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Latest revision as of 21:41, 27 February 2024

Party Seeds
Hanging out in Reves, a potential party is discussed.
IC Date February 27, 2024
Players Alicia, Cait, Iolanthe, Sark
Location Lost in Time Market - Reves Errant
Spheres Changeling

Lost in Time Market - Rêves Errant

When one opens the stained-glass-inlaid front door, or peers in through the partly-curtained display windows, this large space seems cozy despite its broad expanse. A hearth on one wall, a bar on the other, and seating in between invite the weary traveler or the curious onlooker alike to come, sit a spell, and enjoy some warm and cheerful hospitality. The Glamour floating through the air is of many colors and flavors -- a little something for just about everyone.

The hearth is to the left as one enters, covering most of that side. A mantle made of some warm brownish-purple wood, huge enough to require multiple trolls to lift, dominates the brickwork. The open hearth offers a cozy fire that burns cheerfully, without making the room too hot. In front of it is an open space used as a stage or dancefloor, and on any given night, you might find a singer, a rhymer, a fiddler, or any other sort of entertainer plying their trade for the patrons. A sign near the hearth reads, "Entertain us if you wish!"

The bar is to the right. It's small, with only four stools, but it's clearly meant more for people awaiting friends than for long-term occupancy. The wood of the bar matches the mantle, polished and beautiful, its surface sleek as silk. It is the place where food is delivered to the wait staff, as well, because the door leading to the immaculate kitchen is visible behind it.

By the door is a sign: "NO MOUNTS INSIDE, PLEASE!"

There is a selection of wooden tables that also match bar and mantle, each with its own quiltwork cushions in cheery colors and patterns that seem to flow and move as you watch. Mixed in are a few conversation groupings of couch and chairs around low coffee tables. Some of the chairs of each sort are larger-sized, some smaller-sized, just to accommodate all of the Kithain and other visitors.

<<< +views are set here >>>

Sark is perched at one of the tables close by the hearth, slowly snacking on a couple of cakes Iolanthe brought over, and seems to be animatedly chatting away with her. Currently staring curiously at her mouth?

Iolanthe grins "I am very, very good at making a husk out of glamour. Sort of weave myself a human suit to walk around in. they deteriorate rapidly, but remaking them is easy enough. And I can make them look like almost anybody, but I am fond of this body at the moment. I tried being a male once, it was awful. So many weird appendages to sculpt. Anyway, good as I am, I am not perfect. There's always small details I can't get right. Teeth. I am never good at teeth. And I do appreciate the offer, but I need that anchor close at hand. I use it to channel my power. I can do it without the anchor, of course, but... it is harder. gets out of control sometimes, and you do NOT want to be there when that happens. Vesuvius, AD 79...? Yeah. Solimond got a little sloppy. When we screw up, we tend to do it in spectacularly bad ways!"

Cait wanders in, and gives a wave to those she knows as she moves to the bar to get a drink.

Alicia enters the shop. Alicia has arrived.

Sark giggles a little at the last comment from Iolathe and pops another piece of cake into his mouth, "I dont think I have heard of any of my relatives having something spectacular like that happen. Thats fascinating. But then lets hope that doesnt happen here in the middle of Prospect. That would be like...bad." He winks at her and looks up at the entrance of familiar faces, waving happily at Cait and calling out to her, "Hello again! Want to come sit? YOu met Iolanthe before, right?"

Iolanthe laughs a little more. "Not long ago, someone asked me if I could weave a huge thorn forest to protect his castle, like in fairy stories! I said sure, i can do that, but it needs renewing periodically, and sooner or later, it WILL get out of control. He didn't understand so I just said... Isengard. Ents. Get the picture. he changed his mind pretty quickly." She looks round and sees Cait, and waves a hand. "Hey, come have some honey and poppy seed cake!" She looks down at her cake then frowns. "This is not my best work. i knew I should have asked the bees personally for some honey, but noooooo I just had to go with shop bought. More fool me!"

Cait collects a mug of some fae-begotten brew, and starts over toward Sark and Iolanthe. "Hello there! And I'd love some... but don't worry about the bees on my account.. I'm sure they were under plenty of pressure already, with how much mead this place goes through."

Alicia *appears* in Reves in a flickerflash. She's not wearing her armor today, instead wearing a form-hugging, sleeveless silk tunic and tights. The Fiona rubs the back of her neck and cracks it. "Gods, I need a drink and a massage," She says, before looking to the assembled. "Hail."

Sark grins at the exchange and scoots himself over in the booth to make room for Cait. Seeing Alicia just appear in the middle of everything gets another wave and a call out, "Hey there. I cant help with the massage, but if you grab a mug from the bar, we have comfortable seats for your butt?" With that said, he settle back down and grins at Iolanthe, "See? I should lure you out to my island and see if I can convince you to create some nifty things for me there. Im sure the horses wont mind."

Iolanthe grins at Cait. "As yet, I have not quite mastered the language of bees. Entities with no real mind to speak of individually are hard to talk to, and hives or nests of ants and termites do have a controlling concept, but not a concept of language as we might understand it. And I know I could just MAKE the bees give the honey, animals are sort of my forte when it comes to glamour control, but I would never be so rude or mean to them. So... store bought it is, alas." She sees the sudden arrival, and nods a polite head. "My lady. I am not sure I am much good at massage, but we have cake. That's like a massage for the tongue, is it not?"

Cait doesn't miss a beat. Turning, she hands her still-untouched drink to Alicia, and then moves to guide the other sidhe over toward Sark and Iolanthe. "Here y'go... now you jus' set on down and have some of these honey cakes. Give it a bit, and I'll see if I can scare up an Octopus-pooka or somethin' for that massage." She smiles at Iolanthe, "Massage for the tongue indeed. And it's good that you're considerate even to the bees. I'd say it speaks well of your upbringing, but... well, I kinda think that'd be so long ago as to be hard to say, really."

Sealgaira smiles to Cait. "You didn't have to give me your own drink . . . " She says, but notably, she doesn't give it back. In fact, without even knowing what it is, the Fiona takes a long drink. "But thank you." Sighing as she sits, Sealgaira continues. "I need to work with Clint Eastwood. He doesn't do 30 takes of a scene. Anyways, how is everyone?" Then, she takes a bite of cake.

Sark nods quickly at the mention of the cakes, "They are very sweet and tasty. Goes with the mead very well..." Another drink is taken, his pub fries long forgotten over the presentation of sweet cakes instead. Even wiggling a little in his chair, he beams at Cait's suggestion and offers, "Ooo. Is there such thing as an octopus pooka? One of those could be amazing at that kind of thing...."

Iolanthe laughs. "I don't think i had an upbringing. We inanimae just... appeared. Spontaneous creation! And back then, an upbringing was probably something like 'this is a rock, this is a tree' and that was about it." She peers at Alicia. "You know, i heard once that Clint Eastwood is one of only two men who never blink when firing a gun on set. The other is Yul Brynner." she then ponders. "Now there is a man I could very easily have spent a lot of time around. What is it about bald humans? Sets the pulse racing. Odd, isn't it?"

Cait chuckles, "Is it that he never blinks, or he never stops squinting and opens his eyes enough to blink?" She makes her way back toward the bard to get another drink, then shrugs at Sark's question, "As for the pooka... I dunno! I suppose that fishing-captain would know, though. We could ask!"

"I don't blink when I fire guns on set," Sealgaira says. "I don't know, there's a new emphasis on having the actors be actually skilled with firearms for parts they play. Keanu has enough training to be SAS, I think. Good cakes."'

Sark mmms and nods at Cait, "I will have to ask DeeDee when I see her next. She might know!" Another piece of cake is torn off and popped into his mouth to munch on while he listens to the others. At Seal giara's comment, he tilts his head, "Are they trying to get the actors and actresses to start doing their own stunts too? That seems rather dangerous to risk a famous face over...."

"What is acting on screen like?" Iolanthe is curious. "I spent a lot of time on the stage in the 19th century, but never wanted to risk a camera, I thought it might be too easy to slip up and reveal parts of my existence that humans are better not seeing. My love is the opera, though. There's no better feeling than the adulation of a theatre of people after you conclude a wonderful performance! It's addictive!" But Sark's comment receives a frown. "I am sure many like to claim they do their own stunts, but I don't believe most of that. The movie companies wouldn't let them. Even a minor injury can massively screw over a shooting schedule, and there's also the insurance aspect. Hell, even a fairly basic break can require recasting. that Sharpe series, all the guns and spain and stuff... They recast the lead actor to that Yorkshire chap who keeps dying. The original actor broke his foot in the first shooting of the football scene. Ended up recast, and he lost what was probably the best job he would ever get. Movie people don't mess around, it seems!"

Cait says, “Mostly, I think they're trying to get Tom Cruise to *stop* doing his own stunts. I mean, I hear in his next movie, he's planning to actually do a nude sky-dive into a damp sponge...”

"I actually agree with Danny Trejo. There are stunt people that specialize in that sort of thing. I'm not danger adverse. I mean, I'm literally fearless. But if I can make more films or shows because I'm not taking months on end for the stunt work, then that is more glamour in the world." Sealgaira smirks to Iolanthe. "Much, much different from the stage. I did some of that before the Sundering. On stage, facial expressions are exaggerated, small movements don't matter as much. Acting for the screen is so different. My face could be the only thing on screen, and every micro expression visible. They'll change views, cut, different angle, reaction. And sometimes all you have to work with is some dude wearing a green bodysuit holding a tennis ball. And then there's directors who know what they want, but can't figure out how to tell you what they want. And you do 30 takes."

Sark nods slowly as he listens to them, though Cait's comment draws a little more of an amused look from the young man, "Stella mentioned him from the, ah, Mission Impossible movies? I hadnt watched any of those yet. I was still catching up on most of the fantasy stuff, comparing different people's takes on dragons in other movies. YouTube and Hulu have so much stuff on them I dont think I'll ever catch up entirely...."

Iolanthe blinks at Cait. "Is it bad I want to sky-dive into a sponge now? I mean, really, really want to?" She shivers, almost erotically. Kubera... sensation junkies. "I see what you mean about on screen work. I mean, it is all right when you are as beautiful as you are my lady, but some of us would need a little more help with that. And I can't risk someone examining my face that closely. My husks tend to have small variations and imperfections, and they would be too easy to spot." Sark does get a grin though. "There's some really good things out there if you want to laugh at humans and their absurd notions! Have you ever watched things by Disney? Tinker Bell movies. How they picture the fair folk is... just downright bizarre!"

Cait says, “Well, part of that's us, part of that's them... they stick to the stuff they think they can market, and we make sure they get enough of it wrong to not risk people figurin' too much out. Wouldn't do to be... predictable, you know?”

"Well, like I said, Sark, please don't take offense to Morgan la Fey killing the world-eating dragon in this film," Sealgaira says, drinking and eating more. She's had a long, long day. "And I don't know onto a sponge, but we can go skydiving, Iolanthe, sometime. If you want. Just let me know when I am back from Albion."

Sark grins toothily at Sealgiara and scrunches his nose, "Well, I know its all special effects so no worries. Humans like stories of humans trouncing monsters, so I cant get upset at studios making money off of that. Right?" He shrugs a shoulder at that and upends his mug to drain the last of his mead. He chuckles at Iolanthe and nods, "Stella pointed me at a few of the 'classic' Disney movies so I would understand the culture references and yes, some of them are, ah, very silly...."

Iolanthe chuckles. "Makes sense. If humans are going to be poking at the kithain, it is best for you to control how far they go." She nibbles more cake. She is apparently not at all satisfied with her own work. "I will definitely let you know. I vaguely recall that I can fly. I think. I might have imagined that. It makes the prospect all the more spicy, that element of risk. And I did hear that there was a trip to the Highlands in the offing. I would love to come, if there is room. I have not been there for almost forty years. Beautiful countryside. So barren but so filled with life!"

Cait says, “I mean, also.... 'World-Eating Dragon'?" She gestures between Sark and Alicia, "I mean, come *on*... if some other dragon eats the world, where's Sark gonna keep his stuff? He's got to allow for that kind of assist, doesn't he? He can't possibly know about ALL of the potential threats to his wealth and security, and then have to deal with them all himself. I'm sure in that situation, Ol' Morgan could be seen as... deputized...”

Sealgaira nods to Io. "You're more than welcome to come. I hope you do. I have plenty of room. And, I think you all are going to agree we're traveling in style when you see it." She polishes off the cake and looks around for something more.

Sark waggles his eyebrows at Cait on the world-eating dragon comment, "If I ever get that fat, someone probably needs to kill me to send me back to the wheel so I can start over as a reasonable size again, and THIS time around, avoid the doughnuts." When Sealgiara looks around for more food, he offers, "I can order some more pub fries of some of those tasty stuffed mushrooms if you like?"

Iolanthe snorts. "I am not sure a dragon COULD eat the whole world. It's way too big. And VERY hot inside. I never came across anything that could actually do that, as far as I recall. It's the sort of thing one tends to never forget, even with my very patchy memory. I can see a dragon taking a pretty big bite or two out of some places, but I don't imagine a planet is especially appetising."

Cait says, “Ah, I'm afraid I'll have to take a pass on this trip. I'm still ferreting out all of the small, hidden ways and tracks in the nearby Dreaming, and the job never truly rests. I can't be off halfway around the world when someone gets attacked out there. If nothing else, Biggs might save them on his own, and I just can't deal with that level of smug.”

"It's a film. I am sure the scriptwriter didn't actually check with real dragons," Sealgaira says. She looks to Sark. "Pub fries. Sir, you are a scholar and a gentleman. And a genius. That's what we need." The Fiona gets a server to bring them an order of fries. "And who is Biggs? Is there another Balor here I don't know about?"

Sark awws softly at Cait, but offers, "You know, if he enjoys it, I should come visit Biggs sometime and see how much he likes chasing things around, since I dont think his fangs will do much to me if he gets worked up." To Iolanthe, he just grins, "Well, one like me? Probably not. A Celestial certainly could, but one of those showing up on this plane would be a Big Disturbing Event, so...yeah." Sealgiara says she would like some fries and Sark nods and hops up out of his chair with his mug to get a refill and make an order....returning just a few moments later with more mead and a fresh basket of 'holy shit these just came out of the fryer' fries, plopping them down in the middle of the table, "Careful not to burn your fingertips off...."

Iolanthe dusts her hands off of crumbs. "My lady, i would be honourd to join you then. I am curious as to how you intend to go there. I usually just open a portal and poof! Other places! I have used many human transportation machines, but honestly, they tend to be slow and cumbersome once you get the hang of a portal." She grins at Cait. "My estate is in the Deep Dreaming. It is never the same shape whenever I see it. it has definite themes to it, like wood, of course, but it happily ignores the laws of both permanence and physics. It was Versaille for a brief time when i was living in France. but the fountains were filled with congac. At the moment it is more modest. It reflects my mood, somewhat. You'd be most welcome to visit, my friends. it's been a while since I had guests. Just have to promise not to wander off or you could end up in the Slow Empires unaccompanied, and that's a very good way to vanish for a couple of centuries. Some of the gladelings like to make humans and kithain into playthings. they don't have my sense of neighbourliness and friendship."

Cait smiles, "Biggs... uhm... no, he's not... well. I suppose in his way, he's with the House, but..." She nods toward the sign, "He's not allowed in here, you see. Probably for the best, though. I'm sure you'll meet him eventually. Maybe when we do that interrogation, if there's room." Then she smiles at Iolanthe, "I'd love to visit some time. The Paths lead through the Deep Dreaming as well, after all, and we Guard them as far as we can track, back down the roads to Arcadia."

"I can't tell you how we're going to get there. It's a secret," Sealgaira says, before scarfing fries. "And, Iolante, darling, if you had fountains filled with cognac, change it back! Now I want a fountain filled with cognac."

Sark tilts his head as he listens to Iolanthe, soaking in the description she's giving, "I've been told the Deep Dreaming is very hard to navigate because it will keep changing on you, so I have not tried to explore very far away from here. Do you know a trick or a skill you can teach, or is it just a connection you have that lets you find your way home and back to here without getting lost?"

Iolanthe beams and claps her hands. "I just ADORE a surprise! I am really looking forwards to this. I shall dress appropriately. I am not sure what tartan I should be wearing though." She purses her lips as she considers. "The Slow Empires are a little different to the Deep Dreaming you might know. They are the ancient home of my people, and reflect our personalities. they are... elemental. Often viscerally so. And my lady, I am sure a fountain of congac can be managed if I really concentrate. Mind you, things got very out of hand in the 70s.. For a while it was a copy of Studio 54, made of teak. And there were bushes that had blossoms where the pollen was actually high quality cocaine. I did get a little carried away in the 70s..." She shrugs. "Life is for living, after all." She considers Sark's query a moment. "I know how to travel the trods as all kithain can, that's a skill we share. And within the Slow Empires, my people are perfectly safe. It is our home, so we have no problems getting around. Even if there are changes. But it is inherent to our people. Our genetics, maybe. If you dumped me in the deep dream, far, far from home, I'd be as susceptible as any of you to getting lost. Of course, inanimae can simply portal from almost anywhere to anywhere else. That's a skill we developed pretty early on, and believe me, back when the only mode of transport was walking, it was VERY convenient."

Cait laughs, "Sounds like you simply had a very good time, in the 70s." She nods at the talk of taking trods, and adds, "As long as you remain on the Silver, Sark, you're *probably* fine. There are very few threats that can breach that safety... but when there are, they are... fell creatures, indeed. It is against such threats that my order stake our vigilance."

"You have no idea the amount of fury I have at missing the 70s. A whole bunch of my house made it for the party, but me? I guess I got fucking *lost* on the way out of Arcadia or some shit. Studio 54 . . . " Sealgaira grabs a fry and eats it. Angrily. She angrily chews on the fry.

Sark mmms and nods slowly at Cait, then nods towards Sealgiara, "I think we have plans to explore and patrol a little off of the path, and I know we are eventually supposed to hunt down Ironwood for the floating ship everyone wants to build. I just think it is a case of getting people organized and finally getting out and doing it, but things had been a little, ah, chaotic lately and it is nice to let things calm down a bit, you know?" He slowly nods at Iolanthe and looks a LITTLE disappointed, "So probably not something you can teach me, then. Damn."

Iolanthe clucks her tongue gently. "I am very sorry you missed it. Honestly, there was a lot more going on than just that, some of it was pretty rough. TBut I got to tour with Zeppelin and Floyd. I did backing vocals on Dark Side of the Moon. Ended up living in a flat With Viv Westwood and Jordan Mooney in the punk years. Then went all new romantics in the 80s. Good times, good times." She sighs wistfully. "I dunno, people don't seem to know how to have FUN the same way any more. Ever been to Coachella? Nightmare! Corporate idea of what fun should be. I had more fun in the renaissance, and I was asleep for that!" Sadly, she cannot teach Sark how to navigate the deeper reaches of the Dream. But... could anybody?

Cait winces at the description of Coachella. "Well... maybe you two..." She gestures between the Fiona and the Kubera, "Should throw a party. Something really grand and sweeping... start stocking up on Glamour and Dross and just... everyone gets enchanted at the door. They won't *remember* anything they shouldn't, and it'll let everyone cut loose and have a good time. Put out feelers with others if you have the contacts... everyone's invited for a big Beltane party on the beach, or something. The only rules are: don't be a shit, and don't fuck up the party. After all, it's only a few weeks away, and you..." she nods to Sealgaira, "Should be back here by then, right? Or soon enough after that you can take the weekend for a party?"

Iolanthe looks a little distant. "Beltane party... it's an awfully tempting idea. I have not held a party for way too long. Oh, the good old days... blood sacrifices and fertility rituals and huge bonfires..." She sighs happily. "Not really something we can do these days, but oh, how I miss them! We could hold a good shindig though. I am sure that rustling up the drink won't be hard, I do work in a bar, and undoubtedly there are other sources. As for drugs, that's easy! Most of them are plant based, and I am a skilled herbalist as well as a dryad, you know. I haven't tried any of the newer drugs though. I dropped E back in the 90s in Ibiza, of course. Never tried meth, though. It's been on my to do list." Kubera generally, and Iolanthe in particular, are hardcore sensation seekers. It is not like human drugs can really have the same addictive impact on her species, after all.

"I would like to do a proper Fiona Beltane party. One with plenty of sex, drugs, and rock and roll," Sealgaira says, still angrily eating her fries, steaming over missing the 70s

At the mention of a Beltaine party, Sark 'oos' a little and leans closer to Cait, "I cant really manipulate glamour or dross, but if I can help you gather it, just let me know how and Im sure I can manage. Which reminds me. Maybe when we get back from Scotland, I have a favor to ask some of you concerning an item I found in JJ's store as well. It needs some investigating and I cant really do it myself."

Iolanthe is warming to the party idea a great deal. Offer a kubera a chance to party, and they will practically bite your hand off! "Yes! Oh my, yes! We can get some great bands. There's a lot of talent in this region, and we get some excellent acts at the Murder of Crows. Lilith will probably know how to boook them. Plenty of drugs, great music, a lot of excellent exotic food - you can count on me for that, unless some of the other kith chefs want to chip in, I am not a hog for all the glory. As for the sex, I mean.... it IS traditional. It's been a very long time since I was at any kind of orgy. That was something the twentieth century definitely had more of. I am all for the smashing of the patriarchy and the rights of women, but one of those rights should be to have an orgy when we want one, and somehow, that's been overlooked!"

Cait says, “Well..." She looks between the two of them, "It sounds like the two of you should see about getting permission from one of the Baronesses... I mean, there's the Baron, too, but he's off in the middle of noplace.. though, come to think of it, the Isles are *literally* no-where, so... talk to Baroness Mererid. Obviously not everyone would want to go to a party where there are orgies, but if you have a decent venue you can close off to the public.. except for partygoers, obviously... why not see if you can make it some kind of official event?”

Cait leans in to whisper to Sark, "I have no idea what help they'll need... but they'll probably need some. As for your item... I'll be happy to come take a look whenever you like."”

"Yes, a nice traditional Beltane party. And the Baroness probably wouldn't want to come to that. Poor woman, too much like her house," Sealgaira says.

Sark whispers to Cait, “Thank you! I will hunt you down soon to hand it over and explain and see if there is anything you might be able to find out for me. I will owe you a favor for it....”

Sark mmmms softly and smiles a little more, "Well, not all parties are for everyone, yes? Or perhaps it would be something she would attend the first part of but then go home for the rest. I mean, if I understand it correctly, Beltaine ends up being where a lot of people pair off and go hook up later in the evening? Maybe I am thinking of something else...." He leans in for a moment to nod at something from Cait and even leans in to give her cheek a chaste kiss.

Iolanthe frowns. "Oh, yes. I keep forgetting, need to ask for permission for things here. It's not something I've really had to worry about very much. I mean, technically speaking, I *am* inanime aristocracy, but since I am the only one in the State as far as I know, it isn't like it means very much, and the Empire of Seeds isn't very interested in diplomatic relations with kithain, generally speaking. I usually just get left to do whatever I feel like. But yes, I will be polite, and wait for proper permission. Not sure about the venue though. Murder of Crows is too small. we do have the fae-only VIP lounge, but it would never be enough for a decent beltane bash. There's some nice glades out in the woods, but the fuzzywoofs get ridiculously territorial. They tried to ban me from going there, once. And ONLY once. Someone pointed out exactly how suicidally stupid THAT idea was, but I probably better not push them on that. I'd hate to have to destroy the city or something, just to make a point." She's kidding... isn't she? Hopefully? She does grin at Sark though. "Every party tends to be like that once I turn up. Or it does for me, anyway. I can't help it. Kubera like me are fertility deities, after all. It's basically our job."

Cait shrugs, "Well, I'm more thinking that there may be some 'official' functions already going on? Isn't there some kind of renewal ceremony usually planned for then? So if that's going on... Beltane's on a Thursday this year, right? Maybe plan the party for the next night, do it as a weekend-long after-party?" She nods to Sark, "That generally seems to be the trend, but I'm sure Sealgaira and Iolanthe would know more on that."

"Pair off or group up. It doesn't matter much. I'll talk to the Baroness about official events. I am sure there would be a county wide event for all the fae, and making a Fiona afterparty sounds like a good idea. I might even enchant Trixie for the night. Shit, while I am here, I need to hop into her dream," Sealgaira says. "And forge that connection."

Sark nodsnods at Iolanthe and Cait, then perks up a little at Sealgiara, "Ooo. Trixie is that cute one from King's that they make wear the latex bikini? She's very sweet but I think her bosses like to make her squirm."

Iolanthe waves a hand. "I honestly have no idea what official plans are made by the kithain, I am afraid. I am not really in the loop, so to speak. I get on very well with the baroness, we are on good terms, but I am not technically part of any motley, nor am I even your species. I don't exactly get the court circulars. I probably would if I was willing to swear all the oaths and so forth, but that's just not my thing. I willingly offer all my abilities when needed, and haave agreed to abide by the laws you are obliged to follow, but I suspect without any really binding oath, very few of the people in charge are going to really think of me as one of the family, you know?" She frowns. "Do I know a Trixie? the name is familiar, but I meet hundreds of people every week at the bar, so it is a bit tricky to keep them all straight. The bikini sounds fun though. Is it squeaky?"

Cait shrugs, taking a long pull of her drink. "Well, I wasn't necessarily thinking a 'Fiona' afterparty... or even a 'county' one. Like I said, open it up to everyone, just enchant them at the door. It'd take a lot of Glamour, but... maybe there could be some kind of ritual enchantment cast on a venue? Something... roomy, with lounges and private areas." She blinks at Sark's words, "They do what to her? That's not right.." Then she smiles at Iolanthe, "Oh, don't worry about oaths. I'm just suggesting talking to her about it so nobody winds up working at cross-purposes. People seem far too prone to misunderstanding, sometimes."

"I like to see her squirm. We had some great sex right there on the dance floor in this club Kieran took me to. Trixie is great fun. And since my Satyr is off limits . . . I need something to do. Someone to do," Sealgaira says.

Iolanthe chuckles huskily. "Ah the famous appetites of the passionate Fiona! I really do sympathise, I have the same sort of urges myself, especially in the springtime. Sap rises, you know? And if it turns out there is an issue with you holding parties, I can always hold one and you turn up." She thinks. "You know, if you are needing someone to burn off a little passion, I could give you names. Many, MANY, names... I gate at least a dozen or so napkins with numbers across the bar every week. I'd be happy to share. Some of them are not bad looking, either, but I tend to be very choosy when it comes to humans. There's a risk they might look a little too hard at me with my clothes off and see that things are not entirely... usual."

Cait smirks a bit, "And if nothing else, I could go back to looking for those octo-pookas. Or just let you snuggle up with Biggs. He's very friendly."

"Well, you could give me your name," Sealgaira says. "But I already know it, Iolanthe." The Sidhe gives the Dryad a winning smile.

Iolanthe laughs richly. "Octopooka. Now THAT is a movie I would like to see! Pooka are a lot of fun. Ondines and Pooka are an absolute riot if you get them together, so long as you don't mind the occasional pie in the face." She winks at Sealgaira. "I'm more than happy to accomodate you, of course. I've always got wood." Yes, she went there. Someone had to.

Cait just groans. "Shall I give you ladies some privacy, then? I can always go back out on patrol."

"Another time. I need to find out where Trixie lives and then pay her a visit before going back to Albion," Sealgaira says. "But, I wish you all a good night."

Iolanthe grins. "As you wish, you know where to find me! And I should be getting back there, I actually have work to do. Strange as it seems, I enjoy it. I hardly need the money, but I like the music, and meeting the people." She rises and bobs a little curtsey "Drop by any time, I'll fix us something nice in the kitchen."