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2021.10.13 Our Little Beasts
The Kindred of Prospect and environs are invited to bring their pets to Elysium. Discussion turns to our own beasts.
IC Date 2021.10.13
Players Colombe, Torgue, Silvana, Betty, Vegard, Hassam, Io, Alissa, Ambrosia, Asheton, Madeline, Heathen
Location Emerald Plaza Elysium
Spheres Vampire Ghoul

Madeline is chatting with Heathen. Pettibwa the squirrel has wrapped herself around the lady's throat like furry stole and is peeking out from beneath the golden hair

Heathen has a little lizard perched on his finger. "This little fellow.. is a stray Mikael picked up, I think."

Madeline peers at the lizard "OH yes I saw it at their apartment once upon a time" she smiles

Colombe walks in quietly, and descends the stairs. A study in white and black, she wears a high-necked white silk blouse that is belted at the waist over thin black tights and tall black hunting boots. Long black leather gloves encase her arms almost completely. A large Gyrfalcon is perched on her shoulder. It is impeccable in appearance and behaviour.

Madeline lifts a hand to stroke Pettibwa's chin where the furry rodent is wrapped about her neck and smiles at the beautiful bird "no worries sweetheart, he won't hurt you" then nods to Colombe "Duchess, you look wonderful tonight as does your friend"

Heathen looks up as Colombe enters and his little lizard scurries under his jacket "I don't envy the cleaning staff tonight."

Asheton wanders into the room with his usual casual attitude, glancing about to see who is to be found.

Heathen throws an arm around Asheton and brings him back to the party, the little lizard hoping from Heath's shoulder to Asheton's on the way

Madeline beams at Asheton "It is so good to see you mon ami" then laughs softly as Pettibwa's tail comes up and almost looks like a mustache on the Keeper's face a moment 'Cheri non, behave"

Ambrosia comes in from Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Asheton smiles warmly as Heath approaches, happily drawn along by him into the room and not seeming to mind lizards on him. He smiles to Madeline "Good evening Madeline"

Colombe's falcon seems rather subdued. She gives both the lizard and Pettibwa a long, languid look, before nestling closer to Colombe's neck, her claws digging into the delicate silk fabric a bit, but leaving the Ventrue's skin completely unblemished. The Ventrue herself smiles warmly to Madeline. "Good evening, Keeper Blanchard, you are likewise quite crisp and delightfully business-like. I took the precaution of subduing Leopold's spirit before I arrived; so yes, she will not be hurting anyone." Heathen gets a light nod, as she turns her attention to Ashton, regarding him with idle interest.

Madeline would normally step over to kiss Colombe upon the cheek but the little squirrel wrapped tightly around her throat seems a bit of an impediment, falcon considered and all. Smiling the Keeper nods "merci" to the compliment and then "That was well thought of, I do appreciate it. He is utterly beautiful Duchess. Wherever did you acquire him?

Io comes in from Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Ambrosia makes her way into Elysium at a steady pace, high-heels clacking with every step. The scrawny waif is dressed in a yellow semi-transparent lycra jumpsuit that still shows off the tattoos on her legs, back, and torso. Alissa is alongside her and the goth is in the middle of finishing a sentence as she enters, "...so I almost got, like, a hamster for this but then who would take care of it? Betty? But maybe Stanley will have an alligator or something."

"I used to have two cats. A lonnnnggg time ago. They just.. wandered into the shop one day and they never left," Alissa says in response to Ambrosia as she smiles brightly before tilting her head, "Though.. you know they eat their babies sometimes? That's so gross and sad.. I'm glad you didn't get a hamster." She wrinkles her nose at that, bouncing along behind the other.

Colombe's eyes go to Ambrosia and Alissa briefly, and a slight smile rises as her gaze returns to Madeline. "He was a gift from a friend in the court of Vancouver." She considers Pettibwa with a sort of gentle curiosity. "I have always been curious as to why you choose a squirrel as your pet, Keeper. It's not what I would have expected."

Hassam comes in from Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Heathen motions 'his' lizard back to his own shoulder, and it spreads its 'wings' and glides across. Mouth open in mock roar. "Eh, cats. I had one. Ran away when I died. Found a new person to feed it."

Madeline does step over to kiss Asheton and Heathen each upon the cheek, not too worried about the lizard then smiles and nods to Alissa and Ambrosia "Bon Soir, welcome" before she smiles to Colombe "I did not choose her necessarily, she belonged to a dearly beloved friend who willed her to me upon his passing" and lifts a hand to gently stroke beneath the little rodent's chin "she's terribly clever and has even been known to communicate with Primogen Martino's rats for me"

Asheton grins at the little lizard, reaching to stroke a long finger along its back. "I've never had one. I'm sure that's probably fine. I don't like hair on my clothes."

Io arrives quietly tonight with a powerfully built, dark blonde bull mastiff on a leash. The dog is wearing a halter, but walks at Io's side quietly, well mannered.

"They eat their young? How terribly appropriate. I'll buy one tomorrow." Ambrosia gestures for Alissa to move off and mingle as she makes her own detour toward Heathen. A hand is held out, fingers curled into a tiny little fist that is held out in offering, "No hard feelings, Sugarplum?" She asks the man as she begins to pass by.

Alissa's nose wiggles again and she gasps, "Ambrosia! Noooo.. No one wants a hamsterrrr.. What if it dies while I'm watching it?" The blonde frowns deeply and gives a soft whimper, and when she's swished away she hmphs softly. Arms cross lightly over her chest and she turns away to go.. mingle.. or something! That pouting stops long enough to send a smile to Madeline and then Colombe, but it comes right back when she looks away and begins to stalk quietly about the room, checking in on what others have brought.

Hassam meanders into Elysium, sans pets of any kind. He's apparently not an animal person. Ah well. The Banu Haqim's probably content to just look at other people's pets, maybe play with them a little, and give them back. Like a grandparent. "Good evening, friends," he says with an incline of his head as he looks towards the various critters accompanying their kindred.

Colombe is standing with Madeline et al, and she eyes the exchange between Ambrosia and Heathen idly, offering Alissa a return smile. "I don't know that I've ever seen a live hamster." Her falcon quirks its head slightly at the word, however.

Madeline lifts a hand in greeting to Io as Pettibwa sits up on her shoulder, the little rodent's beady black eyes clearly looking for anything showing in Io's pockets

"BonSoir Primogen, thank you for coming and bring your beautiful friend" then smiles at Ambrosia & Alissa's conversation before she nods "bon Soir Hassam"

Io walks toward Colombe and Madeline, "Good evening Keeper, Duchess." She then smiles at the others. As she gets close, she reaches into a pocket and holds her hand up toward Pettibwa as she comes to a stop. Her fingers uncurl to reveal a.... pistachio!

Heathen listens to the conversations going around, even as the lizard heads closer to Asheton, for whatever reason seemed to be happy with the touch. "Hamsters make excellent spies. especially if in danger of being caught. Very non threatening, and can still go about anyplace a rat can.

Asheton says, “I feel like I'd be more suspicious of a hamster than a rat or a mouse. Less likely"”

Ambrosia just moves on after Heathen doesn't respond to her comment or offered fist. A small, thin smile passes across her face as she lowers her hand to her side again. "Keeper, love the theme for tonight. I would've leashed Alissa but that felt so very nineteen-nineties. Duchess, just... splendid." A wave for Io, then Ambrosia is moving over toward the grey sectional.

Pettibwa is trying so hard to be good.. but maybe.. maybe, YES Pistachio!!! the rodent throws her little paws up in the air then reaches out to Io, leaning and leaaaaaaning until Madeline laughs 'go ahead" - and the rodent jumps over to Io's shoulder

Alissa continues to wander around pouting, though she truly doesn't look that upset at all. It's just for show. Arms remain crossed over chest, and as she nears Colombe she stage whispers, "That's because they die so fast." Facts. She continues walking around and peeking at this and that, and for a moment she stops near Io's dog so she can give a happy, "Awwww, aren't you so cuteee? Cute, cute, cute!" She giggles at that, then continues on, checking up on Ambrosia with a side glance. This leads her to seeing Heathen soon enough, and she responds, "Excellent spies. I think I saw a movie where they were spies.. mm.. but maybe that was gerbils or um.. guinea pigs.." She trails off, shrugging.

Io laughs softly and once Pettibwa is settled, she gives the squirrel the pistachio. With the rodent busy for the moment, Io smiles to the others, "I like pet night." Maya, the bull mastiff, sits primly at Io's side once she's stopped, but is looking up at Pettibwa with ears perked. Io glances down at the dog, and smiles, "You remember her, don't you?" The dog tips her head once with just the softest of huffs.

"Hamsters might be good spies, but for urban espionage, you can't beat a rat. One thing that I learned from the Nosferatu." Colombe gives Heathen and Alissa a slight smile, but her attention is caught by Ambrosia, and she takes her leave and walks over to the grey sectional.

Hassam inclines his head towards Madeline at the greeting and glances about at the various pets while listening to the conversation. "Hmm... I don't know. There's something to be said for animals that have survived on the streets and have had their instincts honed for observation and hiding. Not sure many hamsters can say that," he argues.

Ambrosia sits down at the Grey sectional.

Colombe sits down at the Grey sectional.

Heathen whispers a little something in Asheton's ear, and gives the room a big grin. "In any case, the critter in question needs to be suited for the environment and the task at hand."

Madeline smiles fondly at the little rodent's antics and leans down to greet Maya "Hello beautiful one" stroking the great dog's head before she smiles at the others "Hamsters would not make good spies, at all. If you want that, you need rats."

Ambrosia settles into the cushion of the grey sectional before she turns to watch Colombe's approach. Her smile widens as the Duchess joins her and she leans over to murmur something quietly.

Heathen takes Asheton's arm and gives the group a wave. "If you all will excuse me, have a bit of a night ahead of me."

Madeline lifts a hand "Bon soir mes ami, please walk safely in the night"

Asheton offers a nod "Good to see everyone." he says, happy to leave with Heath.

Maya, the bull mastiff’s, attention shifts to Madeline happily when she gets pets and the stump of a tail wiggles. Maya knows Madeline too! Io grins and pulls another pistachio from her pocket so she has it ready for the squirrel. She looks to Heathen and Asheton and says, "I'll see you later." She then looks over toward Ambrosia and offers her a nod, but since she seems to be busy with Colombe, Io insteads offers greetings to the others, "Is everyone having a good night?"

Colombe idly rubs her cheek against the arctic falcon's silky dappled wing, while she replies to Ambrosia. She smiles lightly to Ambrosia, and replies quietly to her.

As Alissa moves about the room to check out the various pets, she can't help but make her path wander near the grey sectional.. kinda. She's trying to be subtle about it, but she isn't always very subtle. She makes a wide sweep about the room.. wanders closer to the grey sectional.. wanders about.. back and forth, but she's totally focusing on the pets!

Pettibwa is stuffing nuts into her mouth as quickly as Io will give them to her, always peeking at Madeline for approval or permission

The Keeper scritches behind Maya's ear just where she knows the mastiff likes best and smiles "I am very glad you brought her Primogen" before turning to Alissa "Rats.. I'm quite serious. Do you know how to train animals mademoiselle"

Ambrosia's gaze drifts from Colombe to that beautiful falcon on her shoulder as she listens to something the Duchess says at the grey sectional. She glances away, eyes finding Alissa, then Io, before looking back and replying quietly.

Vegard comes in from Emerald Plaza - Secure Elevator

Vegard walks into the Elysium alone, without a pet. "Good evening. I hope you are all well and in decent spirits. I hope your beast is under control." he does a silent drum roll as he heads to his usual chair.

Vegard sits down at the Black chairs.

As Vegard moves toward the black chairs, Ambrosia shakes her head toward him while gesturing toward Colombe who is sitting with her and speaking quietly at the grey sectional.

Io seems inclined to make Pettibwa take her time, and isn't feeding the squirrel too fast. The bull mastiff at Io's side wags her stump of a tail and her eyes nearly close when Madeline finds her favorite ear scratching spot. Io says quietly to Madeline, "I should take her out with me more often, honestly." Vegard catches her attention. She offers a bow of her head, not attempting a full bow with a squirrel on her shoulder, "Good evening, Imperator."

Hassam stops before the mastiff and eyes the dog with a pleasant smile... but he's not reaching out to randomly pet the dog for whatever reason. "She's a beautiful animal," he offers to Io with a smile and a nod. "I confess to only a limited understanding of animals. Probably why I've never had a pet myself," he admits with a shrug. As Vegard enters, the Banu Haqim turns to the Imperator and inclines his head in a polite greeting.

Alissa just so happened to be eyeing the grey sectional again, so it takes her a second to realize she's been spoken to, but she does! She stops walking and stands a bit taller, hands quickly moving behind her back as she sends a wide smile to Madeline and says, "Me? Oh, no.. I never really had many pets before, though I'd lovvveee one of those glider things like Ramona has? It's sooooo cute! Just so cute." She smiles wide. "I'm not sure I'd be very good at training them.. Do you know how to train animals?"

Madeline looks up with a smile as the Imperator appears "BonSoir Your Grace, yes everyone's beast seems on their best behavior tonight" the Keeper jests "I was just explaining to Alissa how if one wishes a small rodent like spy, a rat is much better choice than a hamster"

Colombe has an eye to the room as she says something quietly in reply to Ambrosia. A large white falcon with spotted black wings is perched on her shoulder. Her eyes warm with gentle amusement, she turns from their conversation to incline her head to quietly Vegard. "Good evening, your grace."

Vegard nods slowly, "I suppose, though a pet is a matter of preference. A servant is another story and isn't a pet. I adopted a Mandrill several years ago, but he is neither servant nor is he a pet." he shrugs a bit at this.

Io smiles to Hassam. She offers the squirrel on her shoulder another pistachio from her pocket as she says, "Thank you. Maya has been with me for a few years now. A very dear friend, now gone, helped me learn how to train and handle her." She looks to Vegard, "I didn't know you had a Mandrill."

Madeline nods to Alissa "if you wish Mademoiselle, I shall assist you in learning how to train an animal" then holds out a hand and with a glance, summons Pettibwa who leaps to the lady's shoulder, pistachio stuffed cheeks and all

Vegard nods a little to Io, "I refuse to parade him around or put a diaper on him just to humanize him." a glance is given to Hassam, "Also I agree with Darwin's assessment that we are all members of the animal kingdom and therefore have more insight into animals than what seems to lie on our oh so civilized veneer, the truth is that mortals penchant for tribalizing is in fact a remnant of the races elder days when we were even moreso, simple beasts. Now as kindred, the beast that lives in us, takes all of our most primal urges and brings them to the surface. This is why we follow humanity, so as not to devolve. A kindred in wassail is little more than a slavering, hungry, animal."

Ambrosia's gaze returns to Colombe as the two talk and she offers the Duchess a wicked smile before growing serious a moment later. Vegard's words draw a glance and a more wicked smile again as she listens.

Io dips her head to Vegard. She smiles when Pettibwa returns to Madeline, then she reaches down and touches Maya's head lightly. The dog stands and walks with Io toward a place to sit. Io sinks to the sectional and Maya sits on the floor at her knee. Io slowly strokes Maya's head.

Betty comes in from Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Madeline strokes the little squirrel's chest and nods to Vegard "It is why the skill of Animalism should never be dismissed, it is useful to suppress the beast if one finds the situation dire. With practice of course"

Colombe chats quietly with Ambrosia, but replies to Vegard. "What of the personal aspect of the Beast? I have heard that, even in Wassail, there are traces of the person that once was."

Hassam nods to Io with an amused smile. "I recall the Imperator speaking of this mandrill. There was a discussion as to whether or not it would get along with the Canis Magnus's monkey." He refrains from offering his opinion on ghouled primates and their social proclivities. Colombe's question draws his attention and he strokes his beard thoughtfully.

Alissa's brows perk as she looks to Madeline, and her smile widens as she asks, "Really? You'd teach me? Oh, that'd be so nice! I'd love to know how.. What do you think I should start with?" she asks, eyes bright as her smile as she looks from Madeline to Pettibwa and back. "Pig? Dog? Super cute little fennec fox?" She coos at that and smiles wider, then tilts her head as Animalism is spoken of. Her gaze shifts to follow conversation as it moves between others.

Betty arrives with a neon yellow choker around her neck along with her usual clothing. She is aware of tonight's theme, and isn't at all bothered by it. In fact upon seeing Ambrosia and Alissa, she rushes over to them with an ecstatic smile on her face, "Primogen! I knew nothing could ever happen to you or Alissa.. thank you for telling me about tonight's event! I was never worried about your absence.."

Vegard nods thoughtfully, "I've heard similar tales Colombe, but I've never once heard of a kindred coming back from wassail. This would put a bit of a crook in things, wouldn't you think?” Then he pauses a moment and asks Ambrosia, "Speaking of sad and pathetic beasts, what became of our unwelcome guest after I departed?" he lifts a curious brow.

Colombe's gaze moves quietly to Betty, as she is sitting with Ambrosia at the grey sectional. After a considering look, her eyes turn away, resting on Ambrosia, interested in the Malkavian's response.

Madeline turns her sapphire eyes back to Alissa with a smile "Well think on what you wish the animal to become, a pet or a servant? And yes, I would be happy to teach you, let us speak of it soon"

Ambrosia and Colombe are seated next to each other at the grey sectional, both dividing their attention between their quiet conversation and the rest of the room at large. Ambrosia holds a finger up toward Colombe when Vegard addresses her and she straightens her posture and replies. "Your Grace, at first he bristled at the advice I gave before you left but I guess I have a certain charm. In the end, he agreed to return to Laughlin and not return without explicit permission and invitation. He did, however, ask me to communicate to you his sincerest apologies for his behavior, ego and all, as well as offer a Major Boon if you would be gracious enough to offer him a second chance to present his case." The Malkavian Primogen shrugs her shoulders gracefully, "My opinion is mixed. A boon from a Ravnos can't be fully trusted, yet he 'is' a demolitions expert and we do not have one of those. We could milk him for everything he is 'useful' for. Doesn't hurt us at all if he proves you right in the end."

With a nod, Alissa says, "Okay. Thank you very much! That's a kind offer." She gives a deep curtsy to Madeline, complete with a bow of her head, and once she is standing again she hears that familiar voice. Alissa glances over through the room and spies Betty, who makes her smile just a bit. The blonde lifts a hand and wiggles her fingers at Betty, then looks away to check on Ambrosia again. Soon enough she looks back to Madeline and coos, "A raven.. That could be nice. They are so smart.." She giggles. "I'll let you know soon. Thank you again." She smiles wider, then turns on her heel so she can go stalk Betty.

Betty suddenly realizes that her owner is, at the moment, occupied. She immediately stops her advance and bows to the elders, and then to the other vampires in the room. Her silence says it all.. she then turns to Alissa and her smile returns, "Hey! Is there wine? Please say there's wine!"

Madeline’s brow arches and she turns Ambrosia "Uninvited guest?" hearing about this for the first time, nodding in quiet approval

Vegard's expression turns darker the more Ambrosia explains the situation, "A boon offered from a Ravnos is worth.... " he checks his watch, "Absolutely nothing." he then grasps the armrest of his chair rather tightly as he leans more forward, "Now... to say that we lack experience with demolitions in this Praxis is, not close to truth. Sounds perfectly reasonable to allow a Ravnos demolitions expert into this building?" he looks from face to face, "I mean seriously, what could go wrong with /that/ right?"

Madeline nods to Alissa with a soft smile and continues to listen to the Imperator and Duchess

Hassam chuckles at Vegard's comment and shakes his head with amusement. "I seem to recall stories of high explosives used in the past within this Praxis," he muses in agreement.

Madeline’s gaze flicks to Hassam "did you also hear one of our Elysium was blown up many years ago by an infiltrator" then turns back to Vegard "I'm only sorry I missed witnessing his expulsion Your Grace"

Alissa begins to move off closer to Betty, and once she is beside her she giggles softly and says, "You know.. I haven't a clue. never been one for wine, so.." She shrugs her shoulders and smiles, then offers her right elbow to Betty. "I'll happily accompany you while you look, if you like?"

Colombe considers. "He could be used in ways that we would never ask of our other assets, your grace." She looks to Hassam, offering a slight smile. "As a result, security now screens for explosives, I believe."

Ambrosia inclines her head, "Of course, Your Grace. It was a foolish idea on my part. Primogen Aswilas was there when I saw him out the door after. I'm pretty sure he will not be coming back."

Betty widens her eyes at Alissa, "Right.. sorry. That's okay honestly. Alcohol calms my nerves, not the best thing for that, but self medication is best when.. well.. when you aren't exactly a normal human being right? Doctors are just another risk you don't want to take. So prescriptions are out of the question."

Vegard squints a little, "I don't think what you were doing was even remotely foolish. I understand the wish that we were all inclusive toward all kindred. I do. I was idealistic, even when I first took the throne I wanted to attempt it. However, over the years, I have learned, the hard way, that some clans and bloodlines have absolutely no redeeming qualities to Camarilla sensibilities. Yes, they are kindred, but let me start with /other/ examples first. Why are the Tzimisce not allowed membership into the Camarilla? Anyone?"

Hassam blinks and then shakes his head. "Ah. No, that story was not told to me," he states to Madeline. "I was offered the tale of a Sheriff that strapped explosives to their body and attacked the Sabbat. But one understands why there would be security measures in place for such things, of course," the Banu Haqim nods to Colombe.

Madeline nods to Hassam. "She masqueraded as Toreador. It is due to her and others we required a blood test for so many years." the Keeper says, adjusting a now sleepy Pettibwa on her shoulder

Vegard says belatedly, "Colombe, not sure if you are aware but some explosives do not turn up on chemical scans or via xray. There are numerous ways to smuggle ingredients that by themselves are harmless, yet once put together are explosive. Also, let's not forget that the Ravnos are master illusionists. All it takes is for one ghouls' senses to be deceived and they have beaten the system."

"I don't mind if you drink.. I'm not judging you. You could be into.. tranquilizers or the mary jane, or um.. whatever else," Alissa says with a gentle smile before she glances off towards Vegard. She purses her lips for a moment, then opens her mouth as if to take a guess.. and then she closes it again. She thinks harder.

Betty nods and smiles, then notices Alissa's focus on some things being said, "Yeah I didn't think so.. I just want you to know that I am doing what I -can- do, you know? Within the limits that we have. I care about the Masquerade and not even presenting the -chance- for me to be discovered. So when I feel anxious? I get something doesn't require a doctor's checkup." She smiles.

Ambrosia, while still on the grey sectional, manages to broadcast a 'Shhh!' that somehow travels all the way over to Alissa and Betty. Her eyes never leave Vegard.

Madeline looks to Vegard "There are many reasons, personally I find the fiends repulsive and am pleased they are not permitted

Colombe tried. "Indeed, your grace, that does present a rather significant threat. I have personally had no success with Ravnos, and their progeny. Every relationship has perished spectacularly."

Hassam risks a guess as he folds his hands behind his back. "Nearly all of them would refuse to join us even if given the chance. The few who might accept the offer would have to be highly suspect. Their hatred of the Tremere runs too deep." An ironic thing to hear from a Banu Haqim, perhaps.

Silvana comes in from Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Vegard nods lightly, "I tried. Even to keep one around for some laughs proved to be a horrible mistake. Let's just go back ...not very far, to say... Guivre? Before that Ravnos arrived, he was a model member of the Praxis, respected, when he spoke, kindred generally listened. That's just the damage one Ravnos did." then a nod is given to Hassam, "That is it in a nutshell. The fact that their clan symbol is a dragon was not by happenstance, they are as greedy, avaricious and petty as any tale you've ever heard of a dragon with their hoard. Not to mention we are right on the border with Tijuana, which gives us a unique perspective since we have gotten a lot of their overflow through this territory over the years. A Tzimisce is generally a polite guest, but the moment they covet anything you have, the gloves come off. Its a simple fact, they do not play well with others."

Madeline sighs softly at the mention of Guy and nods "It was astonishing how quickly he fell once that one had its claws in him"

Alissa slowly glances over to Ambrosia and stares at her for a moment, and then it's to Vegard once more. She listens to the chatter as it shifts to talking about Guivre and Flavien, and she turns her face away, lifting her chin slightly as she tugtugs Betty with her. As she tugs the woman over towards a place to sit, she softly murmurs, "And here I thought it was because I heard the sabbat were inspired by old Tzimisce culture, and that's where they get a lot of their.. ideals from. Or something." Sigh. She zips it and plops onto a couch.

Alissa sits down at the Forest-green sofa.

Silvana steps in quietly looking around as she spots all the people she bows her head politely towards them.

Pettibwa streeeetches out across Madeline's shoulder and then curls up to hide her nose in the woman's hair

Ambrosia glances toward Alissa and Betty as the pair move off to sit and speak quietly. The direction of her gaze has her noticing Silvana's entrance as well and she offers a polite nod before turning her attention back toward Vegard.

Vegard continues to rant on Tzimisce, "Most of you heard the story of the harpy that tried to destroy this Praxis, but the part of that story I didn't tell, is that the harpy recruited another harpy who was like-minded to her. He was a Tzimisce. Yes, a Tzimisce in the Camarilla. So we attempted to let the charade run its course, meanwhile that Tzimisce's first action as a harpy was to get the other harpies to gang up on the one that promoted him, then he set his sights to destroying this Praxis from within. These experiments, though learning experiences, were all for naught. And the elders to the east... simply laugh, because they knew already. We have the luxury of being able to experiment here, but if every time you run an experiment and it fails, does tend to signify that whatever hypothesis was being tested, was incorrect."

Hassam nods in agreement with Vegard and then offers a bow as he states, "Thank you for your insights, Imperator. I believe I shall depart for the evening. Good night, my friends," he offers to the assembled kindred before backing away a step and then turning to head out into the night.

Madeline says, “Thank you for coming, monsieur. Walk safely in the night”

Silvana smiles at Ambrosia as she stays back just watching and listening to what is going on. She shoves her hands into her pockets and goes to hold up a wall for now.

Betty sits down at the Forest-green sofa.

Betty speaks to Alissa at the green sofa

Io continues to slowly stroke the bull mastiff's head. The dog has since rested her chin on Io's knee. "Your Grace, I think you have been more than fair letting them have their chances. It is also more than fair to reach the point where you just say no because they are of those who have repeatedly betrayed those chances to prove themselves different."

Colombe listens to Vegard, but murmurs something quietly to Ambrosia at the grey sectional, before replying to the Imperator. "Have there been any successful experiments of note, Imperator?"

Ambrosia's gaze moves from Vegard to Colombe and she offers the Duchess a fond smile before murmuring some brief message. The goth then turns her gaze back up toward the black chairs in anticipation of his answer.

Vegard lifts a shoulder slightly, "Not..really? We tolerated Llewellyn because he was not as intrusive or ... I don't know the right word for it, he didn't act like a typical troublemaker, and sometimes he actually had something semi-interesting to say. But that's one in.. gosh... so many Ravnos have come and gone before or even since. The Giovanni weren't as much of an experiment as they are tolerated more than say, Setites or Ravnos. And for good reason, the latter two clans have caused more long-term issues than all other clans combined. And they wonder WHY I began to slowly lean toward telling them all to fuck off. Aubrey can at least hold her own in court, doesn't create so much drama that it's a liability and yet, the bulk of her family are utterly loathsome and repulsive. Does anyone remember the visit from Schlomo Giovanni at Secrets?"

Madeline laughs softly "I'd almost forgotten Llewellyn, which says something about the impression he left behind him"

"Can't say that I've met a Schlomo." Colombe replies to Vegard, adding a slight smile. "Was he more at the repulsive or loathsome end of the Giovanni spectrum?"

Vegard steps away from the Black chairs.

Silvana looks thoughtfully at Vegard as he mentions the name and she looks like she is thinking.

Io glances down at the dog at her knee. She touches the dog's head lightly and then rises to her feet. The dog stands up at the same time, ready to follow Io. She offers a bow to Vegard, "I'm afraid I need to go take care of a few things before going back to Carlsbad tonight. Please have a good evening, Your Grace." Then she offers to the rest remaining, "Walk safely when you all go your own ways."

Vegard walks over to the piano and he shrugs a bit, then plays a few notes, maybe that's a familiar tune? Once he sings it becomes obvious, "A wild ride... over stony ground, such a lust for life, the circus comes to town... We are the hungry ones... on a lightning raid, just like a river runs, like a fire needs flame...." he smiles a bit, then glances at Colombe, "He represented the Giovanni of Las Vegas and like most fools that arrive here, he tried to intimidate me into turning over some of our prisoners to them. Which I will add... never...ever...works."

Betty can be seen hugging Alissa tightly.

Torgue comes in from Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Io turns to start toward the stairs with the bull mastiff at her side. She holds the leash but it hangs loose and the dark blonde dog follows politely at Io's side.

Vegard says to Io, "Goodnight Primogen."

Io moves to Emerald Plaza - Gallery

Colombe sits with Ambrosia, murmuring quietly with the Malkavian, while listening to Vegard on the piano. A white dappled falcon is perched on her shoulder, and she is wearing her falconer's couture, and she smiles deeply as Vegard starts to sing that song. "I do regret missing that."

Torgue's arrival is fashionably late as usual, wearing her jacket (draped over her shoulders, sleeves off) and tugging a dark, rhinestone coated lead at her side. On the other end is Tina. Still wearing her cabbie cap, but with the addition of a sequined spiked collar and her usual pinstripe uniform dress replaced with a high-collared glossy bodysuit. Checkered missing-texture violet and black and tucked into sequined gloves and boots that match her collar. And some aggressive heart-shaped pink shades. All of these details are much to Torg's chagrin as she strides(with Tina close behind) to the best seat in the house(tm) and settles in. With the latter deciding to flop herself down right at Torg's feet. Torg (and Tina) both remain largely silent for the moment.

Ambrosia's gaze alternates between Colombe and Vegard above, though she does spare another glance toward Alissa and Betty. The goth raises a hand and gestures for them to come over to the grey sectional before Torgue and Tina's entrance steals her attention.

Vegard never sits at the piano, he toys with a few more keys and simply walks away from the grand instrument and begins to head toward the secure elevator. "As much as I do enjoy the company and the banter, I have several issues to handle before I can truly settle down and relax, so... I wish each and every one of you a pleasant night. Farewell." he waves lightly on his way out.

Torgue sits down at the Grey sectional.

Silvana curtsies towards Vegard when he walks past.

Vegard moves to Emerald Plaza - Secure Elevator

Alissa steps away from the Forest-green sofa.

Torgue takes a small moment to stand and give a bow from the waist when she notes the Imperator passing out before sitting back down and settling in. She leans back and there's quiet murmuring between her and missing-texture Tina.

Betty smiles at Alissa and then follows her to where Ambrosia called them.

Betty steps away from the Forest-green sofa.

Betty sits down at the Grey sectional.

Silvana quietly steps back out, as quietly as she came in.

Ambrosia nods her head to something Colombe says at the grey sectional. "I'd be happy to consult." Her smile shifts into a crooked grin before Betty and Alissa's arrival draws her attention. A glance toward Tina, "I hear In-n-Out is nice. Maybe Torgue will take you on the way home.", then she is gesturing toward Betty. "Everyone knows our new freak of nature, Betty? Harbinger of doom and all that?"

Colombe glances to Torgue and Tina, offering the pair a warm smile, as she stands. She turns her eyes to Betty. "You seem rather unassuming, for a dire forerunner."

Torgue's ears perk on the mention of freak of nature. She turns to look at Betty, raising a brow. "The one that'd be like the kind of childe my ilk produces, no?" she considers aloud while Tina gasps at the mention of In-n-Out. 'Oh, that's a _sick_ idea. I love me some in-n-out.' she murs.

Ambrosia rises when Colombe does and she steps forward to offer the Duchess a kiss on the cheek, if allowed. "I'm trying to teach her to be less subservient. How else can she reign fire and brimstone while ushering in Armageddon." A curved grin before she adds, "Teasing, obviously. Don't tell the Imperator."

Tina's gasp has her glancing over, "I never had it and I grew up in L.A. Believe I 'used' to be vegan?"

Alissa wanders over toward the grey sectional, and she glances Torgue's way while going. She smiles and waves to her, then looks to Ambrosia to watch her. She eyes her outfit for a moment, then looks around the room as to not stare.

Colombe grazes her lips on Ambrosia's cheek, in kind, her eyes warm. "Farewell, Primogen. I will tell no one of your plan." She smiles, then looks to Torgue, Betty, and Alissa. "Goodnight to you all. I hope to see you in court."

Betty smiles, "Yes.. I am alright speaking but.. I just want to be sure that it's okay. I know that sounds.. contradictory to what I am being taught but.. it can be difficult to break out of your mold when you meet someone new, especially a Kindred of such high stature."

Torgue smiles and waves to Alissa, then inclines her head to Colombe to the parting, "Goodnight, Duchess." she bids. Tina gasps, 'It's impossible to be vegan, I tried! I kept swallowing my own spit and like, that's an animal product right?' the valet questions and shrugs. Torg listens to Betty, it's -very- hard for her to not awkwardly stare a thousand yards past her with some self reflection.

Ambrosia's smile lingers as she returns to her seat, then she is turning her attention toward Betty. "Sugarplum, breath. You are in my care, represent me, and 'I' do not beg and grovel. Offer respect and humility, but do not demean yourself." The goth crosses her legs and takes a moment to look over her own yellow lycra jumpsuit before she glances over toward Alissa. She pats her knee invitingly. "Tina, I don't think that counts."

Alissa sends Torgue another smile before she's staring at that suit again with wide eyes that widen the longer she stares at it. The second that thigh is patted, she hops over and turns so her side faces Ambrosia, and she plops on down! She leans in closer to Ambrosia and giggles, cupping her hands around an ear so she can whisper into it.

Colombe walks away, ascending the stairs, and heading out.

Torgue gives a nod to Ambrosia. "A primogen has taken you in, others are watching. Make her look good and reflect her wishes accurately. Your position is much less strenuous than mine, and yet you're still setting a precedent as I am." giving Betty a wink. Tina sees the interplay between Ambrosia and Alissa and decides to spring to her feet and drape herself over Torg's lap, determined not to be bested.. or maybe she just got some ideas.

Betty nods and smiles, "Of course. I will carry myself with more confidence." She looks around, "I haven't been back here many times since I arrived. Elysium always impresses me. I've lived in mostly cheap apartments my entire life." She glances at Torgue, "I don't think we've met. I'm Betty."

Ambrosia rests one arm at the small of Alissa's back as she leans in to listen to the whisper. Her own reply isn't so quiet, "Oh no, are they showing?" She asks in feigned shock before she looks onward, toward Betty. "Good. I know it will be an adjustment but trust that you won't let me down." The goth gives Alissa a pat on the back before she looks over toward Torgue, "Want to switch?"

Alissa gives an enthusiastic nod in response to Ambrosia, and she leans in to whisper again, giggling mischievously all the while. After whispering again she giggles a little once more, but that stops when Ambrosia asks about switching. Her lashes bat and she tilts her head slightly, watching Tina and Torgue as she offhandedly mentions to Betty. "Ask Torgue where she got her beautiful braid."

Alissa dropped Pettibwa.

Betty smiles at Ambrosia, "Definitely! I've been adapting, and tonight has been a step forward!" When Torgue mentions crafts, tech, and magic, she blinks, "Wow.. that's incredible. Are you.. a sorcerer of some kind then? I've only heard of Tremere doing magic, other than rumors of other clans. Honestly I can't think of anything.. except maybe some kind of magic wine? Is there something that can relax me without drinking a lot? It would be nice to just sip something and be suddenly lit.."

Ambrosia's gaze lingers on Torgue and Tina as she listens to Alissa's whisper, though what she hears has her staring at her ghoul with a wicked grin. Tina's rejection of swapping earns her a simple frown and a, "Your loss, Honeybear.", then she is nodding toward Betty. "I had a fit one night and tore a french-braid right out of my skull."

Alissa shifts against Ambrosia so she can snuggle up to her as she gets another fit of the giggles, though they calm as she hugs herself as close to Ambrosia as she can. She grins more when the braid is explained, and she whispers, "Best thing ever.. So funny." She grins again.

Torgue gives a.. slow nod to Betty. "That's who I was studying and trying to emulate, yes. I can do some sorcerous feats." she replies with a wink. "It's entirely owed to my blood being so thin, I'm surmising." is what she adds. "You want extra potent alcohol? Or something to just relax you? Either way it's something I can whip up- depending on what you're after." Tina seems to not be bothered by the loss at all and curls up before flopping against Torg, head under chin and murring contently. "Don't drool on my jacket if you're taking a nap." 'You ain't my mom' before the pair start bickering back and forth, in the most casual tone, though changing to a different language.

Betty smiles at Ambrosia again, "Growing up, before I had the strength that I have, I once got mad and tried to tear out my hair. It was some really dumn thing but I got so pissed.. well I couldn't, it didn't even hurt. That was one of the first times that I realized that I was different. My strength didn't come until I hit puberty. I am kind of glad truth be told.." Then to Torgue, "Yes something really potent? I guess being what I am, I kind of have a higher than normal tolerance. It would just be nice to take a sip of something and feel drunk. It's kind of my night routine, has been for a while actually. I don't have problems sleeping anymore, especially not since I came here, but it's still routine."

Ambrosia's arm slings further around Alissa's waist and she falls silent for the time being and instead lets her ice-blue gaze roam from face to face. The bickering pair of Torgue and Tina draw a smirk, though the Primogen remains silent for now.

Alissa is silent as well. As if her momentary, giggly sugar high wore off, she's calm as can be and quiet as she leans into Ambrosia. She has her cheek on the woman's shoulder and her arms loose about her, and she smiles softly to herself. She is listening, however, and coos, "Ohh.. Have Torgue make you a bedtime potion.. yes. That would be nice," she agrees before she is mostly quiet again, sighing and grinning.

Ambrosia seems content for a time but then she is giving Alissa a gentle swat, "Come on, girls. Let's head back home. Torgue..." A raised eyebrow then as she playfully includes, "...Tina. Be safe and have a good night."

Betty smiles at Torgue, "It was nice meeting you Torgue! Let me know if you can make that sleepy potion!" She turns to follow Ambrosia out with Alissa.

Torgue snickers to Betty. "Well, that's impressive. My repertoire was mostly cardio and shooting before my Embrace." she answers with a shrug. Tina's continuing on in a passive nitpick about something, and is silenced by Torg patting her head. "A little nightcap, not difficult at all." a small sigh. "My usual price won't quite apply for you though, seeing as you have no ability to exchange boons, I'll just charge you per batch. It'll probably take a few days for me to make aforementioned batches- unless it's something truly complex or unique." then she glances to Ambrosia, "Your painting's in the truck, still. Wrapped up on the bed, grab it on your way out." and then a nod to Betty, offering up a metallic business card. "Here, drop me a line and we can talk details."

Betty nods, "Yeah I have some money, that's no problem!" She adds.

Alissa slips from Ambrosia's lap and rises to stand. Her hands brush lightly over her dress and she smiles, looking to Torgue. "Maybe I will have to try it, too.. Just once.. Tiny sip. I don't care much for alcohol, but if you can make something that'll ease you to bed? I'll try it." She smiles at that, glancing between Betty and Torgue before offering an arm to Betty.

Ambrosia inclines her head toward Torgue. "Thank you, Love. Come by soon? We so need to catch up." She gestures for Alissa and Betty to lead the way out before she turns to follow them.

Betty takes Ambrosia's arm and at last follows Ambrosia out!