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On the Road

Arke She is a righteous b**** that one. Emphasis on the righteous part, the b**** part is the adjective. But she's like me. We understand each other, maybe better than others might.
Bobbi Apparently she has beef with me. She apparently decided not to have beef with me only through an instance of grave mortality. Ehhhhh.
Conn The stalwart type. A bit stiff, but he plays a mean guitar. Now that he has his biz he's pretty busy.
Ed Because of a certain someone...we have common ground. Otherwise? She's fine. A bit weird, but I don't mind weird.
Erin She's fine. She can handle herself. Besides, if anyone were to try to mess with her...I mean...f***.
Timand Conn's...bouncer? I think. He's good stuff. Got a hell of a backhand though. I'd watch out pissing him off.
Vika She literally washed up on me. Maybe she is what I needed given the way of things. May sound self-serving but I'm happy she did.
Wick WIIIIICK! Brother of another mother...and father.

Across the Highway

Ambrosine She's been through some s***. She around? I wouldn't trust her though. She might just hate everyone know what I mean?
Ethan Sienna Is he around? No? Then F him then. Oh is he? Then oh so respectfully F him then.

Words on the Wind

Adeline Haven't seen her around much lately. Wonder if she is still obsessed with scuba and boats.

Lost to the Road
  • Evie: Don't say her name to me. You wouldn't understand what she was to me.