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Steven "Trey" Trevelyan


Chasing the sun as it sets in the sky

Swear that I'll catch it someday
Lights of the city behind are fading away
Makin' my way through the names on the map

Full Name: Steven "Trey" Trevelyan
Race: Bastet
Tribe: Qualmi
Breed: Feline
Rank: Tekhmet
Pryio: Twilight
Kith: Pooka
Rite Name: Treads-on-Thin-Ice
Date of Birth: 10/31/2017
Apparent Age: mid-to-late 20s
Occupation: Itinerant mystic
Height: 5'10"
Played by: Adam Beach

Notable stats:
  • Charisma: 4
  • Dexterity: 4
  • Wits: 4

Character Hooks


  • Stories: He's a lover of tales and a teller of stories in his own way. He's quick on the uptake and loves to pick apart the meaning and the moral of a good, engaging tale. He's fond of dissecting a story to find its beating heart.
  • Style-Indifferent: He dresses for comfort and durability more than style. He doesn't usually see the point of dressing up, or wearing expensive things. He has a collection of t-shirts from places he's been and finer thrift stores all around America.
  • Off-kilter and no filter: Despite being rather charming, he is often socially imprecise, and has been known to say things that aren't very tactful. He doesn't seem to mean any harm by them -- he's just kind of 'out there' when it comes to the rules of interaction among people.


  • Mystery, History, and More: Trey is really interested in all things weird, arcane, and magical. If you want to catch his attention, use magic. Or a cool new ritual, or a Gift he doesn't know, or even sorcery. He loves all of it, and seems to love to learn about these things for their own sake, even if he can't directly learn them.
  • Still a Predator: As engaging and affable as he can be, he is still a predator at the core. While he's playful at times, friendly, and reasonably welcoming, there's always a sense that underneath it all is still a being who prefers his meat raw and fresh off the bone.
  • Pookapalooza: He's pooka-blooded somewhere in his family tree, though he can't tell you precisely where. He does know more than a little about the Kithain, and recognizes them as such. The fae seem to appeal to his sensibilities, especially the clever ones, and he's been to a few faerie holdings in his day. He's a very happy kitty if he's able to laze in a faerie glade.



  • Caressa - Boss lady is not someone to be messed with. Fear that five-finger flying correction!
  • Kieran - Chip lady has seen much of the same land I have, and made many of the same observations.
  • Massa - Mystic of some stripe, with other secrets of his own, and more knowledge than he lets on.
  • Trent - Magician of mystery, grovemaster, moon-drawing druid type. Fascinating, far too open, but bound to be a friend.



None yet, will post when there are some!