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Reference Lists

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some topics that are routinely brought up. If you question is not answered here, please open a +request.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some abilities listed are restricted. If you are unsure if your PC is eligible for it, ask staff.

What's the number scale for abilities?

Dot-filled.png Novice. For academic subjects, think 'high school' (and you actually remember it).
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced. Think 'bachelor's degree'.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent. Think 'master's degree'. You could probably build a decent career around this if you wanted.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert. Think 'doctorate'.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master. Only a handful of mortals in the entire world reach this level.

Most dice pools consist of an attribute (also 0 to 5) plus an ability. For instance, in a foot race, Alice (Dexterity 4 Athletics 1 = total 5) and Bob (Dexterity 2 Athletics 3 = total 5) will be about even, but Charlie (Dexterity 4 Athletics 3 = total 7) will probably beat them both.

Lack of ability

What if I need to roll an ability that I don't have?

  • Treat the ability as zero.
  • Talents: No difficulty penalty. (VtM 120 et al)
  • Skills: +1 difficulty. (VtM 123 et al)
  • Knowledge: Auto-fail unless the ST decides otherwise. (VtM 126 et al)
  • This includes supernatural powers using the ability in a dice pool, unless the power says otherwise.
  • Exception: For supernatural perception (e.g. Awareness, Kenning), if you don't have it, then you auto-fail.

What are secondary abilities?

  • More specialized than primary abilities.
  • Typical base difficulty for all rolls is 6.
    • If a roll is stated in terms of a primary ability, then a relevant secondary ability can be substituted at -1 difficulty.
    • If a roll is stated in terms of a secondary ability, then a relevant primary ability can be substituted at +1 difficulty.
    • If a substitution is explicitly mentioned, then it's reiterating these clauses, not stacking with them.
    • Substitutions should be evaluated on a conceptual basis. There is some overlap. There is no centralized list of "the one and only primary ability that includes each secondary ability".
    • Substitutions for supernatural powers (with an ability in the dice pool) is not automatically allowed, in either direction, however the ST may choose to allow it.
  • During character generation, a dot in a secondary ability costs half as much as a dot in a primary ability.
    • You can spend one of your baseline points on two dots in secondaries instead of one dot in primaries.
    • You can buy additional secondary dots for 1 freebie each.
    • Your baseline still can't raise secondaries above 3 (that requires freebies).
  • After character generation, buying/raising a secondary ability costs the same amount of XP as a primary at the same level.
  • This is loosely based on Players Guide to Garou page 177 (but the chargen costs are higher).


Some sphere books speak about having to take a specialty with dot 1 in an ability (i.e.: Crafts, Science, etc), and then rebuying that ability from dot 1 again for a different type therein. We do not practice that on City of Hope. Please review out Specialties wiki page and House Rules for more of how we deal with specialties since we consolidated the rules as not all spheres handled it the same.


Primary Talents




This talent indicates your character's (small-a) awareness of the world around her. She is practiced in keeping one ear to the wind and one eye to the sky, even when distracted with other things. Alertness is a measure of how well your character picks up on subtle details and changes in her environment. This Talent is typically paired with Perception, and is best used when sensing physical stimuli (as opposed to moods or clues).

Dot-filled.png Novice: You're no mindless drone.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Habitual eavesdropper.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You keep a sharp eye on your surroundings.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Whether from paranoia or good sense you are rarely caught off guard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your senses are on par with those of a wild animal.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 120
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 111
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 106
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 132
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 162
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 140



Athletics is aptitude for physical exertion, be it during relatively formal sports or simply in the course of active life. Climbing rocky cliffs, leaping chasms or playing brilliant games of badminton are all Athletics-based feats. This ability describes your character's general athletic prowess in both team and individual sports. It assumes a familiarity with the rules and play of the sport in question. Athletic feats that are directly related to combat are covered by Brawl, Dodge, Melee, and the other combat abilities, except in the case of thrown weapons. These require Athletics.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You lead a moderately active existence.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can compete effectively in local sporting competitions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can support yourself, at least in large measure, with the prizes you win in challenges of physical excellence.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Stories of your prowess circulate widely.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your reputation precedes you, and would-be rivals feel awe at your ability.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 120
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 111
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 106
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 133
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 162
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 141



Similar to Alertness, but for supernatural things not obvious to normal senses. See House Rules/Awareness.

Dot-filled.png Novice:You pick up strange vibes from certain places and people sometimes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced:You know the supernatural when you see it or come in close contact with it.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can sense the flow of hidden forces through the world, peering behind the veil of mundane life.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You pick up on subtle and hidden supernatural forces all around you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master:You can sense a supernatural influence anywhere nearby, and you sometimes pick up on more distant forces, if they’re strong enough.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 106
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 133
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 141



Brawling is the ability to fight without a weapon, including basic hand-to-hand maneuvers such as punching, kicking, grappling, throwing, scratching and biting. Brawling can get quite ruthless and sometimes inflicts serious damage if done properly.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You don't immediately fold in the face of a fight.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've had your share of tussels with neighbors and other local brawlers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You fight with confidence and competence, and you can count on winning or at least coming through a fight and remaining standing.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can take on most opponents and expect to win.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You do as much with your fists as many soldiers and knights do with their weapons.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 120
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 111
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 107
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 133
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 162
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 141



The Do skill represents a character’s all-around dedication to Akashic training methods, with an emphasis on the Dharmamukti, or unarmed combat arts. Do is the “secret art” whose many names are whispered of in martial arts legends, the progenitor of more modern forms and the most efficient, effective style of unarmed combat in existence. As a vital part of the Akashic paradigm, it serves as the focus for much of the Brotherhood’s magic. So much so that the magical and mundane aspects of the art are considered inseparable.

Other Abilities must be purchased to learn it, and it is restricted to Akashic Brothers and very close allies. For more information, see WW4657 Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition) 61 and Advanced Combat

Dot-filled.png Novice: Sometimes, the right movements come naturally, but usually you just respond by reflex.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Your mind and body work efficiently together, but remain separated by a lack of understanding.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can call yourself a Tao-shih without your master raising an eyebrow in amusement.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Reflex and perception are one. Junior Akashics call you Sihing.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You never plan your movements in advance, or use a particular technique. You are movement and technique, and your actions flow with the Wheel.

Possessed by:
Akashic Brothers

WW4657 Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition) 58
WW4657 Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition) 61



Whether your character dives for cover, ducks a punch or sidesteps an arrow, he knows the best way to avoid injury is not getting hit. Dodge simply describes your character's ability to get out of the way of any oncoming attacks.

Dodge is the ability to get out of harm's way, whether in combat or in the face of other sorts of danger. It encompasses the use of cover and agile maneuvering, and it comes from the systematic training of a knight or the tough-and-ready experience and instincts of a thief or brawler. Dodges plays a crucial role in survival of any character who fights often, greatly increasing his chances of escaping damage.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You reflexively avoid most minor sources of injury and show a measure of grace in your movements.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You're hard to hurt unless someone or something catches you by surprise.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: It takes serious effort for an opponent to hit you, you get out of the way of most thrown objects as well as immediate dangers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Only skilled warriors can expect to hurt you very much.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Wherever a threat is, you're almost inevitable somewhere else.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 120
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 111
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 108
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 133
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 142



Empathy is the ability to pinpoint what others are feeling. Through awareness of their facial expressions, body language and tone, your character gains a sense of the other person's general attitude, including her emotional state and her motives. With high levels of this trait, your character can sometimes tell whether someone is lying or not. Successful use of this talent prior to attempting to persuade, intimidate or use subterfuge on the same person reduces the difficulty number on the second action by one; failure increases the difficulty number by one.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You seem sympathetic to people with whom you share something in common.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You share others' joys and sorrows, even when you haven't made any particular effort at it.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You display keen insights into others' souls and enjoy a measure of respect or fear depending on how you use your wisdom.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Few people can deceive you. Enemies mutter that you deal with dark powers, and friends believe that God has given you special perception.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Nothing human is mysterious to you.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 121
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 111
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 108
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 133
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 163
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 141



Expression is the art of getting your point across, no matter what the medium. Expression covers the creation and delivery of speeches, poetry, and other writing.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Your talent has matured past crude poetry on notebook paper.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You could lead a college debate team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could be a successful writer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your work is Pulitzer material.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: A visionary as yourself comes along only once in every generation.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 121
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 112
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 108
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 134
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 163
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 142



The art of intimidation takes many forms from subtle threats to outright physical harm. Choice of method depends on the time, the place and those involved. Characters with this talent know how to get what they want from others when they want it.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Crude teenage bully
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Mugger
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Drill sergeant
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your air of authority cows casual passersby.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can frighten off vicious animals.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 122
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 112
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 108
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 134
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 163
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 142



Kenning is the faerie sight, the ability to sense Glamour in whatever form it takes, be it a chimera, a changeling, or a freehold. Among other things, this talent allows a changeling to recognize a changeling who has slipped into the Mists or who has yet to achieve Chrysalis, sense the relative power of a chimera, and locate freeholds and trods. This insight is usually an impression. Gremayre is required to know specifics about what the changeling senses.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Glamour tickles your senses.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You get impressions from locations that house freeholds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can recognize an Undone changeling.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Even the faintest traces of Glamour are clear to you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The world of the supernatural is laid bare before you.

Possessed by:

WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 163



You are an example to others and can inspire them to do what you want. Leadership has less to do with manipulating people's desires than it does with presenting yourself as the sort of person they want to follow. This Talent is usually paired with Charisma rather than Manipulation.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Captain of your Little League team
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Student body president
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: An effective CEO
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Presidential material
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could be the lord and master of a nation.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 122
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 115
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 108
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 136
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 163
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 143

Primal Urge


This talent describes not only the bestial nature inside every shifter (or animal, for that matter), but also the level of gut feelings the character has in nonhuman forms. Characters with high Primal Urge can more easily rely on animal instincts for guidance and find it easier to transform into their non-human shapes. Moreover, werewolves with strong Primal-Urge find it easier to assume their various forms or take on partial transformations.

Primal Urge
Dot-filled.png Novice: Captain of your Little League team
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Student body president
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: An effective CEO
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Presidential material
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could be the lord and master of a nation.

Possessed by:

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 113



This is the Hsien version of Kenning. When it refers to Dragon Nests, it is speaking of the Hsien version of the Changeling Holdings Background. It does not actually refer to Dragons (as in bygones).

Somewhere in the nexus of magic, Intuition, and Perception lays Shentao. It is the ability to perceive the shen and those humans who consort or hunt them. It is also the ability to divine the presence of dragon lines and dragon nests. Shentao is partly cultural, therefore, hsien find it difficult to interpret the nature of Western supernaturals (+2 to the difficulty number).

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know if you're sleeping on a dragon nest, or if you just slept with a shen.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can locate dragon nests with ease. You always find True Jade.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can spot hsien, if given enough time. Sometimes you can determine the presence of other shen. You often find yourself traveling along dragon lines quite naturally.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can spot hsien unerringly. You can spot other shen if given enough time. Sometimes you can spot Western supernaturals as well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your gaze eventually reveals almost every supernatural item, place or being.

Possessed by:

WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 88



The streets can be a major source of information, aid and money, but their culture and rules of conduct are as complex as the noble courts. The streetwise talent indicates how versed your character is with the local rumor mill, street slang and street etiquette. It represents her savvy when among the less desirable elements of society, and determines not only how well she can survive but thrive and fit in among them.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know which neighborhoods to avoid.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You're accorded respect on the street.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could head your own gang.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have little to fear in even the worst neighborhoods.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: If you haven't heard it, it hasn't been said.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 122
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 113
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 109
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 134
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 163
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 144



This trait determines your character's ability to conceal his motives and feelings. Moreover, it allows him to decipher the motives of others and use their own plans against them. Subterfuge is the fine art of lying, deceit and underhanded manipulation. Characters skilled in this talent know how to call upon their best theatrics to influence situations and divert the blame without others realizing they've been manipulated.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You tell the occasional little white lie.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Vampire
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Criminal lawyer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Deep-cover agent or CIA.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You're the very last person anyone would suspect.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 122
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 113
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 109
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 134
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 144

Secondary Talents




You are practiced at feigning emotions, beliefs or frames of mind. Even if you have never been on stage before, you could do an adequate job if you were ever thrust upon it. Howeve, simply because you have this Ability does not mean you use it unethically. Many honorable politicians have used it to lend power and depth to their speeches (notably Churchill and Roosevelt). You are able to feign tears, anger, friendliness and virtue.

Dot-filled.png Novice: A rank amateur, you can feign sickness.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You have developed a wide range of acting ability.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are capable of playing almost any role.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are certainly a professional, or have that potential.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could win, or have won, an Academy Award.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35

Artistic Expression


You have the talent to produce works of art in various media. You can produce saleable works of two- or threedimensional art, and understand something of the technical aspects of paintings and sketches. You are able to sketch a reasonably accurate rendition of a place or person.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Your work is simple, seen as charmingly naive by some and as amateurish by others.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Your work could win prizes at local art society shows.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could get a showing in a minor gallery.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your work is widely admired, and galleries contact you about mounting exhibitions. You are invited to teach at local art colleges.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are acknowledged as a driving force in contemporary art. Your work commands enormous prices, and is found in art museums as well as commercial galleries and private collections.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 22
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164



You have the ability to make changes in your metabolism and other bodily functions. These alterations may consist of small tweaks to such aspects of your physiology as body temperature, or large-scale system shutdowns that allow you to survive catastrophic circumstances.

While ursine Gurahl must take two dots in the Talent to reflect their basic bear heritage, human-born werebears may find this Ability incredibly useful in many circumstances. Advanced levels enable you to fine-tune your metabolism so that nearly every part of your body comes under conscious control. Practical applications include control of respiratory functions, pain management, fertility, and blood circulation.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can make minor adjustments in internal body temperature and heart rate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can mimic the process of hibernation by slowing down your metabolism.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can exercise phenomenal control over your respiratory and involuntary muscle systems.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can isolate single portions of your metabolism while leaving others untouched.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The most renowned yogis in the world have nothing on you; you can go so far as to stop your heart and restart it after a prolonged hiatus.

Possessed by:

WW3079 Gurahl 86+



You specialize in doing vulgar magick in plain sight and having Sleepers accept it. You may be a stage magician with a large following or a faith healer who prepares the faithful to accept miracles. Or you may just appear to be so weird and outlandish that compared to yourself, the things you do are mundane. This Talent can be combined with Manipulation to make Sleepers view vulgar magick as coincidental. Note that this Talent only works under the right circumstances; throwing fireballs down Main Street would be considered vulgar no matter what the cover might be.

Dot-filled.png Novice: It's amazing how you pull gold bricks out of people's ears. How'd you do that trick?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Only a weirdo would tape rubber bat wings to a cat and throw it out the window. Good thing it landed okay. Someone should call the Humane Society.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The giant robot in your garage is really neat, and the kids love watching it walk around when you hook up the rubber brain in the jar. Would you consider letting the school use it for their Haunted House?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Mrs. Wilson is on the roof again with her broomstick. It's really sad how she's gotten since her husband died. Poor woman. I think she really thinks she's a witch. But would you explain to the children that what we saw was just the wind and that we did not see her flying?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: I'm a toad! Cool! Give me another hit of that stuff, man. This trip is really funky.

Possessed by:

WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 14



This is the ability to have a good time at a party or other social occasion, and to make sure others around you also have a good time. Normally, it involves a mixture of eating, drinking and good cheer. On a successful roll of Manipulation + Carousing, the character can make a lasting good impression on everyone around him; this can be helpful for trying to make friends, garner information or distract the attendees while a partner rifles the coat room.

Vampire: Carousing also includes the ability to appear to eat and drink, normally, without actually doing so. Using this Ability, one of the Kindred could attend an opening-night cast party without arousing any suspicion. On a successful roll of Manipulation + Carousing, no one notices that the character neither eats nor drinks.

The difficulty of the roll depends on the social event: three or less for a house party with a buffet, seven or more for a sitdown dinner. This Ability can also be used to determine how entertaining and popular the character is at a party or event.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Good ol' Uncle Bill
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Jake the Frat Rat
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: James Bond
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: The Three Musketeers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Bluto in "Animal House"
Carousing (For Vampires)
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can plead a small appetite or recent illness.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Perhaps you’re watching your diet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A charming dinner companion.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You obviously enjoyed the food.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You even called for seconds.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide, 2nd Ed. 22
WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 22
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164



You have the ability to deal with people of all types and creeds. Even when handling touchy subjects, you are able to get results without ruffling too many feathers.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can state your position without driving anyone away from the negotiating table.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Friends ask you to deal with things for them.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could shine in management or personnel.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could be a professional union negotiator or ombudsman.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can defuse nearly any situation, from an industrial dispute to a religious war.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 67
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 35

Dreamcraft (talent)


You are the master of your own dreams and visions. At lower levels, you can exercise a bit of dream recall and initiation; at greater levels, you can attempt to gain conscious awareness during a dream (Manipulation + Dreaming, difficulty 6), consciously control your own actions within the dream (difficulty 7), and even try to alter your surroundings (difficulty 8).

Used during trances or meditations, this Talent can be a useful tool for puzzling through riddles, or understanding visions. A successful Wits + Dreamcraft roll might help you reduce the difficulty of Enigmas or Occult contest. Some magical traditions teach Dreamcraft techniques, and consider it an almost magical talent. Contemporary dream researchers and psychotherapists call this ability "lucid dreaming," and study it as if they could really learn something by quantifying dreams.

Dreamcraft (talent)
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can remember a previous dream in some degree of detail.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can "will" yourself into a specirfic kind of dream (a nightmare, a reoccurring vision, a memory-recall, etc.).
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You have limited control over your own dreams.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Dreams are familiar territory; you journey there to gather hints from your inner self.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Dreams sometimes seem more real than the waking world.

WW4010 World of Darkness: Sorcerer 58

Fast Draw


This Skill allows you to ready a weapon almost instantly. You can draw a weapon and have it ready for use just as if it had been in your hand all along.

Fast Draw
Dot-filled.png Novice: You have good reflexes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You’re good, but not great.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You would have lasted a little while in the Old West. You could work Wild West shows.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Pretty fast. You could headline your own act.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Greased lightning. You might have been able to take Billy the Kid.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 47



Alone among the Changing Breeds, Corax can fly. More than that, the wereravens love to fly, taking every opportunity to spread their wings and get some altitude. A Corax who doesn't excel at Flight is likely to take a lot of flak — of the verbal kind — from his cousins until he gets good at it. While all Corax have the ability to flyfrom Point A to Point B without crash-landing along the way, Flight demonstrates a wereraven's knack for serious aerial agility. Corax with Flight can navigate more accurately, squeeze through smaller spaces while airborne and perform more and more complicated acrobatic maneuvers. The talent also covers such related acts as pulling out of falls, landing on precarious surfaces, and picking things up without landing first.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can take off and land without crashing too often.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Trees and buildings areno obstacle.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can weave through brambles and skyscrapers with equal ease.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Nonatural creature cankeep up with you in the air.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Immelmans and barrel rolls? Blindfolded? No problem.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 115
WW3077 Corax 68



You may or may not have the gift to tell accurate fortunes, but you can make people believe you do.

Changeling: While this Talent confers no magic in and of itself, it may add to your successes. For each 2 successes, reduce the difficulty of the Soothsay cantrip by 1.

Mage/Sorcerer/Psychic: While this Talent confers no magick in and of itself, it may add to your successes. For each 2 successes, reduce the difficutly of divination magick by 1.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You are able to use one method of divination adequately, and treat this Ability as a pastime.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can use one method of fortune telling well, and can tell someone general information that will apply to her.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know a lot about certain methods of fortune telling and can tell anyone detailed information that will apply to him.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are able to use multiple methods well, and have a keen understanding of what people want to hear.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: An oracle; Gypsies take lessons from you.

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 88
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 15
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 36



This is the ability to function "smoothly" in a social setting. Gossiping, cutting deals, making a good first impression on a visiting dignitary, and handling yourself in a salon of elders are all aspects of Grace. Graceless characters may be boorish, introverted or under-socialized. Those with higher Grace get along with people in any crowd and often have many contacts.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Debutante
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Senator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Hollywood celebrity
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Public relations director
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Vampire prince

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 15



One with the Guile talent has a knack for cunning, craftiness, and artful duplicity. Acting like you have a job on Wall Street when you're actually unemployed would take a lot of guile.

While it generally has a negative connotation, people who have guile are also thought of as being wily, clever, and shrewd. Those who are free of guile are pure and upstanding.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Phil Harrison
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Londo Mollari
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Agent Coulson
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Voldemort
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Methos

WW2002 Vampire The Masquerade (2nd Edition Text Only) 92



You are skilled at bargaining and can reduce another’s price, or get some other concession, under most circumstances.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can knock a few bucks off the price of something at a flea market or garage sale.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You get used cars for what they're worth, not what they're marked.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can play the game of prestation better than any of your peers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Princes ask you if they're getting a good deal.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can get what you want, when you want it for the price you are willing to pay - always.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 67



Helldivers Helldive. This is practical knowledge of the Labryinth's ways. Veterans learn to recognize on a subconscious level when they are approaching a dead end, what sorts of formations are most likely to conceal ambushes, how to distinguish dangerous Plasmics from harmless ones and so on.

On the first dot's worth of Helldiving can be acquired through instruction. Further dots must be earned through experience.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know that Oblivion is down and stygia up, and can find your way along routes you've traveled before.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You travel safely through the Labyrinth's normal conditions without delay, and can cope with most unusual situations without too much complication.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can lead Helldiver bands and keep them together in the face of unforeseen changes and significant opposition.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You know as much about the Labyrinth as one can expect to without becoming Shadow-Eaten.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Charon used to bring his difficult question to you. Well, maybe not, but it's not like he's about to come back and contradict you....

Possessed by:
Wraiths: Doomslayers-Helldivers

WW6064 Doomslayers: Into the Labyrinth 52



You can give persuasive homilies, and inspirational sermons. You manage to turn almost any daily event into a life-enriching experience with many lessons to learn. This can be used from the pulpit, a street corner, or even the local bar.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can retell a good homily you once heard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can construct a small sermon of your own.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can do this every week if you have to.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You actually make people listen.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You have changed lives.

WW2020 The Inquisition 54



You have a knack for imparting information and skills to others. You can explain things and demonstrate techniques in such a way that anyone who listens to you can easily learn. You can teach any of your Skills or Knowledges to another character, but you can never raise a student’s score above your own.

See +rules Instruction for mechanics on how this works to teach abilities to other PC for an XP discount.

Dot-filled.png Novice: boy Scout merit badge instructor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Elementary school teacher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Calculus IV professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: World-renowned lecturer in your chosen field
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Socrates

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 16
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou (revised) p.177



We want information... and you know how to get it. Your methods range from fast talk to threats and psychological warfare. In game terms, you roll your Manipulation + Interrogation to break a subject. Some methods work better than others with certain subjects, so define what you're doing and how before making the roll. The difficulty is usually equal to the subject's current Willpower rating, although subtle methods (simply talking rings around your subject until he accidentally lets the information drop) may require a simple difficulty 7 roll. Why break bones if you don't have to? (For raw force techniques, see "Torture.")

Dot-filled.png Novice: Small-town newspaper reporter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Vice cop
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Psychiatrist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: KGB "physician"
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Voivode from the Old World

WW2301 Vampire Storyteller's Companion 17
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 149



You know the finer points of plotting and deal-making in the halls of power. You understand the practical use of power (in sometimes threatening but always nonconfrontational ways) to achieve your own ends. This Talent also allows you to glean important facts about others in your social circle, and to separate truth from endless amounts of false and useless gossip.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You maneuver well agaisnt a single adversary.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can figure out how to subvert an organized enemy.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can handle multiple plots simultaneously.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You've woven a web of double- and triple-crosses, all to your benefit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The rest of the Kindred are just so many puppets, dancing on your strings.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 68
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 41
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 37



Unquantifiable and indefinable, Intuition is the quality that lets some individuals sort clues from a sea of false information and feel with perfect clarity when something is right. It covers a wide array of minor yet critical tasks, from sensing when someone's lying to you to realizing that your opponent is bluffing his way through his hand to putting clues together when the sum of the parts doesn't quite equal the whole. It is a sixth sense, gut feelings, and hunches.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've got a knack for making the right choice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've learned to listen to and trust your instincts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: When you have a a "bad feeling" about something, everyone listens.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could make a killing in the stock market.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You've always managed to make the right choice at the last minute... so far.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 16
WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 88
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 143


Dot-filled.png Novice: You've dabbled. You can keep 2 props going for a few minutes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've got a good grasp of the basics. You can keep 3 props going at least five minutes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Other jugglers regard you as fairly skilled and competent. Someone can toss a fourth prop and you do not miss a beat.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are familiar with the subtle nuances and applications. Knives? No problem.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Chainsaws? Torches? No problem.

Note: Juggling is listed in some books as a specialty for Athletics and Acrobatics. COH has it in the database as a full secondary talent. Book references being used are for the Hobby Talent stat.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 22
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 164

Lucid Dreaming


Dreams are something that happen to most people, and few are lucky to even remember. You have some degree of control over what happens and what it is about in your dreams. Achieving insight into your own subconscious and gaining many details for stories. Dreams gain special meaning and power within the Maya Realms, this talent is useful for building status and reputation amongst the Oneira lords and dream-spirits, and weaving new dreams and realities to populate the dream world. Without magic that lets you explore the Dream Realms, you will never know whether your dreams were merely self-restricted hallucination or epic fantasies envied by the mightiest of Oneira.

At lower levels, you have some control of dream recall and initiation. At greater skill levels, you can attempt to gain conscious awareness during any of your dreams with a roll of Perception + Lucid Dreaming vs 9. Success allows you to consciously control your own actions; you can even try to manipulat your immediate dream surrounds (difficulty 6+). This Talent can also be used while in trances or while meditating. It allows you to enter the borderlands between waking and dreaming, where reality and phantasm intermingle. This is a useful tool in puzzling through riddles which you're trying to solve, understanding visions, etc.

Lucid Dreaming
Dot-filled.png Novice: You eat heavy foods and watch strange movies to inspire your nightly sessions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You often dream about things that interest you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The contents of your dreams are open to change.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your dream world is a continuing project.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Do you ever wake up?

WW4009 Halls of the Arcanum 55
WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 50

Malkavian Time


This Malkavian specific Trait represents a Lunatic's particular connection to her clan's shared sub-consciousness. It allows the Malkavian to "plug into" the floodwaters of the Madness Network and filter out messages, impulses, shared visions and knowledge of upcoming clan gatherings.

The Storyteller is usually the one making any Malkavian Time rolls, at least with regards to clan gatherings. The Storyteller rolls the character's Wits + Malkavian Time in secret, usually about a week before a significant gathering.

  • With one success, the Malkavian receives an impulse to immediately head to a specific locale — but only when the meeting's just starting.
  • Three successes allow the Lunatic to have about a night or two's forewarning, and a general idea

of the meeting's purpose. Five successes give the Malkavian warning a week early, and a very clear vision of the meeting's focus.

  • Six or more successes can actually be detrimental — at that point, it's entirely likely that the poor mad vampire has dipped too deeply, and is starting to receive pulses of his elders' derangements...

It's theoretically possible to actually, consciously send messages along the Network, but that doesn't mean that the Network is any sort of replacement (or even poor substitute) for a cell phone. For the most part, "sent" messages that manage to make it farther than a few feet are unconscious screams that channel a Malkavian's extreme emotion or pain.

For this reason, Malkavians with more than three dots in Malkavian Time can often hear a clanmate's death-scream, so long as it's in the same city. Despite the difficulty, it is possible to send deliberate, personalized messages from one person to the next along the Network, even without Dementation. It's tough as hell, but a Malkavian can always try. To make the attempt, the player rolls Wits + Malkavian Time vs 9. Success allows the Malkavian to transmit a message to one person within city limits (longer ranges are possible, but only at the Storyteller's discretion); the message can consist of up to two words per success.

Note that a Malkavian needn't have any dots at all in Malkavian Time to receive those hideous little broadcasts along the clan's frayed neural network. In fact, it often drives newly Embraced clan members... well, madder than usual when the messages start filtering into their brains without any hint as to their origins.

Malkavian Time
Dot-filled.png Novice: Your "cousins" are usually surprised when you manage to make it to a gathering.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've become accustomed to the occasional Call.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can sometimes hear echoes of messages that might not be intended for you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: When one of the family dies, you know.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are the undisputed local authority on what is necessary.

Possessed by:

WW2353 Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition) 59



Masquerade is the ability to falsely reproduce the frailites and subtle clues of mortality: breaking, a pulse, flushed skin, sneezing, mortal reflexes, etc. Masquerade may be rolled with a Social Attribute to determine how well the vampire fools the mortals around him. Any Vampire can pretend to breathe, but not every vampire can do it well.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can pass in an unobservant crowd.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can fool a casual observer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can fool someone who's examining you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can pass a routine physical exam.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Even a witch-hunter would be fooled.

Possessed by: Vampires

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 18



Might is meant for moving mass with muscle. You haver trained as a body builder and are in a state of advanced buffitude. Or you have do so much manual labor that muscle has developed naturally. This Talent will not improve your damage rolls, or Brawl or Melee attacks, or really any good in combat unless you are lifting something heavy or trying to break something.

Might can be used to increase Strength when used for Encumbrance, Jumping, Lifting/Breaking, Opening/Closing, or Throwing rules. In that case, you can add dots of Might to Strength (and maybe even your Strength + Athletic pool when approved by the ST), but only when performing such static feats of brawn.

You cannot have more dots in Might than you have dots in Strength.

Dot-filled.png Novice: "I'm going more for tone than mass." You have some decent muscle definition.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: "I love the manly smell of my weight belt in the morning." Your neck is vanishing.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: "Watch me crack this walnut with my bicep." You routinely rack every station on the Nautilus.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: "Watch me crack this walmut with my abs." You qualify as "muscle bound," and no one kicks sand in your face --- ever.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: "The madness is runnin wild. Snap into a slim jim!" Lucrative protein-drink endorsements are yours for the asking.

WW8103 Hunter Book: Avenger 64



You have a very versatile voice, and can imitate accents, people and sometimes other sounds.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can passably duplicate a few accents, and can perform impressions of a couple of well-known personalities.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can duplicate a range of accents well enough to fool anyone but a native speaker, and can convincingly imitate a range of celebrities and others.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could do this on stage. You can pick up someone's vocal mannerisms by studying them for a couple of hours, and subsequently imitate them well enough to fool someone who doesn’t know the person well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can imitate a specific person well enough to fool someone on the phone, and pass as a native speaker in an accent similar to your own. You can duplicate a range of animal and technological noises.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: There is almost no accent, person or noise you can’t imitate.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 19
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 178
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 37



You know the art of the deal. Whether you're fixing a sticky labor dispute, striking a pact with a vampire or convincing some blue-painted retropagan to join the 21st century, you can get what you want while making your "partners" feel as though they've gotten the best of you.

There's more to a good deal than just making an offer: You know how to approach a "partner," how to appeal to her wants or needs, how to play up to her vanity without coming off like a sap and when and how to put the screws on. If you're brokering a deal for other parties, you understand how to make them both happy while getting what you want. That, ultimately, is the bottom line.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Trading card collector.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Family councilor.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Labor negotiator.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Hostage crisis specialist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: UN diplomat.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145



WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145+ A new age demands new words. You specialize in coining them. Hyphens do not exist in youor world; you spread disinformatin, deimprotantize malefactors, create credibility gaps and declare coprosperity. When the need arises, you specialize in B-52ing buzwords and positroning sundbites for media conspicuscomp. Confusing! Not as cnofusing as you can be once you get going! A Social Trait-based Newspeak roll can excite or incite (Charisma + Newspeak); impress, intimidate or confuse (Manipulation + Newspeak) and even sucker skeptics by playing beauty and brains against them (Appearance + Newspeak). All hail neocom!

Dot-filled.png Novice: Given time, you can spin out buzzwords.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: In a situation, you're a flash communicator.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Your neologic metaphases into masscom.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Masspeak is youspeak. Youspeak is allspeak.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could make Orwell's head explode.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 145



You are a skilled beggar. You are able to get people to give you money just by asking for it. You know whom to ask, how to approach them, what to say and how to avoid the police. This Talent is useful for picking up quick cash or creating a cover.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You get most of your money shaking cans and washing windshields. You’re still working on a hard-luck story.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You’re working on the story and using the classic lines, but you still manage to get little more than spare change.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You’re really smooth — you can even hit the hard-hearted for a few bucks.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Who needs a sob story when you can hustle and scam your way into big bucks from tourists and little old ladies?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Dinners, rides home, cash for a bus ticket — easy as pie.

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 88



This Talent represents your character's ability to win others over to her way of thinking. The method used may involve subtle mental and emotional seduction or even outright begging, pleading, and cajoling. People with high Persuasion ratings tend to be natural leaders and advocates.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can be convincing through a concentrated effort.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You pinpoint the hole in another's position.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A professional debater, you are always on top of any argument.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You make others feel guilty for even disagreeing with you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You say "Jump," and they say, "How high."

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 140

Poetic Expression


You are able to craft words in ways that evoke thoughts, emotions and reactions from those who read them. It is rare for one person to be skilled at more than one specialty at one time, so choose carefully.

Poetic Expression
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can write a short poem or a short story is not out of your reach.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You could publish your poetry or fiction in a local journal, or write basic hit- parade lyrics.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could get your novel or anthologies of your work published and make a profit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are asked to do readings of your work for local societies nationwide, and aficionados snap up your works as soon as they are published.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your work is already being taught in English classes, and you are recognized as one of the foremost writers of your day.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69

Public Speaking


You are able to mold the emotions of a crowd by making a speech. This might be at a political rally, in a courtroom, at a lecture or even at the barricades once the revolution is underway.

Public Speaking
Dot-filled.png Novice: Entertaining speaker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Compelling speaker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Inspiring speaker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Popular champion
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Churchill or Hitler

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69



You are practiced at noticing small details and changes in the environment when you purposely look at or listen to what is going on around you. This ability can only be used when you specifically say you are attempting to notice if anything is amiss—if you aren’t concentrating, this ability will do you no good.

Dot-filled.png Novice: If anyone notices police sirens, it’s you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Police could use your detective abilities.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The slightest motion draws your attention.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Nothing escapes your glance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can count the grains of salt on a pretzel by taste.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You have a knack for finding almost anything, under almost any circumstances. The masters of your craft can find a hot spring at the North Pole, or a mainframe computer in the heart of the Amazon Jungle, if necessary.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Occasionally you can pluck something off the scrap heap.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know where to look for hard-to-find items - and that includes some hard-to-find sources.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know if something can be found in under 24 hours.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have a network of potential sources for anything and everything you might need on short notice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can find anything, at any time, assuming it still exists.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 68
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 16
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You know how best to go about looking for someone or something in a small area, where you can concentrate your perceptions. You can search for anything from a lost ring in your bedroom to the assassin who is hiding in the garden.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You are good at finding lost items.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Tell-tale signs (e.g. broken plants) are apparent to you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know where to look.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Nothing escapes your glance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can spot the Purloined Letter in two seconds flat.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 68
WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) 29
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 178
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 17
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You know how to lure, attract and command the attention of others in a sexual manner. By the way you hold yourself, how you look at someone and even by the tone of your voice, you are able to arouse and excite those upon whom you practice your wiles. Once you have fully seduced someone, he will be willing to do nearly anything for you.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Teenager
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: The “older woman”
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Heartthrob
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Movie star
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The envy of vampires everywhere

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 43
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 17
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38

Sense Deception


Over the years, you have developed the ability to know instinctively when people are not telling you the truth or not telling you the whole truth. There is a way they look, a tone of voice, a movement of the eyes.

Sense Deception
Dot-filled.png Novice: Sometimes you can tell, but you still get suckered though more rarely than the average person does.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: It takes a silver tongue to pull the wool over your eyes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Anyone who can slip one past you is a highly skilled con artist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could make a living screening people for security.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: People whisper behind your back, and many are nervous talking to you. Your ability is almost supernatural.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 25
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 17
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 38



You may not have been born good-looking, or possessed of a natural charm, but you know how to dress and make the most of your appearance. Note that this Talent only applies to people’s reactions to your appearance; once you get closer, it’s up to you.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've got good taste.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Your friends always take you along for advice when they go shopping.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You stand out among the sheep.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your outfits grace the bodies of magazine fashion models.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your ideas influence international fashion trends.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 20
WW3075 Breedbook: Bastet (1st Edition) 81
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 18
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 42
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 39



You are able to swim at least enough to keep yourself afloat, and maybe a little more. Note that vampires, unlike mortals, do not float naturally; if they do not swim, they sink.

Without the Swimming Talent, normal swimming speed is 8 yards + your Dexterity. The Swimming Skill increases your speed to 12 years + your Dexterity provided that is your only action during a turn. To swim faster than normal, roll Swimming + Stamina vs 7. Each success adds three yards to your speed. You may roll every turn until you get no successes, in which you must maintain or decrease your speed or risk exhaustion.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can swim and tread water.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know your strokes and can swim fast and for extended periods.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can teach others to swim and can serve as a lifeguard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You're captain of the swim team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You're headed for the Olympics.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 46



You know how to throw things in general, and how to use various types of thrown weapons — anything from spears to hatchets to knives to baseballs (yes, if thrown hard enough, they make fine weapons).

Dot-filled.png Novice: You sometimes get the ball over home plate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: High school baseball pitcher.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are deadly even in a food fight.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Regional darts champion, you have your choice of prizes at the carnival.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can pin an enemy's pants to the wall without touching his skin.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 20
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 47



You have the ability to throw your voice, making to appear to come from somewhere else. This Talent can be used for entertainment — or deception.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You could do a ventriloquist act at a children’s party.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can throw your voice about a yard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could almost make a living from your talent. You can make someone (or something) within five yards of you appear to speak.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could take your act to Vegas. You can make your voice appear to come from any spot within 30 feet of you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your voice can seem to come from anywhere within hearing distance.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 21
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 18
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 39

Primary Skills


Animal Ken


You have the capability to understand an animal's behavior patterns. This Skill allows you to predict how an animal might react in a given situation, train a domesticated creature, or even try to calm or enrage animals.

Animal Ken
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can get a domesticated horse to let you pet it.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can housebreak a puppy.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could train a seeing-eye dog.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Circus animal trainer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can tame wild beasts without benefit of supernatural powers.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 123
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 144
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 165



This skill imparts a knowledge of artisan techniques in such fields as woodworking, leatherwork, glassblowing, or gem cutting. With crafts, your character can create lasting pieces of art and functional objects from various materials. The quality of these products depends on the number of successes achieved on the roll.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High-school wood shop
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You're starting to develop your own style.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could make a living at your work.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your work is featured in college-level textbooks for your field.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your artistry is virtually without peer.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 124
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 109
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 144
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 165
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 135



The drive skill represents your character's ability to operate motor vehicles, though it does not mean that she is familiar with all land vehicles. The storyteller may raise or lower difficulty numbers based on your character's experience with that particular type of vehicle. It also implies that your character has earned a driver's license, although this need not necessarily be the case. At higher levels, you can attempt to avoid someone who's tailing you ( if you know they're there ), and it allows you to attempt some stunts.

You can drive a car, and maybe other vehicles as well. This Skill does not automatically entail familiarity with complicated vehicles such as tanks or 18-wheelers, and difficulties may vary depending on your experience with individual automobiles. After all, helming a station wagon doesn't prepare you for controlling a Lotus at 100 miles per hour.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know how to work an automatic transmission.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can drive a stick shift or a motorcycle.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professional trucker.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: NASCAR, daredevil or tank pilot.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can make a Yugo do tricks out of a James Bond movie.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 124
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 114
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 110
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 146
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 165
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 135



You understand the nuances of proper behavior, in both mortal society and Kindred culture. Your specialty is the culture with which you are most familiar. This Skill is used during haggling, seduction, dancing, dinner etiquette and all forms of diplomacy.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know when to keep your mouth shut.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've been to a black-tie event or two.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know your way around even obscure silverware.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Her Majesty would consider you charming.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 124
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 115
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 110
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 146
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 165
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 135



Skill in firearms means that you have a broad knowledge of all guns, from a simple .22 to an Ingram Mac-10 submachine gun. It does not include the ability to operate heavy artillery. Firearms includes the ability to care for and repair guns. This Skill is also used to unjam guns (Wits + Firearms).

Dot-filled.png Novice: You have fired a gun before.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You have recieved profesional training with firearms.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are skilled and have survived several firefights.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professional Sniper or Assassin.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are among the most elite in firearms, Top Five in the World.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 124
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 115
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 111
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 146
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 165
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 136



AKA: The Way of the Staff. The quarter staff (or bo) is the focus of this style of combat. Developed by the Children of Gaia, it has no sharp edges or points, thus relies on the fundamental techniques for all major weapons. With a lack of deadly force, it is the perfect weapon for the Children of Gaia, as it focuses on immobilization and disabling of opponents. Both Garou and Kin are practioners of this art.

Unlike Stargazers who do not share their art of Kailindo outside their tribe, the Children of Gaia will teach Iskakku to other shifters. For more details and manuevers, see Advanced Combat.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can use a staff to attack or defend.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know the basics of disabling your opponents.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are a flurry of blows and blocks.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Shwolin monks stand up and take notice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You're almost more dangerous in Homid with a staff than in Crinos with your teeth and claws.

Possessed by:
Shifters and kinfolk of any tribe.

WW3853 Tribebook: Children of Gaia (Revised Edition) 81



A martial arts style exclusive to Stargazer Garou. It was developed to take advantage of the unique abilities of shapeshifters. Teachers are hard to come by and greatly treasured by their adopted septs. You must possess this Skill to try Kailindo maneuvers; Brawl does not cover Kailindo.

Mentor background must be greater than or equal to the level of Kailindo being purchased.

For more details and manuevers, see Advanced Combat.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've taken a few lessons.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know what you're doing in practice sessions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You generally win sparring matches; you're confident in battle.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You understand both the theory and practice intimately.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are Kailindo.

Possessed by:
Stargazer Garou

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 181
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 220

Martial Arts (hard Style)

Martial Arts (soft Style)


Many Kuei-jin have matstered one or more forms of Martial Arts, either from their living days or through study with an undead master. The Martial Arts Skill replaces, the Talent Brawl. An aspiring martial artist must choose between a hard style and a soft style.

Soft styles include jujutsu, shuai-chiao, tai chi chuan, and aikido.

Hard styles include karate, Shaolinkung fu, tae kwon do, and wushu.

For game purposes, there is no difference between the various styles, but players are encouraged to choose one for purposes of characterization.

House rules:

  • Martial Arts costs the same as a normal primary ability, but you must have Brawl at an equal/higher level first.
  • Hard style and soft style are two separate abilities. You may learn both.
  • Once Martial Arts reaches 5, you can buy additional maneuvers from that style for 3 XP each.
  • Cannot be used during frenzy (Kuei-jin: fire soul), Rotschreck (Kuei-jin: wave soul), or equivalent supernatural states.

For each dot in Martial Arts after the first, you may pick a maneuver. See Advanced Combat for the maneuver lists for both styles and additional details.

Martial Arts (hard & soft Styles)
Dot-filled.png You are learning!
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png One maneuver
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Two total maneuvers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Three total maneuvers
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Four total maneuvers

WW2900 Kindred of the East 140
WW2901 Kindred of the East Companion 118



Melee is the broad term for all sorts of combat that involves hand-to-hand weapons. The definition of a hand-to-hand weapon is a loose one, as it includes knives, swords, broken bottles, chains, saps, and just about anything else that can be used to inflict damage on another.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the right way to hold a knife.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You may have been in the occasional streetfight.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could make a college fencing team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could keep order in the prince's court.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your enemies would rather face a SWAT team than your blade.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 125
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 115
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 111
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 146
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 166
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 136



The performance skill covers a broad range of artistic expression from acting to storytelling. It assumes that your character has the basic knowledge necessary and a certain talent in the field she has chosen. As well as defining your character's expertise and creative talent, this skill also represents her ability to captivate an audience and her stage presence, two relatively nebulous qualities. It assumes that some knowledge about the technical side of the society of your character's chosen field.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You could sing in the church choir.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You could get a leading part in a college production.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You're in demand at the local clubs.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have the talent to be a national sensation.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are a virtuoso without peer.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 125
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 116
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 112
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 147
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 166
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 137



With the security skill, your character has a proficiency with the tools and techniques for lock-picking, hot-wiring cars, designing and deactivating burglar alarms, and opening safes. It can be used to conduct criminal activities or, on the other side of the coin, to prevent and investigate breeches of security. The more dots your character has in this skill, the more sophisticated the systems with which she is familiar.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can pick a simple lock.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can hot-wire a car.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can bypass or disable house alarms.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can crack a safe.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could get a bomb out of - or into - the Pentagon.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 125
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 151
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 147



This Skill is the ability to avoid being detected, whether you're hiding or moving at the time. Stealth is often tested against someone else's Perception. This Ability is, for obvious reasons, highly useful in stalking prey.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can hide in a darkened room.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can shadow someone from streetlight to streetlight.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You have little difficulty finding prey from evening to evening
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can move quietly over dry leaves.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Nosferatu elder

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 126
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 116
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 112
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 147
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 166
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 137



This skill describes your character's proficiency at surviving in an unfamiliar or dangerous environments. Inherent in it are the abilities to find shelter, scavenge or hunt food, and protect oneself from native predators and threats. It also encompasses tracing and finding safe passage through the area.

Stealth rolls in wilderness cannot included more dice from Stealth than the character has dots in survival.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can cope with the routine changes of whatever sort of wilderness was closest to your home.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You won't starve in most enviroments, though it won't be comfortable until you get to the next settlement.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can get yourself and others to safety in most circumstances, and you can make an effective living off the fruits of hunting, trapping and the like.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can blaze new paths through unbroken wilderness and cope with almost any challenge that the natural world can throw at you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The dark powers of the night (and day) in the lands beyond civilization hold no terror for you.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 126
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 117
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 112
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 148
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 166
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 137



This Skill covers understanding, operating, repairing, and even building or upgrading electronic devices. Purely mechanical devices fall under the Crafts Skill, while computer hardware and software falls under the Computers Knowledge. Characters without this Skill may know how to operate various common devices, but they don’t necessarily know how they work or how to fix them.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can re-wire a lamp and do some common household repairs.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can do some basic electrical work or build a crystal radio set.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:You’re a skilled electrical engineer (with or without the college degree), able to design and build various devices.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can alter and upgrade existing electronic equipment.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master:You’re ahead of your time when it comes to designing and building new technology.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 113
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 148
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 168

Secondary Skills




You can use your body to perform feats of flexibility that are beyond most individuals' capabilities. You can tumble, swing, flip, balance and otherwise use your body to your best advantage. You may not be the most flexible Kindred in the world, but you use your body's capabilities to their utmost.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can do a somersault without hurting yourself or others.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Flips, rolls and other basic maneuvers are within your range.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are good enough to amaze crowds or confound foes with your antics.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are capable of performing gymnastic maneuvers on any surface with whatever equipment is at hand.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are an Olympic-caliber gymnast.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 69

Animal Training


You are able to train animals to obey commands and possibly perform tricks or other feats. Each species is a different specialty.

Animal Training
Dot-filled.png Novice: Heel, Fetch, Sit, Stay
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Local show standard
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Champion sheep dog standard
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Elite police dog standard
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Circus/stunt standard

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 45
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70
WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 18



You know how to fire a bow, and may be able to do so with great proficiency.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school gym practice
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Forest bowhunter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Medieval ranger
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Will hit a bull’s-eye, usually
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Robin Hood

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 22
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 179



You may operate and shoot artillery of all varieties - anything from a mortar to a howitzer. Additionally, your knowledge of the weapons includes the ability to repair them.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Young recruit
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Operator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Forward observer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Gun captain
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Can fire the thing by yourself if need be

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 27
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



There's a big difference between an inorganic machine and an organic one. You know how to straddle the line between them — how to design, implant, modify and employ cybernetics, cloning, biomechanisms, nanotech, genegineering and floronics. Naturally, these Progenitor mainstays demand other Traits (mostly Sciences; see "New Knowledges") before you can understand them. Still, you've got a leg up on most Technocrats and technicians, who regard the body and the machine as separate entities.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've watched biotech being installed and employed, and you understand the theories involved.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You have a bit of hands-on practice with design and installation of basic biotech devices and Procedures.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A typical Progenitor, you know the concepts, mechanisms and limits of existing Technocracy biotech.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: At your level of expertise, new designs and drastic modifications are possible.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: A biotech master, you may design, install, alter or employ almost anything you can imagine (subject to Sphere limits, of course).

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 146



You are skilled in the working of iron, and can make objects from iron and steel.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can make a horseshoe from a cut-iron bar.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can make wrought-iron and mild-steel objects.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can make different grades of steel and cast iron to industrial standards.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can pattern-weld different grades of iron and steel to make a complex object such as a sword blade.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can make a blade equal to any Japanese sword, or any other iron or steel object you please.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 27
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Blind Fighting


Even when unable to see your foes, you can use your Brawl or Melee Abilities with a reduced penalty or no penalty. This Skill may also be of great use out of combat. It should be noted that this Skill does not grant any actual ability to see better in darkness. For each dot the character has in this Skill, reduce the difficulty of performing actions while blind by one. (Naturally, the difficulty can never be reduced below is unhindered equivalent.)

Blind Fighting
Dot-filled.png Novice: You don’t stub your toe in the dark.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can pinpoint the direction from which sounds come.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can fight and predict your enemies’ locations at the same time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can almost “feel” where your opponents are.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You possess an almost mystical sense - Zen and the Art of Spatial Awareness.

WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 43 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 40 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



This skill is required to use a blowgun accurately, though unskilled characters may use Dexterity + Strength with a difficulty modifier of +3.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Kid with peashooter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Class peashooter ace
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Ninja wannabe
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Rainforest dweller
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Ninja

WW2059 Clanbook Assamite (1st Edition) 30

Boat Handling


You know your way around a boat, and can operate effectively in any crew position.

Boat Handling
Dot-filled.png Novice: Weekend sailor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Serious enthusiast
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Competitor or semi-skilled professional
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professional or Olympic standard
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Instructor or Olympic gold medallist

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 27 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Body Crafting


This Skill enables its possessor to make all manner of alterations to living and dead flesh and bone. the Skill also gives insight into more mundane techniques; many Tzimisce are skilled at flaying, bone-carving, embalming, taxidermy, tattooing and piercing.

Body Crafting
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can do body piercing.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can make decent tattoos or changes to the person's body, but nothing elaborate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are quite good at your craft and can make elaborate designs or changes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can do work better than almost anyone.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can craft the Sistine Chapel of the body.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 186



You are skilled in the manufacture of alcohol and alcoholic beverages. You are familiar with the equipment used in brewing and distilling, and can maintain, operate and repair such equipment.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Brew-kit user; the beer foams, and the wine doesn't turn to vinegar.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Home winemaker; the party-goers will drink it.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Moonshiner; your friends appreciate your gifts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Commercial winemaker; the satyrs sing your prainses.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Chateau of repute; your drink is served at the High King's table.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 27 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You know how, when and where to grease palms. Coupled with Streetwise or Politics, this Ability could buy you a very easy life. However, you still need to decide whom to approach and whom to leave alone - remember, not everyone turns a blind eye.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Get a bouncer to overlook the dress code.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Get the building inspector off your back.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A policeman won’t write you tickets.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: The inspector from the EPA leaves you alone.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: State politicians and local CEOs scratch your back.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 27 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Brood Kenning


Brood Kenning is the ability to match mates so as to maximize the chance of a desired offspring, a happy union, or some similar goal. If trying to maximize the chances of a Mokole babe, the matchmaker observes her charges carefully, anywhere from a day to a month or more, and finally makes a Brood Kenning roll (usually paired with Intelligence, Perception, or Wits at the Storyteller's discretion). the difficulty is typically 9, but can be reduced with extra observation. The number of successes is added to the chance for a Mokole offspring; a particularly insightful and ridiculously lucky matchmaker could thus increase the odds of breeding true up to 20%.

This skill can only be used for any given couple, at least when enhancing the odds of breeding true. It can also be used to make matches that will wind up happy, or to recognize the signs of hidden trysting (such as if two Mokole are secretly mating and might produce an Innocent). Brood kenners are compensated and esteemed, whether they are Mokole or Kin. It is a common choice for Gathering.

Brood Kenning
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can arrange blind dates that aren't total disasters.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Your clutchmates sneak off to you for romantic advice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You patch up stormy, confused teenage relationships on a regular basis.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: If you'd been present in Verona, Romeo and Juliet would have lived happily ever after.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Even the fiercest Crowning bows his head to you and calls you "auntie."

Possessed by:

WW3081 Mokole 52



Calligraphy is the design and execution of lettering with a pen, ink brush, or other writing instrument. It can be defined as "the art of giving form to signs in an expressive, harmonious, and skillful manner".

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can draw a few passable letters.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can draw a word here and there.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can make an invitation look nice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: People hire you to create professional designs.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Not even a computer could create designs like you do.

WW3063 Hengeyokai Shapeshifters of the East 171



You can change your appearance through a mixture of clothing, makeup and movement, rendering you difficult to spot in a variety of different surroundings. This is not the ability to look like someone else, but simply to hide.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Boy Scout
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Infantry trooper
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Marine
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Special Forces
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Ninja

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 27 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70 WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 44 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 40



You are a competent woodworker, able to craft a variety of objects from wood.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Amateur handyman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Professional handyman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professional carpenter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Joiner and cabinetmaker or night school teacher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You have your own TV show; rich clients seek you out.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 40



You can climb mountains and/or walls, and seldom have any fear of falling. The technical skills of chimneying, spike-setting and rappelling are all well known to you though, depending on your skill, you may be good or indifferent at them. Remember, mountain climbing at night is far more difficult than a daylight climb unless you can see in the dark.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can scale easy mountains or walls with handholds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You go on mountaineering vacations. You can climb heavily weathered stone or brick walls.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: A mountaineering instructor. You can climb moderately rough stone or brick walls.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You’ve done at least a couple of famous peaks. You can free-climb a fairly smooth stone or brick wall.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Everest and K2 are mild hikes. You could free-climb the World Trade Center.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 41



You know how to prepare a variety of meals, and present them in an appealing manner.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You give a reasonable dinner party.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You give an excellent dinner party.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could make a business of this.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could publish recipe books.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could have your own TV show or become a chef in the finest restaurants.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 41



You are a proficient dancer, and may perform socially or for the entertainment of others. You are familiar with most varieties of dance, but specialize in one particular style.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can manage a waltz at a wedding.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You draw envious glances at weddings. You could perform on the local amateur stage.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are the talk of the ball. You could perform on the local professional stage.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: People ask you to teach them. You could perform on TV.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Nijinsky, Fonteyn, Nureyev, Barishnikov, Astaire, Rogers, Kelley — and you.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 41



You are skilled at reasoned debate, and can present a convincing case through reason and logic.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Debate team member
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Union negotiator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Politician
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could make fundamentalists understand evolution.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 41



While almost anyone can make things explode, it takes skill to make them explode in the right way and at the right time. This is the Skill of making, setting and defusing various types of explosives. It also covers knowing where to place explosives for maximum effect, how to acquire explosive materials and even how to make them from scratch. Of course, getting explosives legally requires licenses and such, which may be an issue, considering what characters often use them for.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can make effective Molotov cocktails and other simple homemade explosives.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can set an explosive device or build a pipe bomb.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can wire up a car bomb or similar explosive booby trap.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can handle pretty much any type of explosive.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can set up a complex implosion of a massive building so it falls in just the right way.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 22 WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 180 WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 44 WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 41 WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 145



You can conceal your appearance and even make yourself look like another specific person through the use of clothes and makeup.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Good enough to fool someone who knows neither you nor the person you're impersonating.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Good enough to fool some of the people some of the time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Good enough to fool some of the people most of the time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Good enough to fool most of the people most of the time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Good enough to fool those nearest and dearest most of the time.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 28 WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 23 WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 44 WW8110 Hunter Book: Redeemer 66

Divination (skill)


You are adept at interpreting signs and omens in order to learn something about the future. The Storyteller determines a difficulty and rolls your character's Perception + Divination secretly. Success provides some clue or hint. The greater the success is, the clearer the signs are... although it's always somewhat cryptic.

Divination (skill)
Dot-filled.png Novice: Occasionally, you surprise your friends.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know at least one divination method well, and you can use it fairly reliably.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could make a living as a professional fortune-teller.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your skills would have been welcome in the court of the Pharaoh, and perhaps they were in a your First Life.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your predictions are nearly always accurate.

WW2380 Mummy: the Resurrection 61 WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 89



A smart beast can use her surroundings to confound her enemies. You are such a beast, naturally — anyone who dares to hunt you will have a hard time of it! On your home turf, you're nearly unbeatable. In strange surroundings, you can get your bearings quickly enough to elude pursuit — or to lead your foes into a trap while you race away, laughing. This Trait may be rolled with Intelligence (to puzzle out new surroundings), Manipulation (to confuse pursuers), Perception (to notice prospective traps and hazards) or Wits (to trick your foes into falling for said traps and hazards). Alternatively, it may be used as part of a resisted roll, pitting your Elusion against your hunter's Hunting or Survival Traits.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Given a good head start, you can elude casual pursuit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can trick most hunters into going the wrong way, or lure neophytes into tight situations.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You're clever enough to lead a hunting party into briar patches or deep creeks.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: A wily beast, you can give most pursuers the slip with little difficulty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Legend: The greatest hunters alive wish they could catch you!

Possessed by:

WW4802 Bygone Bestiary 102

Energy Weapons


A laser is not a normal gun; nor is a particle-beam cannon, an Ectoplasmic Disrupter Cannon or any of the other hypertech energy weapons Union footsoldiers love. Lasers are recoilless, plasma weapons generate a heat wash and fire trail, shockers are short-ranged and particle beams have recoil, but of a different "feel" than a firearm. Most people wouldn't have any idea how to work one of these odd guns, but you do. Given any standard Technocracy-issue energy weapon, you can fire, adjust, load, field-strip and perform minor repairs on it.

Energy Weapons
Dot-filled.png Novice: It's a ray gun, Space Cadet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've learnd the basics of operation and maintenance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Typical space marine.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Elite Op.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: "Phased plasma rifle in the 40 watt range..."

Possessed by:
Technocrats, Sons of Ether (at staff discretion)

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 146



You are skilled in various techniques that enable you to escape from bonds and restraints. This skill is primarily used for entertainment purposes, but can also be very useful in real life.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Children’s party entertainer; you can escape from loose or poorly tied bonds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Amateur entertainer; you can escape from fairly well-tied bonds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professional entertainer; you can escape from handcuffs and chains.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Star; you can escape from a straitjacket.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Houdini who?

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



Once the sport of nobles, falconry is now practiced only by a few enthusiasts.

Dot-filled.png Novice: The bird comes back sometimes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can do small displays.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You work most of the local medieval fairs and outdoor exhibitions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: In a different time, you would have been a noble admired for your skill, or you could have worked for a noble.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: In a different time, you would have been with the king’s entourage.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



This Skill allows you to convince someone of something using a sincere expression and an avalanche of words rather than reasoned debate and logic.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Vacuum-cleaner salesman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Used-car salesman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professional con artist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Teflon-coated politician
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could sell sand to the Saudis.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Fire Dancing


You can enter a trance-like state that allows you to leap through flames. This Skill is vital in the Fire Dance and other ritae. Demonstrating this Skill often equates to being a powerful and dominant member of the pack. This Skill does not grant any immunity from the fire, but it does allow the vampire to avoid being burned or succumbing to a frenzy. This Skill cannot be part of a split dice pool: The user must concentrate on Fire Dancing and nothing else. When the vampire tries to Fire Dance, damage should be rolled normally, but for every success with this Skill, reduce the amount of damage done by one health level. Few vampires outside the Sabbat have this Skill. (Note: Unless the fire is actually a bonfire meant for the ritual dance, you do not suffer Rötschreck any less frequently than any other vampire.)

Fire Dancing
Dot-filled.png Novice: You make the necessary leaps to prove that you’re not a coward. You usually wait until the fire has died down quite a bit before you leap though.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You no longer feel that “Oh, shit,” panic when you jump.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are usually the first to jump, for you do not fear the flames. You live by the motto, “Build it higher, jump the fire!”
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: An acrobat in the flames, you command a prowess and fearlessness that serves as inspiration to all who observe you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: A legend among the Sabbat, your moves are simultaneously unholy and magnificent.

Possessed by:
Sabbat, Mystics

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 89

First Aid


This Skill allows a character to give basic medical attention to another. It is not as comprehensive an Ability as the Medicine Knowledge, but does allow for a basic grasp of all the practices of first aid, and at higher levels, techniques known to paramedics.

First Aid
Dot-filled.png Novice: Mother of small children
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Boy Scout
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Office safety representative
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: School nurse
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Paramedic

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You can judge a body of water, and have a fair chance of catching fish if there are any to be caught.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Weekend angler
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Serious amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Competition winner
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professional fisherman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Fish leap onto the shore as you walk by.

WW3079 Gurahl 86 WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You can copy a document or two-dimensional artwork well enough to enable it to appear as the real thing under casual inspection, and perhaps more detailed inspection as well.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Interoffice memos
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Signatures
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Commercial papers; passports
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Checks; bonds; bank drafts; some artworks
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Banknotes; old master paintings

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You are adept at one or more games of chance, and can play without too much risk of losing heavily. You can also increase your chances of winning without actually cheating.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Saturday night poker with the boys
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: A couple of weeks in Vegas each year
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are known in Vegas, Reno and Atlantic City.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You make a living from this. Your mother despairs.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You have to be careful not to tell people your name.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Game Playing


This Skill covers games of strategy and skill, such as chess, go, shogi, xiang qui, hnefatafl and so on. It does not cover card games (see Gambling),or simple games like tic tac toe and gomoku, which rely largely on luck.

Game Playing
Dot-filled.png Novice: You can beat your older brother.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You could get on a school team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could get on a college team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could get on a national team.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could beat Karpov.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You can repair firearms and produce ammunition for a variety of different guns. At high levels of skill, you can construct specialty ammunition such as caseless, hollow-point, mercury-tipped, and silver bullets. Given the time and the tools (and enough skill) you can build a gun from scratch perhaps even one of your own design.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Black powder and paper cartridges
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Cased standard ammunition
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Magnum rounds
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Caseless and hollow-point rounds
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You name it

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Heavy Weapons


You have the ability to operate and shoot heavy weapons of all varieties anything from an M60 heavy machine gun to a Dragon antitank weapon. Additionally, your knowledge of the weapons includes an ability to repair them.

Heavy Weapons
Dot-filled.png Novice: Basic training
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Operator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Warrior
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Killer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Rambo

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



Mere mortals suffer from vertigo when they look at a starship's controls. Not you. You've studied at the Void Engineers' academies, and know what every switch and viewscreen does (well, most of them, anyway). Because there is order in simplicity, most Void craft have fairly standardized controls; given time, you can pilot anything from a Qui La Machina to a long-distance exploratory vessel. Although certain experimental or top-secret craft may be out of your league, you can still puzzle out most of the vital functions. Just don't screw up when you're in deep space!

(Note: Although it can be considered a retrofitting of Pilot, the two Skills are very different. One applies to aircraft, the other to spacecraft. Hence, it's a pretty rare Skill outside the Void Engineers. While some Iterators and MiBs have been taught the rudiments of starship operation, the Voids like to keep their toys to themselves. Although some Sons of Ether may have a demented variation of this Trait, their inventions tend to be too unique and/ or esoteric to be compatible with Technocracy craft.)

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've been trained on basic shuttles.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: They let youtake the helm when things are calm.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Typical helmsman.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: The captain wants you on the controls when trouble strikes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Han Solo in a jumpsuit.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 147



You have a knowledge of herbs and other natural substances and their properties for both medicinal and other applications. You know where such ingredients are likely to be found, and you can gather and preserve them.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Your read a book on herb lore once.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You learned everything your grandmother had to teach you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You are well-versed in the uses of even rare plants
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are well known in regional and nature-lover circles as a source of wisdom.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: In the nights of old, you could have been a wealthy apothecary.

WW2301 Vampire Storyteller's Companion (Revised) 24

High Ritual


While just about every mage learns some minor rites and tools to perform magic with ceremony, this Ability covers the nuances of putting on big time rituals. The mage learns everything from how to dress, to what colors match with the spell in question, to how to cut a few corners or eke out a little extra power. A leader of a High Ritual casting may not be the best public speaker or the most charismatic leader, but he knows exactly how to project, move and motivate so as to put every piece into just the right place at the right time.

With High Ritual + Stamina, a mage can continue casting a strenuous chant or rite for several hours, or even for a day or more (at 5+ successes). High Ritual + Intelligence allows a mage to accumulate extra successes on the ritual beyond the normal Arete x Willpower limit (although the High Ritual roll itself cannot be extended; you have one roll of the Ability to increase the cap for your casting). Particularly specialized High Ritual casters may excel in specific situations as well.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've seen a couple of impressive rites.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: With a couple tries you can edge your way through a simple one.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Practiced and confident, you can lead or participate in a variety of short rituals.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Your rites carry the strength of conviction and countless hours of study.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Not only can you perform the most demanding rituals, you can fill in missing parts or build your own new sacraments.

Possessed by:

WW4603 Guide to the Traditions 212



Hunting is the ability to find and bring down a target of any sort, on any terrain, for any purpose. With a proper application of Hunting, you can do anything from running down deer int he wild to picking a mortal out of the herd for purposes of feeding. This skill also includes manhunting, and can apply to the search for other Kindred.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You don't need to club your prey over the head first.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can find dinner with reasonable ease.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Humans are easy to isolate and feed on.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Once you decide on a target, it's only a matter of time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Human, animal or Kindred - none can escape you.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



Most Technos simply employ the devices and Procedures they've been given; you actually comprehend the super-advanced theorems that make science into"magic."While many Unionists know the basics, you understand the concepts in great, intuitive detail. (In Massesspeak, this understanding is similar to the difference between knowing how to use a computer and knowing how to build and program one.) In game terms, this Skill allows you to identify the principles of Technocratic devices, modify them or build your own (see p. 46). At Rank 3 and higher, you begin to understand the warped workings of Ether tech and Virtual Adept toys, and you may modify or employ them as you wish (something most Technocrats find difficult to do). Such things are perversions of science, of course, but you detect the rhyme and reason within them that no mundane scientist could possibly understand.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic theories.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Esoterica is just another level of the obvious.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You actually understand both Technocratic science and the warped diversions of the Etherites and Virtual Adepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You're one of the Union's top designers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Other Technocrats revere you.

Possessed by:
Mages (Technocracy, Sons of Ether, Virtual Adepts)

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 148



You can place a willing subject into a trance, which lets the practioner gather information or treat psychological problems. To put a subject into a trance state requires an opposed Charisma + Hypnotism roll against the target's Willpower. An unwilling subject may automatically resist simply by expending a Willpower point, so breaking a strong mind may be a very time consuming process. The number of successes indicates how much can be learned or the extent of psychiatric help applied. Hympnotism used in conjunction with various mental Numina or Mind magics may have increased effects, such as programming specific actions to occur at a later time.

Dot-filled.png Novice: People you entrance probably got road hypnosis even without you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can learn some interesting things.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You feel comfortable enough to engage in self-hypnosis.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can read deep into the mind of your subject.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: An entranced mind is like clay in your hands.

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 50



You are skilled in the methods of indoctrination. This can include brainwashing a First Team into believing they aren't on a suicide mission, or convincing a new executive recruit that Pentex has the best interests of the planet in mind. Indoctrinating someone takes a long time of feeding them the information you want and leading them to mistrust contrary information. Indoctrination is a subtle skill, best used in a controlled-information environment. Its chances of success in a free market of ideas are little, but as the modern media machine has proven, it can still be quite effective. This skill can also come in handy in the field. It can be used to reinforce existing doctrinary beliefs in First Teams, bolstering them for coming combat. The subtle, friendly form of this skill (nightly newscasts) is paired with Charisma, but the forceful use (prisoner "reeducation") is paired with Manipulation. This skill's uses are up to the Storyteller.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can sometimes get others to follow the party line.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You usually have no trouble convincing others that your version of the status quo is correct.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can turn friend against friend by raising doctinal disputes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can easily mold others' emotions and ideas into whatever form you desire.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Big Brother has nothing on you.

WW3066 Freak Legion A Players Guide to Fomori 21



A variation of Pilot, this Skill allows you to strap on a jetpack and fly around without killing yourself. The simple yet delicate controls of most Technocratic (and Etheritie) 'packs are easy enough to employ. The real trick comes with mastering the balance between speed, maneuvering, body position and rawnerve. (The flier's Dexterity +Jetpack rating makes up her dice pool for pursuit, evasion and maneuvers.) A common Trait among high-powered field agents and their SoE rivals, this Skill maybe essential to anyone who wants to fly the Technocratic way.

Dot-filled.png Novice: "Oooooh, shhhhiiiiittttttt!"
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Awkward but not endangered.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Confident in the air.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Skillful enough tofight and fly at high speeds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The Rocketeer.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 149



WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70+ -- You are able to produce saleable pieces of jewelry. You can determine the approximate worth of most jewelry by quick appraisal, but it is easy to make a mistake without in-depth examination.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You took a night school course once.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You treat it as a fairly serious hobby.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could run a small business.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: This is your chosen career.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are up there with Cartier.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You not only know how to write news stories, but also how to research and discover them in the first place. This Skill also gives you knowledge about the inner workings of a newsroom and a newspaper as a whole. Furthermore, Journalism often provides a familiarity with television news reporting.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Hack (TV reporter)
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Features reporter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Investigative reporter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Editor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Pulitzer Prize winner

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



Science is not without a little slack. With a handful of widgets, a bit of breathing room and a combination of brilliance and bullshit, youcan twist the loose ends of science and fix, alter, build or repair mechanical objects. You must have something to work with, and cannot make something radically different or powerful from a heap of scrap metal. Even so, you do possess a knack for taking bits of junk and cobbling them together into a machine that works fora short period of time.

Obviously, you ought to possess several other Traits in addition to this one: Technology, Computer, Gunsmithing, Hypertech, Security, Energy Weapons and many Sciences are practically prerequisites for most improvised gadgets. Although this Skill can help you with various advanced Procedures (see "Abilities and Magic," in Mage: The Ascension), it is not instantaneous, nor is it "magical" in itself. A clever Technocrat, however, can use his technicalknow-how to pull off normally vulgar Procedures in full view of the Masses... solong asthe stunt isn't totally blatant. (Storyteller's Note:Jury-Rig is a Skill, not a Sphere; a character should not be able to use it to perform some obviously impossible feat of engineering.) Oh, and do be careful. The Union frowns on twisting reality's loose ends too freely.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Basement tinkerer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Mr. Fixit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Field gadget-master.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: MacGuyver.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Tony Stark in mirror shades.

W4014 Guide to the Technocracy 149

Klaive Dueling


You have studied the art of klaivaskar, the Garou method of fighting with klaives. Possession of this Skill allows you to choose maneuvers from the Klaive Dueling list (see Chapter Five, pg.#215). Without this Skill, you can still fight with a klaive, but you cannot use the maneuvers listed there.

Klaive Dueling
Dot-filled.png Novice: You know how to hold a klaive.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've actually used a klaive in a real battle.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You're comfortable with various dueling techniques using a klaive.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have a firm grasp of the ins and outs of klaive dueling; cubs ask for your instruction.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Warrior everywhere whisper your name and your klaive's name in reverent tones.

Possessed by:

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 181
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 215



Larceny is the talent for living on the lawless side. You have a knack for petty crime, whether slitting purse strings or trying to find a buyer for stolen goods. You make your way by crooked means, and you're comfortable around folks who do likewise.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can pick locks.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can pick pockets.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can crack safes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You're a criminal genius.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You're a mob boss.

WW3700 Werewolf The Wild West 130
WW3800 Werewolf: The Dark Ages 96



You are able to produce serviceable items of leather, either for sale or for your own use.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You got a craft kit for your birthday.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You make birthday presents for friends and family.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You sell to local stores.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: People ask for your work by name.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your picture appears in magazine ads.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Lip Reading


You are able to understand speech without hearing it, just by watching mouth movement. Though you will not pick up on every word, you can usually figure out the gist of a sentence without too much trouble.

Lip Reading
Dot-filled.png Novice: If someone talks slowly and clearly, with exaggerated mouth movement.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: If someone talks fairly slowly and you concentrate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can usually comprehend normal conversation.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Even under poor lighting and distance, you can usually make out most of a sentence.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Smoke, night and ventriloquism are no barriers to you. You can even make out foreign languages if you speak them fluently.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 24



You are able to open locks without the correct key or the right combination.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Simple mortise locks
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Cylinder locks and basic security locks
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Advanced security locks
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Safes
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Fort Knox

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



This rare skill enables a practitioner to bring out memories lost in the recesses of another's soul. Called "the midwife's art," it involves questions, ritual dialogue and the pronunciation of syllables whose meaning is obscure. The player must specify how many levels of Mnesis he wishes to evoke in the subject, or how many memories he wishes the subject, or how many memories he wishes the subject to recall, and the two participants must speak the same language (usually the Dragon's Tongue). The subject must have the Mnesis to do this, or the potential to remember the subjects involved. The practitioner must spend a number of hours equal to the level of Mnesis desired to call out the memory, then make a Manipulation + Maieusis roll. The difficulty is 6 or ordinatry memories, 7 for Mnesis, and 8 for diffcult or obscure subjects. For each success, one memory is recalled.

Maieusis is a daring art. Memories long forgotten can emerge, and a soul be made anew. The Unshading sometimes send lawbreakers to receive the midwife's art rather than die, hoping that their memories will contain enough righteousness to return them to good. It is said that the Fallen have been overcome with grief when subjected to Maieusis, realizing the horrors that they have become, and have died voluntarily in their remorse.

Dot-filled.png You can remind your partner of that night in Rio.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can bring new insight to people.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are known as a lover of wisdom.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are revered as a teacher/counselor.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Watch out for the hemlock...

Possessed by:

WW3081 Mokole 53



You are a jack-of-all-trades with a particular affinity for mechanical devices, and can jerry-rig or repair just about anything mechanical, given the right tools and materials.

Dot-filled.png You can fix a broken doorbell.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can fix a lawnmower or scratch-build a doorbell.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can fix a car or build an automatic garage door.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can fix a high-performance car or rebuild an engine.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can fix, build or improve almost anything.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 31
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 44



Concentration and dedication are paramount in the working of magic, and a little serenity doesn’t hurt either. Through Meditation, a character centers her mind, stills her thoughts and casts off the cares of the world for a time. Meditation allows characters to focus their thoughts and concentrate on specific problems or tasks. Thus, they draw their awareness inward to ignore harsh conditions or injury.

Dot-filled.png Those gurus on the street sure make it look easy, right?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Meditation helps sometimes when you’re agitated.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A staple of your lifestyle, meditation keeps your mind clear.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Even under highly adverse conditions, you can find your center.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could practice Zen archery unruffled in the midst of a raging firestorm — with your teeth.

WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 111
WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 123
WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 89

Microgravity Operations


Deep space, damaged ships and ancient Constructs all lack the familiar gravity of Earth. While most people would founder in such conditions, the Union needs explorers in all locations. Training with vacuum suits, underwater tanks and actual spacewalks provides the necessary experience to handle delicate maneuvering in microgravity. Some people mistakenly call this sensation "Zero G" — there's no such thing, of course, since gravity stretches everywhere in the universe, but that technicality is hardly a comfort to someone floating in the dark void.

With Microgravity Operations, you can handle yourself in low- or near-zero-gravity situations. You don't bounce off walls aimlessly, and you can keep your bearings despite the lack of "up" and "down." Against less-skilled opponents, you can even use gravity to your advantage, hopping off walls and vectoring unexpectedly.

When in low gravity, inexperienced characters cannot use more dice from any physical Abilities than their ratings in Microgravity Operations. Thus, if you have 3 in Energy Weapons but only 1 in this Skill, you can only use one die (plus your normal Attribute dice) for the roll. This penalty doesn't affect knowledge, magic, devices or Enlightened Science, of course.

Microgravity Operations
Dot-filled.png Don't hyperventilate and don't throw up.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png As long as you're on a tether, you're fine.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can spacewalk with some competence.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Three-dimensional movement is not out of the question.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You've been in space for so long, you probably don't even remember gravity.

Possessed by:

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 150



Nockers have made their living beneath the earth since time immemorial. With a hammer and pix-axe in hand, you can tunnel through mundane or chimerical rock at an amazing speed. You can cut a nocker-sized tunnel through almost any substance (at the rate of one meter per hour for each success achieved on a Dexterity + Mining roll). The difficulty of mining varies depending on the substance's hardness (anything from 4 for clay to 10 for the hardest rock). You also know how to buttress your tunnels to prevent them from collapsing, and how to extract precious metals and gems from the rock without damaging them. You are also highly adept at moving through low tunnels, and can use this Skill to determine direiton underground. Nockers with this Skill are even familiar with the kith's rich reserves of mining lore.

Most nockers have at least some familiarity with mining, even if they don't possess this Skill, and look askance at their fellows who have never dirtied their hands in a mine.

Dot-filled.png You can find your way around your own freehold.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are learning, but still become lost in strange tunnels.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are well-trained and capable of making your own way underground.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png There is rock dust in your veins. You can dig a tunnel through anything, given time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png One of the greatest practioners of the craft. You believe you could tunnel your way back to Arcadia.

WW7052 Kithbook: Nockers 55



Misdirection deals with distracting people from what you are trying to do. By making your subject focus his concentration elsewhere, you can steer him away from a subject of interest. The subject of interest could be anything from what you are doing to an object sitting in plain sight.

Dot-filled.png "Hey, your shoelace is untied!"
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You're real good at card tricks.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can make a living at misdirecting people.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png People give you things and then forget that they did.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Strangers forget that they ever met you.

WW4050 Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide 23
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 46

Mnesis Emulation


This strange knowledge may be learned only by Mokolé. It enables a Mokolé to "learn" almost any skill or knowlege that could have been known to an ancestor.

The Mokolé must meditate on the ability desired and enter a Mnesis trance. The trance is usually not long - perhaps one night. Finally, she makes a Mnesis + Mnesis Emulation roll, difficulty 7. For every two successes, the seeker gains a dot in the given Ability for one day (rounding up); she may spend dots to increase the duration, however. For instance, five successes could give hera skill of 3 for one day or a skill of 1 for three days. Mnesis Emulation cannot grant any supernatural abilities (such as Gifts, rites or powers of other Awakened creatures).

Mnesis Emulation
Dot-filled.png You can call up a hint of memory.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can usually see the right place and time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You have something to say to everyone.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are at home everywhere.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can imitate anyone who has ever lived.

Possessed by:

WW3081 Mokole 53



You can create and play music; you know how to play one instrument for every rating point you have. Of course, the higher your rating, the better you are at playing your instruments, especially the first instruments you learned. This is the ability to create music -the higher your rating, the greater your musical ability. You should decide what instruments you play.

Dot-filled.png With effort, you can play a few simple chords.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could play rhythm guitar in a garage band.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could make a decent living playing the club circuit.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could play lead guitar on a 30-country tour.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

WW2002 Vampire The Masquerade (2nd Edition Text Only) 93



It's not what you know, it's who you know. And you know how to work those connections for all they're worth. If you're stranded in new circumstances without a network of contacts, you can make one with a little time and effort. It's all in how you play the game....

This Trait allows you to pull together a net of resources: lists, libraries, data banks, receptionists, specialists and informants. These aides won't actually act on your behalf (aside from a dropped word or two), but they're invaluable when you're trying to find something (Perception + Networking), accomplish something (Manipulation + Networking) or win someone over (Charisma or Appearance + Networking). The more obscure the fact, item, person or feat is, the higher the difficulty of the roll becomes.

Networking takes time and access. You can't just do it from the street unless you've got a cellular phone and a few hours to spend on it. A Background like Contacts, Mentor or Spies would most likely represent an established network.


Dot-filled.png You know how to use a phone book and a library.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Sweet-talking operators and secretaries is a cinch.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You know the right people to talk to, and you know how to find them.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png With two hours and a phone, you can work miracles.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png "How'd youget Salman Rushdie's address?"

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 150



Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. The term has become more generalized in modern times to be inclusive of all folding practices regardless of country of origin. The goal is to transform a flat square sheet of paper using folding and sculpting techniques into a finished sculpture.

The small number of basic origami folds can be combined in a variety of ways to make intricate designs. The best-known origami model is the Japanese paper crane. In general, these designs begin with a square sheet of paper whose sides may be of different colors, prints, or patterns.

Dot-filled.png You can make very basic simple folds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Paper Cranes are your jam.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You have several techniques well known to your hands.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Your friends, family, and acquaintences all know you are the goto folder.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Even the masters look to you for tips.

WW3063 Hengeyokai Shapeshifters of the East 171



You know how to use a parachute, both for sport and for other purposes.

Dot-filled.png Weekend jumper
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Reservist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Airborne regular
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Special Forces or sport instructor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Special Forces instructor or sport champion

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You know how to use a camera to produce quality and artistic pictures. You also know how to process photographic materials.

Dot-filled.png Local club member
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Local club prizewinner
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Semi-pro; you sell some pictures.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Professional photographer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png One of the best

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You are able to remove objects from someone else’s clothing and body without the person’s knowledge. You generally bump into the person to distract her as you remove the object.

Dot-filled.png You can take wallets in a dense crowd.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can take a wallet from an inside pocket.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can take a keychain from a trouser pocket.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can take a watch while shaking hands.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can take anything from anywhere.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You can operate a flying machine. Note that your skill limits the types of aircraft you can fly. A glider pilot (one dot) cannot fly a helicopter (requiring four dots).

Dot-filled.png Club member; hang gliders only
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Club champion; gliders and small aircraft only
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Professional or club instructor; commercial airplane license
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Military or display pilot; helicopter pilot; any type of commercial aircraft
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Top Gun

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 151

Police Procedure


WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 32 You know the general techniques and procedures employed by law enforcement authorities, and may utilize them yourself (especially if you were once a police officer).

Police Procedure
Dot-filled.png Recruit
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Patrol officer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Detective
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Police lieutenant
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Only a master criminal would need to know this much.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 32



Once per story, you may attempt a divination roll. You must have appropriate tools (I Ching, Tarot cards, compass, oracle bones, star charts, even a computer program), and the process takes a minimum of 30 minutes, asyou scan the heavens for omens, toss oracle bones, or shatter ideograph-painted human skulls. You may either attempt a general reading ("What do the stars hold?") or ask a specific question. The Storyteller assigns a difficulty, basedon the general intent of your question (if any), and then allows you to roll Perception + Portents. Success means that the Storyteller gives you some sort of clue or hint; the greater the success, the more exact the answer, though it is always cryptic.

Thus, if the Storyteller knows that the characters' territory will soon suffer an invasion of Camarilla Kindred led by a crazed (and therefore vulnerable) Malkavian, she might say something like: "White Bone Dragon strikes at the Jade Dragon's flank. Enter the Bone Dragon's maw, and its head will strike its tail in confusion."

Dot-filled.png "The bird flew south? Uhm.. .good luck tomorrow."
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Neighbors ask you to perform I Ching readings.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Mothers for miles around ask you to interpret their newborns' horoscopes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could have a column in a major newspaper.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Your predictions make and break banks, stock markets...and military campaigns.

WW2900 Kindred of the East 84



You are able to make and fire ceramic items, either for artistic or practical purposes.

Dot-filled.png Hobbyist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Enthusiastic hobbyist; night school student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Professional; night school Instructor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Craftsperson; growing business
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Household name

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You are skilled in diagnosing and treating mental ailments (such as Derangements) without resorting to the use of behavior-altering drugs. Even Freud couldn’t cure people in a single session, so be patient! No amount of Psychoanalysis can cure a Malkavian’s initial derangement.

Dot-filled.png A shoulder to cry on
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Volunteer counselor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Professional counselor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Qualified psychoanalyst
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Freud

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You are able to repair simple or complex devices of all sorts. This includes doors, cars, and even computers. Mastery in this skill means you are a jack-of-all-trades. This skill covers everything from simple carpentry to mechanics. Given the proper tools, you can fix almost anything.

Dot-filled.png You can assemble ready-made kits.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png With proper time you can wire a house.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You save quite a few dollars in mechanics' fees.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are able to repair personal computers within minutes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png If it's broke, you can fix it.

WW6600 Wraith: The Oblivion (2nd Ed) 124



Anyone who wants to find a specific piece of information needs this Knowledge. Research and the right materials can help you find almost anything that anyone's ever written down. Many research projects involve extended rolls and several nights' work, and some things may not be in the most accessible of libraries.

Dot-filled.png You are familiar with public libraries and Web search engines.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You may work part-time as a research assistant. You know how to use Gopher and FTP systems, as well as several obscure hardcopy filing methods.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are familiar with some private archives in your areas of study.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png With time, you can find almost anything you need to know.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are virtually a walking cross-reference library, and know where to start looking before the question has been fully phrased.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 30



You can climb onto a riding animal and stand a good chance of getting where you want to go without falling off, being thrown or having anything else unpleasant happen to you. This Skill can also be combined with Mental Attributes to reflect your working knowledge of the relevant trappings and equipment.

Dot-filled.png Pony club member; dude ranch vacations
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Pony club champion; weekend cowboy
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Pony club instructor; professional cowboy
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Showjumping champion; rodeo star
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Stunt rider

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 33



You are proficient in the use of an aqualung (unnecessary for the Kindred), and are familiar with the many dangers of diving (such as sharks and the bends).

Dot-filled.png Once a year, on vacation
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Local club member
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Instructor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Pro diver
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Navy SEAL

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You can sing over a wide range, with a variety of styles and techniques.

Dot-filled.png You stand out when the family gathers around the piano.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could get lead roles with local amateur societies, or become a lead singer with a garage band.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could get a choral part on the professional stage, or get a recording contract.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You could get a lead on Broadway or a record on the charts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png They’ll be playing your CDs 20 years from now.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You can travel on skis for sport or transportation with little chance of a mishap. You can read snow, and know where it is safe and where it is not — under most circumstances.

Dot-filled.png Vacation skier
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Enthusiast
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Ski bum
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Hotdogger, ski champ, Arctic forces
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Olympic medallist, elite forces

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70

Sleight Of Hand


The quickness of your hands can deceive the eyes of others. You can perform magic tricks and other feats of legerdemain.

Sleight Of Hand
Dot-filled.png Card tricks at Christmas
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Children’s parties
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Stage magician
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png TV magician
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A legend in your own time

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 33



You have acheived the knowledge of how to turn human souls into something useful by the application of brute force and open flame. Not only can you turn a human soul into something else, you have a good sense for what a particular Corpus would function best as.

Dot-filled.png You know which end of the hammer to grab.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can make a tea tray without injuring yourself.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Swords aren't beyond your skill.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can make anything, from any one, at any time.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Lord Nhudri, I didn't recognize you...

Possessed by:

WW6300 Guildbook: Artificers 51



You have trained long and hard at the arts of skillfully shaping plasm into decorative yet functional forms. This includes the capacity to judge what modifications would best suit any given client, and also the ability to carefully craft wraiths into inanimate objects. you can also evaluate a wraith's Moliations, learning the approximate skill level of the Masquer responsible. This Skill also imparts a working knowledge of Masquer signatures and current fashions in Moliate.

Dot-filled.png You can smooth out wrinkles without hurting anyone.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You've dipped your fingers into plasm more than once.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You know all the basics and are developing a signature style.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The intricacy of your work astounds and delights clients and casual observers alike.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png The Deathlords vie to employ your talents.

Possessed by:

WW6011 Guildbook: Masquers 44

Speed Reading


Through practice, you have developed the ability to read and absorb large quantities of written material in a short time.

Speed Reading
Dot-filled.png The New York Times in an hour
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A novel in two to three hours
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A textbook in two to three hours
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png A fat textbook in two to three hours
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png War & Peace in two to three hours

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You are skilled in the art of telling a story in an entertaining manner, whether for pastime or profit. People enjoy listening to you, and you have a gift for using words in an evocative manner for an appreciative crowd.

Dot-filled.png You remember the punchlines to jokes and can relate anecdotes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Typical campfire and urban legendfare, but you're always asked for them.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You're frequently asked to tell stories and some people even leave tips.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You're in demand and have entertained large crowds.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can keep an audience spellbound for as long as your voice holds out.

WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 48
WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 46

Temporal Sense


You have the natural affinity for the quirky, timeless existence of the sidhe. Time may flow backward, speed up or slow down, but you are able to maintain your equilibrium. This is a predominantly passive Skill, allowing coexistence with, but not control over, the various idiosyncrasies of fae time. This Skill is especially important to the sidhe and to fae who wield the Chronos Art.

Temporal Sense
Dot-filled.png You usually keep appointments.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can keep time to music.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You don't need a watch.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You have an internal chronometer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Time is your slave.

WW7006 Nobles: The Shining Host 74



You know how to inflict pain. Your ability is so precise as to be a science. You are capable of interrogating prisoners through torture and prolonging their suffering, keeping them barely alive — or undead.

Dot-filled.png You know how to hurt people in different ways.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are good at causing extreme pain and can keep someone alive for interrogation purposes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are equal to a military torturer. You can create pain never experienced by most.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are equal to a professional torturer. You are able to get almost any information you want out of your subject.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You are an artist and a scientist of pain and suffering.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 152
WW8113 Hunter Book: Wayward 79



You can identify the trail of an animal or person, and follow it under most conditions. The difficulty of such a feat varies according to the conditions - following fresh tracks in deep snow is easier than follow ing week-old tracks across a concrete sidewalk!

Dot-filled.png Boy Scout
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Eagle Scout
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Hunter
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Indian tracker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Grizzly Adams; Tonto

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 70



You know how to set various types of traps according to the type of game you want to catch.

Specialties: Specific Species, Deadfalls, Pits

Dot-filled.png Boy Scout
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Weekend survivalist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Outdoorsman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Mountain man
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Grizzly Adams

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 34



You can use your seductive means to get any information from anyone. Whether you’re acting out the role of the empathetic girlfriend, the barroom floozy, the loving wife or the adventurous mistress, you know how to please. You can be subtle or overt, coy or wanton, depending on what promises the best results, and you can interpret your subject’s turn-ons to better accomplish your seduction. If the vampire practicing this Skill actually goes through with the acts he suggests, he may need to spend blood points to function properly; see Vampire: The Masquerade, pages 138-9 for details.

(Note: This Skill relates only to using sex to achieve an end. Being charming, alluring or desirable is an application of Empathy, Expression, Performance or Subterfuge, likely coupled with Appearance or Charisma. Only the dullest of victims may fail to realize the carnal pleasures proposed by a user of this Skill, and many vampires consider its use distasteful or vulgar, as they no longer concern themselves with such base mortal acts, especially among the Sabbat.)

Dot-filled.png You know how to gain a partner’s interest and extract information without being blatantly


Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You perceive the subtle innuendoes in determining what a partner likes, and you use this insight to extract information.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png From talking to someone for a few minutes, you can determine his fantasies. You enact

them with skill often withdrawing vital information easily and within the context of your role-playing games.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can discern your mark’s ultimate fantasies, enacting dialogue and mannerisms

perfectly. Your partner usually becomes obsessed with you, and the sap may tell you anything.

Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Some wonder if you are too good to be true; a veritable succubus or incubus.

WW2303 Guide to the Sabbat 88



As per the Bygone Power - Webbing: The spider's web traps the unwary fly — the more it struggles, the more certain is its doom. Like the spider, you can entrap your enemies in webbing, a magical beard, sticky saliva or some other substance.

Although this Advantage is innate, complex web-weaving must be learned; consider Webworking a Skill, one that only silk-spinners can purchase. A good Dexterity + Webworking roll will allow you to: Difficulty Feat

Standard webbing has six soak dice and three Health Levels.

To escape your trap, a victim must make three or more successes on a Strength roll with an 8 difficulty (or, for more complexity, make a resisted roll pitting the character's Strength against a Strength 8 web. At the Storyteller's discretion, weaker (or stronger) webbing may lower (or raise) the difficulty of escape.

Difficulty Feat
5 Able to use only one Art.
6 Craft large webs
7 Snare foes.
8 Grab objects at a distance, or block entrances

Possessed by:
Ananasi, Bygones

WW4802 Bygone Bestiary 120

Primary Knowledges




This catch-all Knowledge covers the character's erudition in the "humanities": literature, history, art, philosophy and other "liberal" sciences. A character with dots in Academics is generally well-rounded in these fields, and at high levels may be considered an expert in one or more areas of study. Not only can this Knowledge impress at salons and other Elysium functions, but it can also offer valuable clues to certain past - and future movements in the Jyhad.

Dot-filled.png Student: You’ve got a high-school level under standing of the arts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can keep up in most conversations about the humanities.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You have all sorts of trivia at your fingertips.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Your academic knowledge leaves most people in the dust, wondering what you’re talking about.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You’re a renowned expert in your chosen field of study.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 126
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 153
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 113
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 148
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 166
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 137



Bureaucracy represents your ability to get what you want out of "the system," whether through paperwork, phone calls, or bribery. This Knowledge is useful for manipulating city officials, navigating the political system or even operating a bureaucracy of your own design. those with high Bureaucracy are among the most organized people in existence.

Dot-filled.png Student: You can keep a small company organized.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You understand the real basics of power structures.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You can perform stalling tactics for as long as it takes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: When you talk, your senator listens.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: When you talk, the IRS listens.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 28
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 137



Your character understands how to operate and possibly even program a computer. At higher levels, this may also include knowledge of designing and building a system, as well as complicated hacking. Any attempted use of a computer requires that the character have this knowledge.

Dot-filled.png Student: You're familiar with touch screen and point-and-click interfaces.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You are comfortable using a wide range of software.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You can use a command line interface and develop custom software.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You can live comfortably as an IT consultant.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You are on the cusp of creating the replacement for Google and Facebook.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 127
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 117
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 113
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 149
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 167
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 138



You have a working knowledge of the spirit world, from its various Realms to the politics of the Umbral broods. You're familiar both with the politics of the Celestines and the configuration of the Middle Umbra.

Cosmology is treated like a Lore. For more details, please see +rules Lores as well as +rules Increasing Lores

Dot-filled.png Student: You've heard that there's more than just Earth.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You know to avoid the Abyss.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You can find your way from one Realm to another.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You know most of the shortcuts and a few trade secrets.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Spirits ask you for advice about the Umbra.

Possessed by:
Mages (mainly Dreamspeakers/Shamans), Garou (mainly Silent Striders and Theurges), Corax, Nuwisha

WW3108 Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition) 33
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 114



This knowledge represents a knack for piecing together and remembering information vital to many kinds of problem solving. It assists your character in solving the mysteries created by the storyteller. It is essential for divining secret pathways, understanding esoteric knowledge and answering the riddles of mystical guardians.

Dot-filled.png Student: You always solve the daily crossword.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: Why bother toread whodunits? You always know the ending.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You did crossword puzzles - in PEN.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You can win contests of logic even with faulty information.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Even the deepest philosophical mysteries and issues are clear to you.

WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 117
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 114
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 167
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 138



You know the ins and outs of commerce, from evaluating an item's relative worth to keeping up with currency exchange rates. This Knowledge can be invaluable when brokering items, running numbers or playing the stock market. Sufficiently high levels in Finance allow you to raise your standards of living to a very comfortable level.

Dot-filled.png Student: Some basic experience in bookkeeping and finance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: A degree in accounting or finance backed by some experience.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: An MBA degree or the equivalent.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You could run a major corporation and make it more profitable.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You can make a fortune on the stock market.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 127
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 156
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 149



This knowledge represents the character's understanding of faerie magic and lore. It can be used when creating oaths or working enchantments, or even to create new Arts. Gremayre gives a character essential comprehension into the in depth workings of all things relating to the Dreaming.

Dot-filled.png Student: You grasp the fundamentals of faerie magic, such as oaths.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You are able to differentiate between similar Arts in use.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You have an in-depth understanding of the ebb and flow of Glamour.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You know lost secrets that predate the Shattering.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You understand the inner workings of the Dreaming.

Possessed by:

WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 167



Whether your character is tracking down a lost relative or investigating a crime scene, this knowledge allows her to recognize potential clues and know the procedure for procuring information and records. It provides the ability to procure evidence, perform forensic analysis and predict crime patterns.

You've learned to notice details others might overlook, and might make an admirable detective. This Knowledge represents not only a good eye for detail, but also an ability to do research and follow leads.

Dot-filled.png Student: You can narrow down a web search.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can spot inconsistencies in a witness's story.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You could make a living as a private detective.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: The FBI wants to recruit you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Even Sherlock Holmes is impressed.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 128
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 117
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 114
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 149
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 167
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 139



This trait deals with knowledge of legal rights, jurisprudence and jargon. A high level in law does not necessarily mean that the character is certified to practice law. Many criminals and lay people have learned about the judicial system through self study or personal experience.

Dot-filled.png Student: You've watched your share of courtroom dramas.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You're either studying for or just passed the bar exam.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You could have your own law practice.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Major public figures have your number just in case.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You could find the loopholes in the Devil's contract.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 128
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 118
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 115
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 150
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 167



Languages supplemental to your character's native language must be purchased through this knowledge. Each level of linguistics allows your character to speak another language fluently. It also gives the character an understanding of general linguistics and the structure of the language. With this ability, your character can attempt to identify accents or read lips.

Dot-filled.png Student: One extra language
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: Two extra languages
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Four extra languages
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Eight extra languages
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: 16 extra languages

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 128
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 118
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 115
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 150


Open For List

While some sphere books provided stats similar to what we offer here, not all do. Some have been more generalized (ex: Lore Vampire is a combination of factions, we do not support Lore Camarilla or Lore Sabbat). Staff has compiled some general information for each level and written it up on the wiki. Those links are provided below, as well as any book references that fit.

Depending on whatever sphere you choose for your PC, you can automatically get Lore for most of them at level 3 at cgen. Mortal does not have a lore. Some concepts, such as Shifter Kinfolk, only get up to level 2 of Lore Garou or Lore Fera for example.

For more details, please see +rules Lores as well as +rules Increasing Lores

Dot-filled.png Student: You possess dubious and sketchy information.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You are confident in your knowledge... you think.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You know some concrete details.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You learned some things that weren't meant to be known.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: An expert, you may be considered a liability by the subjects of the Lore.

The following Lores are available on City of Hope MUSH:

Lore Bygone

Lore Changeling

Changeling Lore Writeup

WW7300 Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition) 145

Lore Demon

Demon Lore Writeup

Lore Fera

Lore Garou

Garou Lore Writeup

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 184

Lore Hunter

Lore Kuei-jin

Lore Mage

Mage Lore Writeup

Lore Mummy

Lore Sewer

Lore Sewer
Dot-filled.png Student: Teenage runaway
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: City maintenance worker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Nosferatu or Giovanni neonate
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Nosferatu guide
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Nosferatu elder

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 31

Lore Sorcerer-psychic

Lore Spirit

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 184

Lore Vampire

Vampire Lore Writeup

Lore Wraith

Wraith Lore Writeup

Lore Wyrm

Lore Wyrm
Dot-filled.png Student: You know the names and abilities of many Wyrm creatures.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can name most of the Urge Wyrms.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You can draw a map of Malfeas.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You can quote significant passages of the Chronicle of the Black Labyrinth.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: The Wyrm fears you - so does your pack.

WW3806 Players Guide to Garou 184



Medicine is the study of the human body and the various techniques used to cure its ills. This knowledge incorporates an understanding of the structure and functions of the body, the uses of medicine, and the diagnosis and treatments of diseases. Many methods exist for treating patients, including acupuncture, aromatherapy, homeopathy, chiroparactics, medicinal herbalism and standard medical practices. A character may specialize in any of these fields or assume an overall understanding of many healing methods. Medicine also implies a certain understanding of pharmaceuticals.

Dot-filled.png Student: You know CPR and can perform first aid.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You could work as a Paramedic.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You can make a living as a general practitioner.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Even brain surgery is routine for you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You are respected by the world's medical community.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 128
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 118
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 116
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 151
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 168
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 139



You are knowledgeable in occult areas such as mysticism, curses, magic, folklore and particularly vampire lore. Unlike most other Knowledges, Occult does not imply a command of hard, factual information; much of what you know may well be rumor, myth, speculation or hearsay. However, the secrets to be learned in this field are worth centuries of sifting legend from fact. High levels of Occult imply a deep understanding of vampire lore, as well as a good grounding in other aspects of the occult; at the very least, you can discern what is patently false.

Dot-filled.png Student: You can pronounce "tarot" properly.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You've read Gardner, Cunningham, and Crowley.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You know about more than just ghosts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: The World of Darkness is an open book to you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You know most of the basic truths about the hidden world.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 129
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 118
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 116
WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 90
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 151
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 139



You are familiar with the politics of the moment, including the people in charge and how they got there. This Knowledge can aid you in dealing with or influencing mortal politicians, or even offer some insight into the local Cainite power structure.

Dot-filled.png Student: Activist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: Political Science Major
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Campaign manager or talk-radio host
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Senator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You could hand select the next President of the United States

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 129
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 119
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 151
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 168
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 139



Rituals and rites are an important part of werewolf life. This Knowledge lets the character know about the traditions, mysteries and ceremonies of the werewolves/shifters, including how to participate in such events and behave properly toward elders and leaders. A character needs a Rituals rating equal to or greater than the level of rites he knows or seeks to learn.

Rituals (Shifter)
Dot-filled.png Student: You've watched a few rites closely. Learned the basics.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You carry yourself well at tribal moots.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Other tribes invite you to attend their moots.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Even Black Spiral Dancers know and respect your knowledge.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You’ve quested into the Umbra to develop new rites.
Rituals (Kuei-Jin)
Dot-filled.png Student: Disciple
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: West or center Kuei-jin
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Jina
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Mandarin
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Ancestor

Possessed By:
Shifters, Kuei-jin, Hengeyokai

WW2900 Kindred of the East 86
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 119



The knowledge of science quantifies your character's understanding of the basic sciences: physics, chemistry, botany, biology, geology, astronomy and others. In particular, it defines the useful application of science to make things. A general expertise in all fields is considered applicable to levels one through three. Once your character has four dots, she should specialize in a particular field.

Dot-filled.png Student: You understand basic theories and laws.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You're familiar with the major theories.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You could teach high-school science.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You're fully capable of advancing the knowledge in your field.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You've made well-known and lasting contributions to science.

WW2300 Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition) 129
WW3801 Werewolf The Apocalypse (Revised Edition) 119
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 161
WW4600 Mage: The Ascension (Revised) 116
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 152
WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) 168
WW92051 Wraith: the Oblivion (20th Anniversary) 139

Secondary Knowledges




You can set up and keep accounts in the commercially approved, conventional manner. You can also interpret accounts and find errors, tricks and embezzlement

Dot-filled.png Novice: Night School
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Junior Clerk
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Senior Clerk Or Junior Partner.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Senior Partner
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Nothing Escapes you.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 34
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You are familiar with the writings of the classical and medieval alchemists, and you also have some practical experience. This Ability is indirectly related to the Knowledge of Chemistry, in a manner similar to the relationship between Astronomy and Astrology. You can interpret alchemical texts, and you understand the various symbols and cipers used by the alchemists, even when you find them in a non-alchemical context.

Dot-filled.png Novice: A mere dabbler
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Apprentice, probably still dependent on a master for instruction
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Journeyman, capable of making your own way, but with a long road still to travel
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Experienced alchemist, within reach of the greatest secrets
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Maybe that lead into gold thing can really work.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 34
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72

Animal Speech (knowledge)


Some beasts have languages of their own; how many of them do is a subject for scholars to debate (and Storytellers to decide, based on the level of fantasy one wants to employ). The old tales claim that most beasts have parliaments or councils which meet in the dead of winter, when humans believe the animals are sleeping. According to such tales, beasts speak as readily to each other as humans do; people just don't understand them. To the rationalist, of course, such claims are sheer mythology, but you know better.

Through some circumstance of fortune (to be decided as part of your background), you can speak to and understand animal speech. If you are an animal, you may speak to others of your kind as a "default" language, since this Knowledge reflects an ability to converse with other types of beasts. If you're a human being, you're not assumed to know any animal languages for free — but then, an animal must buy this Knowledge to understand human speech on more than a simply superficial level, too.

Animal Speech works just like Linguistics, with the following exceptions:

  • To speak to animals, the character must be able to form sounds like those the animal in question makes. A bear, for example, would find bird speech physically impossible to speak, although he might be able to understand it.
  • Certain beasts may be able to speak a common language if they share similar physical and social characteristics.

A wolf, for instance, could speak to dogs, but not to cats. Also, some things may translate differently — a poodle might sound unbearably prissy to a wild wolf, or a lion might seem bored and condescending to a cheetah.

Animal speech, both in form and topic, is very general. Animals tend to think simply and directly, phrasing things in terms of sensation and impression. (Many also happen to be color-blind. Trying to describe the color violet to a dog or squirrel would be an exercise in futility, since color is not a concept either recognizes.) The Storyteller has the final decision over the existence or utility of this Knowledge; it's appropriate for mythological or high fantasy chronicles but completely wrong for low-level fantasy or horror games.

House rule: Provides # of languages per dot the same as Linguistics. See also +explain Animal Speech (Knowledge)

Animal Speech (Knowledge)
Dot-filled.png Dabbler: One additional language
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Student: Two additional languages
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Four additional languages
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Eight additional languages
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Virtuoso: Sixteen additional languages

WW4802 Bygone Bestiary 102
WW4805 The Sorcerers Crusade Companion 117



You have studied the human phenomenon of society in many of its forms, and understand its basic rules and structures on a theoretical level, You also have some specific knowledge about one or more contemporary preindustrial societies.

Every culture develops from basic principles to a more complex society. You can trace the evolution of that culture, tracking its mores, morality and traditions. NWO agents can find this study useful in understanding foreign cultures.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Student. You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Grad student or research assistant. You understand the major theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professor or veteran fieldworker. You've devoted a fair amount of time and work to your studies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Head of department in major university. You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Leading light of the field; your work shapes the future of the subject. Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 34
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 153



You have studied the remains of the past and the processes by which they are preserved and discovered. You can interpret archaeological remains and identify the likely origin of ancient artifacts; you also know a fair amount about one or more ancient cultures.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Undergrad or amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Graduate student or research assistant
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Research fellow
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Doyen

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 34
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You are trained in the design of buildings, from both functional and aesthetic points of view. You can judge where the load-bearing elements of a building are and interpret architectural plans. You instinctively know where the safest places are in the event of an explosion or earthquake.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Office junior
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Junior partner
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Senior partner
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Frank Lloyd Wright

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 35
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72

Area Knowledge


If you spend enough time in an area, you get to learn a lot about it - what's nearby, the sort of people who live or work there, the rhythms and patterns of life in the region. this Knowledge reflects your character's experience of a particular place, gained through months or years of habitation. Familiarity with a city neighborhood, a town or a rural area means more than knowing where to find an all-night drugstore, or being able to tell when the mood in a bar could turn ugly. It's about being part of the community, and knowing - and being accepted by - the people, remembering the history and events of the area, and being familiar with geographical oddities and bad places. Note that while Locale knowledge is broad, it can never be transported - when you take this Ability, you must pick on area as a specialty, and your character's familiarity applies only to that area.

Area Knowledge
Dot-filled.png Student: You can find your way around without getting lost.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You know the good restaurants.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Tracking down whatever or whomever you need is easy.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: People are always stopping to chat with you on the street.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You know every place, every person, and every thing in the area.

WW8110 Hunter Book: Redeemer 66

Art History


You have studied art as an academic rather than practical subject, and know a great deal about its history. You can look at a piece ofart and have a good chance of identifying its place and period of origin, and in most cases you can name the artist without looking for a signature. You also have a fair idea of the current market price of a piece.

Art History
Dot-filled.png Novice: Student or amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Grad student or enthusiastic amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professor or auction house bigwig
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Research fellow or auction house chief
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Head of a museum

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 35
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You know how to compile and interpret a horoscope. Given the date and time (and, according to some systems, the place) of a person's birth, you can construct a personality profile and a set of predictions about the likely course of his life. Whether you actually believe these revelations is a matter of personal taste, but you can present them in a convincing and pleasing manner to those who do believe

Art History
Dot-filled.png Novice: You merely dabble.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Friends ask you to make horoscopes for them.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could run a small astrology business.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could have a syndicated newspaper column.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You could work for celebrities and politicians.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 35
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You study the heavens and their movements from a scientific rather than a mystical standpoint. You can identify most constellations, operate an astronomical telescope, predict sunspots, eclipses and comets, and identify most heavenly phenomena.

The movements of stellar bodies, reading of red shifts, orbits and celestial mechanics are your purview. Obviously, astronomy is a requirement for any Technocrat who goes into space, and it's mastered by Void Engineer navigators and researchers.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Student or amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Grad student or enthusiastic amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Professor or Doyen of local society
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert:Research fellow, TV host or NASA hotshot
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Renowned scholar or NASA team leader

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 35
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 161



You know about the nature of life, the forms it takes, and the way living organisms work. You have a reasonable chance of identifying a plant or creature, even from a fragment. You must have at least one dot in Science before you can acquire this Knowledge.

You've mastered the mysteries of earthly organisms (people, animals, plants and insects), including their structures, processes, interactions, and limitations. This field provides the basis of all Progenitor disciplines.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 35
WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 161



An organism's emotions are driven by its physical state and vice versa. The two are intertwined. By noting the connections (and learning how to alter them), you can forge links between the body and the mind. This science is an aptitude of mind/ body/ machine specialists from Iteration X, the Progenitors and the NWO.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You understand the major theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You've devoted a fair amount of time and work to your science.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 161

Body Control


Practice for a few days and one can master the simple movements of a limb in combat. Practice for years, and even the muscles and systems of the body that function naturally come under control. With sufficient discipline and study, a focused student can learn to moderate breathing, block out pain, even take charge over heartbeat, digestion and other bodily functions.

Body Control is usually a nonmagical, though rigorous, feat. Like Do, it’s a skill that requires dedicated study and focus, but in theory anyone with enough discipline could learn it. However, it often functions best when augmented with a little Life magic, which in turn allows the practitioner to perform truly extraordinary feats — metabolizing poisons, rapidly healing wounds and resisting burns.

Under stress situations, use Wits + Body Control (difficulty 8) to exert one facet of this Knowledge. In calm situations, use Intelligence + Body Control (difficulty 7). Usually, an extended roll is possible, representing a character taking several minutes of concentration to adjust his bodily functions.

Successes Feat
Dot-filled.png Withdraw Testicles: The character does not suffer debilitating pain from a strike to the groin.
Dot-filled.png Hold Breath: The character holds his breath for one minute per dot of Stamina. Each additional success adds another minute. Extended successes don’t add to this duration, though.
Dot-filled.png Moderated Sleep: With a moment’s relaxation the character can fall asleep under any circumstances.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Tolerate Temperature: The character manages to mitigate the effects of extreme heat or cold. Reduce the damage dice pool for fire, heat or frost by one die. The character doesn’t suffer any fatigue or inconvenience due to temperature.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Transcend Pain: Reduce dice-pool penalties due to wounds by one for the remainder of the scene.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Slow Bleeding and Breathing: Regulation of breath, heart rate and body repair allows the character to mitigate the effects of shock and severe injury. A character reduced to the Wounded health level or worse can stabilize injuries without risk of further bleeding or other complications (aside from being hit again, of course).
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Digestive Control: The character can exert control over the muscles that aid digestion in the stomach and intestines. This can slow the rate of absorption, in case the character has ingested poisoned or diseased substances. Although the character eventually absorbs the substance, this delays the onset of toxicity by a full hour per success scored.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Death Trance: The character enters a coma-like state. Only advanced medical technology (or magic) can determine that the character still lives. In this state, the character consumes little oxygen but the body maintains itself. Bleeding halts, the body delays the effects of poison and the individual essentially remains in a state much like suspended animation with all bodily functions at a crawl.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can raise disciplines to 3.

You may only use one of these effects at a time, though with concentration (and multiple successful rolls) you might be able to combine them. You don’t automatically stack them if you roll multiple successes, nor do you automatically take the effects of the highest roll (that is, just because you scored five successes on your character’s attempt to hold his breath doesn’t mean that the character enters a coma). You can’t score a level of success greater than your number of dots in the Knowledge — having a high associated Attribute simply makes you better at achieving certain levels of effect.

Body Control
Dot-filled.png Student: You’ve learned to feel your breathing.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: With concentration you can ignore needles, shrug off heat and soothe your breath, just like a yogi.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Even normally autonomic functions fall under your sway when you pause to pay attention to your body’s rhythms.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You can bring your body near death or incapacitation and still recover due to your startling control of muscles, blood and the healing process.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You’ve learned to feel your breathing.

WW4657 Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition) 58



Botany (aka plant science, plant biology, or phytology) is a branch of Biology that focuses on the science of plant life. This would include their structure, properties, biochemical processes, plant classification and the study of plant diseases and of interactions with the environment. The principles and findings have provided the base for such applied sciences as agriculture, horticulture, and forestry.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You understand the major theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You've devoted a fair amount of time and work to your science.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 31



You have studied the nature of substances and their interactions, and know how to prepare various chemical compounds. You also know how to deal with various hazardous substances. You must have at least one dot in Science before you can acquire this Knowledge.

Everything in this realm is linked by chemical codes. You understand how to search for, identify, mix and employ these codes for the greater good. Although Progenitors specialize in this Science, many other Technocrats understand it well.

Body Control
Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 35
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 161

Chimerical Alchemy


The Birthright: Chimera Creation has certain limitations (a nocker may not create items that involve or require radiation, electricity or active chemical reactions). Nockers have sought to compensate for this by developing a highly specialized branch of science that deals with chemical reactions, what are difficult to replicate in the Dreaming.

You have gained some mastery of this elusive craft. Familiarity with Chimerical Alchemy allows you to transcend the limits of what most nockers can create in the Dreaming. No longer are you restricted to creating mechanical devices and simple tools. Now you can invent chimerical betteries to power devices, and can change one thing into another - perhaps even turn chimerical lead into gold (or is that fool's gold?)!

Unlike mundane chemistry, which is an exact science, Chimerical Alchemy requires a considerable amount of intuition. An alchemical reaction created one day in the Dreaming may cause a different effect the next day. You are learning how to predict these strange variations. The deeper you go into the dreaming, however, the more difficult it is to anticipate how a chimerical chemical reaction will turn out.

Chimerical Alchemy, as opposed to the Alchemy knowledge detailed in the Changeling Players Guide, deal solely with the materials of the Dreaming. If your character already has the Alchemy Knowledge, you may transfer the points to Chimerical Alchemy if it suits your character, and with the Storyteller's permission.

Chimerical Alchemy
Dot-filled.png Apprentice: You haven't blown yourself up - yet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Journeyman: You're learning, but still highly dependent on your master for instruction. You could probably make goblin parchment.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Craftsperson: You are well-trained and capable of making your own way. You could probably make chimerical gunpowder.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You're an experienced alchemist, within reach of the greatest of secrets. You could probably make a chimerical camera.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Balmalocha: You're on of the true practitioners of the craft.

Possessed by:

WW7052 Changeling - Kithbook Nockers 55

Church History


You know the history of the Church through the ages, from its inception to the modern day. You underwstand exclesiastical history within the context of secula, politicla and intellectual history. This skill can be chosen for the history of other religions or traditions as well. The name "Church" need not be limiting: it can refer to the history of Islam, Buddhism, or Jadaism as easily as Christianity.

Church History
Dot-filled.png Student: Amateaur of high school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: College student or equivalent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Graduate student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Professor or Researcher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Undisputed authority

WW2020 The Inquisition 55

City Secrets




The study of ancient hsien text, such as the Tao te Hsien, the Chronicles of the Monkey King, and the Lo Shu, is extremely important to most hsien. Many masters learn them by heart, and most of the courts require passing exhaustive exams revolving around this cannon to rise in their ranks. Three rounds of exams are given - the most prestigious given every three years by the Ministry of Earth. Each test lasts for 10 days and includes written exams, oral defenses, and literary essays.

In system terms, the background "Title" can have no more dots than this Knowledge!

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the gist of each of the classics.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You have begun to study the classics earnestly.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You passed the first round of exams, earning the title xuicai, "budding genius."
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You passed the second round of exams, earning the title juren, "promoted man."
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Master: You are jinshi, "achieved scholar."

WW7308 Land of Eight Million Dreams 89

Computer Hacking


You can use your computer to insert your virtual presence into systems where you don't belong. With this knowledge, you can crack computer security and some forms of encryption and otherwise perform feats of data piracy and sabotage that would win the approbation of other hackers as well as an arrest warrant from the FBI. Best of all, you can do this while covering your tracks.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can guess others' passwords.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know all of the basic back doors to popular operating systems.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You know how to get yourself root access on a fair number of systems.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can find security loopholes and exploit them within days of a software package's release.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can cut through military security or tap into Wall Street.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 71

Computer Programming


You know your way around computer code to write your own programs.

Computer Programming
Dot-filled.png Student: Amateaur of high school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: College student or equivalent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Graduate student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Professor or Researcher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Undisputed authority

Conspiracy Theory


The world is honeycombed with secret agencies, occult sects, government cover-ups and clandestine alliances. Anyone with half a brain knows it, and you've got far more than half a brain! In your files, hundreds of conspiracies boil just below the surface of civilization's illusion: alien abductions, assassination plots, genetic experiments, monstrous alliances. As a collector of such modern paranoia, you've heard about dozens — even hundreds — of plots, conspirators and suspicious organizations. Do you believe this stuff? Of course! Being a Technocrat, you've got a ringside seat for conspiracies most people wouldn't dream of. Do you believe all of it? Probably not, although you've seen enough to make you nervous. Do you manufacture some of it? Well....

Conspiracy Theory
Dot-filled.png Novice: Illuminatus fan.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Net geek.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Art Bell.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Fox Mulder.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Anyone who knows this much isn't saying a damned word about it!

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 154

Construct Politics


In the tangled web of inter-Convention politics, you know your way around: alliances, Constructs, ranks, specialties and personnel status — who's on top, who's functioning and who's scheduled for a visit from Control. The higher your rating, the more you know; the more you know, the more valuable you are to the Union, and the more trouble you can neutralize... or create.

Note that low-level agents probably won't have a Construct Politics rating higher than 3. You need a certain amount of security clearance to know more than that, and few field agents have access to such resources. Also, this Knowledge gives you the facts and rumors only. Actually employing what you know often requires Traits like Diplomacy, Subterfuge, Patron and Spies.

Construct Politics
Dot-filled.png Novice: You know a few famous names and places.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've visited a few Constructs, and you have general data about several others.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Anything that's general knowledge, you know.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You've got access to classified data regarding many Technocracy Constructs.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: General data, classified data, rumors, secrets... you possess an uncomfortable amount of information.

Possessed by:

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 155

Covert Culture


In the deadly maze of international intrigue, you know the people, groups, methods and tricks that distinguish a winner from a corpse. Naturally, a host of other skills help you employ that knowledge, but without a thorough background in the intelligence community, even James Bond would be lost.

Covert Culture
Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the names and organization of the secret service departments for the major world powers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You keep abreast of every secret service organization in the world, and you know a few tidbits about various "paraintelligence" organizations (e.g., US Special Affairs Division, the Arcanum and the Zaibatsu).
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You've heard a few secrets about the heads of the most notorious agencies (like Mossad or the CIA), and you know a handful of facts about most "paraintelligence" groups.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: True, you know quite a few secrets about many of the world's top intelligence agencies and operations heads... but they know about you, too.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Your files contain sensitive data on every major intelligence agency in the world, and a few secrets about the deeply covert agencies, as well.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 155



You have studied the nature of crime when, where, how and why it is committed, the nature of the criminal mind and the history of famous cases. You are an expert on crime and law enforcement.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Enthusiast
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Scholar or detective
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Criminal historian or senior detective
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The Shadow

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You may skillfully compose and interpret codes and ciphers. You can construct a code that can only be cracked by someone who scores as many successes as you have dots in this Knowledge. You can also crack a code, rolling this Knowledge against a difficulty assigned by the Storyteller depending on the code's complexity.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Spy novel fan.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Military signals engineer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Intelligence operative.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Cipher specialist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Codebuster extraordinaire.

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 36
WW2301 Vampire Storytellers Companion 29
WW3077 Corax 69
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 156
WW6007 Wraith Players Guide 51



You know about different cultures - their morality, manners, methods and more. With a little time and study, you can discover the social niceties or requirements that a visitor might need to know, or learn enough about different social structures, histories and customs to avoid making serious blunders. This Knowledge covers the different aspects of a given culture (or cultures), as well as the reasons those structures exits.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know a few taboos and social mores.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You're familiar with a few cultures that resemble your own.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You're conversant with structures that differ a bit from your native culture.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You understand a great deal about many different regions and societies. given time, you can fit in anywhere.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: The world is your home.

Bastet 82



The complexities of machine-organism interface are simple; you've studied the hows, whys and don'ts of grafting machines to living bodies.

Dot-filled.png Student: Amateaur of high school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: College student or equivalent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Graduate student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Professor or Researcher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Undisputed authority

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162

Dream Lore


Dream Lore is the study of the Dreaming and the creatures that reside within. It is a study mastered by none, because the Dreaming is vast and ever-changing. Some, however, dare its dangers in order to map it (insofar as that is possible) and learn its secrets.

Dream Lore
Dot-filled.png Student: You know to stay on the Silver Path.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You feel at home in the Near Dreaming.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You are beginning to understand the laws that govern the Dreaming.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: The Dreaming holds few secrets from you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You think you know where Arcadia is. (getting there is another matter.)

Possessed by:

WW7006 Nobles: The Shining Host 74



You understand the relation of plant and animal life to the well-being of the Earth. Your comprehension of the mutual support networks of flora and fauna informs your actions and helps you spot areas of the world that need special attention. you need at least one dot in Science as a prerequisite for this Knowledge.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basics of the food-chain theory.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You could teach a high school course in basic ecology.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You understand the principles of ecosystems, controlled habitats, biospheres and other technical aspects of the environment.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are a pioneer in environmental research and theory.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: International authorities on global warming and endangered species come to you for advice.

WW3079 Gurahl 86



Economics is the study of how money moves and its effects. You can predict, with reasonable accuracy, financial treands and patterns, and you have a leg up on others in matters of investment. You are well-aware of the effects of the Kindred on world markets, and can estimate what sort of effects vampiric dabblings can have on whole industries or nations.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You have a notion of what a capitalist economy is.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know that "the invisible hand" isn't part of an Obfuscated Nosferatu.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: The Financial News Network makes sense to you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You can spot trends and accurately predict recessions with ease.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You know how the world economy works - all of it.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 71



You are familiar with the construction and operation of electronic devices. You can identify the function of an unknown electronic device, and diagnose and repair a malfunctioning or broken device given time and equipment. Note that electronic devices are not the same as electrically powered mechanical devices -a hair dryer is mechanical, a radio is electronic.

Conductors, chips, transistors, quantum switches — you're equally at home with all of these things. Regulating the flow of electricity and making it follow the bounds of logic is a simple task when you understand the rules. Actually building such devices is another matter (using other Abilities like Jury-Rig and Technology), but you can design and understand electronic circuits and toys.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Tinkerer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Ham radio operator
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:TV repairman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Computer engineer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Computer hardware designer

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 71
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



You can understand, design and diagnose faults in mechanical systems of all kinds. You may not actually be able to build and fix them - such activities fall under the purview of the Mechanic Skill - but you can design a set of plans from which a skilled mechanic can build almost anything from a toaster to an airplane.

Without a thorough understanding of materials, stresses, geometry, basic physics and environmental factors, it's impossible to build any lasting structure. With them, you can design, craft or destroy things easily.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Junior engineer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Chief engineer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Ace inventor

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



This Knowledge represents your character's understanding of the pseudo-mystic tongue of the particular heirarchies of astral Umbrood mages of the Order of Hermes frequently deal with, as initially codified by magus, John Dee. Enochian demonstrates the Order's understanding of the psychologies behind the language spoken by these beings, meaning that, in interactions with such creatures, on may never use more dots of the Expression, Intimidation, Leadership or Subterfugre Talents than one possesses in this Ability.

Enochian, however, may not be bought to a level exceeding a character's Arete (as it is a function of enlightened understanding), unless that character is a native of the Astral Umbra. Note that a bastardized form of this language (as spoken by some Sleeper mystic societties) may be purchased as a function of the Linguistics ability, but its mystic potency is virtually nil.

Dot-filled.png Student: You know some basic phrases, as well as a handful of Words of Power.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can string words together to form a very basic sentence.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You know a few of the nuances of the languague and are beginning to get a grasp on the diverse psychologies behind these words.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: An Astral Umbral native would regard your speech as adequate.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You are as fluent in this alien tongue as any earthly being might be.

Possessed by:

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 65



As ideas, economics and environments change, the societies on which they're based change as well. By studying such changes, you understand the factors that drive and shape societies — a helpful insight for any Technocrat, especially for agents of the NWO and Syndicate.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You understand themajor theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've devoted afair amount of time and work to your studies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

Possessed by:

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 153

Fine Arts


Though you don't necessarily have the ability to make great works of art (that's a function of other Abilities like Acting, Crafts and Expression), you can understand the messages in works of art and critique it with the worst of them. Though many consider the arts impractical in a scientist, Media Relations specialists understand the value of putting a message into a medium.

Fine Arts
Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You understand the major theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've devoted afair amount of time and work to your studies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 153



You are trained in the recognition and interpretation of physical clues. You can examine the scene of a crime, for instance, and find out the race, sex, build, hair color, clothing type and probable social class of ev eryone who was there in the last three to four days. You can examine a body and discover the cause and probable circumstances of death.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Amateur sleuth
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Detective, FBI agent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Police specialist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: FBI specialist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Sherlock who?

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 37

Forensic Pathology


When the detectives bring in evidence from the crime scene, you pore over it, identifying marks, performing post-mortems, cross-checking details and searching for the elusive clues that might reveal who did what to whom, and how.

Forensic Pathology
Dot-filled.png Student: Amateaur of high school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: College student or equivalent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Graduate student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Professor or Researcher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Undisputed authority

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162

Garou Astrology


You have a familiarity with the Garou lunar zodiac and its patron Incarnae. You have visited the Aetherial realm at least once and you have some idea of how to plan your actions to conform with the most auspicious times of the year or month.

Garou Astrology
Dot-filled.png Novice: You've studied with your pack's Theurge and know which Incarnae rule which months.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know which Incarnae govern which activities and the best time to invoke their assistance.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can trace back the birth stars of other garou and smell out powerful influences on their lives.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have a keen knowledge of the fine details of Garou astrology and would make a topnotch instructor in the lore.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You will eventually be drawn to the Sept of the Stars.

Possessed by:
Aetherial Denizens, Theurges, Galliard, Garou Astrologers, Umbral Travelers

WW3110 Rage Across the Heavens 110



Like Chimerical Alchemy, Gematria is a nocker science. This chimerical science helps nockers harness energy in the Dreaming.

This quasi-science derives its mathematical language from the ancient Kabbalistic discipline of the same name. Traditional Gematria was a kabbalistic language that converted names to numerical value for mystical purposes. It is often used in conjunction with sacred texts, particularly the Bible, Kabbalah and Qur'an.

Nocker Gematria creates a flexible mathematical framework for predicting the "randomness" of chimerical energies. The discipline is particularly useful when dealing with Dreaming physics, electrical phenomenon and the behavior of FUBARs.

Possession of this Knowledge is essential to create chimerical objects and inventions that are more than simple tools and that can operate with their own energy reserves.

Dot-filled.png Expert: You have a keen knowledge of the fine details of Garou astrology and would make a topnotch instructor in the lore.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Journeyman: You are learning, but are still highly dependent on your master for instructions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Craftsperson: You are well-trained and capable of making your own way.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You are highly experience, within reach of the greates secrets.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Balmalocha: One of the true practitioners of the craft.

Possessed by:
Nockers, Talmudic Scholars

WW7052 Changeling - Kithbook Nockers 56



You've studied the literal stuff of life. With time and research, you can trace, analyze, alter and employ genetics in almost any living thing. Like biology, this discipline is one no Progenitor should be without.

Dot-filled.png Student: Amateaur of high school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: College student or equivalent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Graduate student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Professor or Researcher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Undisputed authority

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



You have studied the physical composition of the earth. You know something about the physics and chemistry of rock, the formation of landscape features, and other related topics. You can identify the type and probable source of a piece of stone; evaluate a likely place to look for oil, precious metals and gems; and identify and refine ores.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or oilman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor or prospecting consultant
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You have studied the art and language of heraldry, and can interpret a heraldic device such as a coat of arms or a Japanese mon. You can also design a new one that the ruling authorities of heraldry would find acceptable. Successful recognition of a heraldic device automatically imparts a small amount of information about the family or organization to which it belongs.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Amateur
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Enthusiast or historian
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or genealogist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor or junior herald
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow or king of arms

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You are familiar with the record of events, mortal and immortal. You can place events in historical context, and even detect Kindred influence on the stream of mortal history. Your expertise may well allow you to uncover evidence of vampiric activity, ranging from resting places of elders to evidence of specific individuals' involvement in affairs.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basics of history without knowing many of the specifics.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can pick out historical errors on television programs and in movies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You have a solid grasp on the field, and have specialized in a particular area.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are a recognized expert in the field; grad students footnote your works.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: All of the past is an open book to you.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



Mathematics has few boundaries, but very few people grasp just how far it can go. You do. Like Einstein or Stephen Hawking, you understand esoteric concepts, create brain-wrenching theorems and comprehend the links between math, metaphysics and mysticism. You built the intricate structures of n-dimensional calculus and topology, subspace mathematics and such esoterica as superstring theory, conceptual time travel and Unified Theory. Many Iterators and Void Engineers study this sort of math.

Dot-filled.png Student: Amateaur of high school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: College student or equivalent
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Graduate student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Professor or Researcher
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Undisputed authority

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



This new Knowledge measures a Kindred's familiarity with the philosophies of Eastern European animism. A koldun's player rolls this Ability with one of five possible Attributes when invoking the power of the magic. Each level also bestows a more in-depth understanding of this spiritual magic and the manipulation of the natural elements.

Dot-filled.png Student: Knowledge of major spirits and placations.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You know much of the old ways and are recognized as a koldun.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You rank among the most powerful of the present-night koldun.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Ths spirits quake when you are angry.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: A potent and eldritch master of the spirits of the land.

Possessed by:
A few young Sabbat Tzmisce, Old-Clan Tzimisce

WW2106 Blood Magic Secrets of Thaumaturgy 127

Law Enforcement


Every civilized nation has a law enforcement division, and most have several different branches — local, state, federal, covert and international. You're familiar with these essential agencies—how they run, who runs them, what they do and what they can't do without bending the rules. While the Law Knowledge reflects your understanding of legal principles and procedures, and the Covert Culture Knowledge represents an understanding of the clandestine intelligence community, this Trait represents the practical side of the game. You know about Mirandizing, evidence contamination, legal representation and the steps that police go through when questioning suspects or containing samples.

Law Enforcement
Dot-filled.png Novice: Beat cop.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Sergeant.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Chief or DA
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Federal bureau official.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Attorney General.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 156



You are familiar with the literature of one or more nations or historical periods, and know something of the general style and structure of literature - the things that set literature apart from mere fiction or entertainment. You can usually find a witty and appropriate quote, or identify a quotation if you see one.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student or struggling author
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or critic
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor or recognized author
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow or celebrated author

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



Though the study of logic is often associated with science, it's really a form of ordered non-experimental thought, and as such falls under the headings of philosophy. At the core, Logic relies on certain assumptions, so it's difficult to form a "proof of proof." Logic also has difficulty applying to concepts without discrete values, like moral judgments. Where Logic does excel is in drawing a conclusion based on a set of premises. Delving into Logic is a worthwhile endeavor for any Technocrat. Computer operators in particular find the predictable patterns of Logic a necessity.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You understand themajor theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've devoted afair amount of time and work to your studies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 153



You have studied the science of numbers; you are able to perform complex calculations and understand mathematical concepts beyond basic arithmetic. Given part or all of a calculation, you can probably decipher what it is intended to achieve.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



With the right connections, you can reach millions of people worldwide. Once you have their attention, you can get them to believe whatever you want them to... at least for a moment. This Knowledge reflects media-savvy—the people, messages, networks, tricks and technology that define the Information Age. You know who to call, what to say, how to get it on the air and why it will stick in the public's mind. By itself, this Trait does not grant privileged access to the media. (See the Background: Influence and the Merit: Ties for that.) Once you get access, though, you'll know how to use it to your best advantage.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Mass-Corn major.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Reporter.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Professional journalist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Head of a network.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Rupert Murdock.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 157



Memories is the art of working with the stuff of memory itself. Furthermore, it includes training one's self in memorization and memory organization techniques, Memory Palace building and efficiency at recall. With expertise in Memories, you can remember things better and access those memories you ahve charge of more easily. Storing all the memories in the world won't do you any good if you can't find the one image you want when you need to do so in a hurry, after all.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You have reasonabily good recall, and things don't go immediately in one ear and out of the other.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can construct a basic Memory Palace well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can place names with faces without flaw.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Go someplace once and you can remember that way forever.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You never forget anything you don't want to. Ever.

Possessed by:
Wraiths from Guild Mnemos

WW6014 Ends of Empire 135



You know about the properties and behavior of metals and alloys. Given time and equipment, you can identify almost any metal or alloy from a sample. You know the melting points, stress limits and other characteristics of most common metals and alloys. You must have at least one dot in Science to take this Knowledge.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Grad student or apprentice
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Professor or engineer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Engineer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Chief engineer

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



These disciplines contain clues to the mysteries of the universe. Knowledge of one of the metaphysical sciences includes a history of the field and a basic understanding of the symbolism, language, lore and mysteries associated with it. Some sciences (like alchemy) may concentrate on producing specific, angible results.

This Knowledge Trait reflects theoretical understanding, not the additional skills you may need to put it to use (like Chemistry, Mathematics, Crafts, etc.). Still, it's a beginning, a stepping stone to greater things.

A number of disciplines fall within this category. These include: • AlchemyAstrology • Celestiography and Demonology • GematriaNumerologySacred Geometry • Stone Lore

If you want the actual skills in these areas, please purchase the ability by those names. Again, dots in Metaphysics is only theoretical understanding of them.

Dot-filled.png Dabbler: You understand very basic concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Student: You've had some instruction in the field.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You've got a comprehensive grasp of the discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You know things that are not written.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Virtuoso: You are a master of hidden things and arcane lore.

WW4800 Mage The Sorcerers Crusade 93



Either through study or experience, you know a thing or two about weather. You can tell if it's going to rain this afternoon, tonight or tomorrow; what the chance of snow is; or whether the skies will be cloudy or clear for the next few days. You can predict what the day's high and low temperatures will be, and so on.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College, weekend camper or TV weatherman
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Grad student or outdoor enthusiast
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor or farmer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: God calls you up and tells you.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72

Military Science


Through intensive study or actual battle experience, you are familiar with the techniques needed to conduct a military campaign. Your knowledge spans the spectrum of war, from the tactics required to command a 10-man squad to the grand strategy needed to command whole armies. You know how best to deploy your forces, cut off supply lines and capture vital territory.

Military Science
Dot-filled.png Novice: Citadel graduate
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: NCO
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Brigadier general
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Julius Caesar
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Sun Tzu

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



You know the tales of heroes and gods. Myths, like legends and fairy tales, are stories that lie at the cornerstones of any society. They carry great truths wrapped in metaphor, and you know hot to strip the wrappings away. In this sense, "mythology" simply means that you understand common lore and can unravel the symbolism behind it.

Dot-filled.png Student: You've read a myth here and there.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You understand the meaning behind a few common myths.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You're well-versed in the content and symbolism of many mythologies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You understand oft-unseen patterns.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Joseph Campbell.

WW4010 World of Darkness: Sorcerer 61



You are a student of animal behavior. Through study or experience, you know when and where to find certain animals, how to watch them without provoking them to run away or attack you, and how they react to certain things. You can, by reading natural signs, predict whether there is a predator or some other threat in the area, and can interpret an animal's mood through its behav ior.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Boy Scout
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Outdoors type
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:TV nature show host
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Seasoned fieldworker
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: David Attenborough

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



Getting,from Point A to Point B isn't always that easy, especially from the air. After all, when seen from above, roads don't have route numbers, states don't have neat borders done in double-thick black lines, and there's no compass rose or legend reading "1 inch =10 miles" in the lower right-hand corner of the world. It's pretty easy for someone to get lost up there.

Mind you, traveling on the ground isn't much easier, and truth be told, there's more to Navigation than just hopping in the car for a jaunt to Grandma's house. Travel in the World of Darkness is a difficult and dangerous business, by day or night. There are questions of finding the best route, avoiding delays, prepping for a trip, making sure there are safe places to rest up along the journey, and discovering what alternate routes are available in case of inclement travel conditions or enemy action. Otherwise, a trip from one city to the next could be cut fatally short with ease.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Over the river and through the woods...
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced:You can avoid delays whenever traveling.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:You can plot across-country trek and make it comfortable.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Roadblocks? Badweather? Nothing will keep you from getting there.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You know the fastest way to go, where to stop along the way, what the weather's going to be like when you get there, and how much to tip when you stop for coffee — ahead of time.

WW3077 Corax 69



This is the science of determining the essence of an object or name by reducing it to its numerical meaning. In numerology, everything is a number, and this number is a key to understanding Creation and the magician's role in it.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 66
WW4800 Mage The Sorcerers Crusade 93



The science of reading ancient manuscripts (primarily latin and Greek) and assigning an origin to them. Paleography may also be used to determine if a manuscript is a forgery. Note that this Knowledge does not give you the ability to read Greek and Latin - you must purchase those separately! With Paleography, however, you can try to read texts in their original form, not cleand up and presented in easy textbook fashion.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You can try to read a difficult document.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can identify basic elements of the manuscript.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You can guess the approximate century and region of the manuscript's production.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You can pinpoint when and where the manuscript was written.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You know almost certainly everything there is to know about the document, including production materials and perhaps even who scribed it (assume it isn't already indicated).

WW4009 Halls of the Arcanum 58



A specialist of Dimensional Science, you understand the weird interrelationships between our world and the alternate dimensions of the so-called "spirit worlds." You can explain away the "magic" of the supernatural, finding the laws that even paranormal events obey. Paraphysics is a dangerous science. After all, the Union can't very well have agents running around justifying the supernatural!

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



Serious study in the field of parapsychology dates to the 1882 founding of the Society of Psychical Research in England. Such knowledge continues to be regarded with suspcion by the scientific community at large, but a few of its ideas, such as hypnotism have even managed to enter mainstream medicine. Basic experiments and theory concern one of two phenomenon: extrasensory perception or psychokinesis. For the theoretical student, parapsychology involves the search for evidence of the nature of psi phenomena, including non-sensory detection, influence of random events, after death existence and out-of-body experiences. All too often, such studies are frustratingly inconclusive. For the real psychic, however, Parapsychology teaches one how to use his own powers.

You should use Parapsychology rolls for psychic powers to maintain concentration, perform group effects and delve into the possibilities of what can theoretically be done with psychic energy. Maintaining concentration will sometimes require a Wits + Parapsychology roll. Working in conjunction with a group usually demands a Perception + Parapsychology roll. Use Parapsychology with Paths is as indicated under the specific power in question.

Dot-filled.png Student: This stuff is interesting, isn't it?
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You have spent time observing experiments in the field, or you have read many serious works on the subject.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You could even make a living by teaching or doing research.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You engage in groundbreaking work such as that which created hypnotism.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: If you aren't already a psychic, you are getting close.

WW4254 Sorcerer (Revised Edition) 51



You know all kinds of drugs: street drugs, medicines, herbal concoctions, hypertech variants and even magical brews. A specialty among Progenitors, this Knowledge lets you recognize, synthesize, measure, counter or dose someone with a wide range of chemical substances. (Given time and tools, of course.) You might not know everything, but you understand the principles behind drugs and their effects on the body and mind. Once you know the basics, the rest is easier.

Dot-filled.png Technician: Savvy pusher.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Student: Pharmacy student or herbal specialist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Typical pharmacist.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Professor: Expert with hypermeds and RD potions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Director: Master Pharmacopoeist.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 158



This broad discipline covers the study of thought, ethics and morals, human interrelationships and perceptions and more. Sadly, this form of study is not nearly as common as it once was in the Union. Still, a little Philosophy is practically a necessity for anyone studying the esoterics of the Mind Sphere of influence.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You understand themajor theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've devoted afair amount of time and work to your studies.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 154



Creation is always changing. You study the effects of that change, from the evolution of life forms and physical environments to social changes and philosophical shifts — a specialty among Genegineers and propaganda specialists.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



You have studied the science of matter, its composition and its behavior. You can calculate masses and velocities without even thinking about so doing, you know a little about why the universe is the way it is, and you might even understand the Theory of Relativity. You can understand and interpret physical data, the notes of other physicists, and experimental or laboratory equipment. You must have at least one dot in Science to take this Knowledge.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72



A veritable god of consolidation, you excel at making connections, alliances, networks and deals. Most people can't even get an appointment with a powerful person, but you know all the right hands for a power-play. This Knowledge differs slightly from the Talent: Negotiation. That Trait reflects a talent for making people cooperate, while this one shows that you understand who to talk to, how to reach them, what to offer and how far you can pull their strings. Unlike Networking, which simply lets you make contacts and gather information or groups of people, this Knowledge gives you the ability to talk directly to people in positions of authority. You can then bring diverse affiliations together for negotiations or cooperative efforts.

Like Networking and Research, this Knowledge tends to be an "off-stage" Ability, used between action scenes to reflect a character "making a few calls." Social rolls (usually Manipulation + Power-Brokering) establish a rapport between parties and allow the negotiations to begin. In conjunction with Backgrounds like Allies, Influence, Mentor, Resources and Spies, Abilities like Etiquette, Intimidation, Media and Negotiation and a few basic Mind Procedures, this Knowledge is powerful indeed. With the right talents, connections and allies, a person can arrange almost anything....

Dot-filled.png Technician: You talk to a lot of secretaries.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Student: You can get your foot in the door — and keep it in.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: They know your name.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Professor: "Mr. Turner will see you now."
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Director: You dine with world leaders.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 158



A specialty of Media Relations ops, this Trait reflects a mixture of media savvy, psychology, popspeak and smear tactics. Essentially, you know how to make someone look as bad, or as good, as you want to make him look. You don't need advanced Procedures in order to affect public opinion on a grand scale. Given a few days, some resources (computers, cameras, air time, etc.) and a place to post your "message," you can do wonders without resorting to riskier measures!

Altering public opinion with propaganda is a "downtime" activity. In game terms, you decide what you want to do and how you want to do it. A Manipulation + Propaganda roll or two assures that the public will get your message; the better you roll, the stronger the public's reaction. The roll's difficulty depends on the content of the message and its intentions: Making a popular politician look good is easy, but raising a mob to burn down the local occult bookstore (all without violating FCC regulations) is quite a bit harder. Many NWO and Syndicate ops use this expertise as a focus for subtle Mind Procedures (see Chapter Eight). Others use it to make certain Effects easier (see "Abilities and Magic," in Mage: The Ascension). Note that propaganda's effects are neither immediate nor total. The public may be suggestible, but it isn't entirely stupid.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Jerry Springer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Ralph Reed.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Kenneth Starr.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Noam Chomsky.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Joesf Goebbels.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 158



A specialist in human mental processes, you see the relationships between emotion, mental health and behavior — a vital skill for psych personnel.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



You have a knowledge of psychology in both theory and practice. You are familiar with psychological approaches, councseling techniques and so on. You are also conversant with the pathology of the mind, and can make a diagnosis of a subject's dysfunction given sufficient time to observe him.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You've read the classics of the field.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can separate what Freud actually said from what people think Freud said.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You could set up a practice and do reasonably well with it.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are an expert on psychological theory - and know when and how to apply it.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You can understand others' thought patterns, motivations and Psychological Flaws from just a few short conversations.

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 159

Religious Rites


You know the appropriate pomp and circumstance requisite for the completion of churchly duties (or your chosen religions). Even mroe important than the average liturgical knowledge, you have knowledge of religious rituals and invocations that have been formulated to be effective against the supernatural, e.g., the Roman rite of Exorcism. You do not need to have memorized these rituals; they can be in your breviary (or similar handbook).

Listed in the book as "Rites"

Religious Rites
Dot-filled.png Student: Altar server
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: Lay minister
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Ordained priest
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Bishop
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Cardinal

WW2020 The Inquisition 55

Religious Scriptures


You have studied religious scriptures extensively; based upon your particular inclination, you may have studied them in their historical context, or as direct divine revelation.

Listed in the book as "Scripture"

Religious Scriptures
Dot-filled.png Student: You quote freely, but not accurately.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can answer most questions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You are not just well-read in the scriptures, but their context and history as well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You possess a wide body of knowledge, from the common to the obscure.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You have read meanings never before considered or discovered.

WW2020 The Inquisition 55

Sacred Geometry


This discipline is the method of divining secret knowledge from the dimensions and shapes of man-made or natural structures, including the human form. The builders of the pyramids, the Aztec and Mayan temples and the Gothic cathedrals are said to have been masters of sacred geometry. It is the art of special intersections of lines and angles that allow for manipulation of time, space and other phenomena.

Sacred Geometry
Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 66
WW4800 Mage The Sorcerers Crusade 93

Sacred Scriptures


Same as Religious Scriptures, but when taking this Knowledge you must pick a Scriptural category.


  • Jewish (Torah)
  • Hindu (Rig Veda, Upanishads, Bhaghavad-Gita)
  • Zoroastrian (Zend Avestas)
Sacred Scriptures
Dot-filled.png Student: You quote freely, but not accurately.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You can answer most questions.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You are not just well-read in the scriptures, but their context and history as well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You possess a wide body of knowledge, from the common to the obscure.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You have read meanings never before considered or discovered.

WW4009 Halls of the Arcanum 58



The giant reptiles of the world, because of their profoundly different thought processes have always fascinated humans. The slither of alligators and the chirping of lizards have for ages been thought to hold mystic insights. This skill, the art of saurian divination, allows Kin and Mokole to divine the future or the will of Sun from saurian omena. It is most common among Kin in India. the diviner must listen to lizards chirping at dusk, meditate on the tracks of crocodiles, or use a similar method. For each day that she spends in such study, she may make a Perception + Saurimancy rating roll, difficulty 7. For each success, she may gain one "insight" of the Storyteller's choice. the oman may be vague or quite clear, as the Storyteller thinks appropriate.

Dot-filled.png Student: You heard a lizard once.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You knew when Father had died.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You know tomorrow's weather.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You are a famous fortuneteller.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: The alligators tell all.

Possessed by:

WW3081 Mokole 53



You understand that a society is an extended organism — that it does what it does to nurture, protect and procreate itself. Each individual is a part of a greater whole. By researching that whole, you can (theoretically) influence the changes it assumes. As a member of the Technocratic Union, you're living proof of this discipline; if you're an operative of the NWO, Progenitors or Iteration X, you probably use this knowledge to turn the Masses toward the light.

Dot-filled.png Novice: High school
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: College student
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Grad student or scientist
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Research fellow

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162



You are skilled at organizing people and resources to overcome an enemy, be it an army, a tong, or an up-and-coming law firm. You can give effective orders, although making people believe they’re the right orders is the purview of the Leadership Ability. Similarly, you must have a basic grasp of the organization you are working with, which may require other Abilities. However, only you know how to pick out an opponent’s weak spots and exploit them with the assets at hand.

Dot-filled.png Student: Miniatures gamer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College:Armchair general.You’ve read the Art of War.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: A commissioned officer. You actually understand the Art of War.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Oda Nobunaga
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Sun Tzu

WW4657 Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition) 59



Ours is one of many dimensions. For safety reasons, the Masses have not been exposed to the true scope of such Otherworlds. You have. Although these weird realms are unmappable (despite the Union's best efforts), they do conform to certain rules, and you know what they are. In addition to classroom training, you've been across the Barriers several times, and you know how to handle yourself in various retrograde dimensions. Someday, you'll tame these wild aberrations. For now, however, they still continue to be fascinating avenues for study. Just be careful out there!

In game terms, this Knowledge is essentially the Technocratic version of Cosmology. It allows you to navigate through the Otherworlds with some accuracy, gives you a basic understanding of these dimensions and helps you process the weird stuff you see while you're on the other side.

Dot-filled.png Novice: ".. .My god... it's..."
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You can handle yourself without losing either dignity or direction.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: A seasoned Void Engineer.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You're comfortable on either side of the Barriers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Psych regularly evaluates your sanity.

Possessed by:

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 163



You can take an animal apart and preserve all the bits and pieces, not just the skins and heads. Your deerskins won't rot, and your raven claws won't smell funny. Moreover, you can make sure newts' eyes will stay fresh for years.

Dot-filled.png Novice: The newts should freeze well.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Nobody will buy from you, but you should be able to cure a pelt or properly perserve a snake in formaldehyde.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Relatives who like animal heads nailed to their walls appreciate your presents. Others find your hobby distasteful because the animals don't look dead anymore. Of course, they don't look alive either.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You could get a job at the natural history museum. Old ladies who want their Chihuahuas stuffed come to you, and your frog toes are as fresh as the day you got them.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You probably embalmed the pharaohs in a past life. Your wrk looks like it's going to get up and run off at any moment.

WW7100 Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming 51



Terrorism is the new form of warfare. You understand it to a frightening degree — the tactics, the tools, the people, the groups, their staging-grounds and the web of politics and protocols that surround them all. As a member of the Technocracy, you probably practice counter-terrorism and minimize the damage these jackals do. On the other hand, terror is an effective tool, and it may occasionally be used against those who refuse all other forms of discourse....

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the major organizations, their leaders, ideologies, and usual targets.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You work with the UN Security Council.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know the majors, the fringes and the fakes.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Mossad would like a word with you.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Mossad works for you.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 163



While most mortals fear death, the ancient Egyptians honored it and made a study of it. You are a student of the different facets of death and dying. You understand not only the physical nature of death - mortification, preservation of a corpse - but also its spiritual dimensions - proper funerary rites, respectful treatment of a corpse, embalming and so forth. You may have been an embalmer in your First of Second Life, or this subject may be a new field of interest for you. Your study also gives you some knowledge of ghosts and zombies, at least as related to their physical deaths and present states.

Dot-filled.png Student: You've read a fair amount on the subject, and you can carry on a reasonably informed conversation.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You've done some study of cadavers.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: You know some of the deeper mysteries as well as the physical lore.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You know ancient techniques of embalming, and you have actually performed them yourself.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: You understand the mysteries of the Lands of the Dead and the effect that death can have on the spirit.

WW2380 Mummy: the Resurrection 63



Religion is a familiar aspect of human endeavor for you, and you fully understand its place in the world. At higher levels, this Knowledge imparts an appreciation for all religious beliefs, while less skilled individuals tend to view their own beliefs as intrinsically superior to any others. This, of course, varies by individual. Possession of this Knowledge in no way requires personal belief in the tenets of any specific religion.

Listed in Demon: The Fallen as "Religion"

Dot-filled.png Novice: Participant
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Altar boy
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent:Priest
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Professor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Theologian

WW2302 Guide to the Camarilla 72
WW8200 Demon: The Fallen 152

The Art Of Memory


One of the most highly prized traits a member of Caine's Chosen can possess is the ability to retain and to store vital information in the most secure place possible: her own mind. This Knowledge represents the possessor's level of dedication to this endeavor, the quick and traceless cataloging of data in the deepest recesses of the brain.

The Knowledge draws upon age-old mnemonic techniques of translating facts and figures into a symbolic langugae of unrelated images, whereby the brain can store and quickly recall the information at a later date simply by returning itself to the basis of the symbology in question. Each piece is then translated back into its root form, allowing quick and efficient voluntary recall while simultaneously protecting the data from unwanted scrutiny. If one reasds the mind of someone skilled in this Ability, all the intruder is likely to get for the effort is a jumbled series of seemingly random images, or possibly even simple shapes or colors.

A character's rating in this Knowledge is added to the dice pool of any roll whose function is to protect information hidden within the mind. This obviously goes for things like Telepathy and certain applications of Dominate, but it's also apt in torture situations. The Hand encourages all its recruits to study the fundamentals of this Knowledge, and those who excel at the technique are often granted increasingly greater responsibilities in the subject, often with resultant social and political rewards.

The Art of Memory
Dot-filled.png Novice: You know one or two tricks of cerebrally converting information.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You can bury significant amounts of data in symbolic code.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: It would take a skilled interrogator to uncover your secrets.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Processing information symbolically is second nature to you now.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Moon, tin can, razor blade, mirror, thirteen. Exactly.

Possessed by:
Black Hand members

WW2428 Caine's Chosen The Black Hand 74



Also known as "Poisons"

You have a working knowledge of poisons, their effects and antidotes. You can analyze a poison to ascertain its origin, and can mix a poison or antidote given time and equipment. You must have at least one dot in either Chemistry or Biology to acquire this Knowledge.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Dabbler
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Detective; mystery reader
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Pharmacist; mystery writer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Forensic scientist; emergency room doctor
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Assassin

WW2206 Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only) 40

Tribal Lore


You know the traditions and lore of a native culture (usually the one you grew up in). This includes legends, cosmology, crafts and societal rules. The culture can be from wherever the Uktena draw their Kin - Cherokee, Hopi, Gullah, Kikuyu, or maybe from the native peoples of Australia or Vietnam. Knowing how to do things makes it much easier to get along in traditional society - and makes the cosiety's elders more likely to talk with you. Familiarity with custom and practice also lets you pick up on when things aren't quite right, socially or spiritually.

Finally, a good grasp of the legends and their significance has allowed Uktena to discover clues to ancient evils and lost fetishes; more than one Theurge has managed to reverse-engineer a lost rite through comparing different versions of an old medicine tale. Depending on the situation and at the Storyteller's discretion, Tribal Lore can be used in place of Etiquette when dealing with the given culture.

This Knowledge only applies to Native Cultures, it is not for specific Garou tribes.

Tribal Lore
Dot-filled.png Novice: When in doubt, call the old lady Grandmother. It's polite.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You know the short version of your people's history. You can grasp kinship structure if your tribe follows a different standard.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You've studied, you've listened. Religion, folklore, how to address the tribal council - you know something about everything.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You are invited to speak at tribal councils and anthropology seminars.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Medicine men listen to your tales to see if they missed anything.

WW3862 Tribebook: Uktena (Revised Edition) 64

Umbrood Protocols


This Knowledge describes a character's familiarity with the etiquette of the Astral umbra. While only Dreamspeakers can freely use the Etiquette Skill with spirits, Umbrood Protocols takes a much different, more clinical appraoch. This Ability only works with Astral Umbrood and is a function of tried-and-true formulae for interaction, rather than conversance with the emotional states of Otherworldly beings. This is also the primary Ability used in forging pacts with such creatures.

Umbrood Protocols
Dot-filled.png Student: You know enough to know that you shouldn't be summoning these creatures yet.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: You almost feel comfortable conversing with minor spirits.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: When dealing with the less esoteric natives of the High Umbra, you usually know when to be humble, forceful, polite or condescending.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: You have a good idea of how to deal with most Astral Umbrood.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: All but the most bizarre Epiphlings or other truly alien intelligences are within the scope of your understanding.

WW4664 Tradition Book: Order of Hermes 65



What's their pleasure? Whatever it is, you know where to find it, how to get it for a good price and who to ask for the best stuff. Drugs, hookers, clubs, gambling — you know the people, the places and the prices by name. Chances are, you're recognized in all the "right" circles, either as a good customer, as a soft touch, or as a hard-ass... all of which can be useful if you've got someone to impress. While the details are location-based (few New Yorkers know the prostitutes in Bangkok), you've got a good idea how and where to find thrills. Some things are universal. The Streetwise Talent helps you to recognize and avoid gangs, criminals and street people, as well as how to get your hands on guns, money and illicit good; but with Vice, you're a master of the deals that please.

Dot-filled.png Novice: Mr. Bachelor Party.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Concierge or taxi driver.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: Vice cop.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: "Made man."
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Vice overlord.

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 164

Virtual Space


Turing’s sacrifice opened the way to a brand new realm; since then, everybody who can access it has been exploring it. A person with the Virtual Space Knowledge has explored more than most and can proudly point out the core rules of this new reality.

Knowledge of virtual space allows you to locate your position in this realm (relative to other sites) and uncover the “rules” to the realm you are in, and even in certain cases to access the “program” of that realm and modify it. In realspace, this skill is used when dealing with machines connected to virtual space, tracing phone numbers, navigating the Internet, or hacking into TV transmissions.

Virtual Space
Dot-filled.png Novice: You know how to get in to virtual space (then again, so do most Sleepers).
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You’re getting the hang of it and are even pretty good at getting to where you want to go.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: Need to know what makes a virtual world tick? No problem! Just give you a few minutes and you can figure out all the rules with ease.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: Virtual space is a walk in the park for you. It’s like you’ve got all the cheat codes right in your hand.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: You’ve seen Turing’s work. He’s good but you’re going to be better.

WW4660 Tradition Book: Virtual Adepts 61

Web Culture


Like the "mortal" version of Culture, this Knowledge Trait clues you in to the various groups and protocols of Netspace. Without it, you're an obvious newbie with very little idea of where to go, how to act or who to ask for information. With it, you've experienced enough to know your way around. Mortals can purchase this KNowledge, although they think the communities they understand are simply elaborate chatrooms and MU*s. Naturally, this Ability won't protect you if you choose to act like a twit. Knowing Netiquette and practicing it are two different things.

Web Culture
Dot-filled.png Student: Newbie
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png College: Trendie
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Masters: Netizen
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Doctorate: Parallaxer
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Scholar: Elites

WW4016 Digital Web 2.0 99



You've got some hands-on experience with alien life forms. Like Biology, this Knowledge allows you to identify, analyze and alter such life forms as necessary — a common ability among Void Engineers and Progenitors.

Dot-filled.png Novice: You know the basic principles of your discipline.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Competent: You understand the major theories and concepts.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Practiced: You've devoted a fair amount of time and work to your science.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Expert: You have an outstanding grasp of your specialty.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png Master: Few others can match your expertise or understanding of the discipline.

Possessed by:

WW4014 Guide to the Technocracy 162