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Punishing Nosferattitudes
Bone Gnawers kick Nosferatu behind
IC Date October 29th, 2020
Players Calvin ST, Chip, Pepper
Location Sewers near Arcology Mall
Spheres Gaian, Garou

"I've got something I need checked out." A common thing for a more senior Wolf in a territory to say. Calvin probably didn't have to tug on ears or gather up a posse to get this going. Just his word would be enough to get people to meet him at G Street and Ash. Right in front of a large nearly complete Arcology apartment building, shopping center....thing. Cones and things preventing people from walking into an open sewer manhole. A high-vis vest and a clipboard has made Calvin unassailable as he waits for the two others to join up with him.

Chip shows up, in his normal gear, banjo stashed inside his duffle for now and gives Calvin a nod, "Hey." he looks at Calvins vest and smiles, "Shiny." he says with the tone that that is in fact a compliment.

The familiar form of Pepper appears around a nearby corner along with her trademark fur coat which has somehow been recovered and cleaned. The wiry blonde has her smartphone in hand and her gaze alternates between the glass screen and the sidewalk in front of her as she approaches. Street signs are inspected as she checks her course and then she is noticing Calvin. I mean, that vest sure sticks out.

"Hellohowareyou." The lupus offers in a rapid little mumble as she slows to a stop near her two tribes-mates.

"I know, right? I stole it from a construction crew a few weeks ago." Calvins hands grip the bottom and straighten it out like one might the jacket of a tuxedo. Then a shuffle as he moves to peer down into the sewer grate. "Soooo. Theres a utility closet that I also have the keys too. We can leave what we don't have dedicated in there before we go looking for bloodsuckers. This time of day they /should/ be in their dens and hibernating. Or whatever it is leechs do."

Chip blinks at that, "Uh, I'm good, my duffle stores everythin' I need." he nods, "But lead the way ShinyVestLeader" he says with a smile.

"Leeches? Like in the swamp waters?" Pepper asks in demonstration of a complete lack of understanding of vampire slang. Brows are squinted at Calvin before she steps forward and peeks down into the sewer grate. "Wow."

"Thats what I call'em. What I've heard people call'em." Calvin will be the first to go clunking down the ladder into the sewers proper. Boots clanging against sturdy steel ladder rungs until he drops onto concrete. "Ah...the the smell of humanity." Sarcasm.

Chip heads down the ladder and stops at the bottom to tie some fabric around the lower bit of his face, making a mask. He takes a moment to mumble some stuff to the spirits about garbage and poison and such.

Pepper takes up the rear. The young Bone Gnawer casts one last glance around the street before she is quickly scrambling down after Chip. Once at the bottom, Pepper wrinkles her nose, "Peeyoo!", and looks toward Chip. Nodding toward the man, she also takes a moment and whispers quietly to herself, something about the taint of the enemy.

Calvin pops open the utility closet and is checking the vest into it and his bag, jacket and flannel both go into the bag and into the closet before he is turning around towards the pair of wolves. "Last time I poked around, asked around, went scouting. The leeches were denning about half a mile from here in a half sealed away washing station. It'll smell better when we get closer." He has a few spinning sticks of some sort tucked into his pocket before he will start to lead the group towards the station. "Plan is to flush'em out with a few of these. Kill what we can to dissuade them from returning. Ya'know?"

Chip pats his pocket, "I have some as well." he nods to Calvin to show he agrees with the plan and is listening and continues following along.

"I need weapons. Don't want to get coat dirty." Pepper murmurs before she accepts one of the sticks from Calvin. The object receives a curious glance and she holds it veeeery carefully. "Okay. Ready."

The half mile between their entry and the washing station is crossed quickly by the small collection of motley wolves. True to Calvin's word, theres some half dozen vampires tucked into piles of cardboard, fabric, and the like as if waiting for them to kick them out. The station is a sunken pit with several tunnels boarded up, blocked off or bricked up. The group is up some fifteen feet on a platform with rusting rails and stairs leading down into the pit. Movement within some of the tunnels makes it rather clear that there are more than just the six vampires waiting.

Chip huffs in humor, "Weapons, you have claws." he says with a light chuckle as he follows along, they get to the place Calvin is leading them and he looks to the higher rank garou, waiting for the nod to shift and attack.

"Claws don't go pew-pew-pew." is Pepper's quick reply, spoken when the trio are still on their way. Yes, she did just make a lazer sound. When the three reach the larger chamber, the blonde waif creeps forward so she can peek down into the pit below, then she is stepping back again and mimicking Chip by turning to follow Calvin's lead.

"Neither do they." Calvin whispers back at Pepper and Chip before his form is shifting forward onto paws that plant upon concrete. "I'll flush out the tunnels, you two deal with those in the middle so that they have some gory artwork to look at if they come back." Then he is slinking down one set of stairs that leads to the side of the room closest to the large tunnel. All sneaky like. Please ignore Hello Kitty Underwear that has a spot for his tail to poke out of. Please.

Chip huffs at the mention of anything like a gun, or pewpewer, and then takes a moment to shift into his Crinos form. He sets the sun talens down for a second, to pick them back up once the shift is over. The rest of his gear blends into his new form, becoming patches of fur.

"Here." Pepper whispers toward Strums-With-Trash and she drops her sun talen near where he set his down. The small woman lets out a soft little grunt and she falls forward, landing on the palms of her hands and settling into all fours. That ridiculous fur coat and those grubby jeans seem to stretch and morph a moment before her body. Fur sprouts, tissue and bone 'pop', and the five foot two inch human form has become a dire wolf from some fantasy tale. >> Easier this way. << She intones with a quiet grunt.

The scuffle of Calvin racing down stairs, and of Chip doing much the same is loud enough that the Nosferatu in the center of the encampment rouse to turn and face them. Pepper is quick enough to get to the nearest one and snap at him before the ambush is truly underway.

The howls of pain and anguish, fury and fear becomes a keening cry as the JunkWolf Calvin charging down the tunnel explodes into brilliant sunlight. These vampires are very unlikely to be returning to help the ones that have been left behind. Fear is obvious from the remaining six vampires rousing to their feet. Unexpected sunlight is not their friend.

Chip pulls out two wooden toy whirly-copters and begins chanting about the coming of dawn and the rising of the sun, he lets them fly from his grip and they explode into light that settles around himself and Pepper.

The large dire wolf lets out a throaty roar-snarl as she pounces on the closest vampire. Teeth sink into the vampire's calf and then the beast bites again, clamping on nothing but filthy pant-leg.

The closest four vampires act without heed of the sizzling of their forearms and faces due to the sunlight wreathing these wolves and close in to attack the pair. Only Chip, the wolf in war-form even get momentarily grazed by one of Nosferatu attacking him but it hinders him not in the slightest!

Chip roars as the vamps close in on him and Pepper, he lunges forward and sinks both claws into the nearest vampires chest, with a bone-crunching and sinew popping tear he pulls the vampire almost into two separate pieces, a moment later the sunlight around him flares and crumples the mangled corpse he's holding into dust. Calling upon his rage he takes two swipes against another vampire, inflicting a deep wound with the first swipe, but missing the second.

Seeks-The-Balance's fur bristles as anger and frustration fuel her rage. The large beast is supernaturally fast and her large maw bites out at her original target, taking a chunk out of the torso, before she turns on her second attacker, who suffers an equally terrible bite.

Chip swipes a claw at another vampire and mauls it to the ground, it doesn't ash but it also isn't moving for now. He lunges for a vampire that is surrounding Pepper but misses.

Seeks the Balance growls loud when Chip is hurt by that one lucky vampire's attack. Further enraged, the large dire beast lunges forward and snaps her large jaws around one of the injured vampires, biting deep before shaking her massive head and sending the night dweller crumpling to the ground.

The meaty and wet sound of oozing bodies slaps onto the concrete floor as the pair of wolves eviscerate more hapless and surprised vampires. All lit by the mysterious spirit powered sunlight wreathing these wolves. They throw themselves at Chip and Pepper, flailing uselessly with little to no effect.

Chip roars in pure anger and takes a massive swipe at one of the vampires. His claw literally cleaves the vamp in half this time, flinging sun-singed gore and viscera into the air.

With their vampiric compadres dwindling to near nothing in the way of numbers, the last futile efforts of Nosferatu are expended upon Chip and Pepper to the results of little to no effect. Their time of final death is soon.

The glow of sunlight continues to singe the vampires, crumbling small bits of them to ash as the combat rages on.

The hulking war-form of Calvin slinks out of the tunnel from nearly on all fours to stomp and attempt to eviscerate the nearest Nosferatu....but merely succeeds in slicing ribbons from the back of the vampire and not dismembering it into bloody vampiric pieces!

Chip swipes at the vampire attacking him with a roar, but misses again.

Seeks the Balance positions herself between two of the vampires (right?) and Chip, though there is still one vampire close to her tribes-mate. As Chip distracts it with a swipe that is barely dodges, the large dire wolf tears at it from behind and sends it to the floor before she's spinning around on all fours to face the ones still standing. Growl.

Only a single solitary vampire left after the HispoWolfo gnaws a thing to torpor-induced coma to flop helter-skelter about the concrete.

Chip is breathing heavy and is still in fight mode, but he notices that all of the undead abominations are either ash, gore, or unmoving, so he takes a moment to pace around and cool his temper.

Seeks the Balance looks this way and that, searching the chamber as a low rumbling growl emanates from her massive torso after Calvin dispatches the remaining vampire. >> Strums with Trash okay? << Only when the dire wolf is convinced that there are no more threats will she turn back toward her tribes-mate, large canine-eyes scanning his wounds.

"Some. Hm." Calvin grumbles towards Chip and his walking form...and his attention turns to those torpored but slowly returning to functional vampire bodies. To stomp them into vitae-paste, heel smashing downwards several times into each of them, then punting head from body. Then two heads of vampires get picked up so he can walk to a wall and start to write with them. *STAY THE FUCK OUT* "S'alright. Lets get the fuck outta here."

Seeks the Balance finishes checking on her Chip as Calvin finishes off the crippled vampires. At Calvin's final command, the large dire wolf growls softly, >> I will lead the way. <<. And off she goes, still in that large Hispo form, taking point down the main walkway that will lead back to where they entered from.