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05.01.23 Sept, Settling In
The newest member of the sept, Evan, is settling in well with his new duties and some new friends.
IC Date 05.01.23
Players Evan, Irsa, Jack, Jackie, Trey
Location Sept of the Enduring Spirit
Spheres Garou, Bastet

Mystic Valley - Deep Forest(#1747RJU)

The forest floor of the Large Cavern begins to slope sharply downwards into a deep, subterranean valley, the pathway ages ago etched into long, wide steps worn by countless feet and paws over the years. The walls of this valley cavern are high and extremely steep volcanic rock and granite slabs, the ceiling of the cavern so high that the valley has taken on its own internal weather system. Hundreds of feet overhead, the vents and cracks allowing sunlight to filter through can no longer be seen, light spreading as though the valley were lit with a gentle and unseen underground sun of its own. Mist from underground streams and waterfalls create en endless cycle of clouds, brief rains, and evaporation into clouds again, while breezes from any number of caves and tunnels bring fresh air and move the clouds through their false sky.

The subterranean forest is thickest here, towering evergreen trees are dwarfed by the sheer size of the valley cave, weeping willows hang curtains of greenery over meandering streams and pools of mineral water. The steep, unclimbable valley walls are dotted with vines and bushes that have, against all odds, found purchase and growth potential. Stone pathways wend and meander through moss and wild grass along the valley, creating miles of walkways all throughout this sacred place. 

A large central meadow has become a meeting point for the valley. Near enough to the Large Cavern's steeply stepped pathway and with wide stone avenues branching away to living areas, shrines, and the amphitheater. A well maintained seating area takes up the middle of the meadow, with a stone pit made for a large bonfire, several old logs and small boulders pulled up around it for comfortable seating. A large and ornately carved totem pole stands tall nearby, detailing the leadership of the Caern. Also nearby, a massive stone tablet jutting four feet out of the ground has inscribed upon its polished face the rules of the Caern, unmissable by anyone in the area.

Irsa is sitting under an oak tree at the edge of the glade, not too far from the ritual circle. She's looking down at a piece of tattered canvas spread on the ground before her, with a number of metallic objects atop it. Her expression is a bit grim, brows knitted together in look of intense concentration.


Evan has been living at and helping out around the caern, currently though he's taking a break and heading to the sitting area near the fire pit in the mystic valley meadow. He's got his acoustic guitar hanging off him on crossbody strap and he occasionally strums a chord and just listens to the echoes of the cave. When he spies a senior garou at a task he stops his musical fidgeting and heads over that way "Afternoon senior. May I know what you're working on?"


Irsa looks up at that greeting, blinking a bit in confusion. It's a good choice, intentional or not, cus it's just smacked the grim look off her face. "Senior? Hold up, did ya mean 'señor'?" She looks around, like she's wondering if Banebreaker has snuck up on her or something.


Evan shakes his head at Irsa "Nope. Senior, as in superior to me in rank and having seniority to me in the sept. Like applying the rhya suffix to someone's rite name except in english. Its how we did things back in New York, I can cut it out if its a bother."


Irsa stares at Evan for a few long moments, then her scarred mouth suddenly curves into a wicked grin. "Naw, fam, it's all good. Y' just caught me off guard. So used t' our own terms here and my Spanish that I got things a bit mixed up. Go on ahead and use what you wanna use. I don't mind none." She nods at a patch of grass nearby. "Pull up a seat, if you wanna." Up close, those items in front of her turn out to be a bunch of antique keys, the old kind with the filigree designs and big beefy heft.


Evan takes a seat on the indicated patch of grass, the guitar settling into ready position in his lap out of reflex "I've gotten all checked in with my Tribal leadership and the sept officers relevant to my situation. Except The master of the howl, I need to make a trip into town to find her though. Do you know where she has her office hours? If she even has office hours?"


Irsa reaches out to move some of the keys around. "That'll be Brooke, Hushed Blaze'rhya. She's also th' leader of the Glasswalkers. Her, you'll find at th' tech center. But if you wanna get in contact with her, since you're new, best way is through an introduction. That's somethin' any of us can do, but your best bet might be the' Frog Brothers. They're both Glasswalkers, Cliath like you, and raggies t' boot." She frowns at something she sees in the key's positionining. "Have ya met Shaderunner'rhya yet? He's one of th' Elder Theurges here, he's someone you'll wanna meet. He has standin' orders for Rites Cliaths should learn ASAP."


Evan nods at Irsa and grins broadly as he peers down at the keys and the positions they're in "I've heard the stories of the three critical rites. I focused my training to make sure I learned all three, I wanted to be sure I'd be prepared even though I thought it would take me much longer to get here. I don't feel bad about it though, I've kind of gotten the impression that no one can really plan for Elder Tiganites. I'll reach out to the Frog Brothers, maybe from that Barbecue joint the sept has on the edge of town...the Smoke and Barley?"


"That was th' Denfather, yeah? He's kinda become th' default greeter of Cliaths lately." Irsa is sitting under her favorite oak, with her key fetish before her, with Evan seated nearby while they chat. "Y'could do that, or I can send them a voice mail t' come meet ya here. They pop into the caern every so often t' collect plants an' study the great outdoors."


Evan shakes his head at Irsa "Actually it was my Tribal elder. She told me something about a space boat taking people on trips to other planets and at least one adventure that involved time travel?! I have met the Den Father too of course but it was what Isla said that really floored me. I was just like...stunned. I said that I guess its not likely I'll run out of song material any time soon around here. Sean just laughed. As for sending a message, I wouldn't want to take you from your work. I'm sure I'll meet them soon enough."


Jack arrives from deeper in the caern cavern, dirty and disheveled and looking very tired. Mike is with him in the same state, but Jack's little brother peels off to go elsewhere. Jack, meanwhile, heads for the cool fires for something, ANYTHING, to eat. Once he has a bowl of some delicious stew or whatever, he looks much happier and gamely ambles over towards the familiar face of Irsa and that scrawny dude he hasn't ever seen before. He greets the pair with a call of, "Party people in the hoooooouse!" 'Party People' is Glass Walker Slacker for 'look, werewolves!'.


"Fiery Bellona. I ain't seen her for a while, I should fix that," Irsa admits. "What'd she say, somethin' crazy wild? I ain't talked to any of your Tribe for a bit, and that kinda sucks." She looks up as Jack arrives and flags him down. "Now ain't you just th' sight for sore eyes. How ya been keepin', Jack?" She's sitting under her favorite oak, talking to Evan. Jack is not too far way from them.


Evan is sitting near Irsa with an acoustic guitar in his lap as he looks over at Jack with a grin "Afternoon there. I'm Evan Davies, rited Collector-of-Tales. Human born Galliard of the Fianna and the newest Cliath in the Sept."


Jack drags his tired, dirty and disheveled ass and his food over to the oak, being EXCEPTIONALLY dramatic on his approach and while flopping his fat butt down onto the ground, "Dude, don't even get me started. Motherfuckinnnnnnn rock slide happened, right, so it's like hey, go get some fuckin Cliaths to move this shit. So, that's what's up. I moved like ninety THOUSAND tons of rocks, fuckin fell down and skinned my knee," there's no skinned knee, cause you move rocks in crinos and regenerate that shit, "But I found a little blue tailed skink, so that was cool. Hey what's up! I'm Jack Morrison, called Level Up! on the leader boards, Cliath Ragabash Glass Walker Homid, bay beeeeee!" He offers an introductery high five of greeting to Evan.


Jackie comes in along the trail, apparently late to the party. She homes in on Irsa's position, waving at the gathered and holding back a bit to allow for the completion of formal introductions.


"Ninety thousand tons, huh? Sounds like a bitch. Well, take a load off for a bit. Y' showed up like a good penny, Evan here needs t' meet Brooke." Irsa grins as she spots her packmate. "What up, Jackie? How's life in bad-ass land?" She's got her key fetish out in front of her, but she's not fiddling with it at the moment. "Have a seat, we got plenty of grass an' shade."


Evan returns the high five without missing a beat, you don't leave a dude hanging and when Irsa explains the need "Yeah, she's the most senior member of my Auspice in the sept so I need to at least pop by and say hey. My sept leadership did 'advise' that I get in touch with someone to show me around the actual city though. Rather than wandering by myself with a gps on my phone. I guess they've had problems with folks wandering off by themselves before?" Jackie gets a look and a nod hello but that's it for now.


"That's me! Good Penny Jack. Jack Penny. Mr. Good Jack. ... We'll workshop it." Jack says between bites of stew. The man's starving, and he wolfs it down. Ha! See what I did there? Sadly, the stew doesn't come with an instant shower, so he's still dirty. "Dude," Jack says, pointing at Evan and putting (as always) exaggerated amounts of confident passion and gravitas into what he's saying, "I'm gonna take you to the Tech Haven and blow your fucking. Mind. Bro. Fuckin Guitar Hero on a wall sized screen? Put yourself on stage please!" At the sight of Jackie, he busts out with "What's up girl!" and beams her a Jackish smile. Jackish, full of Jackitude, just Jackin it. Wait no, that's all gone too far. He grins at her, that's what I meant.


Jackie grabs a seat on a log, stretching her legs out in front of her. "Everything's good on my end. Summertime's coming and everything! Not that it matters as much here as where I was last Winter, but still. And we've even got some new wheels in the garage, a real beast of a machine. Kind of a special occasion set of wheels instead of for everyday stiff I think, but still really cool. And it sounds like you're starting to get settled in?" This last question is directed toward Evan with a questioning tilt of her head.


Irsa nods as she she gathers up her keys. Seen up this close, there's a number of glyphs that have been etched into the antique, tarnished metal, the sharper edges rounded so they don't catch and snag on everything. "If y' can, Jack, might wanna take Guillermo along for th' ride. He's th' new Shadow Lord, another Galliard." Two new garou, for the price of one amazing tour! What a wild day, to be sure. She eyes what Jack's eating and goes to fetch a bowl for herself, snagging a second one for her packmate. "Oh, hell yeah. That project was drivin' everyone wild," she remarks, offering Jackie a fist bump.


Evan grins broadly at Jack "I never got to play those games much growing up, it was always studies and training but I surely do look forward to the chance to learn them." Then to Jackie he nods "Yup, working my way down the checklist of people that I gotta go 'by the way, I exist' to." Then to Irsa he asks "Do you know if he plays any instruments? I need someone on Violin, drum, and guitar. Or at least two of them, I can't play three things at once."


"Sure, no problem!" Jack replies to Irsa's suggestion, "Like I'm gonna complain about gettin surrounded by Galliards for a day." He then offeers Jackie a high five as well, saying, "Nice! You gonna take it out for a test drive?" He has no idea about this vehicle, but if someone's happy about an accomplished goal, you just lean in to that shit and go with it! "Oh you're gonna love it. No guitar skill involved, it's just button pressing, rocking out, bright colorful displays, and a lot of cheering."


Jackie grins and returns the high five. As established, you can't leave people hanging. "Oh, of course! You've got to put it through the paces and get used to it, at least. You want to be comfortable before you need it for real, because then it's too late to start figuring stuff out. Also, Evan, let me know if you need a ride or a guide around. I've got wheels and I know the city well enough, at least. Just as long as you don't get motion sickness, anyway..."


"I dunno, t' be honest," Irsa admits to Evan. "He told me straight-up he's more th' type of Galliard that finds information than tells tales, so I don't know what he's got performance wise. Y' can ask him direct, I'm sure he'll tell ya." She grins at Jackie's offer. "She's got th' street down on lock, for real. Just ask about her main hustle." Turning to the Fenrir she asks, "Has th' truck tried t' to communicate with ya? I know it's brand-new and all, might still be feelin' things out."


Evan nods at Jack and grins "Sound like a fun time." then to Jackie "I don't! At least not so far as driving around the Falls has shown. And River boating shows a probable negative for sea sickness as well. You also mentioned I could learn to surf around here, we have a secure beach or something?" Then to Irsa he says "I suppose each tribe has their own traditions on how their Galliards should be trained." with a mostly supressed 'da fuq' in his tone of voice.


"There's an island, the ferry over to it's like just down the block from our place." Jack tells Evan, and when rides and guides comes up, he asks, "Oh speaking of, got a place to crash? I know they got cabins n' shit around the bawn and like over there and stuff," he points off towards the Living Area, "But if you need an in town space, Mine and I got a bombass couch, it's not too bad for sleeping and we're right on the beach."


Jackie shakes head at Irsa. "Communicate? No, not really. It did make a chittering noise when I was inspecting it though, which isn't a thing that trucks normally do."


Irsa shrugs at Evan. "Wouldn't be' the first Galliard I've run inta with that set of skills. There was a Fostern Talesinger back in Sept of Shattered Stone that couldn't carry a tune in a bucket if he tried. But there weren't no one in th' Sept that could touch him for hearin' all the latest news, or for runnin' down intel in th' worst parts of town. He's th' one who first brought word to th' Sept 'bout th' fomori they wound up sendin' my cub-pack up against for our Rite of Passage. And you didn't wanna get in th' argument with th' dude, for real. He'd debate your ass to a standstill, and have your questionin' all your life choices." She cracks her neck from side to side and nods at Jackie. "It'll probably start with th' radio. Let me know th' next time it happens, and me or Rhapsody can come in an' play translator for ya. It'll be chill, seein' as how it volunteered to help."


Evan nods at Jack "I will keep the couch in mind, It'll be good to have somewhere to land rather than trying to run all the way back out here at the end of the night." Evan nods at the explanation "My family was...very focused and particular about what it was going to mean for me to grow up into a Galliard. I can play seven instruments at a tolerable level of proficency." Then what Irsa said clicks with what Jackie said and Evan asks "A spirit truck? That sounds so cool."


"Right on!" Jack sets his now empty dish aside so he can dig out his pho- wait no. He digs around some more for a little note pad and a pen. Gotta carry around that ludite stuff 'round the caern! He jots down his and Mike's phone numbers, and also their address. "No shit, it's like alive?" he asks right on top of Evan while handing the Fianna the contact deets. Naturally the Glass Walker's got his brows up with major interest about a living machine. That's almost like having a robot, and that's *awesome*.


Jackie turns in Jack's direction and nods, but also adds a small shrugging motion. "I'm not sure if 'alive' is the right term... But something like that, yeah. It's definitely not a normal hunk of metal, for sure."


Evan makes sure to get the contact information from Jack down and grins "Sounds amazing whatever the case. We didn't have anything like that back at the Falls."


Jack, Jackie, and Evan, who's totally missing out by not being named Jackson right now, are sitting around under a tree, yammering like ya do. Jack's kind of dirty from doing work earlier and has recently finished some dinner. "Or in Kickapoo! Although we did have THE best night club in town." Which probably isn't really saying much, Kickapoo's not well known for its nightlife scene. "Either of you guys surf?" he asks, and then adds to Jackie, "I legit can not remember if I've asked you that before."


Trey comes from the ritual area, backpack over his shoulder as always. He's ambling a bit tiredly; looks like he's had a busy day. He smiles as he sees the assembled group, offering a wave of greeting and redirecting that way. "Hey," he says amiably. "S'up?"


Jackie grins at Jack and nods. "Yeah, I think it came up once or twice. I've done it a few times, although I've still been renting boards so far. I couldn't really fit one in my car, for one thing."

She turns and waves to Trey at his approach. "Oh, hey! We were talking about a truck, and we just shifted into surfing talk a bit. What have you been up to?"


Evan grins "She even mentioned me getting taught to surf. Seeing as how I've come here from Niagra Falls that's not an activity my people are known for." Trey gets a wave "Chillin. You?"


Jack snaps his fingers and points at Jackie, "RIGHT, right, I remember you talking about a place before, my bad. Fuck, without my brother around, I just *can not* brain correctly, I swear. Well, we should do a thing, rent some boards and go fuckin *carve* some waves. Everybody, a whole fuckin cook out thing and everything. Hey what's up!" he adds the last bit when he spots Trey, kind of automatically including him into things. "This weekend maybe? You guys down?" he asks all three, trying to Set Something Up.


Trey says, “A truck? Like, Jack and Mike's truck?" He grins. "Or the one you drove into a leech?" Okay, so he likes talking up the Kin's achievements. "Oh, I spent the whole day since sunup working on a fetish... let me tell you, the Night spirits are a *bitch* to bargain with. But it worked out, so it's all good. Surfing, yes! I gotta get a board to do that, but see, now we have another person to teach." He grins at Evan. "How are you settling in? Met any of the local Fianna yet?" He finds a spot to flop down almost bonelessly on the grass, and adds, "You do a cookout, I'll fish us up some fresh stuff to grill up. Or bring some from a fisherman -- woman -- I know, depending.”


Jackie gives a thumbs up and a grin to Jack. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan to me!"

She looks back to Trey to answer his question with a glint in her eye. "Something a bit more burly than that, actually."


"Yeah, definitely better than our van." Jack agrees with a nod, "I mean, the van is good, totally got us here from our mom's house, but it could use some work. I wanna make it run on used fry oil so it'll always smell like egg rolls. Or corn dogs. Or whatever." He smiles just thinking about it. "Which means I need to take it to you because 'I wanna' disregards my complete lack of auto repair skills." he tells Jackie.


Evan nods gives a thumb up "I came out to California for new experiences and shit right? So I'm down for whatever." Then to Trey "Meeting with Tribal leadership has been accomplished. Mostly I'm gonna keep my head down and not cause any major scandals, I think they'll be happier that way."


Trey ohhhs at Jackie's statement, curiosity piqued. "Something new, then?" He chuckles and grins at the idea of running on fry oil. "That would be amazing but you'd be hungry like... all the time." He looks thoughtful for a moment, and then says, "I wonder if you could make it run on, like, compost or something. But it would probably stink, so maybe not such a good idea." He grins at Evan and says, "Good plan. Did anyone tell you the castle story yet?"


Jackie tilts her head to the side thoughtfully for a moment, trying to remember the details of what she'd seen of Jack's van. "A bio-diesel conversion isn't that hard if it's already a diesel, but I don't remember if that's what you've got or not. If it's a gasoline engine, we'll have to replace that first but it's still not impossible. Just a bit extra work and scrounging up a new engine somewhere."


Jack smacks his belly and says, "I AM hungry like all the time! I like food, it's *delicious*!" He's not shy about this fact, damn it. "What's the castle story?" He shakes his head to Jackie and says, "Nope, basic gas at the moment." It's a pretty standard van, doors in the back, slider on the side, old and beat up but works decently. Good for deliveries and parts pick ups.


Evan winces at Trey's mention of the Castle "I actually had heard that one before we even met. Word got out, especially amongst the Fianna. Had it thrown in my face as a reason I might not want to head this way. I just said it made it more important for me to go, be a redeeming example or some shit. I was mostly babbling at that point so I'm not sure exactly what I said. It worked though, The Righ and the Sept Leader gave me permission to leave when I asked."


Trey ohs. "Well, one thing to remember: you're not likely to ever screw up that badly. Keep that in mind if you ever worry about stepping wrong." His smile is comforting, not mocking. "The Fianna have a proud tradition of tale-tellers and warriors, so I'm sure you'll do fine here." He looks over to Jack and says, "Short version: there was a Fianna in the sept at one point who was in love with this Kinfolk girl who was also fae-blooded, so he set out to build her a castle right on the edge of the bawn." He offers a wry smile. "He got busted back to cub rank."


Jackie winces at the memory of that as well. "Oh yeah, I remember all of that. I wasn't around for the main shenanigans, but I was at the roast. It was savage."


"Owch!" Jack says with a wince, "Note to self, no building houses for hot chicks. But, hey, it ain't death or anything, I bet that guy's doin better these days." Ever the optimist, is Jack!


Evan nods at Trey "Word is he fucked up his rehabilitation here so bad he got shunted alllllllllll the way back to Silver Tara for remedial training. And yeah, No fuck up I ever fuck up will be that fuckin big." Yes he's a wordy galliard but sometimes only certain words will do." Grins at Jack "A well crafted Satire Rite is a thing of beauty." Then to Jack "Well there's enough Gnawers in town that someone has to have access to a scrap yard right? It is a known thing that if you need to scavenge machine parts you go to Rat's children."


Trey mmms and blinks in shock at Evan's postscript to the story. "Holy shit, no way." He laughs softly and shakes his head. "Man, that dude... you'd think it woulda been a lesson, but..." He nods agreement and says, "I wish I'd seen that Satire Rite, honestly. I was in Denver at the time, but... I mean, I wouldn't wish a Satire on anyone, but some part of me hopes to see one someday."


Jackie shakes her head, remembering the shitshow. "I wonder what happened to her, anyway? But yeah, there are some rats around. I've run into them a few times at the Smoke and Barley, but don't know them that well other than that."


"How'd he do that?" Jack asks with ill-concealed curiosity, "Screw up his rehab-y second chance bit, I mean. If it makes you feel any better, apparently my tribe had some crazyass kinmagi that went a little bonkers here a ways back." he offers, bonding via bad past tribe members! Also Jack's player doesn't know this part, so it's all new gossip.


Evan grins at Jackie "In that usage I was referring to the Bone Gnawers, since Rat is their Tribal Totem. I suppose Ratkin could work but....I know ya all get along with Fera pretty well around here but Ratkin are something else. Or so I've heard anyway. Never met any myself." Jack gets a shrug "I'm not sure, the person telling the tale just said 'all he had to do was not fuck up again. And then? He fucked up again.' but they didn't really say how. I suppose you could ask Elder Ennes if you are feeling Curious enough or brave enough. I know I sure as fuck don't."


Trey smiles and shakes his head. "I don't think I know about the kin mage thing, though I do know that the mages in this town have been kind of nuts overall. I think this city has something in the air that makes people a little wacky. I'm immune, though, I'm already nuts." He looks among the others, and notes, "I've only met one Ratkin, and he was pretty tightly wound. You will occasionally see other Bastet show up here, like Lyric. But since I'm the one packed with a Garou, I'm probably the one you see most here." He shakes his head and notes, "I'm not going to press for more info unless it comes up in conversation. I'm a guest here, don't want to make myself an unwanted one."


Jackie looks sheepish at the mistake, then rolls along with it. "Oops. Yeah, Irsa may know some places to get one. But there is a junkyard, and I do remember there being a warning to leave it along because it was ratkin turf. Maybe we could make a bargain with them though?"


Evan grins at Trey "I met a...Swara. Named Natalie. She seemed nice, a little quiet though." Jackie gets a nod "Exactly. Irsa will know how to proceed." Jack gets a mischievous/sarcastic grin "A kinmagi gone bad? Who could have possibly forseen such a disaster."


"Or go to a different yard." Jack offers, "There's plenty of those laying around!" As for further info though, he sais, "Shit, I'm'a have to go ask!" Galliard he is not, but nosyass Ragabash he definitely is, and will question up ALL the gossip! He shorts a laugh at Evan's comment, "I know right? Total shocker."


Trey says, “ohs and nods. "Natalie is quiet, yes, but she's surprisingly nice, sort of thoughtful. I like her. I just haven't seen her here more than... once? Twice?" He grins at Jack and notes, "Ragabash. That's your job, right?" He winks, and notes to Jackie, "Probably? I mean, there's a connection there now with Irsa, she could probably help out."”


Jackie looks back and forth, following along. "Oh yeah, I met her. Lyric too, once or twice. I don't know about any kinmagi though. I did hear a story about a kin cop or detective that got all messed up with spirits a few years back though? Apparently it went really bad, but for real details you should ask Journey."


Evan considers what Jackie has to say and grins "That gives me an idea. There's this comedy song called 'dumb ways to die' maybe I could work up a garou version of it about ways people have fucked up or something. Learn more details for cautionary tales from people who've been around a while....I think that's going to be the next project after I finish the song I'm writing about my Rite of Passage."


Trey huhs and says to Jackie's comment, "I don't think I heard this one, but... man, I gotta bring good beer and dig stories out of people more often." He nods again, and casts a glance to Evan with the Galliard's idea of a fuck-ups song, laughing approvingly. "I love it. It could be taught to all the cubs as a 'don't do this' thing!"


Jackie chuckles at the sounds of that song idea. "Yeah, that could be educational. Might be an epic length ballad though. You might need to include an intermission or something."


"Ha! That sounds amazing!" Jack agrees, all on board for a song about fuckups. And possibly it'll be a good road map for him to follow as well, being a Cliath fuck up himself. But he leans and oofs and gets a leg under him so he can brace against his knee and get to his feet, picking up his dish as well. "Hey I gotta go find Mike, make sure he takes his meds and didn't get lost in the caves anywhere. Great to meet you, Evan! I hope to see you guys again soon!"


Evan chuckles and grins "It may not wind up proving to be useable but it'll be interesting to work on in any case. Jackie has a point though, I'll have to come up with a limiter some how. I'll talk with the senior galliards and see what they think."


Trey hrms and considers this for a moment. "Well, you could limit it to individual septs? Each sept could have its own song... but then, I guess, after a while, they'd still get too long. Or... an intermission with a popcorn machine, but I think they'd frown on bringing one of those in here."


Jackie nods, still smiling. "Maybe a few verses by tribe? And you can mix and match a set based on the crowd? Oh and we can do popcorn, we'll just have to do it the old fashioned way without a machine."


Evan nods at Jackie and grins "Old school kettle corn. And that's an excellent idea. It could be one of those songs that has hundreds of verses or couplets but you never sing the whole thing. Mix and match like you said."


Trey ooohs, "Right, that's how you make that." He looks around and says, "I can't really cook. I can cook a little over a fire but... not much in a kitchen?" He ahhhs and says, "Make it like... you have some verses for special occasions, or new verses mixed in when something new happens, or... yeah! So many cool ways to do that, make people collect them..." He stops, and then offers a wry smile. "Okay, I know, they're not Poke-mons."


Jackie glances back along the path to the north. "When I have my phone again, I'll see if I can find one of those videos that shows the pressurized kettles. Still not much of what I'd call a machine, just a sealed iron pot over a fire. We should be able to use one of those here, I think?"


Evan nods at Jackie and considers "I'd check with one or another of the Elders to be sure but it sounds like it should be alright. Or we could hold the performance at the kinfolk house where there isn't a tech prohibition and we don't have to worry. Might be simpler." Grins at Trey "Come up with some sort of token to give folks if they come up with a unique verse that fits into the song?"


Trey nods to Jackie and says, "Oh, right, those things... I really need to learn to cook someday. Or at least do something more than meat on a stick over a fire." He ohs at Evan and agrees eagerly. "Maybe some really minor talens. Or let them earn a free beer, people do all kinds of things for free beer." He huhs and notes, "You know, I've never actually been out to the Kinfolk house."


Jackie glances back off in the direction towards where the cooking campfires are set up. "Yeah, I should maybe learn a bit of that too. As it is, I get takeout way too often. And speaking of the Kinfolk house and sticks over a fire, we haven't done a smores night out there since last fall. We're about due."


Evan grins at Trey and Jackie as he gets himself to his feet "Well I'm going to get myself sorted out for my very first Caern Defense Patrol. I'll be in touch soon."


Trey smiles back and says, "Good luck and good hunting! Take care, see you soon!" He turns back to Jackie because his player is an idiot and hit enter too soon, and says, "Oh, that's a thing? I really should visit, but only Erin really mentioned it to me before this."


Jackie stands up and brushes herself off. "Yeah, I should get going too. Good luck with stuff!"


Trey smiles. "You bet, same for you. Take care, Jackie!"