Logan Jackson

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Having arrived in Prospect from Pittsburgh, Logan has traded snow and cold climates for hot sun and coasts. He stands out due to his ridiculous fashion sense despite having mundane and easily to overlook features. He dresses in rather cyber punky goth clothing and always carries a level three backpack that is padlocked.


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Changeling "I'm sure Tinkerbell is a cool chick once you get to know her."
Demon "Do they exist? Like, really? I may need to deep dive this."
Hunter "Some humans get bored enough to chase monsters down holes they shouldn't peek their head into."
Mage "Some of them are okay. A lot of them got their own agenda."
Mortal "Sucks that history has caused us to move so far apart from each other."
Vampire "The dead needs to stay dead and not get the idea it's okay to keep hanging around. Life sucks man. Enjoy the bonfire."
Werewolf "What can I say? I'm a werewolf. We also don't get along. We're pretty much fucked."
Wraith "Never seen one but I heard whispers. If I see a Slimer, I'm running in the other direction."

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Acacia - We probably shop at the same stores. Good contact to have.

Brooke - The Don. She isn't a newbie.

Burt - Definitely not the type of Uktena I'm used to, but the kind I can definitely kick it with.

Libby - She's so refreshingly normal.

Nevada - My best friend. We went our separate ways but I know we'll see each other again.

Remi - He's legit.

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Logan Jackson

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Full Name: Logan Jackson
Archetypes: Fanatic / Conniver
Birthdate: September 1st, 1997
Played By: Very young Keanu Reeves
Tribe: Glass Walker
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash
Rite Name: Keyboard Warrior
Sept: Enduring Spirit
Role: On the bottom
Pack: none
Camp: Random Interrupts
Rank: Cliath (1)
Glory: Dot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Honor: Dot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Wisdom: Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.png

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RP Hooks
  • Logan is from the Sept of Three Sisters in Pittsburgh, PA
  • Logan has a criminal record from when he was a juvenile at the age of 10.
  • All things technology. He's up to date on it.
  • Is not very good in social situations.

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