2022.05.28:Pastry Party at the Kinfolk House

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Pastry Party at the Kinfolk House
Several people just hanging out.
IC Date May 28th, 2022.
IC Time Mid afternoon.
Players Jackie, Journey, Torey, Erin, Rhiannon, Bryan, Reno, Duck, A raven.
Location Kinfolk House
Spheres Garou

5/28/2022 14:23:10 Duck waddles with Torey as she moves, looking around, then back. "Yes, sometimes I'm misnamed here and there, 'Duckykins' is my favorite, but don't worry, I take no offense to these things. All is well." She stands between Torey and the people, calmly.

5/28/2022 14:23:10 Journey looks at the card and nods, "Oh yeah, that'll go somewhere." He puts the card away, seeming pleased, "Good the city needs something new."

5/28/2022 14:23:53 The large black raven, once situated on the railing to the porch, gives out another little -kraa- sound followed by a staccato sounding -krkr- sound. He looks up at Journey first, flexing both of his wings out a bit, head dipping, as if he was greeting the elder. Then he does the same to Bryan.

5/28/2022 14:24:30 Torey jumps at the loud call of the bird, not just startles she full on nearly jumps out of her skin. Her breathing has picked up a little and her eyes are wider than before but she stands where she is. When Rino leans in to whisper her body goes tense but she listens. Whatever it is makes her smile though and one trembling little hand reaches out to touch his arm gently as she whispers back to him. She looks back to Duck though and says " I have heard your wisdom had provided a great deal of help to many here."

5/28/2022 14:27:01 Erin looks after the cat for a moment before she takes a very deep breath and comes just a little closer though she seems slightly hesitant to get too close "Su...." she stops and almost rolls her eyes at her own self before she clears her throat "Morning everyone" she shifts from one foot to the other. She jumps a little at the raven's noise and makes a little face as she looks at him.

5/28/2022 14:27:31 Bryan grins at Rhiannon as she runs off and he nods. "I bet she does. They always do." He watches as Reno invades the space that he created as a buffer between Torey and the others and his brow arches just a tiny bit and he clears his throat, then smiles at Erin. "Erin, have you met everyone here?"

5/28/2022 14:30:14 Journey looks up at the Raven call and opens his box, revealing a dozen pastries, freshly baked, and he takes up a creme puff, holding it aloft looking to the Raven, "Morning, care for a sugar rush?" He looks to Erin, "Morning, got pastries here, fresh."

5/28/2022 14:30:14 Duck nods to Torey, "I help the children who need it to find their lost innocence inside them." She says simply.

5/28/2022 14:32:12 Jackie nods to Erin, giving her a small smile and a wave as she approaches. Then she turns to look over the rest of the group, paying particular attention to those she doesn't recognize yet as well as the non-humanoid members of the gathering.

5/28/2022 14:33:39 Erin looks around and nodsnods "Yeah, don't know the one that just left but I know everyone else" she smiles at Journey and steps closer to take a pastry "Oooo thank you" she adjust the bow and quiver before smiling at Duck and Torey "Duck is super amazing" she nods and steps a little back after taking the pastry. She smiles to Jackie and holds up the goodness before she licks some of the cream.

5/28/2022 14:34:05 Reno nods to what's said to him. He looks to Bryan curiously and then back to Torey. He whispers something back to her before stepping back and turning to the parking lot and his bike.

5/28/2022 14:34:26 Common Raven lets his wings flatten up against his body, even turning his head a bit to make sure some of his feathers are put right with his beak. He lets his eyes focus a bit on the pastry that is offered, and once it is offered to him he reaches out with his powerful beak and takes it from the Elders hand. He puts it on the railing before him, securing it partially with one of his claws. The Elder is thanked by a clicked sound of his beak followed by a little kr..a.

5/28/2022 14:37:51 Bryan's brow arches a little more at Reno as he heads out and he shakes his head a little bit. Pastry? Yes. He takes one and glances over his shoulder at Torey, holding his up, as if to ask if she wants one, without really drawing attention her way. He gets it. Crowds bother her. He isn't going to infringe on space and all that. Plus, who wants to cross a DUCK? Those little fuckers will peck the shit out of you. YOU ever been pecked by a duck? Hurts.

5/28/2022 14:39:52 Journey gestures acknowledgment of the thanks of the bird with a 'You da bird' point and looks to Erin, nodding as she takes a pastry, "I got her card, new Fury shelter and Dojo in the works, maybe one that won't--" Pause "Be run by the-e- MMoonguard Hunters." He swallows and shakes his head clearing his throat.

5/28/2022 14:40:48 "POONguard Hunters," Bryan corrects Journey, without shame or hesitation, because FUUUUUUUUUCK those people.

5/28/2022 14:41:51 Journey says, “I Did Not Say That." He replies to Bryan, sharply.”

5/28/2022 14:42:10 Jackie watches Reno leave, her easy smile looking slightly more strained as he passes. It recovers quickly as she turns back to the others. Bryan's comment catches her off guard then, causing her to blurt out an interruption. "The what now?"

5/28/2022 14:42:17 Erin looks between Journey and Bryan "hmm ok so I get they are bad, but who the fuck are those people. I can't say I've heard of them.. Must be way before my time" she shrugs.

5/28/2022 14:45:32 Common Raven has spoken. Many words so far, have been uttered by it. All of them in raven, though, so it makes no real difference to most people. Actions does speak louder than words, however, with that he digs into the pastry with his strong beak. He has no real trouble breaking the baked good into smaller pieces to swallow.

5/28/2022 14:45:45 Journey looks to Erin, "Lydia, CJ, Violet, Fidelia." He throws old names at her, then to Jackie, "Hi I'm Journey, we're remembering an old Pack of Furies that used to operate here. We haven't met. Would you like a pastry?" He offers the box in her direction.

5/28/2022 14:46:58 Reno tips his hat to Jackie before hopping on the bike. Time to ride off into the ... oh, no sunset. Just ride off.

5/28/2022 14:47:21 Reno heads up the dirt road and back to the forest.

5/28/2022 14:47:37 Torey nods to Reno and gives him a fond expression before watching him leave, chewing on her bottom lip. She does catch the offer from Bryan but says " No thank you,sir." she nods to what Erin says before looking to Duck and says " That is very good. I am glad to know someone is. "

5/28/2022 14:48:11 Bryan nods to Journey. "Nope. You didn't. I did." Then he nods to Journey. "And Pearl. Don't forget Pearl." He OPENLY rolls his eyes and shakes his head, waiting for Torey's answer. When it's given, he turns around and chomps his pastry.

5/28/2022 14:49:14 Jackie steps forward to accept a pastry, the smell of it brightening her face a few degrees. "Yes, please. Thank you. And hi, I'm Jackie. I just got into town this week, staying with kin over at Stonecreek."

5/28/2022 14:50:49 Duck nods to Torey, and fluffs her feathers slightly, "Shall we get off this porch, step over towards the campfire? IT's out at the moment, but I don't mind." She asks Torey

5/28/2022 14:50:49 Journey nods to Jackie, "I am Journey Farshi, Shaderunner of the Silent Striders. Elder Theurge of Homid birth, Alpha of the Zephyrs Hand pack, mated to Vesta Farshi of the Silent Strider Kinfolk, Father of Stephen Farshi, deednamed Baconcaller. I haven't been to Stonecreek in a bit but I believe we just narrowly avoided meeting each other before.

5/28/2022 14:53:40 Journey throws names at her, and Erin looks at him with a blank expression and shakes her head "nope, before me.. I've heard of ... actually heard the name Violet but not sure in what tense" she glances to Bryan and shakes her head "No I'm sorry I didn't get to meet any of those people, again must of been way before me." she shrugs.

5/28/2022 14:55:59 Jackie turns to listen to Erin, then back at Journey. "And I've never heard of any of them. Obviously, of course, since I just said I just got here. But that has something to do with a shelter and a dojo?"

5/28/2022 14:56:44 With his beak, well, beak deep in pastry, the bird has some issues at first with offering any kind of responce. But he pulls the beak out at length, tilting his head a bit to let an eye peer at all the people and all their words. He then speaks. Its not so much his beak moving in tune with the words, but a perfectly neutral English sort of emanates from his magnificently ravenly body, "Hi! I am a Raven!" he even moves one of his wings a bit, as if to sort of wave. Kind of, "I am also a Magnificent Son of Raven and Child to Helios! You may address me as Swift Wing upon the High Wind! Or, in some cases, I will accept 'Oooh, pretty bird!'"

5/28/2022 14:59:05 Torey is still shaking a bit but she doesn't look like a frightened doe about to run off into the forest anymore at least. She nods to Duck and gives her a small smile. " I would like that very much, yes. Let me just go put my flowers inside so they are not forgotten." She scoops to pick up the roses once more and tells Duck" I will be back in only a moment." She dips her body into that low curtsy again than hurries into the house to drop off the beautiful orange roses.

5/28/2022 15:01:57 Bryan nods to Erin. "You were around, but you might not have been AROUND, if you know what I mean. Lydia was just about the worst Black Fury I've ever had the displeasure of knowing."

5/28/2022 15:02:29 Duck nods, "Of course, dear." And waddles to the door, watching it as Torey moves through the door. 5/28/2022 15:02:29 5/28/2022 15:02:29 Journey nods to Jackie, "Yes, there's plans about a new Shelter, still need to get details, but I have a card. We'll see what happens there." To Erin and Bryan he nods, "They were impressive in all the bad ways."

5/28/2022 15:06:07 Jackie takes a moment to chew and swallow a substantial mouthful of pasty before answering. "That sounds kind of interesting. Do you mind if I get a copy of the card?"

5/28/2022 15:06:08 Erin looks to the raven "I thought it was handsome must studding bird ever?" she winks. She does glance a little curiously to Torey before looking back to Journey and Bryan "I've only been in the know of this side of the family" she looks thoughtful... what like 3 years.." she looks like she is thinking "Well 4 since Ana will be 4 in a few months" she smiles then ohs "So that bad huh.. Well guess we can all keep an eye on shit and see how it goes" she rocks back and forth adjuting the quiver and bow though she pauses a little bit there is the feel of magic in the air before the bow and quiver are gone... She does finish her yummy pastry.

5/28/2022 15:08:21 Bryan nods. "With exploits that ranged from slut shaming a kinfolk all the way up to defending a Spiral who 'wanted to do better'.... and trying to defend a vampire, but then ultimately killing the vampire to save face." He shrugs. "She and her girlfriend also magically modified Lydia with the help of a mage who wasn't even kinfolk, so that they could have a baby 'naturally'. Like, cool. They could have adopted. They could have worked with a kinmage, but as it is, the kid ended up kind of fucked up. They finally took off for parts unknown when we basically ran them out of town because they were DETRIMENTS to their tribe and the Nation as a whole." He watches as Torey and Duck move off and he relaxes a little, knowing that Duck can take care of anything that comes up. Torey does get a smile if she looks his way though

5/28/2022 15:10:35 The raven is silent a few moments, and then there is almost the tiniest hint of an 'aww' sound coming from him. Erin, though, gets a more energetic motion of his wing along with a greeting 'kraaa' sound before he once more emanates English in the most perfect of accents, "Why, yes! That would indeed also be most acceptable!"

5/28/2022 15:11:11 Jackie quirks an eyebrow at the magically disappearing bow, but then is distracted as she listens to Bryan's recounting of past events with her jaw dropping slowly but surely lower with each new detail. Once he's finished she closes her mouth with a hard click. "Holy shit. That's... A lot."

5/28/2022 15:11:31 Journey looks at Erin and looks off into middle space holding the rest of the pastries absently, "It was a long time ago, yes. We were still living at the Beach House, before it was wiped out by the cold snap storm. Pearl and Lydia not getting it, but yes, I took apart Basilisks head and made a Fetish of her Tongue." He shakes his head, "They had power, but great foolishness and yes, they left, I believe mostly separately."

5/28/2022 15:11:33 Torey comes back out a few moments after after putting her flowers on display inside and of course doing some deep breathing! When she comes back out she's gotten her trembling hands under control. She hears the talk of the shelter going on and as she motions for Duck to lead the way she says quietly to her " I have plans to open a ranch that will help kinfolk and shifters as well, hopefully. It will be a place for healing. I need to get a little further in my own healing however but an endeavor such as a ranch takes time anyways." As she passes by Bryan on her way to the fire ring she does meet his gaze though and will give him a gentle smile in return for his own.

5/28/2022 15:13:57 Duck turns and leads off the porch, waddling in a DUCK COMING THROUGH attitude, tail feathers swinging. At the steps, she leaps off, flaps once and lands, walking a few steps and waddling around to Torey for her to come down, then finishes the circle she waddled in and takes her ducky ass to the unlit campfire, "Oh just ashes." She waddles to the close woodpile, "Would you like to set up the wood for a new fire?" She suggests to Torey.

5/28/2022 15:15:03 There are a couple of blinks and tilts of Erin's head, "Holy fuck that's so fucked up.. Like really fucked up. I guess I am glad I never really knew them cuz fuck that shit.. That's super like .. beyond stupid" She looks at Journey a bit then ohs and blushes "Sorry" she chews on her lower lip a little bit and guestures "Can I have another pretty please" she smiles before looking to them both "So I guess we can only hope that same shit doesn't happen again right?"

5/28/2022 15:17:40 "Those were just highlights," Bryan says, giving Torey a friendly little wink and a nod. Talking to Duck is GOOD. He nods to Erin. "It was bad. I almost punched her right in the face one day. I don't even remember what for. You want some stories, talk to the Truthcatcher."

5/28/2022 15:17:50 Jackie nods her head, a small shiver running through her as she recovers her composure a bit after processing all of that twisted history. "Yeah, I mean, we're just talking about a women's shelter here, right? You didn't specify, but I just assumed..."

5/28/2022 15:19:52 Journey nods to Jackie "Yeah yeah, seems the spirits are looking to back a new generation to try something similar once again, al in the ground floor stages it seems like, so I'm hoping they can do it this time." He says, "With a 'Rhapsody,' that she mentioned seems like a new Black Fury wave coming in."

5/28/2022 15:20:55 Erin glances to Torey and Duck giving a little smile before she glances back to Journey and nods "Well That hopefully won't be a bad thing right?"

5/28/2022 15:23:46 Looking around a bit more at all the people in the area, he gives Erin one last little -kraa- before he returns to simply devouring his pastry.

5/28/2022 15:23:48 Bryan nods. "We have waves of people here and there. We had several bad waves of Get. The new bunch is fine, I guess." Like.. they're fine for GET, but still. "Furies, same thing. Alecto's bunch wasn't awful, but they kind of wandered off, but there have been a couple of waves of just... fucking idiots... and then the notorious tides of Coggies that come in, fuck things, leave. It happens. I genuinely hope they do well here."

5/28/2022 15:25:14 Journey lets Erin have at the pastries, and looks around, setting the box down and getting into his satchel and getting out a phone and the card. He takes a picture of the card front and back and gives it to Jackie before sending a text off briefly. "We give everyone the chance to make their own path here, so we'll see how it goes for them."

5/28/2022 15:27:04 Glancing over to the Raven, Erin smiles "yes you are a very handsome Raven" she winks then looks to Bryan "Well yeah, that is like life sometimes you get assholes, and dumbasses and then you get cool and nice people" she nodsnods "Yeah that's a good thing about here. people find their own path that wish to find it" she rocks a little on her heels.

5/28/2022 15:28:35 Torey moves over to the campfire with Duck and nods at the suggestion. " I would like that, yes. " She looks pleased to be doing something with her hands. She gets to work but says " A kind man named Stephen came and delivered wood the other day so everything is well stocked."

5/28/2022 15:28:51 Jackie glances up at Bryan a little sharply at the crack about the Get and damning with faint praise that included her. Her jaw tightens just enough to show in her facial muscles, then she turns away to take the card from Journey. She does the same thing, taking a picture of it with her phone before returning it to a jacket pocket. "Awesome, thanks. I'll be sure to check it out sometime, maybe it's even something I can help with a little. And speaking of helping, I'm going to go help Torey with building that fire."

5/28/2022 15:29:50 Bryan shakes his head at Jackie. "No," he says, not unkindly. "I've been trying to get Torey and Duck together for a couple of weeks now. They need a minute." Nothing menacing at all in his tone, just straight up facts.

5/28/2022 15:32:42 Duck waddles with Torey to the wood, nodding, "Ah, yes, Stephen, that's two I know. I would help myself, but you know, Thumbs." Duck scoffs somehow, still having a beak. "It's good wood." She waddles to the fire, "And the firesite itself has some ashes in it, but the ashes don't stop us from building a new fire on top of it. Makes a good base to put something new on."

5/28/2022 15:34:27 Journey puts his phone away, "Sorry, the wife."

5/28/2022 15:35:10 Erin smiles a little giddy at Journey as she steps to come get the pastry "These are really good, where did you get from again?" She can't help but glance towards the two. This time she doesn't step back since she was just a little off. She looks to Jackie and smiles at her "If you want company when you go to the shelter just give me a call I'll be happy to go with you " she nodsnods.

5/28/2022 15:36:33 Does the raven eat the entire pastry? Nope, he does not! Heavy pastry stuff for light bird bodies is bad medicine indeed. But as he stops eating it, he does not let it go. He keeps the one claw on it, only lowering his head to sort of clean his beak off on the railing a bit.

5/28/2022 15:36:43 Jackie starts to take a step towards the wood pile then stops her self short at Bryan's words, hard enough for her boot to make a thud on the ground. She glances over at the two by the fire pit briefly, then pivots around on her feet to face back towards the porch. "Alright then... And yeah, I'll let you know when I'm going. Once they're open, of course. Oh, and I stopped by the Mod shop earlier today, too a quick look around. The custom forge is a nice bit of kit."

5/28/2022 15:38:06 Journey looks to Jackie,, "Oh, you're mechanical, I mean no you're Kinfolk, I know that, but you're a mechanic? I got Riley Kustoms, I mean. Vesta OWNS it but, yeah."

5/28/2022 15:39:13 Bryan gives Jackie a little smile. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be so curt but y---" He glances over at Journey and tilts his head a little and then nods when he gets it right finally and then grins back to Jackie.

5/28/2022 15:40:01 Erin looks towards the Raven and tilts her head "Do you need some help with that? " she asks him before she glances back to Jackie and smiles "Thanks. I do enjoy working with it quite a bit" she looks to Journey and smiles and nods "She fixes stuff so just not a mechanic" she shrugs.

5/28/2022 15:40:17 Torey begins to haul the wood and stack it just so in the campfire to allow good air flow once its going. She grins at Duck, her mood lifting while she is busy. " I have met many since my arrival and I have to say everyone has been very kind. have only had the one chance to speak with him but that experience was pleasant. "She listens to what Duck says About the ashes and the foundation and with a tilt of her head to one side she says "that sounds like an analogy for something. "

5/28/2022 15:41:33 Jackie nods, her eyes twinkling a bit brighter. "Yup! I've spent a lot of time in garages. Some would say too much... But yeah! I know my way around a shop. That's all my work there, too." She hooks her thumb over her shoulder at where her car is parked.

5/28/2022 15:46:54 Duck waddles around the building wood, "It can be. Depends on how you chooce to apply it. Wisdom is everywhere you look if you stop to consider it." She looks at the fire. "A little kindling and it'll be ready for the lighting this evening."

5/28/2022 15:46:54 Journey looks to the car, nodding, "Whew be careful with that on rough ground. the trip to my place I see you grinding the shit out of the front." He takes out a case and opens it handing her a card for Riley Kustoms after writing down a couple numbers, "My and Vestas numbers, call and we'll set something up."

5/28/2022 15:51:49 Erin looks at Journey a moment before she shrugs and begins to eat her new pastry taking the time to lick the filling.

5/28/2022 15:52:37 The large raven lets his beak grab a hold of the pasty leftover that he did not eat. A rumbled little -raaawk- comes from his body before he leaps from the railing and takes off into the sky.

5/28/2022 15:53:52 Jackie nods at Journey, making an exaggerated wincing expression and noise. "Oh yeah. I jacked the suspension as high as it would go before making this trip and it's got all wheel drive, but there are limits. And I don't have rally tires on there, I had to pack light to fit everything in there for the move. Oh, right, Riley's. I saw that when I stopped in for Curry a few days ago. I'll have to take a deeper look next time I'm downtown." She takes the phone numbers with a smile, her excitement growing a bit at the thought of being able to get back into something familiar.

5/28/2022 15:55:45 Journey looks up as the Raven heads off, and then back down, looking to Erin, "Get them, Oh no I baked these." He looks down at the box of pastries, "Yes, I think they worked out pretty well, honestly." Then he looks to Jackie, "Yeah you'll definately want to have a look and if you want a job, like job type job, you got it, but you'll need to talk with Vesta, I don't do paperwork, turns me homicidal." There is NO humor in that statement.

5/28/2022 15:57:37 Torey is careful and thoughtful how she stands the wood and at Duck's words on Kindling she arranges some throughout various parts of the pile as well. She sits back to study her work and smiles and nods her head in approval. She rises and brushes off her dress before she looks to Duck. She nods her head and agrees " All around us, yes. In ever encounter, every situation the hard part is knowing how to see it."

5/28/2022 15:57:54 Erin ohs softly "They are really good, they turned out super " she tells Journey and then smiles. She looks to Jackie and gives her a smile. She nods "yeah he doesn't do paperwork and you don't want him to do it either"

5/28/2022 16:00:56 Duck nods, and turns, waddling to the close by log for sitting, "Could you lift me up, dear? It's time to sit and admire your work." She says, seeming pleased. "It's going to be a welcome light now, something made anew."

5/28/2022 16:04:43 Jackie looks between Erin and Journey, feeling her enthusiasm ebb just a little bit as he realized the potential for some conflict between their two businesses. "Right, no paperwork... But I'll be down during the week, see if I can help out, maybe at both places? A job-job can be good, but... Well, you know how things can be with our extended families and its needs. And I should be able to bring in some money with... other, car related activities. Oh, and you made these? Yourself? Neat! They came out really well!"

5/28/2022 16:05:05 Bryan glances over to Torey and Duck briefly, but then back to the group. "Journey is a pretty fucking fantastic cook. And makes a pretty good employer too. I'm pretty sure that his mate owns half the businesses in town. Makes it easy for new people coming in to get jobs and things."

5/28/2022 16:07:28 Erin gives Jackie a smile "You go and work where you feel the most comfortable at" she gives a little shrug as she takes a bite of her pastry. She looks beside her a moment then looks back and nods "yeah lots of places to work around here.. Tower one always needs good mechanics too" she nodsnods.

5/28/2022 16:09:41 Journey nods, "Yeah, Modds has the right on Bling, and direct customs, but Riley's got the Bikes business, on Modds, works out well, actually. I got a Moto Guzzi, so I mean there's a lot of SoCal vehicle modification, enough business for everyone and their home garage modding motorheads." He nods, seeming to not care much beyond that.

5/28/2022 16:14:58 Jackie glances back at the parking area, thinking of Reno's bike too. "How popular are bikes out here? It seems like a lot of people have them. Back home, a lot of the year made for really bad riding conditions. Which, you know, all wheel drive car there. I hadn't really thought about it before, but maybe I should branch out? Be like a Roman, and stuff?"

5/28/2022 16:15:52 Torey will move over to Duck when she asks to be lifted and she kneels down to do just that. Her touch is gentle and slow as she moves the duck to rest upon the log. " Well that was easy. Not too much work needed to fix it right up." She looks over to the group who are chatting, her eyes lingering on them for a moment before going back to Duck. " I am sorry for my state ealier. It is embarrassing to be this way. Thank you for being kind to me and allowing me to have at least a bit of grace but still getting to step away."

5/28/2022 16:17:50 Erin for a moment raises a brow at Journey and stares at him. She smirks and gives her head a shake taking another bite of her pastry and shrugs it off "Bikes are pretty popular, so are jeeps and stuff like that. Having one of each works great, when it's nice I would take the bike out and when it was raining the car.. Now a days I'd take the van more than anything, but you know kids and all that" she shrugs.

5/28/2022 16:20:06 Bryan nods. "I've got a Prius that I park here and then a couple of ATVs if I need to be two legged and go too much further in. There are a couple of stations between here and the caern, which is absolutely not accessible by car or truck."

5/28/2022 16:23:09 Journey looks to Jackie, "June, Beach strip, sun shining on Chrome, bikinis and oiled abs glistening in the open summer air perched on shining leather." He nods. "Welcome to Southern California in the Summer. Hope you're ready to tan."

5/28/2022 16:23:09 Duck is warm and her feathers are soft, and she's more than an animal, of course. As she replies, "No. you have no need to be sorry or apologize. Your pain and anxiety are accepted. You may feel about them as you will, but you will never need to apologize for yourself." The beak turns to the others, then back to Torey.

5/28/2022 16:27:38 Torey lowers herself to sit down upon the log beside Duck, not seeming to mind being close to the spirit. She dips her head and looks down at her hands, folded in her lap, before looking back to Duck and nods at her words but finds she cannot comment. She looks over to the others as well though and after a moment she says " They are good people. I have only met three of them once or twice but Chasing the Wind Rhya has been a great help to me since my arrival as has Moves like Quicksilver Rhya. He is the one who left a while ago if you have not met him yet. Everyone here is very accepting and supportive. I had not expected such when I arrived considering. I had expected to be shunned in truth. I am beyond grateful it did not happen."

5/28/2022 16:27:49 Jackie follows along with them, focusing on their advice and seeming more than a little pleased at the prospect. "Ok, yeah. Sounds like I'm going to want to get in some practice on different platforms then." Her expression takes a noticeable downturn at Journey's mention of the sun. "Ooh, I don't know about that. Me and the sun don't get along that well. Land of the ice and snow, midnight sun where the hot springs flow, you know?"

5/28/2022 16:29:49 "The Child of Gaia dream." Bryan grins at Jackie and then nods to Journey, then briefly checks around. Stephen, check. Ana..... .... ... oh, check. Okay. Playing! He chuckles at Jackie. "Talk to the Silver Fangs. I know they've got a sun screen that's actually not poisoning the earth."

5/28/2022 16:30:26 Erin giggles "Good thing there is AC for you then" she licks her fingers after finishing off her pastry "The hot springs are nice though"

5/28/2022 16:33:34 Duck moves as Torey settles down, settling against the womans hip, sitting down by just plopping there. "Shunned? No not here. They have worked to make this a place where one can form their own way. It's a founding principle here. You can use it to become who you want to be, as much as the young fortune seekers, with no past, your past can be left as ashes to build on."

5/28/2022 16:33:34 Journey nods to Jackie, and chuckles, "Well, that's your personal choice, but those people who are in the Melanoma March are ready to spend money on their bikes."

5/28/2022 16:39:23 Jackie perks up at that thought, now that the threat of the summer sun has been put into her head. "Magic sunscreen? That sounds like an amazing idea. I'll have to look that up asap."

5/28/2022 16:42:35 Erin looks curiously at Bryan "You don't say.. Fuck no one told me"

5/28/2022 16:47:15 Torey smiles as Duck settles against her hip and she smiles. " I knew it was an an anology." this said with a little chuckle. She reaches up to fiddle with a single curl of her hair as she says " Bry..... Chases the Wind Rhya, told me how you helped his daughter, Miss Ana. I am so glad she had your guidance through her hard time. She is an amazing young lady."

5/28/2022 16:49:27 Bryan smiles and shrugs at Erin. "I mean, that's what the whole company is. It's Gaian-safe, Theurge approved skin care and makeup products." He shakes his head to Jackie. "I don't thik it's magic. Just effective and safe."

5/28/2022 16:50:01 Journey considers, nodding, "We have a lot of Alchemists, someone likely has or Should have a Sunscreen of some sort, have to ask." He ponders, then blinks, "Yeah, there's a few spots you can park before going farther in, depending on how you're moving. Still some non Strider people consider it a long way on foot." He dramaticly polishes his nails. "Though not like I do a lot of conventional travel these days.

5/28/2022 16:50:01 Duck chuckles, "Ana is a lovely young woman who unfortunately lost herself for a little while. I was happy to help her find herself once more. It does happen sometimes, losing a part of yourself. Nothing of you is ever taken, not really, you just sometimes lose a part of yourself, and can find it again."

5/28/2022 16:52:06 Erin sticks her tongue out at Bryan "Now you tell me" she laughs softly then looks to Journey "I like the walk it's kinda nice though there are times where yes it's alooooong one" she giggles. "Though some of us cheat" she lightly nudges Journey.

5/28/2022 16:52:20 Jackie chuckles at Erin, turning to smile at the similarly pale woman. "Sounds like a worthwhile shopping trip. What company is that, again? Er, where can we find the non-toxic stuff, at least?"

5/28/2022 16:53:50 Torey crinkles her nose a little and a frown forms up on her lips as she looks down at her hands once more. "I am not sure I agree that a part of you cannot be taken. Perhaps not taken but it does feel like a part of you can be killed while the rest of you is forced to spend the rest of your days only half of what you used to be. "She says with a little wince."

5/28/2022 16:58:37 Journey nods to Erin, "Oh yeah I cheat big time, I have all kinds of tricks and powers and techniques. I fully admit it." He looks to Bryan for the company recommendation.

5/28/2022 16:58:37 Duck looks to Torey, "It can feel like it's dead, but surprisingly, you can recover the parts of you that you don't feel are there anymore. The idea that all hope is lost is a lie that often, the forces that caused it need you to believe. And even if you KNOW a thing you may not FEEL it for a long time, until you try to trust."

5/28/2022 17:00:11 Bryan snorts at Erin. "Hey, I'm afraid of BOTH of those women. Silver Fang kinfolk terrify me." He holds up his hands and backs up a little bit, as if warding off the Silver Fangs. "The company is Soskavit. It's the same people who own Smoke and Barley."

5/28/2022 17:01:38 Erin smiles and nods then laughs at Bryan "Ah come on Daddy, you can't be afraid of Armani.. She's super sweet and so nice. We had tea the other day and shopping" she giggles softly before looking to Journey and nods "Hey if you can why the hell not right?"

5/28/2022 17:04:42 Jackie returns her attention to Bryan. "Oh, I ate there, that was really good. If their other works are even half as good... Well, maybe I shouldn't be drinking sunscreen though. But ok, Soskavit. I'll check it out, thanks. And if I'm smart, I'll do it before the sun gets to full strength."

5/28/2022 17:06:58 Journey nods to Erin, "Yeah been a while since I've run into Armani, but she's awesome. She will cut you though if she needs to. Still, you shouldn't be in the position of needing to get cut. Ideally. Hopefully." Pause, "ANYWAY, yeah, don't know what kind of cooking adventure I'm gonna do next."

5/28/2022 17:07:10 Bryan holds up his hands again and backs away another step. "THAT ONE especially makes me want to apologize. Like all the time. For no fucking reason at all. But whatever I did, I'm REALLY sorry." He nods to Jackie. "I don't think there's a storefront. I think it's just like.. some of those high-end .. things.. internet only, whatever, but I know that they provide stuff to all of us for cheap or nothing, depending on what it is. Her name's Armani, like Erin said. Her introduction's longer than my d-----iiiiiisseration on the evils of fracking."

5/28/2022 17:11:30 Erin giggles at Bryan "What did you do?" she eyes him "And you better have money for the swear jar " she teases him then looks back to Journey "Oh I have no doubt that she will cut you if you deserve it" she nodsnods "Kinfolk can surprise you" she shrugs and rocks a little on her heels.

5/28/2022 17:13:25 Jackie lets a hint of a scowl creep into her expression as she regards Bryan for a moment, then she looks to Erin with a bit of surprise. "Shit, is there a swear jar?"

5/28/2022 17:14:15 Journey looks to Erin, Bryan and Jackie, "I think it's how we fund urban renewal."

5/28/2022 17:14:56 A little voice from over THERE somewhere calls out, "He's up to two dollars, just for today." It's a pretty little blonde girl that's just about 7 years old. Bryan eyes the child, then looks at Erin and shakes his head. "I didn't do ANYTHING. She's just like.. super scary. I didn't even hit on her. Swear."

5/28/2022 17:17:22 Erin laughs "He only has the swear jar thankfully" she laughs "Oh I've probably funded it if that's the case" she tells Journey now "I am better though at the swearing" she looks over to Ana and smiles "Is he now? What are we buying with it this time?" she asks the littl girl before looking to Bryan "Uh huh.. I know you sir.. I'll just ask her, you do know I have her number right" she teases and waggles her brows.

5/28/2022 17:20:48 Jackie takes a moment, trying to think back how much she might have already sworn here without thinking about it.

5/28/2022 17:23:12 Journey looks at over to Ana and smiles as the tab is tallied and looks to Bryan, grinning, before looking to Erin, "I already have linguistic misnomers and interesting word usements I structure."

5/28/2022 17:23:51 Bryan grins at Erin. "Dude, I didn't even hit on her. I met her for like 5 minutes, told her I was the den father, then she gave me this LOOK like... I don't know. There was nothing WRONG with the look. I just kind of wanted to crawl off somewhere and hide." He chuckles and glances over at Ana. "Not the last one. No way. I object." Ana, pretty little dirty faced girl that she is, rolls her eyes. "Objeshtun overruled. I can count, daddy." Damn these women!

5/28/2022 17:26:27 Erin laughs at Bryan "Now i'm curious and will have to ask her you know right" she steps over to Bryan and patspats "Poor daddy got scared it's ok we will protect you" she steps back before Bryan hits her or something before she looks between Journey and Bryan "Girls wanted to do some kind of campout.. I don't know if you guys are up for that, somewhere around here obviously" she looks to Jackie "I can take you to meet Armani if you want she's super nice" she nodsnods

5/28/2022 17:26:37 Torey nods her head and lets out a slow breath. " I am trying. I suppose it takes time to accept such things and move on, to trust." She looks back over to the group though and her expression softens " It helps when you have a great support system." She spots Ana arriving and her expression brightens and she seems to perk up quite a bit.

5/28/2022 17:31:04 Journey nods, looking to Bryan "You got overruled." He nods, So there.

5/28/2022 17:31:04 Duck rests the side of her head to the side of Toreys leg, "You have all the time you need. None are seeking to make you move faster than you want to. You have time, and us, and you can focus on what you need for yourself." Ducks head lifts, and turns to Ana, "Good afternoon dear.

5/28/2022 17:31:31 Jackie nods to Erin. "Sure, sounds great. I don't want to be a stranger to everyone forever, after all."

5/28/2022 17:33:13 Ana waves at Torey and Duck. The waves are enthusiastic, but Duck ESPECIALLY gets a big wave. Bryan grins at Erin and nods. "School's out for Ana. I spent hours doing her hair and didn't even get a picture, but miss Torey saw it. I did a good job." He decides to NOT address the issue of the ladies protecting him. "Camping can happen after my mom comes to visit in the next week or so. She hates the outdoors, so it'll have to wait until after."

5/28/2022 17:36:06 Erin nodsnods to Jackie "I will get in touch with her and see what is best for her and then get back to you" she smiles. She ohs and nodsnods "Yes I heard, but I didn't get a picture either i'm afraid when I picked up the girls. Cool I mean whenever?"

5/28/2022 17:37:46 Torey looks over at the group as they talk, her eyes falling on Bryan a moment before she looks back to Duck. " I am working on that. Learning my triggers, my limits but also not coddling myself. My biggest trouble is I feel as if I do not contribute here. That will change with the ranch though." she sees the wave to Ana and she will lift her hand to return that wave gently.

5/28/2022 17:41:24 Journey nods, listening, "Remember, the S'mores stuff." He says, nodding. "And the right alcohol."

5/28/2022 17:41:24 Duck looks to Torey, "Good. The more you learn about yourself, the greater you grow, and come to find what's been lost." Duck looks to Ana and rises, moving a step from Torey and FLAPFLAPS before settling back down, Do the Duck Wave!

5/28/2022 17:43:39 Jackie glances at the children, then back up at Journey. "Alcohol? Which girls are going camping? I thought you were talking about the little ones there."

5/28/2022 17:44:20 Erin laughs "I did say kid camp out there sir" she tease Journey "We will have to figure out who's house and all but yes smores and booze are key"

5/28/2022 17:45:37 Bryan shrugs at Jackie. "Sure. The kids are going to be the thing, but there's nothing wrong with a drink or two." He eyes Erin and tips his head a little. "House?" And then Duck is flapping and it catches his attention and he smiles that way as Ana runs up for a quick hug to the duck and Torey and then takes off to go do other things. She's got two bucks coming. That's like.. SOMETHING. And good enough for now.

5/28/2022 17:49:20 Journey looks to Jackie, then Erin, "Oh, right, well, then more like the right food." He shrugs, "All up to you. I thought it was something else. Camping is still kinda a weird concept at times."

5/28/2022 17:49:20 Duck gets up and waddles as Ana comes up and goes into the hug, resting her neck and head over Anas shoulder warmly before the child runs off and she waddles back.

5/28/2022 17:51:52 Torey will rise when she sees the child coming towards them. When she gets a hug she looks surprise but she returns said up, fingers brushing over Ana's hair a moment before she releases her and watches her run off again. She watches after her for a moment before she finally turns her attention back to Duck and asks her " Shall we return to the group now?"

5/28/2022 17:54:34 Duck rises to her webbed feet and waddles to the end of the log, "Let's." She hops down and starts waddling to the Porch and the other group.

5/28/2022 17:57:52 Erin shrugs "Or place. I mean we will be there so I guess we are all camping out?" she looks thoughtful "eh just a thought, think on it, figure out what you guys want to do and we will go from there" she rocks on her heels a little "But i'm going to scoot. I got shit to do" she gives a little wave "I'll see you peeps later" she gives Jackie a smile "I'll talk with ya later" and she heads off.

5/28/2022 17:59:01 "Oh, right. We talked about backyard camping. My bad." As Erin wanders off, Bryan shrugs a little and he nods to Journey. "Oh, it's a totally weird thing. Like, you know where I lived before. The cabin. Camping. Existing as a Garou..."

5/28/2022 18:02:40 Journey nods to Bryan as Erin leaves, and looks over to Duck as she approaches, then Torey behind the small water fowl. He turns and picks up the box, turning back, "Pastry?"

5/28/2022 18:04:19 Jackie waves to Erin as she leaves, then turns back around towards the group. Still standing on the outskirts, she steps aside to make room for Torey and Duck as they come back over.

5/28/2022 18:05:08 Torey will take a deep breath but then she begins to walk with Duck back over to the group. She looks to each person gathered and Bryan gets a small, shy smile but then Journey is offering her delicious sweets! She curtsies to him and says " Yes, Thank you. That would be delicious." She will move forward to accept the sweet but before she takes a bite she will say to Jackie " I am happy to see you again. You are well I hope."

5/28/2022 18:06:16 Bryan glances at Journey briefly, then back to the group. "I wonder what I did this time to upset her," Bryan says, adding a little genuine sort of grump to the question. Then Torey gets a smil, much bigger than the one she offered. "I told you Duck was amazing, didn't I?"

5/28/2022 18:08:19 Jackie nods with a greeting smile to Torey. "Me? Oh, yes, of course! I'm doing fine, just having a busy but interesting week. How, uh, how are you doing?"

5/28/2022 18:10:00 Journey smiles as she takes a pastry and nods, turning to replace the box, "I'm really happy with them." He says as Duck waddles up to the group. "Oh, I'll blush." She says to Bryan and waddles off, taking to wing, flying low toward the playground and the Children.

5/28/2022 18:26:17 Torey takes the first bite of her sweet and nods her approval." Its delicious" once her mouth is empty. To Jackie she says " I am well, Thank you." She looks to Bryan next and she nods her head yet again " She holds much wisdom with a gentle, patient nature, yes. "

5/28/2022 18:30:40 Bryan grins and motions toward the house. "Anyone want a drink? Something to eat? I'm about starved, and as awesome as the pastries are, I need some protein."

5/28/2022 18:33:45 Journey nods to Torey, "She also does a wonderful storytime at the School when it's in session." He looks over, towards the playground, "Or when she's in the Playground." He looks back and smirks as he pushes off the railing, "Actually, Bryan that's a thing I am gonna go check on with Stephen and Lisa." He moves to the side, getting the box and a half bow, "LAst chance for pastries, anyone before I head off?" He offers.

5/28/2022 18:35:52 Jackie takes a look around, then shakes her head. "I should probably get going, actually. But I'll be back around later, I'm sure."

5/28/2022 18:39:15 Bryan reaches out to steal another pastry, then also, "One for Ana too." Totally for her. And then he chomps on his and looks around for his child, who is nowhere to be seen at the moment. HAH! TWO pastries for him

5/28/2022 18:41:20 Torey dips her body down to a low curtsy, head bowing to them all as she says " I was very pleased to see you both and hope to have the pleasure again." She rises and then looks to Bryan and says " If you wish I can help with food. I enjoy working in the kitchen with you."

5/28/2022 18:41:58 Journey nods, and heads off, "LAter, folks." Moving to the playground to chase down his son.

5/28/2022 18:45:01 Jackie waves goodbye and heads off to her car. After a moment, she glides down the driveway and down the path.