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|icdate    = August
|icdate    = August
|ictime    = Afternoon
|ictime    = Afternoon
|players  = [[Jes]] [[Branton]] [[Isla]] [[Sean]] [[Pancake]] [[Aaryn]] [[Micah]] [[Aldric]] [[Sten]] and [[Royan]]
|players  = [[Jes]], [[Branton]], [[Isla]], [[Sean]], [[Pancake]], [[Aaryn]], [[Micah Starnes]], [[Aldric]], [[Sten]], and [[Royan]]
|location  = Fortress of Nerigal, Mars
|location  = Fortress of Nerigal, Mars
|prptp    = Joins [[2019.08.09:Fury_Road_Pt_3|'''Fury Road Pt3''']] and [[2019.08.09:Orrery_Adventures:_Nerigal_(Pt2)|'''Orrery Adventures: Nerigal Pt2]]
|prptp    = Joins [[2019.08.09:Fury_Road_Pt_3|'''Fury Road Pt3''']] and [[2019.08.09:Orrery_Adventures:_Nerigal_(Pt2)|'''Orrery Adventures: Nerigal Pt2]]
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<center>'''Cast: <font color=magenta>Jes/Aldric: Mr. Pink</font>, <font color=blue>Sean/Micah: Mr. Blue</font>, <font color=green>Isla/Sten: Mr. Green</font>, <font color=purple>Iris/Aaryn: Mr. Purple</font>, <font color=red>Branton/Royan: Mr. Red</font>, <font color=brown>Theron: Mr. Red</font>, ST: Mr. Black'''</center>
<center>'''Cast: <font color=magenta>Jes/Aldric: Mr. Pink</font>, <font color=blue>Sean/Micah: Mr. Blue</font>, <font color=green>Isla/Sten: Mr. Green</font>, <font color=purple>Iris/Aaryn: Mr. Purple</font>, <font color=red>Branton/Royan: Mr. Red</font>, <font color=brown>Theron: Mr. Brown</font>, ST: Mr. Black'''</center>
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<font color=blue>{{tab}}Micah nods to Iris and hands her the key fob. "Yup. I'm not sure you're going to get Aldric back in that thing though."</font><br>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Micah nods to Iris and hands her the key fob. "Yup. I'm not sure you're going to get Aldric back in that thing though."</font><br>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Upon realizing that they have ended up back in a shanty town and there has been no bone crushing, Tank makes sad horn noises and revs his engine. ~Spirit Crescent said there would be many battle and destruction. Where is the fighting?~</font>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Upon realizing that they have ended up back in a shanty town and there has been no bone crushing, Tank makes sad horn noises and revs his engine. ~Spirit Crescent said there would be many battle and destruction. Where is the fighting?~</font>
<font color=green>{{tab}}Sten looks around while he waits to see if anyone is watching. He really tries to resists but he can't help himself. He turns so that horn isn't pointed at anyone and blows.</font>
<font color=green>{{tab}}Sten looks around while he waits to see if anyone is watching. He really tries to resists but he can't help himself. He turns so that horn isn't pointed at anyone and blows.</font>
Line 181: Line 182:
{{tab}}'''The small army of war spirits looks past Sten questioningly, then at each other. The barbarian shrugs and raises an axe while shouting, "AGGRESSIVELYYYYYYYYY!" And they rush at Tanky and it's rock, and the rest of you can just get out the god damned way! They're all war cries and shouts as they get up there and really aggressively beat a rock into submission."'''
{{tab}}'''The small army of war spirits looks past Sten questioningly, then at each other. The barbarian shrugs and raises an axe while shouting, "AGGRESSIVELYYYYYYYYY!" And they rush at Tanky and it's rock, and the rest of you can just get out the god damned way! They're all war cries and shouts as they get up there and really aggressively beat a rock into submission."'''
<font color=purple>{{tab}}"OH GAIA DON'T SMASH IT!" Iris shrieks while grabbing handfuls of her dreadlocks in panic.</font>
<font color=purple>{{tab}}"OH GAIA DON'T SMASH IT!" Iris shrieks while grabbing handfuls of her dreadlocks in panic.</font>
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<font color=blue>{{tab}}When the rock is finally in place Micah approaches the large spirit, expecting to have to have the sad 'you have to stay here boy' that happens during sad dog movies. The two whisper together in spirit speech for a long time, Micah reaching an arm out to console the spirit, or maybe it's the other way around. Tank swings his cannon around over Micah's shoulder and it looks like the two are going to have a big cry and then...</font><br>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}When the rock is finally in place Micah approaches the large spirit, expecting to have to have the sad 'you have to stay here boy' that happens during sad dog movies. The two whisper together in spirit speech for a long time, Micah reaching an arm out to console the spirit, or maybe it's the other way around. Tank swings his cannon around over Micah's shoulder and it looks like the two are going to have a big cry and then...</font><br>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Tank shifts and reforms and SHHRRrriiinks down into the form of... a small dog? Well, not a small dog, small compared to the size of a tank. In fact, he's a very broad chested roan colored pit bull the color of Mars red sand. A dog built LIKE a tank.</font>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Tank shifts and reforms and SHHRRrriiinks down into the form of... a small dog? Well, not a small dog, small compared to the size of a tank. In fact, he's a very broad chested roan colored pit bull the color of Mars red sand. A dog built LIKE a tank.</font>
<font color=green>{{tab}}Sten gives a hearty laugh and says something about welcoming the spirit and how it will fight beside them for the glory of Fenris and Hildisvini. Much of this the spirit doesn't understand because Sten doesn't have spirit speech, but he gets the gist.</font>
<font color=green>{{tab}}Sten gives a hearty laugh and says something about welcoming the spirit and how it will fight beside them for the glory of Fenris and Hildisvini. Much of this the spirit doesn't understand because Sten doesn't have spirit speech, but he gets the gist.</font>
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<font color=blue>{{tab}}Micah spends the trip back trying to keep Tank from fighting any and all other spirits on the ship.</font>
<font color=blue>{{tab}}Micah spends the trip back trying to keep Tank from fighting any and all other spirits on the ship.</font>
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[[Category:Micah Starnes]]

Latest revision as of 00:32, 16 November 2024

Orrery Adventures: Fury Road
The Devil's Own and Frostbite packs rejoin after a danger filled race, and meet Nerigal
IC Date August
IC Time Afternoon
Players Jes, Branton, Isla, Sean, Pancake, Aaryn, Micah Starnes, Aldric, Sten, and Royan
Location Fortress of Nerigal, Mars
Prp/Tp Joins Fury Road Pt3 and Orrery Adventures: Nerigal Pt2
Spheres Gaian Garou
Theme Song Princes of the Universe, by Queen


Cast: Jes/Aldric: Mr. Pink, Sean/Micah: Mr. Blue, Isla/Sten: Mr. Green, Iris/Aaryn: Mr. Purple, Branton/Royan: Mr. Red, Theron: Mr. Brown, ST: Mr. Black


xxxxxUp till now, there's been no real way for the two different packs to really meet up with each other. Oh sure, maybe some people were fighting three feet away from each other on the back of the war rig, but that's not exactly conducive to teamwork and joining. And then the crashed rig itself didn't help, keeping the two groups separated. Frostbite went into the volcano while the Devil's Own had some WORDS with the enemy Get they'd been chasing, and while Frostbite was working on how best to get Nerigal's attention, the Devil's Own were finally getting into the volcano themselves. Iris stalls things just a minute, she's a total bleeding heart and NEEDS to shed some healing on the broken and battered war spirits scattered on this side of the bridge. The war rig, the tank, that sort of thing. She's happy to hug them whether they like it or not and heal some Essence.
xxxxxThe red stone of the mountain gives way to an opening in the side big enough to fit fifty men side by side, and comfortable enough for a giant to walk through without bumping its head. To either side of the gate of war are two huge, HUGE spears set pointy side up in the ground, each with a massive, grotesque rotting head of a horror beast impaled on the spear blades, their ichor running down the shafts and into pits of purifying fire. Past that great entrance is a city built tier upon tier up inside the mountain, lit with scant floating fires and streams of red molten stone, its buildings hewn from the living rock of the volcano. It's quieter here, dark with shadows and more solemn, less chaotic but still obviously populated by spirits. These war spirits aren't the small, crazed beasts encountered in the shanty town. No, these are the generals of warfare, those that lead from the front. They're the first boot on Normandy beach and the first bullet fired at that boot, the end-game scream of defiance as Fat Man dropped and the poetic, army-decimating revenge of Boudica, the essence of tactics, the spirit of victory. Here there be Totems. They don't rush the gates, they don't care about the crash or the survivors. You've made it here, and they accept that.
xxxxxThere is a clear, wide path of road leading to the heart of the volcano where a massive fortress looms over all, its design a strange merging of every defensive structure (that worked) ever built.


xxxxxBranton gives a low whistle as he looks around at all the spirits and the fantastical terrain "Wow...this is quite a sight."

xxxxxSean squints just a little bit into the darkness, frowning. He picks up his pace a little and moves a little closer to the front. He looks over at Iris, then down at his hand with the wooden finger and sighs, ever so softly. "You know what I love about Black Furies?" He doesn't really wait for an answer. "They always have the best asses. No really. I mean that. Every single fucking one of them." He points his finger at Iris and then lifts it upward and his finger-tip prosthetic bursts into brilliant light and spreads a pool of illumination around the group when he raises it up over his head.

xxxxxIris too is captivated by what's around, the distant sounds of marching, whistles, and training yells, trying not to slow and stop just so she can stare. She glances to Sean when he starts talking about her tribe. MISTAKE! "Ahh!" she yelps when she gets a bright finger in the face. "Dick." she mutters.

xxxxxIsla looks around, clearly in awe. The grin on her face telling it all. "Welcome home, boys and girls. Welcome home." She looks like a kid in a candy store, trying to figure out where each thing is from.

xxxxx"How can you feel at home here?! ...Oh, right. Ahroun." Iris says with a snicker.

xxxxxAs the fortress grows closer, its arms and defenses can be seen in all their strange glory. Enormous soldiers in blood red and burnt orange garb, enough weaponry to make Theron's brain explode, honestly if there was one place in the universe that definitely would not fall, it's gotta be this place.
xxxxxThere is a palpable sense of crushing majesty and doom as the pack draws towards the place, like a trip to the principal's office, your first day in boot-camp, the first time you met an elder, and dreading a mentor coming to have a Talk with you all rolled up into one stomach lump sensation.
xxxxxThe bulk of the fortress is blocked by big heavy doors, so the party is left with a single short route through the gates, leading into a training yard lined with weapons, war trophies, and glowing red celestial glyphs. A larger than life figure stands there with an amused smirk on his face while the Frostbite pack are picking themselves up off the ground. Their hair sticks up on end, they all look quite punch drunk, maybe a bit singed as well.
xxxxxDevil's Own pack: Nerigal's appearance is changeable, and each person will see what most makes sense to them, with only a few constants: It's male, very large, and very idealized. For instance, Iris sees the beautiful and terrible face of Ares, resplendent in well worn but polished armor and a cloak made from skins.
xxxxxSo there he is! Say hi, why dontcha!


xxxxxYou really do not want to see what a corvid born Corax sees when looking at Nerigal. Truly. You do not. Best not ask. Never ask. Ever! (Although, it probably is male). Hrafn is trying to look anywhere but at the God of War from his current perch which happens to be Micah. The poor black bird is looking like he had all his feathers sandblasted off. They are regenerating, but it is not a pretty sight. Majestic he is not. When the Devil's Own arrive, all accounted for, the not so very black raven lets out a light little -kraa-aa-aa- sound in greeting.

xxxxxMicah stands with his pack, having been nearly taken off their feet by electricity coming from what amounted to a Thor hammer smash. The few that are in wolf or crinos forms looking a little like they just came out of the dryer without a dryer sheet. Micah is in his homid form, having been healed of his injuries by his sister. Still, the hair on the left side of his head is sporting a much shorter haircut than the right. The tattoo on his right arm looks like it might need some touch-ups. His longbow looks blackened like is has been singed. He tugs at Ryn's arm as he sees the DO walk into the chamber.

xxxxxIsla walks proudly forward. If she feels the sense of doom, she sure does not show it. Her head held high, the feisty fiery Fianna Ahroun is respectful to what looks like to her - her Grandfather. She respectfully drops to one knee, her bow in hand as usual is kept by her side as she bows her head. "Great Lord. I'm Isla Ennes, rited Fiery Bellona. Born on these two legs, Athro Ahroun Fianna, daughter of Claws-of-Fire. Alpha of The Devil's Own, packed under the relentless Warrior, Weasel. This is my pack, and the pack known as Frostbite. We are honored to be in your presence." She remains like this for a respectful amount of time until she raises her head to look upon the magnificent one.

xxxxxAaryn is dusting herself off from the electric jolt that Nerigal's hammer strike just sent through her. There's the rage she had been looking for! As Micah tugs on her elbow, she looks over to see the DO and begins to do a head count in her head, making sure they all made it through the storm and taking an inventory of their injuries. As best she can tell, Iris has already taken care of the worst of them, so she simply stands with her pack, letting the DO get on with the business of making introductions.

xxxxxBranton eyes the scorch marks on Micah and winces slightly, planning on making it up to him later. Branton stays by Iris' side, eyeing some of the other spirits and things....so much Ice, metal, and stone it would take a lot of effort to burn any of it.

xxxxxIris also takes a knee, one fist to the ground, but he can only maintain such prostrations for a MAAAAAAAN so long. So she stands then, and man does she looks worn out and torn up! "I am Iris Tiganites, Rite named Mercy's messenger, Elder Black Fury born two legged under the crescent moon. I do come to ask, great Ares, for a rock.


xxxxxNerigal looks reasonably surprised by the entrance of this second pack of wolves, listening to their introductions (those who give them, any how). Clear up until Iris makes her request. "...Excuse me, what?" he asks like he MUST have misheard.

xxxxx"And also your favor." Iris tacks on real quick. Glancing to the side, she sees Frostbite and waves like an idiot at them real quick before looking back up to the god in front of them all.

xxxxxAldric gives a respectful nod towards the DO, watching carefully how they make their introductions to what, for all intents and purposes, is a god.

xxxxxTheron and Sten both give Iris equally idiotic waves, both of them still adrenaline giddy with the rush of battle and the experience of meeting, to their eyes anyway, Thor. Theron, for his sake, has a massive man-crush on Thor. He wants to be just like him. Sten is humming softly to himself, already looking for the right tune for his upcoming epic tale of their adventure.

xxxxxMicah looks up, the war point on his face smeared from battle, his eyes have dark circles under them. He looks tired but determined. Looking over at DO curiously he whispers up to Hrafn and says, "Check out that guys finger. How would you like a shiny like that?" He inclines his head towards Sean.

xxxxxHrafn looks at Sean as his finger shines a light, like E.T himself trying to phone home. The bird looks to Micah, to then let out a kraaaaa before he speaks, "I already have." he says. He pokes his head in under his wing to that, to then pull his head out. In his beak, he holds a shard. A sliver, of sorts. It looks almost like a dagger, but seems way to frail to be used as one. AND IT SHINES LIKE THE SUN! Right in Micahs eyes! *FLASH* The bloody thing is a portal sunlight generator, creating a nice illuminated area of 10' by 10'. Its a nice sunlight, though. Not OWBLIND! bright. But if you aren't ready, then you aren't ready! He then remembers himself and glances to the God of War and OH GOD no, looking away again.


xxxxxBranton actually does not kneel, or bow. He stands there, straight and tall with a posture that says 'I got this far because I earned it'. He looks at Ares when he's surprised about the request for a rock "I'm Branton Kholer, kinfolk to the Black Fury tribe, Klaive-smith, Pyrokinetic, and Sorcerer-Shaman in the service of Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the Crossroads. Fiance of Elder Tiganites and project assistant. We're building an Orrery. Fashioned with tokens from each of the celestial realms its power and usefulness for the War effort can't be over stated. Divination, Navigation, Prediction? It will be long in the building and great in cost of blood, sweat, and magic. Worth it though."

xxxxxInevitably, Jes introduces himself, being both respectful, in awe, and ridiculous. Isla focuses on the great man in front of them. "Aye, a rock. We are traveling here from Earth, for Gaia. We do seek your favor in this great mission we are on. We will face whatever we need to, and accomplish it with strength and flair, to that end."

xxxxxNerigal's brows are SO very furrowed right now, and when Branton explains he just rolls his eyes and mutters something in Norse/Greek/Gaelic about boring science stuff. Looking from one pack to another, he asks, "Are there still storms outside? I built those you know, strongest storm wall guardians in this system. They must need work, or greater power... You know, people used to come to me for council on great war strategies, mighty weaponry and-"
xxxxxAbout this time there's an introduction as a THIRD set of wolves, the Howling Wrath pack that stole Branton, enters the training yard all finally put together and asks loudly, "Great Nerigal! I am War Daddy, alpha of Howling Wrath, Elder Get of Fenris, born under the warrior's moon and the sign of Mars. We have bled and sacrificed for the honor of asking your patronage of our pack!"
xxxxxNerigal points his weapon at the Howling Wrath pack and says, "THAT. And you're asking for a ROCK." His tone says he's not sure if he should laugh, cry, or be upset!

xxxxxDid he mention mighty weaponry? Now you have Theron's attention, he'd take mighty weaponry. When the Howling Wrath pack arrives he arches a brow and looks in that direction but doesn't say a word just yet.

xxxxxMicah grimaces and looks back at the rest of Frostbite. He seriously considers pulling his bow out and shooting someone, "What the fuck are they doing here? I thought I killed that guy. They kidnapped Branton." He holds his arms out to Aldric like, Come on, MAN!

xxxxxAldric just gives Micah - THE LOOK. The same one he gave Rafe, but only half as intense. Micah calms down.

xxxxxHrafn shoves the Sliver of Helios Fetish back in under his wing where it promptly disappears inside of him. Just about when the rival Get Pack arrives. And no one ever told Hrafn that these guys were anything but actual Garou. In his eyes, they are the enemy. The bird lets out a mighty KRAAAA! and takes off from Micah's shoulder. He goes up into the air and it seems as if he might actually do a dive attack on the Galliard guy. You know, the one who's face he clawed up! Well, unless anyone stops him.

xxxxxBranton is standing there listening to Nergial/Ares and his eye starts to twitch and he's almost got it held together and then War-Daddy arrives and starts /interrupting/. One hand shoots out towards War-Daddy's pack and a wall of white hot fire springs up around them, Branton's eyes gone bright white in fury "WAIT YOUR TURN." Then he turns back to Nergial and scowls "Yeah the storm walls are still there and working just fucking fine. I rode through them strapped to the grill of a war rig, busting skulls, and setting all sorts of shit on fire. Yeah the Orrey is 'science stuff' but Iris and I in particular are goddamn EXPERTS at the uses of Sorcery in War and I guaran-damn-tee you when this thing is finished?! It'll be a game changer. But if you're too much of a bersekerang testosterone driven Dudebro to be able to appreciate it that's on you. We met your fucking challenge and asked for the boon we want. Now fuckin pay up."


xxxxxWhich would be about the same time as a very insane raven BOOSTS out the sound of an airplane doing a bomb run, a la WW2 style before he just dives bird-first into Galliard-Buttface face, claws and beak scratching him up. Once more. And once more, the bird misses the eye. But, thats more scars to add to the ones he gave him earlier!

xxxxxMicah pulls his bow from his back and reaches back for an arrow. He looks hopefully back at Aldric, "Can I shoot them now?"

xxxxxAldric growls at Micah.

xxxxxTheron likes berserkerang testosterone driven dudebro's...he is one. Of course then the Raven actually attacks the Get of Fenris and he expects a fight sure to come so he turns and faces them, sword at the ready though he makes no effort to further attack.

xxxxxGuides the Dead, still in her War Form sees Hrafn's flight and grabs an axe from each hip and Stalks back a few feet, close to... Well, right where Branton's wall of fire goes up. Between the flickering white-hot flames, she locks her gaze on War-Daddy's pack and lifts an axe toward them, in warning, in would seem. >>You Heard The Man<< she dares the other Get pack and holds her head high, offering a shoulder for Hrafn's return.

xxxxxIsla looks to War Daddy herself, her eyes burning. "Aye. OR ELSE." And she means that. She could have killed that fucker not long ago, and he's one more word away from losing his head. Back to Nerigal, "The Science Stuff they do will be for the greater good. We fought through the storm, and " gesturing back to Howling Wrath "idiots that nae could get here on their own."

xxxxxSten makes a hrmm sound as things start to get interesting again. He pauses his mental singing and takes inventory of the situation.

xxxxxNerigal's training yard is getting *interesting*! He's not upset about the yelling, competition, fire walls or raven dive bombs that cause the Galliard to scream, "AH GOD NOT AGAIN!!" while getting into a crinos vs small bird in the face slap fight. War Daddy aint even mad, and laughs out loud while Voiceless tries to help peel an angry battle bird off his bro. Speaking of bros...
xxxxxNerigal ignores that whole kerfuffle and stomps up to Branton, bending a bit to get on a level with him while jamming a finger right under his nose. "You don't tell me what to do, Dudebro!" He learned a new insult, yay! He taps Branton with a finger, which is very much like getting tapped by a high powered defibrillator, and zaps his ass backwards and into a wall, where a shit ton of war trophies just fall all over him in a clattering clash of noise and mess, some of which sticks to him and refuses to let go.
xxxxx"FINE! You can have a rock!" Nerigal says at Iris, who asks, "Can we have a mighty weapon too?" to which he answers, "NO, YOU GET A ROCK!" and then the Fury suddenly has to dive out of the way as a large, vaguely phallic red rock just drops from the air above her. "Holyshitthankyou!"
xxxxxAnd for the record, he doesn't seem pissed off, this is probably... Normal behavior for this Celestine. Ish.


xxxxxMicah puts his bow away and jogs over to help Branton up. "You ok Bran flake? Kinda a hot head aren't you?" He digs around in the war trophies, "Most Decapitations. Biggest Explosions. Hey, here's a participation trophy for the Battle of Verdun."

xxxxxBranton thinks to himself as he goes flying through the air 'welp, I earned this' and then goes crash into the pile that Micah finds him in and Branton looks up dizzily, calmly gesturing over at War-Daddy "Says the guy who scruffed an Elder Ahroun while he was on fire and threw him from a moving vehicle so he could steal it."

xxxxxMicah says, "Well, let's just agree that we've both had bad days."

xxxxxSten looks over at Theron, "So for the record, don't attack the God of War."

xxxxxWell, the problem with being a small creature in the form of a large raven, is that when you attack a pack of Get of Fenris alone, then you are kinda .. alone! So when he slams feather and body first into the face of Galliard, ripping into his flesh, there is not much he can do by actually be peeled off by the other Get. It causes quite a ruckus, though, with his wings flapping hard and tattered feathers going all over the place. He lets out a mighty KRAAAA!

xxxxxAldric his paw over his eyes in embarrassment.

xxxxxPoor Hraf. This is not very dignified /at all/. This mad realm has an ill effect on everyone, it seems. Including mild mannered Theurges. >>Hrafn!<< Guides the Dead calls to the Mad Black Bird, even as she pulls her arm back, preparing to let her axes fly at War Daddy and his pup if her bird does not return in one piece.

xxxxxVoiceless is named thus for a reason (that reason being I'm lazy and didn't want to script write) so while he cant SAY it, his expression is very much 'JESUSFUCKTAKEITBACK!' as he gracelessly throws a maddly flapping, croaking raven back at the Frostbite pack. The Galliard is super upset, but he gets some healing From Voiceless, while War Daddy unhelpfully laughs and slaps his back, "Mediocre!" He's just so rude.
xxxxxNerigal straightens up and EYES the Devil's Own pack, although not unappriciatively. Yes, they're weird, but honestly this is probably the most fun he's had all week. It's different with people that aren't used to you being pissy and mighty! "You three," he points at the Howling Wrath pack, "As your Totem I will have WORDS with you." he says, and points his weapon off further into the fortress in an almost 'go to your room' fashion. He then points that weapon at the Devil's Own pack, "Fierce warriors of Weasel, are you? Well you've certainly got enough bravery to come stand here and upset my training yard!" His training yard is not at all upset, various sparring war incarna aren't even paying attention to any of this. "Take my favor, AND MY ROCK, and be on your way all of you!" It's a fierce command given, but again, he doesn't sound unusually upset by anything happening. He still whangs that weapon into the ground and sends arcs of lightning through the stone to zap the shit out of Isla, Jes, and Sean. But not Iris or Branton! He already zapped Branton, and Iris has a ROCK. It's not lethal, but probably stings, and Isla's hair just got nine times bigger.
xxxxxAnd then he's done with the audience, turning his back on the smaller Garou and striding off to follow Howling Wrath and possibly slap them around about honor and tactics or something.


xxxxxIsla doesn't lose her ground, despite being zapped. Her hair though? SHIT. It was already a tangled mess. Maybe through shifting later it will calm the fuck down. Shaking it off, she turns to the Devil's Own and says, "Alright me lot. Let's get this rock a movin' and on back to the space boat. Ye all have earned a night of rest and a drink." And by that, she means a LOT of drink, and a party.

xxxxxMicah gives Branton one of those organized sports slaps on the butt. "Walk it off champ." He start to mosey back down the hall, drifting back towards his pack to fall in line, avoiding any disappointed looks from his alpha. "So... speaking of going home... how are we getting out of here? Do we have to go back through that...?" He waves vaguely in the direction of the storm.
xxxxxMeanwhile, as they walk, a tank the color or Mars dust turns and starts to follow Aaryn and Micah down the hall. For anyone who can speak spirit, you hear it ask Aaryn, "Who are we going to kill next?"

xxxxxBeing tossed into the air might be undignified by some, but not by a creature that likes the air. Lives in it! Hrafn spreads his wings and gains wind, taking some altitude to then peruse the situation. Hm. Everyone is .. where they were when he dive-bombed the Galliards face. No one joined him in combat! He lets out a confused Kraaaaa? before he slowly begins to descend to land upon Raven-Steed Talks-to-Strangers Guides-the-Dead Aaryn's shoulder. He's lost a few more feathers and looks even worse then before. And he's all tensed up and seeming to be eager to fight some more! Those black little eyes burn with a black fire of fighting spirit!
xxxxxFrom somewhere deep within the recess of Aaryns pockets comes a small, not so happy voice, ~Go home now?~

xxxxxIris waves like an idiot at the Celestine of Mars' back, calling, "THANK YOOOOOU!" before actually looking at the problem at hand. "...Good question. Baby! Come man-handle this big dick rock with me!" she calls, and gets herself back into crinos to try and hoist it. But just the tip. Just the tip. "OH! Hey! Will your friend carry it for us?" she asks with a muzzle-point at the tank.

xxxxxSten reaches down to his belt and realizes there is something there that wasn't before. Following behind Aldric, he takes the horn in his hands and inspects, trying to decide whether he should blow it or if it is meant for drinking.

xxxxxBranton walks over to Iris with a meep as he gets ass slapped, looking at the Rock and considers the Rock carefully "I mean. I could teleport it in a series of jumps but we learned that lesson last time."

xxxxxIsla looks around, checking out the rock. A grin to Jes after looking at the rock, but there are no words possible from the Ahroun. "We need our exit strategy back to the boat. Can we moon bridge it up there? Now that we have it? Or just back to where we landed at least?" She has been focused there so long, she finally straightens up, and feels her back. Hmmm. Later. First this.

xxxxxAaryn takes a moment to look behind her and... You know what? The tank following her just ain't that weird anymore. She just sort of lets it wander alongside and, when Iris makes the request, she sort of gestures toward Branton and Iris and says to the Tank, ~why don't you carry that bigass rock for our friends and we'll see about finding you a fight somewhere, ok?~ She idly reaches a finger up toward Hrafn and strokes at what's left of his feathers. And... where's her kin?


xxxxxMicah turns his head back towards Iris as she asks a question. Did she just call me baby? Nah, she must have been talking to Branton. Then he notices the tank. He stops walking, letting the tank catch up to him and Aaryn. In the language of spirits he says, ~Hey big fella, you still here? I don't suppose you could give us a lift back through the sand storm could ya?~
The tank replies to both Aaryn and Micah together. It's cannon moving disconcertingly from one to the other, ~I am known! I am raised! I can carry rocks AND Garou! Together we conquered storm. You with you rage and you with your spirit we destroyed all!~ He seems really worked up about this.

xxxxx"I think we could do that, yeah." Iris agrees with a nod of her head, "If Tanky McTank will help us carry it, we can get back to where we were with a moonbridge, and load it up in the boat. If it takes up all the boat room, I think we could probably carry some people. Might be easier than teleporting it this time, since we definitely know where we need to end up. Plus we're not trapped under like a bazillion miles of ice and rock!" Surely the tank is down with rock hauling for Aaryn and Micah in exchange for battles, so it's really just a matter of getting it on there. IT'S SO HEAVY. Jes and Sean surely help, and with copious amounts of jokes!
xxxxxIris finds the budding bond between the Theurge pair and the tank ADORABLE, "That is so friggin cute."

xxxxxBranton grins and nods at Iris and then looks at Aaryn and Micah's tank buddy, and Branton can pitch in with the loading "The best part is, some of my traveling spells are even easier to use on a vehicle. Moving a group with them is anyway."

xxxxxMicah begins the negotiations with Tank regarding transportation and rock carrying. ~There's probably a bunch of idiots like us trying to get their way here, they'll never see a tank rolling the opposite way coming. You'll probably crush a lot of dreams.~
xxxxxThis seems to excite the spirit, ~I am Tank. Breaker of Swords, Crusher of Dreams, Breaker of Hopes, Friend to the Twin Crescents~ He cannon raises up and down in a...nod?

xxxxxAldric shifts into his crinos form. "I'll ride outside and ensure that the rock remains secure. There will be more room inside for those more injured and I will be of more use if I am free to do battle. He reaches back and feels his hip, finding something that wasn't there before. "Yes... I can be much more use above."

xxxxxMoon-bridging is out until everyone's left the volcano city and made it back outside to the broken bridge leading here. Then it works just fine. Between bridging and possible teleporting, it's just a little hop, skip and jump back to the crazy war town, now! No insane storms, though, the gang's headed the wrong way for a storm. "You locked the boat, right??" Iris asks Micah while they're shortening their road.

xxxxxMicah nods to Iris and hands her the key fob. "Yup. I'm not sure you're going to get Aldric back in that thing though."
xxxxxUpon realizing that they have ended up back in a shanty town and there has been no bone crushing, Tank makes sad horn noises and revs his engine. ~Spirit Crescent said there would be many battle and destruction. Where is the fighting?~


xxxxxSten looks around while he waits to see if anyone is watching. He really tries to resists but he can't help himself. He turns so that horn isn't pointed at anyone and blows.

xxxxxIsla will have stayed topside as well until they are back in the shanty town. "Aye, seems too quiet here. We are nae here to investigate the town, so much as get this rock and back to the boat." She looks to Iris, "Ye got all ye needed, aye?"

xxxxxWe'll just say Sten rolled really well in his maiden blow. Har har. Way to go, asshole, now everyone's running at you guys again! Wait no, none of the War spirits are attacking. Instead, the chaotic war spirits of the shanty town give Sten all their full attention and salute in their various ways. "Who needs to get fed their own teeth?" asks a spiritual barbarian of Sten the horn blower. Yep, just making an army for a sec, nothing big.

xxxxxIris was giving Isla a nod and saying, "Yep! Good to go!" while trying to wrestle her prize off the tank and into the boat. The charge and stop to salute is so sudden that she doesn't have room to do anything except trip over her own feet and fall down like a pro.

xxxxxThe dinghy, by the way, HAS been moved, but the anchor kept it locked to the ground. So since it couldn't be stolen, it's just covered in graffiti.

xxxxxStens points at the rock, "Move that to that graffitti covered boat. And do it aggressively!"

Frostbite Pack Chat: Sten says, "Hope this works."

xxxxxThe small army of war spirits looks past Sten questioningly, then at each other. The barbarian shrugs and raises an axe while shouting, "AGGRESSIVELYYYYYYYYY!" And they rush at Tanky and it's rock, and the rest of you can just get out the god damned way! They're all war cries and shouts as they get up there and really aggressively beat a rock into submission."


xxxxx"OH GAIA DON'T SMASH IT!" Iris shrieks while grabbing handfuls of her dreadlocks in panic.

xxxxxTank, meanwhile, makes the assembled War Spirits work for the rock, swinging his cannon around and knocked them off of him when we can. ~Yes! The Battle is on! Your promise is fulfilled! ARGH!~

xxxxxThey don't SMASH it, but they did break some large lumps off spots. Once it's in the boat, the barbarian comments, "That was dumb.", and despite the fact that they all DID it, the rest of the spirits nod their agreement, and then off they go again to go do whatever it is they do normally.

xxxxxIris seems super relieved but still jarred and says after a pause, in a squeaky voice, "The tank's not gonna fit in the boat, it's.. smaller... fit..." she ends with pointing at the dinghy with the big rock in it.

xxxxxIsla hmms, "Isnae there some way for a spirit to just get into a smaller form - pocket sized fer travel? Or can he nae fly himself?" She is no Theurge, that is for sure.

xxxxxWhen the rock is finally in place Micah approaches the large spirit, expecting to have to have the sad 'you have to stay here boy' that happens during sad dog movies. The two whisper together in spirit speech for a long time, Micah reaching an arm out to console the spirit, or maybe it's the other way around. Tank swings his cannon around over Micah's shoulder and it looks like the two are going to have a big cry and then...
xxxxxTank shifts and reforms and SHHRRrriiinks down into the form of... a small dog? Well, not a small dog, small compared to the size of a tank. In fact, he's a very broad chested roan colored pit bull the color of Mars red sand. A dog built LIKE a tank.


xxxxxSten gives a hearty laugh and says something about welcoming the spirit and how it will fight beside them for the glory of Fenris and Hildisvini. Much of this the spirit doesn't understand because Sten doesn't have spirit speech, but he gets the gist.

xxxxxIris's wings tattoo flutters to life and unfolds off her back, "Alright, get your puppy in the boat and uh.. Squeeze in or grab on or whatever, let's get OFF this crazy planet!" She mimes clicking something at Micah, "Up for up." And then she is LEAVING! Right now. Oh my god, need a hippie nap.

xxxxxBranton grins broadly at Tank and then powers up his boots and lifts off to follow Iris into the sky, back up to the boat.

xxxxxAldric tries to grab a lift with one of the winged DO pack. He does NOT want to get back in that boat.

xxxxxIsla grins to Micah and his dog. "Ye get to walk him too." Her own wings come out, as does Jes' after he probably pees here one last time. Up she goes, away and toward the boat. She grabs for Aldric - saving the other Alpha from needing to deal with the boat he is /not/ happy with. "C'mon, hang on!" Her wings like a Phoenix can get them both up and out of there.

xxxxx"No... Nope.. Tank!" Aaryn nearly stumbles getting into the dinghy around an overeager Tank. The angry Corax flaps his wings and KRAS! Down at the unruly roan pitbull as if he were Branton and the Tank Spirit were Nerigal himself. Aaryn balances on one leg, trying to find her seating, hopping a bit to a corner. From her pocket comes a rather morose ~Magnificent Feather does not love me~ and, somewhere, in her tangled mane of blonde hair, a forlorn little string perks its head up wondering where Hippie Mamma flew off to.

xxxxxMicah helps heft the... very dense war spirit/pit bull spirit into the dingy, and he scrambles around, nearly upending Aaryn, clawed feet trying to find purchase. He finally settles in between Aaryn's knees. Making sure Sten and Theron and Aaryn are safely inside, Micah climbs in after, pressing the button to draw the anchor back in. He gets settled into his seat. "Everyone have their seatbelts on? Please keep your hands in the ride the entire time." He holds up the key fob and begins a countdown, "3...2...1... and liftoff!"

xxxxxThe boat is also super fast going up! So is the Devil's Own pack though, so no one gets entirely spared. As SOON as they're on the deck Iris sits down, raises a hand to summon her string, and just... Just hugs it for a bit while the crew deals with getting the rock stowed and all that jazz. "Okay, I'm... I'm gonna go turn us around if you don't mind Isla. You guys do you, we should be home in a day. Jes and Sean can pack up any hurt you have left."

xxxxxMicah spends the trip back trying to keep Tank from fighting any and all other spirits on the ship.
