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New Year's Shrine Festival
A community festival celebrating the new year, where those of Chinatown come together and those beyond come to see their traditions
IC Date 2024.1.21
IC Time Night
Players Shinju, Xiu, Kuznitsa, Kieran, Kaori
Location Shangye Shinsha
Spheres Mage, Sorcerer, Shifter, Changeling

On this night, these already magical shrine grounds are bustling with festvities and activity. The late new year's festival is here to celebrate the community and venerate the Kami, the Haiden and the hallway to the Honden open and ready to accept monetary offerings. Each of the minor shrines around the grounds are decorated and placed with larger offering spaces to encourage people to spread out and interact with all of them as well.

In the hustle and bustle it is easy to hear that the grand feast is being prepared, simply waiting on the chief priest to come out and perform the ceremony to the shrine. Then, the inner shrine, or Haiden, will be opened to the public for food offerings such as rice, sake wine, rice cakes, fish, seaweed, vegetables, salt, and water. Once this is done, the prayers will be recited, doors closed, and the grand feast will begin.

In the meantime, there are many sources of fun around the place, including, but not limited to:

-Snacks such as bean and rice cakes, and several candies, are offered in front of the shrine office.
-A sale on fortunes and Omamori, or luck charms of varying types, sold in the gift shop.
-Traditional dancing and music at the Kaguraden, or stage, near the front of the grounds.
-Archery, or matoi, for all ages set up in the clearing near the grand shrine, as well as mock sword duels with wooden blades for onlookers. A place for making origami, such as the ever-popular cranes and the traditional festival paper boats.

All this lit by paper laterns littering the ground in addition to the normal ones along the path, giving the place a divinely cozy atmosphere, welcoming everyone to forget the profane and the worries of the city and enjoy themselves fully.

Kuznitsa wonders around the main path, looking around in awe of the gathering that has formed and smiling, a small basket under one arm, dressed in a simple and humble kimono again for the festivities.

And here comes Xiu, shuffling slowly through the main entrance of the Shrine area - hood pulled up, and those eyes of hers set on the busy hustle and bustle going on. There is actually a light smile on her face as she moves between the people around, quietly slipping through the crowd with a certain patience, as she listens to the conversations between visitors, the shouts of the workers as things are getting set up in their final stages, and the music playing from the stage.
She quietly sidesteps a kid that comes running in a motion that is just too fluid for a street rat maybe, while her eyes look for familiar faces.

Kuznitsa slowly wonders into Xiu, almost passing her up before chuckling and falling in beside her for a moment "Ah, you you made it out here to this too?"

"Kuznitsa." Xiu says and turns her head a little. They can see her softly smile. "It is good to see you. I was wondering where everybody is." she murmurs. "I presume Shinju is quite busy and all over the place right now." She glances ahead, in order to avoid walking into anybody. "...have the days been treating you well?"

Kuznitsa nods deeply and smiles "I know that the grounds are no place for more worldly concerns, but the days have smiled kindly on me, even have a new pad! But that is for another day, how about yourself?" They walk with Xiu, although more following jsut to talk then to go anywhere.

"Mh. The days have been good." Xiu judges her last days. "A bit restles maybe. But that is due to personal matters." She smiles and pulls a hand out of her hoodie pouch before she lightly waves it. "Nothing big. Nothing big..." The hand slips back, and she mhrs. "Shinju sure put a lot of effort into this.." she murmurs and lifts her head a bit more. "...The only festivities I have been for in Chinatown before were the usual street festivals."

There's a tap on Xiu's shoulder, a certain kimono-clad someone smiling back at her. Shinju. `Yeah, I heard she put a lotta work into it too. I also heard she's surprised a certain someone didn't try to sneak in even earlier and nab some of the food. Also... hi Kuz! I saw you got a place around here, didn'tcha?`

Kuznitsa nods deeply "It's almost a temple of my own, if you would, and a little place to sleep, should drop by sometime! and yes, you must had put a lot of work to have set up this.." they glance to Xiu and smirk "And Xiu, not stealing temple food must have taken a lot of restraint."

The tap on her shoulder has Xiu subtly tense. It is not visible, but Shinju can *feel* it on the second tap. There is a quick glance over her shoulder, just as Xiu sets a foot forward in her walk - and then she smiles. "Shinju. Who says I haven't?" she teases the Priestess, and her eyes narrow as she smirks...and then her expression relaxes as she gestures for Shinju to walk next to them. "Kuz..." Xiu says, seemingly still trying to get used to actually shortening that name.. "Has a 'new pad'." she remarks and smirks at Kuz for a moment. "And yes, I would like to see it at some point as well."

Entering into the shrine with a smile, Kaori adjusts her kimono and makes her way in, quickly washing her face and hands at the basin. As she nears the familiar trio she gives a slight bow. "Good evening, and thank you for hosting this, Shinju."

`Guess we'll have to make a date of it, huh? I've got an offer to talk about with ya then, Kuz.` Shinju comments, head turning to see Kaori coming in. Her garb and presence gets a broad smile from Shinju. `Kaori! Was worried I missed you... nice garb ya got there. Oh, and before you ask... I'm in incognito mode right now, I'll be changing into a separate kimono for the ceremony. Lets me see how everything is going like I'm just another guest.`

Kuznitsa nods and smiles "I'd love to host you both." They then turn to greet Koaori with a warm smile as well "Looks like this place is growing more lively by the minute.."

When Shinju peeks back, so does Xiu - and she smiles again, straightening a bit before she lifts a hand and waves, grinning. Only when Kaori should draw closer will she greet her. Mostly because shouting 'OI!' might make people look - and who knows who might recognize Shinju after all.
"Heya again, Kaori." she finally says as the other is close, and she grins. "Good evening, good evening. Looking fancy!" she remarks and glances at Kuznitsa. "Well. The place is quite lively in the first place." She nods towards the crowd all around. "And the festivities haven't even properly begun yet."

Shinju takes a deep breath of the lively air, the smells of the feast already permeating the place, mixed with the incense burning from the shrines. `Oh yeah, the festivities have begun, but the ceremony hasn't... but I think the feast is what's on a lot of people's minds. Haven't had a good one around here in a while, wanted to give people a literal -taste- of home, y'know?`

"Thank you, I've been hoping for a good chance to wear it." Kaori smiles. "Hopefully this is a successful festival. It looks like there are quite a few arriving." She looks at the people about. "Please let me know if my presence makes things difficult. I know most can find me... unnerving." She sighs then smiles again.

Kuznitsa nods thoughtfully for a moment "I think this is the first festival of this kind I had the chance to partake in, what should we hit up first?"

And almost on cue, Xiu's stomach growls. So much for her supposedly having snuck in to get food in advance. Nope, she has not. The witch lets out a soft grunt and exhales loudly. "Patience, patience." she murmurs to herself, before a smile returns - and Kuz' question make her turns and nods towards the stage where the music is being played. "I wanna check those out." she remarks, smiling. "Live music is always such a nice thing."

Shinju raises a brow at Kaori. `That so? Noted, well... just stick me and we'll blend into the crowd, we can do the talking.` Then, she nods at Xiu and begins walking over to the Kaguraden. `Alrighty then, we can hang a left here and see the Lion dancing. The masks are my favorite part, always so vibrant. You'll like some of 'em, Kaori.`

Kaori nods, and smiles, moving with the others. "Thank you. And I'm looking forward to it. A taste of home."

Kuznitsa follows Shinju as a guide and looks around, both to the music and the dancers, both in awe and a little bit of confusion, although this does not stop their wide, warm smile.

Xiu follows as well, her eyes already on the stage as they walk. she is lightly grinning, and once they find a good spot to watch the performances, she mostly falls silent - simply enjoying the show, the music. The whole atmosphere, really. Even grumpy civilization-avoidant witches can simply enjoy one of the oldest things of human history: Communal vestivities.
Finally, she speaks up again. Mostly a murmur, really. "Pretty." All that needs to be said, for now.

Shinju leans back, letting the others and herself enjoy the show. Probably the final one before the dances during the offering ceremony. Once the performers take their bow and move away to prepare for next time, Shinju finally speaks again, nodding. `Yeah... pretty. People are happy to express themselves like this, really, just need to be given a place.`

Kaori sighs happily. "... It hasnt been that long since I left, but I do miss home. This is helping a lot." She smiles to Shinju. "Thank you again."

Kuznitsa watches the dancers for a long moment before nodding to Shinju's words, thinking wistfully before saying "It is a good service you provide to all of us here.."

More silence from Xiu at first. She listens to the others. It's only after a few seconds when she finally speaks up, smiling. "And here I am, never having left this country..." she murmurs and chuckles. "But yes. It makes me want to *visit* places." she remarks and grins, glancing over at the others. "When we visit Kuz, I so need to see a photo album. Just saying."

Shinju laughs at that. `Photo album? I'm sure I could snag something from my parents, they got all kinds of pictures. Kaori probably has some too.` She peels away from where she was leaning. `And you're welcome Kaori. We probably got one more thing to look at before I have to go get ready to perform the blessing ceremony. Got anything else y'all wanna do?`

Kuznitsa chuckles and grins at Xiu "My photo album will look a bit different, but sure, and hey, if we ever did get a trip over we should take the family fishing boat! nothing like a bit of sailing for sightseeing.."

"I do have some photos!" Kaori grins. "I can get them at some point. Not too many, though... too much fur in the way, if you get my meaning." She chuckles. "Lead the way, I'll take cues from you here."

Xiu smirks. "Sounds like our little personal festivities will be a photo session then, hmh?" Xiu says. They - Shinju, Kaori, Kuznitsa and Xiu - are all standing near the stage where dancing and music are being performed (OOC: look event), though right now one performance is ending, and the next is about to start.
Xiu then turns a bit, and glances over her shoulder..before she smiles and glances at her companions. "I will mingle a bit, and drift a bit with the cloud. Catch you all later?" she offers.

`Well, that'll be fun, won't it?` Shinju says with a grin in response to the photo perusing. `Alright Xiu, I know how you like to do things so I won't complain. Aaaaand it looks like they're abotu to be finished with the feast, I should go ahead and get gussied up for the ceremony. Do the talking for Kaori, won't you Kuz? Enjoy stuff, mingle!` Then, with that, Shinju steps away towards the shrine office.

Kuznitsa nods and gives a thumbs up, turning to Kaori "Well, we can get some grub or maybe one of those fancy fortunes!"

Kaori gives a quick bow to Shinju, before looking to Kuz. "Sorry, I'd normally have my kin here to help, but they're... recovering after an encounter with some angry wolves." She chuckles a bit self-consciously. "Let's check the fortunes. Then I want to see if they have taiyaki."

Indeed, as the two approach the snacks, there's indeed Taiyaki being sold. The fish-shaped cakes come in chocolate, custard, and bean paste flavor. The workers say to get them soon, as they'll be closing down for the feast shortly!

Kuznitsa shrugs and orders 3 orders of Taiyaki, smiling and paying the workers in cash before turning to Kaori and handing them 2 of the orders "Are these any good? never seen them before.." They pull out one of the Taiyaki and hold it out, looking quizzically at it "looks more then a bit... odd?"

Kieran is apparently hanging around in the background, just watching what's going on. As things look like they're breaking up, she trails along after the familiar face in the crowd (Kaori), but doesn't seek to interrupt just yet.

Kaori grins WIDE and gets herself a bean paste taiyaki! "They are! If you're not certain, try one of the chocolate ones, they're sort of like stuffed pancakes. I love the red bean paste, myself." She eats the taiyaki happily, angling to avoid getting crumbs on her kimono, before a familiar face catches her attention. She motions for Kieran to come over with a smile.

Kuznitsa takes one of the chocolate ones from the variety plate they had ordered, biting it in half "mmm..." They look to Kaori and smile "These are pretty good.." they then look over to Kieran and wave slightly, offering part of their taiyaki to her.

Kieran approaches once Kaori indicates it's alright, smiling easily. "Evening..." Then she's being offered... fish-shaped waffle? Innnnteresting. "Thank you", she accepts the offered piece with a slight nod. "Everything go well, then?"

"Told you!" Kaori smiles, then nods to Kieran. "Very well. I'll be meeting up with her more in the future. And maybe find a way I can visit her other home." She chuckles. "For now, though, I'm glad to see you here."

Kuznitsa smiles to Kieran "Well I'm glad you could make it, although I can't seem remember if we had met before, a friend of Kaori, though?" They give Kaori a glance.

Kieran laughs, "I... actually meant with the shrine ceremony tonight, but that's good to know, too!" She nods to Knuznitsia's question, and offers a hand. "I'm Kieran, the least interesting incarnation of madness and whimsy you'll meet in Prospect unless you meet literally any other."

"Oh, the ceremony hasn't started yet." Kaori chuckles. "Sorry. And Kuznitsa, this is Kieran, Kieran, Kuznitsa." She smiles.

Eventually, all attention is brought towards the main shrine, where the mysterious master of ceremonies shows herself in a beautiful deep purple "pure garb", the color indicating her status as the head of the clergy and keeper of the shrine, hanging over her kimono undergarb. She and the other clergy give a bow to the altar of the Haiden, and soon the inner shrine is opened to the public for offerings of sacred food to the kami--one of the few times a year it is.

While allowing those who brought offering sto come in, place them, and receive blessings, the master of ceremonies steps forwards to recite the Norito prayers to the Kami, all in their proper Japanese.

`<Amaterasu, Great Bright Being...>`
`<Sweep the impurities from those here and purify their spirits;>`
`<Grant them protection; Grant them happiness;>`
`<Restore brightness to their souls and give them guidance;>`

`<Hi fu mi yo i mu na ya ko to;>`
`<mo chi ro ra ne shi ki;>`
`<Ru yu i tsu wa nu so;>`
`<O ta ha ku me ka u o e ni;>`
`<Sa ri he te no ma su a se e ho re ke;>`

With another bow, the prayers are complete, and the offered food is brought out with that already prepared in the shrine office kitchen. The already set up tables are laid with a feast of rice, seafood, seasonal foods, local specialties, and all manner of delicious things prepared together to show unity with the kami, to gain their blessing and protection. In other words, CHOW DOWN!

Kuznitsa takes Kieran's hand and shakes it, but is distracted as the paryers are sent up, looking from Shinju to the others they grin "I guess this is when the fun starts?"

Kieran turns to watch the ceremony as well, remaining quiet as prayers are offered up and the offerings are made. As things finish up, she smiles at Kunzitsa, "Oh, I hope so!"

Kaori enters and places some offerings at the various shrines. Rice to Inari, sake to Amaterasu, and so on. At one point she steps near to the edge of the festivities, as one of the local foxes gives her a sniff and she shares a bit of her taiyaki. She joins in some of the prayers, and moves towards the food.

The master of ceremonies returns inside to close the doors to the inner shrine once all the offerings are had and sorted through, disappearing... until a certain Shinju comes back around to rejoin the group of Kaori, Kuz, and now Kieran. Man, maybe she should adopt a K name for this, it seems all the rage! `Oh yeah, I've been waiting for this... and hi there, friend of Kaori or Kuznitsa? You came at a good time if you like free food!`

Kuznitsa chuckles as they look to Shinju and then back to the otheers "Are you all ready to eat the shrine out of house and home?"

Kieran laughs, "I do, in fact, like free food. Hello there! I'm Kieran, a friend of Kaori's, yes... although, I'm never against collecting more friends, so..."

"Heh, trust me, I can eat a LOT. Even after those pizzas earlier." Kaori chuckles. "Food, and drinks after?" She gives a smirk to Kieran. "I got a couple more bottles of sake."

`I'm Shinju.` The purple-kimono wearing woman says succinctly, before taking a plate of the food herself, already devouring some of the fish. `And we go morrre than enough Sake already, so drink to your heart's content. Sake is basically my water sometimes, so I'm good for whatever.`

Kuznitsa laughs and says "Well, hopefully I don't get too carried away, and end up having Kaori get me home, again..." They shake their head with a grin "But a shot or three never hurt did it?"

Kieran grins, "Yes, but it's usually the kind of aches and pains that tell you that you had a really, really /good/ night." She nods to Shinju, "It's nice to meet you. Both, in fact. I'm sorry if I seem a little... hesitant, I just know that sometimes I'm something of a tornado, and I really don't want to be disruptive here."

"Heh, I'd make a joke about drinking problems, but I don't think any of us have a problem with it." Kaori quips as she loads up a plate with fish and any other meats on offer. "If worse comes to worse, I can give you a tap on the shoulder, Kieran."

There's a noticeable lack of red meat--something that's never given as an offering. Blood is one of the biggest taboos in shinto, for those in the now.

Shinju, meanwhile, enjoys herself greatly. A lotta this is the fruits of her labor, after all! She shakes her head a Kieran. `Nah, don't worry. This is a big festival, it's the time for being a tornado. Enjoy yourself! We got physical activities too if you gotta get it out of your system.`

Kuznitsa starts looking around and loading up a plate, not missing red meat too much after a few red bean buns and fried foods, they follow the others around "This is great! where did you fing the cooks for all this?!?"

Kieran grins as she agrees with Kaori. "Yeaaaah, I can't say as I have much problem drinking." But Shinju's words bring a curious look to her face. "What kind of physical activities? Nothing too dangerous, I hope..."

`Only archery and dancing for the general public, we got some people showing their swordsmanship but that's only for those who're trained enough to know not to hurt each other. Wooden swords can still smart!` Shinju says, leaning in closer to Kieran. `Too bad I didn't have time to join them yet! I may not look it, but I'm a master of the art.`

Kuznitsa grins "I had been meaning to try my hand at swordmenship, but I'm not all that good, I'd love to see what you can do though, Shenju."

Kieran perks up, "Reeeally... is it just for traditional kendo practitioners?"

Shinju tilts her head at Kieran. `Hm? Why do ya ask? I mean, I guess not as long as you know how to use a single-sided blade since we got wooden katanas.`

Kuznitsa gets cought up in the festivaties and waves to the others as they are lead deeper into the partying "have fun everyone! I'll see you in the morning."

Kieran shrugs, "I dabble, so... you know, just curious." She smiles, "Considering giving it a try... but the dancing might be a better idea. Less chance of someone getting hurt."

`Good with a sword are ya? Well now... you're probably right, I'd get too caught up in it and that ain't what this festival is for. I tell you what, though, I own the dojo across the street--White Lotus. I love new sparring partners, so come by sometime if you're up for it. I' can be all teeth though, I warn you~` Shinju says with a smile. `But come on, let's go enjoy ourselves. It's what this is for!`

Kieran looks over in the direction of the street. "Do you now?" She grins, "I will totally be down for that. And maybe I can pick up some techniques, too. After all, it never hurts to learn new schools. But yeah," She laughs, "Let's go find the dance floor..."