2021.01.21 A Hop and a Skip 2
Returning home, the crew come across PIRATES! Make ready! | |
IC Date | 2020.01.07 |
IC Time | 12:45 PM PST |
Players | Cicada Clover Conn Erin Maggy Timand Wick |
Storyteller | Tabin |
Location | Varies |
PRP/TP | Privateer |
Spheres | Changeling |
Themesong | Naval Combat Theme |
The crew of the Journeyman took a job to transport a few crates of cargo for a scrupulous Boggan of a mysterious employer. Said employer, Boggan, or both, was found to have sabotaged the cannons supplied to the Journeyman for defense and because of which, casted doubt on the nature of their cargo. Following the decision of the crew, it was discovered that not only were there weapons but a person! But we shouldn't open it right? Noooo. The crew decided not to, arriving in Panama City without incident and handing the crates over to three Gwydion knights in service to Caer Cullis, the Freehold in Panama City.
But that wasn' it! Following general fae antics, some of the crew did more investigating - sneaking onto the ship of the Gwydion Three to save the person obviously trapped in the crate! IT'S A TRAP INDEED! Because after awakening the strange woman who was asleep, she attacked Wick, froze everyone else, and Flicker Flashed away with the weapons! The last we saw of the Gwydion Three, was the sole remaining knight shouting KNAVEEEESS! at the crew, in particular to one sole Satyr.
We are now back on the NRS Journeyman, having recently just blitzed it's own crew off the boat and making a direct sail back to Prospect. Tension among the crew is high given that no one is certain....whether they actually completed the job now! And the woman who awoke...definately an enemy, but how bad? How bad did they mess up? These questions linger as we see the crew on the main deck performing their trade and plowing the waves as they head back for familiar waters. So far? No sign of threats. For now.
Wick has been keeping his head down ever since returning to the ship. Literally. Head bowed. After hiding in the hull for a while, he cooked the crew a bit of food. But now, he's back at the helm to free Tabin up to command the ship for their journey home. The Satyr still seems rather subdued. Cicada gains one Willpower
Where is Clover? Way up high! After the shenanigans and a yummy lunch, she's perched herself up in the nest. Again! It's her job and all! She's currently leaning over the nest railing, a wide grin shown as she looks out over the ocean through a nautical telescope that's extended as far as it will go. As she sweeps about the horizon she chirps at Lark, "See anything out there?" And a softer aside to him, "Wick doin' alright?"
Timand seems to have spent a good long time alone after the events on the other ship, having finally calmed down enough to be able to look Wick in the eye. He walks up to the Satyr and says after a moment's hesitation "Wick...I know ya were tryin' ta do th' right thing. I'm sorry I shouted at ya." He claps Wick on the shoulder a bit, then makes his way over to Conn. "I have some thoughts about th' trip home I wanna talk to ya about. I kinda got a plan in case we get approached by an enemy, an' it has ta do with what they think are th' faulty cannons. Wanna hear it?"
Erin is on the deck with Kringer now that the small cat has awaken. It shakes the illusion off of being a small cat and returns to it's original one of being a clockwork panther with some blue current running towards it. The cat seems annoyed.
Maggy'd spent most of her time chillin' - loungin' back. Fiddling with her Dryad cloak throughought the escapades. Even napping for a short bit; only re-awakening from her snore-fest once the smell of Food began to hit her senses. Awakening - groggily combing out her hair - snagging something to eat; and then heading on deck. A smile spills across her lips as she starts to wake up,"Ya'll prick a log-jam an' git too scullied fer pullin' on?" noticing some of the folks and their travel back already,"Caught a prize knockdown after gravel hit the boot-bases." Looking to Cicada and then over to some of the others as they mill about,"MMmm...heavy crowns spyin' dry on the noggin's, I gander."
Conn watches Timand and Wick interact, content to take a back seat and man his post diligently. Tempers have frayed and he's not good at that part of personing, so he stays back, trying to stay ever present in Wick's field of view, but givng the rest of the crew space to approach the Satyr without getting over protective. Sure, what he's doing is obvious make-work, but at the same time, it is important make-work.
Up in the crow's nest with Clover, the mechanical bird golem known as Lark keeps a sharp watch off across the sea. He gives a single one-note chirp. No. Asked about Wick, he turns his head to fix a gaze off at Wick for a moment. And he gives a non-comittal chirp.
Wick hesitates as Timand approaches, his hands tightening a bit on the spokes of the ship's wheel. He gives an appreciative nod before dropping his gaze once more. Fortunately navigation requires most focus on instruments rather than actually staring at the horizon.
Cicada was lounging near her big gun. She'd spread out large beach towel depicting an ocean sunset in shades of orange and purple. Her cheeks rest smooshed agains her balled fists and her feet kick the air in a slow bored motion. The charm bracelet on her ankle jingles every few seconds. You could time a clock to that. She flips up her shades when Maggy appears. "Ah, shindoi~! Maggy-chan, did you drink all the booze?" Her lower lip sticks out in a pout. "Nah. Didn't get anything. No margaritas. No souvenirs."
Timand doesn't know if Conn actually wants to hear this plan or not, so he motions for the rest of the crew to gather around him. "Now...as i was stewin' all alone I had me a thought. I'm expectin' we are gonna get jacked on th' way home, because why screw up our cannons unless they are gonna take advantage of it, right?" He gestures to the port side "They did that side, which is out ta sea as we head home. They ain't gonna attack us as we are bringin' that shit down. So we gotta be extra vig..vij...er...we gotta be extra aware of whats goin on. Clover, make sure yer eyes are well peeled an yer stocked with lotta coffee. I'm gonna gues they are comin from about 10 o'clock." He points towards the bow of the ship, as if that was the 12 o'clock position, then moves to approxamately the 10 o'clock position.
"I would expect 'em to come thatta way, since thats th' easiest way fer em to intercept us. Right? Now...I think what we should do is make onna the cannons look like its broken. Conn, can ya put an' empty power load in th' cannon and get it to look like it misfired or somethin? They are gonna think we are shittin out pants b'cause our cannons are fucked, an' they are gonna stay on that side of th' ship. Then...we hit 'em hard with a really powerful shot. Fuck up their shit real bad." He looks around. "Whadda think?"
Tabin, with Wick at the helm, is down on the main deck. "Keep in mind, Timand we have the enchanted rounds Conn made too." He points out. "Another surprise if they decide to come rap tap tapping on our chamber door." The burning eyes of the Eshu looking out toward the Horizon. "Clover! Gimme a reading! What's it look like up there?"
Clover observes the horizon! | Clover rolls Perception + Alertness + 1 vs 6 for 5 successes. |
Clover's got her telescope turned to try and see Wick to check on him, but ya know how it can be when trying to see something that's already close through a telescope.. Whole lotta 'what the hell am I looking at'. She then quickly looks away and back to sea, and she calls down to Timand, "That's what I got candy for!" And speaking of, she reaches into her pocket and takes a piece out, popping it into her mouth. She looks around again and hmms, "Beep.. beep.. beep.. scanning.. scanning.. I see onnneeee boat! Kinda like the boat in jaws, but with less shark! Maybe a fishing boat or sumphin? Right over yonder off the Port bow," se calls down.
Chuckling a bit, Maggy finishes off the food she'd gotten from Wick's cookin' escapades, and lounges around the deck near Cicada. Pantomining drinking beer with her hand and chuckling," Far splittin' the frets if'n was a tackle had 'f it all." with a shake of her head to follow,"Tears." 's all she responds with to Cicada's last remark about not gettin' anything out of their land travel situation. Hearing talk of battle of some sort she stands and does some stretches though. Leg bends, some squats, few movement to stretch her arms a bit.
Erin takes a breath as she listens and looks towards the others and pets the cat. She takes a breath as she looks around and then looks towards Tabin and nods "True we have that surprise" she looks thoughtful and chews on her lower lip as she tries to think of something.
Conn nods "They have definite plans to sink us on our way back. Whoever it was as was responsible said as much when they scuppered the cannon, that we were 'under no circumstances to make it home, no witnesses', should have just replayed the conversation to y'all" he pauses and considers Timand's plan "It's a good plan in the broad strokes and I think I can work with it. The problem with putting an empty load in is, though with how the cannon was sabotaged, there wouldn't be a floof of gunpowder. There'd be nothing, because the prime would be on the deck, not in the cabin. If we make it seem like it misfired, then it would be the wrong kind of sabotage, so they could be on to us. We could cloak the canon on that side to anyone not on the crew manifest. Would let us see them, but not anyone else, which might give them the impression we've ditched those cannon but left the starboard cannon in place."
Cicada yaaaaaawns and peers over towards Conn and Timand who were hatching some plan on what to do about the impending enemies. "Why not just go the long way around. They wouldn't be expecting that!" The Hsien's tone was so dry it was difficult to tell if she was being sarcastic in making such a logistically unfeasible proposal. "Hai~! At the bottom of the world... there are stones with blood inside of them. I heard they're good to eat. Maybe we could catch a pengiun to eat, too."
Wick peeks off towards Conn and Timand, listening to the plan he proposes. And he catches his lower lip as Conn cinforms the murderous intentions of their so-called clients. As Tabin calls for Clover to report what she sees, he smiles just a bit, pleased that she has Lark up there with her. But as she alerts them all to the presence of the boat, he tightens his grip on the ship's wheel and looks to Tabin - awaiting orders for the course that he should set.
Timand nods to what Erin and Tabin say, then strokes his beard as he considers Conn's words "Yeah, thats a good point. They would expect us ta test fire 'em. I like it. Make it look like we are half cocked or somethin." He gives the brother troll and punch to the shoulder." He looks up to Clover as she calls down her report, and he yells up to her "Which way is its front facing? Towards us or away from us?"
Tabin hears Clover's report and sniffs. "Fantastic." He looks over to Conn and Timand. "Think you can get that illusion up and running? It looks like we got company. Load up those special rounds after you do. I have a feeling they'll make themselves vulnerable if they realize we ditched them so we can punch them right in the kisser." At the lavishly sunbathing Bosun Tabin says. "Bosun! Get everyone in gear. Everyone to their stations. WIIIIIIIICCCCKKKK. Put 'em Starboard. Make it look like we're showing our good side."
Clover is watching the boat, and she calls back down, "It's facing us on our left and headed in our direction.. No pirate flags or anything though!" Always helpful. She then does a quick little scan around the ship, just in case, and then it's back to the boat. Clover grins wide, looking excited.
Wick gives a sharp nod and calls out, "Aye Captain." And he turns the wheel to make them look like a wounded creature trying to favor their weakened side. All to keep up the illusion that they've discovered the issue with the canons, but haven't been able to fix it.
Erin moves to her position picking up her tools so she can be in the ready. She looks to Kringer "Make yourself scarce " the big old cat heads down to do whatever he does.
Maggy Sticks alongside Cicada - since that's what she was told to do originally and help out there.
Timand moves over to the arms locker and gathers his issued standard axe, then takes a few steps away. He starts stomping his feet and doing some punches to his chest while grunting, looking like someone who is trying to do a New Zealand Hakka while severely constipated. Then a flicker of glamour is felt as he 'remembers' how to apply Oakenshield to himself.
Cicada pulls out her lipgloss compact because the Captain wanted everyone to show their best face! She climbs up into the gunner seat, wiggling her fish-tail as she gets comfortable and applies a fresh layer of berry blue gloss.
Conn shrouds the Port-side cannons! | Conn rolls Manipulation + Fae vs 6 for 4 successes. | GL |
Conn begins to recite, in Irish, the words from the Song of Amergin from Book of Invasions, weaving his hands intrictately in the shapes of the one or two glyphs of power that he can recall from his formal schooling. "I am the wind on the sea, an ocean wave, the roar of the sea, the bull of seven fights, the vulture on a cliff, a dewdrop in the morning, the fairest of flowers, the boar for boldness, the salmon in the pool".
The cannons begin to shimmer as the Chicanery cantrip falls on them, and though they remain in view of the ships' compliment, the cantrip clearly takes hold, hiding them from view. He nods and gives Tabin the thumbsup.
The ship continues it's direct course, even with Wick's turning to put them on the right of the ship which puts the Journeyman heading toward the open ocean.
Tabin nods to Conn when he gives the thumbs up. Then he looks over at Cicada, whose idea of getting the crew whipped into shape is to walk on a fashion runway, and sags his shoulders. Well... Tabin asked for it, really. "Clover! Get down from the nest! We'll need some helping hands down here."
Erin is at the ready and to be wherever the captain wants her to be as she looks out towards the water and hmms. She is her usual quiet i'm not here typical Erin so go figure.
"Heading down!" Clover calls before she pauses for a second. "Ruh-roh! Their crew is getting ready! Cannons, too! Ohhhh lookit that! A black flag with a red star on it!" She pulls her telescope down and hurries on down to the deck, landing with a little hop and thud.
Wick smiles off at Conn, trying to catch the words in Irish as he listens. But his gaze ever flits back off towards the approaching ship, aiming to position them as instructed with their supposed "good side" facing the enemy ship. He blinks as Clover starts coming down from the crow's nest. But as Cicada doesn't seem to be yelling at her, he doesn't speak up.
Conn looks to Wick and nods at the ship "Throw some Oakenshield on the ship, will you a chroí? I think you have a better handle on that Art than I do, owing to your Satyrness. If we're going to be in combat, we should make sure the ship can take as much punishment as possible."
Wick hesitates as Conn seeks to entrust him with setting Oakenshield over the whole ship. Confidence still shaken. But with a small nod, he steps back from the ship's wheel and kneels. Using his thumbnail, he manages to pierce into his wrist enough to drip several drops of blood onto the wood. And with that bunk, he summons a surge of glamour and casts the protection across the ship.
Wick Oakenshields the Journeyman! | Wick rolls Stamina + Prop vs 4 for 4 successes. | WP | GL |
Name Broadside Damage Armor HL Initiative ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Journeyman 3 2 12 8 The Creeping Star 4 4 7 13
Crew Summary Chart
Role PC Benefit **************************************************************************** *The Captain Tabin Wits+Leadership as Base Initiative *The Bosun Cicada Per+Firearms for Shoot'em! *The Gunner Conn Dex+Firearms for Broadside! *The Helmsman Wick Steers ship, Dex+Boat-Handling for Ram'em! *The Mariner Timand Str+Athletics to Board 'em! *The Midshipman Erin Dex+Crafts/Repair vs 6/5 to heal during Brace! *The Topmaster Clover Per+Alertness forms base soak pool. ****************************************************************************
The Creeping Star Broadsides the Journeyman! | <pr> Tabin rolls 7 vs 6 for 2 successes. |
<pr> Tabin rolls 5 vs 6 for 3 successes. | |
The Journeyman Soaksit all! | Clover rolls Perception + Alertness + 4 vs 6 for 8 successes. |
The Journeyman Broadsides the Creeping Star! | Conn rolls Dexterity + Firearms vs 7 for 2 successes. |
Conn rolls 5 vs 6 for 4 successes. | |
The Creeping Star Takes 2 Damage! | <pr> Tabin rolls 7 vs 6 for 2 successes. |
Timand seems to be loving every minute of this. Cannon balls wizzing past his head, the smell of burned powder, the crash of the cannon, the sight of their shot hitting home. Timand lets out a mighty bellow as he helps Conn and the rest of the crew reload for what may be another salvo.
Wick manages to steer their 'good' side up along the side of the other ship. His hands tighten on the wheel, bracing himself for the loud noises of their cannonfire. BOOM! So much for bracing himself. As cannons fly in all directions, the Satyr crouches behind the wheel, hands pressed over his ears. But at least he manages to grab hold of the wheel before they veer too much - readying himself for the next command.
Erin is keeping eye where the cannon balls go and that they don't hit the ship or it takes damage and she's quick to move out of the way when some come flying by. She smirks a little bit as she moves around from one side of the ship to the other.
Clover has found herself a place among the crew on the deck, and she's still grinning like mad. With hands on her hips she watches he approach, then tugs her eye patch down over her right eye as she says, "A beautiful day for a fight!" And it's followed by maniacal laughter, complete with head tossed back. Once the cannons get to firing and the scent of gunpowder is in the air she breathes in deep and releases a heavy sigh. She runs off across the deck over to where Wick is, and she calls, "Hang on tight! This is great!" More laughter follows, and she gets to helping however she can.
Conn readies for impact while simultaneously trying to ready a countervolley. He steps into the state of battlereadiness his Scathach training teaches is the first thing to do, and though firearms and cannons are not part of the training, he believes it will serve none the less. Moving with an uncanny silence and efficiency, he all but dances between the cannonfire, smiling ferociously as he does. He spares a moment to check on Wick before firing and nods at him, the unnerving battlesmile on his face momentarily replaced with a normal smile, and then puts flame to canon. BOOM, the counter volley smashes into the other ship and he is back to the killer-instinct focus.
"Avast! You slop-sided sea urchins get your asses in gear!" Because it wouldn't be a proper fight without a foul-mouthed captain shouting orders between slurs!
The Journeyman slows to avoid the broadsides of the opposing ship, and give it a minute...and the Journeyman releases it's salvo releasing a powder-keg (haha) of wood splinters and debris from the other ship showering into the air.
Cicada finishes applying her lip gloss just in time. If you were going to be pirating around might as well be a sexy pirate. "Get 'em with the canons! They won't expect that!" After all those were supposed to be 'sabotaged'. She holds up her war club and cries from her gunner seat. "Shi! San! Ni!"
Maggy whistles to herself while doing what she can. Barely heard writhin tunes of eerie tone, prepped and keeping out of the way. Not much she can do cept follow what orders are given during such a voluminous fire-fight.
Initiative 2
--------------------------------|| AVAST! ||------------------------------- Name Broadside Damage Armor HL Initiative ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Journeyman 3 2 12 7 The Creeping Star 4 4 5 14
The Creeping Star open fire on the crew! | <pr> Tabin rolls 7 (7 dice) vs 5 for 4 successes. |
<pr> Tabin rolls 6 vs 6 for 4 successes. |
ExpandThe Crew soaks! |
The Journeyman Broadsides with a special delivery! | Conn rolls Dexterity + Firearms + 1 vs 5 for 7 successes. |
Conn rolls 14 vs 6 for 7 successes. | |
The Creeping Star takes 4 Lethal! | <pr> Tabin rolls 10 (10 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. |
"Wiiiiccckkk! Get us port side! Let's light 'em up!" Tabin commands, keeping track of the engagement like a frantic grand strategy player keeping track of everyone else's meeples. Of course the ship circles back on the Journeyman as rifles lower and shower the ship with bullets, plugging some and wounding others. When the cannons go off?....
Well. Fireworks is a small word. The Creeping Star EXPLODES in a torrent of flame and destruction as smoke, fire and wood splinters flies across the sky and seascape as the enchanted rounds from the hidden cannons go off surprising the opposing crew in a mad scramble.
Wick can't help but cover his ears as more cannonfire comes. It's such a mess of chaos and smoke - he can hardly keep his bearings. But as the worst of the thunder stops, he quickly grabs the wheel once more. The other ship is taking off! And as he notices Timand at least preparing to board, he turns the ship to race after them. He calls out for the sails to be adjusted to catch the full advantage of the wind.
Sails! That's her! Clover may be limping, cussing, pouting.. and checking holes to make sure she's not leaking too much cherry syrup, but she still has work to do. She gets over to the sails and tugs! She gets the sails adjusted as quick as she can.
Maggy rushes to follow Cicada as they move to get out of the way,"EHH? NO NO! YA'LL'RE UPPIN' TA' TROT! AIN'T SLEEVIN' A BARREL CROSS THE BEAT CARVIN'S WITHOUTCHA!" biting her lip harshly with one of her fangs to draw blood, before suckling on it and spitting the saliva and blood at her friend (that's a lvl 4 bunk on the mush website) - and then concentrates before drawing a little circle with said blood upon Cicada.
Maggy heatherbalms Cicada! | Maggy rolls Stamina + Fae vs 4 for 8 successes. |
Timand sees Clover and Wick get hit, and while he does glance down at them to see if they are ok, he starts charging towards the bow, unfurling the rope he had wrapped around his shoulders ealier, and begins to swing the grappling hook in wide circles "WICK! They are tryin' ta get away! Keep us pointed at em!" He gives a massive snarl as he hurls the hook towards fleeing ship, and it crashes into a hole in the hull, getting decently fouled on the interior gunwales. He starts to pull on the rope, pulling the ship closer to the Journayman. Once its close enough to board, he lashes the rope to a mooring, unclips his axe from his belt and goes charging onto the enemy ship, snarling at the top of his lungs "Surrender or die!"
Timand executes a Board'Em! | Timand rolls Strength + Athletics vs 8 for 3 successes. |
The Creeping Star's Mariner can't stop them! | <pr> Tabin rolls 6 vs 8 for 1 success. |
Conn swords in hand and at the ready, Conn prepares to buckle any swashes coming for his crew. He stands up on to the rail, arm around one of the ropeladders and lets out a hearty "YO HO MATEYS, READY THE SHIP FOR COMBAT", the flames of Dragon's Ire erupt around not only Conn but the entire Crew. Memories of ancient battles won by Conn's past self, going all the way back to Arcadia, flow through the entire crew. "Take them alive!" he yells at the top of his voice
Conn draws the Dragon's Ire on the crew of the Journeyman | Conn rolls Strength + Fae vs 4 for 11 successes. |
Erin gives a little blink as Timand goes swinging on by to the other ship and she sighs "Shit" she calls for the cat who looks once more like a normal black panther as it comes back out and she takes something from a saddle "Go with him" Kringer looks at her and with a protest moves to leap onto the other ship behind Timand. Erin now has a bow and arrows with her as she turns to aim at anyone that might try to fire at Timand.
Cicada can almost swear the scar from when she died and became a Hsien heals over a bit. She's also no longer bleeding out all over the deck. Cicada pratically weeps with joy. "Maggy-chaaaaan~! Honma ookini!" She drags herself up, swearing revenage on her assailants. "I'm gonna summon up the sea to drown them all!"
With the sails aimed as they should be, Clover watches as Timand works on getting them attached to the other ship. She grunts and calls to him, "I call dibs on the one that shot me! Argghh!" She giggles faintly under her breath, then gives a soft whine once it dies down. Bullet holes hurt. As she starts to make her way after Timand she murmurs, "I wonder where their treasure is hidden."
The Creeping Star makes for the waves! It is hard to miss now considering it now gives a nice little trail of smoke and debris behind it as it tries to sail away. But having a nimble ship that isn't damaged, at full sail, with the engines roaring, is hard to beat when your hull has a bunch of burning (and in some cases, on fire) holes in it. The crew of the Creeping Star is frantic, running around the deck of the ship putting out fires and maintaining a defensive posture as they retreat.
Save of course for when the grappling hooks clench into their hull and Timand, and several members of the crew, secure the two ships with ropes, pulleys and grappling hooks. Locking the two together the crew brandish their weapons and, led by the Mariner, the crew of the Journeyman board the Creeping Star with several of the crew and their very different ideas of why they are boarding, leaving the captain confused. Booty or prisoners, killing or not killing? He's confused...and he's the captain! Oh well. It's the Mariner's job to lead the strike team! So the Journeyman boards to a raggled mismatched motley of misfits with rifles (some real, some chimerical), and swords drawn. The Dreaming has never been so happy and so needing of popcorn.