06.20.2019 Sleep now in the fire

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Sleep now in the fire
Mission done
IC Date June 20th, 2019.
IC Time Night
Players Erin, Johanna, Khol, Logan Jackson, Mora, Nevada, Aldos as ST
Location Mansion
Prp/Tp Previous Log: 06.13.2019_Jag_in_the_woods
Spheres Gaian Garou, Fera, M+/Kinfolk

xxxxxThe deal was done with the Garou it was time to get this over and done with but the issue is the totem is locked in the back of a highly guarded mansion, with bleeding edge tech guarding it and round the clock guards and big dogs. Everything the rich man that hates humanity and loves their stuff needs to keep it very very safe. But in the back yard an ancient Jaguar statue with one mean bad mojo of a long dead totem waits for them, but all that stands in the way at the moment is 30 foot wall, with a large iron gate.

As he looks up at the mansion, Logan squints his eyes. He is wearing a cyber-punk styled trench coat, black pants sans chains and a snug black shirt. He's in 'recon' mode. Over his shoulder is his backpack and on his head is a pair of night vision goggles. "I can get us into any locked door. I can check to see if they got security in there as well." He says as he slides his black phone out of his pocket, the launches his tool-kit upon the screen. "We going through the Umbra which could help us bypass any physical threats or we doing this old school?"

Johanna keeps the group back, so they can observe and decide the plan. "The Umbra would definitely be a good idea for this. Rather not set off mortal security. I'm listening for any ideas here. What do you all think? What are your talents? Beyond what this one has said. I want to hear from everyone." She does not even know some of those that have come along today.

Mora thinks for a moment "Well umbra is a great idea, but he will be stronger and might have some of his brood with him." she is then pondering a few things. "He will also be in a place that is familiar to him and with his rage will twist it to his new liking."

Erin looks at the mansion as she looks to her side then looks towards the other "Umbra? Hmm never been in the umbra. As for plans" she looks at the place "Well we can fly" she chews on her lower lip a little bit. "I can create a door anywhere to come in as long as the wall isn't too thick too" she offers slightly unsure as she looks to the others.

"Okay guys. There is nineteen cameras currently circling the perimeter. The entire mansion is on a private network beaming down from a satellite. There's a guard house with an open LAN port that I can gain access to, buuuuut..." Logan says as he taps away on his phone, then clears his throat. "I just disabled all of them. Cameras are now on a loop. All nineteen of them. We can walk right in through the front door and the cameras will only loop the last twenty minutes over and over again, no audio. Soon as we get through the gates, I will network myself in the guard house and shut down the security systems in place. Cool? Cool. Let's roll Autobots." The Glass Walker Ragabash says merrily as he tap-tap-taps away on his phone, then slides a sleek laptop out of his bag as he moves towards the gate.

Mora is glad that they have a glass walker with them "well lets go." she tries to focus on bending the light around her but is not as lucky as she did with mystical armor around her that fades from sight as it absorbs around her.

Looking to Kringer that is beside Erin "Stay out of sight and your eyes open" she tells the panther beside her. She then looks around curiously and walks over to Khol "Do you want some extra protection?"

Khol smiles a little to Erin "Thank you, But I am fine. Jo tends to me, should I need it. But for now I am fine." he sounds calm and at peace, but appreciative.

Nevada doesn't look like he has any gifts or weaponry or tricks to pull out of his sleeves. The Shadow Lord just waits while others prepare and work, and patiently waits for the group to decide and move. "Whatever way everyone things is best. I'm just here to offer what support I can."

xxxxxOn the other side of the wall the sound of boots can be heard as the guards are patrolling one of them makes his way to the gate half ass peeks, before he turns around heading back down the path. They have never noticed or had trouble here so they are a little too lax of course, bored rent a cops enjoying easy pay.

Mora says "Do we want to deal with the guards?" said as she is trying to count them by the sounds and scents "I think there is eight of them and some things drivable... maybe cars to golf carts... to many other sounds making it hard to tell."

Johanna eyes Mora a moment when she speaks, but otherwise listens to the others. "I agree, we need the cameras taken care of. I'd prefer it if you had someone with you while we do that. Someone to watch your back while you work." She notes to Nevada, "We will need your help and insight with this spirit, renewing him, releasing him." She speaks quietly, as they hear the guards. "Can anyone get a view? Any chance you can tap into those cameras so we can get a view? Or does someone have a gift to see it?"

"Cameras are taken care of. I shut them down. We're all clear technology wise. I have control of the entire place." Logan says as he holds up his phone, wiggling it. He taps a few buttons on his phone, humming to himself. Taking a dongle out, he attaches the phone to his computer, then settles down against a tree. He slides out couple of headsets, lobbing one to Nevada and another to Johanna. He puts one on his head as well. "Give me a second to get a total headcount from the cameras."

Erin sighs softly "I can offer a view from above.. if need be or if you want.. Kringer is good at hiding if you want" she tries to offer as she rocks on her heels.

Nevada catches the headset and settles it over his head. As for his role in all this, he nods his understanding to Johanna and looks like he probably has some questions. One can just about see the lines of text going across his face. But for now, the Theurge keeps quiet and focused on getting in first.

"Okay team, we have twenty-two guards." Logan says as he launches multiple camera screens on the computer. "Eight patrolling here, here, here... there is a bus with about eight more than I can count inside of it. Four more guards inside of an RV and two on motorcycles. Geezus Christ, they got the Pope in there? I can probably pop an alarm on one side of the mansion and pull them all away if necessary." He glances over to Johanna. "Our target, the totem thingy is in the backyard, unguarded inside of a greenhouse." He says as he motions to the screen, tapping it. "Whatcha thinking boss?"

Blinking "It's unguarded in the greenhouse. Couldn't we just go in the door from where the greenhouse is and just avoid the guards?" Erin asks.

Khol nods a little but waits looking calmly and trustingly to Johanna

Mora nods and says "To many to knock out and hide, I like the distraction idea better."

Johanna agrees, "We need a distraction to draw the guards all to the front. We need to get into the backyard then - those of us that can work with the Totem Spirit. Who thinks they can handle the distraction? We do not need too many on that, if planned right."

"Avoiding them entirely is extremely unlikely." Nevada says towards Erin. "Empty now doesn't mean it'll stay that way. A distraction will keep them away for a short time, but we'll need a plan. Once they realize it's a false alarm, they'll likely start sweeping. We may need a series of distractions to buy time."

Mora says "Nevada is right we need a couple of fires going." she uses air quotes on the word

"Distraction part is easy peasy mac and cheesy, but I think Johanna's earlier idea of going through the Umbra may be safest. Pop in, snag the totem, pop out, soon as you come across. That would be the boring but super simple easy way." Logan suggests as he bobs his head, tapping away at the computers as he pulls the screens around, settling them up as he maps the entire area.

Erin gestures "We can walk around where the green house is. I can make a door and those that can help the spirit can walk through while others make a distraction to keep the guards busy? I mean that way we don't have to go through the whole place.. "

Mora says "Nevada is right we need a couple of "fires" going." she uses air quotes on the word "but the umbra is a better idea."

Johanna looks hard at Mora. Judgment coming from the Philodox. "While I agree with you, Finder of the Lost, it will be my decisions as ranking Garou what we do. Please do not make it appear otherwise." She nods to Erin now. "That would be good if we go through on this side. We need to go through the Umbra, and see what is going on first."

Erin sagely nods "Was just suggesting.. So you tell me what you want me to do and i'll do it.. I can make one of the guards glow like a light stick if that helps or if we are setting fires I can do that too, I am sorry i'll shush and wait.." she shifts from one foot and another looking at all the people before Kringer nudges her as if to relax her.

"Umbra it is then. At least then we see more of the variables at hand." This from Nevada as he makes another adjustment to his headset. We have a plan for this side, should it come down to it."

"Yup. Just give me a signal, I can bang the alarm, pull everyone to one side of the mansion if possible, hell, maybe I'll blow up one of the generators by overloading the grid and creating a feedback to spike through and then BOOM. They'll kinda /have/ to roll over there. Gives you enough time to snag the prize and poof back. I'm good for whatever you guys wanna do." Logan says as he taps away at the keyboard, continuing to monitor through the cameras with a happy hum.

Mora is waiting for everyone to move in.

Khol Stands quietly, listening, ready to do what Johanna asks.

Johanna puts out her hand. "Let's go into the Umbra. All those going, take hands so we cross together." She has a small mirror in her hand she keeps at the ready when going out like this, and can easily sidestep.

The other side is covered in a deep spider webs on the other side, it seems whoever lives here is deep into the weaver. But at the moment all is quiet on the other side of the umbra, but a few spiders mobbing back and forth. Black with little red slashes on their back on their backs, they are not small seeming ready to fuck up anything that will stumble into their webs. Only a few of them can be seen right now, but as any Garou that knows the umbra, they can be hiding in the webs, ready to pounce.

Khol will take Jo's hand and relays for the passage, content in silence.

Mora joins as she is glad someone is guiding her.

Erin was getting ready to head over to Logan as she had no idea she could go. She's never been there so she shrugs and kinda looks torn between going or staying unless someone takes her hand she's going to stay dang red headed that can't make up her mind.

Nevada takes a hand without question or complaint and makes the crossing, though he would make no effort to drag the unwilling along. No sooner does he step into the Umbra than a change seems to touch him. Even if he doesn't immediately change forms, there seems to be something different about him. Standing near him is like being near a live wire, a humming electric energy that's more than just a Garou's innate spiritual power. He certainly seems more at home, the tension easing out of his posture even with business at hand. "Aaah, that's better. Now, which way is the greenhouse?"

Khol steps across, even though the spirit realm isn't his, he still seems at ease, staying near Johanna.

Settled against the tree in the wake of a shadow, Logan dims the brightness of the screen down and makes room for Erin to sit next to him. He continues to monitor the grounds, waiting.

Johanna does not like what she sees at all. Not at all. Good thing she does not have a phobia here. She taps Nevada on this one. "You are the Crescent Moon. You know this place better than most. Guide us though this. Everyone, stick together, and do not touch anything." She adds, "Is there a spirit you can call on to guide us toward our goal perhaps?"

Yup definitely a good thing the Spider kin didn't go with them cuz you know spiders. Erin move near Logan and squats down as she looks at his screen. Kringer who is the black panther with her comes to lay down near them too keeping his ears open "So you're going to set off the alarm? is there anything I can do?"

Mora takes a look around "To many spiders here." said softly but then asks "Are these normal spiders." just in case she pulls out her dagger for if they get swarmed.

"I don't know what you can even do." Logan says with a grin. "Give me a high level bullet point breakdown of your skill-set and I can form a plan of action." He pops a stick of gum into his mouth, then passes the pack over to Erin.

"As she said, don't disrupt the webs or get in the way of the spiders." Nevada cautions the others after nodding in acceptance to Johanna. "They have their specific duties. So long as those aren't interfered with, they'll leave be, so leave them to their tasks for now. Just be wary for guardians who's job it is to keep us out. As for summoning, I can, though it will take some time. If we want more information about what's inside, I can get closer and see what I can see, then if needed I have an idea for a spirit who may know how to get in safely."

Erin takes the gum and takes one before sticking it into her mouth as she chews "I can make something into a glow stick, set someone on fire, in case them in ice. Make noises, jump really high" she points to Kringer "he can fly" she adds before she hmms and shrugs "Make doors"

Mora keeps her arms to her side as she never wanted to touch the webs to begin with "Need anything from us to help you?"

Khol nods , actually clasping his hands behind his back, and following closely, even putting his feet where Jo puts hers.

xxxxxThe Garou on the umber side make their way through the webs, a few almost touches but due to their skilled movements, are able to make it about half way with no major issues. Johanna as the elder taking point, and then there is a huge web in front of them, with a large spider resting in the middle of it, but it seems to not be very active. There is a path to the left of the web leading through it, but it will be a tight squeeze.

Khol watches the others, takes a moment and selects his spot, leaping through, and rolling to his feet, without touching the web, if only barely.

With the gang on the move, the stiff-moving Nevada takes to a form where the odds are slightly higher in his favor. In Lupus, his status as a Metis becomes evidently clear. Dude's got two tails, and he keeps a very close mind on them as he tries to inch through narrow spaces.

Johanna is still the lithe homid here, not worried yet to slip into another form. She needs the smallness to get through and around. Keeping Khol within reach, she leads the group through, around easily herself, and then waits on the other side for the group to get past.

xxxxxThey have reached the greenhouse, in this world it is a lush jungle, with the Chicomecoatl the jaguar man, that was here walking back and forth pacing around, he is dressed in his tribal robes bright red, with his spear in his right hand. He is watching the spiders, but they are staying away from the man, as he nods towards them with a lifting of his hand."Have you come to honor the deal?"

Khol stops just behind and to the side of Jo, he offers a smile, but leaves the talking to the others

Minutes To Midnight approaches the spirit with respect but no fear, his posture calm. Is he? Those tails make it trickier to read lupine body language even for the fluent, they seem a bit stiff and unwieldy, the equivalent of someone trying to emote after a fresh round of Botox. *A bargain offered, a bargain kept.* He says in the half physical and half empathic language of the spirits. *We come to recover the icon.*

Johanna steps up with Minutes to Midnight as well. "I am a child of Mammoth, devoted to him, to keep his memory alive and spread stories of him to all to keep him from vanishing. I, my pack, and those here, will get you out from here, cleansed, and remembered. So you are not alone again."

xxxxx< Okay then, brave ones. What do I need to follow you out in. > Chicomecoatl walks towards the ones speaking to him with a bowing of his head as he looks at her and then over at Minutes to Midnight.<Now then I will come with you and we will get this sorted. I need a bite of bone or flesh.> As he looks at them with a wide smile of sharp teeth.< I hate this statue it was not to be my home, for more than a few days. >

Mora steps up behind but near Johanna, she was going to say something but when he speaks up she does not. She looks at mission Alpha hoping for some guidance on this.

The metis gives a slow hobbling step forward, sniffing the air. Minutes to Midnight lets out a low rumble in his throat. *I offer myself as tribute.* He says unafraid as his twin tails give a few lazy swishes behind him. *If an offering of blood breaks the curse to release you from your binds, you may take one of my tails.* He slowly blinks his glowing eyes. *It will grow back.* Right? Right.

xxxxx< I will ride you, but I will take no tails, and I do no harm. Your kind has shown me kindness when there should be have been none. > With that Chicomecoatl walks towards the metis. As he gets closer his body starts to glow and then he is gone with a poof of blood and flesh left on the ground but it is slowly fading, Aztec totem of carnage is now hidden inside of the Garou for better or worse.

Looking at Logan and giggles "I get to be the tank? " she giggles "I'm a horrid tank but I'll do my best and yeah totally can teleport us a few miles I think I remember a place I saw" she sagely nods and lightly pets Kringer. She tilts her head watching where the others came from and just waiting.

Minutes To Midnight looks downright furious as the spirit abruptly changes their deal. The Theurge offered a blood meal, not a free ride. There's a low and rattling growl that escapes the Lord despite his normally calm seeming demeanor and every hair on his pelt is raised. Still, he doesn't will the spirit to be expelled or denies entry, but his displeasure at the rude and downright violating possession is evident. With a very slow inhale and a violent shake of his body, the Theurge sets his teeth, slicks back his ears, and huffs towards Johanna. << Let's see this done then. >>

xxxxxMinutes To Midnight can hear the voice in his head, as the it talks to you."If I took your tail, my hunger would not be stated by your tail. I would consume all of you. I wish as I stated to do no harm. The deal was to purify me and find me a home."’

Johanna is not pleased either, this spirit is not the most trustworthy, but it has gone mad and needs their help. "Yes, let's get out of here." She signals to the others to follow for them to leave back to where they will be outside of the Mansion gates and can cross back over without incident - she hopes.

The Garou are able to make the way back using the path they used to get here, as they are back at the start with the totem riding one. The mission is over now to clean the totem, it will be a long night to work on it. But with a skilled Theurge it will be done and finding a pack will the harder task, to assign to help him regrow, but that was not something it was demanding right away. For the right pack with the right totem of course.