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Expanded Cahooting
Virtual Adepts (two mages, Rufus and Vic, and a sorcerer, Hector) talk at The Nexus - discussion includes AR, VR and the Digital Web
IC Date September 15th, 2020
IC Time Evening
Players Hector, Rufus and Vic
Location The Nexus's Computer Lab
Spheres Traditions
Theme Song Twilight Zone by Ludacris

The Computer Room of the Nexus is where the party is at. Literally. It is dolby-surround sounding Rollout by Ludacris. Inside the computer room is Rufus, who is finally not high. He doesn't have to really since there aren't people in the computer room. So his brain is in it's natural element - overclocking. He is typing away at a cordless keyboard as he works on his laptop that continues to follow along with ever-growing lines of code. It looks like both a computer program and a schematic. His head is bobbing from side to side with his feet, on the table, tapping his backpack which has a litany of energy drinks and snacks sticking out of it. Apparently it's project time here in the computer room.

Hector heads through the door and blinks a bit at the loud music. "Hey, whatcha working on?" he says loudly enough to be heard, but far enough away not to be flailed at if he accidentally surprises Rufus.

Early evening on the 15th of September finds Vic taking the Express to the Nexus. Hearing the music coming out of the computer room brings a smile to her face and she's practically on the heels of Hector's boots as she follows him in. As always she's got her bag slung across her back and she's got her smartphone in her hand, screen already darkened despite what ever she may have been doing with it during the ride out from the city.

"Hey there Rufus," she says to her fellow V-Dept and then, "Greetings new guy," to Hector as if she's been around so much longer than others.

Rufus doesn't so much hear Hector, as he notices that there is someone who is coming into the room. He looks over at Hector and gives a smile and wave. "Hey there, Hector! Come on in!" He says, as if this place is his office. It isn't, but he feels the need to re-iterate privacy. Maybe the blaring music was some sort of ward? Who knows. He turns the music down enough so everyone doesn't have to scream at the heavens to talk to each other - now a more modest volume. "Working on a virtual chantry." He gestures to the screen. "Web stuff. It's a chaotic mess, so I needed some zen music." The explanation for the voluminous Ludacris that would put DJs out of business.%r%r"Hey Vic!" He says, giving her a wave too. "Come on in! If your hungry I got snacks of both the tasty and THC fun variety and energy drinks in the backpack. Help yourselves if you want anything." His hands are styll typing as he talks, even one handed Rufus's speed is extremely coordinated.

Hector smiles, "Thanks, energy drink it is." he says as he goes to snag one, "Hector, nice to meet you." he says to Vic and then settles down to sit somewhere. He pops open the can and takes a long sip and then sighs appreciatively before clicking a button on the side of his glasses and setting up a laser keyboard to type on. "A virtual Chantry? Are there enough of us around for that to be used readily?"

"Cool, Hector," Vic says, "Rufus here introduced me fairly well." She grabs a chocolate bar and says, "Got some water in the bag, no artificial wake-me-up for me this evening. Need to finally get some sleep after a bunch of near all nighters," to their 'host' before answering the question. "What with there being at least seven of us its more than there were when Rufus started the project so I'd say were due. Plus I know of at least one more potential."

Rufus looks over at Hector and nods. "Whether there is enough V-depts or not we need a space in the Digital Web. Right now it's no man's land, and the Union is vacant for now." He says. "The opportunity to seize it and pee on all the trees has never been greater. A claimed sector for us to get in and out and a place to fall back too is strategically important in this respect. Thus, Chantry. Cuz might as well put all the bells and whistles on the fort know what I mean?" He says to Hector. "But I hear ya though. Benefit of the Web? Unlimited utility. It can be whatever we need. Launch pad-secret space one day, Chantry the next." He says.

He looks to Vic and shrugs. "Well fine then." He says, humor and sarcasm slathering his words. "Well, I know Vertigo. You," Vic, "And you," Hector. "But none of the others. If you are discussing Evie I will wait when I see it." He says to Vic. "That girl has so many voices in her head from across the Traditions I'd be surprised if she didn't turn out to just be some Orphan with everyone tugging her this way and that." He shakes his head. "I feel bad for her. Hopefully she figures out what she's looking for."

Hector nods "Fair, staking out the local realm before the Union can would be a good move. I only do the Vr visor shallow dive, as astral combat is kinda over my head, being a cyberpsychic. But I can help with my Avatar, if you need assistance. Right now I'm working on some cracking systems, and trying to decide if I should improve a taser, for meat space fights. Aaaaand working on the programing for the A.R. gaming space, but uh, if I sleep less I can do more?" he says as he downs energy drink.

"Sensory Immersion is my usual preference but Astral sometimes is needed," Vic says. "AR gaming space sounds interesting, Hector, intending on trying to expand that into street-based gaming?" she asks before taking a moment to rip open the chocolate bar and take a bite of the candy.

Rufus doesn't respond to Hector saying he only does shallow dives. Apparently he doesn't judge the style of entry into the Web. "Sure. Speaking of. If you were to have a bolt-hole privacy sector, what would you want it to be? My personal preference is Persian. They had a lot of geometric asthetics. Also stupid colorful too. But I don't wanna paint 'RUFUS BUILT DIS' all over the Chantry. So if you guys have any suggestions, ideas or inclusions don't feel like you can't suggest. I want it to be for us, not me with you invited." He explains.

To Vic he smirks. "His idea is _sick_." He says, taking a chug of his own energy drink. "But I'll him explain it." Not one to steal thunder either.

Hector says, "Oh, I'm up for whatever you want to architect the place for, I call dibs on making zany creatures to patrol it as security bits and bots though. I've always been way more into the creatures in games than the buildings." he shakes his head to Vic, "Nah, street play is too dangerous cuz people are dumb and I don't wanna get sued for people not watching traffic. I'm thinking about buying a big old warehouse and setting it up as a gaming space. Projectors for flat images, A.R. glasses for the A.R. interface, a sound system, handheld gear like the Wii remotes, A.R. gloves, and laser tag rifles. Add in a programable Ac/heating system for enviroment changes and a fan system for wind, and then code games like a fantasy style hack and slashes or FPS's with the laser guns. Put a little snack bar kinda place out front, and use the inner space as a place to hold A.R. parties occasionally too. Like, I dunno, 'Under the Sea party' where everyone can wear the glasses and dance around while A.R. fish swim around them." he sort of excitedly rambles.

Responding to Rufus' question about the Chantry setup first, Vic says, "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon meets Draco's Tavern would be my choice," and then she listens avidly to Hector's explanation. "That's really cool, Hector," she replies and adds, "Don't forget to include scent diffuses a la the Disney Parks, best way to trigger visceral reactions is to tag the reptile brain via olfactory input," and then asks, "Or was that already on your drawing board?"

Rufus listens to Hector and Vic discuss, not really getting involved. "Tots. When it comes to spec ops, you got top billing." He says to Hector. "Callahan Saloon and Draco's Tavern. Got it. I'll add it to the blueprint." He says to Vic, still typing away. "I think it's a good idea, getting the normies into the Web. Best way to spread our message is if we can get them plugged in and see a different kind of world. And I think Hector's idea is an epic infection vector."

Hector tilts his head like he's making a mental note, "That wasn't. I didn't actually think about smells, that's a really good note though." he says with a smile to Vic and then sips his energy drink again, "Ya, I think V.R is a bit much for some people, but the A.R overlap with a Wii motion capture / laser tag, setting would be a good stepping stone. And people like to party, so parties where we have them wear the glasses for essentially enhanced decorations I think would be a good bridge too. Plus, it sounds like fun."

"I'm glade I mentioned it. Hacking the brain... you've got to think about working though the instinctive channels more than the conscious ones you see?" Vic explains to and asks Hector at the same time and then clarifies by saying, "I've recently unlocked Mind you see."

She pauses and pulls her water bottle out of her bag and cracks open the perforated bottle cap. After taking a sip of the water she says, "Ambiance. That's the important part. Callahan's even has a story where they were concerned about an incoming alien invader that turned out to be the size and shape of a cockroach. Also there's a talking dog there. You'd like all the stories. Best part is there are some here in this world that didn't exist back home so I got to read new ones!"

Rufus eyes Hector. "....I guess that's true." He nods, relenting. As Vic explains the reasons for it he scratches his chin. "I'll read 'em then and put it in. That way I can get the ambiance." He agrees. "And aliens? They better be cool aliens. All I'm gonna say." He says, holding his hands up. "But I may take your suggestions when your ready to make sure the asthetic is good." He says.

Hector grabs a snack to chew on and nods along to what Vic is saying. "Right, get in through the back door. Uh, the mental back door. Not the...other, back door." he says with a huff of humor and then continues, "So, are there meetings or anything we have to go to. I assume this area has tradition council meetings? But I haven't heard about when they are or anything yet from anyone."

Vic smirks at Hector. "Well, to each their own," she says quickly in reponse to his first comment and then says, "Been to P-Roasters yet? There's a meeting there once a week or so lead by Bobbi, but this last week Raise hosted a BBQ at his gym instead," about the meetings. "Thought provoking and interesting aliens are always cool," she adds to Rufus and then grins as she says, "I mean, like me, right?" with not a hint of modesty but a clear sign of ironic humor laced in it.

Rufus regards Hector and scratches his chin. "...To my knowledge? No. I mean, not for us specifically. Vertigo hasn't called a meeting since I've been in town. But she's pretty laid back. As for Council meetings?" He thinks momentarily. "I mean there are, I am sure? But I dunno? They never post anything or what-not. There is the weekly mage meetings but those are more like get-togethers hangout than actual meetings. And from what I've seen on the bb's around the Nexus I wouldn't want to go to a Council meeting if I could. Sounds like someone threw a handful of cats into a bag and shakes it." He takes another drink of his energy drink and crushes the can. He tosses the can at the garbage can...and misses.

"SHIT!" He drops his keyboard and rushes over to the garbage can and tosses the can into the garbage can going 'no nonononononononono until the can has been properly deposited. He then stands at the garbage can looking like he's trying to calculate the density of the universe. Ultimately, he sighs. "...dammit." He shakes his head, sinking back into his chair with a very soured mood. "Better than nothing I guess." He frowns, taking up his keyboard. He looks at Vic and blinks, looking at her as she points to herself being an alien. "Your not an alien!" He says, hands in the air. "Alternate dimension, does not mean alien. Your human! Or at least you told me you are, and if you are lying that is a total breach of trust and more importantly NOT cool." He says in humored warning.

Hector nods, "Ooook, so there's no formal meetings that's odd." then he watches Rufus run around and be an oddball with a raised eyebrow and a halfsmile of amusement, until he mentions 'alternate reality human' and then goes, "Uhhh, alternate dimension what now?"

Sounding completely serious despite her words, Vic says, "I come from a world where Prospect does not exist. There's a roughly analogous world called San Diego. The Traditions are nearly squashed. The Technarchs are in control of the American government. So, yeah, I'm an extra dimensional..." she stares at Rufus as she stresses the next word, "... alien," with a friendly chuckle.

Changing subjects she asks, "Should I be looking into a way to make my own VR-Rig or can either of you suggest how I might acquire one?" Explaining, "I was thinking of a circuitry riddled wetsuit for full imersion options for example."

Rufus shakes his head at Vic. "Still not an alien." He humorously refuses. "Your eyes are too small and your skin is too soft, and it has color." He says. Obviously painting her as an alien to being a grey, lanky thing with big eyes. "I mean the V-Depts may just be on their own projects maybe? No need for a town hall?" He looks to Hector. "I mean like I said, I haven't heard of those other people and I've been here a while." He tap tap taps way at his keyboard. "Who knows. Maybe it'll change once we get the lifeline active again."

As Vic discusses building a VR rig he considers. "You could always go to the junkyard for scrap metal. As for the tech parts I think that is a bit more personal? But I mean you could do it. All you'd need is an area of free movement, a haptic suit and a SSM. Oh. Sorry. Sensory Synapse Matrix for the haptic suit." He says. "But there's all sorts of ways to do it. Depends on what your style is?" The wetsuit comment makes him consider. "...That'd work. Complete tactile contact. Could be an easy way to get the immersion tech in there. I think that's a good idea. For my model I put a trac-mat on the floor so you can move and stuff, but I know other models that just keep you stationary while still immersed."

Hector nods, "I have a rig for moving around in, that is really just a visor, a mat, and gloves, right now. Figured I might as well get some exercise while I'm running around the Web. Don't wanna neglect the meat suit bit of life right?" he sips his energy drink and takes another bite of his snack. "I'm not great at construction, better at program and interface, but I can lend you some funds if you need them." He takes a moment to say "Bring up bank account." and then his eyes move like they are reading the screen of his glasses and he says, "I can loan you like, a grand, this month. Would be more but I gotta save up for the A.R. game building."

Blinking at the offer, Vic says, "I haven't even got a plan yet for it but once I talk to the gal I think will be able to put it together I'll gladly tap in your wallet for the financing, Hector." She then quickly asks, "You got the email? I think you were included... any chance you can shoot me your numbers?" Too Rufus, "I guess it is a good idea, huh?" and then adds, "Meat space can be addressed at the New Hope Gym. All Tradition members get free memberships per the owner... my landlord... Raise."

Rufus looks to hector when he offers to front some cash. He looks back to Vic. "I have cash too if you need it...and I can help you build it. I just don't want to cram your style." He explains. "I have my workshop you can use for tech and supplies and what-not. Not that you have to build it there, but I may have some tech you could use to help not have to run all over creation trying to find it."

Hector shrugs a bit at the looks he gets of offering money so freely. "I trust that Vic would pay me back, or, barring that, be drowned in annoying cat Gifs on loop for all eternity everytime she touched any internet source." he chuckles evilly, probably kidding.

Hector adds "Plus once the game spot is up making back a grand shouldn't take me that long. And if money ever got that tight I could just hack my way into more, but I'd prefer not to."

A buzz from her phone gets Vic's attention and she says, "I'll have to be going, I have something cooking in a compiler I need to get to... gods I wish I could put it though a Time acceleration routine to get these things done faster but I never got that unlocked and haven't a clue who might be able to help... I'll look for a C of X sometime maybe..." she trails off and presses a virtual button on the phone and then says, "Nice to meet you, Hector," to the 'new guy' and "Thanks, Rufus, I'll keep that in mind too," and, "I really need to look into a way of fixing my employe-ability at some point," as she heads out of the computer room towards the train back to the city.