- Kurt - Boss man, a firm hand and a good teacher. He seems to know what I need when I need it.
- Ivy - The yin to Kurt's yang. She seems solid.
- Sheridan - Gorgeous, fit, amazon.
- Emily - Quiet and stand-offish a lot of the time, not quite sure how she feels about me yet.
- Russ - I wish he was around more. I'm incredibly thankful to be kin to an Elder, but you and he are two sides of the same coin. I would benefit learning from both. We all would. Maybe one day.
- Jackson - Generous, entrepreneurial to say the least, I'm sure he'll make Father proud.
- Trent Bellamy - You have got to hear him sing. It is truly moving.
- Barksdale - He's quiet and not much interested in Goldie, except in yankin' her chain, but he is respected and he makes her laugh.
- Janson - Viviana's prospective mate? Very protective of her. Ya never did answer my question, though. Why are you exhausting yourself trying to keep a dolphin from swimming when that is what a dolphin does?
- Pax - I'm his sorcerer's apprentice.
- Dante - Smart, severe, intimidating, rich. I expect he's someone who should be watched closely, both to see what he accomplishes and to make sure it doesn't sneak up on you.
- Kameshi - A straight-up PAIN IN THE ASS, but ya gotta love her anyway.
- Viviana - It's nice to have someone who can relate being new to all this, especially one that's all feisty and cute.
- Mewt - Have you ever seen the film, Critters?
- Chris Scott - I cannot believe I'm saying this, but he's sweet. Definitely growing on me.