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I don't care if I sing off key
I found myself in my melodies
I sing for love, I sing for me
I'll shout it out like a bird set free

- Sia, "Bird Set Free"

Ah, Simone Blake. Who doesn't love a good story of celebrity self-destruction?

Simone burst into the public consciousness in 2011 with her self-titled debut album. Critics praised it for Simone's crystal clear soprano, in particular the contrast between it and the grittier rock stylings it was overlaid on. Commercially, it was also a success, with two of the songs (and the album itself) charting. Even now, the local alternative stations will sometimes play "By the Water" or "Don't Wait Up," her two hits.

Then things started to go bad. There were rumors of an affair, a breakup, and drug use. Tabloids loved it, and the deeper Simone sunk, they more they ate it up. Just a few years after her hit debut, the main thing she was known for was stumbling drunkenly down the red carpet, vomiting in the street at 9 AM, and pissing herself during a show. There was a stint in rehab in 2014, but it didn't seem to amount to much.

The next year, she released a second album, Because It's There. She must have been high for the entire recording, because it was absolutely terrible. The songwriting was lazy, the lyrics were awful, and Simone's once crystalline voice was a raspy mess. Her record label dropped her. She's known to have returned to Prospect, where she was born and raised. And although she hasn't recently done anything worthy of the gossip sites, it's only a matter of time before she humiliates herself again.


Full Name: Simone Blake

Born: June 15, 1988 in Prospect, CA

Occupation: Singer, Songwriter, Tabloid Fodder

Race: Demon

House: Defiler

Faction: Faustian

Celestial Name: Amasiel, Song of Breaking Waves

Notable Stats

Appearance Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png
Charisma Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Strength Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png

Empathy Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Performance (Singing) Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png

Eminence Dot-filled.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.pngDot.png
Fame Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png
Legacy Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot.png

Banality Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png

Enchanting Voice
Cannot Enter Holy Ground

Defiler Faustian

RP Hooks

Fame 4: If you're even sort of familiar with pop music or celebrity culture, you know Simone's name and appearance. Probably also what her nipples look like, after that one drunken fall at the People's Choice Awards.
Music Lessons: Simone teaches voice at a small local academy, and also offers private lessons to dedicated students.
Beaches: Simone is a regular at the local beaches, although her main activity there seems to be watching the waves.
Prospect: Simone grew up in Prospect, in fact. Maybe you knew her before she was (in)famous.
Los Angeles: She's spent the last nine or so years in Los Angeles. Perhaps you met.
Eminence: Amasiel, member of the Silver Legion, made a small name for herself during the War. The minor mortal flock that she and several others watched over invariably came into conflict with equally small bands of loyalist humans, and her favored tactic was to use her voice to terrify and demoralize the enemy. There are stories of Amasiel's song rendering opponents so helpless they could do nothing as rebel forces cut them down.


Arec: A friend, somehow.
Balance: Okay, look, I'm not a fan of the snobbery, but his passion for music is admirable.
Brody: I will not be driven away from the ocean.
Cross: A good man. Would that everyone were like him - I mean, without the disrespectful and willful ignorance.
Larry: I can't begin to say how much he means to me.
Leila: Actually, yes, my taxes do pay your fucking salary.
Maggie: Where've you been? I liked hanging out.
Martine: She needs to leave my students and Larry out of this.
Zack: I used to think he wasn't as big of an asshole as he pretended to be.


"Bird Set Free," Sia
"Chandelier," Sia
"Breath of Life," Florence + the Machine
"Pompeii," Bastille
"Song of the Sea Lullaby," Nolween Leroy


Mortals I... it's complicated.
Vampires Poor things.
Willworkers I've met two people calling themselves willworkers. Neither of them know nearly as much as they think they do.
Ghosts Dead mortals have got to be the single least threatening thing in all of Creation.
Luciferans I admire your faith in our former leader. I wish I could share it.
Cryptics Not my area of expertise or interest, but I'm glad someone's tackling this..
Raveners I understand the temptation all too well.
Reconcilers Out of spite, God destroyed our works, cursed humanity, and shut us away in Hell. And you want to go crawling back? Pathetic. Raveners might be my enemy, but even their position deserves more respect.




