains in the darkest reaches of earth. A place the Wyld and the Wyrm once ran unchecked, until the great warriors Fenrir." The kinfolk states, doing his best impression of a Galliard, its overly dramatic and showy, trying to do a good job but it's clearly not natural for him to tell stories.
"There in the snow, is the Sept of the Troll-Slayers. The northern defense against unknown horrors. Stories go back generations of the monstrous trolls that once attacked and terrorized all until the Fenrir settles there." He pauses, "I am not Galliard enough for those tales. But I can tell you of our visit there..."
Theron pauses to breathe, "Love, joy and celebration." He begins, glancing over to Aaryn. "That is what brought us there...Magni...my adopted brother, known as Ice-Breaker was celebrating taking a mate." He smiles and then to the others. "However like any tale of glory, things never go as well as you would wish."
"Sentinel cabins were not answering, dark foes returned to the mountains." Theron explains, "Frostbite at the service of the sept went out to check in on the Garou...what we found was a blood bath. Ambushed by the Rock troll whose head I now hold..."
He stalks around in a circle, pretending to be a lumbering troll. If he was telling the story to little kids to scare them it would be a delight, but to Garou it's probably a bit overboard. "A rumble in the darkness and the Troll rose out and called out in its monstrous voice, 'Mash! Gnash! Ho Ho Fenrir! My meal at last!'" Theron pauses is stalking around, "The Troll was meeting its ancient foe head on, it hated Get of Fenris deep down to the marrow of its bones!"
"As one we attack. Sten and Aldric flank the monster as Micah is the first to attack. Launching arrows through the air against its tough troll hide. Aaryn and I...well like any good Get charge foolishly straight into the maw of the beast. The frontal assault allowing for Sten and Aldric to strike true from the rear..."
"It continued for what was surely mere moments but it felt like eternity. Wolves versus beast, sword and claw against rock like hide and the muscles frame like corded metal." He explains, "In the end it is glory to Fenrir, glory to Hildisvini! The troll collapses in the snow, the frozen terrain once white, now red with its blood!" He then nods, congratulating himself in his head and goes to sit down.

Brooke has a sense about her, but does not look toward it. Keeping her eyes on Xavier, she nods understandingly. "I'm sorry to hear that about your pack. I've been there before. If you ever need to talk about it, please let me know. I'm glad that you were brought to things in the past and can appreciate it now." As Theron, as arranged before, goes up to the stage, she gestures for Xavier to listen with her. She claps for him, getting up there even as a kin, to share with them all.

Ryn grins as Theron tales the tale, shaking her head a bit as he does. When he's done, she claps and gives a bit of a "skol!" to him in celebration of his newfound voice. Who knew. And all this time, she thought he was an Ahroun.......... She slides an arm about his shoulders as he sits.

Tank settles at Micah's feet as Theron tells the story at Troll Slayer. He practically puts his paws over his head as if he is hiding from something, or maybe he's embarrassed for his Battle Brother. Who knows - spirits are weird.

Micah grins at Theron as he tells the story. The more overboard he gets the bigger he grins. He casually slips a small flask from his hip and takes a drink from it as the story continues. When he is finished, he raises the flask in a "Skol!" cheer along with Ryn, then offers Rian a sip from the flask.

I'd be happy to show you around!" Rian offers to Micah with a bright grin, "Not... That I'm terribly familiar with the city as of yet but I'm getting there! Here..." He digs around in the pockets of his shorts until he comes up with a pen and some paper, writing down his number and tearing the bit off to hand to Micah. "Would you excuse me a moment?" he asks, and with a polite bow of his head at the Get, ambles off to go sit down next to Dragomir and watch Theron's telling of dastardly trolls.

The stage is cleared and performing cubs bring out more results of their hard work, setting up props that resemble a shady warehouse. An epic tale of stealth and tactics begin, the cubs 'sneaking' across the stage to take out a cardboard cutout of what must be a fomori made out of spaghetti and meatballs. "NO! MINE! AAAAAAAAHHHHH!" A toddler seems to have gotten overly attached to a prop sword and there's a minor fight over the thing. Toddlers win those fights by sheer volume alone, and you know it. To avoid ruining their play, the toddler is simply scooped up and for the rest of the tail of B&E with a glorious boss battle, one of the cubs wields an angry little Ahroun toddler armed with a plastic sword. Things could have gone much worse.

Rian also totally politely declined the flask sip, which I totally missed, but he looks sups apologetic about it.

Theron smiles a bit when settled in, he squeezes Ryn's hand a kisses her on the cheek. A glance, just the eyes to Dragomir but then back to the stage and other stories to tell. A quiet squeeze once more of Ryn's hand, the smile remaining after his story.

Burt frowns at the impropriety of the kin's telling. Looking to the Elder Galliard he sighs and stamps his foot to add into the applause. After crossing his arms across his chest looking a little surprised at the state of Dragomir. Despite his grumpy demeanor he blurts out a laugh at the next rotation of cub performances.

Xavier nods his head and he looks at her without taking his eyes off her. He bows his head and he smiles a little. He sits down when she asks him watch with her and he does. Looking forward he watches as Theron tells the story and almost like he was a child again he sits there enthralled listening.

Dragomir remains seated on the floor, far too the back. Certainly not close enough to be intrusive. He is quiet, and as still as he is able - though even his breathing causes the little bells to rattle on the Jester's head. The man looks older than he's probably appeared in some time, and certainly smaller. When Rian sits near him, he turns to look at the other man - causing his jingling. "I do not believe we have met yet." the tone of his words frail, lacking conviction.

Bryan's eyes swing in the direction of Dragomir and his brow arches. He pivots on one foot and heads in that direction, glancing over his shoulder to check Brooke briefly.

Brooke walks further away from Xavier. She heads toward the stage to check on some of the Galliards backstage and disappears from sight.

Micah doesn't seem put off but Rian's declining of the drink. More for him. He takes another sip from the flask and moves over to pat Theron on the shoulder in support. He finds somewhere to lean where he can be near his pack mates. His eyes follow Rian as he moves over to Dragomir, but only remain their briefly, preferring not to stare at the recently disgraced elder. He bobs his head over at Burt and gives him a small wave as he watches.

"We have not, but I've been told we should." Rian says, and offers a hand politely while saying, "I'm Rian." The smile on his face is SLIGHTLY giddy, doing the short form 'hi I'm <name>' and that's all is soooo not how it's done, and it brings a simple sort of 'doin a teeny bad thing' glee. He looks the fellow over while toddlers are wrestled for swords and says, "I imagine I'm supposed to beeeeee... mocking? Probably?" Mockery being outside his general wheelhouse, it takes him a good minute to come up with something, "Um... Your bellybutton sticks out too far." He nods then, deed done. "Now this is a good show. Imagine if you could wield toddlers in battle. They'd have to be basically impervious, but it might be worth it." He mock-throws an imaginary throwing star, but probably imagining like an injury proof giggling toddler zooming through the air to knock someone out. He is definitely just joking, I swear, he'd never hurl a baby in battle!

Dragomir nods his head and says, "Ahh, nice to meet you Rian-rhya. Allow me to introduce myself, so you may mock appropriately." And the jester moves to rise, jingling as he does so and stands in greeting. The man's groin half-sparkles in the lighting from the selection of clothing, clearly meant to deny him even the slightest bit of modesty.

"My name is Dragomir Nicholas Mihailovich, known as Eye of the Storm. Surely you have heard the Satire already, but if not I will tell you. I am.. Athro, born on two legs beneath the half moon, Silver Fang of Clan Crescent Moon. I am, the disgraced son of Nicholas Mihailovich, son of Michael Mihailovich - known as Frozen Night, son of Nicholas Mikhailovich II, son of Michael Mikhailovich - known as Falcon's Beak, son of Nicholas Mikhailovich - known The Frozen Death, son of Michael Nocolavich, son of Nicholas I, known as Zheleznaya Gora. I am packless - as they have abandoned me, having broken the ban of Eagle - I am disfavored."

Then he begins to lower back down, jingling all the more as he does so. He sits back on the ground, placing his hands back into his lap once more. "Welcome to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit." he offers simply, little radiance in his words for such a man.

The only slightly botched telling of warehouse destruction is cleaned up and replaced by a pair of cubs reenacting a few of the rank challenges a thoroughly unlucky winged Theurge has been involved in. One involves tripping over everything and falling down a lot while attempting to defeat a calm opponent with nothing more than glitter and pazazz. The second involves attempting to hide from a friendly opponent and somehow highlighting her every move. Cubs hold large, brightly painted and glitter coated signs reading 'I'M OVER HERE!' to illustrate the Theurge's abyssmal stealth skills while the actor stomps, "Why won't anything WORK! Fine, fate demands you be given rank immediately, just take it already! I give up!"

"Hey thanks, mate!" Rian says with a quirk of a grin at Dragomir's welcome. "Yes, that was my first moot here, pretty eventful to say the least! Well, let's not steal all the laughter that's supposed to go to the kids tonight." he says, reaching up and taking Dragomir's cap off to set it in his disco lap. "So, we're neighbors, as it turns out. You should come visit. I'd offer the same but I'm never sure when children do nap times and I'm slightly terrified of waking sleeping people."

Bryan finishes crossing the distance to Dragomir and he crouches down, giving Rian a little nod. "You and I should chat soon, huh?" Bryan, ever patient, doesn't wait for an answer, just rises once again and turns back to hear the end of the story.

Seeing the cubs on stage, Ryn immediately peeks up to check and see if Everyone's Favorite Winged Theurge is in attendance, but then remembers she had that super important thing and sighs. She chuckles and shares her paper bag of treats with Theron and gives a grin and a wink to Brooke. This is a //Great Show//.

The cubs story makes Micah chuckles, because it is soooo obvious who it is about. He's only heard about these events through his sister, but this version is much more amusing. Or maybe that is the alcohol affecting his brain. He takes another sip. Magic juice makes all social situations better.

Any kerfuffle at the rear of the Amphitheater isn't enough to draw most people's attention away from the dias and the reenactment that's going on there. The people in the crowd lean forward with interest, chuckling and laughing at the portrayed antics.

Garou lean in to translate the tale to those who may not be able to understand the lupus. Faces are solemn, and there are more than a few tears. Smiles are shared and joy returns at the wolf on her hind legs, the tale having returned full circle.

"Hey hey! Bravo!" Rian cheers for the awesome new trick that caps off the emotional tale, yes it's funny and all but as a Garou he knows from personal experience that that shit ain't easy in lupus!

Aaryn nods alongside Rian and adds her own applause. The white wolf get a warm look even as Aaryn glances up at the evening skies, taking a moment to thank Gaia for her blessings, and for the friends she's made since deciding to make the Leap and come to Prospect.

Rian is up and moving around again, meeting new people and soaking in the history of the sept while occasionally also poking the tips of sharp things amongst the trophies with a finger. Glee! He gets around to where Aaryn and Theron are, and says, "Hey again! That was a great story, Theron! I wish I could have seen it, I didn't know there *were* actual trolls!"

Micah takes another sip from his flask and comments, "Neither did I. Totally thought Theron was making that stuff up."

"Neither did I!" Aaryn laughs, "and then shit just got real." She sagenods. "Though we still have some of that Trollskin back at the Longhouse if you think your sisters might be able to make anything haute couture with it?"

"Of course there are trolls." Theron grunts nudging Micah. "Just as there are kinfolk berserker warriors. Who would have imagined kin that fight beside Garou..." he grins adding, "It was the only way I could get a date..." teasing Aaryn a bit.

And then it's Bryan's turn. He steps up to the front and takes a peek around at people. Eyes skim the crowd briefly and he waits for things to settle down a little bit before he begins to speak in his quiet, calm, actually rather musical voice. "So there was a time, a while back, when a thing happened. I was, at the time, the Alpha of my pack ---George's Alpha, for those who know him. -- I was an Athro. I was the Den Father. I'd gone back home to check on my family and the patrol came back. Five down and out. Ten more wounded. I flew into action - literally." He waves his arms in the air to mimic wings and comes up off the ground, but only about a foot or so. As he relays the tale of calling for backup, George's hurried joining of the fray, the fight with the monsters, he dashes back and forth, even doing a couple of little summersaults in the air. His voice rises and falls in pitch and tone, appropriate to the story. As it comes to the end, he shoots up in the air and comes 'crashing' down to finish his tale, sitting cross-legged, hands in his lap, voice just barely a whisper that manages somehow to reach all those nearby. "... and that's how I died.. kinda." He pushes up to his feet with a little grin and exits stage left.

Micah guffaws, "Wait, you aren't Garou? What about all that body hair?"

"I bet they could!" Rian says with his brows jumping up with excitement, "I don't think they've ever done that before and I bet they'd be game for the challenge." He quiets down for Bryan's Song and grins like a kid at the circus while watching the acrobatic flight, even busting out some sudden claps at times. "Yeah!" he cheers for deciding 'meh' to being dead, looking at Frostbite with a thumb jerked towards Bryan while he's leaving the stage, like 'can you even with that??' He is very clearly just all sorts of star struck and his inner twelve year old is OUT, y'all.

Ryn's attention is absorbed by Bryan's tale. She leans in and rests her chin in a palm, her facial expressions animated as the journey unfolds. Her head cants to the side in earnest at that last whisper, leaving her brows furrowed and the wheels in her head turning. Belatedly, she gives a hearty clap! And a bit of a Fenrir Whistle.

Theron listens beside Aaryn, the same wonder and smile as he watches the story. When Bryan flies he pauses and considers, wheels turning in his head.

Bryan grins as he moves over to get something surely stronger than water. He takes a breath and lets it all sigh outward. "I've been wanting to tell that story for a while. Took me a little bit of time to adjust. Obviously, I didn't ACTUALLY die, but for whatever reason, Peregrine made it look like I did. She tossed my dumb ass into the Umbra for several years and I had lessons to learn. Coming back dirt-side was almost as harrowing as it was being shunted into the Umbra."

Brooke comes back out from whatever she was doing with the other Galliards. Hoping to see Bryan, she just gets there when he says he died. "Oh shoot, I missed it."

"You did? Aw, that was a *good* story, too." Rian mourns with Brooke when he hears her. "I bet he'd tell it again some time. I'd love to hear it again!" Probably because he's already forgotten half the details. He looks at the people he 'knows', "What sorts of trophies did you bring? I mean side from the great huge troll skull. That thing is *amazing* by the way!"

Bryan pouts at Brooke. And sighs. "Man, I did aerial interpretation and everything." He grins at Brooke. "I'll tell it again. Along with the other half of things. Soon. I promise. Maybe next moot."

Some of the cubs are still whispering toward the front, pointing to Bryan, and then laughing! A passing by Adren, glares at them, and they stop. At that moment the fire WHOOSHES! Up comes a flame that looks like a Phoenix, and then back down again.

Rian is very O.O! over the flaming phoenix, completely missing the exit of Frostbite. "Wow!" When Bryan is within range, he can't help but ask, "Did you *really* die?" Because surely not. Surely not.

Brooke comes up next to Rian and says, "But he's feeling much better now. He was only /mostly/ dead."

Bryan grins at Rian and shrugs. "I don't... think so? I remember going down. The next thing I remember is that I was in some swamp with a fucking toad jumping up and down on my chest and insisting that I breathe, goddammit, because wasn't no fucking Groo gonna die on HIS watch...." He shrugs one shoulder. "And thus began the new chapter of trying to find my way out of the Umbra."

"Mostly dead is certainly better than all dead." Rian agrees with a sagely nod of his head. Miracle Max is a wise man and stresses the important difference between the two. "...Ein minuten. A toad? That... That's rad." he tells Bryan, his red brows just way the fuck up there, "I tell you, Garou have the most interesting lives!" So star struck, the Cliath is!

Brooke grins to Rian, "You know, one day I should tell you the story of my old pack mate, and the time she brought leg of t-rex into Curry Corner and had them cook some for her." Yes, interesting.

"The toad's name was...." And he makes some horrible grunting, groaning, scraping noise that involves lips, teeth, tongue and probably some other body parts -- clavicle. Maybe the little red dots in the corners of your eye. It isn't a human or even Garou sort of sound. "I just called him Ted. Pissed him off. But he was a good friend. I THINK he was probably a Gorgon of some sort but... he---" He squints at Brooke and turns in her direction, folding his arms over his chest. Clearly, he wants this story quicker than 'one day.' Bryan also waves at Shaun.

Rian opens his mouth at Brooke and then just pauses like that for a moment. What DO you say to that? He decides to say nothing instead, and just point at the stage with a little head wiggle and an excited 'get on up there and tell it!' look on his face. He's absolutely siding with Bryan on this.

Brooke must be in a much better mood, and as it is nearing closer to dawn, she takes that challenge, because who are they to lay down with the Elder Galliard after all? "Alright then, but that means you hear the /whole/ story. In all its epic glory." Even if it is about several people she does not see anymore, or does not wish to see the one, it is still a kick ass story. It will take her a moment to be ready.

Shaun grins wider when Bryan waves and starts to stand up but instead just listens to him instead. When Brooke talks about a whole story his face shows excitement. Maybe he hadn't missed /everything/ after all!

Bryan almost squees. Like a little girl. He grabs Rian's arm, and drags him to front of the staging area and pulls him down to sit. As he passes, he grabs Shaun too and pulls him down on the other side. He folds his legs up under him like a kindergartner at Storytime to WAIT.

WOO! Pot pie AND epic stories all in one day? Best day ever. Rian lets himself be dragged off yonder and has a seat. After he dusts the grass off. Which is dumb, but he does it anyways. Cant... Can't sit on dirty... grass. Yeah. While they're awaiting Brooke's tale of amazement, he offers a hand across Bryan at Shaun, "Hi, I'm Rian." Maybe they've already met, he doesn't know. He's like a goldfish.

Stepping out to the center of the stage, Brooke has taken off her proverbial Rite Leader Hat, and with a change in demeanor stands ready before the gathered. She gestures with her hand for silence, and then begins telling her story.
"This is the story of the missing Kin Magi, and the dangers of thinking one can go against Gaia's will." Brooke places one of her feet a step back, bends her knees a little, and looks around with her hands out in front of her. "Not long ago, I received a message on the Glass Walker network. A Kin Magi geneticist with a lab in Oceanside. He was unreachable by phone and with his home defenses, spirits could not get messages in. It was something that needed checked out right away, and once I got the message, I assemble Terminal Velocity to get together and go check it out together. When we met to fly there together, it just so happened that Shaderunner'rhya and Defiant-Storm'rhya were meeting with our Alpha. It did not take much convincing to have them come along to offer their wisdom in this area of knowledge."
Brooke starts to walk towards the left from where she stands, and slowly walk in front of the crowd. "When we arrived, Mercy's Messenger went into the Umbra with the Elders with us. Something was off, and unnatural for certain. The house looked just like it was out of a magazine. Too perfect. It was only polite for us to at least knock on the door first, so my Alpha at the time, Eye of the Storm, did just that, allowing me to stand in front of him to wait. There was no answer, so I used my gift to open the lock on the door. No one could tell from the outside what we might find inside, as it was shielded. Who knew what we would find?"

Shaun doesn't resist as Bryan grabs him. Instead he grins even wider, nods and settles himself wherever he is dropped. His face is wide eyed, with an excited expression. He nods his head at Rian. "Shaun MacDonald, pleased to meet you."

"Bryan," says Bryan, shaking the hand. He looks amused at the intro, but he isn't too worried about it right now. There's time to be a prissy bitch later. When Brooke starts talking, he turns his full attention that way to listen

Continuing her path, Brooke gets lower down a moment in front of a group of cubs listening with wide eyes. "Once I called upon the spirits to help me unlock the door, it opened up and inside we found the picture perfect professionally staged home. The pictures even in the picture frames were the original you would find at any Wal-Mart. The best part was, now that the door was open, the shielding was down and Shaderunner'rhya could tell we needed to head to the back of the house, and we found the door to the basement, despite it being hidden by magic. Once we went inside, what we found was incredible."
Brooke rubs the head of one of the smaller cubs, and then stands up to continue around the circle. "This was the Kin Magi's home workshop. There were crates, obviously used to smuggle items into the states. What those were? It was the bones of Extinct Fera. I opened the door to what was a walk in freezer only to find the twisted skeletons with tusks, oddly shaped skulls, and distortedly long fingers - more Fera but all Metis. Yes, we found the fossils we could tell were smuggled in, but that was not the worst of it. Some of these - were newer corpses. Our Kin Magi had been attempting to bring them back. To resurrect these Extinct Fera and was not only disturbing the spirits of the dead, but violating our Ancestors. Bringing the dead back to life by making them himself means they will lack real spirit, without the natural touch of Gaia or Luna, making them inherently of the Wyrm!"
Brooke turns and walks back towards the center of the stage. "With the help from the materials in the room, and the spirits, we were able to track down a warehouse for the shipping company this Kin Magi used. Together, we took off..." she demonstrates her motion to take off in flight - a la Neo from the Matrix - and even lifts off the ground in flight about 5 feet up before softly landing again "...and when we arrived, the pattern spiders sought me out! I was able to disable the cameras around the place so we could investigate, and with their help I found a storage locker. Mercy's Messenger was in the Umbra watching, and once I popped the door open, we found a mysterious 55 gallon drum. With much careful precautious looks, both in and out of the Umbra between us, the decision was made to open it, and look inside. The pattern spiders alerted Mercy's Messenger that there were restless spirits within it, and sure enough, that is what we found."
Clapping loudly, to startle the audience, "Boom! As I tried to remove the seal on the lid and went to open it, and a strange assortment of smells from reptilian scale rot to cotton candy came from this thing, the lid FLEW up and bounced off the ceiling!" She gestures up to the sky and then down again. Her hands out, fingers splayed on either side of her, as she leans toward the audience. "Three skulls came floating up out of the goop that they had been contained within. Each was anchoring a mutilated entity that existed in both the umbra and the shadowlands. One was a GIANT Cobra with arms. One that seemed like a Bird of Prey, and one was a zombified Panda Bear. They were not happy, to say the least, but not on the attack." She stands up tall now and holds one finger up now on each hand. "Now this is where the wisdom of our Elder came into play to help us. Shaderunner stepped in to speak with these spirits in a language they would understand. The spirits wanted rest. But one of ours. Our Garou Kinfolk disrespected and defiled them in his attempts to play god. Shaderunner got them to work with us then to find this missing Kin Magi, and put an end to his vile experiments, and let these spirits finally be released from the bonds holding them. With the help of Howling-Wind and Like the Wind, we were able to use the skulls and the spirits ability to track the Kin Magi down, and allow me to triangulate his location. What happened next, we did /not/ expect!"

Shaun 's eyes blink as he listens raptly to Brooke, his mouth forming the word "Whoa.." He starts to ask a question, but catches himself in time and just continues to listen.

Brooke takes a few steps back. "We flew to what we thought was just a space out off the coast, over the water. Perhaps there was a boat? Or a submarine? After noticing a shimmer at the space where we were going, we headed toward it and suddenly - we passed through something - and we were somewhere else! No longer was the sun in the same place in the sky." She gestures from one placement to another. "The climate, the temperature was different. And there was a tropical island in front of us! We did not pass through an illusion. As my GPS tech would show me once we landed, we were not in Prospect County anymore. We were in the South Pacific, on an unmapped island, with a VOLCANO! More disturbing for some of us..." pointing to herself "...there was a distinct absence of pattern spiders and webbing. The weaver was nowhere to be found here. There was no balance."
"Together, Terminal Velocity and Elder Shaderunner went on the search for the missing Kin Magi. We went to his bunker, which was shaped like a wolf's skull on the side of it. The ominous glow coming out from his gaping maw, our entrance, did not deter us. What could have stopped us, as we approached, was Gatling Guns that came out and were ready to fire upon anyone close enough for their range. Now this, this is when a Glass Walker can do some great things. One of my earliest gifts I learned as a Cliath was to simply 'Jam' Technology. In this case, the guns. As my pack mates were sure they were going to be shot at, and were taking evasive maneuvers, from behind their charge I /shut them down/."
"As the rest of us entered the bunker, Eye of the Storm made sure those guns would be of no use again, and destroyed them with his strong sharp claws." Brooke motions with her fingers, like they were claws, toward a group of younger cubs, attempting to engage them further. They watch with rapt attention, their mouths open with excitement to hear this story. "Once we got inside, we saw a lab, with bizarre machines throughout, including growth tanks with more extinct Fera being made. But worst of all..." She lunges toward the cubs with her finger claws out, "... a cybernetically enhance, uparmored Tyrannosaurus Rex!" Rawr!!

Great to meet you!" Rian says to his newfound friends, and puts his attention on the stage. "This is all true, right?" he asks quietly, like Bryan or Shaun would know.

Bryan is absolutely enraptured with the story. When Rian asks his question, he nods absently. Oh, totally.. Absolutely. What is he agreeing to again?

Brooke grins as she moves away from the cubs, "What were we to do? Well, we are Terminal Velocity, and what we have worked hard to specialize in is pack tactics and working as a unified force. Howling-Wind led the assault, and before the T-Rex could get his missiles to blast at us, we performed a wishbone on him, RIIIPPPPIIINNNGGGG off a leg, and the tail, pinning down the rest of him as we tugged him apart!"
"During this, Shaderunner summoned the Kin Magi who was watching us attack, obviously pissed off that we interrupted his grand plans, and with the palm of his hand, he just reached out and plucked the Awakened Soul out of the Kin Magi, leaving him just a man. All his Hypertech and Magicks shut DOWN. With that, Eye of the Storm called out to Merlin, who came swooping in once the mage's defenses were gone, shrieking out as a bird of prey comes to take out his victim, and claws him while drilling into his eye sockets with his beak. This gives enough time for Howling-Wind to drop the tail of the T-Rex he had just RIPPED off, flawlessly shift to Crinos, pull his fang dagger and lunge at the man, and sink that dagger right into his mad heart."
Moving back again for the last time to the center of the stage, Brooke stands up straight, her hands held together in front of her. "The lifeless corpse of the Kin Magi would fall to the floor just as the room - nay the island shook, as a deafening explosion from the volcano occurred. The generators in the room start to overload, and it was obviously time to get out of there. As Shaderunner spoke to the glowing ball of light that was the Kin Magi's Awakened Soul and released it on to his next life, Eye of the Storm ordered a fast evacuation. Together we all took off in flight to escape this place, as we knew it was going to destruct and take out anything we left behind...with Mercy's Messenger trailing behind with her spoils of war - in the form of a T-Rex leg. Which later that night she had some of it prepared, cooked, and ate it right there at the back room of Curry Corner. During that meal? Shaderunner noticed a man walk in, then proceeded to take his head off and have it sent to the Truthcatcher." Yeah. That happened too.
Brooke raises a hand. "If you take nothing else from this story, remember this. Playing god, or Gaia, will not end well. This Kin Magi may have meant well, but he let his powers get the better of his judgment. Working alone without the help of the Nation can lead someone on the wrong path." She begins to walk away and then spins quickly around, ”If you have a chance to ask Mercy's Messenger, see if she thinks T-Rex tastes like chicken." With that, she exits the stage.

Shaun just glances briefly to Rian at his question, he is totally caught up in Brooke's story. His entire body is leaned forward towards the stage as he listens, looking like a spellbound little boy.

Rian claps with the enthusiasm of a cub, although he's young enough that cub life was probably not all that long ago. "I have to know if it tastes like chicken!"

Shaun grins and nods his head, and nods. Yes! He had met her. "I'll sure ask her the next time I get the chance to see her. That's just.. incredible."

Bryan laughs aloud and applauds along with the rest of the group. "Wouldn't it taste more like alligator, though? Lizard.. doesn't taste like chicken."

"Yeah but aren't birds basically lizards?" Rian counters back at Bryan, "I've never actually eaten a lizard before, though. I'm invested in this now, I gotta know, because I will probably never fight a t-rex cyborg thing and also think to try and eat its leftovers afterwards. If this lady can't deliver on an answer, I may never know at all!"

The fire roars again, with the image much like the symbol for Jurassic Park.

Shaun says, “I don't know what it tastes like either. I've only had rattlesnake, and that DID taste like chicken to me. Or mystery meat.”

Hushed Blaze comes up to the bonfire again. "Dawn approaches! Let us give thanks to Luna! To Helios! TO GAIA!" She continues with the blessing for their glory to continue. "I invite you all, grab your trophies, and give them to the fire. Let us show we have faith that we will have all this bounty and more for the year to come!"

Garou all move from wherever they sit and stand and start picking up their trophies and dumping them with large WHOOSHES into the fire! One by one, the fire grows larger as they all are engulfed.

Bryan considers Rian for a second or two, eyes squinted down to nothing, then he pushes to his feet. "Well.. fuck. Guess I need to go out and find me a fucking lizard then." Then there is more and more fire and the rite is coming to an end and he throws in with the rest of them

Shaun rises when Bryan does and watches as the trophies go into the fire. He still seems excited, even with the short time he was here.

Rian grins at Bryan and nods his head, "I think that's the only thing for it, mate." He takes his cues from those around him, getting up to go find his Polaroid where he set it amongst the other war prizes, and follows the line to the fire to chuck his in with a big grin. "This was fantastic, what a great thing to be a part of." he says, still all overly happy and excited about being on this side of things for once.

Bryan just sighs in an overly dramatic fashion. "Probably some out in the desert.. but not the ones that take care of sunhome. Have you seen that place? Pretty rad." He gives Rian a clap on the shoulder. Best buddies. For right now, at least. "Can you BUY lizards for eating?"

Brooke takes her own trophies. These seem a little different from others. She drops them in the fire and says softly, "Good bye, TV." Whatever that means.

Shaun looks over at Bryan, "I guess you could go to a pet store, but just seems wrong to eat one from there. Sunhome? I haven't been out there. I only met a few of the Fera so far." He turns to watch as the progression continues and stares into the flames as the items burn.

"I... I think they do farm alligators for food in places?" Rian says, sounding uncertain about that. "I went to a restaurant when we first arrived in America, a Cajun restaurant. The menu said they had alligator, buuuuut I felt a little odd about it and didn't have it." He shakes his head about Sunhome as well, "If it's a friendly enough place for Garou sorts, I'd love to see it some time."

Bryan snaps his fingers at Rian. "Right. So we just need someone with a good credit card and we can probably order lizard." He nods to Shaun. "I wouldn't eat a snickers bar from a pet store. Though.. back home, when I was a cub, we broke in and stole every single animal out of a Petsmart." He watches Brooke and gives her a little smile. "I don't know what TV you're saying goodbye too, but give them my regards as well."

Brooke walks away from the bonfire, feeling a bit of a weight lifted off of her. "Thank you Chases the Wind. Just old memories. Need to make new ones now." She stops in this small circle. "There are a few New Orleans places in the Harbor District. Maybe they have gator?"

Shaun pats his pocket, "I'm not rich but I got a credit card. So, just let me know. I can even get take-out if you guys don't want to go in or something."

"I'm rich and also have a credit card, I don't mind footing the bill." Rian says, "We should go find out what lizard tastes like! ...This isn't wrong, is it? I don't know anything about them, but I've heard about dragon shifters."

Bryan shakes his head and touches his nose. "Scent of the True form. We won't eat any kinfolk. Or... ya know.. Mokole. We won't do that. Probably." He smiles at Brooke. "Might check that out too, but it's more fun to find your own." Shaun also gets a clap on the shoulder. "I'm going to wolf out and hoof it back to home. I have baby raccoons to tend to. Fat lazy little fuckers." This last is said with love.

Brooke nods, "Of course. Thank you for telling your story, and thank you all for coming."

"Adorable." Rian says with a grin, and waves as Bryan heads off. "I should be going as well, I have to be back here very early to meet with the Den Father, so I'll need a good night's sleep." He gives Brooke a respectful bow, "With your permission, Hushed Blaze-rhya." There's a bow for Shaun as well, "Good to have met you, hopefully we'll run into each other again later."

Shaun looks at Bryan, "Raccoons? You are going to have to tell me how you ended up with those." He bows his head respectfully to Brooke, "Thank you for the story. I'm sorry to have arrived so late." He brushes off his jeans and prepares to leave as well.

Brooke smiles, "It's all good. Thank you for coming. Spending time hearing any stories is good for us all and the Nation." She waves the Shaun as he leaves, and then goes to help the other Galliards clean up.