2024.09.05 Three Kin and a Dog

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Three Kin and a Dog
Three kinfolk meeting up for the first time at the kinfolk house
IC Date September 5th, 2024
IC Time Mid-Day
Players Lorna, Cindy, Vivian
Location Kinfolk House
Spheres Garou

Lorna is sat on the porch. She has a large bottle of some very dark beer. She has a very large bowl of nachos with cheese, salsa, guacamole, and jalapenos. Her laptop is next to her, with some sort of very violent game on it. And she has a dinosaur... no, wait. Not a dinosaur. Just the most ludicrously huge and fluffy dog on the planet. He is wearing a fez, spectacles, and is apparently reading a copy of the New Yorker. Lorna looks up, and lifts her bottle in salute. "'ey up! Welcome to the kin house. You new in town? Pull up a deckchair. Or a hammock. Everyone welcome here, tha knows. Fancy a chip?" She holds out the big bowl of nachos. The game keeps playing itself. And the dog peers over his horn rimmed spectacles. "Interesting spider. Don't see one of them around here very often." Lorna snorts. "I'm Lorna Otterington, of the Otterington Otteringtons. And this enormous mobile sarcasm dispenser is called Cain. Whatever you do, don't feed him onions."

       The first hint that Vivian belongs here is that she doesn't jump out of her skin when she sees and hears a talking dog that's wearing glasses. Vivi lightly pushes up the left side of her glasses, adjusting how they rest on her face as she speaks. "That's Crawley, she's a friend. Nice to meet you Cain." The tone of her voice reveals that she still thinks this is rather odd though. Her attention then turns to Lorna and she smiles at the other kin in the room as she paces over. "No, no chips thank you. Nice to meet you Lorna. I'm Vivian Web, of the Web Webs." There's an undeniable smirk on her lips as she says the last part. And she does, in fact, go to grab a deckchair to pull up.

Lorna laughs shortly. "Nice to meet ya, Vivian Web of the Web Webs. Welcome to the kinfolk house. If you ever need a place to stay urgently, it's here. We have accomodation, good food, friendship. A lot of sept kids hang out here. We do lessons. We party. And you can be yourself. In here, kin are free to be themselves. Me, I'm bone gnawer kin, part of the Mistseekers pack. City based, natch. Rest of the time you can find me at Madd Mods. Kin run garage downtown. That's mine." She points her bottle at the metallic green vintage 1950s motorcycle and sidecar parked off to the side. "Hang on a mo." She looks down at her laptop, which pauses. Apparently spontaneously. "Right, where were we?"

Cain remarks, with a sardonic British drawl, "Crawley. How original. Well, Crawley, you are welcome, but if you try to steal my dinner, I will sit on you. And eat onions."

Vivian chuckles at the mention of the "Web Webs" and then puts on a falsely regal expression before dissolving into laughter. "Thank you. I've been out of town for over 15 years now. A lot of has changed but also there are things that haven't really. I'm Glass Walker, usually hanging out in the city as well." Her eyes shift over to the laptop when it pauses and her smile widens. She stares at the screen for a moment and then the game simply unpauses. She then casts a bemused smile to Lorna.

       'Crawley' lets out a hissing noise of crackling electricity and retorts back in an inhuman voice "That is not my name! That insufferable girl refuses to address me properly!" That remarks gets a howl of laughter from Vivi and generates a devilish smile.

Cain snorts. "You told her your actual NAME? Goodness me! I wouldn't tell anyone my name, you can' trust anybody these days!"

Lorna glares at the dog. "Not everybody is a terrible paranoid mess like you. If you tell me your name I am not going to skywrite it or something. Weirdo." She swigs her beer then looks down at the laptop. "Hey. At least save if you're going to hijack!" She holds her hand out and the laptop floats up into it. "You game? I don't get much time these days, but now and then I can just chill out. Cain says I should study more, but sometimes a girl has to just turn off and eviscerate zombies, you know?

       "Sorry, total party foul on my part." She stares with appreciation as the laptop lifts into the air. "Neat. You should show me how to do that sometime, if you don't mind. And you're absolutely right." There's an annoyed crackle of electricity and 'Crawley' goes skittering off towards the trees. Vivi stares after her for a moment and then looks back to Lorna. Specifically, her eyes drift over the fingers of Lorna's left hand before she looks back to meet the other kin's eyes. "Are you.. do you have a mate?" She hears herself asking the question and then sighs.

Lorna blinks at that question. "Me? hah! Now there's a question! I am what you call the permenantly first dater. Been on so many, but just can't seem to click. There's a lot of nice furry lads around these parts, but it's hard to meet the right one, you know?"

Cain remarks "If you didn't dress like a refugee from a 90s music viceo it might help." The page of his magazine turns on its own.

Lorna scowls at him. "Oh can it, pooch. And fifteen years is a fair while, aye. Welcome back then. And i'm happy to try to teach a few tricks, but not everyone can grasp it all. Cain teaches me. No, actually, Cain verbally humilates me until I learn something new just to shut him up. That's more accurate."

       Vivi offers a bit of a helpless shrug. "I'm probably older than you and still single, so yeah I get it." Her tone isn't overly wistful, though clearly something is weighing on her mind around the topic. She can't help but stifle a laugh at Cain's snappy insult before nodding her head. "Oh, I get it. Crawley and I are very close, she teaches me a lot of stuff as well." Vivian is sitting on a deckchair near Lorna, now leaning back into it and crossing her ankles together as she stares up at the sky from the porch.

Lorna puts her laptop down, swigs her beer, and grabs a few more nachos to crunch. "Mind you if I had stayed home, I'd probably have three bairns by now. Small village, strict sept leader, mate whoever you like, but the only guys you know are cousins... Not for me. Saved up me wages and went on a road trip across America. Ended up here, met nice folks, stayed. Joined a pack. Me mam is always sending me food parcels and stuff. Even on tother side of the world, family is family. So... you had a mate? Or just feeling a bit Bridget Jones?"

Cain, spectacles and fez in place, continues to read his magazine. "The only reason you are single, my young apprentice, is very simple. You're just intrinsically unsuited to a life of domestic bliss. Either that, or the fact you eat garlic bread in bed. It's an even bet."

Cindy comes happily wandering in, her car back a little ways and she walked. Her path takes her to the house and Lorna gets a wave right way along with a smile. The dogs gets a ... well big canines aren't rare here. He gets a look but her curiosity is mostly focused on the person she doesn't know. "Hello ladies."

       Vivi shakes her head and waves a hand dismissively, "No mate, now or before. I wouldn't say I'm feeling Bridget Jones just.. tick tock you know?" So, she's feelng exactly Bridget Jones. Her gaze drifts towards Cindy and she can't help but stare at the gorgeous woman walking up. "Uh.. hi." The look on her face is bordering on jealousy though she quickly wipes it away. "Nice to meet you, I'm Vivian." She waves from the comfort of the chair and then glances back to Lorna.

Lorna grins at Cindy, and holds out the bowlm of nachos. "'ow do, lass. Grab some snacks and join the party. Not seen you for a while. Vivian here's your kin, I think. And i get it, biological clock ticking. You might do all right here, there's some pretty nice lads around. And you're a lot easier to date than I am for some of them. oohh, bone gnawer, untouchable!" She rolls her eyes and swigs more beer.

Cain snorts at that. "You realise you would be more likely to get a second date if you were not so easy to get into bed on the first one? You need an air of mystery and unattainability to really interest most men. not knickers that act like a yo-yo."

Cindy hurries a bit towards the nachos. Her hand goes out but before she can do that a bright grin spouts on her lips. "You're glasswalker kin too?" There comes a squeel of delight and she rushes over to hug Viv. Given her reclining psoture this probably ends up in a rather awkward cleavage in the face experience for Viv until Cindy stands back up. "Welcome! It's so good to ... " And it just now sinks in that the dog is talking.

       Viv shakes her head at Lorna, "Come on, you're not untouch-" and then Cindy is hugging her with that cleavage in her face. Vivian turns away for a moment and then just laughs, hugging Cindy in return as she nods her head. "Yeah, Vivian Web, or just Vee or Viv whatever you prefer. I'm Glass Walker kin, yep." Viv doesn't seem particularly weirded out about the dog, though she does give Cindy a moment to adjust it before she responds, "Sorry, what was your name?"

Lorna throws a nacho at Cain. It bounces off his nose, and he looks over his spectacles and sighs. "Infant!" He does eat the nacho though. Why waste food?

"I know, not really untouchable. I think there's some culture shock. Small town in Yorkshire to California is a pretty huge social difference. And I often smell of engine oil and swarfega. Mind you, some people are into that. If i had two quid for every guy who wanted to do it on my bike... I'd have eighteen pounds. And fifty pence. One only wanted a handjob." Your nomination for Lorna ACTING and CONCEPT has been submitted. You can view the request with +myjobs

Cindy ponders the hound ... but gets out over it quick enough. Given where they are it's not THAT unreasonable a thing to encounter. "Huh what?" She looks back to Viv and her smile returns. "Cindy!" the proudly accounces. And slides sideways with a hand out to get some nacho goodness for herself. "Nice to meet you. I'm ... semi new myself. I've been here less than a year."

       The talk of quid, pounds, and pence is a bit lost on Vivian. She knows those are units of currency but beyond that she's clearly just smiling politely while trying to do the mental context clues. At the mention of the handjob she scoffs and then finally reaches over to snag one of the nachos before tossing it in her mouth. "You've had more action on your bike than I've had in years." She then looks back to Cindy, "Well it's great to meet you Cindy. I just got in so getting my feet wet. How's the Tribe doing here? If -you- don't have a mate then I'm screwed because.." and then Vivian vaguely gestures towards the bombshell standing between her and Lorna.

Lorna gladly shares the nachos. "Wait, you never met Cain, did you? This mountain of opinions is my spirit guide. He's all talk. Sarcastic and insulting, but actually a pretty solid boy, for all that. Do not take him too seriously."

Cain snorts. "I am going to put bees in your bed."

"See?" Lorna grins. "And Cindy is a hottie, but don't worry, there are plenty to go around. I can take you out clubbing a couple of times. Or you can just wear a short skirt at the next big sept party. That always seems to work, to be honest."

Cindy eats some nachos and once her hand is free finger waves to Cain. She doesn't smile, not with her mouth full. "Hm?" Again she looks back to Viv and then to Lorna. "Me? Mate? Oh no." Her head shakes and she pauses to fix her hair a little. "I honestly haven't met any single Garou males. Hardly any Garou at all reall." A pause to think. "I've met more Fera than anything else. Which is wild!" A bright smile and laughs. "I never met one before at all at my old cearn!"

       Vivian begins waving her hands back and forth, "Wait, to be clear, I'm not here looking for a mate. The topic just came up." The glance she gives towards Lorna does hint that she's mentally noted the short skirt recommendation before she looks back to Cindy. "I'm sure it'll work out. So what do you like to do for fun?" Her gaze is directed towards the other Glass Walker when she asks that question though she does glance to Lorna and nod her head emphatically at the suggestion of clubbing.

Lorna laughs at Cindy's words. "California! It's where the strange people hang! I know a fair few fera, though. My boss, Erin, she's fera kin. But her mate is Get. they have adorable kids, it really is so wholesome. And she lets me live rent free in the apartment over the garage, so I really did fall on my feet there. Tell you what, though, we could use a matchmaker. Too many single ladies around here. And I'm not a Beyonce fan, either."

Cain rolls his eyes. And then Lorna's laptop starts up again with the game, and she gets horrible eaten by zombies. "Damnit you furry fathead, I was doing so well! Honestly, i got to have SOME time for fun. If you keep this up I'll give you as BATH!" At which the vast dog remarks "You and what army? you got a block and tackle to get me in the tub?"

Cindy moves over to peek at the laptop screen with some interest. A look up and she laughs a little. "Oh well a mate isn't like ... a life goal exactly. But it would be nice kinda thing. And duty to Gaia, yadda, yadda, yadda. fun hm? Well I do like hanging out at the island. Have you been there?" she asks excitedly. "It used to be a caern, I'm told. It's still sort of protected by us. By Gaians. Fera go there too."

       Vivian shakes her head and ignores the buzzing from her purse for a moment as she responds to Cindy, "No, I haven't. But I'd like to." She then fishes the phone out of her purse and sighs as she quickly pops to her feet. "I'm sorry ladies, I have to run. Let's exchange numbers and I'd love to go clubbing and island sight seeing." She looks to Lorna and then Cindy as she says each. She then waves to Cain. "See you later pooch!" Her eyes then drift off towards the trees, "Now.. where did Crawley go?" And then Vivian is off as quickly as she came.

Lorna grins. "Don't be a stranger!" More beer is swigged. "Cindy, what's new with you? It's been a while since we hat a chat. Not much new with me. Still up to my eyes in grease most days. Heaven!" Cain grunts. "Pooch... frivolous woman..." Lorna laughs. "We'll show you the island soon. It's a good spot for a beach party. In warm weather. Maybe not so much now - though this feels like midsummer back home. We got snow on midsummer's day once..."

Cindy looks at Viv's phone. "Oh see Brooke! she's our tribe elder in town. She'll also hook you up with a cell phone. More secure in a mundane way and some spirit ... stuff." The kin laughs and shrugs. Spirits are not her thing. "It will also have our numbers in it you can text me," she tells Viv and echos the beach party idea with a cheer. A wave and once the new kin is gone she looks back to Lorna. "Me? Um ... huh. Well not to much really. Wish I had more to report."