2023.04.08 After the Greece Trip

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04.08.23 After the Greece Trip
Iris, Branton, and Pink return after a trip to Greece for some family research into Branton’s background. Trey listens, enjoys some fresh pastries, and gets THE PANTS.
IC Date 04.08.23
Players Branton, Iris, Trey
Location Sept of the Enduring Spirit
Spheres Garou, Bastet, Kinfolk, Sorcerer

Mystic Valley - Deep Forest(#1747RJU) The forest floor of the Large Cavern begins to slope sharply downwards into a deep, subterranean valley, the pathway ages ago etched into long, wide steps worn by countless feet and paws over the years. The walls of this valley cavern are high and extremely steep volcanic rock and granite slabs, the ceiling of the cavern so high that the valley has taken on its own internal weather system. Hundreds of feet overhead, the vents and cracks allowing sunlight to filter through can no longer be seen, light spreading as though the valley were lit with a gentle and unseen underground sun of its own. Mist from underground streams and waterfalls create en endless cycle of clouds, brief rains, and evaporation into clouds again, while breezes from any number of caves and tunnels bring fresh air and move the clouds through their false sky.

The subterranean forest is thickest here, towering evergreen trees are dwarfed by the sheer size of the valley cave, weeping willows hang curtains of greenery over meandering streams and pools of mineral water. The steep, unclimbable valley walls are dotted with vines and bushes that have, against all odds, found purchase and growth potential. Stone pathways wend and meander through moss and wild grass along the valley, creating miles of walkways all throughout this sacred place. 

A large central meadow has become a meeting point for the valley. Near enough to the Large Cavern's steeply stepped pathway and with wide stone avenues branching away to living areas, shrines, and the amphitheater. A well maintained seating area takes up the middle of the meadow, with a stone pit made for a large bonfire, several old logs and small boulders pulled up around it for comfortable seating. A large and ornately carved totem pole stands tall nearby, detailing the leadership of the Caern. Also nearby, a massive stone tablet jutting four feet out of the ground has inscribed upon its polished face the rules of the Caern, unmissable by anyone in the area.

Getting back to the temple was probably WAY easier than getting to the cave, the return trip to a place always seems faster, some how. Messages are past, family is collected, and then it's out of the Realm and back to Athens for a ride from their friendly driver and a quick stop by a buncha food places before making the moon bridge jumps back home. And ta daaaaaa! Here we are, home! Pink is probably tired and in good spirits after their longass jaunt, and Iris looks pretty pleased, helping share the snack carrying duties. Surely friends at the caern want some authentic Green street food!

Trey has been off to one side with a bow borrowed from Erin some time ago, getting in some practice. He's got a new pair of gloves on, testing them out, and periodically stopping to look over the stitchwork and gather arrows. See, he's been practicing! He sinks an arrow into the ground as the sound of familiar voices makes him turn his head; someone snaps at him about watching where he shoots, and he offers an apologetic smile. "Sorry!" He retrieves said arrow and stashes it in the quiver, approaching the family with a warm expression. "You all look a little worn out."
Branton grins as he flops and waves at Trey "Yeah. We are just getting back from Greece. Went to the Tribal realm and you have to access it from there. Want to try some Bugatso? Its sweet."

Iris takes Pink to go hand over some of their boxes of snacks to the usual suspects that man the communal cooking kitchen kinda stuff, before the pair come back to also flop with Branton. They still have some boxes though, and they get opened up for free pickin's by friends. "You should try it, it's amazing." she encourages, and Pink adds, "I SAW A PEGASUS AND ITS FUR SOUNDS LIKE CLOUDS AND EASTER EGGS!" Tired yes, excited also yes, the little metis-in-homid needs to tell people about this shit!
Trey smiles at that, and says, "Love to!" He perches on the ground as well, and once everyone's returned, he asks, "Good trip? I mean, it looks like it, nobody's crying and you have all your parts that I can see." Pink's exclamation makes him grin and say, "You're one up on me, I've never seen a Pegasus spirit." Just the Dream sort, but he's not about to tell the young metis that fact for fear that he might have to bargain him into the Dreaming, and he doesn't know if he can yet. He waits his turn but accepts a little of each thing offered, all too willing to try new things.
The Bugatso is a layered pastry with a custard filling, the top dusted with cinnamon sugar, Branton passes it over as he says "I got to consult with some old oracles and learned something important. My mother's name. And her mother's, and a few generations back. And one of the three mentioned a spirit name but she might have been connecting things in a way that doesn't make sense to me yet."
Iris slooooowly enjoys her own bugatso delicioso and just beams some quiet happies at her men folks. "It was an amazing journey. Short, but very memorable. He got to have fun seeking answers and exploring and Pink got to run around and meet the elder folk and the pegasus spirits and stuff. I mostly got to give reports and take down messages to get passed out to the living later on." She looks to Branton then and asks, "I've never visited the oracles at all, were they, like, helpful? I mean you mentioned you got her name, that's good, but I was hoping they'd give you, like... more. But I dunno what. Just like tell my mate all the things, damn it!"
Trey samples a bite of the bugatso with a happy sound. "Ohmmmsgood," he purrs with delight, and then processes Branton's words with a smile and a genuine warmth. "That's *great* news... a spirit name, too? Huh. Maybe a familiar spirit or an ally spirit or... and yeah, Iris has already made all those suggestions. Or maybe just a spirit that knows more. Or..." He purses his lips. "Isn't there a kind of spirit bound to Kin children or something like that?"
Branton nods and offers "I got to ask three questions. First was for my mother's formal introduction." he grins broadly as he says "This is the first time I get to declare my lineage here. My mother was Alexandra Oliveras, Rited Tears-of-Dawn, Galiard. Daughter of Evara Oliveras, Rited Scythe-Claw, Philodox. Daughter of Jessica Oliveras, named by deed and trial Firebrand. Daughter of Melissa Oliveras, Named by deed and trial Fire-ribbons." And after a pause "And there was a spirit mentioned, I think. Ut the Blazing son of Ahet. But That's not clear if it was part of her introduction exactly. They were...higher than kites. And had been for a long long time."
"Weird that you'd get a male gender in there, although I mean it doesn't sound particularly modern either." Iris says, furrowing her brows in thought, but then they pop up again and she grins, "That's a pretty nice lineage though! No slouches in this family, apparently! I guess now we just gotta... what, meet your mom and maybe your grandmom at some point? And there's kinfolk in there, that's unusual too, but I dunno what that means. I am just dying to unravel this one though, a total Ancestry Dot Com mystery, how cool is that?" She also nods to Trey and says, "Numina. Body guards, basically."
Trey nods slowly, and listens, smiling brightly. "Four generations plus the name of that spirit..." He hrms and finishes off the pastry as he's listening to Iris, and says, "Two deednamed Kinfolk, that's really remarkable. I only know of one Kinfolk with a deedname, at least, I think it's a deedname and not a nickname. Sounds like you come from a really impressive line of Furies." He hrms, fishing out his water bottle and taking a long swallow, then adding, "Bodyguards. I thought it was something like that. Either that or a family line ally spirit of some kind, maybe?"
Branton nods at Trey "Not sure but its something to research. Our tribe is heavy on Oral tradition so we're going to be asking around. Though I did speak with the Ancestor in charge of the temple we visited and asked her to put the word out that if any of those ladies is not currently incarnated, I'd like to meet them. So I'll ask them too if any want to show up." And then he nods to Iris "I figure even if the ones from further back want to meet to see what's come of their descendants that'd be cool."
"That *would* be pretty cool." Iris agrees with a grin at Branton, "I've never met any of my ancestors, or at least not really knowingly anyways, it sounds like it'd be... really awesome but really stressful." She takes a minute to puzzle over some of the names again, but doesn't seem to be latching on to anything regarding the spirit names. There's so many spirits, they're hard to keep track of! She grins at Trey and then suggests to the men folk, "We might wanna pack along a pocket Trey for enigmatic matters from now on." He's really good at this stuff!
Trey says, “Oh, definitely. I bet you'll get some great stories, too." He nods eagerly and says, "That would be an experience, to get to meet your ancestors. I haven't met my human ones -- the human part of my line goes a ways back, it's kind of weird." Human ancestry in a feline? Well, it can happen. "Stressful? Why? I mean, for either of you, you'd have plenty of reasons to make them proud. Both incredibly accomplished and learned and all. I figure they're proud if they see you both now." He grins and adds, "Any time you want a tagalong, feel free to poke me, or if you just want to drop stories on me after, that's fine too... I don't want to intrude on family time."”
Branton nods at Trey "The Ancestral Realm you couldn't go to but we'll keep you in mind for the future for other trips. As for stressful? They might want answers I don't have and I've spent time in the human prison system for assault and arson. Defending what I did can get exhausting. Though every garou I've told the story too has been pretty on board, especially my tribe. Except for the one that thought I should have killed the fucker."
Iris also adds, "We might wanna pack along a pocket Trey for morale purposes in the future." She then points at Branton while looking at Trey, "His quest, so his call, I'm just the tour guide and backup for this one. I think this is gonna end up leading us to some crazy places, though. I mean proof and true accounts are out there, but they might be spread out. Maybe an ancestor can give the low down on one thing but then you gotta go to some place made of thought bubbles to get the next account because someone wasn't really able to witness it or... something. Who knows." She pats Branton's leg comfortingly and says, "Yeah if anyone's gonna be basically fine with it, it's gonna be our folk. I don't think you'll have to defend yourself too much. Except when someone says you should have killed the fucker." she adds with a laugh.
Trey notes, with a touch of dark amusement, "There are a lot of problems for which the bloody solution is a good one. And the human prison system is made for human laws, and you're not just human. Never have to defend it to me. I've murdered humans and I sleep just fine at night." He says this with such ease that it's definitely clear he's *not* human. "But I wouldn't kill a cat except for mercy." He hrms and says, "I think a lot of Kin don't have as direct contact with violence as you do. I think it probably gives you insight most don't have."
Branton pauses and tilts his head to consider "Well he's in a pack bond with you yeah? That might be close enough to count as far as the wards go. They might not care. Especially since he's beast born." Shaking his head to clear it "I don't mind personally but rules are rules. We can seek clarification anyway." Then to Trey "This was well before I had learned about my Garou or Elemental heritage. I knew the family lore on my father's side about great grandma Lilah Rose being the daughter of a land goddess but I never really looked into it much. That story's more than a bit colorful. But for the record there was a strip club I used to go to and I found out the owner was trying to get his dancers hooked on drugs so he could coerce them into prostitution. I beat him into a hospital stay and burned his vintage mustang down to its frame. Still not sorry. Though five years in state prison with the Sight was profoundly unfun."
"That would be *so awful!*" Iris says at juat the thought of being in prison with the ability to see other worlds. "Even I didn't have to deal with that in my time. Well, as far as Trey entering the ancestral homeland of our tribe uhhhhh..." she considers while dramatically eyeballing Trey, "I'd just have to ask, I guess. Worst case, you just have to prowl around outside the arch and find some trouble to keep yourself occupied." she says to the cat with a grin. That shouldn't be too hard!
Trey nods, listening intently. "Yep, the bloody solution was the right one," he agrees. "Though I don't envy you that time in prison. Especially with your Sight, like you said. I don't even want to think what you'd see there." He laughs at the last bit. "Or take a very long cat nap. But the trouble is more likely, to be honest. I have a gift for it." A pause. "Arch? It has an arched entrance? Wow, that's neat, but I guess it makes sense, Greek architecture."
Branton nods at Trey "Thresholds have a special magic. And if they are made identical it becomes easier to link them with magic and with magic to pierce the gauntlet it makes the jump from our ancestral country to our ancestral spirit realm."
Iris nods with a gesture at Trey, "You could *probably* get there from like Brooklyn or whatever, but I feel like it'd be a rough, long journey compared to going to it from right where the tribe was at one of its strongest points. Oh man, it's *so pretty* there! And we had the nicest cab driver, total double life as a tour guide or something and just really super nice. He gave us his number so we could give him all of our business while we're there. Sight Seeing, of course. Totally not going to places of magic and mythology."
Trey says, “Yeah -- that makes sense. Commonality links things, makes it all hang together, plus it makes it easier for people to tell where to go, though I don't know if that part was intentional or not." He chuckles and adds, "Depends what part of Brooklyn, I think, but yeah. And sure, you're totally not going to see any special magical and mystical spots at all, right..." His laugh is easy; he adds, "But it's a place with a lot to see mundanely too. Heard the water is beautiful."”
Branton nods at Trey and grins "And the history. So much history and craftsmanship. Some places where things are still made the same way by the same family for *centuries*."
"It must have been nice back then." Iris says naively, "I mean like... Just deciding you're gonna sit down and just carve the shit out of a block of stone. Yadda yadda hard life and apprenticing, BUT. I think this stone should be a hot chick, boom. Ten year project! Not gonna be gettin' bored for a *while*!"
Trey says, “History... there's so much of it, you could never get bored with it." He mmms and says, "You find that sometimes among the fae, too -- some artisans who remember past lives can still literally work things the same ways they did centuries ago, in a past life. But a lot of them don't follow the same paths in subsequent lives. The ones who do, though... amazing work." He grins at Iris' comment and says, "I don't think I could work on the same thing for ten years, unless it was a really *big* thing with a lot of different aspects."”
Branton nods sagely at Trey "I know what you mean. I get antsy with projects that last more than a couple of months."
"I'm so terrible about any projects in general." Iris admits, "I'm probably half way through a million different things and rather than finishing something I usually find an excuse to start something new. I do have some arrows baking though, so I did finally get around to replenishing my ammo. I wanna make sure that when we go on The Big Trek that I'm as well supplied as I can be. OH! That reminds me. Would either of you be terribly bothered if I, you know, drained out all of your blood? I'll heal you afterwards and make cookies and stuff so you have lots of sugar."
Branton blinks a couple of times at Iris and "Nooo....like making those bandages? Are you making them again?" Then to Trey "If she is they're worth it."
Trey mmms. "Hell, I get impatient if it's more than a few weeks spent on the same things, so I get that." He looks to Iris and his eyes narrow in... not suspicion, precisely, but curiosity. "Drained out all... huh. If it doesn't kill me and... bandages? huh, now I want to hear more about this." He grins. "As long as it's okay if I eat some rare meat too. You don't have an issue with that, right? I noticed you don't really seem to eat much meat. Just the fish, that one time, and that was fresh."
"Yeah, I think it'll be a good idea to make a batch for anyone that's going." Iris agrees, nodding her head at Branton, "Attacking a Wyrmish stronghold, even as a hit and run, that's going to be super dangerous." She splains to Trey, "It's a type of war talen. You have to take nearly all of someone's blood and soak bandages in it, and bind a blood spirit into them during the process. Then, when you go into battle you can use them as exceptional first aid wraps that heal like crazy, or preemptively wear them into battle and the bandages will give you all the life that was stored inside them. Sorta like armor made of your own life's blood. I'm prettu sire I can find you some kind of rare meat. I make no promises about its deliciousness though. I do like meat, I just do enough killing as it is, so I don't usually bother with prey hunting unless I have to. Fish don't seem to count, I cant identify with them at all. And I spend enough time away from Gaia that I like to take in a lot of her raw foods and stuff as a sort of... compensation I guess. Same reason I don't wear shoes. I DO have some really serious hang ups about anything that's not as natural and unaltered as humanly possible though. Everything seems to be tainted these days. Aaaand I spend *way* too much time in the spirit world, so it sometimes just feels really alien to want to put things in me." Branton has left.
Trey listens, and it says something that he doesn't immediately decide it is an insane idea. "Huh. You have to wonder how the first one to make that talen discovered that it would work," he posits, pensive as he sits back, leaning on his elbows. "I imagine it was divine inspiration, but there's a part of me that keeps wondering if there's someone who was like, 'No, yeah, didn't work yet, I need another pint or two...' But then I remember that making fetishes is not as much like making an enchantment as it might seem." He grins at that, and then listens as Iris explains. "Hell, leave it raw, I'll shift to one of my kitty forms and eat it. I'd do it in homid but these teeth aren't made for raw meat." He nods, then, understanding her point. "I can see the point of all of it. I haven't given as much thought to taint, but I also do cleansing rites pretty regularly even if I don't seem tainted, just because." Because cat, of course.
"Well someone DEFINITELY found out that it doesn’t work until you take so much blood that the person nearly dies." Iris says with a bit of a grin. "So, I mean it's not one of those things to make lightly, but I can zen you out so hard, nice safe place to be vulnerable, with great healing right away. I've never nearly lost someone while making these, so I'm totally confident in your safety." She gives one of those sage nods of the ultra hippy and says, "It's in the *bones* of like all of the industries. The processing through machines and the adding of chemicals and 'flavorings' and preservatives and on and on, it's just *horrifying*! And meat, I like meat, but I will not touch anything put out by the mass-produced meat industry, it's flavored with misery and torture. Nothing against farming, but the industry that puts meat in the supermarkets is a fucking travesty and I hate it. I like meeting the cow that makes the milk and cheese we get, or the goats. Or like meeting the chickens that do the egg laying. Shopping becomes a wild pain in the ass but Branton's super good when he does the shopping, goes to kinfolk and humans that do things right. We get the noodles from over at the Tech Haven, funny enough. Their kin make 'em with duck eggs over there for the community garden."
Trey nods and says, "Not catnip, that makes me hyper. But yeah, okay. I doubt you're gonna kill me. Just --" He exhales, and chews his lower lip for a moment. Then he just blurts it out: "It doesn't involve anything with cold iron, does it?" He's genuinely concerned about that one. "I uh... got a lot from the fae in my bloodline." He asks, "How about that Kin run restaurant? Is their stuff clean?" He half-smiles. "I'd prefer to hunt my own, and nothing beats fresh fish. Salmon especially, but I don't always have the option of time to hunt for myself. At the tech haven? Cool, I didn't know they made noodles..."
Iris shakes her head and says, "Nope, basic ritual knife, nothing cold forged. You'll be in feline during it, since you'll end up in that skin anyways, probably, when you pass out." She shrugs her shoulders and says, "It's probably fine, I still just order raw fruit and veg when I'm there most of the time. It's kinda ridiculous of me, I know, I mean it's literally a kin governed place and all, but like I don't know where they get their stuff, I dunno if the Silver Fangs sit there and read everything on the Nutritional Information panel. I feel sure it's aaaaaall just fine, but. I cant really bring myself to do more than sample. It's not exactly a phobia or anything, but I'd say it's close."
Trey exhales. "Good." He doesn't need to explain much further, he figures; she understands enough to understand. "Oh, yeah, you'd probably need me to *not* regen while you do it," he says, wincing. "I mean, I can take a lot but that's probably more than I can do." He ohs at that, and nods. "No, I get it, I do. I just can't get... when I eat more plant life, I'm constantly hungry. I have to eat a lot of my diet as meat. Thankfully, I don't have a *huge* appetite, but I also graze a lot. Kin lady in my human tribe makes jerky and sends me several pounds every month or so, usually venison or rabbit, so I wind up eating a lot of it. I like jerky. Dried salmon is nasty, though." He rocks back again, still thoughtful. "But I also eat packaged stuff sometimes. I admit, I like snacks sometimes. Hence the cleansing."
"I think the weakness is also part of it." Iris muses, "Like I bet when the formula was being discovered that they tried that, regeneration and healing while bleeding, thinking it's just the amount that's needed, but I think part of it is putting your actual *life* into the bandages. You know how when you've got a bottle of sea water with a little sand at the bottom, and when you pour it out it's the sand that's the last to finally get pulled out? I think it's like that, the true life blood is in that last lively bit, so you have to tap that life, that sand at the bottom of the bottle, without actually taking *all* of it, just enough to kick off the chiminage requirements."
Trey huhs, and takes it in, chewing on that thought a bit. "Like what they call 'heart's blood,' that last little bit inside the heart that's so red it's almost black," he concludes at length, "To get the heart's blood out, you have to get all the rest out first. Or like how the breath, the pneuma, holds part of the spirit, or... yeah." He stops himself before he goes on a recitation of metaphors, and adds, with a wry smile, "I've used my breath in enchantments before, but not my *last* one. Obviously."
"See? You totally get it." Iris says with a proud grin. "You know what, I don't say this often or anything, but you're a pretty impressive cat. Like I see real potential in you and you don't ring any of my alarm bells. That's so super rare that I just can’t hardly express it." While she talks, she holds up a 'just a sec' finger and turns her back on Trey so she can dig around in her purse in private. "It's really hard not to just hand you a lot of gifts, and I think you appreciate being encouraged to make your own tools and toys, but I'll tell you, it's fucking *difficult* to resist. But I think like I should give you a present. You made me that wonderful shawl and you've been such a great partner and apprentice, so here, I think you should have these." She hands Trey a present, squashy cloth hidden inside a well-used brown paper bag she had in her purse. They are, of course, THE most amazing magic dancin' pants that ever did dance, pants made for a man who's not afraid to *strut*.

<---======##============[ Item Peacock Pants: 079409 ]============##======---> Gnosis:.................6 Level:..................4 Magic Type:........Fetish Name:.......Peacock Pants Owner:...............Trey Type:...........39/Fetish Reference:...........WW3037/96 and 98 Updated:....20230407-1829 by SassyCat Created:20190818-2320 by WhoopingCrane Effect:Emulates Command Attention and Caper gifts <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Trey grins back. "Thank you. None of your alarm bells? Um... that's good..." He chuckles, though, because the idea of an alarm bell to a cat probably involves a collar. "Honestly, you and Branton are among the few who don't look glassy-eyed when I start talking too much." He shrugs at it, still smiling. "I do like making my own things... I mean, presents are fun and great, don't get me wrong, but I want to know I got across the Gauntlet with something I did. I think Meros approves, too." He takes the bag, and huhs, then opens it up to unfold... "Oh, *wow*, *pants*," he says with a clear delight. "Oh, come here, you beautiful thing," he murmurs, enjoying the paisley -- *paisley*, for fuck's sake -- and the deep burgundy color, and even the little riveted detailing along the outer leg. "*Serious* pants. Holy shit, these are cool! And..." He looks closer, studying them with the eye for magic (and spirits), and ohhs! "I kinda want to wear these all the time, but I also kinda don't want to mess them up... but huh... screw it, you only live once, I'm dedicating these babies." He looks up, beaming like the insane but confident cat he is. "Thank you! Seriously, these are just about the coolest pants I could imagine!" <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Trey rolls Perception(3) + Awareness(2) (5 dice) vs 6 for 3 successes. 3 4 +6 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->
Even without being activated, these pants are fucking wild, and they will draw the eye in a purely mundane sense. NOT the kind of pants one wears when they want to be incogneto, for sure. "I'm glad you like them!" Iris beams, "I made them for someone I used to be in a pack with, but they're a douchebag. They belong in the hands of someone that will appriciate them, and who will just plain have fun with them. Hand wash and air dry where possible to keep them from getting too worn!" She doesn't *tell* Trey what exactly they do, though, or exactly what's bound into them. He'll figure it out.
Trey says, “Oh, I definitely will. And hand wash is doable, I've done that with my dedicated stuff to make sure it doesn't lose the connection. It might not be necessary but I don't wanna find out the hard way." He chuckles. "But I think I am gonna retire the hiking boots and go for something that will work better with these." He looks them over. "Did you put *cat* gifts in these?," he asks with a touch of wonder. "Because I feel like... one of them is sort of like Sweet Hunter's Smile but not as threatening, more attention-getting, and the other... feels like dancing."”
Iris wiggles her brows at Trey and says, "Be really quiet and hold them up to your ear. Just listen for a second." If he does this, he will surely hear, ever so faintly, 'Stayin Alive' by the Beejees. It comes with the feeling of being on the center of a dance floor, all eyes on you and you alone, and OH how the ladies love a dancin', dancin' man. That is the vibe infused into the pants, into the Peacock that's bound into the pants. All shall behold your tail and feel awe!
Trey does. And he kinda bops side to side in place while doing so. Because he's a dancing cat, and he just can't lose! He holds up a finger, and rushes off, with the pants. When he returns, he's wearing them, and the jeans are stuffed in his backpack, because... wow, suddenly, he went from 'nondescript' to 'this guy is fucking insane, either that, or ridiculuosly confident.' And he's right about the boots, too. "I think I wanna make flying boots," he says thoughtfully, "I'll get a new pair that works with these." And then he bends over, scoops up Iris into a hug, and dances her around a little.
"Yaaaaaay, they fit!" Iris is delighted, pants sizes can be tricky some times. "See, what you need is a shoe collection. Hell, a clothes collection. Like, you would be the most stylish cat in town with your mix and match fetish wardrobe. Oh, gotta run on moonlight, lemme get my sparkly silver pimp loafers. Oh, gotta be a distraction, how about my dancin’ pants and my sequined shirt of Luna's Armor!" She's joking. Mostly. KINDA.
Trey starts laughing helplessly, and notes, "I never really gave a damn what I was wearing. Well, except for my Catzilla tee-shirt. But you know, now I kinda want to, because damn, these are fun!" You have to know there's a few weird looks here and there, but does he care? Cat don't care. "Silver loafers? Do you think they make those for men? What am I asking, of course they do..."
"Oh absolutely they do." Iris confirms, "I mean, okay I guess these days you'd have to go to certain stores to find them, they're not really as common as they used to be! But we'll go find all those amazing hole in the wall retro clothes places and we will *find* silver shoes if that's what you're lookin for!"