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Latest revision as of 06:19, 17 June 2022

Swords, Surf, and Steaks
Gone surfing, then eating and drinking.
IC Date June 16, 2022.
IC Time Mid day.
Players Jackie, MiraFaith, Steinar, Theron, Erin
Location Stonecreek, Surfer's Cove, Smoke and Barley
Spheres Garou

6/16/2022 15:00:26 Mira smiles at Steinar, "That's ok, I don't mind how far it is. It's a good workout getting there and back, and the walk is great for clearing my head. That is when I don't catch a ride, of course. I work for Prospect Police department." She hmms, "I don't see why I would ever find living here anything other than pleasant. I love everyone here and I would do anything for any of them." She smiles before standing and placing her drawing down beside Steinar, and it's revealed to be an almost finished drawing of a wolf howling up at a full moon in the middle of a clearing. The work isn't too bad, it's a bit realistic looking, even with a plume of visible air rising from the wolf's muzzle. "Will you watch this for me so it doesn't blow away?" She asks Steinar before stepping away from the cabin and over to Theron. She squints suspiciously at the swords before smiling at him, "I've been looking forward to this, don't go too easy on me ok?"

6/16/2022 15:02:43 Steinar looks down at the drawing before he looks to Mira. He gives a quick nod to this, "Of course." before he reaches down and moves his backpack, so that it sort of pins the drawing so it won't go anywhere. Apart from that, though, the man does not move from his seat. He does look over at Theron though, now joined by Mira, to see what this will entail.

6/16/2022 15:06:51 Jackie steps out of her skjol, removing her ear buds and looking around at the others. "Having a little party? With swords?"

6/16/2022 15:09:00 Theron chuckles, "We arent doing anything yet." he tells Mira to mellow her expectations as he keeps handing her swords. One then the next, seeing her response so he knows her strength. "Just assessing how heavy a sword to let you wield when it is time."

6/16/2022 15:14:27 Mira smiles at Jackie as she steps out from her skjol. "Yep! The best kinds of parties are the ones with weapons." She laughs before walking closer to Theron to take hold of the swords one at a time. She pouts up at him, "Way to ruin my fun, and here I was thinking we were going to be sparring." She definitely struggles to hold up the heaviest sword, the slightly lighter one appears a bit awkward in her grip. She blinks in surprise as she holds up a balanced longsword, "Well this one feels nice. Not the lightest but not heavy in any way." She swings it away from Theron and hmms thoughtfully before handing it back. The lightest one she frowns down at. "This one is like a toothpick, not sure it would do any damage."

6/16/2022 15:16:09 When it comes to swordcraft, Steinar seems to be content with letting Theron handle it. He, instead, focuses more on his backpack now. He turns towards it, reaching down and opening it up. For a few moments, he rummages around within it before he finally pulls out a waterskin.

6/16/2022 15:16:21 Jackie nods, zipping her earbuds and phone into a jacket pocket. She watches them for a moment, then walks over to her car and opens the trunk. When she comes back a minute later, she's carrying a decently sized and clearly marked first aid kit. "Just in case. You never know when someone might hurt themselves on a sharp toothpick."

6/16/2022 15:19:06 Theron nods and lets Mira work through the weapons, he is watching her all along. Finally deciding on a weapon a little heavier but not unwieldy for her based on the movements. "You have a long ways before we are sparring Mira. If I train you, its dedication. We take it slow until you have it. Walk before we Run...and I doubt it will be fun for awhile." he warns but at least he is smiling? "Hey." he greets Jackie as well then.

6/16/2022 15:23:01 Mira blinks down at the sword Theron chose for her, "This one? Are you sure? It's a little heavy but not too bad I guess." She nods up at him, "I get it, have to walk before running and all." She swings the sword experimentally before looking back at Steinar and Jackie shyly, "Don't judge me too harshly, I've never used a sword before." She smiles at Theron, "Always wanted to learn though. So what do I do to practice with it then?" She stares down at the sword curiously, turning it over in her hands.

6/16/2022 15:25:00 "Why would I judge?" Steinar calls over, "I mostly fight with a dagger or, when it depends on it, my fangs and claws." he looks over to Theron, "You should be in good hands, though. The Berserker is a great swordsman." he leans back in his chair, taking a sip from his waterskin.

6/16/2022 15:27:16 Jackie plants herself down on a log. "I'm not judging anything, either. I just thought if swords were coming out, a few band-aids should be on hand too."

6/16/2022 15:29:30 "Oh tomorrow at 6am we will start. Morning run. Then Ill give you a serious of strikes and swings. You will repeat that series over and over and over and over." he grins. "We end with meditation and we repeat. Alot."

6/16/2022 15:34:05 Mira doesn't seem dismayed at all by Theron's words, instead she excitedly exclaims, "Sounds fun! I can start training with you instead of doing my usual morning routine." She swings the sword a few more times before nodding, "I'm not a stranger to meditation either, I can see why we would end with that. A great way to recenter ourselves after." She beams at Steinar and Jackie, "Well it's not too bad, it reminds me of a machete, and I've used one of those often enough."

6/16/2022 15:37:06 Steinar looks over to Jackie, "Well, you are most likely not wrong there. There tends to be blood where sharp objects are concerned." he takes another sip from the waterskin before he looks over to Mira and Theron, "I've fought with a machete once. Good for hacking off the firsrt limb, but low quality ones tend to lose their edges too quickly."

6/16/2022 15:38:50 Jackie sets the kit down by her seat, since it doesn't seem like it's going to be needed any time soon. She looks over at Mira to ask, "Why would you have had to use a machete often? I'm guessing not hacking off limbs like he said?"

6/16/2022 15:59:47 Theron wrinkles his nose, "Oh hell no, my weapons are /not/ a machete. Mine weapons are an instrument that make sweet music of violence." he grins wide.

6/16/2022 16:01:13 Mira shakes her head at Jackie, "I used to cut down dead trees for firewood. One of my chores from when I lived with my previous Tribe." She grins at Steinar, "Mhm, I would much rather use a sword than a machete when it comes to limb chopping. Sounds a bit more effective." She laughs before attempting to hand the sword back to Theron, "Do you want this back or do you want me to hold onto it?"

6/16/2022 16:03:06 "Well, a machete is essentially a blade. Just one made for cutting and chopping. Swords generally have a pointy end for stabbing as well." Steinar takes another sip from the waterskin, "Not my primary choice for battle, but one takes what is available when needed."

6/16/2022 16:05:27 Jackie shrugs, stretching her legs out in front of her. "I never use anything bigger than a pocket knife, myself."

6/16/2022 16:07:10 Theron smiles, "Ill keep it here I dont want anyone giving me shit for training you." he chuckles.
6/16/2022 16:07:10 "A dagger or a knife is a good way to go too at times." he agrees with Jackie. "Easily concealable, always on hand and deadly when used right."

6/16/2022 16:09:09 Mira hmms, "Well, swords and knives are the closest thing I have to fighting with fang and claw, if you think about it." She hands off the sword and returns to Steinar's cabin to pick up her drawing and pencil. "Speaking of, do any of you have a knife I could use real quick?"

6/16/2022 16:10:25 Steinar moves his foot to push his backpack out of the way for Mira to reclaim her drawing. A shake of his head to her query, "No. I only have my dagger. It only has one sharp point." he lifts his free hand up to touch the dagger hanging from around his neck; seems to have been fashioned from some large beast. Really large beast.

6/16/2022 16:11:48 Jackie slides a folding buck knife out of her jeans pocket and holds it out to Mira. "Will this do?"

6/16/2022 16:19:13 Mira wows as she sees the dagger around Steinar's neck, "A bit too big, that's a scary looking knife." She beams at Jackie and walks over to take the knife before whittling away at her pencil until it has a nice, sharp point to it. "Thanks!" She hands the buck knife back to Jackie before finding a good place to sit. She brushes her hair from her eyes to tuck it behind her ear before leaning over her drawing to work on it. "I had a dream about this, inspired me to draw it," she says to anyone who happens to care.

6/16/2022 16:21:13 Theron watches Jackie a moment. "I mean that would work in a pinch but its not a real weapon...not like a fighting blade? But yes absolutely it can get the job done." He then moves to check out Mira's drawing.

6/16/2022 16:26:12 "Dreams are like that. They can inspire, they can put fear or happiness in you. In some cases, they are prophetic in nature." Steinar mentions, seeming to be mostly speaking into the air now instead of directing the information towards someone in particular, "I would hazard a guess that living with the Garou here in Stonecreek for a while now, would influence those dreams."

6/16/2022 16:27:12 Jackie laughs at Theron. "I meant for her pencil sharpening. That's more the kind task I use it for. I'm really not planning on trying stab anyone... or anything with it."

6/16/2022 16:31:52 Mira frowns down at the picture before looking over at Steinar, "What would a red moon mean? I remember the moon was a blood red color, it was kind of frightening." She begins to draw said moon, adding clouds to it before tapping the drawing with her pencil. She laughs as Jackie talks, "Well, even a pencil could be a deadly weapon in the right hands. Could just shove it right through someone's eye and into their brain." She shrugs, "Anything can be used as a weapon really."

6/16/2022 16:34:20 "A red moon?" Theron repeats looking to Mira. "Hm. I No dream expert but sounds violent." he remarks. "Try and stay out of trouble would you?"

6/16/2022 16:38:21 "Could mean anything. A red moon in and of itself might not mean much. But the context could be important. Could mean there is violence in your future. Death, perhaps? Combat. Or there has been death with family or someone you know. Or.. it is simply a blood red moon. Many Prophetic dreams come again and again, though. Usually the same, with just small details changing."

6/16/2022 16:44:11 Jackie tilts her head at Mira. "Is that what this is? A recurring dream?"

6/16/2022 16:45:10 Mira frowns over at Theron and Steinar before shaking her head at Jackie, "I don't think it's Prophetic or anything. A few nights ago I was on the edge of a forest and I saw a mangled claw grip the tree in front of me and I felt fear and turned to run but then a bear that was like it was in Crinos form jumped on me and I woke up in a sweat." She sighs and shakes her head, "Maybe it's just the energy here or something. They're getting wild though. So far none have repeated thankfully."

6/16/2022 16:50:53 His brow furrows, "Really?" he grumbles a bit. "I had a similar experience once. Training with Heidi...she wanted to be a berserker." he reminds Steinar. "Anyway...she and I were pulled into this meditative dream where she literally fought and killed a frenzied bear...skinned it and wore the bear shirt...Berserker." he explains. "Wild coincidence."

6/16/2022 16:51:57 "Could very well just be fear and anxiety seeping into your dreams." Steinar shrugs once to this, "If you start having more like that, though, let me know. I'll peer into the Bones for you and see if there is anything dark over your future." he takes another sip from the waterskin, putting it back into the backpack once he is done. He picks it up and stands from the chair, "I must be going." he nods his head to the assembled trio, before starting to return to his cabin.

6/16/2022 16:52:24 Jackie glances back and forth between the others, then chuckles softly. "Maybe there's something in the mead?"

6/16/2022 16:54:46 Mira tilts her head at Theron, "Maybe I'm just seeing pieces of the past or something then. I tend to have odd dreams in places with lots of spiritual energy, so I didn't think much of it." She shrugs before waving to Steinar, "Thank you for talking with us, and if I have any more strange dreams I'll let you know. I hope not though." She laughs at Jackie's remark, "Maybe!"

6/16/2022 17:01:23 Theron chuckles to Jackie, "Maybe not enough mead." he grins lightly. "Jokes aside let me know if it continues so we can get someone on it. In the mean time...make sure you get sleep when you can if its being interrupted."

6/16/2022 17:06:01 Jackie turns her smile toward Mira. "That's right, you can't be off falling asleep on the job."

6/16/2022 17:09:16 Mira nods at the other two, "Thanks for the concern, I am a bit sleepy but it's not too bad. I'll just try to go to bed early tonight." She holds up her drawing when she finishes with it before folding it up and tucking it away. She smiles at Theron, "Thanks for helping me with my swordplay. I can't wait until we can actually spar, though I know my strength and stamina would never match yours."

6/16/2022 17:28:05 Theron smiles, "Its no problem, and it isn't about matching me. Rather figuring out how you can be your best." he laughs, "Admittedly, I was trying to match garou my entire life so I shouldn't judge you too much for trying to match me."

6/16/2022 17:32:05 Mira nods at Theron, "Maybe someday I might be able to give you a decent challenge but until then I'll take it slow and learn everything I can. With your help I'm sure it won't be too difficult." She smiles at Jackie, "What do you think, should we go surfing today?" She looks up at the sky, "Doesn't seem the weather is bad. Might get some good waves."

6/16/2022 17:32:06 Jackie smiles at the pair of them. "Both of those options sound like way too much for me."

6/16/2022 17:41:45 Theron glances over to Jackie, "Not a surfer? Dont feel bad neither am I. I dont mind the beach though...good weather, beautiful views."

6/16/2022 17:42:36 Jackie looks confused for a second, then shakes her head. "Oh, no, I meant keeping up with you or with Garou. The surfing I like, even though I'm new at it."

6/16/2022 17:45:21 Mira ahs before nodding at Jackie, "Let's go to the cove then, I'll go get changed into my swimwear and text Erin to meet us there." She smiles at Theron as she stands, "Feel free to come with if you want, even if you don't like surfing you could still sit there and look pretty." She giggles before skipping away to her cabin to change.

6/16/2022 17:47:41 Theron nods and puts some of the practice swords away and then he heads into his cabin to change. "Sure Ill come along."

6/16/2022 17:53:34 Jackie gets up, scooping her first aid kit as she heads for her skjol. "Sounds great, I'll get my stuff. Are we taking my car?"

6/16/2022 17:56:38 Mira nods at Jackie before ducking into her cabin, "Sounds good, we can do that." She smiles at her before disappearing. She returns a few minutes later in her wetsuit, surfboard tucked under her arm as she walks over to join the others. "Ok, let's do this! Theron you're going to protect us from sharks right?" She nudges him playfully.

6/16/2022 18:01:26 Theron chuckle ready to go apparently in board shorts and a t-shirt. "If I get to fight I shark I don't know if Ill be excited or not...it could be awesome." he grins. He has a couple of necklaces on and a bracelet despite the swim trip. He also has his duffel bag of gear that he always brings.

6/16/2022 18:04:03 Jackie comes back out shortly wearing her wetsuit with her jeans over it and her other things bundled up in her jacket. "Alright, let's hit it."

(Scene Cut to Surfer's Cove)

6/16/2022 18:07:48 Mira hops out of the car as they arrive, somehow managing to pull her longboard from its place before starting for the water. "Perfect day! Perfect waves, plenty of time left before sunset. This is going to be fun!" She woots before running toward the shore with her board held over her head.

6/16/2022 18:08:02 Erin has made it out to the beach before everyone. She has her board and a little area as she waits for you guys to arrive. There is even a cooler and a cat a house cat .. but there is a cat.

6/16/2022 18:12:34 Jackie parks and heads out to the sand a bit slower that Mira, waving to Erin as she approaches. "I hope you weren't waiting long. How's the water looking today?"

6/16/2022 18:15:14 Theron is coming down the beach im board shorts and a t-shirt, the shirt pulled off almost the moment he hits the sand. Scars criss cross various places on his otherwise athletic body. "Hey." he greets Erin as he tosses a towel down, doesnt look like he planned to surf.

6/16/2022 18:16:50 Erin smiles "Nah wasn't waiting long.. Hmm looks a little choppy but not too bad" she looks between the three and smiles.

6/16/2022 18:19:43 Mira beams at Jackie and Erin, "Whoever falls first today has to buy food tonight, agreed?" She laughs before looking at the scars on Theron's body curiously. "Theron promised to beat up any sharks that think we might be a tasty snack." She giggles before taking a few steps into the water, "Not too cold, the temps is nice actually." She wades in until the water comes up to her hips before climbing on top of her board and looking back at the others. "Time to show these waves who's boss. Ready?"

6/16/2022 18:21:24 Jackie grins back at Mira as she heads out in the water after her. "You bet! Let's hope for more waves than sharks though, ok?"

6/16/2022 18:30:13 Theron chuckles, "Don't mind me as I just set up my perch and watch, for sharks." he adds as he settles down to watch, sliding his sun glasses on.

6/16/2022 18:34:17 Erin laughs softly "I doubt the sharks will bother us. " she winks at Theron "But glad that you are with us to protect us" she takes ehr board she is wearing a boty suit. She looks at the cat "you coming or watching our stuff"
6/16/2022 18:34:17 The cat looks at the water then at the stuff and goes towards the stuff.
6/16/2022 18:34:17 Erin smirks "Chicken"

6/16/2022 18:36:50 Mira paddles out further into the deeper parts of the ocean, eyes wandering the horizon in search of viable waves or potential shark fins. "You going first Erin?" She tilts her head at her as she stops paddling and sits up on her board. She lifts her head and takes a breath, "I love the smell of the ocean, it's so relaxing."

6/16/2022 18:40:00 A bottle of water cracked open and Theron takes a sip, "Its more likely I need to save them from drowning than a shark." he chuckles idly to the cat.

6/16/2022 18:41:02 Jackie relaxes on her board as she watches the water and the others, waiting for her turn. "Relaxing, huh? That's not usually what I think of when I think of the ocean. Isn't it full of sharks, storms, and sometimes pirates?"

6/16/2022 18:44:02 Erin laughs at Mira "Why do you always make me go first.. you go first this time"
6/16/2022 18:44:02 Kringer gets all cozy in the dry sand and looks at Theron.

6/16/2022 18:46:58 Mira sticks her tongue out at Erin before nodding, "Ok ok, I'll go first. But if I drown or get eaten I'm coming back to haunt you." She laughs at Jackie's response, "Sometimes but when none of those things are around it's rather peaceful in my opinion." She oohs before pointing at a huge wave. "Ok yeah I'm not going to attempt that one. Maybe a bit smaller." She keeps looking around in search for a better one.

6/16/2022 18:55:29 Theron whistles a moment and just gives an encouraging, "You got this!" to whomever is going. "Just dont fall." he states the obvious as he drinks some

6/16/2022 18:58:39 Jackie props herself up on her elbows on her board, watching the wave Mira rejected. Her eyes narrow as she regards it, then she leans down and starts paddling ahead of to get up to speed to catch it. "Fuck it, I'm going for it. See you by the shore!"

6/16/2022 18:58:53 <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
6/16/2022 18:58:53 Jackie rolls Dexterity(5) + Athletics(2) (7 dice) vs 6 for 2 successes.
6/16/2022 18:58:53 1 4 4 5 +6 +6 7
6/16/2022 18:58:53 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

6/16/2022 19:05:49 Erin sits on her board and smiles cheering Jackie "Go Jackie!!!" she cheers the other person "You got this feel the wave, and catch that wave" she smiles.

6/16/2022 19:06:12 Mira blinks worriedly at Jackie as she moves to take the wave, "Uhh.. be careful ok? If you drown I wouldn't be able to forgive myself." She gives her an encouraging smile and a thumbs up, "You got this though, you go girl!"

6/16/2022 19:08:53 Theron chuckles, "Real encouraging Mira." he says amused. He sits up further to watch Jackie with intent. Just in case.

6/16/2022 19:13:12 Jackie gets enough speed in time to catch the wave, standing up and balancing as it begins pushing her forward. She keeps her balance well enough to ride the wave close to shore, if not like a pro than at least like either a talented or luck amateur. She grins as she pulls her board up onto the sand and plops down to catch her breath and let her heart catch up.

6/16/2022 19:15:29 ERin cheers Jackie super loudly as she looks to Mira "your turn, your turn come on pick a good one you got this girl!" she splashes some wter in her direction.

6/16/2022 19:17:26 <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
6/16/2022 19:17:26 Mira rolls Athletics + Dexterity vs 6 for 4 successes.
6/16/2022 19:17:26 1 2 3 +7 +8 +9 +9 10
6/16/2022 19:17:26 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

6/16/2022 19:22:54 Mira also cheers for Jackie but is cut short as Erin splashes water on her and she eeps! "H-hey! Ok I'm going." She laughs before lifting a hand to block out the sun so she can see the waves. "I'll try to take a big one, hopefully I don't wipeout." She spots a nice sized wave and nods before paddling over. When it gets close she plants her feet and slowly rises, the wave pushing her forward rather quickly. She braces herself before skimming through the natural tunnel the wave creates, having to duck as the water falls right past her head barely missing her. She lets out a delighted cheer as the wave crashes in on itself. Mira is hidden by mist for a moment and one can't be sure if she didn't get swept under but nope there she is cruising along the water until she hits the sand and flops down on her back breathing heavily. "Thought that one was going to pull me under, that was close!"

6/16/2022 19:26:20 Theron first gives a litte hoot of approval to Jackie's work on the wave and then watches Mira go next. "Did she go under?" he wonders.
6/16/2022 19:26:20 Then as she comes skimming along the water, "No there she is! She is doing pretty good."

6/16/2022 19:27:56 Jackie gives Mira a thumbs up, grinning widely. "Fucking show off." Then she shields her eyes from the sun to look out and see how Erin is doing.

6/16/2022 19:30:59 ERin looks around and hmmms as it's her turn to ride a wave in. She looks towards shore then looks at the water as she seems to be expecting a good one. Once she finds the wave she starts to paddle to meet it so she can ride it.

6/16/2022 19:31:45 <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
6/16/2022 19:31:45 Erin rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 4 for 7 successes.
6/16/2022 19:31:45 1 +4 +4 +5 +5 +7 +8 +8 10
6/16/2022 19:31:45 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

6/16/2022 19:33:02 Mira beams at Jackie and Theron as she pulls herself to her feet and brushes the sand from her suit and hair. "Just a little bit." She watches Erin as she paddles over to the wave before calling out, "You got this! Go for it!"

6/16/2022 19:38:25 Theron watches as Erin catchesthe wave,"Are we sure she us new at this?" he asks the others.

6/16/2022 19:39:07 Jackie laughs as she watches. "I thought we all were. Apparently we got a couple of ringers here."

6/16/2022 19:43:59 Erin finds the right wave and paddles as she gets in the right possition she is able to stand up with ease, she makes it look like child play as she touches the inside of the wave as she surfs smoothly into the sand. The pregnant woman easily climbs down and makes her way into the sand "That was fucking awesome" she looks at all of you like if something is wrong.

6/16/2022 19:48:00 Mira cheers for Erin as she rides the wave expertly, bouncing up and down excitedly as the pregnant woman steps onto the sand. "That was really awesome. Just beginner's luck though." She laughs, "So are we going to go a few more rounds or are we getting hungry?" She tilts her head at Theron, "Hope you're not getting too bored watching us."

6/16/2022 19:52:43 Theron smirks to Mira, "I can think of way worse days to spend my days that watching the views of the beach." he assures. Then to Erin, "I dont know how but you cheated." he accuses but is clearly joking.

6/16/2022 19:56:24 Jackie grins and flops down on on her back in the sand. "Yeah, why ya gotta go and make it look easy like that?"

6/16/2022 20:04:01 Erin looks at Theron "What are you not going to show us off? I mean come on you got that balance show it off.. Do it.. Do it!" she giggles. She then blinks at Theron "WAit how did I cheat?" she batts her eyes. "Wait are you not going to show us off?" She looks to Jackie "It's easy once you get your balance"

6/16/2022 20:07:42 Mira laughs and pushes her longboard into Theron's arms. "You heard her, now you have to try it." She gestures toward the water. "But if you fall you have to buy us all dinner. I doubt you will fall though, you're athletic. Come on just try it."

6/16/2022 20:10:39 Theron grumbles a moment, "Are you really going to shame me into surfing?" he asks with a chuckle as he rises to his feet. He checks out the board before he takes one and heads out into the water.

6/16/2022 20:12:28 Jackie claps for Theron and gives him a good fist pumping cheer as he gives into the peer pressure. Then she turns to others and whispers. "He's not gonna fall, is he?"

6/16/2022 20:13:34 <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
6/16/2022 20:13:34 Theron rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 7 for 5 successes.
6/16/2022 20:13:34 2 4 4 4 6 +8 +8 +9 +9 +10
6/16/2022 20:13:34 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

6/16/2022 20:14:29 Erin gasps "Shame you? No one is shaming we have faith in you come on Theron" she cheers him on as she leans on her board smiling brightly. She looks to Jackie "Theron? I doubt it. Haven't you heard he is a bad ass.. I am sure he will show us all off" she nodsnods

6/16/2022 20:14:56 Mira cheers happily as Theron takes the board and makes his way out into the water, "You got this, show us what you got!" She smiles at the other two girls, "I didn't think he would do it. I'm happy that he is though." She shakes her head at Jackie, "No way. I'd bet money on it." She grins and nods at Erin, "Mhm, true!"

6/16/2022 20:19:38 It takes him a little longer to steady himself, they can see his hands adjusting the board beneath him a moment but then once Theron is off he is doing pretty good. Riding the surf and cutting it back towards shore successfully.

6/16/2022 20:22:34 Jackie shakes her head at Theron in mock exasperation as he returns. "Alright, fine, looks like I'll buy dinner tonight. Anyone want to volunteer as DD?"

6/16/2022 20:23:17 Erin cheers Theron on and smiles as she tells the ladies quietly since they are in shore "See told you he was going to do fine" she awwws at Jackie and pats her "Oh well that would be me since I'm not drinking" she nodsnods.

6/16/2022 20:26:20 Mira woots and runs over to pat Theron on the shoulder when he returns to the shore, "I couldn't even tell that was your first time, you're a natural!" She laughs and nods at Jackie, "Yep, dinner is your treat tonight." She smiles at Erin, "Thanks, I would have offered but I kinda want to get wasted tonight."

6/16/2022 20:35:20 Theron grins, "Not bad for a first time." he says pretty pleased. "I see the draw...adrenaline rush out there."

6/16/2022 20:37:46 Jackie sits up nods at Theron, grinning widely. "Yeah, it's a hell of a thing, isn't it. It's not really that fast compared to some things, but it feels like it is when you're doing it."

6/16/2022 20:38:11 Erin nodsnods to Theron "Yeah it's pretty awesome specially when you get that big wave oh man that's the greatest" she nodsnods then looks to Jackie and Mira before back to Theron "So where we going?"

6/16/2022 20:42:01 Mira agrees with the others, "Mhm, when the wind blows back your hair and the water sprays against you.. it's just an amazing experience." She frowns as she considers Erin's question, "Hmm, doesn't matter much to me. I know Jackie likes curry, I don't mind it either." She shrugs.

6/16/2022 20:56:28 Jackie laughs. "Well, I kind of like everything. There's a Cajun place nearby, or we can hit the familiar spots. Once we wash off the sand, of course."

6/16/2022 20:57:01 Erin puts her hand on her belly and smiles softly at all of you "I don't care where we go.. I just need some food" she nodsnods and mmms "Well if you guys all plan to get drunk we probably should go to familier safe places" she smiles.

6/16/2022 20:57:17 Theron shrugs, "I dont care where we find food. As long as I can have a drink and can change out of the trunks." he explains.

6/16/2022 20:59:16 Mira nods, "Smoke and Barley then? Or what?" She walks into the water and dives in before wringing out her hair and gathering up her board. "Sand free now, so much better."

6/16/2022 21:00:27 Erin smiles and nods "Sounds good.. Let's hit the showers and then head out to the smoke?"

6/16/2022 21:00:36 Jackie stands up and goes into the surf to rinse herself off too. "Yeah, it's going to be hard to find anything to beat the Ess and Bee."

(Scene cut to Smoke and Barley)

6/16/2022 21:03:31 Erin smiles as she comes in with the lot of you and grins "Ok so lots of food and booze well for you all.. What are we having anything in particular?" she giggles.

6/16/2022 21:08:00 Mira finds a good spot to sit and picks up the menu, "Hmm, I always try to pick something new when I come here so.." She peers over the different options before nodding, "Definitely the pulled pork this time." She flips he green card over and waits with a hand on her belly, "Dang I'm starved. Haven't eaten anything today yet."

6/16/2022 21:10:00 Jackie gives the menu the briefest of glances before setting it down. "Tonight it shall be the lava wings and the curly fries. Also bourbon and beer. This I decree!"

6/16/2022 21:14:46 Theron shakes his head, "I almost never change what I order, I order the same thing almost always. Steak and a salad and a drink." he points out.

6/16/2022 21:16:04 Erin comes to join them as she sits down between you all so someone gets to sit beside her ooo who would it be. She hmms "I want a bacon lots of bacon cheese burger with fries and a strawberry milkshake.. and a dr. Pepper" she nodsnods.

6/16/2022 21:20:29 Mira laughs at Jackie's declaration before tilting her head at Theron, "That's all you get? But there's soo many yummy options, why only steak and salad?" She groans as Erin announces her order, "Bacon does sound really good right now. Wonder if I could add bacon to my pulled pork." She giggles before sitting back to look at the other three, "All of us are probably going to be drunk after this. Except Erin of course."

6/16/2022 21:27:13 Jackie smiles at Mira. "Sure, why not? Surfed, stuffed, and smashed. Seems like a good enough idea to me."

6/16/2022 21:29:30 Theron chuckles, "Because other than alcohol I treat this body like a temple to be in peak performance." he explains to Mira. "Besides I cant order something I dislike this way...and for awhile my previous totem forbade eating Pork." he chuckles to Jackie, "Things could be worse."

6/16/2022 21:31:28 Erin smiles at Mira "I am sure you can add bacon to any order" she gets her soda first after all that's the quickest to get out and takes a sip "and you do keep it in shape.. Wait you can eat pork again?" she looks at Theron curiously.

6/16/2022 21:35:36 Mira returns Jackie's smile warmly, "It sounds like a good time to me." She laughs before peering at Theron, "Well, you do keep in amazing shape. I guess eating right can do wonders huh?" She nod nods at Erin and does exactly that, along with a side of fries and an order of vodka.

6/16/2022 21:38:46 Jackie nods at Mira's comment, looking over to Theron. "That's true, you're in better shape than I'll ever be in. But the flip side to what you just said is that you can also never order something you'd like more and learn about it, if you never try anything new. You should get some sampler platters or something, be adventurous!"

6/16/2022 21:40:09 Theron chuckles, "I'm plenty adventureress...I have a cheat day once every few months and I find adventure in other ways." he points out. He does afterall fight beside garou. Then to Erin, "Only my own personal stubborness stops me now...Hildisvini is no longer my totem. I'm packed with Leif now."

6/16/2022 21:41:55 Erin ahs and nodsnods "That's right" giggles as she looks at Theron thoughtfully "Are you though.. I think you haven't been as adventures but well I take that back we did get you to go surfing with us" she smiles and gives him a wink "Ok good to know.. I hate to insult you if I gave you a piece of bacon or something" she teases.

6/16/2022 21:44:14 Mira pouts, "But pork is sooo good though. How could you turn down a juicy, crunchy piece of bacon?" She bites her lip and shivers delightfully. "I would be depressed if I couldn't have bacon."

6/16/2022 21:48:30 Jackie laughs at the others. "Ok, don't pick on him. There's plenty of things people don't do for spiritual reasons. If he doesn't want bacon, we can shoulder the burden of eating it for him, it's fine."

6/16/2022 21:49:02 "Oh, I wasn't thrilled at first. Everyone loves bacon." Theron admits, "But Hildisvini, the Battle Swine of Freya was a totem spirit of warriors within the Get of Fenris for eons and I was proud to be chosen and blessed by his gifts. It was a small price to pay to be so honored." the berserker explains. "I've been on plenty of adventures Erin...I've been to the celestial realm of Mars and fought the god of war's horde." he points out. "When I die I'll adventure with the Valkyries..." he laughs, a clear double meaning.

6/16/2022 21:51:11 Erin sticks her tongue out at Theron "I mean lately show off. Don't get me started on adventures" she sticks her tongue out at him "I'm just saying that lately not so many... Don't worry we will drag you on our adventures" oh Theron should be scared now and smiles at Jackie "I was only messing with him I wouldn't give him bacon that be rude" she giggles.

6/16/2022 21:55:23 Mira nods at Jackie, "True! I don't mind taking on the heavy burden of eating all the bacon." She laughs before nodding as Theron explains, "That is a noble path, I bet one you were proud to walk." She blinks in surprise, "Mars? Ugh I'll have to beg Iris to take me up into space sometime." She smiles at Erin, "We can get up to lots of trouble together, surfing was only the beginning."

6/16/2022 22:01:22 Jackie smiles and thanks the waiter as her first round of drinks is delivered and she takes a deep pull of the bourbon first. Then she cocks an eyebrow at Mira. "What other trouble are you thinking of? Hopefully you don't mean going to Mars, that shit sounds weird and scary."

6/16/2022 22:10:45 "No going to Mars." Theron agrees as he downs a bit of his drink. He at least seems to agree with Jackie's overall idea of sticking to being safe. "Why do I not want to know what sort of trouble she means..." he muses.

6/16/2022 22:18:11 Erin gasps and batts her eyes all innocent like "Who me? what like i'd get you in lots of trouble or something" she waggles her brows then laughs "No mars indeed.. She said it was dangerou" she nodsnods

6/16/2022 22:19:24 Mira takes a long sip of her vodka as it is brought to her, nodding excitedly at Jackie. "Yes going space! Maybe not Mars but you don't have any desire to see what's up there? How many people can say they've been to space? It sounds like a wonderful experience." She sticks her tongue out at Theron in response to that last comment before laughing good heartedly. "Not so adventurous I guess, more space for me then." She shrugs and goes back to drinking her vodka, wincing as the alcohol burns her throat.

6/16/2022 22:26:25 Jackie shrugs and takes another draught from her glass. "Hell, I don't know, I never really thought about space much. I find most of my adventurousness here down on earth, you know."

6/16/2022 22:30:00 A long swig of his drink, Theron handles it like a champ. "Plenty of adventures right here on the planet earth. I'm sure you guys enjoy it just fine." he points out amused.

6/16/2022 22:31:16 Erin sagely nodsnods "Oh of course and we plan to go on them and drag you along with us" she smiles as she hmms a little bit "So let's see what adventure should we go on next?" she ooooos as her food arrives and looks super excited about the meal.

6/16/2022 22:35:55 Mira laughs at the responses, "Well then, I'll just have to tell you about it if I ever get to go then." She smiles happily as her pulled pork and bacon sandwich arrives. She splits it apart and puts a few of her fries on top of the pork and bacon before smooshing it closed again, "I'm sure this offends Hildisvini but I can't help it, too delicious." She takes a big bite and moans, "Soo good."

6/16/2022 22:38:34 Jackie giggles slightly, but pokes Mira in the ribs. "Come on, you can enjoy your porkening without picking on him." Then she gets distracted as her platter of lava wings appears and she starts stripping them to the bone. Then, of course, she needs to turn to the beer to dampen the lava flames on her tongue.

6/16/2022 22:40:44 "Oh I dont blame you. Eat all you can get away with." Theron chuckles to Mira. "I dont mind." he says to Jackie, "I'm used to everyone eating pork without me." he explains idly. He finishes off one drink and is on to the next, asking for a second after his food is served.

6/16/2022 22:44:51 Erin takes a big bite of her food and just mmmmmms softly "That is soo good" she smiles and nods "Yeah Theron here has been super awesome when that happends I rememer. I felt bad you know"

6/16/2022 22:46:48 Mira smiles at Jackie as she gets poked, "Not picking on him really, just teasing." She winces at the sight of Jackie's wings, "Those look deadly, I guess that's why they call them lava wings." She laughs before beaming at Theron, "Well honestly your restraint is impressive. I probably wouldn't be able to stop myself from eating any pork." She grins at Erin, "I love this place, they make the best food. And the meat is always tender and perfect, never over or undercooked."

6/16/2022 22:50:05 Jackie nods at Mira as she stuffs more spicy meat into her mouth in between sips of cooling beer. "Yeah, they might be a little bit dangerous..."

6/16/2022 22:55:48 "Its easy to restrain if you dont want to piss off a war spirit." Theron points out with a grin. "But I survived." he grunts idly as he takes a bite of his steak. "Solid." he approves of the cut.

6/16/2022 23:00:03 Erin smiles and nodsnods "That is true no need to piss off any war spirits.. That is one thing that made me a little sad that I couldn't do to talk to spirits" she shrugs "But we all have our places right.. So we just work with what we got right.. " She takes another bite of her burger and mmmms then offers "Anyone want a bite?" she offers.

6/16/2022 23:01:47 Mira giggles at Jackie as she has to take a sip of beer, "Only a little?" She tears into her sandwich hungrily, shivering as the taste overwhelms her. "Good to eat as much as we can, soaks up the alcohol. Especially greasy stuff." She gets a refill of her vodka and takes a small sip of it before nodding as Erin speaks, "True, that would be a bad idea. Especially a war spirit." She shakes her head at Erin's offer, "I'll barely be able to finish what I have, thanks though."

6/16/2022 23:13:02 Jackie giggles, fanning her mouth with her hand. "Oh, yeah, little bit!" She has to set the next wing down and take a minute, filling her mouth with cold beer to take the edge off.

6/16/2022 23:16:12 "I'm good." Theron says to Erin. "Steaks is good enough for me." he replies and adds, "You are going to be fucked up you keep downing the vodka like that..." he warns Mira. "No fun if you need to be /carried/ home."

6/16/2022 23:18:05 Erin looks thoughtful "I don't know i had a lot of fun when I was carried home.. just saying" she smiles "Ok good I just thought i'd offer cuz it's the polite thing to do" she nodsnods

6/16/2022 23:20:12 Mira laughs as Jackie fans herself, shaking her head while she finishes off her food. She blushes at Theron, "That just makes me want to drink more. Promise you'll carry me home?" She winks at him before downing her vodka, shuddering as the alcohol courses through her veins. "Yeah, everything's spinning a little but.. I think I can handle one more."

6/16/2022 23:22:57 Jackie leans back in her chair, nursing her beer to fight the flames even as she signals the waiter for another. She laughs at Mira. "What, a designated driver wasn't enough, now we need a designated carrier?"

6/16/2022 23:26:40 "Its only fun if they aren't /too/ drunk." Theron emphasizes to Erin and then smirks over to Mira. "All the ladies always want a Berserker to carry them home." he muses to the group. "Table 5." he muses and takes another sip of his own drink.

6/16/2022 23:28:18 Erin laughs softly "Well that is true, can't be that drunk, but nothing wrong with wanting a Berserker to carr you home" she laughs "Ah did they all try to get you to carry them home? Is that such a bad thing?" she lightly nudges Theron

6/16/2022 23:34:09 Mira nod nods at Jackie, "Yep, designated carrier." She orders one last refill of vodka which she quickly sets to work on. "Well.. I mean.. three glasses isn't that much.." She hiccups and shakes her head with a little laugh, "Ok I'll definitely be regretting it in the morning but screw the consequences. I'm just enjoying the now." She looks from Erin to Theron curiously, "Doesn't sound too bad. Did you at least get laid?" Yep, she's definitely drunk now.

6/16/2022 23:36:33 Jackie nods at Mira, then look to Erin. "Yeah, this is only like my third drink, that's barely even into the giggle zone. I mean-" She cuts off, coughing and snorting onto her glass at Mira's last question.

6/16/2022 23:37:13 "A gentlemen doesn't kiss and tell." Theron begins, "But Table 5 got more than a carry home." never to be challenged for lacking adventure again.

6/16/2022 23:38:46 Erin gasps at Theron "Oh your a tease. that's that's awful you can't just leave girls hanging like that" she sticks her tongue out at him and nudges him again "Wait no fair I don't get a carry home cuz I'm not drunk" she wrinkles her nose.

6/16/2022 23:41:54 Mira grins at Jackie's reaction before humming down into her drink which she tilts up and finishes off. She places her face in her hands and rubs for a moment before looking up and saying, "Yeah.. that's enough for me. I don't want to get blackout or anything." She pouts and awws at Theron before laughing at Erin's comment. "Well you get to get.. *hic* carried whenever you want right? I'm sure Sten would carry you."

6/16/2022 23:44:20 Jackie avoids looking directly into the teasing and strips a few more lava wings to the bone. Her face turns slightly red, but at this point that could be caused by several different factors.

6/17/2022 0:03:47 Theron chuckles, "What are you looking for? Details on my wild nights with a table of kinfolk?" he shakes his head.

6/17/2022 0:07:59 Erin giggles at Mira "Well that's true.. he carried me home the other night when we were talking about space and I fell asleep cuz I got tired.." she smiles brightly "He is pretty sweet" she laughs looking to Theron and nodsnods "But of course" she smiles "Don't you know we are curious and nosy?" she waggles her brows "or maybe you can just take us on some adventure now that would be fun" she nodsnods.

6/17/2022 0:12:40 Mira pushes her empty glass away from herself before stretching out and grinning at Theron, "I don't know about stories.. I prefer hands on experience." She laughs wildly, almost falling from her seat before catching herself. "Oh wow.. I'm going to have the worst hangover in the morning." She sighs before smiling at Erin, "Mhm, nosy. That we are. What kind of adventures though?"

6/17/2022 0:17:02 Jackie finishes her last wing and washes it down with a hearty swig from her mug as she looks between everyone at the table. She can't help but giggle at Mira though, as she uses a wet nap to clean the lava sauce from her lips and fingers. "Dammit Mira, what kind of trouble are you trying to get us into now?" 6/17/2022 0:20:30 The fire dies back briefly and then the image of Fenris appears in the blaze.

6/17/2022 0:24:52 Theron chuckles and downs a bit more of his drink. He smirks to Jackie, "Pretty sure Mira wants the table 5 experience." he declares. The berserker smirking between the three as if considering, he replies with another sip of his beer.

6/17/2022 0:26:51 Erin starts to reach for Mira but she got it and laughs "Girl!" she laughs softly as she looks to Theron "I think we all want that experience" she looks a little thoughtful as that comes out of her mouth "Ok maybe not all of it?" she looks thoughtful finishing her burger before she hmms "I don't know what adventure should we have next any suggestions?"

6/17/2022 0:30:29 Mira laughs and blushes before blink blinking at Jackie and Theron innocently, "Who.. me? I'm perfectly innocent thank you very much. I never have dirty thoughts or desires." Her flushed cheeks betray her though and she has to fan herself, "Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?" She hmms at Erin before responding, "Adventure? Well we could.. I don't know actually. Can't think of anything right now." She plops her head down against her arms on the table.

6/17/2022 0:37:01 Jackie tries to cover her flushed cheeks with her raised glass, until it quickly ends up empty. She glances at Theron's smirk, then away quickly. She decides not to repeat Mira's lie, figuring she'd sell it even less well. She tries to focus on Erin and her question. "Adventures... Adventures... Too much drink to drive, not the right clothes for a club... And... I'm out of ideas."

6/17/2022 0:41:18 Theron points out, "See this is why the best drinking parties happen at home." the berserker mentions as he looks between drunken Kin. "No one has to worry about driving and clothing become optional." he explains. "And of course you all want the Table 5 experience...even you." he chuckles. He finishes another in a long swig.

6/17/2022 0:44:53 Erin sticks her tongue out at Theron "Well now I do but it's not like your going to tell me" she huffs then nods "Yes well if you guys want to go drinking at home I can drive you there if you want" she shrugs a little bit as she sips her soda "But your right, at home where clothing is optional is always the best"

6/17/2022 0:47:13 Mira nods at Theron, "Maybe just a bit.." She hmms and rubs her face against her arms on the table, "Clothing optional.. yay. That sounds fun. The cove is clothing optional you know." She sits up suddenly and looks around, "Oh are we leaving?" She sways a bit in her seat as tilts her head. "Did everyone finish their food?"

6/17/2022 0:47:26 Jackie giggles at the table. "See, all I heard was 'more drinking back at home'. Hey, there's mead there, right?"