Animal Speech (knowledge)
Some beasts have languages of their own; how many of them do is a subject for scholars to debate (and Storytellers to decide, based on the level of fantasy one wants to employ). The old tales claim that most beasts have parliaments or councils which meet in the dead of winter, when humans believe the animals are sleeping. According to such tales, beasts speak as readily to each other as humans do; people just don't understand them. To the rationalist, of course, such claims are sheer mythology, but you know better.
Through some circumstance of fortune (to be decided as part of your background), you can speak to and understand animal speech. If you are an animal, you may speak to others of your kind as a "default" language, since this Knowledge reflects an ability to converse with other types of beasts. If you're a human being, you're not assumed to know any animal languages for free — but then, an animal must buy this Knowledge to understand human speech on more than a simply superficial level, too.
Animal Speech works just like Linguistics, with the following exceptions:
- To speak to animals, the character must be able to form sounds like those the animal in question makes. A bear, for example, would find bird speech physically impossible to speak, although he might be able to understand it.
- Certain beasts may be able to speak a common language if they share similar physical and social characteristics.
A wolf, for instance, could speak to dogs, but not to cats. Also, some things may translate differently — a poodle might sound unbearably prissy to a wild wolf, or a lion might seem bored and condescending to a cheetah.
Animal speech, both in form and topic, is very general. Animals tend to think simply and directly, phrasing things in terms of sensation and impression. (Many also happen to be color-blind. Trying to describe the color violet to a dog or squirrel would be an exercise in futility, since color is not a concept either recognizes.) The Storyteller has the final decision over the existence or utility of this Knowledge; it's appropriate for mythological or high fantasy chronicles but completely wrong for low-level fantasy or horror games.
House rule: Provides # of languages per dot the same as Linguistics. See also +explain Animal Speech (Knowledge)
Animal Speech (Knowledge)
Dabbler: One additional language

Student: Two additional languages
Scholar: Four additional languages
Master: Eight additional languages
Virtuoso: Sixteen additional languages
WW4802 Bygone Bestiary 102
WW4805 The Sorcerers Crusade Companion 117
Area Knowledge
If you spend enough time in an area, you get to learn a lot about it - what's nearby, the sort of people who live or work there, the rhythms and patterns of life in the region. this Knowledge reflects your character's experience of a particular place, gained through months or years of habitation. Familiarity with a city neighborhood, a town or a rural area means more than knowing where to find an all-night drugstore, or being able to tell when the mood in a bar could turn ugly. It's about being part of the community, and knowing - and being accepted by - the people, remembering the history and events of the area, and being familiar with geographical oddities and bad places. Note that while Locale knowledge is broad, it can never be transported - when you take this Ability, you must pick on area as a specialty, and your character's familiarity applies only to that area.
Area Knowledge
Student: You can find your way around without getting lost.

College: You know the good restaurants.
Masters: Tracking down whatever or whomever you need is easy.
Doctorate: People are always stopping to chat with you on the street.
Scholar: You know every place, every person, and every thing in the area.
WW8110 Hunter Book: Redeemer 66
Art History
Body Control
Practice for a few days and one can master the simple movements of a limb in combat. Practice for years, and even the muscles and systems of the body that function naturally come under control. With sufficient discipline and study, a focused student can learn to moderate breathing, block out pain, even take charge over heartbeat, digestion and other
bodily functions.
Body Control is usually a nonmagical, though rigorous, feat. Like Do, it’s a skill that requires dedicated study and focus, but in theory anyone with enough discipline could learn it. However, it often functions best when augmented with a little Life magic, which in turn allows the practitioner to perform truly extraordinary feats — metabolizing poisons, rapidly healing wounds and resisting burns.
Under stress situations, use Wits + Body Control (difficulty 8) to exert one facet of this Knowledge. In calm situations, use Intelligence + Body Control (difficulty 7). Usually, an extended roll is possible, representing a character taking several minutes of concentration to adjust his bodily functions.
Withdraw Testicles: The character does not suffer debilitating pain from a strike to the groin.
Hold Breath: The character holds his breath for one minute per dot of Stamina. Each additional success adds another minute. Extended successes don’t add to this duration, though.
Moderated Sleep: With a moment’s relaxation the character can fall asleep under any circumstances.

Tolerate Temperature: The character manages to mitigate the effects of extreme heat or cold. Reduce the damage dice pool for fire, heat or frost by one die. The character doesn’t suffer any fatigue or inconvenience due to temperature.

Transcend Pain: Reduce dice-pool penalties due to wounds by one for the remainder of the scene.
Slow Bleeding and Breathing: Regulation of breath, heart rate and body repair allows the character to mitigate the effects of shock and severe injury. A character reduced to the Wounded health level or worse can stabilize injuries without risk of further bleeding or other complications (aside from being hit again, of course).
Digestive Control: The character can exert control over the muscles that aid digestion in the stomach and intestines. This can slow the rate of absorption, in case the character has ingested poisoned or diseased substances. Although the character eventually absorbs the substance, this delays the onset of toxicity by a full hour per success scored.
Death Trance: The character enters a coma-like state. Only advanced medical technology (or magic) can determine that the character still lives. In this state, the character consumes little oxygen but the body maintains itself. Bleeding halts, the body delays the effects of poison and the individual essentially remains in a state much like suspended animation with all bodily functions at a crawl.
You can raise disciplines to 3.
You may only use one of these effects at a time, though with concentration (and multiple successful rolls) you might be able to combine them. You don’t automatically stack them if you roll multiple successes, nor do you automatically take the effects of the highest roll (that is, just because you scored five successes on your character’s attempt to hold his breath doesn’t mean that the character enters a coma). You can’t score a level of success greater than your number of dots in the Knowledge — having a high associated Attribute simply makes you better at achieving certain levels of effect.
Body Control
Student: You’ve learned to feel your breathing.

College: With concentration you can ignore needles, shrug off heat and soothe your breath, just like a yogi.
Masters: Even normally autonomic functions fall under your sway when you pause to pay attention to your body’s rhythms.
Doctorate: You can bring your body near death or incapacitation and still recover due to your startling control of muscles, blood and the healing process.
Scholar: You’ve learned to feel your breathing.
WW4657 Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition) 58
Chimerical Alchemy
The Birthright: Chimera Creation has certain limitations (a nocker may not create items that involve or require radiation, electricity or active chemical reactions). Nockers have sought to compensate for this by developing a highly specialized branch of science that deals with chemical reactions, what are difficult to replicate in the Dreaming.
You have gained some mastery of this elusive craft. Familiarity with Chimerical Alchemy allows you to transcend the limits of what most nockers can create in the Dreaming. No longer are you restricted to creating mechanical devices and simple tools. Now you can invent chimerical betteries to power devices, and can change one thing into another - perhaps even turn chimerical lead into gold (or is that fool's gold?)!
Unlike mundane chemistry, which is an exact science, Chimerical Alchemy requires a considerable amount of intuition. An alchemical reaction created one day in the Dreaming may cause a different effect the next day. You are learning how to predict these strange variations. The deeper you go into the dreaming, however, the more difficult it is to anticipate how a chimerical chemical reaction will turn out.
Chimerical Alchemy, as opposed to the Alchemy knowledge detailed in the Changeling Players Guide, deal solely with the materials of the Dreaming. If your character already has the Alchemy Knowledge, you may transfer the points to Chimerical Alchemy if it suits your character, and with the Storyteller's permission.
Chimerical Alchemy
Apprentice: You haven't blown yourself up - yet.

Journeyman: You're learning, but still highly dependent on your master for instruction. You could probably make goblin parchment.
Craftsperson: You are well-trained and capable of making your own way. You could probably make chimerical gunpowder.
Master: You're an experienced alchemist, within reach of the greatest of secrets. You could probably make a chimerical camera.
Balmalocha: You're on of the true practitioners of the craft.
Possessed by:
WW7052 Changeling - Kithbook Nockers 55
Church History
City Secrets
The study of ancient hsien text, such as the Tao te Hsien, the Chronicles of the Monkey King, and the Lo Shu, is extremely important to most hsien. Many masters learn them by heart, and most of the courts require passing exhaustive exams revolving around this cannon to rise in their ranks. Three rounds of exams are given - the most prestigious given every three years by the Ministry of Earth. Each test lasts for 10 days and includes written exams, oral defenses, and literary essays.
In system terms, the background "Title" can have no more dots than this Knowledge!
Novice: You know the gist of each of the classics.

Practiced: You have begun to study the classics earnestly.
Competent: You passed the first round of exams, earning the title xuicai, "budding genius."
Expert: You passed the second round of exams, earning the title juren, "promoted man."
Scholar: Master: You are jinshi, "achieved scholar."
WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 89
Computer Hacking
Computer Programming
Conspiracy Theory
The world is honeycombed with secret agencies, occult sects, government cover-ups and clandestine alliances. Anyone with half a brain knows it, and you've got far more than half a brain! In your files, hundreds of conspiracies boil just below the surface of civilization's illusion: alien abductions, assassination plots, genetic experiments, monstrous alliances. As a collector of such modern paranoia, you've heard about dozens — even hundreds — of plots, conspirators and suspicious organizations. Do you believe this stuff? Of course! Being a Technocrat, you've got a ringside seat for conspiracies most people wouldn't dream of. Do you believe all of it? Probably not, although you've seen enough to make you nervous. Do you manufacture some of it? Well....
Conspiracy Theory
Novice: Illuminatus fan.

Practiced: Net geek.
Competent: Art Bell.
Expert: Fox Mulder.
Master: Anyone who knows this much isn't saying a damned word about it!
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 154
Construct Politics
In the tangled web of inter-Convention politics, you know your way around: alliances, Constructs, ranks, specialties and personnel status — who's on top, who's functioning and who's scheduled for a visit from Control. The higher your rating, the more you know; the more you know, the more valuable you are to the Union, and the more trouble you can neutralize... or create.
Note that low-level agents probably won't have a Construct Politics rating higher than 3. You need a certain amount of security clearance to know more than that, and few field agents have access to such resources. Also, this Knowledge gives you the facts and rumors only. Actually employing what you know often requires Traits like Diplomacy, Subterfuge, Patron and Spies.
Construct Politics
Novice: You know a few famous names and places.

Practiced: You've visited a few Constructs, and you have general data about several others.
Competent: Anything that's general knowledge, you know.
Expert: You've got access to classified data regarding many Technocracy Constructs.
Master: General data, classified data, rumors, secrets... you possess an uncomfortable amount of information.
Possessed by:
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 155
Covert Culture
In the deadly maze of international intrigue, you know the people, groups, methods and tricks that distinguish a winner from a corpse. Naturally, a host of other skills help you employ that knowledge, but without a thorough background in the intelligence community, even James Bond would be lost.
Covert Culture
Novice: You know the names and organization of the secret service departments for the major world powers.

Practiced: You keep abreast of every secret service organization in the world, and you know a few tidbits about various "paraintelligence" organizations (e.g., US Special Affairs Division, the Arcanum and the Zaibatsu).
Competent: You've heard a few secrets about the heads of the most notorious agencies (like Mossad or the CIA), and you know a handful of facts about most "paraintelligence" groups.
Expert: True, you know quite a few secrets about many of the world's top intelligence agencies and operations heads... but they know about you, too.
Master: Your files contain sensitive data on every major intelligence agency in the world, and a few secrets about the deeply covert agencies, as well.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 155
Dream Lore
This Knowledge represents your character's understanding of the pseudo-mystic tongue of the particular heirarchies of astral Umbrood mages of the Order of Hermes frequently deal with, as initially codified by magus, John Dee. Enochian demonstrates the Order's understanding of the psychologies behind the language spoken by these beings, meaning that, in interactions with such creatures, on may never use more dots of the Expression, Intimidation, Leadership or Subterfugre Talents than one possesses in this Ability.
Enochian, however, may not be bought to a level exceeding a character's Arete (as it is a function of enlightened understanding), unless that character is a native of the Astral Umbra. Note that a bastardized form of this language (as spoken by some Sleeper mystic societties) may be purchased as a function of the Linguistics ability, but its mystic potency is virtually nil.
Student: You know some basic phrases, as well as a handful of Words of Power.

College: You can string words together to form a very basic sentence.
Masters: You know a few of the nuances of the languague and are beginning to get a grasp on the diverse psychologies behind these words.
Doctorate: An Astral Umbral native would regard your speech as adequate.
Scholar: You are as fluent in this alien tongue as any earthly being might be.
Possessed by:
WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 65
Fine Arts
Forensic Pathology
Garou Astrology
Law Enforcement
Every civilized nation has a law enforcement division, and most have several different branches — local, state, federal, covert and international. You're familiar with these essential agencies—how they run, who runs them, what they do and what they can't do without bending the rules. While the Law Knowledge reflects your understanding of legal principles and procedures, and the Covert Culture Knowledge represents an understanding of the clandestine intelligence community, this Trait represents the practical side of the game. You know about Mirandizing, evidence contamination, legal representation and the steps that police go through when questioning suspects or containing samples.
Law Enforcement
Novice: Beat cop.

Practiced: Sergeant.
Competent: Chief or DA
Expert: Federal bureau official.
Master: Attorney General.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 156
With the right connections, you can reach millions of people worldwide. Once you have their attention, you can get them to believe whatever you want them to... at least for a moment. This Knowledge reflects media-savvy—the people, messages, networks, tricks and technology that define the Information Age. You know who to call, what to say, how to get it on the air and why it will stick in the public's mind. By itself, this Trait does not grant privileged access to the media. (See the Background: Influence and the Merit: Ties for that.) Once you get access, though, you'll know how to use it to your best advantage.
Novice: Mass-Corn major.

Practiced: Reporter.
Competent: Professional journalist.
Expert: Head of a network.
Master: Rupert Murdock.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 157
These disciplines contain clues to the mysteries of the universe. Knowledge of one of the metaphysical sciences includes a history of the field and a basic understanding of the symbolism, language, lore and mysteries associated with it. Some sciences (like alchemy) may concentrate on producing specific, angible results.
This Knowledge Trait reflects theoretical understanding, not the additional skills you may need to put it to use (like Chemistry, Mathematics, Crafts, etc.). Still, it's a beginning, a stepping stone to greater things.
A number of disciplines fall within this category. These include:
• Alchemy
• Astrology
• Celestiography and Demonology
• Gematria
• Numerology
• Sacred Geometry
• Stone Lore
If you want the actual skills in these areas, please purchase the ability by those names. Again, dots in Metaphysics is only theoretical understanding of them.
Dabbler: You understand very basic concepts.

Student: You've had some instruction in the field.
Scholar: You've got a comprehensive grasp of the discipline.
Master: You know things that are not written.
Virtuoso: You are a master of hidden things and arcane lore.
WW4800 Mage The Sorcerers Crusade 93
Military Science
Getting,from Point A to Point B isn't always that easy, especially from the air. After all, when seen from above, roads don't have route numbers, states don't have neat borders done in double-thick black lines, and there's no compass rose or legend reading "1 inch =10 miles" in the lower right-hand corner of the world. It's pretty easy for someone to get lost up there.
Mind you, traveling on the ground isn't much easier, and truth be told, there's more to Navigation than just hopping in the car for a jaunt to Grandma's house. Travel in the World of Darkness is a difficult and dangerous business, by day or night. There are questions of finding the best route, avoiding delays, prepping for a trip, making sure there are safe places to rest up along the journey, and discovering what alternate routes are available in case of inclement travel conditions or enemy action. Otherwise, a trip from one city to the next could be cut fatally short with ease.
Novice: Over the river and through the woods...

Practiced:You can avoid delays whenever traveling.
Competent:You can plot across-country trek and make it comfortable.
Expert: Roadblocks? Badweather? Nothing will keep you from getting there.
Master: You know the fastest way to go, where to stop along the way, what the weather's going to be like when you get there, and how much to tip when you stop for coffee — ahead of time.
WW3077 Corax 69
Serious study in the field of parapsychology dates to the 1882 founding of the Society of Psychical Research in England. Such knowledge continues to be regarded with suspcion by the scientific community at large, but a few of its ideas, such as hypnotism have even managed to enter mainstream medicine. Basic experiments and theory concern one of two phenomenon: extrasensory perception or psychokinesis. For the theoretical student, parapsychology involves the search for evidence of the nature of psi phenomena, including non-sensory detection, influence of random events, after death existence and out-of-body experiences. All too often, such studies are frustratingly inconclusive. For the real psychic, however, Parapsychology teaches one how to use his own powers.
You should use Parapsychology rolls for psychic powers to maintain concentration, perform group effects and delve into the possibilities of what can theoretically be done with psychic energy. Maintaining concentration will sometimes require a Wits + Parapsychology roll. Working in conjunction with a group usually demands a Perception + Parapsychology roll. Use Parapsychology with Paths is as indicated under the specific power in question.
Student: This stuff is interesting, isn't it?

College: You have spent time observing experiments in the field, or you have read many serious works on the subject.
Masters: You could even make a living by teaching or doing research.
Doctorate: You engage in groundbreaking work such as that which created hypnotism.
Scholar: If you aren't already a psychic, you are getting close.
WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 51
You know all kinds of drugs: street drugs, medicines, herbal concoctions, hypertech variants and even magical brews. A specialty among Progenitors, this Knowledge lets you recognize, synthesize, measure, counter or dose someone with a wide range of chemical substances. (Given time and tools, of course.) You might not know everything, but you understand the principles behind drugs and their effects on the body and mind. Once you know the basics, the rest is easier.
Technician: Savvy pusher.

Student: Pharmacy student or herbal specialist.
Master: Typical pharmacist.
Professor: Expert with hypermeds and RD potions.
Director: Master Pharmacopoeist.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 158
A veritable god of consolidation, you excel at making connections, alliances, networks and deals. Most people can't even get an appointment with a powerful person, but you know all the right hands for a power-play. This Knowledge differs slightly from the Talent: Negotiation. That Trait reflects a talent for making people cooperate, while this one shows that you understand who to talk to, how to reach them, what to offer and how far you can pull their strings. Unlike Networking, which simply lets you make contacts and gather information or groups of people, this Knowledge gives you the ability to talk directly to people in positions of authority. You can then bring diverse affiliations together for negotiations or cooperative efforts.
Like Networking and Research, this Knowledge tends to be an "off-stage" Ability, used between action scenes to reflect a character "making a few calls." Social rolls (usually Manipulation + Power-Brokering) establish a rapport between parties and allow the negotiations to begin. In conjunction with Backgrounds like Allies, Influence, Mentor, Resources and Spies, Abilities like Etiquette, Intimidation, Media and Negotiation and a few basic Mind Procedures, this Knowledge is powerful indeed. With the right talents, connections and allies, a person can arrange almost anything....
Technician: You talk to a lot of secretaries.

Student: You can get your foot in the door — and keep it in.
Master: They know your name.
Professor: "Mr. Turner will see you now."
Director: You dine with world leaders.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 158
A specialty of Media Relations ops, this Trait reflects a mixture of media savvy, psychology, popspeak and smear tactics. Essentially, you know how to make someone look as bad, or as good, as you want to make him look. You don't need advanced Procedures in order to affect public opinion on a grand scale. Given a few days, some resources (computers, cameras, air time, etc.) and a place to post your "message," you can do wonders without resorting to riskier measures!
Altering public opinion with propaganda is a "downtime" activity. In game terms, you decide what you want to do and how you want to do it. A Manipulation + Propaganda roll or two assures that the public will get your message; the better you roll, the stronger the public's reaction. The roll's difficulty depends on the content of the message and its intentions: Making a popular politician look good is easy, but raising a mob to burn down the local occult bookstore (all without violating FCC regulations) is quite a bit harder. Many NWO and Syndicate ops use this expertise as a focus for subtle Mind Procedures (see Chapter Eight). Others use it to make certain Effects easier (see "Abilities and Magic," in Mage: The Ascension). Note that propaganda's effects are neither immediate nor total. The public may be suggestible, but it isn't entirely stupid.
Novice: Jerry Springer.

Competent: Ralph Reed.
Practiced: Kenneth Starr.
Expert: Noam Chomsky.
Master: Joesf Goebbels.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 158
Religious Rites
Religious Scriptures
Sacred Geometry
Sacred Scriptures
Ours is one of many dimensions. For safety reasons, the Masses have not been exposed to the true scope of such Otherworlds. You have. Although these weird realms are unmappable (despite the Union's best efforts), they do conform to certain rules, and you know what they are. In addition to classroom training, you've been across the Barriers several times, and you know how to handle yourself in various retrograde dimensions. Someday, you'll tame these wild aberrations. For now, however, they still continue to be fascinating avenues for study. Just be careful out there!
In game terms, this Knowledge is essentially the Technocratic version of Cosmology. It allows you to navigate through the Otherworlds with some accuracy, gives you a basic understanding of these dimensions and helps you process the weird stuff you see while you're on the other side.
Novice: ".. .My god... it's..."

Competent: You can handle yourself without losing either dignity or direction.
Practiced: A seasoned Void Engineer.
Expert: You're comfortable on either side of the Barriers.
Master: Psych regularly evaluates your sanity.
Possessed by:
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 163
Terrorism is the new form of warfare. You understand it to a frightening degree — the tactics, the tools, the people, the groups, their staging-grounds and the web of politics and protocols that surround them all. As a member of the Technocracy, you probably practice counter-terrorism and minimize the damage these jackals do. On the other hand, terror is an effective tool, and it may occasionally be used against those who refuse all other forms of discourse....
Novice: You know the major organizations, their leaders, ideologies, and usual targets.

Competent: You work with the UN Security Council.
Practiced: You know the majors, the fringes and the fakes.
Expert: Mossad would like a word with you.
Master: Mossad works for you.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 163
The Art Of Memory
One of the most highly prized traits a member of Caine's Chosen can possess is the ability to retain and to store vital information in the most secure place possible: her own mind. This Knowledge represents the possessor's level of dedication to this endeavor, the quick and traceless cataloging of data in the deepest recesses of the brain.
The Knowledge draws upon age-old mnemonic techniques of translating facts and figures into a symbolic langugae of unrelated images, whereby the brain can store and quickly recall the information at a later date simply by returning itself to the basis of the symbology in question. Each piece is then translated back into its root form, allowing quick and efficient voluntary recall while simultaneously protecting the data from unwanted scrutiny. If one reasds the mind of someone skilled in this Ability, all the intruder is likely to get for the effort is a jumbled series of seemingly random images, or possibly even simple shapes or colors.
A character's rating in this Knowledge is added to the dice pool of any roll whose function is to protect information hidden within the mind. This obviously goes for things like Telepathy and certain applications of Dominate, but it's also apt in torture situations. The Hand encourages all its recruits to study the fundamentals of this Knowledge, and those who excel at the technique are often granted increasingly greater responsibilities in the subject, often with resultant social and political rewards.
The Art of Memory
Novice: You know one or two tricks of cerebrally converting information.

Practiced: You can bury significant amounts of data in symbolic code.
Competent: It would take a skilled interrogator to uncover your secrets.
Expert: Processing information symbolically is second nature to you now.
Master: Moon, tin can, razor blade, mirror, thirteen. Exactly.
Possessed by:
Black Hand members
WW2428 Caine's Chosen The Black Hand 74
Tribal Lore
You know the traditions and lore of a native culture (usually the one you grew up in). This includes legends, cosmology, crafts and societal rules. The culture can be from wherever the Uktena draw their Kin - Cherokee, Hopi, Gullah, Kikuyu, or maybe from the native peoples of Australia or Vietnam. Knowing how to do things makes it much easier to get along in traditional society - and makes the cosiety's elders more likely to talk with you. Familiarity with custom and practice also lets you pick up on when things aren't quite right, socially or spiritually.
Finally, a good grasp of the legends and their significance has allowed Uktena to discover clues to ancient evils and lost fetishes; more than one Theurge has managed to reverse-engineer a lost rite through comparing different versions of an old medicine tale. Depending on the situation and at the Storyteller's discretion, Tribal Lore can be used in place of Etiquette when dealing with the given culture.
This Knowledge only applies to Native Cultures, it is not for specific Garou tribes.
Tribal Lore
Novice: When in doubt, call the old lady Grandmother. It's polite.

Practiced: You know the short version of your people's history. You can grasp kinship structure if your tribe follows a different standard.
Competent: You've studied, you've listened. Religion, folklore, how to address the tribal council - you know something about everything.
Expert: You are invited to speak at tribal councils and anthropology seminars.
Master: Medicine men listen to your tales to see if they missed anything.
WW3862 Tribebook: Uktena (Revised Edition) 64
Umbrood Protocols
What's their pleasure? Whatever it is, you know where to find it, how to get it for a good price and who to ask for the best stuff. Drugs, hookers, clubs, gambling — you know the people, the places and the prices by name. Chances are, you're recognized in all the "right" circles, either as a good customer, as a soft touch, or as a hard-ass... all of which can be useful if you've got someone to impress. While the details are location-based (few New Yorkers know the prostitutes in Bangkok), you've got a good idea how and where to find thrills. Some things are universal. The Streetwise Talent helps you to recognize and avoid gangs, criminals and street people, as well as how to get your hands on guns, money and illicit good; but with Vice, you're a master of the deals that please.
Novice: Mr. Bachelor Party.

Competent: Concierge or taxi driver.
Practiced: Vice cop.
Expert: "Made man."
Master: Vice overlord.
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 164
Virtual Space
Web Culture