Draft expanded renown

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  • A Guide to submitting Renown Requests.
  • A Renown FAQ if you have questions about the system
  • A Cheatsheet for creating a Ratkin


A snappy Rat line I haven't thought up yet


Local Sanctuaries

Where What Private Type? Contact
A place of some sort Ratkin only Who runs it
Another place Another function Mixed Fera Your mom
Another place Another function All Shifters Your face

Active PCs

Ratkin Kinfolk

No pages meet these criteria.

Litany of Survival

  • Preserve The Veul, Which Ensures Your Survival
The Rats only have one dictum that's enforced as law: maintaining secrecy about the existence of our kind. If you disobey, it'll do far more than endanger your pack; it threatens everyone's existence. Of course, if the humans find out the truth about what you did, the Delirium might distort all of their memories of what happened, but other supernatural creatures who prey on humans are not so easily fooled. Our race has little regard for human law, but if a wererat breaks the laws flagrantly enough that the authorities investigate, a colony has every rite to contract a Knife-Skulker to silence him... Permanently.

  • Shred The Wyrm's Tentacles Whenever They Constrict You
We fight the Wyrm, but only in the interest of our own self-defense. Unlike the Garou, we don't launch into self-serving crusades to purify the world from corruption - fighting to survive is difficult enough. The Garou whip themselves into religious fervor because they are trying to prevent the apocalypse, but we want the End Times to come. What else could heal the world? My Warriors rejoice when the Wyrm kills off Garou or destroys a few humans. Why not? As long as the Wyrm isn't directly threatening your tribe, leave it be. Don't destroy the enemy of your enemy... until it turns on you. The Wyrm is destined to destroy itself, and if it tears down human civilization in the process, my pack's got no problem with that.
A rat's got to be watchful of the Wyrm. You cannot ignore its presence - learning from its minions is essential to survival. The servitors of the Wyrm corrupt our kind as well, more often than most would care to admit. Wererats corrupted by the Wyrm become monstrous, taking on many of the same deformities and afflictions as Fomori - I've seen it first hand. Believe me, any Ratkin infected with Wyrm-taint must be found and killed before it infiltrates one of our breeding grounds. If Black Spirals or Wyrm spirits came sniffing around our territoru, we're honor-bound to protect our young. And, of course, the most valiant of Rat's aspects, the Plague Lords, feels duty-bound to infiltrate the ranks of our enemies and investigate first-hand...

  • Sever the Weaver's Threads Wherever They Calcify Chaos
Hey, I don't think we're ever going to tear down all the cities in the world. Why bother? They're doomed to self-destruct. The day that the buildings come crashing down, I'll dance in the streets. Then again, there's nothing wrong with giving them a little push. One rat cant change the world, but a thousand rats can, right? If you want to know what the Weaver's spirits are really up to, take a peach into the spirit world. That'll tell you where to strike.

  • Survive So That You May Breed
Survival cocmes first. Mankind's days are numbered. The end of the Age of Man is coming! You might believe it's going to happen during your lifetime or years from now, but if you die in some pointless fight for honor and glory, you wont be ready for the Final Battle against the Wyrm. If you waste your life, you'll end up as some dumb-ass spirit in the Umbra. If, however, you can develop your skills as a Warrior, you'll be able to pass on what you learn to the generations that follow you. Let the werewolves fight to the death, I intend to live.

  • Respect Strength. Exploit Weakness
The strong breed. The weak die. Does that sound harsh? That's evolution. We must be stronger than our enemies, especially with the Final Days so close. If we let the weakest rats survive, they'll breed thousands and thousands of even weaker rats. Instinct will tell you when to kill, so follow it. You'll also feel an overriding need to breed - do it. We need an army to overwhelm our enemies. Too many of the other Changing Breeds have given up, but we must outnumber and overwhelm anything that gets in our way. Then, when the time is right, the force of the Wyld will overwhelm everything, returning us to the ideals of the Impergium.
Some Ratkin have taken their obligation to breed a bit too far, spawning with materialized spirits and the like. I still do not know if this is wise. Does it strengthen the race by bringing more lost aspects to the world, or is it a way for "weaker" Ratkin to breed more children? Other wererats use similar excuses to destroy our metis. After all, Ratkin bred from incestuous relationships are rarely "strong"; instead, such children are usually more susceptible to disease. I firmly believe we need all the warriors we can get, but don't waste too much time on the metis. They are little more than shock troops, and that is the way it should be.

  • Conflict Breeds Strength
If only the strong breed, then you must prove your strength before you can reproduce. Don't be some addle-witted warf rat who breeds with any half-dead body in the sewers. You, soldier, are the paragon of your race. You have the option of breeding with common rats, desperately trying to diversify our gene pool, but it's fairly likely that all you'll do is create a lot of common baby rats who vaguely look like you. Such egotism! If you want the glory of breeding strong kits, remember: The strongest children come from the purest Kinfolk. Our purest Kin are kept under the watchful gaze of the Rat Mothers, so you'd best have proof of your prowess before trying to reproduce. It's that simple.
Regardless of what we do, the population of any nest eventually reaches a sort of 'critical mass', when all of the wererats who come of age must victimize each other until the balance is restored. That is nature's way. If the population of creatures in any one area is too high, a few can be killed or a great number will starve. Now that the Age of Man is drawing to a close, of course, humans and rats are competing for the same resources in the largest cities. You can see where I'm going with this, cant you? When the Age of Man ends, the law demands the elimination of the weakest creatures... just like in the Impergium, before the Wolves intervened. Only then will the balance be restored.

  • Build, Steal, and Suborn To Strengthen Your Breeding Grounds
Property is relative. If I can take it, it's mine. If you cant defend it, you don't deserve to have it. Humans don't seem to understand. They buy far more than they need, go to great lengths to defend what they have, and insist that they have the right to determine who owns what. Not very practical, is it? If you own more than you can carry, you're wasting what others can use. The humans are wasting what they've got, so we've got every right to take it.

  • Trust Your Own Kind Before Outsiders
Here's a word of advice before you go out into the world. Trust your Kin before you trust strangers. Betray others before you betray your own kind. If someone's going to be betrayed, choose a human as the victim before you choose a Ratkin. If that doesn't work, find some other shapechanger to frame. If that doesn't work, then remember there's a straggler in your pack. We're running into the world together kid, so we've got to stick together. You ready to go? Um... You first...

  • When Someone Is Responsible For Injustice, Make Sure Someone Pays
When a rat pack fails, someone's got to take the consequences. Hopefully, it will be someone weak; preferably, it'll be someone who isn't Ratkin. Some of us like to take this argument a bit further. The Twitchers, for instance, are really quick to place all blame on the humans, so punishing them at random is seen as justice. The term "race war" isn't really appropriate, since Twitchers don't discriminate based on the color of someone's skin, his religion, or his ancestry. White, black, yellow or red - humans bleed the same. I just feel this rage in my blood that's been there since the dawn of time. And I just feel like acting on it. Show me your true face, and it's my call whether I want to slash it off.



  • I will defend our breeding grounds against all threats, physical and spiritual.
  • I shall seek revenge against those who prey upon my kind.
  • I must shred the tentacles of the Wyrm wherever they constrict us.
  • I must sever the Weaver's webs wherever they calcify chaos.


  • I will survive so that I may breed.
  • I must respect strength and exploit weakness.
  • I shall grow stronger through conflict.
  • I will learn from the mysteries of the spirit world.
  • I will revel in the visions the spirits grant me.


  • I shall preserve the Veil, which ensures our survival.
  • I will build, steal, and suborn to strengthen my breeding grounds.
  • I shall nurture, instruct, and aid the young.
  • I will trust my own kind before I trust outsiders.
  • When someone is responsible for injustice, I will make sure someone pays.

Rank Requirements

Rank Any Combination
1 (Rakka) 3
2 (Voto) 7
3 (Tava) 15
4 (Teppen) 23
5 (Rrrrr't) 30

If a player is approved at Rank 0, goes through their Birthing Plague, and their Rite of Passage for to Rank 1, then they gain gifts and renown as usual for Rank 1.

  • These gifts don't cost XP.
  • Any previous renown unconnected to the Rite of Passage is retained on top of the rank baseline.

Sample Renown Awards

Note: These are not uniformly objective. They may be rejected/reduced/increased based on circumstances.

Note: These are not exhaustive. If something doesn't seem to fit here, or isn't found in this list, but still serves one of these types and the Corax's purpose, then go ahead and submit a request.

The following types have been tinted for ease of reading and browsing:

  • These awards and penalties are directly from the established renown lists, with changes limited to specifying the Corax breed.

Items in Black are positive renown awards.

Items in Red are negative renown penalties

  • These awards and penalties have been either created from scratch, or taken from lists and more heavily reworded for the Corax breed.

Items in Blue are positive home-brew renown awards

Items in Purple are negative home-brew renown penalties

Sources: Players Guide to the Changing Breeds pages 170-173, WtA 2nd ed pages 190-193

Combat and Encounters

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Surviving an Incapacitating wound 2
Surviving any toxic waste/flux attack 2
Attacking a much more powerful force without aid -3
Allowing your allies to attack the enemy before engaging 1
Wounding a powerful foe and prudently retreating 1 1
Avoiding combat entirely 3 via trickery, hiding, misdirection or other means to escape active pursuit by enemies
Creating a successful diversion 3
Successfully performing an eye-pluck maneuver in an attempt to escape combat 4
Summoning help when there is no real danger present -5
Dying in defense to Gaia (posthumous) 7 7
Threats associated with the unbalanced Triat
Assisting in the defeat of a minor threat 1
Assisting in the defeat of an average threat 2
Assisting in the defeat of a strong threat 3
Assisting in the defeat of a very powerful threat 4
Other supernatural threats
Assisting in the defeat of a strong threat 3
Assisting in the defeat of a very powerful threat 4
Bonuses for either type of threat
...when the threats were armed with gold +1 -2
...being captured by the enemy -1 -1

Detecting Threats of the Wyrm/Weaver/Wyld

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Revealing, with certain proof, that a human or kinfolk is tainted 2
Falsely accusing a Kinfolk of being tainted -3 -2
Revealing, with certain proof, that an area or object is tainted 3
Revealing, with certain proof, that a Changer is tainted 6
Falsely accusing a Changer of being tainted -5 -4


Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Purifying a tainted object, person, or place 1 1
Summoning an Incarna avatar 2
Traveling to any of the Umbral Realms and surviving 3
Successfully completing a spirit quest in the umbra 3
Failing to succeed in a spirit quest in the Umbra -3
Having and reporting a prophetic dream of great import 5
Giving a prophetic warning that later comes true 5
Having, but not reporting, a prophetic dream of great import -5
Ignoring omens, dreams, and the like for no good reason -3
Losing the Sun 2 3
Discovering ancient Changer lore 3
Besting someone (including a spirit) in a riddle contest 3

Rites and Gifts

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Hosting a Parliament 2
Being banished to the bottom branch during a Parliament -3
Suffering the Rite of Memory Theft Target reduced to base Rank 1 renown, memory reverted to just after the First Change.
Swiping a Gift 1


Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Successfully creating talens 1
Using a fetish for the good of the local Gaians 2 May depend on cleverly bringing and/or using an appropriate fetish, not just e.g. using the same fetish you always use
Creating a fetish 4 Limited to 2 rewards/month (or equivalent with talens); more fetishes/talens can be made, but the requests may not be submitted for the same month
Sacrificing a fetish for the good of the local Gaians 4
Accidentally breaking a fetish or talen -1 to -5
Discovering a talen 1
Discovering a fetish 2

Sacred Spaces

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Keeping a Changer 'holy-site' safe from humans through trickery or negotiation 3 e.g. 'holy-site' refering to: Garou Caerns, Bastet Den-Realms, etc.
Helping to prevent a Changer holy-site from being overrun by the unbalanced Triat 3 4
Accidentally allowing, through withholding information, a Changer holy-site to be overrun by the unbalanced Triat -3 -7
Deliberately allowing/enabling a Changer holy-site to be violated by the unbalanced Triat -8 -5 -10 Most likely, your death is the actual outcome

Corax Relations and Society

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Teaching other Changers (depends on the depth of study) 1 to 5 3 to 5 Teaching rites: 1H 3C per month, regardless of number of rites or students
For a homid Corax, surviving to age 75 8 10
For a corvid Corax, surviving to age 65 8 10
Maintaining loyal service to breed 1/year 3/year 1/year Routinely approved if requested in a timely fashion
Single-handedly being responsible for success in a common goal for the local Corax 5 2 3
Acting selflessly for the greater good of the Corax 3


Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Gaining a new source of information 1
Giving good advice for important matters 2
Giving bad advice for important matters -2
Keeping an important promise 2
Failing to keep one’s promise -3
Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed without being harmed 5
Performing an outrageous and dangerous deed and being hurt, causing others to rescue you, thereby exposing them to danger -5
Dealing respectfully with other Changers 1

Information and Lies

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Attempting an information heist of Mission Impossible proportions that succeeds (and reporting it) 2 4
...without being detected +2
Being truthful to other Changers in the face of extreme adversity 5 Excludes Wyrmy Changers, obviously
Discovering useful information or a secret and sharing it 1
Discovering a major secret or information of great importance and sharing it 5
Discovering a vital secret or information of extreme importance and sharing it 7
Stealing something of value (or of amazing shininess) from an enemy lair 5
Not sharing a secret -3
Exposed as a liar -3 -2
Hurting other Corax through lying or withholding information -5
Being deceptive to other Changers -1 -1
Withholding information or lying to other Changers when the information is important -3 -3
Misinforming, exaggerating, embellishing, or misrepresenting information to other Corax -2 -4
Protecting the Veil 4
Harming or rending the Veil -5
Repairing the Veil 3 1

Protection and Defense

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Protecting a helpless Changer 4
Not protecting a helpless Changer -5
Protecting a helpless human(s) 3
  • Includes human kinfolk
  • Protecting a group: generally only one counts
  • 'Helpless' depends on power level of target (especially if a PC) and attacker
Not protecting a helpless human(s) -2
Protecting a helpless raven(s) 3
  • Includes raven kinfolk
Not protecting a helpless raven(s) -2
Supporting an innocent being accused of a crime 5
Supporting a guilty person accused of a crime -4

Kinfolk and Eggs

Activity Glory Honor Wisdom Comments
Maintaining good relations with nearby Kinfolk 2
Having poor relations with nearby Kinfolk -3
Performing the Rite of the Fetish Egg 4 4 Requires buying the mentioned rite, and sacrificing 3 permenant Gnosis
Becoming the Guardian of a Spirit Egg 2 2 2
Allowing, through negligence, a Spirit Egg to be taken or destroyed -5 -5 -10
Allowing, through negligence, the death of a Spirit Egg's human or raven child -5 -5 -10