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Magnus comes padding into the ritual clearing in lupus, looking for all intents and purposes to be healed from his encounter earlier. The wolf moves towards Ratsputin and Elowyn and brushes his head against them as he moves to take a seat next to Journey, facing inwards. A flick of his tail points towards Ratsputin and Elowyn possibly to continue forming a circle. A chuff is given, <Aye, thankee greatly.>>
Magnus comes padding into the ritual clearing in lupus, looking for all intents and purposes to be healed from his encounter earlier. The wolf moves towards Ratsputin and Elowyn and brushes his head against them as he moves to take a seat next to Journey, facing inwards. A flick of his tail points towards Ratsputin and Elowyn possibly to continue forming a circle. A chuff is given, <Aye, thankee greatly.>>
Elowyn smiles as she makes her way in with Rats. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a fitted tee, her hair for once is pulled back into a ponytail. For now she's quiet as the others arrive.
Elowyn smiles as she makes her way in with Rats. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a fitted tee, her hair for once is pulled back into a ponytail. For now she's quiet as the others arrive.
Journey rumbles, mashing the compound further, concentrating as he works the mixture, unresponsive to the thanks and greetings, mixing the stuff in the bowl, low in a chant.
Journey rumbles, mashing the compound further, concentrating as he works the mixture, unresponsive to the thanks and greetings, mixing the stuff in the bowl, low in a chant.

Revision as of 05:31, 2 July 2019

Baldur's Blade Pack PRP 2.1 - Totem
Black Unicorn Rite of Totem
IC Date June 30, 2019
IC Time Night
Players Jae-Eun_Ryuk, Elowyn, Stephen, Ratsputin, Rafe, Xavier, Journey
Location Ritual Clearing - Caern

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Journey rolls Wits + Rituals vs 7 for 3 successes. 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 +9 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Journey is sitting in a corner of the Ritual Clearing, jacket off and laid aside, feet pulled under him, working a mortal and pestle, mashing some compound into.. paste, some brown sticky substance. A low series of growls and chanting sounds comes from him as he's leaned over the compound, absorbed in the creation. The time approaches for the Pack to gather and come.

Ratsputin comes slowly dressed in all black with his blade at his side with a nodding of his head, his arm around Elowyn's waist as they move into the area, and then he lets her ago. He moves over slowly bowing his head at Journey with a polite smile."Thank you Shaderunner-rhya for doing this honor for us, the others should be here shortly."

Magnus comes padding into the ritual clearing in lupus, looking for all intents and purposes to be healed from his encounter earlier. The wolf moves towards Ratsputin and Elowyn and brushes his head against them as he moves to take a seat next to Journey, facing inwards. A flick of his tail points towards Ratsputin and Elowyn possibly to continue forming a circle. A chuff is given, <Aye, thankee greatly.>>

Elowyn smiles as she makes her way in with Rats. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a fitted tee, her hair for once is pulled back into a ponytail. For now she's quiet as the others arrive.

Journey rumbles, mashing the compound further, concentrating as he works the mixture, unresponsive to the thanks and greetings, mixing the stuff in the bowl, low in a chant.

Stephen is la..on time. Of course he's on time. Theurges are never late. Like Magnus, the lupus has chosen to arrive on all fours as well, the lean timber wolf padding in and chuffing a low greeting to the rest of the pack as well as, >> Greetings Shaderunner-rhya, and yes, thank you. << He takes an extra moment to see where everyone is falling out before he attempts to park his furry ass in something resmbling a circle with the rest.

Rafe comes in lupus form, a hugr wolf with a pure grey coat. Coming into the ritual as natural as the day he was born. As close as possible. In his fur is streaks of dried mud and clay in different colors. Browns and redish along with one small line of blue right on his forehead. On his back is Jae-Eun who is getting a ride. He circles the site twice, to make sure it's secure before he joins the others. Each getting a rub of his cheek in passing.

Ratsputin moves to a spot to join the others now, sitting down with a pad to the floor next to him looking at Elo, with a little chuckle. He is holding that blade on his lap it is a machete, well maintied oiled wraped in a leather cloth.

The Strider mixes and mixes and mixes until, "Silence." Transforming into Crinos, growing, hunched, over a giant ball of fur and muscle and power, hunched over the Mortar and Pestle, slowly uncurling with a deep growl, reaching out, clawtips moving to the air. a strange noise and the FEELING


..spirits.. ..all around..

Gaia is Listening.

The Strider rumbles, <<Speak your names, tell all who you are.>> Shaderunner explodes upward into a massive Egyptian horror. (Delerium effect +rules The Delirium)

Xavier is the last one to make it, the Ragabash is in his human form for a change. Walking to the Ritual area, he knew they had to meet here and wit him having been a bit preoccupied he's happy he was able to make it here.

Jae-Eun slides off of Rafe before he makes a second loop, the kin finding a spot to kneel. She's wearing her usual in clothing - short shorts and a tank top, smudged here and there with the different earthy muds she rubbed into Rafes fur.

"I'm Jackson P Arnold, rited as Ratsputin, born on two legs, under the new moon, claith to the bone gnawers, memeber of the pack that will be know to the world as Baldur's Blade." The voice rings out strong pericing all of the noise as he bows his head slowly, with a little smile as he speaks. Then he falls silent letting the others speak, as he translates softly for Elowyn next to him.

Magnus stays in lupus, he may not have been born on four legs, but he sure seems comfortable in the fur, <<Bloodied Spirit Walker, born on two legs as Magnus Nilsen, Cliath Godi of te Get of Fenris, Fang of Garm, Alpha of Baldur's Blade of te Sept of te Enduring Spirit.>> He lets loose an icy howl following that. The howl is full of purpose and pride.

Elowyn looks up to Rats then shivers for a moment before she sits too. After he speaks she looks up again now and nods. "I am Elowyn Marie Kelly....Glass Walker kinfolk..."

Stephen sits up when Shaderunner tells them to name themselves, giving Magnus a moment to howl himself before adding in his own growling, >> Broken Fang of the Wendigo, second born of Black Hammer, and Cliath Theurge to Baldur's Blade << before letting his voice trail off along with the others, his attention dragging back to the crinos to watch intently.

Rafe-wolf lowers his head respectfully as is starts but his ears are up and swivelling around. <> And the last part his 'voice' is different. Happy, proud. <<Member of Baldur's Blade.>> He nudges Jae with his nose and nods towards the rite master.

Taking a seat with the pack, sitting beside Jae and Rafe and other members of the pack. Giving everyone time to speak "I'm Xavier Rosario, Rited Shield of the Heart, Cliath and born on two legs to the Children of Gaia, Ragabash and member of Baldur's Blade." He says.

"I am Ryuk Jae-Eun, kin of Fenrir." The rest of her formal introduction to the spirits is done in Korean, naming several generations on her mother's side, and her Father's. This may be why she usually leaves it off. Naming ones great-great-great-great grands and /everyone/ in between comes down to nearly a hundred names, recited with the softened syllables of her birth tongue, giving proper homage to all of her ancestors down the long line of breeding. Taking a breath, she settles.

Shaderunner rumbles as he looks amongst them, <<And all of the Baldurs Blade seek their fate amongst the Black Unicorn, is this true, Alpha?>> He snarls to Spirit Walker, holding one taloned hand over the bowl of the mortar and pestle, long fingers covering it.

Magnus lowers his snout in reverence, <<Aye, tis true. All of us wish to seek fate amongst Black Unicorn.>> The alpha speaks for all, but he has ensured that they all agreed ahead of time.

Ratsputin nods as the alpha speaks as he watches each of them with a nodding of his head. He watches it all trying to watch the ritual and then he licks his lips slowly with a little nod at each word as he agress.

Rafe tilts his head to the side while Jae goes through her intro. He knows what none of that is. But there's a lot of it. WHen Magnus soeaks up for them, he nods in agreeance.

Shaderunner holds aloft the bowl, <<Then all with the Spirit to bond join me. Take.>> He reaches in, dipping a finger in the mixture, <<Like so>> Applying it to his eyelids, <<And prepare yourselves to find your fate with the Spirit you seek.>> He says, growling and holding the ..unique smelling bowl of.. stuff out to people to put on their fucking eyes and give NO idea to what it is.

Magnus takes. It is that simple. No question, ho hesitation, he just takes the bowl, smears the junk on his eyes, and passes it to the next person, hoping they will take it. If it smells, burns, rips him into oblivion, he stays quiet.

Ratsputin grabs the bowl next without a question without any sort of reason painting his face quickly, and then he watches the others. His fingers painting it like a champion, annd then he sits back down passing it towards the next person that wants it, as he watches it all. Trying to remeber this for another day.

With Magnus' answer, Stephen-wolf stays quiet and intently focused on Shaderunner's instructions. He pauses for a moment, then waits for, say, Rats, to hold on to the bowl for a moment, to dab a paw into whatever the hell the stuff is and smear it across his eyes, then chuffing and nudging it on to the next near him.

No fingers. Rafe fixes that by shifting to homid. Still has streaks of mud and clay on his skin just like his fur. ANd like his wolf form, natural. Enirely naked. He takes the bowl and marks his eyes with his head bowed in respect. Then he holds it out for the next person.

Jae-Eun daubs her eyelids and starts to pass the bowl, then stares at Rafe. Scrunching her eyes shut, she just a break, turning crimson and holding the bowl until it is taken to be used and passed along. Elowyn dabs her finger into the liquifies before nodding. At that she will close her eyes then dabe it along her closed eyes now.

It just smells bad. Like a strange specific type of bad. Not Chemical, or Rot, or even Shit just bad. But it can be ignored as the Strider reclaims the bowl at the end of the line and sets it down, then rising and holding out his hands, <<Join hands, Link with me and each other and I will guide you to the Spirits.>> He says, nodding for them to form up.

Magnus had shifted too, because yeah. So it is at this time that he holds his hands out, one hand looking to grasp Journey, and the other looking to grasp whomever is next to him.

Hands. Well, crap. Stephen-wolf finally takes a moment to push himself back up to two legs, retaking a more glabro type form, shaking himself out lightly before offering those big hands out to take others, doing a quick mental check to make sure no one is being left untethered in the process.

Ratsputin takes the hand now and reaches out to grip Magnus hand in his left hand ,the right hand is holding Elowyn as he closesh is eyes tightly. He is waiting for the others, it was time to become real. He is so exicted about the coming of his pack, his new family.

Rafe grasps Jae-Euns hand in his own huge meaty mitt. Wrapping completly around it and the other hand is held out for who is on his other side.

Jae-Eun links in, giving hands to either side of her a squeeze, then then relaxing into a comfortable hold.

Elowyn holds Rats' hand, nodding then squeezing his and whomever else she's holding. Linking in she takes a deep breath now.

As all form up, the Strider growls, and pulls, and as he does the feeling of stepping sideways comes over, the world fading away, but the compound on the eyelids gets HOT in reaction to it, burning as the vision becomes clouded, and the only reference point is the feel of the hands clasping each other. Suddenly disorientating the feel of the clasped hands all that is solid, not light or gravity or anything. Everything


Then suddenly back...