2020.6.27 By The Plot Grand Opening

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2020.07.27 By The Plot Grand Opening
Volunteers helped build raised garden beds, were treated to lunch and a take-home dinner. Deliveries of extra food made to homeless shelters.
IC Date June 27,2020
IC Time All day
Players Caressa,Johnathan,Saraid,Royce,Nikodemus,Evie,Rick,
Location New Hope Sanctuary - Prospect, CA
Spheres All
<---======##========[ Upcoming City of Hope MUSH Events ]=========##======--->
NUM  ST        Genre     Title                       Date                 Sgnps
1265 Caressa   All       BTP Grand Opening           Sat Jun 27 07:00 CST  3

Caressa hip bounces the door open and rushes the breakfast into the education center. She's running late. She never runs late.

Saraid is a little bit late for the opening, the sound of her cart signaling her arrival, she is dressed in a bright yellow and orange medieval style dress today, looking much like a budding flower today, with that bright red hair pulled back with a daisy headband to keep it back and out of her face. She offers the warmest of smiles as she enters to those gathered today, and brings in an array of seeds she has gathered too, to add to the offerings of seasonal plants available.

Caressa wanders back into the main shop, "Coffee and pastries are available in the education center! Help yourself! We'll be starting shortly." She of course spots Saraid and rushes over, "You made it! I thought you were booked up for today."

Saraid smiles brightly, "I am booked up for half the day, but I could not miss the opening of your opening here. I would never forgive myself Sis!" She offers her a tight hug. I am always here for you! Even if I am not been around a lot recently. You are my family!" She kisses her a forehead! You have done amazing here!"

<a bit later>

Saraid smiles at that and steps back out of the hug, nodding at her, as they talk, "Let us focus on this Grand Opening though! Where do you need me?" She offers reassuringly.

Caressa thinks, "Well, mostly tonight after we close down." She smiles, "But for now...do you want to help people choose their seeds and plants? Probably better if you stay inside for now?"

Nikodemus comes in off of the street, flashing a grin towards Carissa and Saraid as he spots them. A hand lifts to wave, "Morning." he greets.

Caressa looks back to the familiar voice. "Morning!" She moves over to hug the Viking metal head.? "You came! I was hoping!" She looks up at him, "I know how you feel about work but thanks for coming. Oh! There's someone I want you to meet!"

Nikodemus's got a little grin on his lips as he returns to the hug given by Caressa, "I might get bored and wander off." he says to her, "But I figured I'd at least pop my head in." His gaze turns towards Saraid and he flashes a grin. "I think we've met... once?"

<a bit later>

Evie pants heavily as she hastily opens the door and pops in, disheveled and in a minor panic. "I'm.... sorry.... I'm late.... over... slept... still going....?" She's too out of breath to offer more than a look of recognition toward those people she knows.

Caressa grins to Niko, "Of course I want you to play. I actually like it. Surprise of surprises. Give you a stool where you like." She looks back to the door at the new voice. "Oh, you're fine! Chef Reuben should just about be needing help serving lunch. If you want to let people know so they can wash up."

Nikodemus laughs, then he waves to Evie as he heads towards the front door. "Hi!" he greets, "Walking in as I'm walking out..." there's a tease in his voice as he says that, although at least in this case he's only leaving briefly.

Evie is still busy panting, whimpering a bit as Niko jabs her with that taunt. She /is/ recovered enough to respond a bit more properly, though. "Knew it... I should've set an alarm. Uugh. But yeah-- I'll have everyone wash up." She lets the gardeners know before locating a suitable sink herself.

Caressa smiles and pulls a stool into the education center for Niko to play upon. Then washes up and helps Chef Reuben serve lunch to the people that have arrived. The morning crowd having spent most of it setting up the last of the garden beds out back before it got too hot in the day. "If you'd like a plot, stick around a bit after lunch and we'll get your memberships set up." She announces to the line of hungry volunteers.

Nikodemus isn't gone for long. A couple of minutes before he returns with a guitar in hand, though this one is of the acoustic variety so he doesn't have to mess with amps or cords. Claiming the prepared stool and taking a moment to tune the strings of the instrument.

Nikodemus begins to play, strumming the guitar in a fashion that conflicts with the way he's dressed. A distinctly mariachi sort of song begins to be played. Almost obnoxiously chipper and upbeat.

Evie comes back out looking clean and ready to help with that lunch. "Phew...." Her eyes light up as Niko comes back in, apparently not on his way out as he'd insinuated. "...and don't scare me like that Niko! You made me really sad there." She offers a relieved smile as he starts to play his tune.

Caressa blinks at the tune he plays. "Be true to you Niko." She smiles, not stopping him, but encouraging to play what he likes, or maybe change tunes. "How are you doing today Evie?" She asks while making room for the girl in the serving line with her.

"I move as the muse takes me!" Nikodemus says with a dramatic flip of his head that sends his long hair flying. A natural headbangers movement, with a grin on his lips, but still playing that same song. Evie is offered a wink, "I couldn't resist. And I was going out to my van.."

"Meanie." Evie pouts to Niko, even as she starts setting up and handing out plates of food for the various guests. "You know I like your music. And you coulda just said!" Her head bobs almost involuntarily along with the amateur mariachi tune.

Caressa chuckles, talking a bit those she hands plates to. Of course, the music is lively and soon she too is moving a bit to the beat. She pauses one of the people from the homeless shelter in line, "Hey, would you mind taking what is left over to the shelter?" This is agreed to and Caressa nods, "I can help you get it over there if you need it."

Nikodemus laughs quietly, "I can be sometimes." he agrees, at the label of meanie. Not denying it at all, his grin amused. Fingers dancing over the strings, picking and strumming out the melody.

Evie lets that comment go, busy with the serving and the stuffs. "Hey, both hands, careful there." She instructs one of the people in line on how not to spill their food. Then, letting Niko have his little musical number, she turns to Caressa. "Looks like things are running smoothly enough! Glad to see it. And glad I remembered to wake up before the sign-up rush, been feeling a little out of it lately honestly."

Caressa grins over at Evie. "That's ok. I'm never late and even I was late half an hour. That is a bit early on a Saturday and thankfully the only one waiting on me was Saraid...the flower cart lady that past you when you came in." She pauses a heartbeat to listen to Niko play. "That music always tells such stories." She looks back to Evie, "Have you ever heard the stories behind it. All romance. some are a bit tragic though."

Nikodemus's occupied with his playing now. Though his eyes track those moving around, playing to the audience as it were. A grin on his lips, but he doesn't speak. Instead focusing on the deft movements of fingers along strings.

All the current action seems to be in the educational center where people are coming and going with plate of food. Caressa and Evie in the serving line. Niko playing his guitar on a stool. The crowd varies from the homeless to the affluent. Some segregate themselves, other choose to mingle and discuss gardening and such things. A few other volunteers roam the tables helping with membership applications to the gardens.

Royce pushes open the door and comes lumbering his way into the shop. He has a travel-worn backpack slung over his shoulder, and his hair and beard are a bit shaggier than some might remember. He looks around, giving himself a stretch, before he spies Caressa. He makes his way over to where she stands, offering a smile. "Hey, sister. I'm home," he says.

Contrary to his appearance at the moment, the music that comes from Nikodemus's fingers on the strings of his acoustic guitar is upbeat and cheerful, a mariachi style tune though only played with the one instrument. Not an amazing performance, but it's not bad. Evie sighs a bit wistfully as Caressa brings up romance and stories. "Aren't they all tragic? At least in my experience." She pauses to reflect on that a bit. "Although I guess short-lived isn't the same as tragic. But, still..." She looks over at Niko, frowning a bit. "What's the story behind this one?"

Caressa shrugs to Evie, "Short-lived, bitter sweet. I guess it depends on how you see it really. But those dances and what they do with those ruffled dresses. Pretty damn impressive." She blinks and looks up at hearing someone call her sister. "I'm sorry do I.." She almost doesn't recognize him, but then it clicks. If she could have jumped over the table at that moment. Instead she hurries out of the line with a bunch of 'pardons' and 'excuse me's. The bear hugs Royce. "Where have you been! I was worried sick!" Then it is looking at his hair and beard, "You've gone all shag!"

Nikodemus shrugs and grins at Evie, "I couldn't tell you." he says. "I don't know the words." a glance flicked towards Caressa and he grins, "Sounds like she knows more than I do... as usual." He laughs then, "I think she's going to be distracted for a bit though."

Evie can't help but smile at Caressa's reaction, giggling at her hasty little maneuver. She has to agree with Niko. "Seems like it. But c'mon...." she does not, however, agree with him not knowing the words. "....it's your song, is it not? There's gotta be words. A story. A romance gone awry. Yours, or someone else's?"

Royce wraps Caressa up in his arms, lifting her off the ground as he hugs her back with a rumble of laughter. "I got... lost, for a while, when I was stayin' in Germany," he says. "I'll tell you all about it later. But... I sure as hell learned a lot." He looks around as he sets Caressa down. "This place looks amazing! You guys did this all by yourselves?"

Caressa nods. "Mostly me, with some help from Johnathan." She motions over towards the guitar player, "and Niko. You'll have to come stay at the estate tonight. I'll set up the other room for you.. or.. crash on the couch. I don't give a damn right now. But you just missed Saraid. She'll be over at the estate tomorrow though. -You- could surprise her this time!" Then she remember Evie, "This one of our volunteers, Evie. And..." She looks back to Royce, "I have to ask...did you retire from the wildlife office because if you did. I have an offer for you."

Nikodemus laughs, "I'm not really a singer though." he says to Evie with a grin on his lips. "I'm just playing this 'cause it's got a fun sound. Didn't think deeper than that, honestly." there's a lilting progression of chords as the song comes to an end with a last ping.

Royce looks a bit sad at the notion of having missed Saraid. "I... I hope she's doing okay," he says. "But I'd love to come stay with you. I've missed you, and John... and Saraid. A real big lot." He looks over to Niko as he's pointed out, peering curiously at the man for a moment, before looking back to Caressa. "I'm on extended leave. I -could- retire. Why? What've you got in mind?" Evie waves to the bearded man she doesn't recognize. "Hey there. Seems like you've been missed! And sounds like I need to meet this Saraid sometime. A friend of you all has to be cool." Niko's comment earns him a bit of an eyeroll. "Fair's fair I guess. But Caressa did say there were stories..." A peer toward Caressa. "...riiiiiiight?"

Caressa looks back to Evie, "Yes, there are stories. But I don't know spanish to do them justice. I can sing Gaelic and English..and do Asl to it. If Niko knows any old Irish songs. Or you can teach me the old language later on." The last said to Niko before looking back to Royce. "Well, I mostly built this place as a not-for-profit. To help ease or end food insecurity for the homeless and low income. Of course more well to do folks can rent garden plots by the season. But between the clinic and the boutique...I need more help. Thought maybe you'd want to take over being head gardener and land management. We have a large field I've let go native for bees...but I'd like to get more wildlife in too. And.. as it boarders the harsher parts of the city...it needs security."

Nikodemus laughs, "I'm not that much of a storyteller." he says with a shrug. "It don't come naturally." Fingers rest against the guitar for now, pausing in his playing. One hand lifts to offer a wave and a grin towards Royce.

"If I weren't working with someone on opening an art studio, I'd offer to help more with the gardens. Beyond just volunteering, I mean." Evie makes the polite offer - and apology at once - to Caressa. "I only know English, too, so guess I'm out of luck on those stories." She cracks a half-smile toward Niko. "And you, c'mon. You gotta have /something/. Do I gotta take you out for coffee or something?"

Royce considers that, rubbing his beard thoughtfully. "Sure. I could do that," he says. "I'd still want to contribute to the household, though. I don't wanna be a bum. Plus I still have the--" He pauses, glancing towards Niko and Evie, then back to Caressa. "Uh. The... old homestead. I need to look after it, too. But I'd be glad to help you out with this as well."

Caressa smirks and looks over, "Maybe a van adventure." She giggles and looks back to Royce. "We can discuss it move over dinner tonight, yes? There's a lot to catch you up on too." She's ushering him back towards the line, "But you should eat." Her gaze lifts to Evie, "You do plenty, Evie. Education comes first."

Nikodemus grins at Evie, "Burgers are a better bribe." he says to her with a wink. "And I'm usually open to bribes... that's how she got me playin' this time." A flash of a grin towards Caressa. "Speaking of which.." he hmms and thinks for a moment, before starting again to play. This time something with a more bluegrass inspired.

Evie momentarily forgets to serve the next customer in line their lunch as Niko just lays into that next tune. Enraptured by it all, grinning broadly as she suddenly discovers she really likes bluegrass. Or possibly just this particular song. But her attention has been claimed. "Oooooh. I think that one earns you a lot of burgers."

Royce doesn't need much ushering. The promise of food has the big man perking up. "Ooh. Yeah, I could eat," he says. He goes to set his backpack down, looking over the offered treats while rubbing his hands eagerly. He stops when he hears that music start up, and he looks over his shoulder. "Woah. He's -good-," he says.

Caressa pauses to listen and nods while smiling at Niko, "Oh, he's very...very good indeed." There was a little too much swoon in her tone, a little too much rasp in her voice. Then she looks back to Evie, "As long as the burger has great buns, he'll do almost anything." She hands Royce a lunch plate. "Chef Reuben is working on a bbq dinner. Depending on how the crowds go, we might shut down early, drop it off at a few shelters on the way and take some home."

Nikodemus's fingers are picking out a lively tune, the sort that'd give a feller a pair of itchy feet. Looking at Evie he licks his lips and grins, "Sounds good." he says, but then he goes quiet and just plays. This time he seems to have gotten much more into the groove. Heel of his boot tapping against the stool keeping time.

Evie smirks a little mischieviously toward Caressa. "Almost anything, you say? Most interesting.... most interesting indeed. I can think of a couple things." She checks to see if Niko is paying attention. "A few things, in fact. He looks strong enough to carry my books around." She isn't actually expecting him to react, given how into playing his music he is.

Lunch has been served and for the most part everyone has eaten. Volunteers are policing lunch trash whole others help people find their groups for the afternoon lessons. Caressa is in the process of getting Royce food. Niko is playing bluegrass on a stool.

Caressa looks back to Evie, "No breaking him, that's my only request." She smirks and helps guide a few people to what they need help finding whether it be seeds and plants for the garden bed they just rented or a tool to help with planting it.

Nikodemus's seated in the education center, on a stool with an acoustic guitar currently playing something that has a very bluegrass vibe to it. Upbeat and catchy, his booted heel tapping against the leg of the stool to keep time. And it's a damned good tune, even if there are no words to accompany it. He smirks at the nearby Evie and then Caressa, but he says nothing as he focuses on playing.

Caressa blows a kiss over to Niko with a wink. "Don't worry." She smiles at him as her hips sway to the beat.

Royce picks up his burger and chomps a big bite. Chewing thoughtfully, his brow furrows. He peers at the burger. "Kinda burger is this?" he asks. He chomps another big bite. "It's not -bad-. But it is -funny-." He looks between Caressa and Niko, lofting a shaggy brow curiously, but he shrugs and goes back to munching at his burger. "Mmh. Actually... it's kinda good."

Rick strolls into the shop from outside, and pauses near the door to get his bearings of the place. He starts to slowly walk the aisles, peering for a few moments at various bits of equipment, then walking further along, towards where the books on gardening are presented where he stops and grabs one at random, starting to flip through it.

Evie winks a wink of reassurance at Caressa. "Don't worry, I much prefer him unbroken. I'll probably just lure him on a date or something. Can't go too wrong with a skilled musician, can I?" Amid putting away the lunch stuffs, she catches Rick flipping through the gardening books. "Oh, hey there! Rick, right? Didn't know you were into gardening. Have you done it before?"

Caressa blinks at Royce. "Don't worry, it is all playful. There's an understanding." She lifts her left hand, "Still married and he's doing well." As if this might put Royce at ease. "Umm. maybe you got a veggie bean burger. Might have been out of the beef ones. I'll be back." She leaves Royce's side and wanders towards Rick, "Welcome to By The Plot. Can I help you?"

Nikodemus smirks in amusement as he plays, but he keeps his thoughts to himself and instead lets the music play.

Rick looks over at Caressa "Hello. I just purchased a home with a large amount of flower and herbs growing all around it, and I don't know a thing about plant care and maintenance. I'm needing some lessons on that, so I thought I would swing by and inquire about classes."

Royce watches Caressa go, munching the last of his burger down. "Bean burger. Hunh. That's wild." He licks the last of the sauce from his fingers. "Good. But wild." He tucks into his potato salad, watching as Caressa goes to help out a new customer.

Evie moves over to the rack Rick is picking through, directing him to a beginner-level book. "This one has the general basics, but you'll want to look up specifics for whichever plants you're growing. What flowers and herbs? If you know. Or if you have pictures, we can match up that way."

Caressa nods to Rick, "hmm, well... first we need to figure out what you have planted. Care to come out back and see if you recognize anything?" She looks to Evie, "Do you want to come join us? I remember you wanting to know more too."

Evie nods to Caressa and follows. "Right, we should let the expert explain things."

Rick pulls out his phone and digs up the MLS listing for the house "I do have pictures, but I don't know the first thing about plants soo...I can't identify them. Does this help?" He extends the phone to Evie and Caressa for them to take a look at.

Nikodemus's song comes to an end and he hops off the stool, setting the guitar down on it as he goes to get a drink and bite to eat for himself.

Caressa peers at the picture. "I see ivy." she points them out. "Very low maintance, easy keeper. Makes a great houseplant if you ever want some inside. Being outside, I'd set a soaker hose on the ground for thirty minutes twice a week. In the early morning would be better." She peers at it a bit more. "I think that is a type of apothecary rose sharing the beds. Water the same, trim off the dead heads as you find them. That should get you through the summer. In the late fall you'll want to trim the roses back pretty hard, but that can be explained later."

Evie just chuckles as Caressa explains things far better than she could. "Okay, yeah, I'll just stick to running the register then. I am not that well-versed in botany... still need to read up on that!" She glances over to see what Niko's up to. If he even reacts to anything she was saying earlier.

Rick nods a bit to what Caressa says "Ivy and Roses. Got it. What about fertilizer? What’s this bone meal/blood meal stuff? Should I be putting that out?" He pauses then asks "Do you have general classes for this sort of stuff?"

Nikodemus has scavenged up a veggie burger, which seems to not be as satisfying when it comes to burgerness than he had hoped, although there's no actual distaste in his expression it lacks that air of satisfaction. He eyes it for a moment then looks over and catches Evie looking his way, "If we're getting burgers, I do expect real meat." he says to her with a playful grin, before taking another bite of pseudoburger.

Caressa nods, "Evie has the whole class schedule over by the register. Royce.." She motions over to the big burly man, "Is our head gardener and a wealth of information." She glances to the photo again, "I wouldn't use the bloodmeal. While a great nitrogen fertilizer, you are better off widening the bed a bit and planting something like lupines instead. They will fix nitrogen into your soil without attracting while animals. Bone meal is great for all flowering plants. A little late in the year to do it now. But say...March or April next year, stirring some into the soil wouldn't be a bad idea.

Evie goes over the class schedule with Rick, pointing out the various options, focusing on the beginner sessions. "You'll have to pay since you actually have a job, but it's scaled to your ability to do so I believe. Let's see... yeah, just pick a time that works for you and you'll be set." She then returns Niko's play-grin, looking really glad to hear his response. "What kind of burger doesn't have real meat? You go Beyond(tm), you lose the right to call it a burger."

Rick nods to Caressa and smiles "Alright, thank you very much. I'll check out the schedule. Uhh...planting Lupines means..what exactly?" He seems a bit confused by this statement, but follows Evie to look at the schedule "Alright. Probably early morning classes are best, most of my clients don't get to me until the afternoon. Say, the 7-8 AM class, Tuesdays & Thursdays?" He points to the 'Beginning Growing' class in that timeframe.

Nikodemus lifts up the burger in his hand, "At least a bean patty you can tell what it's made from... even if it ain't a burger." He shakes his head and chuckles, directing those words towards Evie. "Just think what you've gotta do to potato peels and apple cores to make'm look and cook like meat?" he shakes his head and makes a face.

Royce perks up at Rick and Caressa. "Lupines. They're a kind of legume. Real big, tall purple flowers." He digs his phone out of his pocket. "Hey Google. Show me a picture of lupine flowers." He lumbers over to show Rick the image that comes up.

Caressa ohs and nods. "We'll have some transplants in the spring. They are a short plant that won't distract from your roses and ivies. They put on small purple flowers on long stalks." She retrieves a reference book and opens it to a photo of lupines. They are similiar in color to lavendar but the flowers are a littl more spread across the plant. "Easy to plant, did a hole, drop the transplant in and cover. Of course, green side must stay up. I've had people not think about that." Caressa looks at Royce's reference. "I must be thinking of another variety. you're right. they are tall."

Evie lets the experts conduct their lesson on botany, not really getting all the intricacies of it all. Instead she keeps her focus on Niko. "That sounds like a waste of perfectly good potato and apple. So yeah, we'll get real meat on your burger. Just let me know when you're free?"

Rick ahhhs a bit as he looks over Caressa's shoulder down at the reference book. "Alright, I'm guessing now isn't the time to plant them, but next spring? Got it." He glances at the shelf where she grabbed the book, and snags one for himself too.

Nikodemus takes another couple bites to finish his burger and returns Evie's attention. In fact looking her up and down with that little grin on his face as he wipes his fingers off on a napkin once the burgers finished. "It's a crime against nature, worse than just wasting it. At least if you threw the stuff out on the ground it'd do some good. I'm free most days, though I've got plans for most of tomorrow."

Caressa smirks at Evie and Niko, then turns back to Rick. "There books are for sale. We do have a reserved reference section that have to be used here. Yes, plant them in the spring. Any other questions?"

Evie nods in agreement at Niko, though she frowns just a bit at him giving her that scan with the eyes. "Sooo. Guess we can try for Monday evening? Maybe I can get to know more about my favorite musician." That frown didn't linger long. She's back to smiling - and taking her own opportunity to look Niko over.

Caressa looks to Niko. There are unspoken questions in her smirk filled eyes. Then turns back to Rick and the overly shaggy Royce.

Rick lets out a light chuckle, then says "Alright, thank you very much for your time. I'll be back Tuesday at 7 AM for the first class." He makes his way to the register to get rung up for his book purchases and the membership fee for classes.

Royce takes a step back, nodding his head. "If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to reach out," he says. "Anything we can do to help make our green spaces a little greener, we're happy to do it."

Johnathan heads into the Gardens with a smile on his face looking around curiously.

Nikodemus's grin doesn't fade when the look is returned, "Might be a little later if it's the evening, but that should work.." he pauses, "I think you've got a customer." he nods towards Rick as the man goes to check out. A smirk is returned towards Caressa at the look she gives him, which may or may not leave those unasked questions unanswered.

Caressa smiles to Rick, "Congratulations Royce, you have your first student." She giggles at catching Niko's expression. Everyone (that counts) is gathered in the shop portion of the building while the others have split off into introductory classes in various portions of the gardens and education center.

Johnathan moves over to Caressa and looks around "Seems to be kicking off well" offering a wave to Evie with a broad smile, Royce gets a nod as does Nico.

Caressa brightens and turns around, "There you are! How was work? I wasn't sure you'd make it." She slips and arm around the back of Johnathan's waist.

Evie looks back and forth between Niko and Caressa, raising a questioning eyebrow at their silent back-and-forth withe the looks and such... then lowers that eyebrow as she seems to catch on. A knowing smile lends credibility to that possibility. "Soo. Niko. Seems like you have the Caressa Seal of Approval. But yeah, let me know! I could use the nice casual outing, honestly."

Rick gathers up his belongings after registering, gives a wave to Evie, Royce and Caressa and says "Alright, thanks for your help. Take care." With that he turns and heads for the door.

Caressa Waves to Rick, "Thanks for coming by! Royce will see you Tuesday morning!"

Nikodemus grins and nods to Rick, "Have fun with the new house. Sounds like a beauty." he says as the other man leaves, before his attention returns to Evie and he laughs, "I guess you could say that. For some reason she puts up with me hangin' around." he says to Evie with a grin that borders on a smirk. "I'll get ahold of you for some burgers and bullshitting then, should be fun."

Johnathan smiles and kisses her "Was good finished up some orders and got time to work on autumn. Felt very good, had time to drop in here and hopefully help some"

Royce looks up at Johnathan and smiles. "Hey John. Good to see you again," he says. He looks like he's been roughing it for a while, his hair and beard are shaggier than usual. "You guys been holding up all right?"

"Sounds good. But you better not leave me hanging." Evie points a finger at Niko, making sure he understands just what she's trying to say. "Give me a time, give me a place, and show up hungry. I'm paying, so you better take advantage." Sounds like she's found a bit of fire in her demeanor.

Caressa looks to Johnathan, letting him field the question as it seemed to put to him. She looks back to Evie and bites her lip. Her attention turning back to Johnathan, "It’s been a good day. Bigger crowd mostly for the lunch as expected. Royce surprised me. Oh, and I have something I need your help on tonight....and Royce is staying with us tonight to surprise Saraid tomorrow. We can talk about it when we get home."

Johnathan nods to Royce "Been doing well keeping busy and all such helped with making this place and more charity work so... can’t complain" smirks to Caressa "Mums the word" grinning and shaking his head "She will be very happy"

Nikodemus smirks in the face of the pointing finger and his head tips to one side slightly. "Know a good burger joint in town?" he asks Evie curiously, "I'm still trying to figure my way around half this place. Hungry won't be a problem, free food's always the best." He glances towards the others and grins at their conversation.

Caressa looks as Chef Reuben comes out of the kitchen with a rolling cart full of meals-to-go and start passing them out to people as they leave along with a box of fresh veggies. "We'll deliver what is left to the shelters. But save a dinner for..." She looks to Royce and back, "...ten for me. I have an army to feed tonight." She smirks.

Royce harrumphs. "Hey! I don't eat -that- much," he grumbles. "... seven should be plenty."

Caressa laughs and point to Royce, "Seven," She points to herself, "Eight... Nine.." Pointing to Johnathan... and the last for Niko if he comes back home tonight.

"I can find one, yeah." Evie helps Reuben pass those meals out - keeping one for herself - as she talks to Niko. "And we can have a walk-around after. I can show you the art studio I'm working to launch. No stage for music, but I think you might enjoy it."

Nikodemus doesn't grab one of the meals to go, as he hears his name mentioned over there. To Evie he offers a grin and a nod, "Sounds like a plan. I heard you mention that place before, been wondering about it."

Johnathan smiles "So closing things down then? Anything I can do?" looking around since he not gotten into organizing anything today due to work.

Caressa looks to Johnathan. "I need to lock up. Then just load the food in the car to drop off on the way home." She looks to Royce and Niko. "You two need a ride?"

Royce shakes his head. "I've got my Jeep outside. Do you need a hand with anything, Caressa?"

"I drove." Nikodemus says with that faint grin, since that's a recent development really. Others may be being helpful, but he instead goes to pick up his guitar from the stool where he left it. Luckily nobody seems to have wandered out the door with it yet.

Caressa nods to Royce, "Can you deliver to New Hope. You remember the first couple of service days you helped at? That place. I'll deliver to the soup kitchen on the other side of town. And then we can all meet at the estate? Sound good?"