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Latest revision as of 10:17, 30 May 2022

How About a Mad Max Car?
Jackie and Lorna talk about building an armored car.
IC Date May 30th, 2022.
IC Time Morning.
Players Jackie, Lorna
Location Kinfolk House
Spheres Garou

5/30/2022 10:57:13 Jackie sits on one of the log benches, her knees bent and supporting a sketchbook. She's staring into the middle of the fire pit, which has a pyramid of kindling and logs stacked but still unlit. She seems to be not paying much attention to her surroundings, absently chewing on the eraser of her pencil.

5/30/2022 10:59:13 Lorna stride in, along with something that might technically be a dog, but is more akin to a wooly mammoth in disguise. As she comes, she is talking to it. "... don't see how that works. If I don't know where it is how can I summon it? I'm not being dense, I am just not getting how it works on a spatio-temporal level."

5/30/2022 11:02:40 Jackie registers their approach after several seconds, turning her head towards them with the pencil still between her teeth. She raises her right hand to wave, leaving the pencil hanging there for a moment before restoring her grip on it and pulling it free to speak. "Oh, hey Lorna. Cain. What's up?"

5/30/2022 11:04:02 Lorna looks at the dog. The dog looks back, and raises an eyebrow, and jerks his head to the drawing person. "Ok." Lorna sighs. "It's a very heartwarming movie about an old man who rediscovers joy in his life thanks to the antics of an over-eager scout." There. And back to the dog. "Satisfied?"

5/30/2022 11:06:55 Jackie looks really confused for a few beats, then her face twitches as she visibly finally gets it. She lets out a guffaw of laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "Ok, dammit, you got me."

5/30/2022 11:08:33 Lorna comes over and flomps onto a tree stump around the firepit. "I am sorry - he insists. He's making me give annoying answers to questions today. Not sure why, but it isn't usually sensible to argue with him. I never win, and if I try, I end up with a dead fish in my underwear, or summat like that."

5/30/2022 11:13:41 Jackie looks to Cain, arching an eyebrow as she contemplates whether he's a spirit, Disney character, oddball shifter, or just a normal canine and Lorna's just messing with her. Taking just a second to conclude that it doesn't ultimately matter all that much, she shrugs at Cain. "Alright then, everyone needs a hobby, right? Find the fun where you can."

5/30/2022 11:15:16 Lorna grins. "I usually do. What you drawning? Never been my forte. I don't have what it takes for that sort of thing. My skills are all in the mechanical world. I got bloody awful marks for art at school. But I was always top in CDT. Funny, I can do technical drawing, but freehand art is beyond me. Odd, aint it?"

5/30/2022 11:23:57 Jackie looks down at the page her book is open to, basically a rough collection of notes on materials and specifications with a lot of question marks. Her brow furrows slightly at the mention of school marks, but it passes quickly as she looks back up to Lorna. "This is actually going to be more of a technical drawing. Eventually anyway, I hope. Just kind of brainstorming on an idea that came up last night. I'm probably just getting ahead of myself though, since-"

5/30/2022 11:23:57 Jackie cuts off looking up at Lorna and blinking in sudden realization. "Wait, if you're here, then... Of course, I should have guessed yesterday, with you working for Erin. I guess I didn't have to be so evasive then, did I? About..." She gestures vaguely in the direction of the Kinfolk House.

5/30/2022 11:25:58 Lorna laughs. "Aye, I'm one of these daft buggers. Bone Gnawer kin, specifically. It's a good spot this. And Erin is careful about who she hires. I expected anybody she brought in would be having ties to the blood, so to speak. One way or another. So. let's 'ave a shufties." She rises and comes over to peer at the pad. Cain does likewise, from the other side. Because of course he does. Normal dogs are well known for their critical skills of art.

5/30/2022 11:32:49 Jackie chuckles, holding up the pad. It shows a very, very rough draft of a reinforced car design. "Yeah, that makes sense. I just didn't think about it. Then I talked to you here for a few full minutes before my brain clicked. Fenrir kin, myself. The family I've been crashing with is down the way at Stonecreek. Anyway... following what some might call a misadventure last night, Leif mentioned getting someone to help me put together some kind of armored or protective vehicle. Something that would let me help them out in the field, but mitigate some risk."

5/30/2022 11:40:10 Lorna examines the design thoughtfully. "I've not been out to Stonecreek for months, myself. I should go more often, keep people reminded that I exist... You know what would really make this super expensive, but very good when it comes to dealing with especially nasty things? Spikes. Make them retractable. Hell, cover it in silver spike and have it ram a Dancer war party. That'd get their attention fast. But I am probably being influenced by too many A-Team episodes."

5/30/2022 11:43:34 Jackie grins widely. "Well, that would certainly make a statement, huh? I'm not so sure if I can get away with cruising around in a Mad Max-mobile. Might draw some attention. Unless retractable would actually work somehow? Hmmmm..."

5/30/2022 11:46:38 Lorna scratches her chin. "Well, really, if you are wanting to go out int' field with the big boys, you'll need something pretty robust. We could take a decent SUV and reinforce it..." We, she says. Well, if they are working in the same garage, Lorna clearly expects to be helping out. "But a lot of nasty things can tear a car up pretty bad. But you've got some canny ideas down there. Thing that worries me isn't how to design it. It's how to pay for the bloody thing!"

5/30/2022 11:59:47 Jackie nods along with Lorna. "Yeah, there's a lot of... stuff going on here. But it wasn't even my idea, it was Leif's. He said he was talking to Branton about it, but I don't really know much more than that, or what they might actually have in mind. I just had it on my mind this morning, so I was jotting down some thoughts. I hadn't gotten too far into thinking about the cost. I've got some money saved up, but not enough for anything fancy. Hmmm, speaking of which, do you know if there's much of a street racing crowd out here? Or maybe even rally stuff? I used to make a fair amount doing that back East."

5/30/2022 12:03:08 Lorna shakes her head "No clue about street racing, it' not my thing. never had that where I grew up. And I'd not want to risk my bike in that sort of behavior, she's too precious to me. Erin might know. Not sure I would encourage it, all the same. But for this project, we can get the wolfy types to fork up some cash. It is for their benefit, after all."

5/30/2022 12:05:30 Jackie looks thoughtful. "Yeah, maybe... Leif wasn't too happy with me being anywhere near an incident last night. Maybe he figures this is easier than trying to get me to stay home all the time?"

5/30/2022 12:07:33 Lorna grunts "he may be right, but it still gets pretty bloody boring being sidelined. But... it keeps us alive, I suppose. I'll ask around. Hell, if we could scrape up an old army-surplus vehicle to use as a base, it would be pretty amazing."

5/30/2022 12:10:59 Jackie taps the eraser end of the pencil on the pad as she considers that. "Yeah, that could be a thing. I guess it depends on where they would need it used the most? A big old jeep thing could be good in the wilderness, but an SUV or something smaller would stick out less in the city. Honestly, I don't know where they do most of their... work."

5/30/2022 12:12:25 Lorna says, “All over the place, I expect. Maybe we should ask them what they NEED in more detail, rather tha make something they then reject. Because if they did that, we might have to smack them with a wrench.”

5/30/2022 12:15:36 Jackie sighs, closing the book. "Yeah, I'll need to talk to them more about it before we can figure anything else out. Maybe they've already got something in mind, or maybe they've even done this before? It's probably going to take a while, in any case. Still, I'm a bit excited at the idea. You know, new toys."

5/30/2022 12:20:55 Lorna grins widely. "Any excuse to do a custom job on a vehicle is to be seized with both hands and never let go. And the good thing is, we don't have to worry about a place to do it. Erin wouldn't say no if you asked her."

5/30/2022 12:22:41 Jackie matches Lorna's grin. "I can't argue with that. Anyway, aside from this project, what else is new and exciting?"

5/30/2022 12:25:08 Lorna returns to her seat. "Not a huge amount new, that I know of, but I've not been out here for over a week, so I am a bit out of touch. That great furry lump has kept me run ragged recently. Don't let the cute face fool you. He's a bloody menace when he gets a bee in his bonnet about something."

5/30/2022 12:26:57 Jackie nods, shifting her smile to Cain. "Well, I guess everything is kinda new to me, since I just got here like a week ago."