2020.05.13 Life and Death 1
Life and Death, Pt. 1 | |
A group of individuals are attracted to the story of the Tamerlane, eager to learn it's secrets. | |
IC Date | Tuesday 13 MAY, 2020 |
IC Time | 18:00:08 2020, PDT. |
Players | Ann, DeadPixel, Floyd - ST, Madame Zara, Sin-Eater |
Location | North of Prospect, the SS Tamerlane |
Spheres | Mage, Orpheus, Wraith |
Scene Set
It is nighttime, the moon brilliantly shining a silver sheen across the Pacific and casting the rusted and derelict SS Tamerlane in an ominous shadow. The entirety of the area for roughly a mile in every direction has been cordoned off with police tape and a US Coast Guard ship stands ready to assist in the distance off-shore. For all it's cordoning, there are few guard patrols around the ship. Not only is the Tamerlane to get to for casual pedestrians it is also hard to notice from the highway above. A routine guard patrol is found next to the ship focused on a pair of hastily prepared emergency ladders that can lead one to the top of the ship.
Those that arrive meet just outside the perception of the routine guards, a gathering of individuals you probably have not met before but all share an eagerness to see just what happened on the freighter.
Scene 1
Madame Zara drifts down from the highway, almost sashaying as she goes, her beads and gown swishing back and forth. Her guardian, Eliot, follows close by, expression stoic, but eyes bright.
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater is of course not coming with a bodyguard, she doesn't need one. Or at least in the Pardoners mind she does not need one. Just her Iron Lantern which is ready to be lit at a moments notice and her wits as she makes her way to the wreck. Ann said she wanted assistance with the thing, and she agreed to come along, so lets see what Ann has planned for the thing. Aside from some oddly dead bodies there is not much that is really of note right? Just a ship that broke free of its moorings and drifted up this way?
A black van pulls up and is let through the police tape. A small group of dressed Agents in Black and various skull insignias on their left breast get out. Lastly from the back doors Ann opens the door and kicks them the rest of the way open. *Alright I want you two on the left flank you two on the right flank and the rest to patrol the perimeter no pne gets in with the ability to see got it. If I find any civilian with the sight on this boat I swear to whatever God you believe in I will make you wish you never made it out training. You have your orders now go." She then heads toward the ship to wait for her ghostly friend.
The two operatives, in traditional MiB fashion, simply nod to Ann, then nod to each other, then nod to each other, in sequence, so everyone is nodded to then split to follow Ann's orders.
<WRAITH> Madame Zara lifts her brows and grins when she spots Sin, "Hello, darling. It's lovely to see you... though the circumstances are a bit grim. Ready to peer into the mystery?"
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater says, "Madame Zara, I hope you are well." She says as she watches the van pull up and the good little agents run off like ants following their queens orders. "I am curious what is going on, but I do not know how it involves us. After all, ships break their moorings often do they not?" She asks with a smile before "Ahh it seems Ann is here, have you met her? She is an Orpheus agent, not entirely sure the whole point of Orpheus but... ""
<WRAITH> Madame Zara looks puzzled, "I have never heard of it. Seems odd to have all of those quick at your disposal like that. With accidents like this, there are sure to be some restless, perhaps even enfants still in their cauls."
Ann walks over to the two ghosts idle, but she remains silent following Sin's orders to her and trying not to get her in trouble.
The Tamerlane is beached, with part of the ship on the beachfront. There is an access ladder, put there by emergency personell, to access the top deck of the ship. Three patrolmen are on watch near the ladder, looking bored ancticipating no one coming down here. To the wraiths in the shadowlands, there is nothing here oddly. The taint of Oblivion increases the closer you get to the ship.
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater says, "Well, they can see us, and hear us." She points out looking at Ann, "Madame Zara is not one of the Heirarchy drones who will punish you or I." She explains, "And Orpheus seems to not mind us, though they are unprepared for the things we face I think. Perhaps why so many agents for this boat." She smiles and looks back to Ann, "Evening Ann, are you leading this mission? It is good you are here though." I mean who is gonna open doors without her?! "Shall I light my lantern, it feels... Darker here. Or do you want to see what leaps out at us?""
<WRAITH> Madame Zara offers Anne a polite nod before her attention pulled to the ship... "Can you feel it... the taint of oblivion? It wafts off of the thing like black wisps."
Ann looks to Sin. "I'm the only one actually coming on the ship hun... and you're patronizing me again we had this talk." She looks to Madame Zara with a nod. "Oblivion? Are you sure?" She then heads over to the men lazily watching the ladder and shows her badge. "I'm going up."
DeadPixel rides up to the others on a bike. Hopping off, she puts it down on the ground, not even bothering with a kickstand. She treats it almost as if it does not belong to her. "Hey," she says softly, not making eye contact. Turning a little to Ann, she repeats, "hey," this time though with a bit of gruffness in her voice.
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater says, "I am not patronizing you." She says with a sigh, "I am just worried about you and what will be found on that boat." She admits, and why the hell not. She fuels the lantern with a point of Pathos, cuasing it to burn brightly, everything that hates the light or probably can see it will know she is there now. The Pardoner making herself a beacon of purity to drive back the encroaching darkness. Even if sometimes it does not work. "Shall we...." And she starts to make her way to the boat, when DeadPixel arrives, "Ahh, another." She sighs softly, more bodies to keep safe. "Good evening DeadPixel, shall we?" She asks, lifting the lantern and making her way to the ladders to get aboard the ship."
<WRAITH> Madame Zara watches the biker approach, not sure how to react, yet she sees Sin-Eater being friendly, so she offers her a smile. "Lead the way, Pardoner. Your light is a comfort."
Ann looks to Deadpixel with a nod and then says to the people at the ladder. "Her too." She tosses Deadpixel an Orpheus patch hoping she will play along to get her on the boat.
DeadPixel doesn't make a move to catch the Orpheus patch, letting it hit the ground. Instead she reaches into her messenger bag, pulls out a cloth patch, cuts it into the shape of a badge and sews it onto the front of her shirt.
ExpandDeadPixel uses magic to fool the guards! |
ExpandAnn convinces the guards of DeadPixel being with her |
<OOC> DeadPixel says, "diff 13 for awareness, so proably autofail."
The Patrolmen waves Ann through the moment she waves her badge. The patrolmen eye Ann when she tosses the patch to DeadPixel, who seems to ignore it, looking a touch confused as they seem to straighten a touch as DeadPixel sews her cloth patch to the front of her shirt.
<WRAITH> Madame Zara watches the exchange between DP and Ann curiously, watching the patch as it drifts to the ground. She reaches out, as if she'd like to catch it, but withdraws with a sigh as it is about to pass through her fingers.
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater sighs as DeadPixel and Ann seem to be continuing their slight conflict. "You two will have to play nicer or this is going to be a mess." She states, but she is not indicating which two in particular, though that tossed and ignored badge maybe some indication. "We do not have time to craft things."
DeadPixel stands up, leaving the badge on the ground as she pulls out a flashlight and straps the messenger bag back on her back. With her cloth 'badge' she walks past the guards, giving them a a quick "Evening."
<WRAITH> Madame Zara follows the group into the shadowy ship, keeping within the radius of Sin's lantern and wtching the actions of the quick with interest.
Ann sighs heading up the ladder. "You know I was trying to extend an olive branch there we are on a mission I don't want to squabble with someone who is working on the same thing I am."
Scene 2, Aboard the Tamerlane (Top Deck)
Scene Set
=========== | | < - The Bridge | | =========== | | <- Crew Quarters / Mess | | =================== | | <- Utility Area, Commons, Gear Hold | | ==================================================| |====================== | < Second Deck > | | | ==================================================| |===================== | < Third Deck > | | | ================================================================================
*********************************** TOP DECK ***********************************
The top deck of the Tamerlane is expansive and empty. Steel plating keeps you from falling under to the floors below and all of it contains some measure of rust and decay. An access hatch is toward the front of the ship that goes from the top to the bottom of the ship. At the very bottom is a fresh cargo container. It is difficult to make out anything apart from that this high. A shipping crane is still bolted and attached to the Tamerlane, used to collect cargo and hoist them down into the levels below or to maneuver cargo on the top deck. The control booth is covered by dirty glass, with a bullet-hole on opposing glass panes and...something, smearing the back of the chair. An investigator flag has #1 listed on it. Near the command module of the ship containing the bridge and crew quarters is a bloody hand-print taped as #10A. Next to it, on the ground, is a puddle you probably shouldn't step in. Not blood, but some sort of viscous fluid. It is noted as #2.
DeadPixel grunts at Ann, neither angry nor friendly, as she switches on her flashlight and starts looking around at the various flags. "Which way?" she says softly, her voice barely audible above the ocean waves.
<WRAITH> Madame Zara carefully boards the ship, allowing Eliot to go ahead and help her up the ladder, "He's such a dear, isn't he?" She peers around at the deck, glancing up for a moment at the bridge. Her gaze lingers on the container... "Sin, darling, does that container look new to you?"
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater hopefully was the first up, as her Lantern is much more... useful than a simple torch carried by the quick. Though doubtful it shines extra light on the skinlands as that torch does. Once atop she takes a moment to scan the ship, and the surrounding markers are all but ignored. Quick investigations being done can be investigated by the quick. Instead she uses her abilities of Life and death sight as needed. "The container does look newer, fresher than the rest." And she will attempt to scan it with both her sights from this distance. "Ann, do you have a copy of the preliminary investigators reports? What they found and what each flag is a marker of?"
Ann nods "Yeah let me pull up the information on my phone. I have a schematic of the ship here to so we don't miss anything." She reads and states. "The flags were where the bodies were." She reads on. "First body found in the crane ver decomposed, second body was in much the same condition. The container has a hole and blood on the top butnwas empty inside." She goves an affirmative nod.
DeadPixel moves close to Ann and looks at her phone over her shoulder.
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater says, "I see, the crate is.. Newer than the rest of the ship." She admits, "Perhaps it is a good place to start, I know of nothing on our side that would need to feed on blood however." She starts towards the proper and safe way to get down the decks, she does not have wings and does not feel like jumping it would seem, it would seperate her from the others. And the light must be with them all right? "The top of that crate, did it have a hole in it?""
<WRAITH> Madame Zara peers down, "It does not seem safe to venture down there alone... "Can they use that machine to bring it up?" She points to the crane.
<WRAITH> Madame Zara drats to herself, "Makes me wish I learned those fancy machine tricks!"
Ann moves the phone over so dp can get a better look. "Damn Kent I wish he came instead of sitting in his damn office all day." she shrugs and consults the schematic to see the best way down. "We can just walk through the ship I would like to investigate as much as possible anyway."
DeadPixel walks over to the hatch and kneels as she glances downward. Standing up she gives a little shrug, and points her flashlight around looking for a way to another level.
<WRAITH> Madame Zara says, "Upwards looks more promising... who knows what will be in the depths of the darkness."
Ann keeps studying the schematic. "Alright looks like the command module is the best place to go... We can head either up or down in there... It is through the common area." She points toward a door on the deck.
<WRAITH> Madame Zara seems fine letting others handle the details, she enjoys letting the vibes of the ship wash over her.
Scene 3, The Common Area
Scene Set
****************************** COMMON AREA ***********************************
The first area you enter in the command module of the Tamerlane is a general common area that houses, or use to house, most personal gear, tools and general on-hand equipment workers aboard the Tamerlane might need. It also doubled as just a general break room, in contrast to the more food-oriented kitchen mess that is upstairs. Unlike other areas of the ship one might find, this area seems relatively untouched by carnage or madness. Preservers, heavy jackets and emergency tanks are strapped along the walls in the case of emergency or in need of general use. A table is bolted to the floor, with chairs that have toppled over and are flung across the entirety of the area. Corkboards have rusted pins holding papers that have long since faded away their legibility - a few include some general rules, warnings, postings about emergency procedures but the details are lost to time.
It is oddly...lacking anything of significance here. No investigator flags, no tape. Nothing. Apparently they didn't find anything here.
An access hatch in the back of the room leads to a grated stairwell that descends downward into the second deck. A spiral staircase ascends up to the Crew Quarters and, further, up to the bridge.
DeadPixel looks around with her flashlight, before flashing it up and down, as if to suggest the others should pick a direction.
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> DeadPixel rolls Perception + Alertness vs 7 for 0 successes. 1 -1 4 6 6 7 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> DeadPixel rolls Perception + Alertness vs 8 for 1 successes. 2 6 6 7 7 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Madame Zara rolls Perception + Awareness vs 6 for 5 successes. 4 4 +6 +6 +8 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Ann at this point pulls her own flashlight and gun in the standard cop cross hand technique. She looks around as well. "What direction hun... I mean Sin we looking at going?"
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Ann rolls Perception + Alertness vs 8 for 4 successes. +8 +9 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sin-Eater rolls Perception + Alertness vs 8 for 2 successes. 3 4 7 7 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<WRAITH> Madame Zara puts out her hands , fingers reaching out. She closes her eyes, "Can you feel it?! The shroud has been rent here... multiple times, intentionally it seems."
Ann gets a nod from Sin and she turns looking the same direction. "Huh? Why would those be missing?" She looks to the group. "A life preserver and an airtank are missing here... Also we might want to go up and just work our way down. Seems the most efficient."
DeadPixel shrugs, and just heads down. Whether she's a fearless leader or a suicidal moron is a matter of opinion.
Scene 4 - The Second Deck
****************************** SECOND DECK ***********************************
Accessible via the Utility area OR by being silly and jumping down the access hatch from the top deck, the second deck is a cavernous ruin of it's former glory. There are no 'rooms' to speak of here in the second deck. It is entirely open to make room for the multitude of heavy goods being trafficked. Within this large expanse are dozens, upon dozens, of rotted away pallets and rusted oil containers. Never fear, they are all empty. Some are still strapped to pallets as if someone, eons ago, forgot they were here, while others have cascaded across the second deck. Two things of significance are found on the second deck. The first is found halfway between the entrance to the commons above and the access hatch from the top deck. A rusted propane forklift has managed to pierce it's forks into the side of the Tamerlane. There is traces of blood on the operating levers and chair of the forlift. It has been flagged, #10A. The second is found at the edge of the access hatch. Looking below, to the third deck below, there is a cargo container - oddly modern given the perceived age of the Tamerlane. Blood has puddled and pooled along the top of the container and by the looks of it, jumping would land one in the middle of the container below. At the edge of the access hatch are several flags with body outlines: #3 #4 #5 and #6. The bodies are not there. In the Shadowlands the forks of the industrial forklift are splattered with the excess residue of plasm. There is also a heavy smear of the deadstuff on the hull where the forks have breached.
DeadPixel goes down to the second deck and begins to look around with her flashlight. The forklift seems to get her attention for awhile.
Ann surveys the room as they head down the stairs she looks back to here phone to get info on the flags more curious of the bodies. "Four men recently dead killed execution style. All civilians. Tattoo on each of them of an eye with a skull as a pupil and a five on the skull's forehead."
<---======##====================[ What does this mean? ]=====================##======---> Madame Zara rolls Perception + Lore Wraith vs 6 for 3 successes. 1 2 5 +7 +7 +9 9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ What does this mean? ]=====================##======---> DeadPixel rolls Perception + Lore Wraith vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 4 5 5 +9 +9 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ What does this mean? ]=====================##======---> Ann rolls Perception + Lore Wraith vs 6 for 3 successes. 2 2 +6 +8 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<WRAITH> Madame Zara lifts a hand to Sin, "Look... am embodied wraith was impaled by this machine... its plasm is here..."
"I wonder if it would have been one of the marked bodies," DeadPixel notes. "That means we might be looking at 10 or 12."
Ann shrugs. "Maybe. Not one on this level though. I feel like Impaled man would be on the autopsy reports." She sighs. "Anyone know if these tattoos means anything."
<---======##====================[ A Tattoo? ]=====================##======---> Madame Zara rolls Wits + Occult vs 8 for 1 successes. 1 4 5 7 +8 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ A Tattoo? ]=====================##======---> DeadPixel rolls Wits + Occult vs 8 for 2 successes. 2 2 5 +8 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
"I think I recognize those tattoos," DeadPixel says to the others. "It's a local occult group. I don't know much about this one, not even a name. I just think I saw the tattoo before at one of the people who cae to one of my shows."
Ann nods "Well that explains why these bodies look much more fresh than the ones up top."
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater shakes her head, coming out of whatever fog like trance she may have been in as she wandered with the group on autopilot holding her lantern... Is it even still lit? (Sorry RL Phone calls). She looks around at the group and sighs, "Sorry, for my addled brain a quick run down of what you all have discovered? And where we have checked?"
<WRAITH> Madame Zara says, "It seems like a wraith was implaed by that piece of equipment."
"The tattoos are a local group," DeadPixel adds. "So we got a dead wraith as a twelth victim, and some of the ones are locals."
Ann smiles at Sin. "Welcome back beautiful. We got some info from this floor four bodies execution style. Apparently a local group their bodies were a lot more recently deceased than the two up on top deck."
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater says, "I doubt the wrath is dead." She admits, "Harrowed perhaps, maybe even became a spectre, but I doubt it is dead." She than looks back to Madame Zara. "Can you get a reading on who or what the fate of that wrath maybe?" She nods, "And thank you Ann, do we know why some bodies are older than the others?"
Scene 5 - The Third Deck/Cargo Container
****************************** THIRD DECK ***********************************
Accessible from the back of the second deck, the third deck reminds you much of the one above. Empty, cavernous expanse. There is nothing down here save the dank smell of rust obvious to the naked eye. The only thing of import, seen above from the access hatch, is a freshly modern cargo container...with a few oddities to it. Crossing the empty interior waste the cargo container has been burst open from the inside. The door hatch could not hold whatever came out of it and the doors have been pried open by an immeasurable amount of force. The container, on close inspection, is etched with dark-colored markings that look to wrap themselves entirely around the container, focusing on a central point on the container's roof. Inside the container bolted in the center is an unlidded box the size of a person to lay in. Blood smears are prevalent inside as the container's roof has a hole on it dripping in a droplet every 5 minutes or so into this box. Scattered across the floor of the container are black rocks that reflect the light of the underworld like glass.
DeadPixel puts her flashlight securely into the strap of her messenger bag. Pulling out a can of black spraypraint, she tags 'dpxl' in script on the fresh cargo container, adding a little semi-circle at the bottom, along with dots in the 'd' and 'p' making them look like 'eyes' and the tail of the 'p' like a nose. It looks less urban gritty and more schoolgirl diary. It's almos surprising she didn't tag her full 'name' so that she could add a 'heart' above the 'i'. Once done she steps back a little and peers at the cargo container.
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater frowns as she watches DeadPixel continue to grafitti things. "Do you think that might impair the Quicks investigation and make them start looking into you?" She asks with a smile, but she turns to Zara, "If you would be so kind, Oracle. "I fear I do not know what could have been... In such a thing being given droplets of blood." She turns her attention to Ann, "Anything you or Orpheus may know about thi sthing?"
<WRAITH> Madame Zara peers at the container, "Whatever was in there was monstrous... look at its aftermath... I may be able to read something about it."
<---======##====================[ Perceive the Fate Strands! ]=====================##======---> Madame Zara rolls Perception + Fatalism vs 6 for 2 successes. 1 2 5 5 +9 +10 10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<WRAITH> Madame Zara puts her hand to her chest, stepping back a bit, "Pure oblivion was in that container... unbridled like a beast. It crawled out..."
DeadPixel gives a slight shrug. "The question is were the locals coming to unload this or had they just loaded it?"
<WRAITH> Sin-Eater frowns more as the Oracle reacts the way she does, and she considers something drastic. "Let me see what you saw." And she will attempt to rewind the last minute of the Oracles memory and play it back for herself. ((hope no one minds if I do that...))
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Ann rolls Perception + Investigation vs 7 for 2 successes. 2 3 6 +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Sin-Eater rolls Perception + Mnemosynis vs 5 for 5 successes. 3 +6 +7 +8 +8 +8 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Ann turns her flashlight to a hole in the frame and gasps moving away from the container. She grabs gloves from her pocket and touches something. "Uh guys I think I found something else... poor kid." She starts to tear up.
Investigation Paused.