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Reopening of the Capricorn Glade
Miranda hosts a party to invite the Kithain and Kinain of Lion's Reach to reacquaint themselves with the Capricorn Glade
IC Date 4/19/23
Players Caressa, Deirdre, Kieran, Miranda, Peri Sapphire, Sebastian
Location Barony of Divertimento Dithyramb Dance
Spheres Changeling

Celebration Tonight!
The sprites are all a flutter in the Capricorn Glade, dancing, flying, and having a good time. It has been too long since there was this much excitement in the glad! The flowers are all abloom, and there is glitter even within the water, streaming down the waterfall.
There is a few tables setup around with colorful food of fruits, appetizers, and of course deserts! Miranda awaits in the middle of the clearing with her arms open, "Welcome, one and all to the Capricorn Glade, and the Barony of Divertimento Dithyramb Dance!"

Peri comes in with an armload, dressed in a formal tabard over her fae chain, every inch the knight beleaguered with... plants? Yes, plants, a great many of them -- wildflowers of varying bright colors and shapes, some of them improbably at best, from a variety of places within the Dreaming. Each pot has a colorful bow attached, so that the whole assemblage looks festive, bright, and springlike.

Kieran arrives just behind the Fiona Knight, as any dutiful bard should. Or, you know, anyone who's trying to look like a dutiful bard even if they haven't discussed anything of the sort with the knight in question, nor has any intention to do so, whatsoever. In her arms, she's carrying a large potted... well, plant of *some* sort, but it's apparently not one that flowers in the spring. (Any horticulturalists, though, will likely pick it out as Goldenrod.) She's dressed in her formal best, which apparently today includes her guitar on her back... because, you know, dutiful bard.

Except for that one dark blot over there, taking up the oft-forgotten role of throwing the bright colors into sharp relief. Sebastian's hair is slicked back, he's dressed in black slacks and a turtleneck, and a monkey chimera (complete with mini-accordion) is perched on his shoulder, intermittently chittering at the other guests.

Caressa hasn't managed to go into labor yet, so she waddles into the clearing with a basket hanging on her arm. She pauses once in the realm to look about, to inhale deeply of the air in the Barony. She smiles noticing the treants still here, then makes her way slowly to meet to hostess.

Deirdre almost skips into the glade, her attention focused on the waterfall. She's in a cheerful, partying mood. She does recognize Peri and Kee, and flits over to them. "Hey, hey."

Peri approaches the new Baroness with a smile and the box of flowers. "My lady," she says, carefully placing the box at her feet and bowing. "I would present myself to you. Dame Astraleigh Peregrine Ni Fiona," she says, "And I bring flowers for your lovely bower." She beams brightly, standing tall.

Kieran opts for a curtsey instead as she follows behind Peri, setting down her own plant as well. "Kieran Mac Con Mara, my Lady, and I offer Goldenrod, to wish you, your reign, and your holdings good fortune over the coming seasonal turnings." Turning her head slightly, she gives Deirdre a wink and a smile, then draws back a bit as she straightens up again.

In turn, the sluagh takes a step forward. "Sebastian Clark, ma'am." A pause. Will she take that form of address the wrong way? With a shrug, he continues, reaching into a pocket and producing a plain box sealed with shiny silver duct tape along most of its edges. "I offer fertilizer. You, ah, probably want to wait till later to open it."

Miranda gladly smiles and bows her head with respect to Peri and Keiran, as they offer their introduction. "It is most wonderful to meet you both, Dame Asraleigh Peregrine Ni Fiona, and Kieran Mac Con Mara. Your gifts are most appreciated and will be given a life filled with wonder. Have a wonderful time tonight and enjoy the bounty and dream that is the Capricorn Glade." She smiles to Deirdre and to Caressa, waiting to meet them perhaps next, as she gestures toward another Kinain standing by, "Bethany, please, if you would." She signals the woman to help with the flowers.

When Sebastian comes up to her, she bows her head again, and takes the offering of fertilizer. "A pleasure to meet you as well, Sebastian Clark. I will take note and open this later, as a treat for the plants that grow and need nourishment to spark our imaginations."

Once the other two have introduced themselves, Deirdre stands before the Sidhe Baroness. "My lady," She says, then removes her hat and flourishes it in a deep bow. "I am Captain Deirdre O'Brien, master of the worthy ship Siren's Song. At your service." Then the Selkie reaches into her coat. "My lady, as I have heard you are a master craftsman of gold and jewelry, I present to you a goldfish." She pulls out a small bag with water and a goldfish. And it's a chimerical goldfish, with scales of actual gold.

Caressa pauses just behind Kieran, "Hey Kee, would you mind setting this down for me?" She hold the basket out to Kieran. "Doctor Caressa Smith," She introduces herself to Miranda. "I bring an Iris, whose petals change color to what will cheer an attentive observer the most." Currently the petals are a lovely shade of blue.

Peri smiles and moves the box to a better spot, and then moves aside to let others greet the Lady of the Holding. "This is really lovely," she says with a bright smile, looking around her gaily, her gaze filled with wonder. She's more like a child in these moments, when she lets herself soften.

Kieran nods, "Of course!" She takes the basket from Caressa and moves to place it with the other offerings, then moves back again, getting mostly out of the way.

Miranda absolutely loves the imagination of what every person has brought for the Glade. "Captain Deirdre O'Brien. This is wonderful and perfect for the waters here. You have my thanks." As she sees Caressa approach, she ohs, "Doctor Caressa Smith. Your gift is very thoughtful and will be a lovely addition here as well. I thank you." She is very happy with this all, "With your kindness tonight, this Glade will inspire all who come to spend time here, be it in this clearing, by the waterfall, in the Gazebo, or through the garden maze. This is a place meant to fill us up, lift our spirits, and bring more imagination to light. Anytime you wish to visit, you are quite welcome."

Sapphire makes her way over to Miranda. "Mi'lady, I bring you a colorful stone to mark this day." Sapphire opens a tiny jewelry case and inside is a sapphire cut into a Triquetra. "I think this might be the only sapphire in the world with negative space." It's a very colorful stone, but also not that large.

Caressa smiles softly, glancing towards the Gazebo, then back. "Are the cherubs still here? It is nice to see nothing has changed." Or at least nothing her eyes can see. She moves away a few steps, a comfortable distance.

Miranda has a certain sparkle in her eyes, "Dear Sapphire, you did not need to do this, but it means so much to me this gift. Thank you for such a thoughtful gem. It's like you can read my mind on things that would mean the world to me and inspire my designs." She takes the offered case and curtsies to the kinain blue-haired lady. "We shall come up with the perfect setting for this stone at the Jewelry Workshop."

Turning, Miranda nods towards Caressa, "Yes, my dear Doctor Smith. They tend to spend their time closer to the balefire. You can see them over there, near the Gazebo." Because of course a Gazebo protects the balefire. Almost worse than a Prismatic Dragon, those gazebos! "Why don't you take a look and can have a seat over there? Could you use a hand to walk over?" She may not be a mother, but everyone can tell Caressa is about to pop.

Peri smiles and secures herself a drink and a small plate of little nibbles, finding a spot to walk and look more closely at the gardens, and the sprites there holding auxiliary Court. She's more than content to be a little lazy at the moment, for a rare change.

Deirdre goes over to Kee and smiles, giving the dutiful bard a side hug. "Thanks for taking the challenge the other day. You have no idea what it means to me."

Kieran grins, "Oh, I'm sure it'll be fun. But you're going to have to figure out all of the logistics of this... especially if you want to have this whole 'event' thing around it on the beach..."

Caressa looks towards the Gazebo. It is easy to see she really wants to go see it again. Alas, she shakes her head, "No, thank you. I will visit it later. I feel better near the door for now." Her arms fold atop her belly. "In case I have to leave quickly."

Sebastian wanders over to grab a bit of food in turn, waving to the unfamiliar Peri. Another pause, that 'how do I talk all polite-like' look on his face. Which doesn't last long, as he gets distracted by something else. "Wait, there was a challenge and I missed it?" he asks, looking over to Dee and Kee.

Sapphire grins to Miranda. "My second cousin owes me a favor. Well, owed." She giggles. "I also have all of the other pieces ready to go." Sapph points to the case. "Whenever mi'lady wishes."

Miranda perks when she hears Challenge. "There is a challenge? That will be at a beach? Oh do please tell us all more about this?" She offers a kind look to Caressa, "I can have a bench brought over so you can take a seat, Doctor Smith?" Offering a hand to the shoulder for Sapphire, she says, "That is wonderful. You are the best, truly. So glad you have come to work at Enchanting Waters."

"Sebastian!" Deirdre gives the Slaugh a giant hug. "It's been forever. My offer for fish is still there. And I challenged Kieran. Demanded satisfaction!" She's giddy about the whole thing. "After she compared me to Captain Morgan. Her smart ass mouth has gotten her in trouble and I am going to make sure her ass smarts!" Deirdre giggles more. She's delirious with amusement. "Erin made dueling pistols that fire paintballs. I figure I can find a film student and offer them a chance. And then have a fishfry after with plenty of beer."

Kieran folds her arms across her chest, giving a haughty 'hmph'. "I did no such thing! You're a sea captain! I called you Captain Flipperbutt! But then you got all *mopey*, and so I stand ready to defend my honor and your Flipperbutt-ness!"

Caressa nods, "That would be lovely, thank you. Please, Caressa is fine. I'm off the clock for a few more months at least." She waddles slowly over to the food offerings, putting a few things on a plate while she waits for the bench.

Sebastian whistles softly. "Oh, that would do it, all right. It might end up on Youtube, though, you two might want to wear masks for the occasion just in case."

Miranda waves towards a man that has been helping set things up around, and he quickly brings a bench over for Caressa. He even is able to fetch a small table that is more like a tray that glistens an iridescent silvery color. Placing a lace covering over it he bows, "Dante Peters, at your service. If I can get you something to drink or anything else, do not hesitate to ask." He is the ultimate butler.

Miranda seems tickled by the challenge as it is announced, "Oh, it could be a theme event! Everyone dress in costume even."

Peri grins at the talk of the challenge, and shoots a wink over to Deirdre, turning away from the gorgeous gardens to be amused at the topic of conversation. "Masks! Oh, that's a *capital* idea! Guy Fawkes masks?" She huhs and says, "Well, I need to be armored, I *am* the Captain's second, after all!"

Kieran says, “Well, *some* brilliant Fiona Knight *may* have suggested talking to the University's drama club.. apparently they're doing Hamilton? Period costume to match Captain Flipperbutt's daily attire...”

"Why would I want to wear a masque? I figure it might be part of the advertising budget for my as-of-currently unnamed Rum Company." Deirdre smirks to Kieran, "Oh, no it was the rum comment. That's what caused me to engage our local knocker maestra to make the pistols. Besides, it will all be legal. I'll just make sure there's a filming permit. Mock duels are like paying people for sex. It's legal if you film it." The selkie laughs more.

Caressa nods to Dante, "Thank you. Tea?" Was there tea? "If not, water is fine." The plate is sat down on the tray table before she settles, as gracefully as possible, onto the bench. Violet-silver eyes opening a bit wider as she tries to follow the nearby conversation.

"Dinner and a show? Count me in," Sapphire says, over from her place at the refreshment table. She's looking for something with extra sugar.

Peri looks innocent at that. "I wonder who that was?" She hmphs, though, at having been revealed so readily. Or something. She drains her glass and sneakily switches it for a full one from the table.

Deirdre starts to jump up and down. "Ten Paces Rum! That's the name. That's the perfect name!" Deirdre gives Kieran an excited kiss, "Kieran, you beautiful gal, you. This is fantastic." Deirdre does a heel kick and then bounces around. She's a sea doggo, no matter what form she's in. And like all puppies, when excited, she bounces around.

Kieran just looks incredibly confused. "Uhhhhhh... sure!"

Sebastian hmms. "Maybe not masks, then, but definitely cosplay. I could probably thridt-store up a double-breasted suit and find a prop tommy gun."

Miranda laughs at it all, "Ten Paces Rum. Only if you have a pair of duel pistols on the label." She shakes her head a bit as this amuses her. "I do like the idea of bringing in some real dreamers that could be inspired. The movie makers, the cosplayers. Oh, this could be a grand fun event." She can see the promise in it.

Miranda turns and takes a seat at the end of the bench from Caressa, "Caressa, my dear. How are you set for the arrival of your young one? How soon until the delivery?" She wants to get to know her a bit, "You mentioned having spent time here before. Fond memories?"

Dante comes over with some tea for Caressa, freshly made, and small bowls with sugar, and a cream if she wishes. He sits it on the tray for her.

"Would it need to be 20s?" Or should we dress like revolutionary war people like her?" Sapphire asks, gesturing to Deirdre. "Cause I have a flapper dress. But would need some time to rustle up . . . whatever they wore back then. Hoop dress?" Sapph then picks out a cupcake and munches.

Kieran points to Miranda, forgetting for a moment that she's pointing at the Baroness, "That! Yes! Dueling pistols on the label! That's perfect! Flipperbutt, you gotta do that!"

"Of course there will be dueling pistols on the label!" Then Deirdre shifts into her sea lion form and flops into the water, splashing happily. "ARF! ARF! ARF!" Deirdre rolls onto her back, belly to the air, clapping her flippers.

Caressa gives Dante a smile, and a grateful nod, "Thank you." She adds a little sugar and cream before looking back to Miranda, "Oh, any day now really. Though the actual due date is on Beltaine. We're well set for his arrival. It is just a waiting game now." She takes a sip of the tea, letting her gaze wash over the area, thinking about the answer, "Mixed, in a way. But it always brought me comfort. It certainly awoke something in me." She turns a palm up and there appears a tiny mote of ruby flame, that licks up into a silver tip. Just like the Glade's balefire (unless it was changed) but without the power. Just a little trick. "I knew the previous Baron, but that is all I'll say of him." Caressa correct, "Sorry, not Baron. Lord."

Kieran sighs at Deirdre, trying not to laugh, "Aaaand this is why you're Captain *Flipperbutt*..."

Miranda nods to Caressa, "If you ever do wish to share, know that I am more than happy to listen. But that is not needed. This should be a place of dreams, inspiration, fascination, marvel. I want this to be a place where you can rest and recharge. No bad memories here, just a place where you can put those aside and bring something... more... to our lives and spread out amongst the world." She smiles at that, "I know, sappy a bit. A little too starry eyed, but someone needs to be sometimes." She claps softly as the Selkie takes to her seal form and splashes in the water. "You do not see that every day!" Looking to Caressa's hand, "Nor that. I see you have a dreamer within you as well."

It's not often that Sebastian breaks into song, especially without his music player to provide an assist, but sometimes the situation just calls for it. "The seaweed is always greener / In somebody else's lake..."

"Holy shit!" Sapphire is left stunned, She's never actually seen a Selkie transforming before, ever. "Now that's impressive." Carefully, she takes a few steps close to the stream to get a better look. She's only seen seals at the zoo before.

Caressa closes her palm to make the little flame disappear as he attention turned towards the seal, tilting her head. That is certainly new! Then a moment later looks back to Miranda, "A dreamer within me?" Sounding unsure of the woman's terminology. "It is not all that exciting really. It was a different time. Nothing good comes of living in the past."

Deirdre calms down a bit, and relaxes in the water happily, content to let the stream flow over her. Spotting a fish, Deirdre watches it swimming and then waits for her moment to . . . strike! The Selkie takes the fish into her mouth whole. Looking quite proud of herself, the waits a moment and then spits out the fish. Seeing how just confused the chimera fish is, Deirdre rolls over, sea-lion-laughing. All of the amusement for her today.

Peri is watching this whole display with amusement and bright eyes, her gaze on the sea lion who is amusing herself, and all of them in turn. She takes a swallow from her glass, giggling softly.

Miranda nods slowly to Caressa, and Dante will help her leave safely from the Glade. Miranda is thrilled to see so many having a grand time here. "Oh and reminder. In a few weeks we will be hosting Beltaine Festivities here. I do hope all of you can make it. Sapphire and I have made some wonderful plans for the gift we will be offering to everyone that attends."

"Wait, that's for Beltaine?" Did I know that?" Sapphire looks befuddled. "I guess I knew that. For some reason I thought that it was for now? Oh man, I could have slept last night." The blue-haired chick bursts out laughing at herself. "Well, the good news is that they are all done, finished, polished to perfection."

Kieran watches Deirdre's antics, clearly as amused as Captain Flipperbutt is, herself. "Yeaaaah, I can tell you're gonna end up drunk on your own rum and swimming around in one of the market square fountains before too long. Probably even get lost in there..."

Sebastian looks over to Kieran and Deirdre, shaking his head a little. "Probably. Better get your oil painting materials together ahead of time."

Miranda asks, "You know, I could use a local supplier for liquor. Beltaine just would not be right without something to imbibe. I'd assume Ten Paces Rum will not be ready by then, but perhaps our Selkie friend would have some ideas? Unless someone else has some contacts?" She looks around to Kieran and Sebastian and Peri.

Peri huhs and says, "Not a liquor supplier... Kee might, she knows everyone." She looks over to the Clurichaun with a smile. "Or so Dee says. But Deirdre might know of some through her restaurant contacts..."

Deirdre flippers out of the water and the returns to her fae form. "I expect at least a 6 foot painting of the event if that happens," she says with a smirk on her face. "I'll make sure it goes in the lounge." Then Deirdre looks to Miranda. "Ah, no, apologies. We're going to be breaking ground for the distillery next month. So, maybe 4 years? Beltaine 2027, plan for it." She offers a small bow. "And I do know my booze, but other than giving you advice about what is good and what is gobshite, I'm afraid I cannot do much more, my lady. If you needed fish, that I can do." After tipping her hat, Deirdre continues, "And while I would love to stay, I sail with the tide. Your holding is fantastic, and I am sure that I will visit quite often. But for now, by your leave, my lady." Deirdre bows one more time with her tri-corner hat as a flourish before leaving.

Kieran considers, "Uhhhhh..." She reaches up to scratch at her head as she thinks, "I don't know any alcohol producers in the area... but I can ask at work who the casino uses? So I might be able to get some names... though I suspect we deal with regional distributors, so I don't know how much volume you're looking for."

Miranda replies, "Does not need to be a crazy amount.. I think. We'll figure that out soon, but if you could get me a contact, that would be wonderful." This night has been a wonderful start here and Miranda will take time to thank everyone, starting with Deirdre for coming. "Bless you all and may your dreams bring you inspiration."