
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 07:04, 3 March 2019 by imported>Marshall
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"Human beings are the only animal that forms ideas about their world.
We perceive it not through our bodies but through our minds.
We must agree on what is real.
Because of this, we are the only animal on Earth that goes mad."

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Those who are known...

  • River: I think I may have seen you on campus somewhere before.
  • Royce: Seems interesting. Very earthy.
  • Johnathan:...GAH!
  • Emrick: Seems like a good guy.


Those who are trusted...

  • Merek: Sly as a desert fox and just as nomadic. He was able to do things I could only barely understand.


Those who are family...

  • Anyu: Witchymomma on the West Coast...

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RP Hooks


  • Originally from New York
  • Attended NYU for his undergraduate.
  • Conservative family
  • University Student (UC Prospect)
    • Masters Program
    • Psychology Department


  • Jogs near the university in the morning
  • Walks around campus in the evening.
  • Coffee and journaling in the afternoon at one of his favored haunts.



  • House of Keys: A recent discovery has turned into a new, possibly life-long project.

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Name Marshall Turner
Apparent Age Early Twenties
Occupation: University Student,
Clinical Psychology
Demeanor: Conformist
Nature: Sage
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 170

Race: Mage
Essence: Questing
Resonance: Bright and flashy
Tradition: Order of Hermes
House: Bonisagus (Soon)
Craft Name:
Chantry: House of Keys

Questing.png Mage2.png Orderofhermes.png

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In-Character perceptions
Sorcerer "Seen a few tricks. Old men with books puttering around circles. Yet to be impressed."
Psychic "We tend to be a bit iffy around each other. Either it seems to be kindred spirits or instant rivals. Not sure why."
Cult of Ecstasy "I like to have a good time like everyone else but how do you turn that into a mastery of reality?"
Euthanatos "Probability, Chance...Death?"
Hollow Ones "Not everything sucks. Not everything needs to be overly dramatic or theatrical."
Order of Hermes "Order. Logic. Consistency. Ancient knowledge. Home"
Verbena "I knew some witches back in New York. They're usually good people."

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