
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 23:19, 1 September 2020 by TheyKilledFritz (talk | contribs)
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Adeline: Your bubbliness is always refreshing, even during tense topics. I don't know how you manage.

Bobbi: Talking to you is like playing roulette: either we'll have a great and engaging philosophical discussion or you'll hurt my head with entirely too deep musings about the world. Still, TOTALLY WORTH IT.

Conn: This guy? He's a community man. Runs a clean bar with good food and good entertainment. Alright drinks too. Definitely cares about his patrons. But what the heck goes on in that VIP room of his?!

DeadPixel: Lovable scamp, though sometimes I'd like to just chase you off and keep you away for a good while. At least until you need a good meal again. Not gonna hold out on ya there, that's just mean.

[Ed]: Probably impossible to rattle. I quizzed her on a bunch of loopy occult stuff and she just shrugged it off. Note to self: find an excuse to just hang out.

Johnathan: Excellent clothes designer, highly professional. You've got my business for the foreseeable future.

Kameshi: Even though I'm woefully outclassed in beauty compared to you, it's pretty fun joining you on your streams. I think we work alright together.

Nikodemus: Vaguely lecherous. I mean that in the nicest way; you're actually quite fun to be around and just waste time with. Also your hugs are suspiciously enjoyable for some reason.

Robin: Hey. Cool guy. Cheer up. Your paint shop is really awesome, and I plan to do my best to make sure I give it the room it needs to succeed. I'm here to expand Prospect's creative talent, not crush competition.

Tabin: It's a real shame you're taken. Seriously. Regardless, you're a damn good friend, creative as all get out, and a proper gentleman all in one. So don't you worry. I've got your back, like you've got mine.