2023.03.13 A Dream Dance Begins

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2023.03.13 A Dream Dance Begins
Damon's Dream Dance Begins, as reality seems to break around him.
IC Date 03.13.23
Players Clementine, Damon Carillo, Dasia
Location Shaherazaad's
Spheres Changeling

During part of the ride over, Dasia will have explained some middle eastern desserts to Clem, so that she can maybe try her own twist of making some. "So there shouldn't be any dust, but we're still getting everything in order out here," she says as they walk in. And yeah, some of the tapestries are pulled down... some walls have traditional middle Easter architectural elements, while others have wires sticking out of them where mounted lights once hung. It is very much a work in progress.

Clementine spent most of the time before at Erin's and then coming over here, just staring at Damon still. What a love sick puppy she is! Having spent her life with her twin sister, a handsome man is quite a nice thing to look at and spend time with. She will eventually get past her drooling, and the distraction of new desserts to make does that somewhat. She absolutely listens to what Dasia has to say, "I'll have to try that!" It could open up new avenues for the business. As they make their way inside, she is looking all around. "Oh, this is going to be nice! What a treasure to find, Dasia!"

Damon is shockingly quiet on the ride over, letting the two friend's talk up a storm while he listens, he is ever so polite and friendly, Every so often he smiles and nods as they talk, but overall he is a touch out of his element, all the while, he never quite smells like a shop, always smelling like a clover and vanilla, just his natural scent. "So I am going to have you two order for me if that is ok? I love spicy food, but I really don't know much about middle eastern food beyond that."

Throughout the drive, that Wyrd that were mentioned earlier? Yeah, it's decided to show up. Every now and again, when Dasia brushes some hair behind her ear? One her hand moves past the hair it is no longer peroxide blonde, but the light blue of twinkling Starlight. Damon will see this until he blinks, and her hair is back to normal once more. One tike, her ear even looked pointed, not unlike an elf's ear. But again. blink and you miss it.

Honestly, the horse-drawn buggy speeding by cars on the highway... THAT is weirder. But they vanish behind a truck or a bus, never to be seen again.

"Spicy enough that you feel like your tongue is burning off, or...?" Dasia asks, and when he gives her an answer on the SpicyScale, she purses her lips for a moment, nods, and orders him something. For herself... she get Ma-amoul and rosewater tea. WITH A TINY STIRRING STRAW, OF COURSE.

Clementine is glad to hear Damon does not know so much about it either. "I'm not great with spicy hot, but I love new flavors. If I turn red and into a puddle, please be sure to put me in a bottle and ship me back home, ok?" She is British, and outside of desserts her food tends to be basic. She enjoyed the ride over, really, and watched Damon to see what he would have thought. Her eyes go back to him, and she sticks close by.

Damon looks to Dasia with a few blinks of his eyes as if something isn't quite right, "I.. could have sworn.." he shakes his head, "I don't feel so good." He rubs his eyes, clearly something off with them, "Dasia.. Can I ask you a question?" he mutters, "Kind of personal?" he shakes his head, "Nevermind." he seem a bit weird out by all of this, but he looks between the two ladies as if they are going to think he is insane, maybe he is, "I eat ghost pepper for the flavor if that helps?" He looks to the girls with a worried smile.

Dasia picks a tame curry for Clem, and the big-spicy curry from India since... that is technically part of the vibe the restaurant is going for. For herself, it's the breaded date cookies, because she is a child, apparently. Beverages are teas and lemonade and maybe other stuff. Gosh I inherited a build with no +menu. Her rosewater tea does come with the little straw she requested, so she gives the drink a little stir.

Clementine is happy for the tame curry and the teas! Of course! "Ghost pepper? Would that be good in a dessert? She obviously will not do it, but she had to tease and ask. "This is good!" She does look to Damon, and wants to ask, but does not.

Damon does something wierd, he can't help it, he has to know. "Dasia, I got to know.. please forgive me." He attempt to reach up, the stunning, breathtakingly beautiful man and gentle touches her ear, "I am sorry, I thought I saw something there." He mutters a moment as he looks to the two expecting to be slap for touch before asking, but he had to make sure he was not insane.

Clementine does not wish to interupt Damon asking Dasia, but she has to reach out and almost touch Damon's hair. "How did you get to be so handsome, Damon?" She does not touch, it is almost like she is now looking through him or at something not really there. "Sorry, I mean. I'm from London. What about you? Where are you from?"

So a couple of weird... maybe even... wyrd... things happen. First, the Brit enjoys non-bland food. Honestly, they colonize the whole world for spices, and never use them on anything, what is up with that?

Also, the ear? why... it looks normal. Except sometimes... well... there's this... not hologram. Not exactly. But like a laser light show projected onto fog. Sometimes that fog ripples and distorts the image. Which is a hell of a thing to see happen with your own two eyes when you'd hand reachea towards something. So that fog 'parts' in a way that fog actually doesn't. That should be silly. Fog? Parting? It doesn't do that.

But mist sure does.

And when those mists part, there is the pointed ear and the bluenette hair and even the skin the metallic shade of bronze... and then they are all gone. Just normal Dasia sitting there with your hand on her totally normal looking ear.

Wyrd that it *feels* pointy.

But before Dasia can react, a funny thing happens. Is she breathing? Her eyes aren't moving. And even when he reached for her hair, it didn't sway.. It is almost as if she was FROZEN IN PLACE (chronos, whee)

Damon doesn't hear Clementine, he is in a trance, this is real, this is really real... then it isn't he take his hand back, horrified at what is going on, "I am sorry, please forgive me, I need to go , I got to go." he take a 100 dollar bill and tosses on the table, he is in a panic, "I am losing my fucking mind.. " He mutters to the girls at the table as he attempts to flee, yes, flee is a full blow mental breakdown, he is seeing things, FEELING things that just aren't there. clearly he seen or interact with something he shouldn't have and some mental walls are starting to crack.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Clementine rolls Charisma + Empathy vs 6 for 4 successes.
3 4 5 +6 +7 +7 +9

Clementine looks at Damon with wider eyes then to Dasia and then back to Damon. "Oh no, Damon, please stay!" She rises to her feet - she's not that tall so it isn't that far up and she is by far not intimidating. She is comforting here and offers to Damon, "You are fine. Just tell us what is wrong. Please. I think maybe we need to talk some more and maybe can make things make more sense?" She pleads with him to stay there.

Damon looks to Clementine with panic, even with her very convince words, he just seen something his MORTAL mind couldn't grasp, a hint of the supernatural, "Oh.. no no no.. Her ears, and the blue hair and the misty foggy things.. that is just .. ya.. I am out." he is full blown panic.

Dasia is still frozen for a second, totally unmoving.

Damon looks to Clementine with panic, even with her very convince words, he just seen something his MORTAL mind couldn't grasp, a hint of the supernatural, "Oh.. no no no.. Her ears, and the blue hair and the misty foggy things.. that is just .. ya.. I am out." he is full blown panic. (repose)

Clementine tries to take Damon's hand, she is comforting, nice, a friendly sort here. "Has this happened before? Have you... seen things that shouldn't be there?" She looks into his eyes, trying to get him to breathe. "Just breathe. Sometimes there are reasons. And we can help you with this. Please, just listen to my voice."

Damon seems still off put by the glow of Clementine, "What are you?" He whispers, His eyes shoot back and forth between the two, seeing hints of what is there between the two. "I can't do this.." He pulls his hand back, but does stop fleeing for the moment, "No, I have never seen anything like this before.. " he is so unsure of himself in the moment, his blood pressure is rises, the stress is overwhelming to him, he get a touch of a nose bleed.

Damon seems still off put by the glow of Clementine, "What are you?" He whispers, His eyes shoot back and forth between the two, seeing hints of what is there between the two. "I can't do this.." He pulls his hand back, but does stop fleeing for the moment, "No, I have never seen anything like this before.. " he is so unsure of himself in the moment, his blood pressure is rises, the stress is overwhelming to him, he get a touch of a nose bleed. (repose)

Dasia's eyelashes flutter... first slow enough it might even be a blind, bit gradually picks up in speed. It's like she's going from pause, to x1/64... to 1/32... to 1/16... all the way up to normal speed. "Um. What?" she asks, not terribly sure what just happened.

Clementine has this look of just pure caring on her face. She pulls out a napkin and gently touches his face under his nose. "There there, honey. Please, take a breath. Breathe with me. We can explain some of this." She looks to Dasia briefly and softly says, "You stopped. Something is bleeding through." It does not explain much, but should mean something to Dasia. "Damon, stay with me. You need to sit down. We can help you."

Damon attempt to move toward the door and flicker back in a teleport right next to Dasia, "What in the blood hell was that?" he almost ended in her lap. "I am so... fucking scary right now." He just curls into Dasia because what more can he do in second.

Clementine watches Damon seem to flicker and end up in Dasia's lap. Well shit. "Dasia, we need to go somewhere private I think. Something is happening here..." But something may further be going on with Dasia.

Dasia gains one Nightmare Dasia loses two Glamour

<OOC> Dasia says, "Nightmare dice first, 10s mean things."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls 3 vs 7 for 1 successes.
5 6 +9

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Dasia rolls 5 vs 7 for 2 successes.
3 3 6 +8 +8

And so, there is another weird/wyrd occurrence. Sure, Damon flickers into Dasia's lap. Which... hottie in her lap. But there is also the scene being caused, and the Eschat, and well. She is >< close to frowning a wrinkle level frown! "Damon, I'm going to need you to calm down." It sounds like a reasonable request. And it would be. Except her tone of voice. That is. uh... a little wyrd. Emotionally... empathically... it feels a lot less like a reasonable request, and a lot more like. Well...


Also, everybody in the restaurant has turned to just stare at the trio. So much for the Eschat. Everybody does seem particularly calm, though. DESPITE the unleashing. So calm. Just... laaaaazy. Yes, everybody.

Damon does indeed calm down to the point of almost passing out, afterall, freezing time, seeing wierd stuff, teleporting, it take it out of a guy, if there was ever a time to move the hottie to a bed or a sex dungeon... I mean safehouse it would be now.

Clementine looks at Dasia and quietly says, "Let's get him somewhere please. I can let Erin know. But first too many people around." She tries to just look normal herself - what she can.

Uncontrolled unleashing is like a shotgun shooting a Grenade at your own feet. Friendly Fire us turned on. So even Dasia is listening to herself. Because being calm is nice. "Hmm? Oh. Sure. The garden?" she suggests raising an arm to point. "No way out though. Fire hazard." So casual about it. She's totally a bluenette again, but that's... normal, right? Yeah...

In the moment after the panic and chao, one important noted thing has happened.. during the final teleport and now that everyone is basically roofie.. You would notice where Damon was standing, there is a pile of clothing and upon inspection.. Yup, he is naked as a new born!