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Revision as of 13:05, 20 September 2023

Abyssal Death Dagger Quest Pt 2
Iris makes a deal with a death spirit, Mistseekers fight a monster, Stephen joins the Ever Changing pack
IC Date September
IC Time Afternoon
Players Pancake Ashkii Irsa Rhapsody Evan Kaz Jackie Stephen Abril
Location The Abyss/Epiphamy of Death
Prp/Tp Directly follows Parts 1 and 1a
Theme Song The Shallows - Adam Hurst

Cast: Ashkii: Mr. Pink, Irsa: Mr. Blue, Jackie: Mr. Green, Rhapsody: Mr. Purple, Evan: Mr. Brown, Kaz: Mr. Red, Stephen: Mr. Maroon ST/Mercy: Mr. Black

xxxxxWith Mercy's negotiations for fetish making done, and a Maiden of the Styx riding in the vessel to confirm completion of a chiminage quest, the gang is asked if they want a quick escape home. The Fury looks back at her respectfully kneeling and/or head bowed companions, and asks, "Wanna go back the way we came?" with a mischievous smile on her face. "You don't become renowned for relaxing, after all." Sure, it's dangerous but... The rewards! And the FUN!
xxxxxAround the group, the Maidens wait very patiently in all their finery and elegance, and beyond them, dead folk watch with curiosity, murmuring to themselves here or there. This ain't something that happens all the time, it's weird and interesting for them.

xxxxxEvan grins broadly as he looks between his pack leader and the elder, waiting for those senior to him to make the choice as he bounces slightly on the balls of his feet.

xxxxxRagged Brown Wolf's tilts as she listens to Mercy, and she looks at all her pack in silent communication with them. >> Can they take us to the next step on our path? Glory is a good thing, but some caution is wisest, << she growls at the Elder.

xxxxx"It'd be a way better story if we go back the way we came for sure." Ashkii is speaking to the group as he votes for what they do from here. Bowing respectfully to The Fury that asked he then turns to the nearest group of dead souls, "Hey... Where do you find a cow with no legs?" Pausing to see if any will answer he grins and then says, "Wherever you left it!" Laughing he gives the small group a bow, "You can use that if you want. It's a good one!" Backing away with a wave he turns to join the group, "Let's goooooooo!"

xxxxxBroken Fang glances at Mercy when she asks and chuffs a little >> Well, we KNOW the little ankle-biters are there this time. No ambush. But we not going home yet, so not so bad to ask for help...as long as the cost is acceptable. <<

xxxxxJackie shoots a small shrug toward Irsa. "I can't say I love the idea of climbing up that hill, but I can make it if that's the way."

xxxxxKaz stays on one knee and with his head down as the elder had instructed. He grunts at some of what he hears both with his ears and over the pack communication. "We have a goal and we should move toward it. Fighting enemies we do not have to even if they are weak does not seem..." he thinks for the human word. "...Prudent."

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope chuffs in agreement with Kaz >> Wise words from our Full Moon. Fun for some, but we best save our reserves for the task at hand. <<

xxxxxMercy nods at the votes cast her way, and turns back to the Maiden in pale pink and tells her shoes, "We would be grateful for assistance in getting home, we would prefer it if you set us higher on the path to the daylight, if you please. The better for us to find the location of the enslavers that need dealing with." The masked Maiden nods her head in agreement and steps away from the group to lay her hands on an archway (a right side up one, don't worry) and concentrate for a moment. Something like a moon bridge opens, but it's very dim and shadowy, like a moon path during the ragabash phase. With a bow of thanks and their pending departure, the Maidens back up a bit and make some room. They're not rushing the group out or anything, just ensuring they have an exit is all. Mercy stands and bows her thanks again before heading to that exit.

xxxxxRagged Brown Wolf nips Protector-of-Hope's ear affectionately. >> Come, Sister, let us go and do interesting things. Jackie! Do you want to try riding in battle if we have the chance? << she asks the Fenris, as she steps onto the moon path.

xxxxxJackie follows along through the arch, cracking a grin. "I don't know, is it going to end up with me getting tossed into the dirt and pricker bushes again this time?"

xxxxxBroken Fang chuffs softly as the gate is opened up, dancing on his paws lightly until Mercy and others start that way, making sure the rest of the group is moving before he starts trotting after. Onward, furry steeds!

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope growls a bit at the Ragged Brown Wolf, all in jest from the nips. >> We'll make her a battle warrior! << She trots along toward the moon path, looking back at times to be sure others are following on through.

xxxxxEvan follows the group towards the exit and chuckles what his Alpha said as he starts to absently pick out a song by the Doors "Is this where we set her up with a Princess Mononoke cosplay?"

xxxxxKaz stands up slowly and nods to Protector-of-Hope. "Agreed, we are not here to have fun." He grunts at Jackie and the others. "Though some seem to find it in the darkest of places." He gives a quick look around at the dead things and this place before walking onto the path glad to have this place behind him.

xxxxxAshkii falls in line with the others while patting his vest and pack as if checking to make sure both are still in place. Checking the coyote fang at his hip he seems ready to go.

xxxxxStepping through the portal takes the group almost instantaneously to a different location. Paws and boots scuff the grit and dust of ages on the wide flagstone floor. The pools of light from the torches are much larger here, and the world is no longer drenched in blackness but caught in an early twilight. Waaaaaaaaaay over to either side, the edges Stepped Gardens can just be made out.
xxxxxThe group stands at an overlook on one of the many winding paths in this place, the stone perch stretching out over the darkness and, of course, there are no guard rails, so watch your step near the edges. The stone floor looks aged and pockmarked, the flagstones leading to the base of a bridge that ramps up towards the blue ribbon of the sky. It's a very wide bridge, very sturdy, anchored by many huuuuuge chains that stretch out across the chasm. Freedom's just up ahead, guys! You're home free! A little walk uphill, and boom, you'll be safely out of the Abyss! It's all so easy, nothing could possibly go wrong! Mercy looks... very nervous, and starts digging in her bag for talens and weapons.

xxxxxRagged Brown Wolf growls softly at the sight and moves to flank Jackie, keeping her body between the Fenrir and the edge. They might be close to the exit, but no way in hell is she dropping her guard here.

xxxxxPockmarked at least means claws will be able to keep hold in case of slipperiness, but Broken Fang does not tempt fate by trying to get a good look over the edge. He pauses when Mercy holds up and sniffs at the air, as if there's any chance in hell of picking up something dangerous by its scent, here.

xxxxxJackie takes her left hand off her spear and gets a grip on the fur between Irsa's shoulder blades as she sticks close to her side, keeping her eyes up and looking for new and exciting threats coming to ruin their day.

xxxxxEvan grins as he sees the way out and angles toward the center of the path, as he shifts songs to a bit of Bon Jovi. Something still on an uplifting side of the themes available as he looks around for in coming targets.

xxxxxAshkii moves with the group and sings along with Evan's playing while pulling his coyote fang free from its sheath. He keeps his singing low, a little off-key but still close enough to pull off the song along with the instrument.

xxxxxKaz looks around and narrows his eyes at the bridge. He glances over as Evan shifts songs but brings his attention back to the scene in front of him. "Well at least there's ground here..."

xxxxxMercy hands everyone a golden apple, saying, "Healing talen, just in case. Broken Fang, have you got any of those elemental camouflage talens you made? If so, let's get those passed out." While handing stuff out, she's looking all around, trying to figure out exactly where they are. "I think we're on the Iron Path, which is the and most used path by our kind. Cause all you have to do is kill anything that gets in your way. It's not nearly as safe as the Soil Path, so we might uh... We might be in a little bit of trouble here. If we get out safe and sound, great, but I would advise everyone to prepare for battle. Just in case. Gifts, fetishes, prep yourselves nice and good."

xxxxxBroken Fang chuffs at Mercy's question and takes a moment to shrug off the little pouch he carries around his neck, >> I have seven of them left. Should be enough for anyone here that wishes one. <<

xxxxxEnormous Wolf flattens her ears at this news. So much for safety anywhere in this place! She growls and begins to shift, taking on her larger, beefier dire wolf form. >> If we need to run, jump on my back,<< she growls at Jackie.

xxxxxBroken Fang promptly takes a moment to hulk out a little more and pulls one of the colorful leaves out of that pouch, tossing it down and flopping down on it to rolllll all over in it like a dog that found a dead bird in the back yard, smearing the color swaths into his fur as he does so.

xxxxxLaughs-in-Moonlight takes the talen with a nod of thanks and then uses it, rubbing the leaf all over himself with one hand and then the other. Making sure to get everywhere he can to spread that camouflage over his whole coyote-man form.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf takes her leaf in her jaws and slaps it all over herself. Then it's time for vigorous rolling on the thing.

xxxxxJackie eyes the talen a bit suspiciously, after seeing how the others were applying it. Not having fur, she shrugs and and rubs it into her hair like it's a shampoo commercial. Her eyes widen a bit as her hair shifts and fluffs out in a wild shifting elemental display, then she nods and grins at the others. "What do you know, it worked!"

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope rises to her war form, and takes the offered talen. The first one fails for some reason, but a second is quite successful! She then brings out the hilt of her power blade and with a WHOOSH it activates into a light saber. >> Let's go! <<

xxxxxBroken Fang yips at Jackie, sounding amused, >> Now you have Danger Hair! Makes you tougher and hit harder. << He bounces a little on his paws and settles in, waiting for the agreement to mosey onward.

xxxxxThroatcrusher draws his knife and calls forth the lightning out of it again. His skin ripples briefly as dark fur grows out of his skin and he shifts and grows into his warform. He slaps and grinds the talon into his fur with his wide and seeking where to apply death. >>Are we prepared?<<

xxxxxGolden apples are handed out to everyone to stash in a pocket, pouch, or meat flap. Meanwhile, Broken Fang hands out his leafy talens to be crunched up and swirled into people's fur and clothes. Those that didn't get it to work the first time have to take one of Mercy's, but that's fine! Mercy gets her bow in hand and knocks one of her fancier arrows as the troupe begins walking up the bridge. "I think so..." she tells Kaz. It's hard not to move quickly, the outside world is *right* up there, and this place fucking *sucks*, man! Things are going great though, the gang is moving up the bridge juuuust fine.
xxxxxThoom. Thoom. Thoom.
xxxxxAnd here's where things start to go all pear shaped. Those are some big footfalls, they shake the bridge and send dust motes dribbling off some of the chains, there's the sound of cracking and crumbling stone. But where *is* the thing making all those big sounds? Cause there's nothing up ahead, nothing behind, and there CANT be anything out to either side because it's all open air out there. Granted, the Lambent torches only reach so far, maybe it's just not close enough to see yet... White flowers begin to preemptively bloom on people as the talen registers danger nearby.
xxxxxA long, spidery-crabby sort of leg reaches out from under the bridge up ahead, stabbing its sharp tip into the stones. Whatever it's connected to is likely very large, and it's between the group and the exit.

xxxxxEvan gets his warpaint on too, its a little rough at first because he tries to use it like woad but eventually he goes for something more artistic rather than traditional. And he smiles as he's a colorful cave man, tie dye glabro. Evan starts playing the fight music!

xxxxxEnormous Wolf growls as she spots the crab-spider thing. >> What is that? << she growls at Protector-of-Hope.

xxxxxEvan cackles and yells as he starts the battle music "A target that's going to be really hard to miss!"

xxxxxBroken Fang hunkers down a little at the heavy footsteps, craning his head around with a clear WTF expression, but once he sees the spider leg reach over the bridge, he bares teeth a little and narrows his eyes, waiting to see if the attack is going to be led >> Is big and scary. Does not mean it is here to fight <<

xxxxx>> We are in the Abyss, it does not want to make friends, << Hammer-Tooth growls. Every hair on her back bristles as the things clambers onto the path. >> If we cannot Command it to leave, FIGHT! <<

xxxxxThroatcrusher goes still as the footsteps approach. He watches as the leg comes out of the darkness. He glances at Protector-of-Hope for a heartbeat and then charges towards the creature leaving a trail of lightning from his knife as he goes.

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope holds her blade up ready to fight, >> We will not fall to the Wyrm! Nor be eaten by it! It is the hungry darkness! <<

xxxxxJackie lets go of Irsa's fur to get a proper grip back on her spear, settling into a low fighting stance and preparing to engage with whatever parts of that thing come within reach.

xxxxxAnother of those long, chitinous legs comes up over the edge, pulling the body of an Abyssal horror out from the under side of the bridge. It's a bit like what would happen if an evil spider, an evil crab, and an evil can opener had a three way, someone got pregnant, and this was their terrible love child. Six long legs end in pointed, claw-like tips, and they hold up a fat, moderately armored body. It has a long neck and a small head with a fang filled maw, its skull capped by a bony protrusion that could be used as neck armor if it chose to tip its heady back. It's coloration is deep, jet black and stormy grey, and when it's hauled itself up onto the bridge completely, it greets its prey with a high pitched, warbling cry. Rrrrrrrrah-ah-ah-ah-AH! It wastes no time, and is comin right for the group as well! Thud thud thud thud! The points of its legs send stone clips flying from the bridge.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf lets out a blood-curling snarl and darts forward, closing with the crab-spider and chomping down on one of its front legs. Her jaws lock in place, furious growls erupting from her as she tries to crack through the creature's thick armor. Her first attempt fails, so she tries it again. No luck! Still, she's gamely hanging on, trying to use her weight to foil the creature's stabby-leg attacks.

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope watches on as the others go in for the attack. She measures a leg, and at just the right time - Vrãu, vrãu - she swings the power blade through the air and THUNK! She must cut some of it off with how well it goes through and sizzles!

xxxxxThroatcrusher rushes forward and leaps onto the creature near it's face and stabs. The blade hits hard chitin or its equivalent but the lightning starts to burn where it struck. >>You are... in our.. WAY!<< He howls out as black crystals strike his back as he lets out of flurry of more stabs that sink through armor and burn meat. black ichor flies as he carves out more chitin with his fury.

xxxxxWhen Hammer-Tooth lunges forward, Broken Fang follows suit, latching his jaws onto a different leg, rewarded with a satisfying crunch of carapace (and probably a horrible taste in his mouth, but that's what alcohol is for, later).

xxxxxJackie darts forward and raises her spear in a powerful straight thrust towards one of the beastie's forelegs. She frowns as her spearhead only barely bites into the chitin, drawing out a disappointingly small amount of ichor.

xxxxxEvan is playing battle music on his fetish guitar and filling his allies with vigor and verve. He dances through the lunges and moves of his packmates and STOMPS on one of the monsters ankles.

xxxxxThe Hungry Darkness hisses with rage as this band of puny so and so's just start wailing on its legs, and when it gets jabbed and zapped in the face it attempts to breathe a flurry of jet black crystals at Kaz. They're sharp and unerring, but they seem to just bounce off the Ahroun's tough hide, white flowers helping to soften the blow and block the impact. And yes, for those that are biting, it tastes terrible. And for those that are sizzling bits, it smells horrible. Black ooze runs from its wounds, but it's not done yet, wounded yes, but not ready to fall or retreat just yet. Right now it's just super mad. And super hungry.

xxxxxLaughs-in-Moonlight watches as combat begins, looking from his allies, packmates and then to the crab. Grinning as he points to Throatcrusher he calls out, "Hey! What do you call a crab that throws things?" Darting in when there is an opening he strikes fast with his coyote fang, the fetish weapon biting and cutting through the armored shell as he calls out, "A lobster!" With his weapon stuck in the shell he growls and uses his foot to push off, yanking the blade free.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf snarls as her jaws close on the creature's its armor with a bone-shattering 'crunch'. Black, viscous liquid drenches her coat as she spits out a piece of carapace and rancid flesh. The creature's earthquake pulse sends her skidding back a few feet, but she tamps down her paws and dives back in for more.

xxxxxEvan is dancing around the fighting as he stays in melee with the monster, bringing his heel down hard on its foot again, Not to as good effect but he tries.

xxxxxBroken Fang growls loudly as he hangs on to that leg, yanking his head from side to side like he's trying to rip the damned thing off. Unfortunately underneath that carapace, the spiderthing seems to have tougher insides and the wolf doesn't seem to make much progress.

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope falls with the umbralquake, but is able to get back up without a problem save she has slid back away from the abyss deathspider. Without question, she readies herself and HURLS the power blade through the air, striking the hungry darkness and then - BOOM! SPLATTER! Its now a fine mist that probably layers over them all. >> Well... that was not what I planned but it works! <<

xxxxxThroatcrusher drives his blade in again and finds more carapace than meat. He doesn't do much appreciable damage but does manage to knock off some more carapace. He's knocked back by the creatures thrashing as he tries to line up another stab into exposed meat.

xxxxxLaughs-in-Moonlight feels that umbralquake hit and calls out, "Oooooh crab!" Cackling as he keeps his feet he jumps forward with his coyote fang fetish in a two-handed grip used to stab down with the force of his jump helping to drive the sharp tooth blade through the armored shell to bite into the flesh beneath. With a rough tug he pulls his weapon free and and looks to see if the others are ok.

xxxxxIt took a hotass minute for Mercy's arrow to reach the heavens, but once it touched the light cloud layer, a crisp SNAP! of white, forked lightning lashes down to electrocute the spidercrabcanopener.
xxxxxYou know, USUALLY when the Abyssal Horror gets to work on a pack of Garou, they don't run straight at it. There's usually some fear, some hesitation, SOMEthing that tends to result in it getting the upper hand, in its stupid, primal way. It's not used to packs just going buck wild on its legs straight out of the gate, and you know what? It doesn't LIKE it. Not one bit! It screams in rage and pain, jerking its stabby legs out of the reach of the Gaians before slamming them down, beginning to stomp and thrash like a toddler throwing a royal tantrum. It shakes the bridge, jerking it around on its chain anchors and causing cracks in the stone, the spiritual force of its angry stomp throwing the Gaians back and away from it with spiritual force and ground shaking.
xxxxxAh ha, FINALLY! The upper hand! Time to stab some- Rhapsody's blade catches it between plates of armor and stabs deep. It's scream is an ear bursting banshee wail, and it detonates with as much force as it was killed by. There's another shock wave, but not so severe this time, the monster bursting into a cloud of black crystal flecks. There's some larger pieces, but they whiz past the Gaians without stabbing anyone in the face.

xxxxxJackie pivots her weight and slashes out at the other leg this time, trying to catch it off guard. She hits it with a heavy blow, aimed dead on, then curses it's curiously strong carapace.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf whirls around, sniffing at her packmate. >> Are you injured? You stabbed it! And a good stabbing, too. << She looks around at the group as blood drips from wound along her side. >> Who is hurt?<<

xxxxxBroken Fang shakes himself off violently to throw off black crystal bits, then yips lightly at the big wolf's question >> Did not have a chance to hurt me <<

xxxxxEvan gets himself to his feet and checks his guitar first. Then himself, finding the bumps and bruises not worth mentioning he answers "We're both fine. Did that PoS even manage to draw blood?"

xxxxxJackie flicks ichor off her spear blade in a swift motion then sets the butt on the ground as she looks down over herself. "Nope, I'm fine. I guess we all got lucky there."

xxxxxThroatcrusher shakes off the crystal flecks and looks around for any other threats. He brushes off some lingering crystals and looks to the others. >>We move on<< He looks to Mercy for confirmation but says, >>More will come<<.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf pokes at her side. >> Mine is minor, it will heal quickly. We should go, quickly. This bridge is not stable. Throatcrusher is right, more of them will come to the sound of battle. <<

xxxxxLaughs-in-Moonlight cleans off his blade and then speaks softly to the coyote fang. To those close, it is clear he's speaking in his native coyote tongue but from the tone it's clear he's congratulating the blade and telling it what a good job it did. Slipping the weapon away he asks the group, "Too soon for more crab humor?" Looking to the others he grins and asks, "What's the difference between a dirty bus stop and a crab with breast implants?" Pointing to the others he waits just a moment before giving the punchline, "One is a crusty bus station and the other is a busty crustacean." Laughing he pats himself on the back, "I'm killing it today."

xxxxxWay in the back, Meros and Branton have TOTALLY been doing stuff and things and setting on fire those bastards that would take advantage of a group of garou with their backs turned. It was totally cool. Or hot, since it was fire probably. Mercy would have thought it was hot, but she didn't see any of it. "Fuck yeah we move on!" she agrees very quickly, and is keen to jog on, quite literally. She's a little wobbly at first, still kinda punch drunk from the quake, but eager to get up the bridge and out.
xxxxxThe bridge leads up and up at a steady grade, curving steadily towards one edge of the Abyss where it lets out onto that barren, dry ground beside it. Mercy leaves the Abyss laughing her *ass* of at that stupid, amazing joke.

xxxxxBroken Fang gives Ashkii the ODDEST look at that pun before starting off after Mercy, snorting some of bug stuff out of his snout as they finally head up the bridge, while swiveling those ears back to listen for more thudthudthuds.

xxxxxKaz leaves the bridge glad the abyss would be behind them. He shifts back to his human form and tilts his head at Ashkii's he guessed it was a joke. It was one he did not understand though. As they make their way across the bridge he asks, "What are breast implants?"

xxxxxJackie stretches her meager set of two legs to run and keep up with the pack, very glad for all of the cardio exercise she's been getting up early to do for the past few months.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf curls up her muzzle and trots after Mercy. She's matching her pace to Jackie and the rest of her pack. Falling behind in this place would be very, very bad, and she's definitely not letting that happen.

xxxxx"Yeesh, tough crowd." Laughs-in-Moonlight gives Mercy and Broken Fang a wink he nods to Kaz, "It's a way humans can enhance their breasts, usually making them bigger or better shaped or whatever." Leaving it at that the coyote-man follows along.

xxxxxEvan nods enthusiastically and jogs along to double-time it "Well that was invigorating. I don't think it appreciated my choice of tunes."

xxxxxShould anyone happen to look back, once the whole party is on safe and solid ground again, the bridge isn't there any more. Or rather, it's not curved up to meet the edge any more. It's still down there, half lost in the darkness and anchored by chains, crawling with horrors probably.
xxxxxMercy has a deep breath and tells the gang, "We'll need to head back home first so I can scry up the location I have to go to, and so everyone can resupply. The Mist Seekers are welcome to join me again to go deal with my chiminage quest, if you wanna go with us again. Lemme get a moon bridge open..."

xxxxxProtector-of-Hope raises what could be an eyebrow hearing the jokes and she just takes the time to go find her power blade and be ready for what comes next - which is going up the bridge! She follows along, keeping up.

xxxxxKaz listens to Ashkii's explanation and raises an eyebrow. "But why?" He shakes his head and holds a hand up. "Nevermind. Two legs are weird."

Fade cut to returning to the caern...

xxxxxMercy sends their moon bridge to the bawn's edge, and there's a little bit of a walk to get down into the valley, but hooray! No one died on the way. And given the time of day there's probably some awesome food at the ol' camp fire area. The whole troupe comes marching into the valley, looking a little worn and probably a little tired, but otherwise okay!

xxxxxEnormous Wolf makes a beeline for the cooking area. It's been a long, hard day, she's tired and extremely hungry.

xxxxxThere is food. there is also an Abril. Abril is eating food. Or she was. She does offer the half-eaten sausage to the exhausted looking Enormous Wolf when she makes an appearance.

xxxxxRhapsody arrives with the others, shifting back to her homid form as they come into the caern. "Food sounds good."

xxxxxAshkii shifts into his homid form and follows along. Slipping his pack off his back he puts it down and sits on it while rolling himself a cigarette. "Cigarette for me first." With the cigarette rolled up he places it between his lips and strikes a match to puff the cherry to life.

xxxxxBroken Fang shakes his fur out as the group steps off of the moon bridge, chuffing, >> Something to drink. I am going to have that taste in my mouth for daaaaays << and lumbers towards the cooking supplies after Irsa

xxxxxMercy heads over and plonks herself down beside Abril, and greets, "Hi!" while having a nice, deep breath, "We've returned from the Abyss, and I didn't get anyone killed. These guys were great in there, you shoud'a see 'em." she tells the half moon. "And we've gotta go do some more work soon, if you're interested in coming with!"

xxxxxEnormous Wolf wrinkles her muzzle and steps away from the smoke. She pokes around the food offerings and snatches up a sandwich. Pulled pork, score! It's messy, but who cares? It's hot and filling, and already made.

xxxxxJackie takes a deep sighing breath as she steps onto real regular ground again, remaining in homid form as always. She brushes some glowy leaf bits out of her hair before collapsing her spear back down into a small rod and stowing it under her jacket. "Yeah, it was a hell of a trip. Not really a good vacation spot though."

xxxxxAbril shivers as Mercy announces where it was the group all just returned from and then looks about closer at the crew as if looking for any lingering wounds that might have been souvenirs despite not being killed. "Adventure? Great Adventure?" And then a head tilt for Jackie. "Good thing don't take vacation? Work-work-work. Can go with next time?"

xxxxxEnormous Wolf finishes that sausage Abril offered her first. You never turn down free food presents from other Garou. >> We fought many things. The bones of long-dead things, and shadow things and a large bane with a shell. No one was hurt badly, but it took some time to kill the big one. <<

xxxxx"Sure you can." Mercy says with a tired smile, "I'm certain there's going to be a reason to go there again. I've had to go a couple few times now, myself. I needed to make a deal with a powerful death spirit, and these wonderful people went with me to make sure I didn't get lost or killed. The death spirit agreed to the deal, but first I have to go and deal with someone that's denying death's plan and holding wraiths prisoner, I think. And you're all invited, of course. And *later*, we're going to go battle the Golden Corral." It's gonna be a busy week!

xxxxxJackie grins widely at the mention of Golden Corral, the ultimate foe.

xxxxxBroken Fang finds a good spot in front of the other wolves and finally just sploots himself down with a small absence of grace, laying his head down so he can look sideways up at Mercy and Abril and the others, >> We have come this far. Why not help finish the quest. And I am still confused with this 'Golden Corral', so I wish to see. <<

xxxxx"Deny death, fall to stasis, fall to Weaver, like leeches. No bueno!" Abril gives a quick headshake, definitely not a fan of whatever might be holding those wraiths prisoner already, though apparently clueless about the golden corral and any dangers it might possess.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf rises to her feet and heads over to poke her head up over the prep table. >> Purple drink, << she tells the Garou on duty there. The woman shrugs and fills up a bowl with grape juice for the Bone Gnawer. >> When do you wish to do these things? One of our Cubs is going to go through his Rite of Passage soon,<< she tells Mercy.

xxxxxMercy looks over to Broken Fang when he pipes up and asks, "Hey, how about you come join Meros's Magical Muffin Mashers? At least for a bit. You handle travel well, you're a smart mystic, and you're gonna be a dad soon. You HAVE to learn dad jokes and how to properly plan a family vacation." She shrugs at Irsa and says, "I'm not sure, I have to find our destination first, so that's going to take... mmm... A day or two at least. Preplotting a safe route will take another day... This weekend, I should say. Gives us time to do any crafting prep or what have you."

xxxxxBroken Fang perks one ear up at Mercy but when Dad jokes are mentioned, he gives Ashkii a little side eye and rumbles in amusement >> That is what 'dad' jokes are? I am not sure Daciana will appreciate that sense of humor, but it is worth it, yes? I would be honored to join your lot. <<

xxxxxRhapsody finds a drink first. "Rite of Passage happening? That is great. I sure hope he does well. I know how proud you will be of him." A nod to Mercy, "Let me know how I can help. I certainly can craft for that."

xxxxxAbril inches her way on over towards Irsa and the purple drank. Not for the drank. "Time between Rite and Abyss and Golden Corral? Need talk...?" Both request and question there as Abril gives some big amber puppy-dog eyes (though currently homid) to the gnawer.

xxxxxExhaling softly from the corner of his mouth, Ashkii nods at Mercy and then to Broken Fang. "We can work on the jokes. Like, My mate said I should do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward." Giving the wolf a wink he motions to Mercy, "We can help with the humor and the travel."

xxxxxEnormous Wolf laps up some grape juice as Abril speak to her. >> Rrrr, yes. Tomorrow we can speak. Where? << She flicks her ears at Ashkii's remark. >> You have a mate? You should bring her to meet us. I have never met one of your Kinfolk before. <<

xxxxx"Hooray! Hm. Well, no time like the present, right?" Mercy says, looking from Broken Fang to Ashkii just to double check for any last minute misgivings. She moves closer to those two for a second, and asks, "Meros? Do you have any objections to inducting Broken Fang into our road tripping crew?"
xxxxxMeros appears! Able to materialize on the earthly plane, he looks like a 20-something Greek dude that hitch hikes everywhere. "No objections, he was a fine companion in the Abyss. Well um... I guess... close your eyes?" he says while bringing his hands up for some mysterious totem work.

xxxxx"No mate, just dad jokes." Ashkii says with a laugh back to the enormous wolf. Ashing his cigarette he motions to them all. "Hey, anyone can be my mate. I'm not locked in to just a coyote." Grinning he takes a heavy drag from his cigarette and then holds the smoke in his lungs as he looks to Meros, smiling to the totem of the pack as he gives him a salute while exhaling.

xxxxxBroken Fang shuffles to his feet and shakes his fur out, perking up a little when Mercy approaches and talks to Meros, slowly bobbing his head >> THe big guy at the back with Branton and I? << When Meros says to close his eyes, the wolf tilts his head but DOES comply, allowing a soft 'aroo?' to escape him.

xxxxxAbril looks frankly relieved when Irsa agrees to talking tomorrow. As for place, she looks over her shoulder to the direction of amphitheater. "Can meet there if not crowded? Otherwise... we find somewhere..." And then, there's a big ol' spirit appearing and she hushes right on up. She not only closes her eyes, but also slaps a hand over them as well.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf curls up her muzzle at Ashkii's words. >> Yick,< she grumbles. She pokes the empty bowl away from her and turns to watch the spirit's arrival. That was quick, but this is a caern!

xxxxxMercy rolls her eyes at Ashkii with a grin, "No poaching, young man." she tells him, and closes her eyes. "WAIT!" she says while popping them back open again, "Don't you dare stick a wet finger in my ear again!"
xxxxxMeros has the decency to look completely innocent, "I wasn't *gonna*." he says, and waits for Mercy to close her eyes again. Then he slips his foot out of his boot and sticks a finger in the noses of Ashkii and Stephen, and Mercy gets a toe in the nostril. And thusly is their mystic connection as a pack formed, and there did grow in Stephen's head a vast expanse of forbidden knowledge and an intricate understanding of puzzles.
xxxxx"AW DAMN IT!" Mercy yells while whipping her head back. But it's too late, she has toe nose now.

xxxxxEnormous Wolf snorts with amusement at Meros' antics and pokes Abril's hands with her snout. >> Tomorrow, then. We will meet at the watch-battles place, and it will be a good day. <<

xxxxxRhapsody has a snack, sadly not popcorn. She loves seeing a spirit and it looks like this is quite a bit of fun going on here.

xxxxxBroken Fang acks softly at the finger up the shnoz and cant help but immediately sneeze loudly and dance back on all fours. It takes him blinking a moment to realize he got punked by the spirit in a manner of speaking, sneezing again before finally chuffing >> Uh...do I apologize for getting snot on your finger if you stuck it there? <<

xxxxx"No one needs to worry." Ashkii replies to Mercy and then lifts his brows at Broken Fang, "Except for-". The joke isn't finished as its time for serious pack business and his eyes are closed for the standard connection of the pack bond. Cracking one eye open as the connection is made he points to Mercy, "Seeeee, you should have known better."

xxxxx"AAAAAAAARG I KNOW!" Mercy wails in response to Ashkii. SURELY this joke wont work a third time.
xxxxxThe totem shakes his head at Broken Fang while wiping his hands on his pants. "I knew what I signed up for. If you three don't mind, I'm going to go report back to my greater self, rest and recuperate some of my lost essence." He gives a nod and a two finger salute to Rhapsody, Irsa, and Abril on his way back into the umbra.
xxxxxWhile furiously rubbing at her nose and wondering if she has to worry about spiritual athlete's foot, Mercy says, "Hooray, new pack mate!"

xxxxx"Tomorrow," Abril gives a nod of her head towards Irsa, cracking open her eyes after there is wailing and finger-snot and apparently safe to do so, giving a pretty curiously look at Meros before the spirit departs on back to wherever it is the traveling totem hangs.

xxxxx>> I will be here. Perhaps I will bring chicken, << The Bone Gnawer says wistfully as she licks her chops. >> I go now to my Tribe's den, we must have a space ready for our new Cliath. << She sounds confident that he'll pass, she has faith in the Tribe's Cubs.
