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Revision as of 12:43, 31 July 2013

“Ain't no rest for the wicked.
Money don't grow on trees.
I got bills to pay,
I got mouths to feed
and Nothing in this world's for free.”

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Person Quote Ringtone
Adele Sweetheart Didn't start out too strong. Going to have problems with this Believer. Heathens
Andrew Hjelmstad I think I'm going to need a long canvas for this one... Bad Romance
Ashleigh I don't mind that she's always happy, but at least she could share her supplier. Happy
Balance Totally chill guy. Great to hang with. Not Falling
Conleth This guy don't know when to quit, but sometimes that's what it takes to get the job done. White Room
Eloise Long history with this one. She reminds me of that cool aunt that's helping people one minute and smackin them around the next. Witchy Woman
Gwydion Known this guy for a while, though we don't "know" each other. When in doubt, find Gwydion. He'll know. All Along the Watchtower
Harikumo She of the Cooties and the Hot Friends. Betty Davis Eyes
Jackyl You got moments where you're normal and moments when I know you hit it too hard. I just gotta know... Have You Ever Seen the Rain
Jasen Within five minutes, I was thinking that we could have been cut from the same cloth. I want to know who held the scissors. What it's Like
Kyler One of the new faces around the Haven. Ashe likes him, but he seems to like me. It's complicated. Welcome to the Club
Marie I know that she's actually speaking English, but... Weird Science
Slayton Krenshaw And I thought cowboys were dead...pshew. Wanted Dead or Alive
Stella Amunet Anyone who runs the local Witchmart is on my A-list. Seven Wonders

Gone but not Forgotten

Person Quote Ringtone
Adrian Troubled guy. Long history with him. It's complicated. Too Close
Maglock I feel so sorry for him sometimes. Other times, he's cool. I'm Going to Murder Justin Bieber
Zoe (Mage) Pretty sure she's family in some form or fashion. Don't know

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RP Hooks
  • Southern: Wyck was born and raised within the south. The streak of southern manners runs deep in the boy and he's been known to demonstrate this in his presence of manners and concepts such as hospitality, guest rights and debt. Wyck -hates- being in debt to someone else and will do anything and everything in his power to get out from under someone else's thumb. Should someone be invited to spend time with Wyck, either at his trailer, one of the places he's borrowing as a 'home' or just in polite company, they are treated as a 'guest' and are afforded all rights (and responsibilities) that means. To Wyck, a guest should be treated with respect and given every opportunity to repay such kindness, but he'll never bring such obligation up within the conversation. Guests never pay for their meals, but they should also be respectful of any other guest Wyck has at the table.
  • Intolerence: Wyck has a few issues which he has become intolerant of over the years. First, he can't stand a bully. If he sees someone bullying upon another - especially if the target of the bullying is someone weaker - then Wyck will probably have to do something about it if he can. He's not stupid and he's not going to just charge up and challenge the bully to a fight, rather he'll wait and pick his moment to ensure that person can't harm another...again. Another big issue for Wyck is women; he don't like them. More specifically, he doesn't like what women have become in modern society. Given that a large influence on how he saw women was by a woman who was his adopted grandmother, his views on how people should behave are somewhat antiquated. His issue seems to involve the trend for women to follow in the footsteps of the Kardashians and Hiltons where intelligence and integrity is trumped by popularity and appearance. This is not to say that he is intolerant of all woman, just those who have aligned themselves with that type.
  • Artist: Wyck is what you might call a starving artist. Meaning that he's not being paid for his art but he doesn't often get paid for it. He draws what he sees, usually, so he's constantly scribbling away at this or that in one of many sketchbooks he carries with him. (See gear below).
Street Hooks
  • Hustler: Wyck is straight - or at least that's what he tells his clients. Normally he tries to find up-scale buisnessmen who want a little action on the down-low and is usually able to keep them quite entertained. (NOT effeminate)
  • Homeless: (strictly speaking he lives in a Winibago but it's on the street). He's been known to squat here and there by parking his winibago near an abandoned or vacant building so as to tap into their power and water. How he taps in is another matter entirely.
  • Fixer: Wyck is known for helping people find what they need - for a small price. He makes introductions, finds things that need to be found or, more likely, losses things that shouldn't be found again.
  • Thief: One of the things he tends to 'fix' for people is when they need items back from people who have taken them or when the courts won't force them to give them back. Above such things as a pick pocket and not as sophisticated as a bank robber, Wyck will 'find' things that people need (or say that they need) for the right price. He's been known to find heirlooms, pieces of art, antiques, etc.
  • Witch: When all else fails and he needs money - he's known to read tarot cards, cast curses and things on people. He drums it up as an act to make money. He's none-too-shy about admitting his interest in the occult and doesn't hide the fact that he considers himself to be a 'street witch'. His grimoire is a composition notebook, his wand is a prop from Harry Potter and he has a Slythern patch on his satchel.
  • Vagrant: Occasionally he has to move the camper so that people don't become too wise that he's stealing their power or water. So he could end up anywhere in the city.


See also: Streetwise

Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png Wyck is just a guy who lives in an old RV.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png Wyck worked at BabylonOld back in the day.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png Wyck has been known to sell Ice in small quantities.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png Wyck has carved out a flophouse at an old wine factory somewhere on Maple St. called The Haven

Background Hooks
  • Small Town: Wyck was born in Louisiana and quickly left the small town and his family as soon as he could. Wyck's family life was difficult at best. His parents always fought and most of the time he was caught in the middle.
  • Passed Around: When he was between fifteen and sixteen, he decided to leave in the hopes that his absence would make his parents fight less. Originally he went to Texas to live with a friend of the family who said that they would look after him until 'things got sorted out'. A year after his arrival, the friend - who had become something of a grandmother to him - died. Unable to stay where he was (as a minor) and unwilling to go back home (which is where the courts were wanting to send him) he took off and headed to the big city.
  • Poor: Wyck was raised in a poor family who dreamed about having a working class income. As such, his priorities are a bit different. Rather than focusing upon gathering all of the outward, material signs of wealth and success, Wyck has learned to do with less and is quite happy to focus his sights on goals which are more important to him. So long as he has a roof over his head, food in his belly and a spare notebook, he's usually good to go. Anything else he might acquire is there to help others.
Supernatural Hooks
  • Bloodboy: is nearly equivalent to a courtesan in that the mortal exchanges his blood for a nice place to live and a small stipend of money. Typically, the term is used to describe a mortal who was kept in a tight-knit herd whose members lived together in a house provided for them by the vampire.
    • Wyck was at one time part of a Vampire's Herd about three and a half ago (when he was 16) in Los Angeles.
    • The vampire was destroyed in a fire set by another, rival vampire.
    • Even after realizing that he was part of a herd, Wyck still regards this time in his life as one of the most stable.
    • Wyck has tried to keep in relative contact with those who were part of the herd. Are you one of the survivors?
  • Orphan: Strictly speaking, he's a Hollow One, but in the eyes of many a magical practitioner, he's 'just an orphan' who works small magic.
  • Kithain: Wyck has recently discovered that somewhere in his parentage, he has a changeling in the mix. It took him a while to track down the origin of the parent but it turns out that he is one of the Sidhe, specifically a descendant of the House of Eiluned. As a fringe member of Changeling society, Wyck has seen things and helped out a few of the Fair Folk, but it's not like he's invited over for house parties and barbecues.
  • Technobane: Wyck is allergic to technology. More specifically, technology is allergic to his touch. At his touch cellphone batteries will drain faster than they should, computer monitors will flicker, item scanners at the checkout will malfunction, etc. It's not something that people would immediately recognize (2 point flaw) but it is something that people would probably pick up on if they spend any time around him. It's not immediate and it's not flashy but you don't want him to hold your new smart phone or check the web on your laptop.
  • Bards Curse: Whereas people may interpret the 'feeling' that one gets with Awareness, Wyck, for some reason, manifests such a feeling by a subconscious need to rhyme his words. So, if something supernatural starts to happen around him, rather than him getting the 'oogly' feeling, he just starts to rhyme.


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  • Sketchbook: Wyck is rarely seen without his satchel and one of the prized posessions within the satchel is his sturdy, small, black-covered sketchbook. Part journal, part idea book and part sketchbook, the book holds all of his thoughts about almost everything.
  • The goggles: also an acquisition at the Steampunk convention get a little more use as he wears them around his neck at certain times. He swears that they allow him to see better at night - and with a little forces magic - they do.
  • The ray gun: is an exact replica of Wyck's favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon, Space Rangers. When he was lucky enough to happen upon it at a convention out in California he had to acquire it. Harmless - he none-the-less believes that it has saved his life on more than one occasion.

His Satchel


Wyck is constantly seen with his canvas satchel - whether he was on the road or now that he's in town. The satchel is large enough for a laptop but wider - as though it were designed to hold a stack of books rather than just the thin profile of a bit of electronics. It has every appearance of being a messenger bag. The satchel is decorated with a dozen or so patches from all over the country (state parks, etc.) as well as a number of odd glyphs and scrawls in black, permanent marker with the occasional white paint pen to highlight this and that.
As a consummate nomad, his satchel holds everything he would need for life, work or the occasional adventure. Since he's usually on foot and doesn't head back to the camper until the sun's down so that he doesn't lead anyone back to his home, he needs to keep everything that he'll need with him at all times.

Being a general vagrant, the satchel fulfills one of the cardinal rules of the street:

A Bag is not for what you carry with you - but for what you find along the way.

At any given time he could have a different set of gear within the bag though there are a number of things that generally are always maintained.

  • Kabar Hunting Knife
  • Journal
  • Malachite Egg
  • Tarot Deck
  • Military Flashlight
  • Old Zippo
  • Duct Tape
  • 550 Cord
  • Multi Tool
  • Condom
  • Sandwich Bag
  • Plastic Poncho
  • Baby Wipes
  • Glow Sticks

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xxxxxWyck grew up in a very abusive home. His mother and father never loved each other. He was, essentially, the product of a one-night's stand when his father was passing through Las Vegas and went to see her show at the 'Moonlite Lounge' where his mother was stripping. They stayed together for a few years - until he was around seven years old and then she ran away and left him with his alcoholic father. His father would have probably ditched Wyck at the nearest grocery story if he wasn't reliant upon his check every month to buy him beer and pay for a few bills.

xxxxxHe and his father traveled around a lot, preventing him from attending much school. His father worked odd jobs here and there in construction and the like and they bounced down to East Texas and eventually over to New Orleans after Katrina had hit. While working on the reconstruction of the city his father parked them in motels and hotels every other day or so and so Wyck learned to live out of a gymbag. If he wanted it - it had to be on him or near him at all times. There was never any warning when his dad would come back to the room and tell him that they had to get out of town or move with only a few minutes notice.

xxxxxIt was while they were in New Orleans that Wyck wandered into a HooDoo shop in the back of a Laundromat. Part of his chores was to do their laundry when his dad was out working. Wyck only had a few pair of clothes to his name but his dad would go through t-shirts and things all of the time while working. The HooDoo shop was where he saw 'Miss Cecile' reading tarot cards for people and he asked about them. She showed him what they were and how to read them while his laundry was finishing. Miss Cecile was called away to help one of her 'clients' and Wyck swiped up the cards and his laundry and snuck out to head back to the room. It was the first thing that he had ever stolen. He couldn't pay her for them and there was no way that his dad would give him any money. Sure enough - when he got back to the room his dad was waiting for him and the laundry because they had to pick up and go to another motel in town.

xxxxxHis father was always ducking or hiding from someone but Wyck could never figure out who it was. At their next stop, Baton Rouge, Wyck was able to 'tell fortunes' for people on the street. He as almost able to 'guess' what the person wanted and could tell them what they wanted to hear. The scam gave him some extra money that his dad didn't know about. It was a quick buck here and there but it was ok for a fourteen year-old boy. Before they left Baton Rouge he heard his father talking to someone on one of the pre-paid cellphones about a debt and how he wasn't going to repay it. He also heard a name "Iago". His father said that the man with the strange name could go to hell and that he wouldn't pay him back - ever.

xxxxx Iago, apparently, was not a man to be crossed. By the time they had left Baton Rouge and had made it back to Phoenix they had bounced around nearly two-dozen times in two years. Each time the move was rushed and frantic as though his father had realized that they were being followed or that someone had come to where he worked asking for him. Whenever Wyck would ask why they were running and what was going on - he'd just get a back-hand or a smack-down or threatened with leaving him alone like his mother did. For the longest time, being abandoned - again - was Wyck's biggest fear. It took him a while to realize that life alone was probably better than life with his father. The man did little more than stay gone all day and when he came home he'd be drunk and angry. Many times Wyck would just lock himself in the bathroom to sleep in the tub rather than risk his dad's latest "Do you know what I do for you" beatings.

xxxxx When Wyck turned sixteen, his father said that he had found a way for the two of them to stop running. The idea was an odd revelation and yet he couldn't help feel that there was something else going on. His father was positively giddy when, on his birthday, they arrived in Los Angles. With money that he knew his father did not have, they checked into a 'nice' motel and his father took him out to a real dinner. He told Wyck that it was an apology for all of the things that had happened to him over the years and that he was going to make up for it. There's nothing that can make a person more paranoid than when the abuser suddenly becomes apologetic. Wyck -wanted- to believe that his father was trying to make up for all of the crap that he had to live through but there was just that nagging feeling that it was too good to be true.

xxxxx And indeed it was. That night, while Wyck slept with a full belly and after his father had taken him to see a -real- movie in a -real- theater, he woke up just long enough to see two men throw a black bag over his head and drag him out of the room. That wasn't the only thing he saw, though. He saw his father - standing in the room talking with a third man who gave him a fist-full of cash. Wyck had been sold into slavery. There's not much that could break one's hold on reality but that simple fact - of being sold into slavery by the only parent that he had left did it.

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Date of Birth: October 1, 1993 (18)
Nationality: American
Occupation: Hustler, Fixer, Street Witch
Race: Mage
Faction Hollow One
Essence Questing
Resonance: (forthcoming)
Demeanor: Chameleon
Nature: Survivor
Cliques: Blood Boy / Glamour Whore
Hangouts: The Haven


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Wyck-new-03.jpg     Wyck-new-02.jpg     Wyck-new-01.jpg     Sketchbook med.jpg     Goggles-01.jpg     Slytherin-patch-01.jpg     Ray-Gun.jpg     Bago-exterior-02.jpg

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Notable Stats
Appearance PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Manipulation PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Intelligence PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Wits PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

Awareness PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Alertness (Paranoid) PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Streetwise PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png
Occult (Witchcraft) PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

Avatar PurpleDot.pngPurpleDot.png

Kinain: Sidhe of the House of Eiluned

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I Dreamed a Dream - Les Miserables

He slept a summer by my side
He filled my days with endless wonder
He took my childhood in his stride
But he was gone when autumn came

9 Crimes - Damien Rice

Leave me out with the waste
This is not what I do
It's the wrong kind of place
To be thinking of you

Apologize - Timbaland

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound

Raise your Glass - Warblers

So raise your glass if you are wrong
In all the right ways
All my underdogs, we will never be, never be
Anything but loud
And nitty gritty dirty little freaks
Won't you come on, and come on, and
Raise your glass
Just come on and come and
Raise Your Glass!

House Rules - Christian Kane


Aint no rest for the wicked - Cage the Elephant


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