2021.01.10 The Stowaway
To save the crated person, the crew spy on the Gwydion Three and a soft heart changes the game. | |
IC Date | 2020.01.10 |
IC Time | 11:00 AM PST |
Players | Cicada Clover Erin Timand Wick |
Storyteller | Tabin |
Location | La Playita de Amador - Panama City, Panama |
PRP/TP | Privateer |
Spheres | Changeling |
Themesong | A theme song for the log |
The Marina of La Playita de Amador overlooks the entrance to the Panama Canal, a massive channel wherein cargo freighters a plenty cross from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It is a private marina with several ships at dock, including the Journeyman.
Person traffic is moderate here. People are on their boats either getting ready to sail or just for leisure. Many of the ships here are luxury yachts, suggesting this is a rather high-end marina dock for the locals. Marina personnel is sparse, though cameras do exist interspersed across the docks.
This takes place after the events of A Hop and a Skip While the Journeyman is docked in Panama City.
The Journeyman is properly docked in Panama City. Tabin, the Captain, has decided to do what any good sailor does - hit the bars and do some good ol' fashioned carousing. However, he did give the crew a fair bit of advice of making sure they do what they wish to do....quick-like. Why?
Because the Marina is populated, and is also observed through security cams. You get the sense that there is some Bigger Antics going on considering illegal contraband passed hands and no one among marina staff is seeming to notice. The crew's quarry?
Two Sidhe. One male, one rather jaw-slacking female. One troll, who is carrying the boxes. They are dressed variably. The male sidhe is dressed lithely, armor meant for someone fast on their feet. The female? A proper knight, complete with a eye-catching pair of Sidhe plate. The Troll? Nothing but the best troll Breastplate. They are armed, in some capacity but the knights brandished no weapons, so it is difficult to tell just WHAT they are carrying. They are transporting the boxes to what looks like a Marine Research vessel. Complete with turning little satellite thingy on the top of the helm. They are several docks down from the Journeyman, and don't seem to be in any rush.
Wick appears determined to follow. And he's not waiting for anyone to follow or to try and stop him. With a determined set of his jaw, he summons up the glamour to make him hard to notice. For Veiled Eyes.
Wick casts Veiled Eyes! | Wick rolls Manipulation + Fae vs 4 for 8 successes. |
Clover is on board the ship, and boy is she watching where Wick is going. Her hands are on her hips and she lifts her chin, grunting, "Uh-huh. Ah hah. I see you.. Where you going.." Her eyes squint at him and she watches for just a second more before she slips down below deck. Along the way she sings to herself, "Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur," her hands come up to act as little cat ears, "Curious kitty, sneaky kitty, purr, purr, purr,"
Clover becomes a kitty! | Clover rolls Metamorphosis + Actor vs 5 for 1 successes. |
Cicada takes her towel and creeps over to where Wick and Clover are talking and presumably doing their strange magics. She draws her towel and sun hat around her as if to protect herself, eyes darting cautiously towards the port and its cameras. "You're going to--?" And then Wick was invsible! Whatever she was going to ask him, she presumed the answer. Also Clover was transforming too! Cicda clears her throat and recites a Haiku. "Feet make a wide splash, At the end of a deep dive: Small bubbles surface..."
As she finishes the Haiku Cicada seems to melt, dissolving down into a puddle roughly about the same volume that her person. The puddle then slips off the side of the boat into the waters of the port. Her spirit moves with the water as one, following after the two Sidhe and Troll as they make their way to their own vessel. She attempts to listen in on their conversation, though everything likely sounds slightly muffled from the water.
Cicada assumes a Water form! | Cicada rolls Manipulation + Shui Tan + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 vs 8 for 4 successes. |
Erin will be staying back, someone has to keep an eye on the ship, but Kringer will be shapeshifting to a smaller cat looking like any normal stray and following along.
The Sidhe and the Troll get aboard the ship and put the cargo on the deck. This ship is small, but holds chimerical qualities. Some additional protections, two swivel-cannons but otherwise? Not much. "We should check to make sure they didn't stiff us." Says the Troll, heard within earshot of several of the crew by this point. "I wouldn't put it past them to give us empty boxes."
"Relax, Havrad." Says the male Sidhe. "Not everyone is a scheming knave. But sure. Once we get out onto the water we'll crack them open and have a look see."
Wick had murmured a quiet poem under his breath, and with that summoning of glamour, he vanishes. No need for further magics or transformations - he knows well how perfectly hidden he is. And so he's off - leaping off the ship and chasing after the cargo. He maintains a light step, taking care that he doesn't make a sound. And once he has caught up, he seeks to slip after them like a shadow to witness the unboxing.
The snoops attempts to follow Wick! | Clover rolls Perception + Kenning vs 8 for -1 successes. |
Cicada rolls Perception + Shentao vs 10 for 2 successes. | |
Erin rolls 3 vs 8 for 1 successes. |
Timand sits on the boat as the stealthy types do their thing, cracking open a new beer and idly casting a fishing line into the water.
Clover-kitty scampers off the boat and pads along the dock, floofy tail up high and dainty paws 'a pawing at the ground. Her whiskers are fanned out happily and.. oh, look! A butterfly! She spends a moment jumping after it, but.. Wick! Must focus. She gives a little mewl and looks about before running along and jumping onto whatever railing she can, 'cause it's fun. As she heads 'after Wick' she finds the boat that's two down from the one she shoulda gone to, and she lingers nearby like a good watch kitty! Doh!
"Agreed. We should not delay." Says the female Sidhe. "The longer we linger here the more at risk we become considering what we have."
"True. Let's not get tangled up in THAT business. Zamora. Take us out would you please."
The female Sidhe goes to the helm and starts up the engine of the ship. Coming to life with simplistic ease, it is obvious the boat is about to make for the water.
Two boats down Clover-kitty hops onto a boat occupied by a couple. Normal folks, looking like they are preparing for a fishing trip. The fluffy persian attracts the attention however, of one small little girl. "KITTY!" The girl, obviously 8, rushes forward and picks up the kitty in her arms. "FLUFFY KITTY! MOMMY! DADDY! FLUFFY KITTY!"
"Sabrina! Put it down!" Harshly quips the man of the duo. "You don't know what it could have!"
"Tom! Don't snap at her!" Says the woman, 'mom', obviously. "Let's see if she has a collar? Maybe someone on the marina is missing a cat." Apparently Clover found a family boat. Not a Sidhe human trafficking boat. whoops.
Kringer just follows along looking like any ordinary little cat as he walks down the street towards where Wick has gone.
Erin takes a breath as she paces a little bit back on the ship.
Wick winces as the female Sidhe, Zamora, prepares to take the boat out onto the water. But he doesn't try to stop them. Any delay, and they'll delay checking the shipment - and showing him what's inside. And if whoever was in that crate needs help? Those are problems for later. He finds a place to settle in the ship's holding out of the way where he hopes to have a good vantage.
Timand Fishes aboard the Journeyman! | Timand rolls Dexterity + Fishing vs 6 for 4 successes. |
Timand is sitting on the stern back at the boat, a beer next him and and a rod cast into the water. He feels a jerk and pulls out a nice large fish from the water after a quick fight. "Hey Erin, i got us dinner!"
But the boat has a KID on it! Whee! Clover-kitty purrrs as she is lifted, and she just can't help but to be as cute as possible with her and roll around a bit in her arms, even lifting a paw up to boop at the girl's chin and nose, no claws! She mews that little chittering mew that cats can do, and then she's looking about. Cool. Nice pick of a boat, Wick! but it has nothing to do with boxes!
Cicada senses Wick's presence make it onto the Sidhe vessel. She then feels the Sidhe's ship's motor start to make the water around her and that she was a part of choppy. She rolls back into one of the waves, then attempts to use the momentum of the motion of water to splash up onto the deck of their craft.
Cicada attempts to land on deck | Cicada rolls Dexterity+Athletics vs 6 for 0 successes. |
Erin turns to look at Timand "Sweet, your going to cook it too right?" She grins as she comes to look peek at what he caught.
Kringer sees the boat is getting ready to cast off and he tries to stealthy board the ship and hide near Wick hopefully.
Kringer sneaks aboard the ship! | Kringer rolls Dexterity+Stealth vs 6 for 6 successes. |
Timand gives a little shrug, being sure to be very visible to anyone who might even be looking at the boat, such as the people who moved the crates and are now sailing out. He's the troll. He's fishing and drinking beer. Nothing could be going on, right? "Cook it? Yeah, though i ain't that great of a cook. I can skin it and debone it, but if someone who's good at cookin' should take over then."
Timand catches a Mahi Mahi. 10cm.
Sabrina GIGGLES and TEE HEES at the playful bat of the cat. "CAN WE KEEP HER MOMMY!?" Mom, the responsible one, is taking Sabrina off the ship. "No sweetie. We have to find it's mommy and daddy."
"BUT I CAN BE IT'S MOMMY!" She says. "Her name is PRECIOUS. And she is the fluffiest kitty in the world!"
"That's nice dear. Let's go find Precious's family." Mothers. Ever the dull responsible ones. Mom and Sabrina leave their ship for the Marina proper, heading along the docks in the direction of the offices.
The ship makes sail! Breaking away from the dock and heading out into open sea. Kringer and Wick have managed to sneak aboard, waiting for their chance to save the person in the crates! Cicada however attempts to splash onto the ship, but actual water seems to get in her way and she slides back into the Pacific, therefore not catching the visuals the other two receive.
"Javier. The coast is clear." Zamora tells the male Sidhe. Javier, pulls out a crowbar from a compartment on the ship and passes one to Havrad. "Let's take a look."
They begin prying open the crates. The two medium boxes are what the crew suspected from Conn's conversation. Guns. Bullets, magazines, grenades. A small little armory in box form. Havrad is the one who opens the big box, prying it open and revealing! A woman. About 16. Her skin is dark for a spaniard, and her face is tattooed. She looks to be sleeping peacefully, as if under a spell. "Dios mio...Javier! Come here."
"What is it?" The Sidhe comes over and looks over Havrad's shoulder. "Is that?....Fuck. Zamora! Get us International! NOW!" The three of them, as if catchign unspoken words, draw weapons.
Erin looks over to Timand "Ok you clean it and i'll cook it.. WAit do we have somewhere to cook the fish on here?" she tries to think if there is a kitchen.
Erin notices some things happening. | Erin rolls Perception + Alertness vs 7 for 2 successes. |
Erin nudges Timand "Fuck fuck fuck... Clover is over there in the arms of a 8 year old and those fuckers just pulled weapons out... Fuck do you think they saw Wick" she nuges him and looks for the captain "Shit, go get clover and maybe we need to go!
Timand might notice something! | Timand rolls Perception + Alertness vs 7 for 0 successes. |
Timand is peering down into the water, looking at the fish "Hmmm, I ain't seen none of these b'fore, I woder if i should use the jig or a bucktail fer...huh?" He's nudged by Erin, and he turns and looks back at the boat, then back to the harbor. "Shit.." He drops the rod, making sure to save that one fish he caught already. "Go get Tabin, I'm gonna go get Clover." He sprints off the boat, heading towards where mommy and the girl are heading.
Clover-kitty glances back and forth between the child and mother, and when the begging starts she lifts her fuzzy little kitty face to give a cold nose kiss to Sabrina's cheek. See. Mom's right. Precious must belong to someone! She's far too clean to be a street kitty! But still.. being carried around sure is nice, and Wick can handle that man at the boat! Hopefully those boxes will show up soon!
Erin goes to get Tabin as Timand goes to rescue cute kitty clover.
Wick's brows draw sharply as he sees the young woman sleeping in the crate. But their reactions make him blink. Where they not expecting this? And... weapons? He can't see anything dangerous about the girl. But it doesn't matter. Whoever she is - no one should have enchanted her and stuck her in this crate. And if they're scared of her, perhaps she should wake... Drawing in close, he pulls out a crumpled daisy from his pocket and begins to pluck the petals and let them drop into a spiral pattern on the deck.
Wick casts Awaken! | Wick rolls Stamina + Fae vs 5 for 6 successes. | GL |
Cicada tumbles off the boat and into the sea again, becoming part of the sea yet again. Moving with the waves, she attempts to splash herself up on deck again. This time with renewed effort.
Cicada attempts once more to get aboard the ship! | Cicada rolls Dexterity+Athletics vs 6 for 0 successes. | WP |
Erin goes to get Tabin, while Timand leaves the Journeyman to intercept the family with Clover-Kitty. Tabin is now on the Journeyman! Huzzah!
Timand will run into the family as they are heading toward the Marina building. Never fear Clover-Kitty! The girl has a vice grip. Sabrina plucks a bow from her hair and puts it on Clover's head, cementing her claim to the fluffiest kitty in all the land. "When we get home I'll show you where you can potty, and I won't feed you the mushy stuff, cuz you get the -best- stuff. You'll like Quixote. He's reallllly nice." The mother, seems to let the girl have her fantasy for now. It keeps her complaint afterall.
The boat gets revved to full, splitting the waves in half as it flies out of the harbor toward the open Pacific. What conversation was being had, is immediately put to rest, as Wick's effect goes off. The woman awakens. She blinks her eyes open, dark eyes of deep red, as she blinks several times and looks at Wick. She says nothing, but where did that Atlatl come from? Obsidian chiselled into part sword, part club, comes into her possession as quick as a cherished friend, and stabs Wick in the chest with it.
Ipsha attacks Wick! | ExpandWick takes 1 Lethal! |
Combat Begins!
Tabin has started combat Cicada has rolled initiative: 9 Erin has rolled initiative: 14 Timand has rolled initiative: 9 Ipsha has rolled initiative: 16 Clover has rolled initiative: 12 Wick has rolled initiative: 12
ExpandIpsha uses Stasis on everyone! |
The woman, "Ipsha", rises and immediately her brilliant red eyes turn dark blue, like stormclouds over a mirrored surface. She slices her hand on her Atlatl and with a wave of her hand, several members of the ship become frozen statues including Kringer.
Clover escapes Sabrina! | Clover rolls Strength + Athletics vs 6 for 3 successes. |
Being carried and pampered sure is fun, but.. ut-oh. There's a running Timand.. Clover lifts her furry paws to boop Sabrina's face again, and after giving one more kitty kiss to the cheek she wiggles her way out of that grasp like a weasel. Clover-kitty slips down to the floor, rubrubs around Sabrina's legs once, then scampers off towards Timand with her floofy tail lifted high!
Wick restricts Ipsha with vines! | Wick rolls Stamina + Fae vs 6 for 5 successes. | GL |
Wick falters with the girl's dark red gaze. And then... STABBED. Uh oh. The soft-hearted Satyr realizes at once he has made a HUGE mistake. Scrambling back, he summons up a surge of glamour to catch her in a sudden tangle of thick vines. To keep her from more stabbing.
Timand scoops up Clover "Oh Clover, I've been lookin' all over fer ya. We gotta go, Wick's in trouble." He turns to the mom and daughter and tosses the wriggling and very much alive Mahi Mahi at Mom, who obviously has a higher banality than Sabrina. "Here, have my pet fish. Sorry, gotta run!" With that he turns and starts sprinting as fast as he can back to the Journeyman with Clover perched at his shoulder.
Mom gets hit with a wiggling fish as Sabrina cries. National Lampoon couldn't make this sh** up.
Splish splash splorsh. A small cascade of water pours down the stairs into the hold like a waterfall pouring down the stairs. Was the ship flooding? No. It was just Cicada. The water starts to reassemble itself into a more humanoid form near the bottom of the stairs.
Ipsha Flicker Flashes as a Wayfare action! | [pr]Tabin rolls 7 vs 8 for 3 successes |
Javier, the last Sidhe standing looks to Wick (who isn't really hiding anymore) and says "You fool! What have you done?!" As he lunges toward Ipsha with all the noblesse fighting spirit of House Gwydion, slashing the bound Ipsha for 1 damage. The verdantness of her, thanks Wick, got in the way.
As for the strange Fae however, she merely gives a wink. "Thanks for the toys." And then.....poof. The vines collapse on themselves as she absconds herself. With a bit of a twist.
"NOOO!" Javier shouts. Because someone, just ran off while a whole lot of GUNS.
Clover-kitty glances back over Timand's shoulder as she hangs on tight (that means claws, sorry!), watching after Sabrina. She gives a mewl of farewell, then turns back around to focus on where they were headed, back to the ship!
Cicada reforms and runs over to try and grab Wick by the wrist and tug him towards the stairs. Her eyes flash gold as she peers to the Gwydion Sidhe, eying warily. "We should go, Yagi-kun!"
Timand goes tearing up the harbor street back to the Journeyman and runs onto the dock, talking to a cat. Weirdo "Wick did somethin' an all th' people started pullin' swords. We gotta get him safe..and dammit, i liked that fish too."
Erin is helping Tabin and just keeps cursing under her breath using the F word a lot and I do mean a lot.
Wick is left with his hands over his mouth. Never has he made a mistake quite that bad. But Cicada snags him out of his stunned horror at setting lose a girl who was herself a living weapon. Peeking at her in a daze, he just nods and lets her pull him along.
Wait, Clover-kitty can run, too! And it's fun to bound and leap, so off she goes from Timand's shoulder so she can run along his side, scampering off back to the docks. At the mention of Wick and something happening, Clover-kitty starts to run faster like a spooked cat, heading for the boat.
The Journeyman make sail! No sails this time. Just some good ol' fashioned engine work. It's bigger than the marine research ship but it has more engines making catching up to it, with all three engines on full power, a bit of a breeze.
"Do you have ANY idea what you have done??" Javier, the sole Sidhe remaining, gives testament to the whispers of the righteous wrath of the Falcon's House. The Dreaming seems to drink in his rage and make his presence the most visible, awe-striking thing in the room. "What gives you the right to intervene in our affairs!" He narrows his eyes. ... "It was you. You sent her here! To do this to us??!" Eep. Best make a quick exit.
Timand runs up the gangplank as Journeyman starts her engines and quickly unties the mooring lines. Once free he dashes to the side of the ship, looking over to the other boat. "Erin, Tabin, what th' hell is goin' on over there, is Wick ok?"
Erin is grumbling "Fuck if I know.. Something doesnt' fucking feel right if Kringer is hurt i'm going to be fucking pissed off.. God damit" she doesn't look happy and her mouth gives way to her Nocker rather well because there is sooo much cursing it even seems to help the boat along or it just seems that way.
Wick's eyes shine with fear and distress as he looks to Javier. But then... Kringer! He sees the cat frozen, and tries to alert Cicada. "Wait! We can't leave him..."
Cicada flinches at the Sidhe's rage. Quickly, she whispers something into Wick's ear and then gives him a shove in the direction of the stairs. "It wasn't us!" She snaps at Javier, unable to hold her tongue. "It was the Boggling that put her there and broke all of our stuff, too!" Before the Sidhe would have a chance to process that Cicada would begin to call upon the Mask of Shintai, pouring her Yugen into the effect. Similarly to how the dreaming responded to Javier's wrath, she would call upon a visage of her past glory before time and a thousand reincarnations into mortal shells had wittled her power away...
Cicada unleashes Mask of the Shintai! | Cicada spends 3 Yugen. |
Javier resists! | [pr] Tabin rolls Willpower vs 6 for 3 successes |
Tabin, at the helm, looks to Timand. "No clue. I was in the marina's bar! I figured Wick and them were gonna sniff around the trio. Looks like they scratch n's niffed! Mariner. Get ready to grab 'em." He says to Timand. "Time to make a very swift exit. Clover! What do you see?"
Clover tries to spy what is happening! | Clover rolls Perception + Alertness vs 6 for 5 successes. |
Clover suffers the Mask of Shintai | Clover rolls Willpower vs 6 for 2 successes. |
The kitty runnnns and jumps up onto the ship heading on down for just a second and reappearing moment later as her usual Clover self. She's panting a bit from the run and she makes quick work to get up to the crow's nest. She's looking about, one hand above her eyes, trying to spy that boat, and when she does she lets out a shriek. She clings to the nest and lowers down, curling up a bit as she calls back down, "Wick's on the boat and the knight's frozen.. and the other is -really- mad, and there's a.. Ohh it's scary!" She eeks again and looks down to the deck where it's safe to stare.
Wick stumbles forward with Cicada's shove but quickly recovers into a dash to go and scoop up the kitty-Kringer.
Timand snatches Cicada and Wick! | Timand rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 7 for 4 successes. | WP |
Timand suffers the Mask of Shintai | Timand rolls Willpower vs 6 for 3 successes. |
Timand narrows his eyes like a hawk as he spots the forms of Wick, Cicada and Kringer. Seeing them make a running leap for the deck of the Journeyman, he leans over the railing and with a hand each grabs the two errant crewman. Somehow he manages to NOT drop Cicada into the water, and hauls them onto the ship "What the smoking blue Jesus happened over there?" he exclaims, then takes a few steps back from Cicada, hand going to the handle of his axe. Just in case.
Cicada seems to, in an instant, grow as tall as any troll. She shoots up from her diminutive size into a much burlier figure. A third eye splits open in her forehead and her tiny nubs horns grow into long forward facing spires. Her jaws snarl with great gnashing fangs. Her hair reaches the floor, black locks seeming to defy reality itself and transform into fountains of water when they touch the ground. Her two arms become four, all tipped with terrible looking claws. Wreathes of mist surround the Oni as if drawn from an ink brush painting into reality itself. It's surely a flex and she's flexing hard at the Gwydion Sidhe right as Timand boards the ship to the rescue.
Erin is cursing and not happy at all she sees her baby frozen and she fights every urge to jump from one boat to the other to get her baby but the boat neats help with things so they can keep moving so she doesn't do it thankful for Wick that he grabbed her cat or else there would be hell to pay.
Timand narrows his eyes like a hawk as he spots the forms of Wick, Cicada and Kringer. Seeing them make a running leap for the deck of the Journeyman, he leans over the railing and with a hand each grabs the two errant crewman. Somehow he manages to NOT drop Cicada into the water, and hauls them onto the ship "What the smoking blue Jesus happened over there?" he exclaims, then takes a few steps back from Cicada, hand going to the handle of his axe. Just in case.
Wick hefts Kringer up into his arms with the help of the silver torc coiled around his forwarm. Just in time for Timand to snag them both and haul them back onto the Journeyman. Asked what happened, he can't help but hug the cat to his chest. "We... we have to get out of here. I... I fucked up. You were right. We have to go. We have to get out of here fast." He does his best to keep his voice steady, but the Satyr doesn't quite manage it.
The Gwydion's impressive awe is striking, even in the wake of Cicada showing the grandeur of Heaven. Like a vengeful hawk, Javier becomes a blur to the eyes and senses and just as his rapier is about to strike Cicada-Oni-Shinma-Shintai in the chest, they leap off the ship to get successfully grabbed by Timand.
Tabin, veering the Journeyman hard to starboard, blows water all over the marine research vessel as the ship makes a rather hasty exit.
"KNAVES!" Is the last you hear of Javier, shouting at the Journeyman as his rage turns to concern as he tends toward the frozen members of the Gwydion Three.
Clover may be cowering up there in the nest, but she can hear.. something happening! And then Wick's voice. Eep. She takes a breath to try and steady herself.
Erin eyes the frozen cat and she loses "What the fuck Wick!" nope she isn't happy but there is a ship to keep moving because I am sure the other one might come after them. Shit shit.. More and more coursing and as soon as she can break away from whatever she will run to her cat to examine it and see what is wrong.
Wick falters back with Erin's onslaught of swearing, hugging Kringer to his chest. But as she comes to examine it, he offers it over to her before shying away further still. "I... I'm sorry. I thought... I thought she was in trouble. It was just a girl... but she... thens he attacked us."
Timand places his hands on his hips and glares at Wick "Didn't i tell you not to fuck with that shit? Didn't i tell ya to leave well enough alone? Goddammit..." He sputters a bit incoherently, blue face turning purple. "So ya let what might be a highly dangerous prisoner free." He's pissed. Really, really pissed. He quickly turns and walks away to somewhere other than where Wick is.
Timand spends a WP not to rage on Wick. |
"In the name of the Mandates of Heaven-- OOF!" Cicada-Oni-Shinma-Shintai X doesn't get to finish her villain monologue and do battle with Javier AS WAS FORETOLD BY PROPHECY because she is swept up by big strong troll arms and carried back to NHS Foolbody where she bellonged. "Rawr rawr rawr!" She kicks her feet all the way there. When the nine foot tall Oni gets her ass dropped on the deck she immediately shrinks back into the more manageable height of a five foot two. She sits on the deck, digging into her ear with a pinky finger. "Nande ya nen!?" She snaps up at her own rescuer as if she was still the same height that he was. "Chau de! You leave him alone about it! She wasn't even supposed to -be- there!"
It takes a moment before Clover is calm enough to start moving again, and she hurries her way down to the deck, casting her gaze over to what's going on with the group. She watches as Timand moves away and Cicada gets back and.. whooo mess! She swallows hard and moves about, aiming to get the sails up so they can get the heck outta there!
Wick falters back, almost tripping over coiled rope and whatever else might happen to be on the ship's deck. Tears shine in his eyes. "I... I'm sorry! I know. I know I fucked up. I did. You were right..." A mechanical bird lands on Wick's shoulder and /glares/ at Timand. Wick casts a tear-filled glance off at Tabin, desperately sorry, before turning to flee below deck.
Erin gives Cicada a look if it can kill she be struck dead but doesn't say anything to her as she keeps examining her precious little kitty. As right now that is all that seems to matter right now.