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A Title Worth Remembering
A straight stranger with three LQBTQ friends in a bar, on St. Patty's Day.
IC Date March 17, 2020
IC Time 10 PM-???
Players Arthur, Ethan, Hop, Jade, Joel, Lance, Robin, Skye, Tabin, Wick
Location Margaritaville
Prp/Tp N/A
Theme Song "Going Out in Style", Dropkick Murphys

Margaritaville - Bar

Welcome to Margaritaville. Located inside a two-floor building facing the beach, this little tourist trap is always full of revelers looking for strong booze at accessible prices, greasy faux-Mexican food, and a good time while savoring a Landshark Lager (TM).

The Caribbean decor alludes to a mix of longboard-surfer and Tiki, with a healthy dose of colorful eye catchers. The eastern wall is dominated by a long bar shaped like a straw beach hut, where an slightly overweight bartender checks his mise-en-place. Waiters and waitresses in colorful shirts and straw skirts move from table to table, preparing Guacamole, or serving shots of tequila and stale orange juice straight into the local Parrotheads mouths.

Beside the bar there is an entrance to the kitchen, that pours ridiculous quantities of nachos, quesadillas, chili con carne, and other ultra-healthy foods to the hungry, and usually sunburned, mid-western tourists. A DJ booth makes sure that the party music never stops, and that Jimmy Buffet is played at least twice per hour. Big screen TVs display a presentation of happy, intoxicated, and quite flushed Parrotheads in conventions across America.

Next to the entrance is the souvenir shop, displaying rows of T-shirts, glasses, salt shakers, thermoses, mugs, and funny sunglasses. A slightly bored saleswoman stands there. At the back of the merchandise section there is a door, usually locked, and with the sign: Manager's Office.

Contents: Robin Wick Hop Jade Ethan Arthur Lance Joel

Robin looks around also captured by Jade dunking her head in water. "Wow I really need to catch up." and with that two cars bombs are placed in front of him. He works quickly on packing them down, which is a mistake with all he drinks he should know he's a light weight. After finishing the first he hears Wick and offers a friendly wave. "Hey Wick." And then he moves onto the second.

Hop shakes his head, "No worries, but cute blush." he says to Wick and then gets another glass of antacid ready for him, with a science! cupcake as well, passing them over to Wick, "Here, for the tummy, but they won't stop you from getting fall down drunk." he nods to the third glass, "But as long as you don't drive home, who cares! Right? And seems like you have a friend to take care of you." he nods and clearly means Arthur, with a smile, and then finishes up his first beer to order the second.

Jade, her head and hair soaking wet from the dunking they've just emerged from, accepts the towel Joel's offering her gratefully. "Hah!" she says, laughing, and then, impishly, "Oh, well, the night's still young, right? Plus I'm pretty sure that any drunken evening along the coast has to end up with an ill-advised dip in the ocean." She's vigorously toweling herself off, only a little to the dismay of some of the people nearby.

Arthur , who is obiviously drunk, feigns looking offended at Wick "Did you bring a date and not tell me?" and dramatically looks around for the handsome friend and mockingly glares at Robin. "Is it you?"

Ethan must have gotten lost somewhere between the table and the standing lump of people he knows. No stagger in his step, he winds back around, stopping only to take a handful of goodies from where they were strewn. "Hokay," he says "Who is drunk? Did anyone hurl yet?"

Joel keeps watching Jade toweling off for a long moment. His hands tighten on his top hat which he holds in front of him for a long second, and then he lets out a breath, telling Lance, "You got lucky, man. Real lucky. She's like... way outta both of our leagues." He pauses a moment, moving to slink through a break in the crowd towards the sound booth. "Look, it's fucking St. Paddy's Day! Can't we get some fucking /Irish/ music in this joint? Dropkick Murphys, Black 47, The Pogues, Flogging Molly, I don't fucking caaaaare." He drawls out the last word, swallowing back a little alcohol before he makes his way back to the bar where the rest of them are. "I'm drunk. I think," he informs Ethan. "Do I look drunk? I feel drunk." He looks drunk.

Wick's blush deepens a bit at Hop's compliment. He accepts the antacid and the cupcake with an appreciative nod. He laughs with a grin up at Arthur and shakes his head. He pauses with a blink and lifts a hand to his head "Damn. I didn't have that many beers, did I?" There might have been a fourth in there somewhere. He downed them fast. He smiles with an apologetic wince. "I'd better get going."

From the front door, amidst the throng of celebration, opens to reveal Tabin! Signal fanfare and trumpet blasts. It's not true. Admist the rancor it is hard to notice that Tabin even came in, let alone everyone noticing him! But he manages to survive the throng of drinkers, a smile on his face and wide eyes taking in the revelry and fun. He came alone, not going to meet anyone and instead worms his way toward the bar to get something to drink.

"Drunken swimming is *never* ill advised," Lance assures Jade with that same fake seriousness. "Besides, it's an *adventure*! And I am a world famous adventurer." He looks to Ethan, even as he sways a bit and drinks more of his green beer. "I'm stone cold sober. So is your friend Joel. But I think Wick can't hold his liquor."

Ethan raises an eyebrow, shoves the fistful of candy in his mouth with one hand, and with the other reaches out to grasp Joel by the shoulder and shake him. "Yep, you're feelin it. Buncha lightweights," he says with a grin.

Jade is actually a little taken aback when Joel departs, however briefly. "Did I say something wrong?" she asks Lance, not /upset/ or anything, but certainly /puzzled/. "'Cause I thought we were having a good -- oh! Hey, welcome back." She nods firmly. "You're all drunk! And that's the point! And if drunken swimming isn't ill advised then either you're not drunk enough or you're not swimming far enough!" Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong here.

Arthur responds to Ethan with "I resemble that remark." he nuzzles the top of Wick's head with his face "Do you need me to call you a taxi?"

Lance shrugs helplessly to Jade, the motion exaggerated. He downs the rest of his drink. "You know, you're right. It's just not a proper ad- adventure without risk. Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Hop nods to Wick, "Please don't drive, take care ya?" it was nice meeting you, he smiles and the gives Tabin, and Robin too, a point and a "Hey, welcome! Join us if you'd like, I made cupcakes too, they're green so they count! And with the miracle of science!." he makes jazz hands, "They help you not vomit, cuz I'm totally a scientist." he says with a nod and a smile before he pops a piece of candy into his mouth.

Skye comes in from North Beach - Harbor Skye has arrived.

Robin smiles at Arthur's stare already feeling a bit warm. "Maybe it is." He says jokingly. Then he turns back to order two Guiness. "Be careful on the way home Wick." When he hears he's leaving. Then turns to Hop. "Thanks I've already started, but I don't think I'll need it I almost never throw up." Says the man who is indeed definitely going to throw up.

Skye steps into the bar and looks about. He smiles as he sees the nature of the place, apparently finding it in his price range. He looks around and then slowly makes his way up to the bar proper.

Tabin's weapon of choice tonight is coke. Just plain ol' non-tanked coke. Complete with straw! He grabbed the glass in time to turn to see the finger of Hop point in his facial direction. His first reaction was to blink, not used to getting called out and the second was to double-take to make sure no one else up and decided to start waltzing over to Hop and the table. When no one did and it was obvious the finger was directed at him he slurped on his straw an came over to the table. "Hola friends." He said with a smile, one of true enjoyment. "You better not be kidding about the whole cupcake thing. Best news i've heard allll night."

They don't have much Irish diaspora music here at Margaritaville. It's not their vibe so much. But someone does find a copy of Metallica's "Whiskey in the Jar," and that kicks in. Joel seems satisfied by that, although Ethan seizing him earns the bigger man a quick, sharp look, and he pulls away defensively. "Fuck off," he tells Ethan, drunkenly although not heatedly. It's a reaction to the touch and nothing more. He looks back towards Skye, blinking. "I'm not drunk. I can handle this shit," he insists.

Wick can't help but grin at Arthur's nuzzle. "I'm alright, I can handle it. Took an uber over, and I can get one back. Thanks though." He keeps his footing quite well, but he's definitely got that drunken flush to him. "Should have started with the cupcakes. It was nice meeting you, Hop. And Robin, sorry to be leaving. Arthur - it was good to see you." He smiles with warmth up at Arthur and eases away from the bar. He snags one of the cupcakes for the road. Still solid footing, but he's definitely got a sway to him. "Good night all. Joel, thanks for the invite. Ethan. Lance. Good to see you. Good night!"

Arthur watches Wick as he heads out the door and then turns back to Robin "Sorry, it was Robin, yeah. You missed the set up for the joke. I'm not actually mad at you. Just a little bit drunk." He's a lot drunk. He smiles at hop again "So you from this place or another blow in like me? And do you work in science or is it a side gig? Oh, huh Metallica. This is not actually a bad cover of this. It's no Thin Lizzy, but it's probably the best Irish American cover."

Drunken swimming may or may not be on the agenda for later -- it depends in part on how drunk all the potential participants get. But dancing is definitely on the agenda! As soon as she hears the music come up, Jade is on her feet and off to do a bit of it, and if she can pull any of the drinkers along with her to embarrass themselves? All the better! "Come on! You'll miss the fun!" Questionable to say the least.

Skye blinks in surprise and nods slowly at Joel. "Um.. Okay... yes.. you're not drunk." He looks a bit nervous at the man before settling on the bar. And of course once he's there, he orders a cosmo, something that one of the tourists might order. Hop nods to Robin, "Ok, I mean, they're also just hella tasty, but no worries." he looks to Tabin, "Ya, banana and fennel, totally tasty and totally balanced to fight stomach problems. I'm Hop, nice to meet you all." he says to Robin and Tabin, and then waves to Skye too. "Lots of cute dudes here tonight." he says to Arthur, about the joke, and just in general too, "I grew up a bit north of here, but still a Cali dude, I don't currently work, could probably do well at a bakery or something but I haven't looked into anything, just got to town." he nods

"Yes, too much talking, not enough dancing!" Lance agrees, then holds one finger up, suddenly looking a bit queasy. "Uh. One moment. I'll be right back. Important business." And he wobbles off to the bathroom.

Arthur nods at Hop and fumbles at his wallet, spilling a bunch of business cards belonging to various people on to the bar, and paws at them until he finds what he thinks is his own and writes his cell number on the back "If you go into business doing these, give me a call" he follows this up with an attempt at a charming wink but he is probably too drunk to succeed and so instead it is *just* the right side of creepy.

Robin laughs double fisting Guiness now and already swaying a bit, fucking light weights. "It's all good bud." He turns hearing another familiar face. "Skye!" He yells and moves over to the man.

Lance goes home. Lance has left.

Tabin slurrrrrpped on his coke. "Hey Hop. Name's Tabin. Also new. Drifting as well. Just me and my boat." He gave a wave that was immediately cut short by upturned eyebrows as he watched Lance offer the throne it's much needed sacrifice. "Phew. When you gotta go you gotta go." He laughs. He looks around at the collective giving a stern and obviously critical assessment of the 'hotness' level. "Hmmm...Perhaps. You should probably have a bit more, they'll only get better." He said in a smirk. Skye glances over at Hop and blushes, overhearing what he says. THen his drink is delivered. He smiles and takes a sip. He notices Jade and waves before he jums as Robin calls out to him. He waves. "Oh! Um.. Hi Robin." He says, the sober one here, it seems.

Robin is around 5'8" and a slender but toned build and an olive skin tone. His face has soft look that is brought about by his brown hazel eyes. He sports only a little stubble on his chin and cheeks and his thick wavy brown hair comes down to about shoulder length. Robin sports a bright green Adidas hoodie and green Chicago Cubs baseball cap.  He also wears tight black ripped jeans with paint splatters artiscally splayed on them. He also dons a pair of white converse with black and red roses drawn on them.

Joel slips away from Ethan, presumably. He stares at Jade for a long, long moment. "What -- what are we doing? Dancing? Not me. I -- uh -- I'm good watching." The arm with the hat drops to his side, before he too starts feeling his liquor. "Look, man," he announces, presumably to Ethan although really to anyone who's listening, "I gotta go for a walk and sober up. This shit is starting to get to me." His footing lurches just a little, and that seems to bring about a bit of drunken caution in the man.

Ethan does not mess with anyone else claiming they are not drunk, to be fair. He grins at Joel and says "Aight, you're fine. But I need a refill, you were right, the cupcakes were-- man, who has been eating banana and fennel? Is like a cloud in here. Wait, Robin?" he echoes, and looks about as if for the person in question.

Hop pauses, probably at the word 'business' but maybe it was at the wink, "I'll do that." he says as he helps Arthur put all the cards back in his wallet, keeping the one with the number, "You should switch to water dude, and def set up an Uber for yourself, or I can get you one when need be." he nods and then smiles at Tabin, "Nice to meet you, neat name too, I like that, not boring like being a Dan or something." he nods, "On your boat? That's cool! and nah, they're alright with just two beers, I don't got a designated driver, or anyone to go home drunk to so no point in getting blitzed right?"

Robin sits next to the man finishing his first of two beer. "What's up man? Ya doin' good?" He Chicago accent starting to slip through the cracks. Skye takes a delicate sip of his pink drink. He glances about and then looks at Robin, grinning. "It looks like you've had a few? I'm doing pretty good. How about yourself Tabin has been hard at work keeping track of everyone. When Ethan calls out for Robin, Tabin taps him on the shoulder and points in Robin's direction. "Went over to that guy over there." He gave a thumb up and looked back to Hop. "Yup. Came on a boat, immigrant style...save by style I mean from the north. No big deal though. Needed someplace new ya know? Get stuck in the same hole your entire life never see anything awesome. Like banana cupcakss." Which the man had never heard of. "You sure? I mean if you get blitzed I don't mind supervising you home." He shakes his coke. "Eternal DD that I am."

Arthur says "Water sounds good. I am going to be so fucking hung over tomorrow" and looks at Tabin "What kinda boatcha got? And what's a DD?"

Ethan turns around at the tapping and eyes Tabin. "Huh, another new guy... man, this was supposed to be just hanging out," and looks in the direction that was pointed.

"It means he's got herpes and he smokes crack," Joel notes 'helpfully' to Arthur, even if his wit's a little dulled. He moves to lurch towards the door, raising a hand at the others, scrubbing his other one over his face. Having not had a single cupcake, he isn't doing too well at sobering up, but he manages to slip out of Margaritaville without falling flat on his face, so there's that. Never mind the faint sound of retching right outside the door.

Ethan is distracted from whatever he was doing and sidetracks to the front door.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Robin rolls Stamina vs 6 for 1 successes. +7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

MoGui comes in from North Beach - Harbor MoGui has arrived.

Robin smiles at Skye. "I'm doing pretty good." When he hears his name. "Yo what's up?" He yells louder than he should looking for who said his name.

Skye glances curiously at Ethan as the man gestures to him. He nods his head boefre looking back at Robin. "Uh.. Who are you talking to?" he asks, smirking a bit as Robin yells out. "You are so drunk!"

Tabin points over to Joel. "That's about right. He forgot about meth though. Way too much meth. That's what DD stands for after all. 'Too Much Meth', or it did originally." He slurps on more of his coke watching that now Joel is defying the porcelin gods by offering a generous donation outside. He pouts. Toilets never gett he love they deserve. "What kind of boat?" He looked to Arthur. "Camp Cruiser. 15' by 31' foot or something like that. Nice little houseboat. Beats an apartment with rents and all that nonsense.

Mo makes his way inside, looking to grab a quick taco type bite and a beer.

Hop shakes his head at Tabin, "That's very nice of you, problem is, you're cute, and sober, and I won't be, sober that is. So I'll try to kiss you or something else equally embaressing and that's a par-tay foul, trying to kiss the DD." he nods, he knows the rules. "So I'll stick to the two drinks." he reaches down to his backpack to get out a small vial and a tea bag which he sticks into a ziplock bag and then uses a shrpie to write on, "Arthur, make this tea, then pour in the vial of apple cider vinegar and have a slow morning, it'll help take the hangover from like a 10 to a 4 or something." he nods, "Best science has got, well the science that fits into my backpack anyhow."

Arthur looks at Robin, sipping his pint of water and looking green about the gills, but holding on thanks to the cupcakes. "He's also pretty. There's a lot of pretty men in this town." He then looks at Hop with his eyes very wide "I could kiss you man. You're a leg end."

Joel looks up as Ethan makes his way out. "Hey, man," he greets Ethan a little fuzzily. "Make sure I get back somewhere in one piece, huh? I didn't quite think this through. I just saw 'pub crawl' and was in." He braces a smile at the chef, and then adds, "My car's... somwhere. I'll find it tomorrow morning." Good plan.

Tabin gave an appreciative look to Hop. "You think I'm cute? I don't think i've ever heard that before. Thank you." He raised his coke, silent salutation that he will no longer try to get Hop as obviously wasted as everyone else. Especially since he crawled into the bag to pull out his science experiment he had a feeling that he wasn't going to be able to succeed...even if Hop DID drink himself silly. When Arthur says that he could kiss him, Tabin's eyes sparkle with the look of watching lovers begin dancing. "You know...Hop was complaining he was going to be alone tonight and have no one to celebrate into the late evening with. I think! You, my friend." He smiles and gestures to Hop. "should have that exquisite honor."

Ethan moves to North Beach - Harbor Ethan has left.

Arthur blushes at Tabin's prhasing. "I think he's a bit out of my league. And he can definitely do better. And someone closer to his age. I'll get a reputation as a twink chaser" he says, protesting too much

Hop laughs warmly, "That would be the first kiss I got for being a weirdo who carries around a backpack stocked like it's a kitchen." he listens to Tabin and Arthur discuss him, "Tabin, you are cute, though I'm getting a vibe that me telling you so doesn't do anything for you." he says with a chuckle, "And Arthur, you should be kinder to yourself." he says with a nod.

Robin waves his hand while ordering another guiness. "I'll be fine. The night is still young... actually you wanna do a car bomb?" he asks Skye excitedly, then turning to Arthur overhearing his protests. "What you should go for it man age is only a number and self deprecation with things like leagues and shit are just hokdingvyou back from like being yourself and crap." He points at Hop waving his hand. " See he gets it."

MoGui has voted for you. MoGui has disconnected.

Skye shakes his head. "What is it that you're drinking? It looks so dark. A... car bomb? Uh.. what's that?" He looks over at Arhtur and Hop. "Um.. hey.. I guess I'm Robin's friend. I'm Skye." He says.

Arthur has turned bright red by this stage "Hi Robin's friend Skye. I'm incredibly mortified, but most people call me Arthur" and laughs. "And for the record, I was trying to preserve his dignity, not mine. I am a consummate gentleman. I only kiss people when I have been asked to or they kiss me first." he nods to add emphasis. "And I am very drunk so I wouldn't want to take advantage."

Tabin look struck. Struck! "What do you mean 'it didn't do anything for me?' I take compliments seriously, /sir/." He added with his own finger this time. "No one ever compliments anyone anymore, not really. It's all backhanded habit now. You tell people they're pretty or cute or beautiful or whatever cuz your supposed to. Not cuz you mean it. But you didn't! So I appreciate it." He is obviously on the opposite fence. He didn't chime in on Hop's comment to Artur, the man making the point clear. Instead he looked to Skye! A newcomer to the table, and gave him a smile and wave. "Hey. Tabin." He added a 'hey' nod for emphasis.

Arthur squints at Tabin, "I called Robin pretty, though I should probably have said handsome. That particular parlance is not necessarily universally recognised. I called Hop cute. I'd call you dashing, only you've basically set it up that I can't earnestly compliment you. And turns to Skye, "you, you're" and pauses for the right word "fetching. Words are my stock and trade. Or they were. Before I retired and bought a bar. Now I'm just... very drunk and rambling. I do that a lot these days" and sips his water, if only to shut himself up

Skye glances at Arthur and Tabin as they banter back and forth. He smiles and waves to them. "It's nice to meet you both." he says, glancing at Hop. "Cute." He murmurs." Then he looks at Tabin. 'Dashing." Then he blinks and laughs. "Fetching? I can't say I've been called that before.

Robin smirks and shrugs. "If you're saying your drunk, it means you're not drunk enough, and ugh compliments are the worst but I'll take pretty" He laughs turning back to Skye. "That's a Guiness and a car bomb is when you take a shot of Bailey's and drop it in a Guiness and chug." He says smiling at the bartender as he delivers his Guiness. "And we'll take two car bombs."

Hop Mmmms to Tabin, "That's a shame, silly not to appreciate things, and tell people you do so when you do." he smiles at Tabin, and then turns to Arthur, "Consent is important, that's why I don't try to kiss people when I'm drinking either, I appreciate that." he smiles and chuckles warmly to Arthur giving out compliments, "I should be going, you're all attractive in your own ways, and no one needs me hitting on an entire bar." he says with a nod as he stands and gets on his backpack, "Anyone want my number, for future baked goods, or future kissing?" he says with a bit of a smirk, "You don't have to say which."

Arthur says, "Fetching seems like the kind of word that you can call anyone of any gender without necessarily conforming to preestablished gender norms and I generally try to err on the side of not offending people when I'm trying to be nice. And for the record, Robin. We call those depth charges. Calling them 'car bombs', especially on Paddy's day, is a bit like walking in to a New York bar and asking for wto flaming sambucas in tall glasses and calling them 'Twin Towers'" he tries for non confrontational but it's clear he's uncomfortable and maybe a little sore about it. "And yes. I will take your number for both or either, at your say. Also wick might want it for both or either.""

Skye groans as Robin orders that. "Um.. well.. okay.. but... you know my tolerance, Robin." He blinks and then murmurs. "That was me saying your name." He says, glancing at Hop, waving. He blinks and then says boldly. "Oh, I'll take your number.. or a kiss now... or both." He grins at his boldness.

Arthur says, "And oh my god can someone please stop me from talking""

Dashing, eh? "Dashing huh?" He says to the compliment given to him. He considers it thoughtfully. "...The 'Dashing' Tabin Murphy...very well! I accept." He accepts this label. "It has a certain zing that is too good to let go." He also takes the opportunity to steal Hop's number. "Don't leave me hangin' man. Gimme these digits." He even pulls out his phone to plug it in. As Arthur laments on someone keeping him from talking he simply laughs. "Lighten up, chief! Let your freak-tongue waggle. Best day of the year to do it."

<OOC> Robin says, "one more for fun."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Robin rolls Stamina vs 6 for 0 successes. 5 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Robin turns to Skye. "It'll be fine I'm a light weight too and..." He puts a hand over his mouth and sprints towards the bathroom.

Skye looks a bit surpised as Robin heads off to the bathroom. "oh no..." he says, only now finishing his own pink drink. "I hope he's okay!"

Arthur says, "Should someone go after him?""

Hop writes his number down for those who asked, while saying it aloud for Tabin, and then gives both Arthur and Skye a hershey kiss candy, and a kiss on the cheek as well, "Feel free to message me on a day when booze won't be a thing before meeting." he says warmly to them both, and then nods to Tabin as well, "Nice to meet everyone, everyone please get home alright."

Eden comes in from North Beach - Harbor Eden has arrived.

Skye looks a bit bemused at taking the hershey kiss. He was more curious than anything and he blushes as Hop kisses his cheek. "Um.. It was nice meeting you, kinda." He says, waving to the man as he leaves.

Arthur blushes from ear to ear with a grin "You know this frees me to kiss you back some time?" and manages a more genuinely charming wink this time

Tabin takes down Hop's number and saves it. He shoots a text to the number to return the favor and then tucks his phone away. "Eternal DD. On the case." He salutes Hop in goodbye and then gives a grin to Arthur. "Seeeeee? You just gotta lean in on that charm. You got it." He nudges him for ressurance.

Robin comes staggering back from the bathroom wiping his mouth. "Well that wasn't very fun, but at least it made room for more." He says to no one in particular.

Hop he says to Skye, "Same, we'll talk more, use the number." and then nods to Arthur, "Sounds like a plan." he thinks about popping his wheelies back out but decides against it, "Gotta hop." he says with a smirk, and then heads out for the night.

Arthur watches Hop leave, still blushing, "níol bháiste ach doirt"

Skye blinks a bit as Hop says that. He looks a bit startled and lifts his hand to the man. "Oh! Um.. yes.. sure." He says, waving back to the man. THe he looks over at Robin and reaches out to squeeze his shoulder. "Are you okay? WHat? You're going to keep on going?" Skye seems like the only sober one here.

Eden was wearing a pastel mint green dress with slightly darker heels, her hair was done up in a retro style to mimic the '50's. With a completely normal leather jacket on top to keep herself warm. Perhaps a bit late for the bar crawl, she's right on time to enjoy an alcoholic retreat as she pauses to find a empty seat at the bar.

Hop goes home. Hop has left.

Arthur says, "Hey Robin, I think you've *probably* had enough. You should probaby get some water into you or you'll be dying tomorrow"" Arthur ,who is very drunk, nods at Eden "Hi there, I can't remember if we've met or not. But happy Saint Patrick's Day."

Robin stumbles back to his seat just in time for the car bombs. "Of course I am I got to finish what I ordered. c'mon I'll race ya." He gets distracted by Eden when she takes a seat at the bar. "Hey! I know you! You're Eden the one with thatagic touring machine and shit or whatever." He says excitedly. When he hears Arthur he shrugs. "I've probably had worse mornings, that'll been hungover Robin's problem.

Skye looks over at the flash of green and he smiels. "Oh, nice dress. I should have worn something green." he says, admitting something he probably shouldn't have. "You got a ways to catch up to these guys... I guess I do too." He says, looking back at Robin. He smiles faintly, hoping he'd forget about the carbombs now.

Arthur takes off his green linen sleeveless top and hands it to Skye with a nod "I'm actually Irish, I get a free pass"

Tabin is among the few who looks stone cold sober, sporting his defiant coka-cola instead of a bubbly boozemahol. As Eden takes a seat he simply waves. "Heyo." Though he nots the name Eden by Robin. Speaking of, once the man manages to get back down he pats the man on the shoulder. "You okay man? You wanna make dedications to throne sparingly."

Skye looks a bit surprised at the proffer of the shirt. He blinks. "Um.. Thank you.. but.. I'm okay." He says, glancing at Arthur's bare chest. "Um.. I wouldn't want you to get cold." He says diplomatically.

Slowly approaching Arthur and Robin, with Skye thrown in the lot - she quickly examines their drunken states and what they were drinking. "Oh... car bombs are delightful. However, in the military - we recommend punishment waters. You have to drink a full glass of water before your next alcoholic drink. Keeps you from blacking out or getting a hangover.", sliding into a seat and watching them all. "Strongbow cider.", she tells the bartender, "Or woodchuck or angry orchard. Any cider."

Arthur is currently drinking water "I recommend a Magners, for the day that's in it. If this place doesn't have them, we can go to the Murder. They definitely have them." Arthur puts his shirt back on with a shrug, probably inside out

Tabin finishes his coke and asks for a refill. "Keep it off, man! Strut your stuff." He nudges Arthur while he waits for his coke. "Go big or go home you know what I mean?" He gives a smirk and snags his refill from the bartender with a tip for honest effort then retreats to standing behind the crew. Sluuuurrrp from the straw. "Cider's good. It's one of the few things I don't mind drinking. The rest just tastes either like a barrel fire down your throat, horse piss, or burning piss and if I have to accomodoate it to like it? Noooo thank you."

Arthur says, "So you're straight but incorragable?""

Skye smiles at Eden and nods his head. "I think that's a good idea. Especially for some." He glances pointedly at Robin. He smirks a bit. "If you want, you can have my carbomb." He says, looking a bit hopeful. He glances at Tabin and Arthur, not able to add anything further on the ciders even if he'd probably like them.

Robin smiles and sighs. "Fine I'll switch to water, but no handing off your drink to anyone, they can have mine if she wants, but if not maybe you should drink both in commemoration of your fallen comrade." He adds pointing to himself.

Eden gets her angry orchard from the bartender, "I haven't been to the murder, yet. But if they have magners, I'll check it out.", a small smile to Skye. "You heard the man. Better drink up.", doing a quick look over the party she joined. "Oh, did I join a complete LGBTQ section?", asking with a smile. Eden didn't care, she fit a few letters herself.

Skye blinks and winces as Robin points to him. "me? Uh.. I haven't ever had one. I don't think I can do two." He looks at Eden. "Please.. have one. For me? I'll do anything." He blinks, looking confused at Eden's comment. Then he takes the shot glass. He sniffs it but then drops it into the guiness. Then he lifts up and drinks the beer, his eyes watering. He's definitely not drinking it fast enough.

Arthur says, "Um... I think Robin and Tabin are straight. Or just immune to my charms. I'd say even odds on that.""

Tabin frowns. "I am. Would you rather I scornfully look at you with all that 'oh no, manflesh' look?" He prods. "It's supposed to be a night of revelry! Just wanting to make sure everyone has a good time, and I do mean everyone." He says with clarity. "Life's got enough shit planned for people tomorrow. Take the day you know what I mean? Speaking of." He sluuuuurps his coke as he checks his watch, being reminded by the clock he saw. Redundancy! "I should be getting homeward bound." He finishes his coke, sluuuuuuuuuuuuuuurp and then sets the glass on the barcounter, complete with additional tip.

Robin shakes his head. "No I'm straight. I made out with a guy or two but it never really felt right." Not defensively, just his over honest nature making him an over sharer."

Arthur nods at Tabin "Same. If y'all want to hang out again and I'm not at the Steamed and Hammered; I'm likely at the Murder of Crows. We're doing a grand reopening on the 28th, but we're fully stocked before then."

Skye sputters a bit, coughing as he recvoers from the carbomb. His eyes water and he blinks, like he wants to say something when Robin says that. BUt he's not in a position to say anything as he coughs some more.

Arthur says, "I'll make sure all y'all are on the guest list.""

Eden takes the second car bomb from Skye, but continues her own cider. Waving a goodbye to Tabin as he bounced. "Don't worry, I've seen plenty of sailors recover just as you might be. Just slow it down, also have you eaten? Really fatty food absorbs the alcohol and slows its way down from entering your digestive system. Time is your friend here. Use it to assist you.", giving drinking tips from first hand knowledge.

<OOC> Arthur says, "It's 04:25 here I'm going to head for some sleep" <OOC> Eden says, "kk" <OOC> Skye waves. "Thanks for the rp. <OOC> Arthur says, "likewise" Arthur goes home. Arthur has left. <OOC> Tabin says, "Indeed. Thanks for inviting me! I had a good time." <OOC> Robin says, "gnight :)" <OOC> Tabin says, "Nini!" There's no place like home... There's no place like home... There's no place like home... <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->