June Allen

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June Diana Allen

"I'd like to be a tree."



June/Stats June/Gifts June/Merits June/Flaws June/Soundtrack June/Filler


Mikaela: Doesn't really look like the kind of person who'd give me the time of day, but she's ended up my first real friend here. If she thinks that teasing is cute, though, she's got another thing coming.

Lyra: I owe you my life, probably. At the very least, my sanity...who knows what would've happened if you hadn't found me bumbling around like an idiot. I guess that's why what happens to you matters so much to me...and why I'm so worried, after the Hell we survived together.

Ashera: For now, my teacher. She's already done an insane amount for me for basically nothing in return. Meeting someone else in my situation did me a world of good in the head...

Kaeldra: Went from fast friend to sparring buddy. She might 'get me' more than anyone I know, honestly, and I never woulda called that.

Serqet: I trust you in ways I don't know that I could trust anyone else.

Ciar: Well, when you think about her circumstances, she's actually pretty mellow, all things considered...

Evonnia: Like her 'sister,' not sure how much sinister is posturing or archaism. I like her, but I'm not sure I trust her on a level beyond 'contact.' She's uh. Good at throwing me off.

Xiu: I'm not gonna pretend like this is a 'normal' friendship, but normalcy is pretty overrated. I like her. A lot. That's about it.


"Of all the trees we could have hit, we had to get the one that hits back!"

- Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets