2020.02.04: Lost and Bombed/Details

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Summary Some people decide to go digging in the lost and found box. Normally not the worst thing that could happen but when Evonnia finds a cylinder - things get complicated.
IC Date: February 04, 2020
IC Time: Early Evening
Players: Bobbi Dawson MoGui Evonnia Joel Kaede Jason Eden Huxley Hardy Alejandro Tian (old) Joska Emrick Brenn Kaiya
Location: Styx and Stones
Spheres: Mortal+, Mage, Vampire, Wraith
Plot Threads
What Was Learned
  1. Never give Evonnia something shiney
  2. Glitter blows but then you gotta suck
  3. Brenn and Bobbi are awesome for providing/cleaning the log.