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Reference Lists

Merits approved in the Database on City of Hope.

Scroll down further to find the chart and find its full details, sources, costs, etc.

Reminder: Just because a merit is listed as for a specific sphere, it is still at STAFF DISCRETION as to if it is further LIMITED. This page is still a work in progress, and some merits may be in the database and approved for use, but have not been asked for in the past and may require further rulings. There is no guarantee it will be approved.

Notes and Tips

Which Merit do I choose when there's more than one? Sometimes the same Merit can be found in multiple places, or there are different Merits with the same name. You're expected to choose the Merit that's within your type rather than shopping for a cheaper version from a different splat.

Make sure to check the details for the Merit you're after to avoid name confusion, especially as those with (merit) next to the name require you to use that in cgen and xpreq's to avoid confusion with other stats.

Not finding what you want? +request it! You have your book/pdf open and there is a merit that you want in there, but it is not on this list. That does not mean you cannot request it to be added. Make a +request to staff, give the name of the merit and a book reference, and a decision will be made if it can be added. Many times it would be approved, just no one has asked for it before.

NOTE: Some Merits are specifically not allowed. Check for details here: NOT ALLOWED
Any merit colored Red on this page is not allowed.


Sortable Chart with Details

Merit Cost Allowed Type Source Details
Ability Aptitude 1 General Physical WW4600 Synopsis: You're really good at one specific ability!

System: -2 difficulty on rolls involving the specified ability.
Notes: This merit signifies only one ability. The ability must be clarified via +note on your character. May take it twice. See +rules ability aptitude for limitations.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291

Acute Hearing 1 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: Your hearing is exceptionally sharp.

System: The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two.
Notes: This Merit can be combined with the Discipline Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Acute Senses 1 General Physical WW4600


Synopsis: One of your five senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing, smell) is incredibly sharp.

System: -2 difficulty on rolls involving the specified sense.
Notes: This merit signifies only one sense. The sense must be clarified via +note on your character.
Known as Acute Sense in Changeling.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#176

Acute Sense Of Smell 1 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: Your sense of smell is exceptionally sharp.

System: The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two.
Notes: This Merit can be combined with the Discipline Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Acute Sense Of Taste 1 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: Your sense of taste is exceptionally sharp.

System: The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two.
Notes: This Merit can be combined with the Discipline Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Acute Sense Of Touch 1 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: Your sense of touch is exceptionally sharp.

System: The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two.
Notes: This Merit can be combined with the Discipline Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Acute Vision 1 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: Your vision is exceptionally sharp.

System: The difficulties for all tasks involving the use of this particular sense are reduced by two.
Notes: This Merit can be combined with the Discipline Auspex to produce superhuman sensory acuity.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Adaptable Nature 2 Shifter Garou Mental WW3110 Synopsis: (Shantar) You accept change easily and adapt quickly to unfamiliar situations or alien circumstances. The most bizarre umbral landscapes do not phase you, nor does it bother you to make sudden changes in plans or battle tactics.

System: You can avoid any penalties associated with exposure to alien environments or drastic changes.
Notes: Approved at staff discretion only as this is a merit from an Incarna.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#128

Additional Discipline 5 Vampire Supernatural WW2302 Synopsis: You can take one additional Discipline (Storyteller discretion) as if it were a Clan Discipline. All costs to learn that Discipline are paid out as if it were native to your Clan. A character cannot take this Merit more than once.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#79

Alcohol Tolerance 1 Shifter Garou Get of Fenris Physical WW3855 Synopsis: The Fianna pride themselves on their brewing, but the Get are still able to show the Fianna a thing or two about drinking.

System: With a successful Stamina roll (difficulty 7), a Garou with this Merit can shake off the effects of intoxication, suffering no coordination penalties that might normally affect a drunken fighter. This Merit works against all natural intoxicants, though not against poisons. Naturally, a werewolf with this level of tolerance has a much more difficult time getting drunk, which may spoil her fun a bit.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Get of Fenris (Revised Edition), pg.#85

Alternate Identity 3 Supernatural Social WW2302 Synopsis: In addition to your normal identity, you've taken up an alternate role that allows you to run with another group or sect of vampires. This other self has a believable history and backstory that can stand up to at least cursory checks, and he is accepted at face value (more or less) by his associates. However, your sire, Allies, Contacts, etc, don't know that you maintain this second identity, and treat this "stranger" accordingly.

Notes: See +explain Alternate Identity for more details and House Rules on this merit vs the Alternate Identity (background). See also: +explain Alternate Identity (background).
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Alternate Sense 7 Vampire Supernatural WW2412 Synopsis: The character does not require vision because she possesses anouther sense with equal discrimination. Typical examples include a bat's sonar or a bloodhound's sense of smell. The character does not suffer the usual penalties from operating in total darkness, though specifically visual tasks (such as reading) remain impossible. The character can also identify other characters by non-visual means.

System: Alternate Senses tend to "see through" Chimerstry illusions and Obfuscate concealment because few Cainites understand nonhuman or superhuman senses. When a character with Alternate Senses encounters a character who uses Chimerstry, Obfuscate or similar powers, use the system for "Seeing the Unseen" in Vampire: The Masquerade, pg.#152 - but treat the first character as having an Auspex rating two higher than it really is. For these purposes, a character who lacks Auspex entirely has an effective rating of two.
Notes: Alternate Senses often show some connection to Auspex or to the body-altering Disciplines of Protean, Serpentis and Vicissitude. They also usually occur only in Cainites who suffer blindness or other extremere impairment of their normal senses.
Book Ref: Mexico City by Night, pg.#115

Ambidextrous 1 or 2 General Physical WW2300


Synopsis: You have a high degree of off-hand dexterity and can perform tasks with the "wrong" hand at no penalty.

House rules: due to heavy inconsistency across different books:

  • Without the merit, using a weapon in each hand within a single turn requires two actions (extra or split), and the one in your off hand is +1 difficulty.
  • With the 1-dot merit, the +1 difficulty is negated.
  • With the 2-dot merit:
  • The +1 difficulty is negated.
  • You can split actions to use both weapons without the split-action penalty, provided you take no other actions during the same turn. If you do take other actions during the same turn, then this part of the merit does not benefit you during that turn.
  • Some weapons require both hands, though the +1 difficulty does not apply. All relevant +equip templates include Two-Handed: Y.

Notes: Also see +rules Ambidextrous
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296
Players Guide to Garou, pg.#159
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#288
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#21
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#177

Angelic Aura 1 Demon Social WW8202 Synopsis: Your character exudes the nobility and grace of a Celestial even in her unaltered mortal state. Despite her physical appearance, she radiates an aura of wisdom, confidence and transcendent authority that belies her mortal condition, even as her Torment begins to weigh heavily on her soul.

System: The difficulty of all Charisma and Appearance rolls decreases by one when your character interacts with mortals.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#76

Angelic Gaze 1 Demon Social WW8202 Synopsis: The eyes are the windows to the soul, and the act of possession has altered the eyes of your character's mortal host to reflect his celestial nature. A Devil's eyes might be the color of the golden sun or the sullen red of banked embers; a Devourer's eyes might be the lantern yellow of a wolf or lion.

System: The difficulty of all Leadership, Intimidation or Empathy rolls decreases by one.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#76

Animal Magnetism 1 General Social WW3108


Synopsis: You have that special kind of way with other people that makes them want you.

System: -2 difficulty on seduction and similar rolls.
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#13
Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#158

Animal Speech 3 Changeling Pooka WW7054 Synopsis: Like Dr. Doolittle, you can talk to the animals. Unfortunately, this only extends to animals of your own affinity and any directly related. For each step away from you in the Animal Kingdom, communication becomes more difficult. For example, a tiger Pooka can speak fluently with other tigers in the tiger language, however he feels like an American in Paris with only a fourth grade understanding of the language when speaking to a bobcat. When attempting to converse with a housecat, the tiger pooka is reduced to a vague understanding of body language.

System: Whenever a Pooka attempts communication with a species other than his specific affinity, the player should roll Perception + Alertness versus a difficulty determined by the Storyteller, based on how far removed the species is from the Pooka's affinity.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Pooka, pg.#87

Animalistic Favor
was Physical Abnormality
3 - 5 Changeling Pooka Physical WW92041 Synopsis: Your mien possesses a minor animalistic feature from the

below table.
System: Where you have a feature allowing you a special attack, you use your standard dice pool.

Animal Feature Merit Cost Effect
360° Vision 3 –2 difficulty when looking for something or someone. +2 difficulty on attempts to surprise you.
Tough Hide 3 –1 difficulty to soak damage.
Whip Tail 3 Natural weapon with reach. 2B damage
Extra Legs 4 Near impossible to trip. Can run at twice the normal speed.
Fly Fingers 4 Fingers end in tiny, stiff hooks, capable of supporting your weight. You can climb sheer walls and hang from ceilings providing the surface can support your weight.
Stinger 4 Natural weapon. 1L damage. Paralyzes opponents for one turn unless they succeed on a Stamina roll (difficulty 4).
Venomous Bite 5 Natural weapon. 3L damage. 1L damage each subsequent turn for six hours (may be soaked).

Notes: Merit is for Pooka, any other kiths will be at staff discretion.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#186

Apostate 2 Vampire Baali Supernatural WW2817 Synopsis: It is said that dread Shaitan himself forged the ranks of the first followers of Baal from those Cainites of other lineages he could sway to his side. The practice continues to this day; a substantial minority of the bloodline are not Baali by blood at all, but rather stem from an adopted parentage - converts to the Baali banner. This unpredictably and versatility of talents has proven to be one of the infernalists' greatest strengths - but it does not always benefit those diverse talents within the bloodline.

System: Characters with this Merit either started their unlives as descendents of other blood, later converting to the Baali creed, or are of sufficiently close descent from one such convert so as to maintain some link to her ancestral clan affinities. Apostates may replace either Obfuscate or Presence with any one Discipline, as appropriate to her ancestral clan. (Daimoinon is innate and cannot be replaced). Furthermore, Apostate Baali can still pass the relative ease for members of other clans. A determined effort will still root out an Apostate, but how many Cainites are willing to make that sort of effort?
xxxxxThe one negative to this Merit is strictly a political drawback. Apostate Baali are forever barred from leadership roles in the bloodline because of their "inferior" blood.
Book Ref: Clanbook: Baali, pg.#44

Approachable 1 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: There's something very approachable and non-threatening about your character's mortal persona. People find it very easy to start a conversation with her.

System: Reduce the difficulty of any Empathy rolls involving other people or demons by one.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#78
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#105

Art Affinity 5 Changeling Aptitude WW7300


Synopsis: You are able to utilize one of the Arts with a greater degree of ease than other changelings. In a previous incarnation, you were extremely proficient in one of the Arts - so much so that you have managed to draw a portion of that knowledge through into this lifetime.

System: Select an Art; when spending experience points to gain levels in that Art, you pay three-quarters the normal cost. This art must be declared during character generation. Of course, this Merit may only be purchased once.
Notes: This Merit is called Sphere Natural in the Player's Guide.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#162
Changeling: the Dreaming Player's Guide, pg.#27

Atavistic Form 2 Demon Social WW8202 Synopsis: Upon their return to the mortal world, the fallen have discovered that many of their past exploits have lived on in human legend. Although time and the interpretations of the human minds distort these legends, demons are nevertheless able to tap into these atavistic memories through the appearance of their apocalyptic form.

System: Your character's revelatory form is an iconic image within human myth, be it as a visage of a dragon, a fire giant, or a winsome siren. The difficulty of all Social rolls decreases by one when interacting with mortals when the demon is in apocalyptic form. Additionally, the difficulty to resist the effects of Revelation increases by one.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#76

Attuned Taste 2 Vampire Tremere Supernatural WW2357 Synopsis: For whatever reason, your character finds blood magic instinctive - more so than for most Tremere. When your Tremere tastes blood, she naturally tastes the subtle currents and occult correspondences in the vitae. To her, it's not even magic; it's just a heightened state of taste stemming from the Embrace and the Tremere clan's long experience with blood.

System: When your character tastes blood, she may automatically glean one fact about the source, as per the Level One Path of Blood power (Vampire: The Masquerade, pg.#178-179). No blood cost or roll is required; the vampire simply garners information as if with one success. You may still choose to use the Discipline itself in order to gain more specific information, in which case the normal systems apply and the results of the Discipline supersede this affinity.
xxxxxThis affinity is not always beneficial - your character may accidentally taste undercurrents of fear, extraordinary power or poison in vitae, and such tastes can cause nausea or incapacitation at the Storyteller's discretion. This sensitivity cannot be turned off.
Book Ref: Clanbook Tremere (Revised Edition), pg.#66

Auspicious Birth 2 Shifter Hengeyokai Supernatural WW3063 Synopsis: Fate smiled upon your parents, and you were born under the proverbial lucky star. You are considered lucky to have around, and are a natural choice to lead a sentai.

System: Once per session, you may nominate one roll as "lucky" - on that roll, you may then keep any 10's that come up on the dice as successes and then reroll those particular dice to get more successes, just like a specialization. If you are already specialized in the action in question, you may reroll both 9's and 10's, keeping the successes for both.
Book Ref: Hengeyokai Shapeshifters of the East, pg.#107

Bad Taste 2 Shifter Physical WW3108 Synopsis: Your flesh produces a natural toxin.

System: Anything that tries to bite you must spend 1 Willpower or spend the rest of the scene retching.
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#20

Banespeak 3 Possessed Fomori Supernatural WW3066 Synopsis: Your bane speaks to the tattered remains of your soul.

System: Your character speaks to itself, and the bane responds with potential clues to assist in your current situation.
Notes: Fomori Only, used in emergency situations or otherwise sparingly.
Book Ref: Freak Legion A Players Guide to Fomori, pg.#22

Battle Prowess 3 Shifter Garou Physical WW3110 Synopsis: (Nerigal) Combat with weapons comes naturally to you. Swords, knives, klaives, quarterstaves and various other implements of hand-to-hand warfare seem almost second nature.

System: You enjoy an extra die on all Melee dice pools. Your expertise in hitting, however, does not extend to causing more damage; you roll the standard amount of dice for damage.
Notes: It is highly unlikely, but not impossible for Fera to take this merit, but it will not be approved in character generation.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#127

Bean Counter 3 Changeling Boggan Social WW7057 Synopsis: Most boggans consider a gift given freely to have no strings attached. Not you. From simple to extravagant, you're a bean counter. You must still answer the call of the needy, but there will always be a reckoning. A prepared meal may deserve a small thanks, or a home cleaned with a modest tip.

System: When not given, you must make a willpower roll (difficulty 6 and up, depending on the favor done) or spend the next day rearranging your schedule to make the ungrateful one regret it. A failure makes a simple pranking in order, whereas a botch results in nastiness most would not predict in a normally pleasant-mannered kith.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Boggans (fan-written), pg.#58

Beast Affinity 1 to 4 General Supernatural Aptitude WW4801 Synopsis: Animals love you. While other people must use force, training or magic to forge bonds with beasts, you do so naturally. Perhaps God has blessed you with the gift of St. Francis. Maybe you're a shaman with a powerful totem or a witch touched by the Goddess. Regardless, animals are well disposed to you. You cannot speak their language or read their minds, but some limited communication (based on gestures and vocalizations) is possible. You are probably safe from harm from animals unless you or your companions act hostile toward a beast or its pack.

System: The payback for this Merit is respect; a magus with a beast-bond must love the wild in return. Farmers, foresters and "barbarians" are more likely to win his trust than are priests or princes. This Merit is not an instant protection; if you anger a beast, it attacks. Intelligent or magical animals are still free to make their own decisions; they're inclined to like you but may be wary of or even turn on you in the long run. This Merit fades if abused; a sorcerer who uses her affinity to recruit sword-fodder finds her favor revoked. Animals are not stupid, and their goodwill is taxed easily.
xxxxx*For one point, you get along well with a specific type of animal (wolves, cats, hawks).
xxxxx*For two points, you bond with general types of animals (canines, birds).
xxxxx*For three, that bond extends to any natural beast.
xxxxx*For four, even the greater (magical) creatures regard you with favor, if not trust or friendliness.
Notes: Not appropriate for Fomori, Shifters, Vampires, Wraiths.
Book Ref: Crusade Lore (Screen Only), pg.#36

Because I Think I Can 6 Changeling Mental WW92041 System: When you declare you are using a point of Willpower and roll for successes, your self-confidence may allow you to gain the benefit of that expenditure without losing the Willpower point. You do not lose the point of Willpower unless you fail your roll. This also prevents you from botching. This Merit may only be used when the difficulty of your roll is 6 or higher.

Book Ref: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#181

Benevolent Blood 1 Vampire Malkavian Supernatural WW2353 Synopsis: Your blood still carries the Curse of Malkav, but its effects have been lessened just a little bit.

System: Any ghouls you create suffer none of the usual deranging side effects of drinking Malkavian blood — they can be loaded to the gills with your blood and not come one step nearer to gaining a derangement (They might still be driven insane by life with you, though, depending on how demanding your reality is.) Of course, any childer you Embrace will still gain a derangement after the Embrace as usual — although your vitae is easily diluted by mortal blood, the pure stuff carries the Curse as one would expect.
Book Ref: Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition), pg.#64

Benevolent Domitor 3 Vampire Ghoul Social WW2021 Synopsis: For whatever reason, your domitor is actually rather fond of you. Perhaps your service has been exemplary, or perhaps you simply remind him of someone in his past - given the alien nature of the vampire mind, you may never know for sure. Your domitor treats you with some measure of compassion and does not casually endanger your life. Of course, he still expects you to give your life for his if need be, but until that night, the two of you are something akin to friends.

Notes: You must purchase the Domitor Background to buy this Merit.
Book Ref: Ghouls Fatal Addiction, pg.#83

Berserker 2 or 5 Mage Psychological WW4600 Synopsis: The ancient Celts called this state the "Battle Fury", and when it takes over your mage, everything is tinted with a red haze as he kills. And kills. And kills some more.

System: To end the battle fury, you must make a Willpower roll at the same difficulty. Subtract one from the difficulty if the person on the receiving end is your True Love or someone similarly important. Otherwise, everyone just has to run and hide until you come down.
xxxxx*For 2 points: Your character feels no pain, and he ignores all wound penalties when berserk.
xxxxx*For 5 points: When berserk, your character adds 2 dots to his Strength, 1 dot to Stamina, gains 3 Bruised Health Levels, and takes no wound penalties to Dice Pools until he reaches Wounded; thus his wound penalties would be: Wounded -1, Mauled -1, Crippled -2, Incapacitated -2, and Dead.
xxxxxWhenever your character is injured in combat, make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6 + the number of Wound Levels suffered so far in that scene). Add two to that difficulty if you have the Short Fuse Flaw (up to a maximum difficulty of 10). If you fail, your character enters the battle fury, and he may ignore all wound penalties. Unfortunately, he won't know friend from foe, and he will kill until there's nothing left standing.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291

Berserker 2 Shifter Psychological WW3108


Synopsis: You feel the rage burning inside you, and you know how to use and direct it against your enemies.

System: You have the ability to berserk frenzy at will and, thus, are able to ignore your wound penalties. However, any acts you commit during a frenzy have consequences, just as they would otherwise. Also, you have the same chance of going into frenzy even when you don't wish to do so.
Book Ref: Werewolf Player's Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#10
Player's Guide to the Garou, pg.#163

Berserker 2 Vampire Psychological WW2206 Synopsis: The Beast is in you, but you know how to direct and make use of it.

System: You have the capacity to frenzy at will, and are thus able to ignore your wound penalties. However, you must pay the consequences of your actions while in a frenzy, just as you normally would. Your chance of entering an unwilling frenzy is also unaffected.
Book Ref: Vampire Player's Guide (2nd Edition), page #4

Best Friend 2 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: Your character has the good fortune to have a best mate. He stands with your character through thick and thin. They've shared jokes, tragedies and all the highs and lows of life over the years, all of which has forged a bond between them that some married couples never achieve. Perhaps they were at school or worked together.

System: While your character might not be able to share the truth of her real nature with her friend, she can rely on him to back her up to the best of his abilities without asking too many difficult questions. A best friend is closer to you and more committed to helping you than an ally, but he demands far more in return. He goes that extra mile to get her out of trouble than an ally wouldn't, but he counts on her to do the same for him.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#79
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#106

Bird Spirit Companion 1 Shifter Mokole Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: A particular Bird-spirit has taken a liking to you, and will sometimes materialize after you have fed (in Suchid or Archid form) to pick your teeth.

System: It may bring you news, rumors, hints or the like, but these tidbits of information aren't guaranteed to be reliable at all.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#70

aka Bird's Eye
4 Shifter Corax Mental WW3077 Synopsis: A Corax with this Merit has the knack for automatically picking the right target to follow out of a crowd.

System: Even if there are 60 Garou at a moot, a Corax with this Merit has merely to make a successful Wits+Awareness roll (difficulty 7) to pick out the proper (read: most interesting; this can be translated as "most important to the ongoing plot") target to follow. A botch on this roll sends the Corax in the entirely wrong direction, which can also have interesting consequences.
Book Ref: Corax, pg.#73

Bite Of The Monitor 1-5 Shifter Mokole Physical WW3081 Synopsis: This merit is common among Mokole of the Ora varna. It makes the Mokole's bite more dangerous.

System: Any bite inflicted by the Mokole can be healed as usual as the aggravated damage it usually is. However, after time the wound reopens. When this happens, the victim loses the same number of health levels they lost with the initial bite after soaking. The frequency in which the bite reopens depends on the strength of this merit:
xxxxx*Once a year (1 point)
xxxxx*Once a season (2 points)
xxxxx*Once a month (3 points)
xxxxx*Once a week (4 points)
xxxxx*Once a day (5 points)
The bite will open a number of times equal to the Mokole's Gnosis, and after that will not reopen. It is up to the Storyteller exactly when the bite reopens. A being can suffer from only one "infected" bite at a time.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#70

Blended Technique 7 Mage Supernatural WW4253 Synopsis: Instead of taking a particular viewpoint as dogma, you've melded together a set of variable techniques and forms as your own special way of doing magic. Better still, you're flexible - you take on new bits and pieces all the time. When someone shows you a way to do something, you just shrug and add it to your repertoire.

System: Instead of being limited to a particular focus for each Effect that you want to do, you can learn to use other foci simply by watching a different mage. If you watch an Akashic Brother use Do as a focus for his magic - and he explains what he's doing - you can learn to do it, too. If a Verbena then shows you how blood magic leads to healing, you can pick that up. You're the quintessential Orphan: You use every hodge-podge piece of technique that you find.
Book Ref: Initiates of the Art, pg.#83

Blessing Of Atlas 5 Changeling Troll Physical WW92041 Synopsis: All trolls are significantly stronger than their fellow fae, yet there are those who exceed even these comparisons. They are as to their fellow Trolls what Trolls are to other fae.

System: In game terms, a character with the Blessing of Atlas will permanently raise her Strength by 1, and will also raise the potential maximum Strength pool by 1. Trolls with this Merit are only slightly larger than their kith, but even more defined. Should it become known that a character possesses this Merit, she will be expected to act all the more responsibly for it.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#179

Blood Flaw Immunity 3 Vampire Ghoul Physical WW2021 Synopsis: For some reason, you are resistant to the bloodline flaws of any vampire from whom you drink. You can guzzle Nosferatu vitae until your stomach bursts, and your complexion won't suffer a whit.

Book Ref: Ghouls Fatal Addiction, pg.#83

Blush of Health 2 Vampire Physical WW2300 Synopsis: You look more hale and healthy in appearance than other vampires, allowing you to blend with human society much more easily.

System: You still retain the color of a living mortal, and your skin feels only slightly cool to the touch.
Notes: This merit cannot be taken by Nosferatu, Gargoyle, or Samedi. This may also not be taken if you possess the flaws Touch of Frost or Monstrous.
Book Ref: Vampire: The Masquerade (revised), pg.#296

Bonus From Props 1-3 Mage Supernatural WW4043 Synopsis: You receive a +1 bonus to all of your magic rolls when using props.

Notes: Many shamans who possess this Merit also have the Dependence on Props Flaw.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#103

Boon 1-6 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: Someone owes you a favor. The vampire in your debt might be the lowliest neonate in the city or might be the Prince herself; it all depends on how many points the Merit costs. You only have that single favor owed you (unless you take the Merit multiple times), so using it properly is of paramount importance. Depending on status and other factors, the vampire who owes you a favor may well resent his debt, and might go out of his way to “settle” it early — even going so far as to create situations from which he must “rescue” you and thus clear the slate.

System: Consult Staff regarding Boon system, read book for more information.
Notes: Points invested symbolize the power of the NPC-Vampire whom the boon is owed.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#75

Bright 4 Wraith Supernatural WW6007 Synopsis: For some reason, the power of your emotion is enough to weaken the Shroud.

System: The difficulty of any test involving piercing the Shroud is reduced by one. As well, mortals encountering you add one point to their Willpower score for the purpose of dealing with you. The unfortunate drawback of this Merit is that any mortal seeking wraiths will always choose you to harass over other spirits, and will gain the same one-point bonus when trying to seek you out.
Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26

Broken Bond 4 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: You were once blood-bound but have secretly slipped the leash, and you are free to act as you will once more. Your regnant has no idea that you are not in fact bound, and continues to treat you as if you were. At Storyteller discretion, the experience of having been bound once may render you immune to ever being enthralled again.

Notes: Sabbat vampires cannot take this Merit.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Bruiser 1 General Physical WW2302 Synopsis: Your appearance is sufficiently thug-like to inspire fear (or at least disquiet) in those who see you. While you’re not necessarily ugly, you do radiate a quiet menace, to the point where people cross the street to avoid passing near you.

System: All Intimidation rolls against those who have not demonstrated their physical superiority to you are at -1 difficulty.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#73

Burning Aura 2 Mortal Supernatural WW4010


Synopsis: Your aura, no matter what it's color, is unusually brilliant. Those who can see this "inner light", you stand out like a beacon burning with a mystical fire. Even people who can't see auras feel drawn to your side.

System: Some supernatural entities find people like you intriguing; others consider you a threat. Likewise, sensitive mortals might consider you appealing or repulsive, depending on your personality and their inclinations.
Notes: Called Shimmering Aura in Witches and Pagans
Book Ref: World of Darkness: Sorcerer, pg.#67
Witches and Pagans, pg.#82
Halls of the Arcanum, pg.#62

Cagebound 3 Shifter Ratkin Psychological WW3080 Synopsis: You were born in a cage and raised by humans. Months of handling and affection have made you well-tempered, patient and sweet. Then the Birthing plague changed everything. The call of the Rat God was irresistible, and you had to leave behind the human with whom you bonded. Fortunately, your tragic story has a happy ending.

System: Your peaceful upbringing helps you enter Rapture, use Blood Memory, and gain Gnosis through meditation: You get a -1 difficulty on all of these rolls. You are also highly knowledgeable about human society, though this knowledge is limited to what you saw in the room where you lived.
Book Ref: Ratkin, pg.#75

Caged Folk 2 Shifter Ratkin Social WW3080 Synopsis: If the Storyteller is willing to admit to the existence of the Caged Folk, you may purchase this Merit with her permission. You may select highly intelligent rats as your Kinfolk or Contacts. They generate their status just like any other Kinfolk character, and can solve problems as efficiently as any human. Not surprisingly, they see all of human society through rodent eyes, misinterpreting the reasons humans do things. They are also fanatic about concealing their true intelligence, forever wary that men in white lab coats will find them and take them away.

Book Ref: Ratkin, pg.#75

Call To Friends 3 Changeling Pooka Social WW7054 Synopsis: Creatures of your affinity will come when you call and back you up in a fight. Every species of animal has a special call that they use to summon others of their own kind to aid them. You have an innate knowledge of what this call is and you can use it whenever you need. For some affinities, it's a how. For others, it's a cluck. However it sounds, it calls any of these animals within a one mile radius to your aid. Even if you cannot make your voice carry that distance, the animals spread the word for you. All you need to do is reach one of the creatures of your affinity and, unless restrained somehow, that animal calls others. like that, the "word" spreads quickly and your friends come running.

System: The limitations of communication still apply. If the animals can't hear you, they won't know to come. If they can't figure out that you're tied to a chair and need them to gnaw through the knot, they're just going to stare at you dumbly. They don't teleport, so travel time is a factor. However, if they see that an ogre is attacking you, they'll jump right in and help you. This Merit works especially well when used in conjunction with the Animal Speech merit listed above. The number of animals available to you varies depending on your affinity and where you're living. The Storyteller should assign a number of animals per success. For example, in New York there may be only one alligator in the sewers within that mile, but there may be a hundred cats. Once this has been established, the player should roll Charisma + Performance to determine how successful her plea for help is.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Pooka, pg.#87

Calming Presence 1 Changeling Pooka Social WW92041 Synopsis: Common among the pooka is the ability to calm any animal or child with a quiet word or even a look. Something in your aura conveys safety and security to the animal or child. Guard dogs and wild animals never attack you, and babies in your presence calm and gaze up at you in fascination and wonder

Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#183

Calm Heart 3 Vampire Mental WW2300
Synopsis: You are naturally calm and do not easily fly off the handle.

System: You receive two extra dice when attempting to resist a frenzy.
Notes: Brujah may not take this Trait.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299

Calm Heart 3 Shifter Mental WW3108 Synopsis: You are naturally calm and well composed, and you rarely fly off the handle.

System: Raise the difficulty on all your frenzy rolls by 2, no matter how any incident is provoked.
Notes: .
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#12

Cast Iron Stomach

AKA Cast-iron Stomach

1 Bygone Physical WW4802 Synopsis: Beasts must often forage for sustenance; as a consequence, some have learned to be less picky than others.

System: Like a goat or a shrew, you can eat anything remotely similar to food and gain nourishment from it. Carrion, straw, bones; it's all dinner. As for the smell, well, you get used to it...
Book Ref: Bygone Bestiary, pg.#108

Cat-Like Balance 1 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: You possess an innately perfect sense of balance.

System: Characters with this Merit reduce difficulties of all balance-related rolls (e.g., Dexterity + Athletics to walk along a narrow ledge) by two.
Notes: This is what City of Hope uses instead of newer versions written for Perfect Balance (1 point). For more questions, please see +explain Cat-like Balance.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Cathartic Fury 2 Vampire Mental WW20007 Synopsis: Forced to play the part of the civilized monster, you find solace and strength in periodic outbursts of rage.

System: At the conclusion of any frenzy, roll Courage (difficulty 5). Each success restores one point of Willpower, up to your usual maximum. Vampires with this Merit still suffer degeneration for their frenzy if such anger violates the tenets of their road.
Book Ref: Players Guide to the High Clans, pg.#204

Celestial Affinity 3 Mage Social WW4046 Synopsis: Your mage has an exceptional instinct when it comes to dealing with High Umbrood. While certain shamans excel at interactions with their totemic spirits and necromancers find truck with the dead a simple matter, your mage's talents make conversing with the noblest and most refined of ephemeral entities easier.

System: You receive a difficulty bonus of two to all rolls to summon, compel, coax, bargain with and otherwise influence such beings. This bonus applies as much to Social rolls as it does to Spheres, since trafficking with High Umbrood is often as much a matter of finesse and force of personality as it is one of sorcerous might.
Book Ref: Blood Treachery, pg.#85

Celestial Guidance 1 Shifter Supernatural WW3110 Synopsis: You are at home in the Aetherial Realm and can intuit the direction you need to go by a simple act of concentration. Even if an Umbral event throws you off course, you can eventually find your way back to familiar territory.

System: If you concentrate on your destination and make a successful Willpower roll (difficulty 6), you can sense the nearest appropriate "step" towards your destination, whether a moon path, anchorhead or even the realm of a potential guide.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#126

Celestial Sensitivity 2 Shifter Supernatural WW3110 Synopsis: You are attuned to the Aetherial Realm, a condition which allows you to feel when something isn't right around you. This makes it easy for you to avoid being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

System: The Storyteller determines when you receive warning, and whether or not you can determine whether the sense of wrongness comes from some sort of astrological phenomenon, celestial event or disturbance of the local spirits.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#126

Chimerical Craftsman 5 Changeling Aptitude WW5009 Synopsis: This is identical to the nocker Birthright: Forge Chimera.

Book Ref: The Shining Host (Mind's Eye Theatre), pg.#103

Chi Attunement 3 Kuei-Jin Dhampyr Supernatural WW2920 Synopsis: Your bond to one of the two basic types of Chi (Yin or Yang) is especially strong.

System: You regain this type of Chi at twice the normal rate (two per hour of rest, four per hour of meditation), but regain the other type at half the normal rate. A Demon Chi Attunement is not possible.
xxxxxBeyond the game effects above, Chi Attunement influences your general disposition and appearance, much like balance and aspect do for a Kuei-jin. If you are attuned to Yang, you appear vital, sensual and short tempered; to Yin, you seem morose, reserved and analytical. Yang attuned dhampyrs often have the Vivophage Flaw, while Yin attuned often have Sun Allergy.
Book Ref: Half-Damned: Dhampyr, pg.#58

Circumspect Avatar 2 Mage Avatar WW4600 Synopsis: What Avatar? Your mage has never seen her Avatar. In fact, no one's ever seen her Avatar, unless it was her reflection in the mirror, or her shadow, or something that everyone and their dog has.

xxxxxYour mage does have an Avatar, but it isn't inclined to put on a show. At most, her Avatar is simply her subconscious, and it's just nudged and pushed her into finding her own Awakening.
xxxxxHaving a circumspect Avatar doesn't mean that your mage doesn't have Seekings and Epiphanies. Such events tend to be rooted in reality. The mage may well find that a series of unusual events in the physical world leads her to greater enlightenment, without ever entering a dreamscape. Who needs to go rooting around in dreams and bizarre mindscapes to find out who they are?
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#294

Clan Friendship 4 Not Allowed Social WW2302 Synopsis: One particular Clan (not your own) has a special liking for you. You might have done the Clan as a whole a favor at some point, or perhaps you’re just a loud voice in support of their aims.

System: Whatever the case, you’re at -2 difficulty on all friendly Social rolls involving members of the Clan in question. Of course, the reaction your cozy relationship with another Clan is likely to draw from your own Clan leaders is an entirely different can of worms.
Notes: This merit is no longer allowed as it does not function well with play on this game.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76


AKA Fangs/Horns/Hooves/Barbed Tail

3+ Mage Physical WW4603 Synopsis: Witches have always been known for their beautiful fingernails and iron teeth, and your character lives up to this reputation, since coming from her, "I'll scratch your eyes out!" is not an idle threat. Or perhaps she has the horns of the devil or the hooves of a centaur, or something more mundane yet cooler - like a surgical steel plate in the skull with bolts to screw spikes on.

System: For three points, you may buy one type of attack; for five points two. Seven points allows you to buy three, and nine points allows you to buy four. For even points, you can go for the full devil package and have claws, fangs, horns, hooves, and a barb at the end of your tail (though it costs an additional three points for your tail to be prehensile).

Maneuver Difficulty Damage
Bite 5 Strength +1
Claw 6 Strength +2
Kick 7 Strength +3
Gore 7 Strength +2 (Strength +4 after a charge of 10 yards or more)
Tail Strike 6 Strength +1

xxxxxClaws, fangs, horns, hooves and tail barbs come in varying sizes. The above list assumes you've got the smallest gauge. For an additional point, you can get a somewhat larger size, and another point beyond that gets you el grande, each size larger doing an additional +1 point of damage. However, this is not necessarily a great idea. Wolf claws can be painted and passed off as an expensive manicure, but vulture talons are a bit harder to hide, and a set of giant bear claws are not only incredibly conspicuous but will prevent you from doing things like typing or driving. Likewise a nice pair of goat horns can be hidden under a top hat, but a set of oryx horns will need a sombrero, and there's no hiding a full rack of stag antlers, especially if you've got two points for every year of your age.
xxxxxAt Storyteller option, claws and so forth can be made retractable for an additional +1 per unit of size, like vampire fangs can be pulled back in for one point; for two points jumbo fangs (the type that stick down over your lip) can be pulled back into like with regular teeth, and for three points, even boar or walrus tusks can be made to disappear - though there will have to be a good explanation given for why this works.
Book Ref: Guide to the Traditions, pg.#228

Clean Countenance 3 Wraith Social WW6300 Synopsis: For some reason the forges have not touched you. Your face is as clean and fresh as the day you first went into the forges. You have no explanation for it, but it does enable you to move freely in wider wraith society without immediately being identified as an Artificer.

Book Ref: Guildbook: Artificers, pg.#51

Clear Sighted 3 General Supernatural WW4010


Synopsis: Illusions do not fool you. This vision may be a supernatural gift, an inborn insight or a practiced skill.

System: In any case, vampiric Obfuscation, Chimeristry and other Disciplines or Gifts that deceive most observers don't work as well as they should against you. Confronted with such deception, you get a Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty = opposing power's level +3) to see right through it.
Book Ref: World of Darkness: Sorcerer, pg.#67
Mummy: The Resurrection (2nd Edition), pg.#68
Halls of the Arcanum, pg.#63

Cloak Of The Seasons 3 Mage Verbena Physical WW4659 Synopsis: You are magically protected from the effects of the weather and the natural environment. You are perfectly comfortable in winter's chill or summer's blazing heat, regardless of your clothing (or lack thereof). You do not suffer from sunstroke or exposure. You're not even bitten by insects or other vermin. Your senses are still limited by the elements (including fog, rain and snow), and you're not protected from either hunger or thirst.

Book Ref: Tradition Book: Verbena, pg.#70

Code Of Honor 2 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: You have a personal code of ethics to which you adhere. The specifics of this code must be worked out with the Storyteller prior to play, and the character must follow it strictly.

System: Characters with this Merit gain 2 additional dice to all Willpower or Virtue rolls when acting in accordance with their code (e.g., defending the helpless) or when attempting to avoid situations that might force them to violate their code.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299
Players Guide to Garou, pg.#163
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291

Cold 2 Wraith Supernatural WW6007 Synopsis: Most haunted houses are frequented by cold spots, where the temperature drops suddenly and for no easily explainable reason. Your Corpus is very cold, cold enough to pierce the Shroud when a mortal walks near you. Most will shiver, feel very uncomfortable, and walk hurriedly away. Mortals like parapsychologists who know of cold spots may recognize that there is a wraith nearby.

Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26

Coldly Logical 1 General Mental WW2302 Synopsis: While some might refer to you as a “cold fish,” you have a knack for separating factual reporting from emotional or hysterical coloration.

System: You may or may not be emotional yourself, but you can see clearly when others are clouding the facts with their feelings (-1 difficulty on all Sense Deception and related rolls).
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#74

Combat Expertise 2 Shifter Garou Ahroun Physical WW3812 Synopsis: You've spent a great many hours in real, lethal combat and you're practiced enough that you rarely screw up truly badly.

System: You may ignore one botch on an attack or dodge roll each session.
Book Ref: Book of Auspices, pg.#124

Commanding Voice 1 General Physical WW7309 Synopsis: You have the ability to make yourself heard over long distances or above a crowd without appearing to shout. This natural projection serves you well in shouting orders on a battlefield, getting a room to quiet down, or calling for aid from reinforcements.

System: Your intended audience automatically hears you regardless of the general noise level.
Book Ref: War in Concordia, pg.#118

Common Sense 1 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: You have a significant amount of practical, everyday wisdom. Whenever the character is about to act in a way contrary to common sense, the Storyteller can make suggestions or warnings about the implications of said action. This is a very useful Merit to give to beginning players unfamiliar with the game.

Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#298
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#180

Communicate With Animals 2 Mage Social WW4043 Synopsis: Through your deep and profound understanding of the spirits within all life, you can communicate with any normal animal. This communication is not as detailed or exact as ordinary speech, nor does it necessarily involve you actually speaking. Instead, the animal you are communicating with understands you through a combination of posture, facial expressions, smell and speech, while you can understand it on an equally primal level.

System: Even if the animal noticed such things, you cannot use this ability to ask an animal the license plate number of a car or the cut or someone's suit. However, most mammals and birds can tell you basic information like how many people passed by, as well as possibly odd details like what these people had eaten recently or if they smelled afraid. To determine the actual degree of communication, roll Charisma + Intuition. Finding out extremely simple information has a difficulty of 4 or 5. However, anything more complex than vague information about recent events, or questions about the animal's own activities, will have a higher difficulty.
xxxxxSince so few people bother to really attempt to communicate with animals, even wild animals that are not normally interested in humans will usually wish to respond to a mage with this ability. This Merit is largely limited to Dreamspeakers and Verbena, although a few Akashics also know it.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#103

Compassionate 4 Vampire Brujah Mental WW2351 Synopsis: You have the moral character of the Brujah of old, the proud warrior-poets who did what they did because their hearts called to them.

System: If you ever fail a Conscience (but not Conviction) roll, you may spend a point of Willpower and attempt the roll again, at a difficulty of 1 higher than the last. If you succeed on this roll, it counts as if you succeeded on the first. You may do this only once per Conscience roll, you must accept the results of the re-roll. If you botch this second roll, you lose one permanent point of Willpower in addition to any consequences of the failed Conscience roll.
Book Ref: Clanbook Brujah (Revised Edition), pg.#68

Concentration 1 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: You have the ability to focus your mind and shut out any distractions or annoyances.

System: Characters with this Merit are unaffected by any penalties stemming from distracting circumstances (e.g., loud noises, strobe lights, hanging upside down).
Notes: Clan Toreador may not take this merit.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#298
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#180

Conditional Magic (merit) 1 to 6 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: There is one thing in the world that is a great boon, or bane, to your character's magic. Perhaps her spells work particularly well against men, or on Tuesdays, or just after a storm, or on people dressed all in black. Maybe she's powerless to affect those who are or who bear that certain thing, such as her magic being unable to affect Christians or those who carry a piece of rowan and red thread. It may be that a certain individual gave her power over them, or perhaps it is utterly proof against her magic due to an oath she swore or spells that were placed on her.

xxxxxThe conditions that affect your magic may be common, uncommon or rare, and the value of this Merit or Flaw depends on the rarity of the condition. The base costs listed here assume that you have a difficulty modifier of three on all Arete rolls under the given conditions. You may adjust the difficulty by one for every point more or less you devote to the Trait.

Points Condition
1 point Unique: The Sword of Roland, the Matriarch of the MECHA construct, Leap Year
2 points Scarce as hen's teeth: Current or former members of the Council of Nine, your former Mentors, once in a blue moon
3 points Rare, but not unheard of: Toadstones, Swedish royalty, werewolves, rowan and red thread, the holy days of the archangels
4 points Special order: Virgins, middle eastern eye-bead charms, any member of Iteration X, during a thunderstorm
5 points Available without much trouble: Cold iron, silver, Christians, any member of the Traditions, a windy day, holy ground
6 points Common as dirt: Men, anyone who's ever been baptized, the color purple, under cloud cover, Tuesdays

Notes: This may be used as a Merit or a Flaw.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#294

Confidence 2 General Social WW4014 Synopsis: You've got style, savvy and self-confidence that all say, "I'm the Man." Even without the benefit of dazzling appearance or superb charisma, you possess an untouchable air of superiority. Others quickly defer to your decisions, and you automatically assume authority through sheer force of will. Moreover, you're immune to the barbs of your rivals; wicked wit and subterfuge cannot shake your cool self-confidence.

System: With this Merit you can assume a mantle of authority. The Masses quickly bow to someone with confidence; if you look like you know what you're doing, people will let you do it. It's tough to bullshit you, too - your natural confidence often rattles your rival before he can make his play. In game terms, the Merit lowers your Social difficulties by two and raises another character's difficulty by two if he tries to mislead or intimidate you. As many Syndicate ops know, self-confidence is like armor. If it fits, you can stand up to almost anything.
Notes: See +explain confidence
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#166

Consanguineous Resistance 1 Vampire Giovanni Supernatural WW2363 Synopsis: Your character cannot be blood bound by anyone who shares his mortal bloodline. That is, if you were born into the Giovanni family, you cannot be bound by anyone else who was born a Giovanni, though you can still be bound by Pisanob of the Giovanni clan, or by Kindred of any other clan. Similarly, a Dunsirn with Consanguineous Resistance could not be bound by others who were born into the mortal Dunsirn family, but could be bound by a Milliner of the Giovanni clan (for instance).

xxxxxIncidentally, the Giovanni are extremely suspicious of anyone known to manifest this quirk. Although his blood-borne aberration hasn't been documented, a few savvy Giovanni have a rough and superstitious idea of what it is and does. It's generally associated with being a rebellious young smartass who needs to be put down (this is not as unfair as it sounds; by the time a bond resistance is really obvious, it's probably because a punishment isn't working). A character who is discovered to have this trait probably earns her sire's hostility at the very least.
Book Ref: Clanbook Giovanni (Revised Edition), pg.#77

Constant Sending 1 Rokea Supernatural WW3083 Synopsis: Your Lorenzini's ampullae (see the Appendix) remain in all forms, allowing you to use the Sending even in Homid form.

System: Of course, other Rokea won't be able to receive it in Homid form, but it does allow at least one member of a slew to stepout from the shadows and speak with humans.
Book Ref: Rokea, pg.#82

Controllable Night Sight 2 Vampire Lasombra Physical WW2362 Synopsis: You can see in the darkness as if it were light -- which then turns light into darkness.

System: Spend a turn, you can see perfectly in the dark. Any source of light, however, is treated as vision impairing darkness.
Notes: This cannot see through Obteneration.
Book Ref: Clanbook: Lasombra, pg.#63

Cool In Battle 2 Shifter Psychological WW3812 Synopsis: You don't lose your head when the fur starts flying. You remain cool in combat, regardless of how chaotic things get.

System: Add one to the character's initiative rating. If the character enters frenzy, the benefit is lost.
Book Ref: Book of Auspices, pg.#103

Crack Shot 2 General Aptitude WW92041 Synopsis: No matter what you're pointing, gun, arrow or dart, you hit your target with great accuracy.

System: You receive no increased difficulty when targeting any specific location. You gain one extra dice on Firearms rolls that do not involve specific targeting.
Notes: See +explain Crack Shot
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#177

Crawlerling Alteration 4 Ananasi Supernatural WW3082 Synopsis: You can choose not only the size of the Crawlerlings you break into, but also the breed of spider you become. As long as you have consumed at least a few of the spiders in question, you can become any type of spider you so desire, or as many breeds as you so desire for that matter.

Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Cupid's Gift 1 General Social WW4508 Synopsis: You're unusually seductive. it isn't so much that you're fair of face or quick of wit (though you may be) - you simply possess a certain animal charm that few can resist.

System: In any roll based on Seduction or Subterfuge, subtract two from the difficulty... and get ready to suffer the displeasure of your rivals! Folk who are not swayed by your charms often hate you for possessing them.
Book Ref: The Sorcerers Crusade Companion, pg.#121

Cyclic Magic 3 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your character's magic is tied to some regular and repeating cycle - night and day, the moon, the sun, the tides, the wheel of the year, or even such things as the stock market price of tea in China (very important for a Syndicate commodities broker). As such, your difficulties with magic fluctuate from the standard by a maximum of three, depending on what part of the cycle you set as your personal high point. You may be tied to the dark of the moon, the full moon, the Bull cycle or the Bear cycle. Regardless, while the cyclic nature of your magic is problematic, it is quite useful in some circumstances, allowing your character to schedule rituals for their times of greatest power.

Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Danger Sense 2 General Supernatural WW2206


Synopsis: You have a sixth sense that warns you of danger. When you are in danger, the Storyteller should make a secret roll against your Perception + Alertness; the difficulty depends on the remoteness of the danger. If the roll succeeds, the Storyteller tells you that you have a sense of foreboding. Multiple successes may refine the feeling and give an indication of direction, distance or nature.

Notes: This Merit is more reliable and specific than the Level One Auspex power; the two can be combined to create an even more potent warning system.
Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#8
Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#15
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#186

Daredevil 3 General Physical WW2300


Synopsis: You are good at taking risks, and even better at surviving them.

System: When attempting exceptionally risky actions (such as leaping from one moving car to another), characters with this Merit add an additional three dice to their rolls, and negate a single botch die that may result from such a roll. Generally, such actions must be at least difficulty 8 and have the potential to inflict at least three health levels of damage if failed.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#297
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#288
Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#158

Darksight (merit) 2 Vampire Lasombra Physical WW20007 Synopsis: At will, you may invert the meaning of light and dark to your eyes.

System: This requires a turn of concentration and a successful perception + alertness vs 7 . With Darksight active, you may view pitch-black darkness as though it were brightly and uniformly lit, while torches cast a radiance that obscures perception in the manner that darkness interferes with normal senses. The significance of colors likewise inverts, lending a surreal hue to the world without interfering with your ability to separate hues. All penalties for partial darkness instead apply to weak illumination, and absolute emptiness of sunlight and similarly bright radiance blinds you (and burns you, in the case of sunlight).
Notes: The Merit does not allow you to see through mystical shadows, such as those produced by Obtenebration.
Book Ref: Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#207

Deadened Nerves 4 Vampire Physical WW2353 Synopsis: Whether it was a condition you held in life or an odd side effect of the Embrace, your nervous system is missing a few connections. You have very little tactile sense, whether pleasure or pain. The downside of this is obvious: One of your senses is greatly impaired, which can keep you from noticing important warnings (a blade at your back, for instance — or in it).

System: You suffer a +3 difficulty to all tactile-related Perception rolls, and the Storyteller may call for a roll to notice even the blatantly obvious; you might not even notice that you've been shot if the bullet doesn't knock you down outright.
xxxxxHowever, your deadened nerves also protect you from pain, allowing you to ignore your wounds until your flesh is literally blasted from your bones. All penalties for wound levels are halved, rounding down; in other words, you suffer no penalties until you reach the Wounded level, where you deduct only one die from your dice pools, and even when Crippled you can still act at a mere two-die penalty.
xxxxxIf the Storyteller is willing, it might be particularly rewarding for the Storyteller to keep track of the character's health levels, and not let the player know exactly how badly his character has been wounded. Even if the Malkavian stops to give herself a quick look-over, the Storyteller puts things in the most general terms (i.e., "There's a number of holes in your chest, but you have no idea whether the bullets are lodged inside or not," "Your left arm refuses to move, although you're not sure why," and so on). This is a fair amount of extra work on the Storyteller's behalf (particularly if in the interest of secrecy, the Storyteller makes all the Malkavian's soak rolls in secret), but can add a lot of tension and verisimilitude to the game.
Book Ref: Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition), pg.#65

Dead Friends 4 Changeling Sluagh Social WW7051 Synopsis: Sluagh have always been able to see, and sometimes talk to, Wraiths. However, you've gone beyond that sort of casual contact to the point where you've made friends with a few of those who've passed on. They bring you information, spy on your enemies, and generally keep you up to date on things that no living informant could ever possibly uncover. Having contacts who walk through walls can be extremely useful sometimes.

xxxxxOn the other hand, these friends will expect you to do them favors as well, and some of those requests can get pretty bizarre. Plus, you never know when your nice Wraith friend is suddenly going to get nasty for no apparent reason, and he knows where you live...
Book Ref: Kithbook: Sluagh, pg.#64

Deathwalker 4 Mage Euthanatos Supernatural WW4663 Synopsis: Your character has a special tie to the Underworld.

System: While most mages must die or undergo the Agama rite to cross into the Shadowlands, you can use the third rank of Spirit to Step Sideways, just as if you were entering the Middle Umbra. Your aura turns pale and you take on the spiritual imprint of one of the dead. You aren't affected by the Avatar Storms when you cross over; they ignore your "dead" soul as it passes by. You are affected by the Avatar Storm when you venture into the Middle and Astral Umbrae, only the lands of the dead are excepted.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Euthanatos, pg.#69

Deceptive Aura 1 Vampire Supernatural WW2302 Synopsis: Your aura is unnaturally bright and colorful for a vampire. You register as a mortal on all attempts to read your aura.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#79

Destiny (merit) 4 General Supernatural WW2206 Synopsis: You have a great destiny, though you may well not realize it. Your destiny will become more and more apparent as the chronicle continues. Prophecies and dreams guide your way, and grant you clues to your ultimate goal. The sense of direction and security granted by this feeling of destiny helps you overcome fear, depression and discouragement caused by anything not relevant to your destiny. until your destiny is fulfilled, you may suffer setbacks, but nothing will thwart you permanently.

Notes: How this is played is up to the Storyteller.
Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#8

Detached 4 Sorcerer Mental WW4254 Synopsis: Your psychic has the rare ability to view his psychic abilities as separate from his physical existence and can maintain this distance even under adverse conditions.

System: Wound penalties don't affect your use of psychic powers until your character reaches Incapacitated. if he's Incapacitated, then you may spend a Willpower point to use a psychic power at half the normal dice pool (rounded down). This action may be performed only once per scene, after which the character falls unconscious, so choose last-ditch efforts carefully.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#54

Dexterous Toes 1 Changeling Sluagh Physical WW92041 Synopsis: Anything you can do with hands (firing a gun, drawing, playing a musical instrument, etc.) can be done just as well using your feet. Polite society tends to frown on such behavior, but sluagh and pooka laugh at such prissiness.

Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#177

Dharmic Schooling 1 or 2 Kuei-Jin Dhampyr Aptitude WW2920 Synopsis: Most dhampyrs' knowledge of the Dharmic paths only extends as far as "My father is a Resplendent Crane" or "Angry Devil-Tigers are very dangerous". At some point in your half-life, you have become much more familiar with the principles and precepts of the Kuei-jin Dharmas. While this doesn't actually help your own spiritual development, you understand how to interact with the Hungry Dead.

System: If you can discern the correct Dharmic path of a particular Kuei-jin you can phrase requests, make statements and suggest ideas to them in a much more appealing way. Figuring out a Kuei-jin's Dharma requires rolling Perception + Etiquette, with a difficulty equal to the observed Hungry Dead's current Willpower. If the roll is successful, lower by 1 the difficulty of any social roll involving Kuei-jin. You can also produce the opposite effect, irritating the Kuei-jin immensely and even causing them to test for fire soul (a dangerous tactic indeed).
xxxxxThe one point version of this Merit grants the dhampyr knowledge of the orthodox Dharmic paths. the two point version includes all of the heretical Dharmas.
Book Ref: Half-Damned: Dhampyr, pg.#58

Digital Dreamers 1-3 Changeling Boggens Social WW92045 Synopsis: In the age of YouTube stars, Pinterest darlings, and other internet celebrities, boggans have found it easier than ever to connect with and inspire Dreamers.

System: With this Merit, boggans can regain Glamour from their fans and followers without needing to meet them face-to-face. While not as effective as personal contact, it's a regular way to gain small amounts of Glamour. As anyone following your blog, pins, or tutorials has sought you out, you do not need to roll to initiate Reverie, but because the connection is less direct, it only pays off in dribs and drabs. Of course, you must take steps to maintain your popularity or this Merit may begin to diminish.

Points Fans
1 point You have a small following, which generates one point of Glamour every other week.
2 points You have a dedicated group of fans, generating one point of Glamour every week.
3 points You have an expansive fanbase, generating two points of Glamour per week.

Book Ref: Kithbook: Boggans (20th Anniversary), pg.#73

Diplomatic Immunity 3 Shifter Garou Shadow Lord Social WW3058 Synopsis: The Garou Nation holds you in esteem as a mediator. You may travel where you please in the furtherance of your duties. No one may search you, and you are welcome at any moot. Of course, should you abuse these privileges, word will spread. The Shadow Lords have worked hard to build up the few Garou entitled to this privilege, and if an elder of your tribe has found out that you have abused this right, you will be cast out from the tribe. (In other words, whatever you do, don't get caught.)

Book Ref: Shadow Lords Tribebook (1st Edition), pg.#54

Discipline Prodigy 5 Vampire Supernatural WW20006


Synopsis: You are especially skilled in the use of one of your clan Disciplines. The difficulty to use any level of this Discipline is reduced by one, although this Merit can never reduce the difficulty of any roll below 4.

System: Characters may only purchase this Merit once and gain no benefit when using Discipline techniques (aka Combination Disciplines).
Notes: In Clan Discipline only. See +explain discipline prodigy
Book Ref: Players Guide to Low Clans, pg.#189
Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#207

Disembodied Mentor 5 Vampire Supernatural WW2353 Synopsis: The voices in your head may tell you things, but by God, they're useful things.

System: You have a personal guide and advisor (bought as usual through the Background: Mentor) who exists largely in your own skull. He may have been a Malkavian who uploaded himself into the Network, or perhaps he's an imaginary construct with access to the shared memories of the clan. Either way, it's exceedingly hard for your enemies to cut you off from your mentor's counsel, and it's usually pretty easy to call on his advice when you need it. Unfortunately, this Merit also has its drawbacks; your mentor can find you whenever he chooses, and can be a real distraction when you're trying to do something he finds irrelevant You're not freed from the obligations of your relationship, either; you find yourself running errands for your mentor just as often as any other pupil would, if not more so.
Book Ref: Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition), pg.#65

Diverse Fighting Style 4 Shifter Garou Ahroun Physical WW3812 Synopsis: You have trained in a truly vast range of different methods of combat, and can apply the full extent of your knowledge to the situation at hand.

System: You never face penalties in combat for using unfamiliar or exotic weapons, and you can easily identify any weapon of fighting style you are exposed to.
Book Ref: Book of Auspices, pg.#124

Double-Jointed 1 General Physical WW2206


Synopsis: You are atypically limber!

System: -2 difficulty of any dexterity roll involving body flexibility.
Notes: Cannot take Lame flaw.
Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#19
Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#20
Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide, pg.#45
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#177

Double Draught 2 Shifter Corax Supernatural WW3077 Synopsis: Most Corax can only drink from one of any given dead man's eyes. You have the unique knack of drinking from both, allowing you to see details more mainstream Corax might miss. You get the best and the worst of the corpse's death, and can integrate the two to form a coherent picture, rather than being forced to rely on one viewpoint or the other.

Book Ref: Corax, pg.#74

Dracon's Temperament 3 Vampire Tzimisce Mental WW2361 Synopsis: Taking the notion of Azhi Dahaka to new levels, you've emulated the permutable nature of change and evolution into your very psyche. Like the protean Dracon, you are a whirlwind of temperaments. Unlike multiple personalities, which gives you more than one identity, you are the same person but with different and changing Natures. Essentially, you either have no anchored sense of self; or you're so mutable that you can be anybody.

System: At the beginning of each story, until its conclusion, you may choose one Personality Archetype to function as your Nature. This doesn't change your identity; it simply alters the way you perceive situations and how you deal with others. You also regain Willpower according to your new Nature and may be affected by other effects or Discipline powers as per your new Nature as well.
Book Ref: Clanbook Tzimisce (Revised Edition), pg.#69

Dreams Of The Past 2 Demon Mental WW8202 Synopsis: When dreaming, your character is able to recall especially vivid memories of the Age of Wrath, dredging the recollections from deep in her host body's subconscious. Your character has no conscious control over what memories she revisits while she is asleep, but may pertain specifically to the situations and challenges that your character is dealing with at the moment.

System: The Storyteller can use this Merit to impart useful information to your character that she might not otherwise know. Additionally, if your character has the Legacy Background, this Merit reduces the difficulties of all Legacy rolls by one.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#76

Drug Resistance 2 Vampire Setite Physical WW2060 Synopsis: You are unusually resistant to drugs. Alcohol, narcotics and similar addictive substances have little or no effect upon you.

System: You can drink from winos with impuninty, or pretend to be far drunker than you are in order to take advantage of an opponent.
Notes: Setites ONLY.
Book Ref: Clanbook: Setites, pg.#39

Dual Nationality 2 General Social Legal WW8202


Synopsis: Thanks to being born from parents of different countries, your character's mortal host has dual nationality. She might even have two passports. This makes it easy for her to operate in two different places and even hide out in another country if things get too hot for her in her normal place of residence.

Notes: They mean Dual Citizenship.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#83
Hunter Player's Guide, page #112

Dual Nature 2 General Social WW2206 Synopsis: You have two distinct Nature, both of which have an influence on your personality and behavior. When you pick these Natures, be careful to choose Archetypes that are somewhat compatible. Dual Nature does not mean schizophrenia (that is a Derangement). This Merit allows you to regain Willpower using both Natures. You may still choose a Demeanor, and it can be as different from the character’s Natures as the player desires.

Notes: Set the other nature in a +note.
Book Ref: Vampire Player's Guide, pg.#4

Dual Perception 2 Mage Supernatural WW4043 House Rules: Must have Spirit Sight to take this merit. Lets you temporarily turn off parts of Spirit Sight so you can concentrate better. See +rules spirit sight for details.

Notes: See +explain dual perception (same as House Rules)
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#103

Dual Traditions 7 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your mage has been educated by two traditions. Most likely, he was a Hollow One who studied a bit of this and that, and found a couple things that made sense to him. Or, perhaps, he was Awakened by a teacher of one tradition, but then studied under a different Master and experienced a second Epiphany through this new knowledge.

System: For purposes of spending experience, the specialty Spheres of both Traditions come with the bonus (cheap) multiplier. Your character is more open minded about foci as well, and he may use those of either Tradition. (The penalties for unique foci still apply). If your mage loses his Hermetic showstone, for example, he has to go either about getting another one or rely solely on the props of his other Tradition.
Notes: See +explain dual traditions
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#298

Dynamic Personality 5 Vampire Brujah Social WW2351 Synopsis: People are drawn to you, due to some characteristic appeal you exude. You may purchase additional Backgrounds using your experience points at the end of each story - two experience points earn you one Background dot from the following group: Allies, Contacts, Herd, Retainers.

Book Ref: Clanbook Brujah (Revised Edition), pg.#68

Early Adopter 1 General Aptitude WW8202


Synopsis: "Wow! Look at that new palmtop computer. I just got to have one." Your character's mortal host was the kind of person who wanted to have the latest gadgets and technology. It's a drain on your character's cash, and her apartment is cluttered with some neat seeming technology that turned out to be crap, but you have a solid sense of how to use the latest gadgets.

System: You quickly understand and use most new consumer level technology. Add two dice to any Technology roll when trying to figure out how to use a new gadget.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#78
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#105

Early Maturation 3 Shifter Gurahl Physical WW3079 Synopsis: Circumstances occurring before your First Change have caused you to emerge as an Auspice other than Arcas. Perhaps your transformation came late in life, striking you after you had attained full adulthood. Maybe your early years contained so much strife or upheavals that your change catapulted you directly into another Auspice, skipping the "playful" stage of your development as a Gurahl.

System: Whatever the details, your character begins as either an Uzmati, a Kojubat, a Kieh, or a Rishi. This Merit differs from the Merit: Rip Van Winkle since the Gurahl character is not one of the newly awakened old ones but is, in fact, a recent addition to the ranks of werebears. In addition, the character must choose her beginning Auspice Gift from the auspice she begins play with. (For example, a beginning Kojubat Gurahl with the Merit: Early Maturation must start play with a Level 1 Kojubat Auspice gift rather than Level 1 Gifts available to Arcas or Uzmati.)
Book Ref: Gurahl, pg.#88

Early Riser 1 Vampire Physical WW2303 Synopsis: No one can explain it, but you seem to have the ability to work on less rest than your fellow vampires, tending to rise at least one hour before everyone else. You always seem to be the first to rise and the last to go to bed even if you’re been out until dawn. While other vampires may still be groggy, you tend to be awake and aware.

Notes: This Merit cannot take the Deep Sleeper Flaw.
Book Ref: Guide to the Sabbat, pg.#95

Easier Pandemonium 2 Wraith Spook Supernatural WW6305 Synopsis: In addition to Outrage, you also have a knack for picking up Pandemonium. Perhaps you are subconsciously more attuned to the Wyld than you are aware, or perhaps you're just a quick learner. Either way, you have access to those facets of the Pandemonium Arcanos available to both Spooks and Haunters.

Book Ref: Guildbook: Spooks and Oracles, pg.#50

Eat Food 1 Vampire Physical WW2300 Synopsis: You have the capacity to eat food and even savor its taste. While you cannot derive any nourishment from eating regular foods, this ability will serve you well in maintaining the Masquerade. Of course, you can't digest what you eat, and there will be some point during the evening when you must force yourself to heave it back up.

Book Ref: Vampire: The Masquerade, pg.#296

Efficient Digestion 3 Vampire Physical WW2300 Synopsis: You are able to draw more than the usual amount of nourishment from blood.

System: When feeding, you gain an additional point to your blood pool for every two points of blood you consume. This does not allow you to exceed your blood pool maximum.
Book Ref: Vampire: The Masquerade, pg.#297

Eidetic Memory 2 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: You remember, with perfect detail, things seen and heard. Documents, photographs, conversations, etc., can be committed to memory with only minor concentration.

System: Under stressful conditions involving numerous distractions, you must make a Perceptions + Alertness vs 6 to summon enough concentration to absorb what your senses detect.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#292
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#180

Eidetic Memory 5 Shifter Mokole Mental WW3081 Synopsis: You forget nothing and can "photograph" scenes and texts into your memory with the appropriate effort. This Merit costs a lot more for Mokole than for any other creature, for obvious reasons. Once any fact or scene has been recalled through Mnesis, the Mokole can call it to mind again, although every single detail of an ancestor's life isn't available to him unless the ancestor also had eidetic memory.

System: The player may ask the Storyteller for any fact or event that his character witnessed. The merit makes learning anything memory-related cost half the usual experience points (although things that have to be practiced are costly as usual). The merit also brings respect, as other Mokole appeal to the character to settle disputes and the like.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#71

Embraced Without the Cup 3 Vampire Tremere Social WW2357 Synopsis: Almost all Tremere are given a cup of blood, transubstantiated with the blood of the council of seven, who rule the entire clan -- but not you!

System: You are not one step bound to the will of the council.
Notes: If you are playing a Tremere, and it's found out that you had not been demanded that you drink, nothing good can come of it at all.
Book Ref: Clanbook: Tremere, Pg. 67

Enchanting Voice 2 General Physical WW2300 Synopsis: There is something about your voice that others cannot ignore. When you command, they are cowed. When you seduce, they swoon. Whether thunderous, gentle, persuading or simply talking, your voice commands attention.

System: The difficulties of all die rolls involving the use of the voice to persuade, charm or command are reduced by two.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#296

Enslaved By The Blade 2 Shifter Ratkin Supernatural WW3807 Synopsis: This merit allows a Ratkin that is not a Blade Slave (Warrior) to wield a Pain Dagger.

System: Only work if he also undergoes special rituals (and has bought this merit).
Notes: The Ratkin cannot access the Charm bound within the blade.
Book Ref: Player's Guide to the Changing Breeds, pg.#143

Eternal Cherry Blossoms 4 Kuei-Jin Bone Flowers Supernatural WW2905 Synopsis: Perhaps you have reserves of Yang that you just don't know about; perhaps you have a stronger connection to the world of the living than others of your type. Whatever the reason, your body is capable of being Yin imbalanced for long periods of time and never developing the corpse-like features of the ch'ing shih. Even exposure to the sun will not cause you to become twisted and corpse-like; instead, you will suffer a type of dry rot, ultimately becoming flaky and brittle (although still beautiful). This does not change the game effects of sunlight except in regards to Appearance. The down side of this Merit is that the Yama King Emma-o targets beautiful female Kuei-jin with this Merit to become his shikome (see The Thousand Hells for more details).

System: You regain this type of Chi at twice the normal rate (two per hour of rest, four per hour of meditation), but regain the other type at half the normal rate. A Demon Chi Attunement is not possible.
xxxxxBeyond the game effects above, Chi Attunement influences your general disposition and appearance, much like balance and aspect do for a Kuei-jin. If you are attuned to Yang, you appear vital, sensual and short tempered; to Yin, you seem morose, reserved and analytical. Yang attuned dhampyrs often have the Vivophage Flaw, while Yin attuned often have Sun Allergy.
Book Ref: Dharma Book: Bone Flowers, pg.#57

Everything Stops for Tea 5 Changeling Boggan Supernatural WW92045 Synopsis: Boggans know that while all homes have their quarrels, ultimately the hearth brings everyone together. You have a supernatural blessing for defusing hostile situations, or at least delaying conflict long enough for innocents to get out of the line of fire.

System: Provided you do not make threatening moves and have not already taken violent or aggressive action in the current scene, you may spend 1 Glamour and roll Charisma + Empathy (difficulty 7)
For each success, no one present can initiate combat or use harmful supernatural powers for one turn, including you. You may spend Willpower points to extend this time at a cost of one per point per additional round, but only if you scored at least one success on the roll. You may only use this Merit once per scene, and language is not a barrier to this Merit.
A botch on this roll indicates that things get much worse; if actual fighting doesn't immediately commence - and it very well might - all attempts at peaceful negotiation or diplomacy suffer a +2 difficulty penalty. You may still take actions while this Merit is in effect: offering a nice cup of tea and a place to sit and chat is traditional, of course, but really any non-violent, non-aggressive action is fine.
While a potent gift, the Dreaming also watches over this blessing and ensures it is not abused. Attempting to use the delay to maneuver an enemy into harm's way, ready a trap, launch a surprise attack, or otherwise use the time to ready some act of violence or aggression as opposed to making peace (or at least trying to) immediately negates this Merit's effects. For shame!
Book Ref: Kithbook: Boggans (20th Anniversary), pg.#74

Eye For A Bargain 1 General Aptitude WW8202


Synopsis: Your character's mortal host had a knack for getting things cheaply. Sometimes she gets the good she needs in sales. Sometimes she gets them through wholesalers. Other times, she just hunts around until she finds a bargain.

System: However she does it, the difficulty of any Resources roll you make decreases by two.
Notes: Called "Bargain Hound" in Hunter.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#83
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#111

Faerie Affinity 2 General Supernatural WW2206 House rule: Allows a PC whose average Banality (+rules banality by race) is 6+ to be up to 3 lower than normal. It has no other effects.

Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#8

Faerie Eternity 1 Changeling Physical WW92041 Synopsis: After you went through your Chrysalis, you had a birthday, and then another, and then another. Something was strange however - you didn't seem to be growing or getting older. You are touched with a vestige of the immortality that used to be the birthright of all fae.

System: As long as your fae seeming is active, you will age at one-tenth that of a normal human or changeling. Should your fae seeming be permanently destroyed, or should you retreat into Banality, you will begin to age normally.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#185

Faint Reflection 2 Vampire Lasombra Supernatural WW2062 Synopsis: Some Lasombra have somehow mastered the art of actually producing a Faint Reflection. Those with this talent can actually appear in mirrors, albeit in extremely pale, ghostly guises. Objects moving behind a Lasombra casting a faint reflection will be clearly seen through her form. However, often even a faint reflection is enough to allay the suspicions of kine or Camarilla.

Book Ref: Clanbook Lasombra (1st Edition), pg.#33

Fair Glabro 2 Shifter Garou Physical WW3108


Synopsis: Your Glabro form can pass for Homid, albeit a large and bulky one.

System: You lose no Social Attributes when in Glabro.
Book Ref: Werewolf Player's Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#20
Players Guide to Garou, pg.#159

False Reflection 3 Vampire Nosferatu Supernatural WW2354 Synopsis: When using Mask of a Thousand Faces, a Nosferatu with this Merit can create a false impression of his disguise on recording media. He can have his picture taken, show up on videotape and even record an imitation of the subject's voice. Nosferatu without this Merit cannot disguise themselves to machines using the Obfuscate Discipline.

Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Fake It 3 Changeling Social WW92041 Synopsis: You talk a convincing game. Sometimes you are even convincing enough to be right. Maybe you claim you can “make that jump,” “ace that test,” or “hit that target.” You may be criminally lucky or possess hidden talents.

System: When you successfully lie about your proficiency in a task with a Subterfuge + Manipulation roll and then attempt to prove your claims, the difficulty of the roll to carry out your ambition is reduced by two.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#184

Family Allegiance 2 Vampire Ravnos Social WW2064 Synopsis: Through your travels, you have gained the favor of a mortal Gypsy family. The family aids you in your exploits whenever possible, providing shelter from enemies or acting as a method of transportation to or from a city.

System: All difficulty numbers involving social interaction with the family in question are reduced by two. So long as you do not abuse your trust (such as using family members as steady sources of blood), the family will not turn away from you.
Notes: You may not take a Family Allegiance with the Tsurara or Ravnos families.
Book Ref: Clanbook Ravnos (1st Edition), pg.#44

Family Support 1 Shifter Social WW3806 Synopsis: Your family knows what you are and accepts your new life wholeheartedly. Perhaps your parents are Kinfolk and have prepared themselves for the potential that you might be a full Garou. However, they are not necessarily Kin (of the sort purchased through the Kinfolk Background); they may not understand what you've become, but still believe you are "special" or "gifted". While you can assume they will risk themselves for you or your pack, you can rely on their moral support and understanding - and maybe a place to crash on occasion.

Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#162

Famous Anchor 3 to 5 - All Phyla Changeling Inanimae Supernatural WW7307 Synopsis: With this Merit, your Anchor becomes a famous and cherished monument. Hundreds if not thousands will try to protect your Anchor from harm. The fame of your Anchor depends on the cost of the Merit you have bought.

Book Ref: Inanimae: The Secret Way, pg.#68

Famous Liege 2 Demon Social WW8202 Synopsis: Your character is the vassal of a legendary lord of the infernal host, which grants your character an aura of authority and influence beyond her own accomplishments. Most low ranking demons will be eager to curry your character's favor, hoping to be remembered later when her dark lord has returned in triumph.

System: Upon learning of your character's identity, most low ranking demons will treat you with a certain degree of deference and respect, giving you the benefit of the doubt in most questionable situations. Note that this Merit is separate and in addition to the Eminence Background, which reflects your character's personal rank and influence. The character who possesses both is able to open doors and gain respect in any growing demonic court by virtue of their identity. The Storyteller is the final arbiter as to how much influence and respect your character can command based on the needs of her chronicle.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#76


AKA Claws/Horns/Hooves/Barbed Tail

3+ Mage Physical WW4603 Synopsis: Witches have always been known for their beautiful fingernails and iron teeth, and your character lives up to this reputation, since coming from her, "I'll scratch your eyes out!" is not an idle threat. Or perhaps she has the horns of the devil or the hooves of a centaur, or something more mundane yet cooler - like a surgical steel plate in the skull with bolts to screw spikes on.

System: For three points, you may buy one type of attack; for five points two. Seven points allows you to buy three, and nine points allows you to buy four. For even points, you can go for the full devil package and have claws, fangs, horns, hooves, and a barb at the end of your tail (though it costs an additional three points for your tail to be prehensile).

Maneuver Difficulty Damage
Bite 5 Strength +1
Claw 6 Strength +2
Kick 7 Strength +3
Gore 7 Strength +2 (Strength +4 after a charge of 10 yards or more)
Tail Strike 6 Strength +1

xxxxxClaws, fangs, horns, hooves and tail barbs come in varying sizes. The above list assumes you've got the smallest gauge. For an additional point, you can get a somewhat larger size, and another point beyond that gets you el grande, each size larger doing an additional +1 point of damage. However, this is not necessarily a great idea. Wolf claws can be painted and passed off as an expensive manicure, but vulture talons are a bit harder to hide, and a set of giant bear claws are not only incredibly conspicuous but will prevent you from doing things like typing or driving. Likewise a nice pair of goat horns can be hidden under a top hat, but a set of oryx horns will need a sombrero, and there's no hiding a full rack of stag antlers, especially if you've got two points for every year of your age.
xxxxxAt Storyteller option, claws and so forth can be made retractable for an additional +1 per unit of size, like vampire fangs can be pulled back in for one point; for two points jumbo fangs (the type that stick down over your lip) can be pulled back into like with regular teeth, and for three points, even boar or walrus tusks can be made to disappear - though there will have to be a good explanation given for why this works.
Book Ref: Guide to the Traditions, pg.#228

Fascinating Gaze 2 General Social WW2380 Synopsis: The eyes are the windows to the soul, and your character's are particularly engaging. Something about the eyes draws and holds the attention of others. They might be an unusual color, have a particular shine to them, or simply seem to reflect the wisdom of the ages. Your character's come-hither look can melt the coldest heart, while his intimidating glare is like the paralyzing stare of a viper.

System: Reduce by two the difficulty of any Social roll in which eye contact is involved throughout.
Book Ref: Mummy: the Resurrection, pg.#68

Faster 2 Changeling Redcap Physical WW7055 Synopsis: This doesn't refer to the speed at which a Redcap moves, or eats, or does anything else. Instead, a Redcap with Faster can actually go 24 hours without eating.

System: By spending a Willpower point, the player can then have the character go another 24 hours, and so on until he runs out of Willpower. The downside to being a Faster, unfortunately, is that once the fast ends, the Redcap is compelled to eat enough to make up for all the days he skipped. Furthermore, he'll feel the need to do so immediately.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Redcaps, pg.#90

Fearlessness 1 or 3 Bygone Psychological WW4802 Synopsis: Like the eagle, which stares into the blinding sun rather than back down, you fear nothing and nobody. Yours is the heart of the lion who fights the dragon to a standstill despite his hatred of fire.

System: In game terms, you may easily resist all attempts to frighten and intimidate you and yours. Facing supernatural threats or fear-based magic, your effective Willpower is increased by two. For one point, you have one fear that negates this Merit (an elephant's fear of the mouse, for example); for three points, you fear nothing.
Notes: Understand that Fearlessness does not equal stupidity or robotic absence of reaction. You may still be thrilled or startled and have adrenaline spikes, you still have a sense of self preservation, and you are still capable of acting scared. This Merit simply means that it's very difficult to intimidate or legitimately frighten your character. Do not use this Merit to justify idiot behavior in social situations, Masq/Veil breaking, or other such nonsense.
Book Ref: Bygone Bestiary, pg.#106

Feral Appearance 1 Shifter Garou Kinfolk Social WW3074 Synopsis: There's something about you that drives woofs wild (the good kind of wild, that they like you. Not the kind involving them wanting to rip your head clean off ... necessarily).

System: +1 to rolls to Appearance when dealing with homid Garou, and you are considered having an extra dot of Charisma among lupus Garou.
Notes: None.
Book Ref: Kinfolk Unsung Heroes, pg.#54

Fetish (merit) 5-7 Shifter Garou Kinfolk Supernatural WW3074 Synopsis: You own a fetish, one you can actually use (or, at the very least, lend to Garou, ostensibly in return for other favors).You may have inherited this item, received it as a gift or found it on your own. In any case, the fetish is highly valuable.

System: Fetishes aren't common among Garou, much less Kin. You and your Storyteller should work together on constructing the item and establishing how it came into your possession. Five points equals a Level One fetish, six points a Level Two fetish, and seven points a Level Three fetish. A few rare fetishes allow expenditure of Willpower rather than Gnosis for attunement and activation.
Book Ref: Kinfolk Unsung Heroes, pg.#54

Fin Blades 3 Rokea Physical WW3083 Synopsis: In Standing Jaws form, the fins on your arms, legs, and back are just as sharp as your talons.

System: You may attack with these blades for Strength +1 aggravated damage.
Book Ref: Rokea, pg.#83

Flexible Heart 2 Changeling Satyr Psychological WW7053 Synopsis: Satyrs are the most tender-hearted of the Kithain. They bruise easily and bounce from one extreme of emotion to another. In such a dark world, people work hard to hurt one another, and goats feel the blows most acutely. They do not benefit from the solid lack of emotion that bolsters the trolls, nor do they have the haughty self-confidence that allows Sidhe to believe it couldn't have been their fault. Satyrs bleed.

xxxxxYou, on the other hand, have learned to let these things roll off your back. You indeed feel the blows, but they don't knock you down. Supersonic emotional healing lets you avoid the moodiness that cripples other Satyrs. You love just as deeply as they do, but when your love leaves you, you can tell yourself that there are plenty of other opportunities to devotion, and you believe it.
System: If you have a Flexible Heart, you gain the use of one extra Willpower to control yourself in a situation where another goat might over react emotionally. Of course, even you realize that you may not be able to control your being forever if the situation continues, so you do all you can to extract yourself.
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Satyrs, pg.#63

Flirt 2 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: Your character's mortal friends claim that she's a terrible flirt, but that quite manifestly isn't true. She's great at it. She's an absolute master at all the subtle signals that give off that particular combination of promise and denial that makes teasing so much fun. At her best, she can make members of the opposite sex, or members of the same sex, putty in her hands.

System: Add two dice to all Social rolls in such circumstances.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#79
Hunter Player's Guide, page #107

Fluid Corpus 5 Wraith Masquers Physical WW6011 Synopsis: Your Corpus is so remarkably malleable that you can virtually pour yourself into a pitcher without Moliation.

System: All Moliate attempts made on your form (including Red) are at -3 difficulty, and you can squeeze your Corpus through a hole the size of a quarter without having to spend a Corpus Level or make a Moliate roll.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Masquers, pg.#50

Fly Fingers 4 Changeling Sluagh Physical WW7051 Synopsis: In your fae seeming, your fingers end in suction cups akin to those of a fly. You are capable of climbing sheer walls, hanging upside down from ceilings, and otherwise defying gravity as long as you have something to hold onto.

System: The player must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll. The fingers in question cannot be gloved in order for Fly Fingers to work. The toes of a Sluagh with this Merit are similarly affected, although the fingers alone are enough to support a changeling's weight.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Sluagh, pg.#64

Force Of Spirit 2 Sorcerer Social WW4254 Synopsis: The raw inner force of your soul grants you a certain character that others may find irresistible. Perhaps you glow with an inner light; maybe your beauty seems virtually divine.

System: You may spend Mana points to reduce the difficulty target number of a Social roll. No difficulty may be lower than two, and none may be lowered by more than three. Obviously, you must possess Mana points to be able to spend them.

  • House rule: Applies to any pool containing a social attribute, including powers.
  • House rule: Only available to Subrace = Sorcerer-Psychic.

Notes: See +explain force of spirit
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#54

Forgettable 1 General Physical WW8202


Synopsis: It's not that your character is ugly. It's just that, well, people's eyes tend to slide over her. She's of average height and build, unremarkable looks and run of the mill dress. People have problems remembering her appearance after they meet her, unless she has talked with them for a long time. Certainly, people won't be able to give a useful description of her if they only see her briefly.

System: Your character must have an Appearance of 2 or 3 and a Charisma no higher than 3 to take this Merit. If either of those Attributes moves outside that range through play, you lose this Merit. This Merit applies solely to your character's physical appearance. She might have a dreadful credit rating, a police file as thick as the phone book, and a sexual history that would make a porn star blush, but people just don't remember her on the street.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, page #77
Hunter Players Guide, pg.#109

Former Ghoul 1 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: You were introduced to the Blood long before you were made Kindred. Your long experience as a ghoul gives you insight into and comfort with vampiric society.

System: You are at -1 difficulty on all Social rolls when in the presence of other neonates (particularly those who haven’t been educated by their sires), and have a -1 difficulty on all rolls relating to vampiric knowledge.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#74

Foul Blood 3 Vampire Supernatural WW2354 Synopsis: The vitae flowing through your veins tastes truly awful.

System: Anyone who bites or feeds from you must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) or spend the next turn choking, retching and gagging. Any idiot who actually tries to diablerize you must make three Willpower rolls (difficulty 9) to succeed.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Friend Of Sorcery 5 Shifter Aptitude WW3110 Synopsis: (Hakahe) Magic fascinates you in all its forms.

System: You make all Gift related or Knowledge related Occult rolls at -1 to your difficulty. In addition, you grasp the principles of Theurge Gifts more easily. Even if your Auspice is something other than Theurge, you can learn the Gifts of the Crescent Moon at the same experience point cost as those of your own Auspice. If you are a Theurge, you spend one less experience point to acquire a new Theurge Gift (although you must still abide by the restrictions of your Rank).
Notes: Not limited strictly to Garou, but may not be available to other Shifters as per staff discretion.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#128

Friend Of The Underground 3 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: While you’re not a Nosferatu, you know your way around the sewers, tunnels, ducts, subway tubes, and other subterranean passages of your hometown. The local Nosferatu (and any other creatures dwelling down in the muck) may not actually like you, but they’re not inclined to kill you on sight when they see you in their territory.

System: You are at -1 difficulty on any rolls involving the subterranean world (sneaking from place to place underground, finding routes into sub-basements, and so on).
Notes: Nosferatu cannot purchase this Merit.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Friend To Spiders 4 Changeling Sluagh Supernatural WW7051 Synopsis: This Merit might more properly be called "Friend to Arthropods", but it was with spiders that the Sluagh first spoke, and hence the name remains. Nor is the relationship implied in the Merit's name as much a friendship as it is a business transaction, but even the Sluagh have their sacrosanct traditions.

System: If you are a Friend to Spiders, you can speak to all manner of creeping, crawling creatures (when the player makes a Perception + Enigmas roll, difficulty 7). While the conversation isn't as much an exchange of pleasantries as it is a swap of images and impressions, a tremendous amount of information can be gained by speaking with spiders in this fashion. Recent passersby can be noted, changes in the wind (and what they bear) can be uncovered, and other bits of vital information that might otherwise have passed you by can be gleaned from taking the time to speak with eight-legged informants. The number of successes indicates the clarity of information learned.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Sluagh, pg.#64

Friendly Face 1 General Physical WW2302 Synopsis: You have a face that reminds everyone of someone, to the point where strangers are inclined to be well inclined toward you because of it.

System: The effect doesn’t fade even if you explain the “mistake,” leaving you at -1 difficulty on all appropriate Social-based rolls (yes for Seduction, no for Intimidation, for example) when a stranger is involved.
Notes: This Merit only functions on a first meeting.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#73

Full Of Life 1 to 4 Wraith Corporeal Supernatural WW6007 Synopsis: You were always vibrant, energetic, and full of life when you were alive. This serves you well in death, as your maximum Corpus is higher than that of most wraiths.

System: For each point that you invest in this Merit, you may have one more Corpus Level than usual. The only drawback to this Merit is that when you are above 10 Corpus Levels, you will seem somewhat more real and almost alive to other wraiths. This may keep you from hiding in a crowd, and may spoil any attempt at cloaking or disguising your identity.
Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#22

Funny 1 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: Your character can make people laugh. Her timing and sense of the absurd is second to none. She's always being invited to parties because she's so much fun. Most importantly, your character is also very good at judging the appropriateness of her humor. Sometimes the right joke can lift the spirits of people when everything seems to be going against them. Therefore, she does what she can to make life more bearable for her friends and compatriots, even when situations seems darkest.

System: Reduce by two the difficulty of any Social roll that is intended to boost morale.
Book Ref: Hunter Players Guide, pg.#105
Demon Players Guide, pg.#78

Gall 2 General Social WW3074 Synopsis: You ain't afraid of nobody! You'll tell it like it is, beating down the man's doors and anybody else. You represent!

System: +1 die to any social roll involving a display of backbone.
Book Ref: Kinfolk Unsung Heroes, pg.#52

Gaping Maw 2 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: You've got a nasty gash where your mouth should be. It can smile, frown, and most importantly, it can grin two or three inches wider than any human mouth can. An ordinary vampire can suck up to three blood points a turn.

System: You can drain up to four points a turn, provided you can latch your tooth-filled orifice around enough skin.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Gender-morph 6 Shifter Ananasi Physical WW3082 Synopsis: You can change your human sex at will, by breaking into the Crawlerling form and reforming as a human again. This talent is very handy when being pursued, as few people normally confuse the male and female bodies. Even your scent changes, and any Ovid tracking you will likely think you are merely related to the werespider they were pursuing. (Of course, that might not get you off the hook in cases where the tracking shapeshifter doesn't mind using you as a hostage.) Note that this ability to change gender does not mean a radical change in appearance; both sexes have similar features, and look sufficiently alike to be siblings.

Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Ghost Sight 4 Silent Striders Supernatural WW3859 Synopsis: This merit allows (or perhaps inflicts) glimpses of sight into the Dark Umbra. It is not always in effect, which is a blessing; any living creature who could see all that goes on a heartbeat away in the land of the dead would undoubtedly go mad - especially since many who possess the sight develop it in childhood.

System: The sight comes over the Strider (or Strider Kinfolk) when something of importance is happening in the Dark Umbra (a strong ghost is present, someone or something is watching the werewolf) or in places that are significant to the dead (the place, or an object within, is of great importance to a ghost).
Book Ref: Tribebook: Silent Striders (Revised Edition), pg.#87

Ghoul 5 Vampire Supernatural WW2205


Synopsis: At some point in time, a vampire fed you some of her potent vitae, possibly Bonding you into service. Somehow, you broke free, but the Blood's force has granted you some of your mistress' power.

System: In addition to a vague knowledge of vampiric society (one dot of Vampire Lore), you age slowly, have an extra automatic success on any Strength roll you make, and inflict an additional die of damage with all hand to hand attacks. (If your game integrates the Vampire: The Masquerade rules, you have a Blood Pool, a dot in Potence and the potential to buy and use some Disciplines.)
xxxxxThis does not come without cost, however. You must continue to feed on vampire blood occasionally. Otherwise, you regain your mortality and crave forever the sweet rush of your former mistress' essence. Should you revert (after going a month or more without sacred vitae), you lose your supernatural might (and Disciplines) forever.
Notes: Sorcerer/psychic ghouls are allowed, but not straight out of chargen, and numina are capped at (8 - Domitor background).
Book Ref: The Hunters Hunted, page #61
Halls of the Arcanum, page #111
World of Darkness: Sorcerer, page #69
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), page #296
Crusade Lore (Screen Only), page #39
The Sorcerers Crusade Companion, page #128

Giantslayer 1 Changeling Boggans Physical WW92045 Synopsis: Boggans tend to the small end of the size spectrum, and even those of average stature typically project such a nonthreatening demeanor they're dismissed as serious threats in comabt.

System: However, you've learned how to turn these factors to your advantage. Subtract -1 from the difficulty of related combat rolls against enemies more than 6" taller, 50 pounds heavier, or otherwise substantially larger than you. If you possess the Short Flaw, this Merit bonus increases to -2 difficulty. The benefits of this Merit apply only the first time you fight a particular enemy - they're not going to underestimate you after that!
Book Ref: Kithbook: Boggans (20th Anniversary), pg.#73

Gifted Liar 3 Changeling Social WW7304 Synopsis: You are so good at lying that you can sometimes convince yourself that you are telling the absolute truth. It makes it extremely difficult for anyone to catch you in a falsehood; in your own mind, you are not lying.

System: In most cases, no rolls need to be made for you to stand up to questioning or interrogation. Success in a simple Willpower roll (difficulty 7) allows you to evade the truth sensing ability of House Gwydion or negate the effects of magical attempts to detect deception.
Book Ref: Pour L'Amour et Liberte: The Book of Houses 2, pg.#32

Gift Of Babel 2 Changeling Eshu Aptitude WW7056 Synopsis: One of the Eshu's original duties was to serve as Olorun's linguist, and as such he knew every language that ever was. Your character retains some of this flair and can potentially master an astonishing number of languages.

System: You may learn twice the number of languages that a character with the same level of the Linguistics Ability would normally be able to learn, and all training times with this ability are cut in half. Obviously, you must purchase some level of the Linguistics Ability for this Merit to be useful; however, this Merit can be a godsend to diplomats and other characters who depend on the command of a wide variety of languages. This Merit can also be combined with the Natural Linguist Merit to make for a true mastery of languages.
Notes: See +explain Gift Of Babel
Book Ref: Kithbook: Eshu, pg.#85

Gift Of Proteus 1, 2, or 4 Vampire Gangrel Supernatural WW2052 Synopsis: This merit allows the Gangrel to "fine-tune" the shapes achieved by the Protean Discipline.

System: The number of points spent determines the scope of the variation, which must be specific, approved by the Storyteller, and defined when the merit is chosen.

  • 1 point: The character can vary the special effects. The character may modify the incidental effects of a form. Red Eyes might glow an eerie green instead of red.
  • 2 points: The character may achieve a minor variation on a form. For instance, a player may determine the actual breed of wolf which her character may become.
  • 4 points: The character may make a significant variation in one of the Protean shapes, (as long as it is still a shape traditionally associated with Vampires), such as becoming a black cat instead of a wolf. Among the forms traditionally ascribed to Vampires were those of cats, crows, black dogs, wolves, toads, and bats.

Book Ref: Clanbook Gangrel (1st Edition), pg.#37

Gift Of Seline 5 Shifter Bastet Supernatural WW3037 Synopsis: The Moon Mother loves you, and has given you some special blessings when she's at full power. Therefore, you have special boosts or talents on nights when the Moon is full. These might include:

xxxxx*You become exceptionally fierce (+2 Rage).
xxxxx*The moon makes you stronger (+1 dot of Strength or Stamina).
xxxxx*You shine with her beauty (an extra die to all Social dice pools).
xxxxx*Her light reveals things to you (-1 to all Perception difficulties).
xxxxx*She smiles upon your magics (+2 Gnosis).
xxxxx*Her fullness lends you purpose (+2 Willpower).
System: These effects occur only at night; when Seline is sleeping, her blessing slumber, too. From dusk till dawn, however, you bask in her favor. Each time the Moon is full, the Storyteller can either roll to see which talent you manifest, or decide which favor Seline grants this time around. This Merit allows only one gift to come forth at a time, and the moon - a.k.a. the Storyteller - decides which one it is. This moon-favor lasts all night, and is gone by morning.
Book Ref: Bastet, pg.#87

Gift Of Tongues 3 Mage Social WW4043 Synopsis: All spirits that can communicate with mortals naturally possess the ability to communicate in any language. Like these spirits, you also have the natural ability to transcend language. When speaking with any sentient being (from Earth), you can understand its language as if it were your own.

System: Due to the limits of the human mind, you can only understand and speak one language at a time. If two people who speak different languages are talking to you at once, you can only understand one of them. Using a coincidental Mind 1 Effect can allow you to understand multiple languages at once. Magically augmenting this gift to allow speech in multiple different tongues is, of course, vular.
xxxxxThe Gift of Tongues Merit works only for conversation held in person, where you and the person you are speaking to can actually hear each other's unaltered voices. You cannot use this ability to read another language or to communicate by telephone, microphone or any other electronic or mechanical medium.
Notes: Note that not being able to use this Merit to read another language means it also does not work with ASL.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#104

Gnosis (merit) 5-7 Shifter Garou Kinfolk Supernatural WW3074 Synopsis: More than any other blessing, the possession of Gnosis among Kin is a special mark of Gaia's favor. It's extremely rare for mortals to be so gifted. Having Gnosis grants many privileges, such as the ability to learn Gifts, use fetishes and, in the case of a vampire's Embrace, the chance to die with dignity and honor, rather than suffer unlife. Even the stuffiest Garou gives a nod of respect to a Kin who possesses Gnosis.

System: Kinfolk lucky enough to possess Gnosis recover it in the same manner as Garou. Kinfolk cannot have Rage; they do not have the fury of Gaia within them. Five points spent on this Merit grants one point of Gnosis; six points grants two points of Gnosis; and seven points, three points of Gnosis.
Book Ref: Kinfolk Unsung Heroes, pg.#52

Good Instincts 3 Shifter Garou Aptitude WW3110 Synopsis: (Rorg) You have an uncanny ability to intuit the best course of action in situations involving instinctive responses rather than logic or rational thought. This Merit makes you an ideal companion in the wilderness, where action takes precedence over thought.

System: You make all rolls involving Primal Urge or Survival at -2 to your difficulty.
Notes: It is highly unlikely, but not impossible for Fera to take this merit, but it will not be approved in character generation.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#129

Good Judge Of Character 2 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: Your character has an innate instinct for reading a person. She can make an appraisal of the kind of person someone is after meeting him for a few seconds, based on little more than gut instinct. She is rarely wrong.

System: Decrease the difficulty by two on any Perception roll based on assessing a person.
Notes: Called "Good Sense of Character" in Demon.
When using on another PC, open a +request with staff and give a list of a few qusetions you would want answered through the use of it, and explain about the scene you wanted to use it in. Then give a +roll to the job. This will help staff when they collect the information to reply on your job.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#80
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#107

Good Listener 1 General Social WW8120


Synopsis: Your character has a keen interest in people. She enjoys hearing what they have to say and is prepared to take the time to hear them out without interrupting with her own opinion. Others can sense this, and they open up to your character without really meaning to.

System: The difficulty of all apparently friendly Social rolls that involve people talking to your character decreases by two.
Book Ref: Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#105
Demon Player's Guide, pg.#78
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#183

Good Looking 2 Shifter Rokea Physical WW3083 Synopsis: Unlike most Rokea, who are (politely put) rough-looking in Homid form, you look completely human. This is a real plus if you hunt Betweeners (or if you are one).

System: The character's Appearance score may start out at whatever level the player chooses.
Book Ref: Rokea, pg.#82

Good Night Vision 2 General Physical WW8202 Synopsis: Maybe your character's mortal host spent a lot of time camping. Maybe she's just a fisherman who's used to getting up before dawn. For whatever reason, your character's night vision is excellent.

System: The difficulty of Perception rolls decreases by two at night.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#78

Good Old Boy 2 Shifter Garou Kinfolk Social WW3074 Synopsis: For either gender, this Merit means the same thing: You are intrinsically a nice person, and you genuinely care about your fellows. Depending on the setting, werewolves and other Kin (both human and wolf) tend to like you and confide in you. Even Lupus Garou may approach you in a friendly manner; something about you just seems trustworthy and inviting.

System: Take an extra die on Social rolls involving interaction with other Garou or Kinfolk.
Book Ref: Kinfolk Unsung Heroes, pg.#53

Good Relationship 3 Wraith Mental WW6013 Synopsis: The Shadow and Psyche have established a good relationship, insofar as this is possible, and have come to a certain understanding. Although they obviously do not agree on many things, (including the Psyche's eventual destination) there is an established level of trust and mutual respect. The wraith may not resist the odd bit of Catharsis; the Shadow may refrain from disturbing the Psyche at a particularly ticklish moment.

System: All rolls made by one aspect of a wraith with this Merit to influence his opposite number are at -1 difficulty.
Book Ref: Shadow Players Guide, pg.#26

Good Reputation 5 Shifter Ananasi Social WW3082 Synopsis: For whatever reason, the other Ovid in your area accept you as a kindred spirit; perhaps their spirit allies speak well of you. They may not like the Ananasi as a whole - and most of them don't - but they accept you as an equal.

System: Your Rank among your own kind carries over to all other Ovid who follow the same aspect of the Triat as you.
Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Good Right-Left Hook 1 General Physical WW8202


Synopsis: The power of your character's punch belies her actual strength. Maybe she took up boxing at the gym, or perhaps she's just been in a lot of fights. Regardless, people tend to fall over when your character hits them.

System: Add two dice to your damage roll for any Brawl based attack.
House rule: Limited to bashing damage.
Notes: See +explain Good Right-Left Hook
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#77
Hunter Player's Guide, page #108

Good Taste 1 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: Your character has a knack for choosing the right food from the menu, telling the right anecdotes and giving the right presents. She's seen the films for discussion in cultured company, and she wouldn't know who starred in Dumb and Dumber, let alone have the first clue about the plot. Her taste makes forging social contacts among the upper classes much easier, whatever her origins.

System: Reduce the difficulty by two for any Social roll intended to gain acceptance or to impress in a high society or business situation.
Book Ref: Hunter Players Guide, pg.#105
Demon Players Guide, pg.#78

Gossip 1 General Social WW8120


Synopsis: You're an incurable gossip, and other gossips recognize a kindred spirit in you. You're more than happy to spend hours shooting the breeze with others, all the while discussing the minutiae of other people's lives. Surprising how much information you can pick up that way, isn't it?

System: Lower the difficulty of any Interrogation rolls made in a social situation, without bullying or intimidation, by two.
Book Ref: Hunter Players Guide, pg.#105
Demon Players Guide, pg.#78

Graceful 2 Shifter Bastet Physical WW3037 Synopsis: You've got a natural flair, even among werecats. Your movements hypnotize and your words charm, harsh though they may be. It's almost impossible for you to look awkward, even when you screw up royally. Most people respect this talent, and even jealous folks have to at least admit you've got style.

System: Reduce the difficulty of all Social rolls by 2 whenever there's a chance to make a really good impression. This doesn't apply to threats of brute force, although grace may be intimidating in its own way, and may offer a small bonus to Cunning or Honor Renown.
Notes: See +explain Graceful
Book Ref: Bastet, pg.#86

Granite Skin 2 Changeling Redcaps Trolls Physical WW92041 Synopsis: A Trait held most commonly by trolls and redcaps, Granite Skin is quite literally an epidermal layer of thin, hard stone. You’re a great deal tougher than you might be normally, but have the undesirable effect of leaving small flakes of stone behind every time you bend or flex.

System: You possess the equivalent of chainmail armor at all times (see p. 285). Granite Skin does not cause a Dexterity penalty, but does impose a +1 difficulty to all rolls involving moving quietly.
Notes: Limited to Redcaps or Trolls. All other kiths by staff discretion.
This merit replaces Stone Skin that was in 2nd edition Kithbook: Trolls. Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#177

Great Liar 2 General Social WW8202


Synopsis: Lying comes naturally to your character. Even the most involved deception sounds like God's own truth when it comes tripping off her honeyed tongue.

System: Gain two dice on any Social roll that involves lying to or deceiving another person.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#80
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#107

Green Thumb 1 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Flowers spring up in your footsteps and trees burst into bloom at your touch. Your hands are as warm as sunlight or stones from a cheery hearth. A common Merit among Verbena.

Notes: Remember that being obviously magical in front of Sleepers is generally considered a bad thing.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#294

Guardian Angel 6 General Supernatural WW3108


Synopsis: Some supernatural force watches over you and protects you from harm. You have no idea who or what it is, but you suspect that someone is there looking out for you.

System: In times of great need, you may be supernaturally protected from harm by peculiar coincidences. However, you can't count on your protector's intervention. The Storyteller must decide why you are being watched over and by what (not necessarily an angel, despite the name).
Book Ref: Werewolf Player's Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#15
Changeling: the Dreaming, pg.#162

Gut Instincts 4 Changeling Mental WW92041 Synopsis: You’ve got a direct line into the more primal of your instincts, and benefit from the ability to act without thinking first. You may not always know why you do what you do, but once the dust clears, you realize the correct move was made.

System: This Merit nullifies the effects of surprise and permits you to act normally, though you may only defend. In cases where you’re not surprised, you may preempt your opponent’s action.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#181

Harmless 1 General Social WW2302 Synopsis: Everyone in the city knows you, and knows that you’re no threat to their plans. While that sort of estimation may seem insulting, it’s also what’s kept you from being killed. No one considers you worth their time to deal with, and that low opinion keeps you safe. If you start acting in a way that demonstrates that you are no longer harmless, others’ reactions to you will likely change as a result.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg. #75

Haven Affinity 3 Vampire Supernatural WW2361 Synopsis: Caine's curse resonates strongly in your bones, but it possesses a proven advantage.

System: You are connected to the soil of your prime haven, granting you an extra die to all dice pools when you operate there. It also acts as a mystic beacon to you, allowing you to home in on its location with a standard Perception + Survival roll (difficulty 6), +1 difficulty when a state or country separates you; +2 if you're halfway across the globe. This applies only to your prime haven and to none of your auxiliary shelters.
Book Ref: Clanbook Tzimisce (Revised Edition), pg.#69

Healing Touch 1 Vampire Supernatural WW2302 Synopsis: Normally vampires can only seal the wounds they inflict from feeding by licking them. With but a touch, you can achieve the same effect, closing the puncture wounds left by drinking blood.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#79

Healthy Skepticism 1 General Psychological WW8120


Synopsis: Your character is good at separating truth from fiction, and someone has to be up pretty damn early to catch her off guard. She rarely takes what people say at face value until she's able to check the details herself.

System: This Merit allows you to reduce the difficulty by two on any roll to perceive a lie. It should also be roleplayed as much as possible.
Notes: Called "Healthy Cynicism" in Demon.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#82
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#110

Hidden Diablerie 3 Vampire Supernatural WW2302 Synopsis: The tell-tale black streaks of diablerie do not manifest in your aura.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg. #79

Hidden Power 2 Possessed Fomori Physical WW3810 Synopsis: All of your powers and Taints are concealable.

System: Whether you're a fomor with slimy tentacles or a Kami with needle-sharp teeth, you can concentrate for a moment and retract, cover, or otherwise hide any of the modifications the spirit inside you has made.
Book Ref: Possessed A Players Guide, pg.#106

Higher Purpose 1 General Mental WW92041 Synopsis: All changelings have some vision of their path, but you’ve a special commitment to it. You don’t concern yourself with petty matters, because your higher purpose is everything. Though you

sometimes behave in ways contrary to the needs of survival, your purpose grants you great personal strength.
System: The difficulty of any roll that has something to do with this higher purpose is reduced by two. Decide what your higher purpose is, and make sure you discuss it with the Storyteller.
Notes: If you have the Flaw Driving Goal, you cannot take this Merit.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#180

Hivemind 7 Shifter Ananasi Supernatural WW3082 Synopsis: You truly have a hive mind. Unlike most of the Ananasi, you do not need to choose leaders and drones when you break into the Crawlerling form.

System: You retain your full consciousness while in this state, throughout all of your individual spiders. The only way to truly destroy you would be to obliterate every single spider that is a part of your form. If even one survives, you retain all of your memories. This isn't a perfect situation, however: Any spiders leaving your immediate area (a hundred foot radius) "revert" back into regular spiders, and no longer keep your memories.
Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Hollow Leg 1 General Physical WW8202


Synopsis: Your character can drink like a fish. The amount of alcohol she can put away during a binge is truly phenomenal. What's more aggravating to her buddies is how little she suffers for it. Anyone who gets in a drinking competition with your character quickly regrets it.

System: Halve the penalties your character suffers for consuming alcohol.
Book Ref: Demon Player's Guide, pg.#76
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#108

Homing Instinct 2 or 4 Bygone Supernatural WW4802 Synopsis: Like the fabled hound who follows his lost mistress across a kingdom, you have an innate sense of direction when the destination involves home or a loved one. Even when vast distances separate you from your home or friend you can, with time, find your way there.

System: This Merit is not a supernatural power, nor is it a medium for transpiration - you must cover all distances and surmount all obstacles yourself. Assuming you can do that, the Homing Instinct will lead you to your destination, despite hundreds of miles, bitter weather, and even imprisonment. In game terms, you might have to make a Perception + Awareness roll when some major setback or obstacle (a mountain range, a blizzard, a long delay, etc.) blocks your path. The roll's difficulty depends on the obstacle's severity:

Difficulty Circumstances
6 Normal Circumstances
7 Harsh weather or terrain

Major obstacles/Erased trail

9 Vast distances (500+ miles)

Supernatural obstacles

+1 Per month of separation

When you choose the Instinct, select one "target", either a location or a character that you've forged a bond with. Such bonds take time and affection to make - they cannot be "set" and "reset" with a simple decision. For two points, this Merit allows you to track your subject anywhere in the mortal world; for four points, you can follow it anywhere, even into the Otherworlds, as long as you have some way to travel there.
Book Ref: Bygone Bestiary, pg.#107

Honeyed Tongue 2 General Social WW4805 Synopsis: Lies pass your lips like the Gospel truth. People tend to believe what you say, no matter how inane your conversation or how incredible your stories. This liberty enables you to spread falsehoods with impunity, deceive friends and enemies alike, and explain your way out of most situations.

System: All attempts at Subterfuge gain an automatic success, and Social-based rolls that depend on glib assurances reduce the base difficulty by two.
Book Ref: The Sorcerers Crusade Companion, pg.#124

Honored Lineage 2 Mage Verbena Social WW4659 Synopsis: Your bloodline is descended from one of the oldest and most respected families among the Verbena, and you can trace your ancestry back to the Burning Times, if not further. You are a true scion of the legendary Wyck, the First Ones.

System: Among mages (particularly Verbena) who care about matters of lineage, reduce the difficulty of your Social rolls by two (but not to less than 2). You're also likely to receive a measure of deference and respect from those people, though others will also expect great things from you and could be disappointed if you don't live up to your heritage.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Verbena, pg.#70

Huge Size 4 General Physical WW2300


Synopsis: You are abnormally large in size, at least 6'10" and 300 pounds in weight (For Changelings, this is your mortal seeming). Aside from making you extremely noticeable in public, this extra mass bestows an additional Bruised health level. Characters with this Merit may also gain bonuses to push objects, open barred doors, avoid being knocked down, etc.

Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg. #297
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg. #288
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#178

Human Form 3 Shifter Ananasi Physical WW3082 Synopsis: Unlike most Ananasi, you appear completely human when in Homid.

System: There are no telltale signs that a part of your genetic makeup involves members of the arachnid species. You still have pedipalps, but they can hide away completely, not even showing up on dental x-rays. Your blood, if examined, appears complete human, with no trace of foreign antigens in it. Any medical test, no matter how rigorous, would still prove you "human".
Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Hypersensitivity 3 Mage Cult of Ecstasy Physical WW4661 Synopsis: Your mage has very keen senses of touch and taste. Indeed, the Cultist can often sense minute motions, and she absolutely adores the touch of silk or the taste of wine. This Merit is different from just an Acute Sense; it's a qualitative difference. The Cultist derives a greater quality of satisfaction and pleasure from all manner of indulgences and carnal activities.

System: The Cultist tastes subtle hints in drinks and can tell the most minute, soft touches. With a Perception + Alertness roll, your Cultist can often perform feats such as telling the exact vintage of a wine by a tiny taste or use a simple swatch of silk or a subtle caress as a suitable focus, instead of indulging in more extreme measures.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy, pg.#69

Immaculate Aura 1 Vampire Malkavian Supernatural WW2353 Synopsis: Whether because of your iron control or some fluke of chance, your aura does not give away your insanity. The aura

doesn't shift or swirl at all, even when you're confused, frenzied or in a psychotic fit.
Book Ref: Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition), pg.#64

Immortal 5 or 7 General Physical WW4010 Synopsis: You have witnessed the passing of ages and survived to tell of it. Through some form of magic, you've got the potential to live hundreds of years. Perhaps, if your Storyteller is kind (and a little crazy herself), you may have already lived for centuries, and boast a truckload of freebie points - not a part of this Merit - to reflect your age.

System: As an immortal sorcerer, you get the following benefits: an increased life span, a slight immunity to most fatal diseases (but not necessarily to the pain associated with those diseases), and the potential to live indefinitely.
xxxxxThis Merit's stronger version protects you from almost any form of death - save one - that does not destroy your body entirely. If your corpse can rise again, it will; the fatal damage or disease will slowly repair itself at the normal rate of healing. If some disaster annihilates your body, the magic is dissolved (along with your flesh). Otherwise, you can continue on for centuries.
xxxxx One given thing can end this immortal dance. The final doom must be selected ahead of time, must be fairly common, and should play some role in the chronicle. Typical dooms include: getting your head chopped off, being stung to death by insects, being frozen to death, being killed by a woman, etc. Naturally you'll probably do anything you can to avoid this fate; just as naturally, your Storyteller will go out of her way to make sure you can't. This potential immortality should not unbalance the game; if your Storyteller considers the idea inappropriate, she may feel free to disallow it. Notes:
Book Ref: World of Darkness: Sorcerer, pg.#68

Immune To Wyrm Emanations 6 Shifter Supernatural WW3108


Synopsis: You have a special boon from Gaia: You are immune to the toxins of the Wyrm.

System: You receive no penalty from supernatural radiation, balefire, Wyrm elementals and the like (although you still suffer damage from such attacks). Likewise, you are immune to Bane possession. Your Sept recognizes this invulnerability and thrusts you into many dangerous perils with the expectation that you will use your immunity for the good of others.
Notes: This Merit does NOT grant immunity to Wyrm Taint, it only grants the ability to withstand the worst dangers of the Wyrm's poisons. (e.g. you may still suffer damage from radiation/radioactive spirits, but your pools (such as Stamina) will not be penalized by the effects of radiation exposure.) Thus, Wyrm-Shifter PCs are allowed to purchase this Merit.
This Merit may not be purchased by Possessed of any Faction due to the immunity to possession.
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#16
Player's Guide to the Garou, pg.#166

Immunity (merit) Variable Mage Physical WW4603 Synopsis: There is one peril to which your character is completely immune, even to the magical versions. Perhaps like Mithridates, your mage slowly built up an immunity to all poisons, even those concocted by the Euthanatos. Perhaps she had an accident in the lab and now all metal phases harmlessly through his body, even magic swords and comic-book alloys - or it bounces off his chest. Perhaps it still cuts, but the wounds don't bleed and they seal up immediately.

System: However, this invulnerability is only to the particular thing, not to any secondary or tertiary effects - Fenris may have blessed your character so that he is unscathed by teeth and claws of wolves, even werewolves, but that does nothing to stop the werewolf's silver sword or even the damage when the werewolf pounds your mage's head into a wall. (Fenris, after all, said you'd be unharmed by wolves, not by architecture.) Likewise, even if metal doesn't exist for your mage, it does for his lab coat, and a bullet's going to pack quite a wallop before it shreds the cloth. And even if the faeries at your christening said that no mortal man could ever harm you, that proviso doesn't apply to vampires, or the magics that mortal man might command, or even - for that matter - to his 1957 Chevy Bel Aire.
xxxxxYour mage might be immune to all physical harm, save one thing, like beheading, incineration or being stabbed through the heart with a dagger thrice blessed by three separate Popes; or he might be immune to all things save in one spot, like Achilles' heel or Siegfried's shoulder. However, this will not prevent him from being turned into a rutabaga, having his soul stolen, being sealed in Lucite or sent into orbit, though his body (if not his sanity) will withstand all these things. He'll merely be an invulnerable soulless rutabaga orbiting the earth in a Lucite block while his enemies look for a third Pope to bless a dagger.
xxxxxImmunities vary in price, depending on their lethality and their frequency, much as Vulnerabilities do. You must buy each Immunity separately, although the Storyteller may allow a number of similar Immunities (basilisks, snakes, toadstools, iocaine powder) to be packaged as one more common Immunity. Total immunity continues to go up in price price depending on the size of the chink in your armor.
xxxxxAlternately, for half the price of any given Immunity, your character may be Resistant to a particular bane - taking only half damage, rounded down, or reducing your soak roll difficulties by 3... your choice. Anything doing only one die of damage, you ignore.

  • 2 points: A minor nuisance (poison oak, common cold) or a very rare threat (basilisks, the Ebola virus)
  • 4 points: A major threat (disease, hunger, supernatural evil gook), or a moderately rare threat (poisons, extreme heat or cold, raw magic Levin bolts, death spells)
  • 6 points: A terminal threat (asphyxiation, drowning) or a common threat (fire, metals)
  • 8 points: Invulnerable to all physical threats but with one large weak spot (the head, the neck, the chest) or one common bane (fire, edged weapons, drowning)
  • 10 points: Invulnerable to all physical threats, but with one tiny weak spot (Seigfried's shoulder, Achilles' heel, the spot where the third eye would go) or one rare bane (silver bullets, mistletoe, deadly nightshade); one common bane in one large spot (edged weapons vs the neck, i.e. beheading), or one common bane in a specific circumstance (a gun fired by a woman). Or immune to all physical threats save those which inflict aggravated damage, or immune to all physical threats save oneself - can be strangled with a robe made of own hair, mentally commanded to gnaw own arm off or destroyed with own Phylactery. Alternately, mage is invulnerable until mage is destroyed.
  • 12 points: Invulnerable to all physical threats, but with one very rare bane (the bite of an Egyptian asp, nuclear radiation, a specific ritual cast by a master mage), one rare bane in a tiny spot (a stake of twisted rose briars through the heart), or one rare bane in a very specific set of circumstances (poisoned with belladonna by a beautiful woman)
  • 14 points: Invulnerable to all physical threats, but with the bane being an extreme rarity (a dagger thrice blessed by three Popes, the elixir of eighty evil essences), or one very rare bane in a highly specific set of circumstances (dragged through the streets of Baghdad by wild horses during the month of Ramadan)
  • 16 points: Invulnerable to all physical threats except one unique bane (the Holy Lance of Longinus, the Sword of Roland), or invulnerable until Phylactery destroyed, requiring an equally unique bane.

xxxxxThis Merit may also be taken in conjunction with the Vulnerability Flaw, especially if the Vulnerability is something common and not usually deadly, such as water. Thus, it costs only three points total to be the Wicked Witch of the West, Immune to every variety of harm except being doused with a cleaning bucket. ("I'm melting! I'm melting! Oh who would have thought a good little girl like you could destroy all my beautiful wickedness!")
xxxxxObjects, especially Phylacteries may also have Immunity to physical perils, but Storytellers should impose some limit on size so min-maxers will not use this Merit to create invulnerable dreadnoughts and impenetrable fortresses. The larger the object, the less of it can be invulnerable. You can have an indestructible moped, but your '57 Chevy wont have puncture-proof tires, and your Winnebago of Doom can have the tires blow out and the windows smashed even while the rest of it remains unscathed. Likewise, your cozy witch's cottage will just need to be rethatched after the dragon attack, but your mansion will be gutted with nothing left but smoke blackened walls. However, you can have the last laugh by making your Phylactery your castle and making the only way to defeat your castle's Immunity being your own death. That way, if your enemies ever sneak into your inner sanctum and kill you, they get to deal with the castle collapsing on their heads - a common staple of sorcerous fiction. Need we even mention that this Merit can be phenomenally abusive?
Book Ref: Guide to the Traditions, pg.#229

Imperial Ambassador 2 - All Phyla except Solimonds Changeling Inanimae Social WW7307 Synopsis: You may travel into any homeland and get +1 to any reaction roll with an Inanimae official. You can also claim diplomatic immunity in any Kithain court. This may or may not work depending on any local treaties.

Book Ref: Inanimae: The Secret Way, pg.#68

Increased Pain Threshold 3 General Physical WW2380


Synopsis: Characters who possess this merit still feel pain as much as others, it just doesn't affect them to the same degree. Legends are rife with tales of heroes who fight on, even while mortally wounded, only collapsing into death once the battle is won.

System: In game terms, the dice penalty for each Health Level is reduced by one level. For example, a Troll who is Hurt reacts as if Bruised, and is only capable of action when killed. This does not add extra Health Levels or reduce the severity of the wounds, merely the reaction to the pain each level incurs.
Notes: Called "High Pain Tolerance" in Mummy.
Book Ref: Mummy: the Resurrection, pg.#69
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#178

Independent Income 1 to 5 General Social Economic WW8202


Synopsis: Through hard work, heredity or phenomenal good fortune, your character's Resources rating is an independent income for which she doesn't have to work. The level of Merit you buy indicates how many dots of Resources (which must be purchased separately) your character has that do not require her to work.

Notes: If you are taking Resources, and want to not have to work for the money, or this be from a trust fund, rich sugar daddy/wife/etc, then you must take this Merit unless you also take the NPC it is coming from as an Allie (although Allies can more easily be lost, and may not always be willing to give you everything you ask for). This will be approved at Staff discretion.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#83
Hunter Player's Guide, pg.#111

Infectious Courage 5 Shifter Garou Ahroun Mental WW3812 Synopsis: While it's the duty of all Ahroun to inspire valor on the field of battle, it comes to you far more naturally than to most; even among the stout Garou, your courage and resolve is legendary.

System: Whenever a fear-causing Gift or power is used on you, adjust the difficulty of the roll by 2 in your favor. If a similar ability is used on one or more of your packmates and you are in their line of sight, adjust the difficulty by 1 in their favor.
Book Ref: Book of Auspices, pg.#124

Innate Vampiric Ability 3 Wraith Supernatural WW6302 Synopsis: All Risen can learn some vampiric abilities, but wraiths with this Merit have a special knack for a particular Discipline.

System: The cost for learning this Discipline is five times the current rating, rather than the normal six. In order to take this Merit, the Risen must also buy an initial level in the Discipline in question.
Book Ref: Wraith: The Oblivion - The Risen, pg.#39

Inner Knight 5 Mage Technocracy Supernatural WW4014 Synopsis: Like an heir of Avalon, you possess a higher purpose. Other Technocrats may be working for the future, but you carry a vision of a glorious past. In your dreams, you are a Knight of Reason, a valiant crusader for the common good. No matter what occurs, that vision cannot be silenced. When adversity knocks you on your ass, the paladin within you rallies, carrying you to victory. At night, you often visit bygone places in incredibly vivid dreams. Dreams that seem almost disturbing in their sensory detail... especially if you find things in the waking world that remind you of those dreams...

System: Essentially, this Merit reflects a "past life" - the reincarnated Avatar of an ancient Daedalean. Since no modern Technocrat would admit such a thing, your character considers this reborn soul a heroic dream. When he's facing some deadly crisis, the modern agent can call on his "dream self" and remember things he never learned (like historical details and personalities); display skills he was never taught (like the Background: Dream at 5, but without entering a trace); or rally an additional five points of Willpower. These temporary Traits and memories last only a few minutes (in game time, a scene or two), but they carry with them a sense of having lived before. Naturally, these visions - of being a knight, an artist, an alchemist or a crusader - are just romantic fantasies. But are they really? After a while, you might start to wonder...
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#167

Innocent 1 Phased Out Pending Deletion WW4009 Synopsis: You are always thought of in the most positive light, unless evidence exists to prove otherwise.

System: If you do something wrong and the act is not easily attributed to you, it will most likely be blamed on someone else. This does not mean that you are "an innocent" - it just means everyone thinks you are.
Book Ref: Halls of the Arcanum, pg.#62
Phased Out: This is a non-Revised Merit. Use Sanctity instead.

Inoffensive To Animals 1 Vampire Supernatural WW2302 Synopsis: With rare exceptions, animals usually despise the Kindred. Some flee, others attack, but all dislike being in the presence of a vampire. You have no such problem. Animals may not enjoy being in your company, but they don’t actively flee from you.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#79

Insensible To Pain 5 General Physical WW4600 Synopsis: Your character might be made of steel, or just hopped up on drugs (although you should also take the Addiction Flaw if such is the case), but whatever the cause, he doesn't hurt no matter how wounded he is.

System: You ignore all wound penalties until your character is finally killed.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#288

Inspiration (merit) 4 Changeling Satyr Supernatural WW7053 Synopsis: The Gift of Pan lets all satyrs inspire lust in those who hear their music, which lowers inhibitions and strengthens resolve.

System: When you play your instrument, however, you can inspire whatever emotion the song relays. A tender lullaby, when you play it, causes those listening to fall asleep. More rousing tunes get people's bodies moving and they feel the uncontrollable urge to dance. When you play a soulful dirge, your audience weeps. As with the Gift of Pan, only those who fail a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) feel the effects of your music.
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Satyrs, pg.#64

Intimidating Stance 3 Changeling Satyr Social WW7053 Synopsis: You talk a mean talk and walk a mean walk. And there is a bite to match your bark. Whenever you enter a room, everyone turns around to look at you. For Satyrs, this presence isn't so unusual, but when others look at you, they appear concerned. Those who know you understand that you're just a sheep in wolf's clothing, but even they don't want to irritate or anger you. Something about you screams Dangerous!

xxxxxYou can exaggerate this effect whenever you want and, thus, actively increase your chances of intimidating someone. With a look or a gesture, you intimate what you wish to do with their bodies once you get hold of them, and they actually believe that you would.
System: The player must make a Charisma + Intimidation roll, though the difficulty is reduced by 2. This ability only works on other Changelings, since mortals cannot see all the subtle signals in the Satyr's demeanor. Humans naturally avoid this goat, but they won't be intimidated by him any more than they normally would be.
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Satyrs, pg.#64

Iron Will 3 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: When you are determined and your mind is set, nothing can thwart you from your goals.

System: When you are affected by a Dominate power, you may spend a point of Willpower to shake off the effects. In addition, you receive three extra dice to resist the effects of any mind-altering magic, spell, or Thaumaturgy path.
Notes: This Merit does not affect presence or other powers dealing with the emotions.
House Rule: Must have Willpower 8 to take this merit. See +explain Iron Will
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299
Players Guide to Garou, pg.#163
Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#166
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#292
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#180

Jack-of-all-trades 3 General Aptitude WW3806 Synopsis: You have a little knowledge about a lot of things.

System: If making a roll on a Skill you do not possess, you do not suffer the usual +1 penalty to the roll's difficulty. You may attempt a roll on a Knowledge that you do not possess, although the difficulty on the roll is raised by 2.
Notes: See +rules jack of all trades
Only homid or metis characters may take this Merit. Does not apply to abilities not normally available to your race (e.g. Lore, Gremayre). Does not apply to secondary abilities.
Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#163

Judge's Wisdom 4 Mage Akashic Mental WW4657 Synopsis: You aren't swayed by emotion. Ever. Perhaps you're a strict Legalist who follows Han Fei Tzu's advice to keep emotion out of the business of living, or your heart has been calmed by years of meditation. In any event, even magical attempts to alter your emotional state almost always fail.

System: Your character is immune to all Mind effects that work on the emotions, the power of vampiric Presence and similar effects. He can still be swayed by attempts at direct mind control, such as possession, mental illusions, vampiric Disciplines and the like, and extremely potent powers (with six or more dots) may overwhelm his defenses. Your character can be calm but weak willed, after all. Note that you cannot take this Merit and the Merit Iron Will'. That would result in a quick ticket to Clarity!
Book Ref: Tradition Book Akashic Brotherhood (Revised Edition), pg.#60

Kinain 4 Mortal+ Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Although your character is not a changeling, she's got their heritage running through her veins - literally. Faerie blood allows her to walk in the Dreaming as if she were fae herself. While doing so exposes her to chimerical attack, it also opens her to a new and wondrous world.

System: Their Banality is also quite low (typically two to five) and their presence is often welcome in the courts of the Fae. Naturally, this sort of gift carries an obligation to play Faerie politics. Nevertheless, it can be a wondrous game. This merit also allows the character immunity to the effects of the mists. Note that a full mate cannot have a Glamour pool.
Notes: See +rules Kinain

  • PCs with this merit may buy arts/realms, in which case they start with Glamour based on their age (4 for Wilder, 3 for Grump). This must fit within the limits from '+rules multiclass'.
  • Kinain may have faedescs, but they should be subtle compared to kithain.

xxxxxExamples: Troll kinain may be slightly blue, or slightly bulkier, but not a giant blue behemoth. Nocker kinain may have pale pink cheek swirls or knobby fingers. Satyr kinain may have little head bumps, but not large horns.
xxxxxException: If you have specific relevant stats (e.g. Glamour, Honored Birthright, Oneiromancy, Demesne), then your faedesc may be overt, but should also OOCly identify those stats.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Kinfolk (merit) 4 Mortal+ Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: By some quirk of fate, your character is related to a werewolf, -cat, -raven, -bear, -or even one of the more mysterious breeds. The changing blood has not stirred in him - at least not in the traditional way - but it has left its mark.

System: He's immune to the Delirium (the madness that claims those who see a werebeast's half human form), and he has friends among whichever Breed he's related to. Having this Merit doesn't mean that he knows their secrets or that he can wander around their sacred sites without retribution, but he has a certain edge that no normal mortal can match. If your character is a sorcerer, you might be able to learn a few spirit Gifts, and an Awakened mage can use these inherent magical powers as well without threat of Paradox. However, he can never have Gnosis, the innate connection to the spirit that all shifters share.
Notes: See +rules kinfolk. Be aware that many shifters, mainly Gaian, may automatically dislike a vampire or ghoul kinfolk, possibly seeking to kill the former and detox the latter.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#296

Lack Of Scent 2 Shifter Physical WW3806 Synopsis: You produce no scent, or your scent is extremely faint.

System: You are hard to track by other Garou or hunters who use scent.Any attempts to track you are at +2 difficulty. You may find it difficult to deal with Lupus Garou or wolves, as they will mistrust your lack of a "natural" scent.
Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#159

Laid-back Friends 2 General Social WW8120 Synopsis: Everyone needs pals. You've got a particularly good bunch. They're pretty cool about when they get to see you; they don't get uptight if you're not in contact for a while. They're also great at not interfering with your life. Sure, you've gone through some changes of late, but that's your choice. They'll be there if you want to talk or need help, but they'll otherwise stay out of your hair. If these guys are also your Allies (see Hunter, pg.#119), they'll help you without asking too many difficult questions. Hey, your life, your business, right?

Book Ref: Hunter Players Guide, pg.#107

Large 1 Shifter Nuwisha Physical WW3076 Synopsis: A Nuwisha with this Merit is substantially larger than most of her breed, and is easily mistaken for a Garou when in Manabozho form.

System: This size increase gives no physical bonuses, but adds 1 die to all Social dice pools when dealing with Garou.
Book Ref: Nuwisha, pg.#48

Legendary Attribute 5 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your mage has a superhuman Attribute, something in which he has the potential to be greater than human. Although this Attribute is not necessarily automatically better, the mage could potentially exceed the bounds of human ability. Such a gift is rare and precious, and many people with this capacity never even manage to fulfill their true potential.

System: In your character's legendary Attribute, your character has the potential for a rating of six dots. Thus, your mage might have the Strength of Hercules of the Intelligence of Occam. This Merit does not confer such a rating automatically; it must still be purchased with Attribute points, freebie points, or experience.
In addition to the potential for inhuman power, your character has some miraculous capability tied to that Attribute. A mage with legendary Stamina might have the ability to roll a soak against any form of damage, for instance, while a mage with legendary Wits might be able to shift his initiative category by one place in any given turn automatically. This power is generally automatic, and it is subject to the Storyteller's approval. Its potency varies with the character's actual Attribute rating, so a character with a legendary Stamina of 1 has a weak legendary power that might grow with time and experience.
This Merit obviously has the potential for abuse, and it is not appropriate for all chronicles or characters.
Notes: Mages and Sorcerers only.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#296

Lesser Shaman 6 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4043 Synopsis: Only Sleepers can take this Merit. Lesser shamans make up the majority of shamans found in the world today. While they have considerable power, they are considerably less able than even the weakest Dreamspeaker. Still, the power to speak with the spirits is formidable, even if the will behind it is not Awakened. Imbued with a sort of calling by the spirits, a shaman of this sort still has many spiritual powers, though he ultimately must gain such from the spirits, not from an internal wellspring of enlightenment.

System: Lesser shamans all possess the Merit Spirit Sight at no extra cost. In addition, they can summon and banish spirits, raise or lower the Gauntlet (up to two points, but never below two or above ten) over a small area, and awaken the spirits inherent in objects or places.
xxxxxPerforming any magical actions requires long and elaborate rituals for a lesser shaman. Without the force of Awakened will, the shaman must rely on careful rituals and the good will of the spirits. Such rituals generally last between two and three hours. At the end of the ritual, the lesser shaman's player makes a roll using Charisma+Rituals (with a difficulty of no less than 6) and spends a point of Willpower. Once summoned or awakened, spirits may do as they will, but temporary actions like raising or lowering the Gauntlet only last until next sunrise or sunset.
xxxxxA number of Dreamspeakers who are connected to a tribe, band or other community have one or more lesser shamans who watch over the community while they are away. Any Sleeper who possesses the Spirit Sight Merit can be trained to be a lesser shaman. However, this training process often takes years. Still, the benefits of having shamanic Acolytes often outweigh the investment costs on time and effort, especially because a few rare students may actually Awaken. Dreamspeakers generally know how to train apprentices (though how well the shaman teaches is a function of the Instruction Ability), and Verbena have been known to train Sleepers in this fashion as well.
Notes: While the book text says to roll Rituals, that stat is not available to Sorcerer's on this game. Substitute it with Occult.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#105

Library Of Heresies 2 Vampire Social WW2819 Synopsis: You have access to one or more of the core texts of the Cainite Heresy in some form. Whether those texts are complete or not, accurate or not, or even legible or not is up to the Storyteller. What matters is that you know what you possess and you know what it is worth, both to yourself and to others.

Book Ref: Cainite Heresy, pg.#93

License To... 1 to 5 General Social Legal WW4014 Synopsis: With the right permits, you can do anything... well, not anything, but a lot more than the average Joe. Through some devious or official means, you have obtained a permit that allows you special privileges.

System: Depending on the cost of the Merit, you may be authorized to:
xxxxx*One point: Own and operate odd vehicles (like limos or trucks).
xxxxx*Two points: Practice medicine or law (as a doctor or lawyer).
xxxxx*Three points: Uphold the law (as a cop, detective or government agent).
xxxxx*Four points: Own military hardware (heavy weapons, explosives, vehicles).
xxxxx*Five points: Break the law in the course of duty (as a diplomat or secret agent).
xxxxxNaturally, these rights involve certain responsibilities. As part of your license, you may be required to fulfill certain duties and observe certain limitations. Even a cop can't go around busting heads on anyone he sees, at least not without some serious repercussions. Licenses of all kinds involve review boards, tests, periodic checks and an overseeing authority. Like anything else in life, you have to be careful how you apply your privileges. Abuse 'em, and you'll probably lose them. Notes:
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#165

Lightning Calculator 1 General Mental WW4600


Synopsis: Your natural affinity for numbers and your talent for mental arithmetic make you a natural for working with computers or betting at the race tracks.

System: All relevant rolls are made at -2 difficulty. Another possible use for this Merit, assuming you have numbers on which to base your conclusions, is the ability to calculate the difficulty of certain tasks. In appropriate situations, you may ask the Storyteller for the difficulty of some action you are about to perform.
Notes: You as the player are welcome to use a calculator during play, even when your character is fleeing for her life.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#180

Light Sleeper 1 to 3 General Mental WW4600 Synopsis:

Mages/others: 1 to 3 dot merit.

# of dots Effect
Dot-filled.png You can function fine on four hours of sleep per night.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You can function fine on two hours of sleep per night.
Dot-filled.pngDot-filled.pngDot-filled.png You don't sleep at all, unless drugged or beaten unconscious. This does not affect exhaustion penalties for other reasons, e.g. right after a long run.

Notes: See +explain Light Sleeper
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291

Light Sleeper 2 Vampire Mental WW2300 Synopsis: You can awaken instantly at any sign of trouble or danger, and do so without any sleepiness or hesitation. You may ignore rules regarding how Humanity/Path restricts the number of dice available during the day.

Notes: See +explain Light Sleeper
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299

Lilian Alteration 6 Shifter Ananasi Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: An Ananasi's Lilian form is determined unconsciously; after the Metamorphosis, it seldom changes. However, you have a special talent for altering your Lilian form. You're better suited to face new terrain, as you can adjust your body to suit the territory - not only in how you can camouflage yourself against the land, but also in how you can maneuver over the landscape. There are also serious psychological advantages, as you can alter yourself to look more or less menacing, as necessary. You can even fabricate a seemingly completely human form from the waist up, making others believe you are defenseless, even when you are ready to destroy them.

Book Ref: Ananasi, pg.#83

Living Legend 5 Changeling Supernatural WW92041 Synopsis: You are the living, breathing incarnation of a great hero or heroine; this does not have to be an actual, historical figure, but can be a character from mythology or even a figure from more contemporary fiction. Note that you are an incarnation, not a reincarnation. You are the embodiment of an individual legend. Your fae mien matches your heritage perfectly. Any Kithain with even the slightest knowledge of the original tale will recognize you immediately, and you are likely to attract a great deal of attention from the cultures that give birth to the legend.

System: When people recognize you, the difficulty of your social rolls reduces by two. You gainaccess to one of your ancestor’s Attribute or Ability ratings once per chapter. At the Storyteller’s discretion, this Merit may also allow you to have knowledge of, if not access to, certain chimera or Treasures related to your legend. Your appearance and your memories may make it hard to get along unnoticed in ordinary society. It can also be very hard to live up to what is expected of you.
Notes: Only available in character generation, or from a Chrysalis.
Book Ref: WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#186

Lizard Limbs 1 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: With a little bit of effort, you can shed parts of your body.

System: When one of your appendages is restrained or grappled, spend one blood point and roll Willpower (difficulty 8). If you succeed, you can tear off that body part and wriggle away. Vampires can eventually regrow their limbs if they spend enough blood; however, if you're missing an arm or leg, you should have a -3 dice pool penalty to represent your injury. And remember to be careful. If you shed both your legs, you'll have a bitch of a time crawling away.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#70

Long-distance Runner 3 General Aptitude WW3059 Synopsis: You must have a minimum Stamina of 4 to purchase this Merit. When running, you may double your normal speed for one hour per point of Stamina. Gifts improving movement are calculated from the new speed. Thus, possession of this Merit and movement-improving Gifts allows you to travel at amazing velocity.

Book Ref: Silent Striders Tribebook (1st Edition), pg.#47

Long-lived 1 Mage Verbena Physical WW4659 Synopsis: Whether through heredity, the blessings of the gods or just good, clean living, you are especially long lived. You age, but gracefully, retaining both your vitality and your faculties. You can expect to live to see your first century, and possibly another beyond that.

System: Note that adepts of the Life Sphere can achieve this Effect through magic. This Merit grants it naturally (and does not incur the possibility of Paradox).
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Verbena, pg.#70

Longevity 2 Shifter Physical WW3108 Synopsis: Gaia has blessed you with long life.

System: You do not suffer aging effects until you are 90 years old or more (rather than 70 and up). You can expect to reach 120 to 130 years of age, barring death in combat.
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#21

Long Fingers 1 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: Your fingers are unnaturally long and spidery.

System: You gain an extra die on any roll involving coordination or grappling.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#70

Loud Voice 1 Changeling Pooka Physical WW7054 Synopsis: Some animals have voices that carry farther than a normal human's. You have the ability to project your voice as far as a wolf can howl or to shout as loudly as an elephant can trumpet. This comes in handy, but unfortunately, it also draws attention to you. Not only does your target hear you, so does everyone within a certain radius. The physical landscape can hinder this ability, buildings muffle, hills echo. In open territory, however, your voice carries for up to five miles, if you've conditioned it to do so.

System: Roll Stamina + Performance, difficulty 6, minus any modifiers for landscape. The number of successes determines how many miles your voice carries. On a botch, you strain your voice and suffer laryngitis for a number of days equal to your dice pool.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Pooka, pg.#87

Luck of the Road 2 Shifter Mental WW3110 Synopsis: (Meros) You enjoy traveling for its own sake and take any oportunity to do so. The road also seems to have an affinity for you and you find most journeys pleasurable experiences.

System: You make any rolls involving travel-related actions at a -2 difficulty - including finding places to stay along your route, locating convenient short cuts and avoiding obstacles such as traffic tie-ups (in urban areas) or rockslides and flooded rivers (in the wilderness). Your affinity extends to your companions as well, giving them a -1 difficulty to similar rolls when traveling with you.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#128

Mad Science 2 Mage Sons of Ether Supernatural WW4658 Synopsis: By experimenting with other dimensions, mind-wracking mathematics and Paradoxical technologies, the Sons of Ether risk their mental stability at the price of unique insights. Having touched the infinite, inhuman reaches of Truth, madness takes its toll, but it also brings inspiration.

System: Characters with this Merit receive a one-point break on magical difficulties as well as uses of the Awareness, Cosmology, Enigmas, Occult, Science, and Technology Abilities while in the throws of Quiet or an active derangement.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Sons of Ether, pg.#58

Magic Resistance 2 Vampire Supernatural WW2300 Synopsis: You have an inherent resistance to the rituals of the Tremere and the spells of the mages of other Clans. The difficulty of all such magic, both malicious and beneficent, is two higher when directed at you.

Notes: You may never learn the magical Discipline of Thaumaturgy. See +explain Magic Resistance
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300

Manifest Avatar 3 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Most people see their Avatars only during Seekings, if at all. Your mage's drops by every day for tea, if it doesn't hang out 'round the clock. This avatar is completely invisible to everyone but your character (and those who can read her mind), unless you take this Merit in combination with the Allies Background, creating the body of a person or familiar for your Avatar. In this case, your Avatar becomes your bamf!ing buddy, popping in and out of existence when it feels like it. If it's killed, only the mortal shell dies, not your Avatar - unless you also have the Phylactery Flaw, in which case your Avatar's form is immune to all physical harm, but it is manifested permanently. If such is the case, it is able to be kidnapped, transformed and so on.

System: Storytellers should note that an Avatar doesn't have to say it's an Avatar, and just because an Avatar is invested into a phylactery doesn't mean that everything that phylactery tells you is a pronouncement from your Avatar. A VA may have his laptop as a phylactery, but unless he's also taken Manifest Avatar as a Merit, his laptop's warnings to update his virus software are nothing more significant than that. Likewise, you may have invested your Avatar into your best friend, but that doesn't mean that everything (or anything) he says are pronouncements from your personal spirit guide. Such only happens to be the case if you take Manifest Avatar. Even then, why should your Avatar tell you he's anyone except your best friend?
xxxxxA manifest Avatar can chat with you and other people like the intelligences that show up on the Web to guide Virtual Adepts and converse with their contemporaries. With the right tricks, it can even materialize to harangue you, to fight, to push you around, or just make for a hot date.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Manshape 1 Shifter Mokole Physical WW3081 Synopsis: Your Archid form resembles that of humanity. You are essentially a "lizard person" - a human shape with a reptile head, roughly the size of a Crinos Garou.

System: You will need to buy Bipedal and Grasping Hands for your Archid form to take this merit, but this merit allows you to use a greater variety of tools and fit in places you might not otherwise fit.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#70

Mark Of Pure Blood 2 Vampire Physical WW20007 Synopsis: You have a physical mark that emerged during your Embrace, akin to a birthmark. This mark is part of your lineage and helps establish credibility as an heir to power and reputation of your sire's line.

System: Players should work with the Storyteller to define the mark, whether it is a particular tint of the eyes, an actual discoloration of skin or something more exotic. All such marks are within the bounds of natural possibility and/or easily concealed, ensuring that mortals do not automatically suspect your undead nature. While this merit has no system per se, you are more difficult to impersonate and your mark may carry status with vampires who know its significance.
Book Ref: Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#203

Mars Rising 6 Shifter Aptitude WW3110 Synopsis: The fire of battle runs through your veins and communicates itself through every aspect of your being. Your eyes gleam with the eagle's ferocity, while your posture demonstrates your constant readiness for combat. The Get of Fenris celebrate the birth of any tribe member born with Mars Rising - Particularly Ahroun, Galliard, or Philodox.

System: You gain an extra die to your dice pool for any offensive combat action; you may add this bonus to either your attack or damage roll each turn. Thus bonus does not apply to defensive actions or to soak rolls.

  • House rule: Only benefits one roll per turn.

Notes: Not limited strictly to Garou, but may not be available to other Shifters as per staff discretion. See +explain Mars Rising
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#130

Mastery Of Fire 2 Mage Supernatural WW4043 Synopsis: Having control over fire and flame is one of the powers traditionally associated with shamans. Many cultures consider fire to be a natural force with a strong connection to the spirit world. As a shaman, you have a closer connection to the powers of fire than most.

System: You are considerably more resistant to damage from fire than most people, and you receive three extra dice to all Stamina rolls to resist damage caused by fire. You can soak fire damage normally. In addition, you also receive a one point bonus on all magic rolls to create, destroy or manipulate fire.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#103

Master Craftsman 3 Changeling Mental WW92041 Synopsis: When designing, building, or repairing something, the difficulty of your rolls is reduced by two.

System: Additionally, you require three fewer successes on any extended rolls required when working on large or complex projects.
Notes: Restricted to Boggans, Nockers, and members of House Dougal only.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#181

Master Forger 4 Wraith Artificers WW6300 Synopsis: Your work with souls is unparalleled. Deathlords clamor for your pieces, and thralls beg to be forged by your hand. Well, maybe not the latter but still, you are a master worker of soulds.

System: All forging rolls are made at a -1 difficulty, and your work is so well known that you automatically acquire a point of Status as well.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Artificers, pg.#51

Master Of Red Tape 4 General Social Legal WW4014 Synopsis: You're a god of getting things done. Whether you need some supplies, security clearance, favors or additional backup, you can get it with a phone call or two to the right people. Your suave personal and bureaucratic skills make the passage easier than it would be otherwise. After all, it's not what you ask for, but who you ask and how.

System: In game terms, this Merit subtracts two from the difficulty of rolls that involve getting equipment, aid or favors through a bureaucracy. Such rolls are usually based on the Backgrounds: Allies, Backup, Influence, Library, Mentor, Patron, Requisitions, or Resources. To use this Merit, you must plan out what you need, contact a friend or ally in the necessary department, then file a request. Naturally you can blow this Merit if you're not respectful and grateful to the right people; the Storyteller may feel free to disallow or revoke this Trait if the character isn't doing his part to keep the red tape clear.
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#167

Medium 2 General Supernatural WW2300


Synopsis: Medium is a catchall term for humans who can see wraiths. Some are born with the ability, some acquire it in life, and some have it pushed on them by magical ritual or scientific experiment. The end result, however, is the same: a human who is aware (and occasionally can't get away from) the Restless Dead.

Notes: Please see House Rules for this merit. Other variants in other game books do not apply.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Metamorph 7 Shifter Physical WW3806 Synopsis: You find it extremely easy to change forms and can do it even in your sleep.

System: You do not need to roll to shift forms (you are considered to have an automatic five successes); nor do you need to spend a Rage point to instantly assume a desired form. In addition, if you are ever knocked unconscious (due to wounds, etc.), you can make a roll of Wits + Primal Urge, difficulty 8, to assume whatever form you wish instead of reverting to your breed form.
Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#159

Misplaced Heart 2 Vampire Physical WW2206 Synopsis: Your heart has actually moved within your body, though no more than two feet from its original position near the middle of your chest. Those who attempt to stake you find it very difficult to find the right location (which should be your most tightly guarded secret).

Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#11

Mixed-morph 1 or 5 Shifter Physical WW3806 Synopsis: You find the art of partial transformation relatively easy.

System: Make the required Dexterity + Primal Urge roll at difficulty 6 rather than difficulty 9. The five point version of this Merit eliminates the need for spending a Willpower point; you can achieve partial transformation almost at will.
Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#159

Mnesis Of The Lost Ones 1 Shifter Mokole Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: You belong to a Mnesis lineage that, through crossbreeding, sharing of mates, or the Rite of Anamnesis being performed in the distant past, has some memories from an extinct Changing Breed, such as the Camazotz (werebats), the Khara (saber toothed Bastet) or the Grondr (boar-skins).

System: This Mnesis will be fragmented, imperfect and difficult for you to understand. The Storyteller will convey to you what this memory contains, although you will not be able to use it as easily as Mokole memories.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#70

Mole 3 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: You have an informer buried in the Sabbat (or, less likely, one of the independent clans or the Anarch Free States) who funnels you all sorts of information as to what her peers are up to. What you do with the information is up to you, but abusing the knowledge might be a good way to get your informer killed. The other side has spies too…

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Moon-bound 2 Shifter Garou Supernatural WW3806 Synopsis: You are especially tied to your auspice.

System: When Luna is in the waxing phase of your auspice, you receive an extra die on all rolls. However, when your moon phase is waning, you lose one die on all rolls.
Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#165

Mortal Companion 2 Wraith Social WW6007 Synopsis: You maintain close ties with a mortal, either through Fetters or by chance friendship. This could be a medium whose seance you attended, or a parapsychologist you're assisting in research.

System: In most cases you will want to be attuned to this mortal, though you will still have to go through the process of attunement normally. Of course, this friend may well prove to be a liability when enemies attempt to use your friendship as a threat or a bargaining chip against you.
Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#24

Mother's Insight 4 Shifter Garou Mental WW3110 Synopsis: (Tambiyah) You have the uncanny ability to see into the heart of a situation.

System: You make all Wits related rolls (with the exception of initiative rolls) at -1 to your difficulty. Additionally, in situations where three or more successes are required, you need one less success to accomplish your task. You cannot botch Wits related rolls (again, excluding initiative rolls), although you can fail them.
Notes: It is highly unlikely, but not impossible for Fera to take this merit, but it will not be approved in character generation.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#128

Natural Channel 3 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your mage is a natural weak point in the Gauntlet between worlds.

System: The difficulty to use magic to pierce it is one less, and spirits react a bit more favorably to the mage. If your mage finds an especially weak spot in the Gauntlet (with Awareness or Spirit 1), he can step between worlds without magic.
Notes: See +explain Natural Channel
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Natural Channel 3 Shifter Supernatural WW3806
Synopsis: You find crossing the Gauntlet easier than many of your fellow Garou.

System: The difficulty for stepping sideways is one less for you.
Notes: See +explain Natural Channel
Book Ref:Players Guide to Garou, pg.#166

Natural Husk 3 - All Phyla Changeling Inanimae Physical WW7307 Synopsis: Your Husk is extremely lifelike. Even if you only have one dot in the Background, your Husk seems to pass for human.

System: The benefit of this Merit is that people are so certain that you are human they may actively deny some evidence to the contrary.
Book Ref: Inanimae: The Secret Way, pg.#68

Natural Leader 1 General Social WW2300 Synopsis: You are gifted with a certain magnetism to which others naturally defer.

System: You receive two extra dice when making Leadership rolls.
Notes: You must have a Charisma rating of 3 or greater to purchase this Merit.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300

Natural Linguist 2 General Mental WW2300 Synopsis: You have a flair for languages.

System: You may add three dice to any dice pool involving written or spoken languages.
Notes: This merit does not give you any more languages.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299

Natural Runner 1 General Physical WW8202
Synopsis: Your character's mortal host enjoyed running ever since she was a kid. While most people wheeze and complain about exercising, running has always been an absolute pleasure for her. As a result, your character can run like the wind when the occasion demands it.

System: Your character's Dexterity counts as one point higher than it actually is for the purposes of determining movement rates.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#77

Natural Shallowing 5 Mage Supernatural WW4632 Synopsis: A rare few souls draw the spirit worlds to them like moths to flame, calling out silently through the Gauntlet. Your mage is one such.

System: The Gauntlet is always one less in the immediate vicinity of the mage (which, in some of the last remaining places of power, can reduce the Gauntlet rating to zero). Further, by expending a point of Willpower, the mage may cause the Gauntlet to reduce by an additional one, though this is as far as she can go. Note that multiple mages with this power cannot "stack" its effects. Dreamspeakers often see those who possess this Merit as being especially blessed by the spirits and are inclined to be friendly to them (-1 to social difficulties).
Book Ref: The Infinite Tapestry, pg.#187

Natural Shapeshifter 3 Mage Verbena Aptitude WW4659 Synopsis: You are a natural and talented shapeshifter when using Life magic (not necessarily related to the Fera, though you may also have the Kinfolk Merit).

System: You are never in danger of losing yourself to the identity of your beast-form, and any new shape you adopt is as comfortable to you as your own. Moreover, the difficulty of Arete rolls to change your own shape is two less than normal.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Verbena, pg.#70

Nature's Child 2 Changeling Social WW7050 Synopsis: You are one with nature and beasts.

System: You receive a -2 to your difficulty on rolls when dealing with nonsapient animals in their natural environment, whether training them, tracking them, or simply petting them. Changelings should take care relying on this Merit when dealing with chimera, however; some of them are much mroe intelligent than they appear.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#184

Nice Abs! 3 Wraith Spooks Social WW6305 Synopsis: By some strange quirk of fate, you have not been too obviously touched by the effects of your constant use of Outrage. Your Corpus does show signs of "bulking," but not in the typically overproportioned fashion of most Spooks. You still appear physically intimidating (what Spook worth his salt isn't, after all?), but for all anyone else knows, you might have gotten those pecs from being a weightlifter in life. Your husky build certainly doesn't look like the mark of Outrage; this fact allows you to move through public situations without automatically getting red-flagged as a Spook.

System: In practice, this Merit lessens the difficulty of all your Social rolls by one.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Spooks and Oracles, pg.#50

Nightsight (merit) 2 Changeling Sluagh Physical WW92041 Synopsis: Night blinds many eyes, but not yours. Regardless of the lighting conditions, your eyes adjust automatically, so that you can see equally well at high noon or midnight. The adjustment is instantaneous, so that, if you are standing in a dark room and someone lights a candle, you are not blinded.

Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#177

Notable Heritage 2 Shifter Garou Silver Fangs Social WW3860 Synopsis: This merit can represent one of two things. It may mean that the character is from a family that is particularly renowned amongst the Garou for it's deeds down through the centuries. Notable examples include the Morningkills, the Delacourts and the Tvarivich Dynasty. This is not the same thing as the Background: Pure Breed, which represents the relative perfection of the Garou line as expressed in the individual. This Merit represents the general fame accorded to the family for its deeds of Garou and Kinfolk both. Alternatively, this Merit may represent membership of a family famous in human circles: a royal family, like the Widsors of the United Kingdom or a political dynasty, like the Bushes and Kennedy's in the USA. While this Merit does not convey any property or financial gain, it may well carry a title in a monarchy.

System: For notable Garou heritage: The character is at -1 difficulty to Social rolls with other Garou and Kinfolk who are aware of werewolf society. This merit does carry with it the expectation that the werewolf live up to the family name. If he fails to do so, he may find the benefits of the Merit fading with time. As the stories of his own failings start to outweigh the high regard the family receives.
For notable human ancestry: The character can expect to be invited to all the best parties and is at -1 difficulty to all Social rolls when dealing with humans aware of his heritage.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Silver Fangs (Revised Edition), pg.#85

Noted Messenger 3 Shifter Garou Social WW3059 Synopsis: Your reputation as a reliable and uncorruptible messenger precedes you. You can enter most septs unchallenged, as long as you have a message for someone residing there. In addition, few Garou will attempt to hinder you in your duties, and most will let you cross their territories unmolested. However, the mere word of your presence will sometimes stir up rumor and intrigue, as the locals wonder what message it is that you carry.

Book Ref: Silent Striders Tribebook (1st Edition), pg.#48

Obsession (merit) 3 Wraith Shadow Mental WW6013 Synopsis: The Shadow is focused intensely on one part of the Psyche's personality, so that other opportunities to drive the wraith to Oblivion are neglected or missed altogether.

System: The Shadowguide chooses one of the Psyche's Passions to serve as the focus of the obsession and then goes to work on it. Henceforth, all rolls the Shadowguide makes involving that particular Passion in any way are at -1 difficulty. This includes rolls for using Thorns to frustrate a Passion, rolls to gain Angst from a diametrically opposed Dark Passion and so on.
Notes: On the other hand, all rolls which the Shadow makes relating to other Passions or any other aspect of the Psyche are at +1 difficulty.
Book Ref: Shadow Players Guide, pg.#26

Occult Library 2 Vampire Supernatural WW2206 Synopsis: You possess a library of occult materials, which may include at least one version of the Book of Nod. You are not necessarily familiar with the contents of these volumes of knowledge (that is a function of your Abilities), but in time of need your library can be an invaluable source for research.

Notes: See +explain Occult Library
Please set a +note as well as to where you are keeping this occult library.
Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#8

Officially Dead 2 General Social Legal WW4014 Synopsis: Your old life ended tragically... or so they believe. These days, you're essentially a new person. As far as family, friends, the government and other folks are concerned, you're long gone. Unless you break your cover, no one knows who you are... who you were.

System: Being dead isn't all fun, though. Chances are, you miss at least one person from your old life, but visiting him would be A Very Bad Idea. At the very least, it'll be painful - at worst, you could get them killed. Unless you change your face or fingerprints, you might leave the authorities with all kinds of awkward questions. ("According to records, this woman died three years ago. So why was she in a bank this morning?") There's probably someone looking for you, or making sure you keep a low profile. Attract attention from these parties, and you might not be "walking dead" much longer.
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#166

Old Age 2 Wraith Social WW6010 Synopsis: You were an old man or woman when you died, and consequently are accorded more respect by those within your family, even those who are actually much older than you. Many will come to you for advice because of your extensive life experience. Even the heads of the family will respect your opinions more, merely because of your age.

System: Lower the difficulty by two of any Social roll when dealing with members of your family.
Book Ref: Dark Kingdom of Jade, pg.#124

Old Pal 2 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: An acquaintance from your breathing days was Embraced at the same time you were. Fortunately, your friendship has endured even death and unlife, and you find a constant source of support and aid in your old friend. She expects the same of you, which isn’t always convenient, but at least you each have someone to hang onto who remembers the good old nights — and days. The Storyteller should play the Old Pal as a very loyal Ally.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#75

Omnidexterous 2 Wraith Masquers Physical WW6011 Synopsis: You aren't just skilled at using both hands equally well, you're talented with whatever appendage you manage to sculpt. You receive no penalty for trying something with anything normally considered an "off-hand." Talented Masquers with this Merit can type with their feet, pick locks with their tails and wield darksteel with their tongues.

Book Ref: Guildbook: Masquers, pg.#50

Open Road 2 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: Unlike many Kindred, you like to travel. You have a solid knowledge of safe travel routes and methodologies, not to mention haven space available in any number of destinations. Unless someone out there knows your exact route and is specifically looking for you, you can move between cities unimpeded by random encounters with Lupines, overzealous state troopers, and the like.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Oracle 4 Changeling Supernatural WW7311 Synopsis: Except for the moirae and the sidhe of House Beaumayn, the seers of House Scathach are quite possibly the best in the Dreaming.

System: This is a birthright handed down through the generations from the Morrigan herself, giving the character a -2 on all rolls involving the Soothsay Art.
Notes: This Merit is not exclusive to House Scathach, but is possessed by the most able prophets of other kith and houses. Because most others don't share Scathach's prophetic heritage, however, the cost is +1 freebie point for all other fae except the moirae and House Beaumayn.
Book Ref: Changeling the Dreaming - Book of Lost Houses, pg.#111

Oracular Ability 3 General Supernatural WW2300


Synopsis: You can see and interpret signs and omens. You are able to draw advice from these omens, for they provide hints of the future and warnings of the present.

System: When the Storyteller feels that you are in position to see an omen, you will be required to make a Perception + Occult roll, with the difficulty relative to how well the omen is concealed. If successful, you may then roll Intelligence + Occult to interpret what you have seen; the difficulty is again relative to the complexity of the omen.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300 Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Organized 1 Shifter Ananasi Mental WW3082 Synopsis: All Ananasi are ordered and structured, but you take it to a new level. If someone needs to have a big bag of rice sorted by size and shape, you're the one to do it. Many of the organizational tasks that others would consider mind-numbingly boring come as second nature to you, and you can achieve them in half the time that it would take anyone else. You would make a perfect accountant or comptroller for a company, and they would gladly pay extra to have you on their staff.

Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Other Half 3 Wraith Supernatural WW6007 Synopsis: A Greek philosopher once theorized that each person is divided into two halves, and spends his entire life searching for their other half. You have found your other half, whether a friend, lover, identical twin, or even a complete stranger Though you are now a member of the Restless Dead, you still have a strong tie to your other half.

System: You must choose that person as a Fetter, and all bonuses involving your other half are doubled. You can also regain one point of Corpus per hour by being close to your other half.
Notes: You may not take both this and the True Love Merit.
Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26

Oversized Fangs 1 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: You have enormous fangs, snaggly tusks resembling those of an elephant or walrus.

System: They cannot be retracted, but they do an additional die of damage and add one die to your Intimidation dice pool.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#70

Pain Tolerance 2 Vampire Physical WW2361 Synopsis: Maybe you've deadened your nerves through Vicissitude. Maybe you're a tough bastard. Maybe it turns you on.

Book Ref: Clanbook Tzimisce (Revised Edition), pg.#69

Pale Aura 1 Vampire Ghoul Supernatural WW2021 Synopsis: Due to some quirk of fate or your reaction to the Blood, your aura is naturally pale. Vampires reading your aura via Auspex assume you to be Kindred unless they have strong reason to suspect otherwise. This Merit can be of great use if you wish to impersonate a vampire, but can also cause some very dangerous misunderstandings.

Book Ref: Ghouls Fatal Addiction, pg.#83

Paragon (merit) 6 Vampire - Ventrue Social WW2358 Synopsis: The Embrace has awakened within you an aspect of personality that others find particularly compelling. You may select one Background from the following group: Allies, Black Hand membership, Clan Prestige, Contacts, Fame, Herd, Influence, Mentor, Resources, Retainers, Sabbat Status, or Status. Your maximum Trait score in that Background may exceed your normal generation limit by one. For example, a 10th-generation Kindred may take this Merit and enjoy the benefits of a Contacts Background of 6. You may take this Merit for only one Background, which may drop (and thereafter possibly rise again) at the Storyteller's discretion. Players should choose this Merit only for a Background that makes sense - a Camarilla archon is unlikely to have a Black Hand Membership Background of 7, for example.

Book Ref: Clanbook Ventrue (Revised Edition), pg.#77

Parlor Trick 1 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your character has a natural ability to perform some small, pretty or useful bit of magic at will. This trick is nothing that can cause much damage, or even serious annoyance; it's just enough to perform some small basic task or give your mage a little flair. Your mage might be adept at the old wizard's trick of conjuring an orb of witchlight to hand or a flame to her finger. She might be a cyborg who had the bright idea of installing a light bulb or pilot light in her head for the same purpose. If your mage uses a magical sense like night-vision often, you might have the added perk that he can make his eyes glow like a vampire's, allowing him to see even in total darkness. If your character is of the scientific bent, he may be able to emit enough x-rays to use with his x-ray vision, or he could have a laser pointer installed in his index finger just for fun. You don't have to roll or spend anything to make this parlor trick work.

xxxxxStorytellers should note that this Merit is provided to add color and reason to the game, not to give min-maxers a loophole to create engines of death. With this Merit, mages can light pipes without a lighter, conjure roses or martinis, have mood music play in the background or pop a penknife or a single claw out of a fingertip. Yes, you could put an eye out with one of those things, but the combat difference between a penknife, a single tiger claw, and a press-on fingernail is inconsequential.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#294

Passion (merit) 2 Changeling Satyr Social WW7053 Synopsis: Over the centuries, Satyrs have lost some of their original passion. The goat with the Passion Merit has retained it in full. You pursue your interests with the utmost intensity and usually succeed at them. Life holds many fascinating chances for you and you don't want to miss out on them. You grab them up greedily. Mundanities, such as money, mean nothing to you except when they result from the pursuit of your Passion. And, because you focus your attention so completely on experience and self improvement, you do achieve greatness. The Living Time does not affect you because you have the innate ability to handle your Passion. Concentration in this one area permits you to advance more quickly.

System: The difficulty for all rolls related to your Passion are reduced by 2.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Satyr, pg.#64

Past Life (merit) 1 to 5 Changeling Supernatural WW7300


Synopsis: You can remember one or more of your previous incarnations. This can be as simple as constant deja vu in places known to your past lives, or as complex as conscious, waking memories of being another person. In practical terms, this means that your character (and therefore you the player) knows slightly more about whatever situations the dead memories contain. You might know your way around the past life's hometown, or back away from your murderer without knowing why. This is a good Background for beginning players; the Storyteller can tell them that something they are about to do is stupid, dangerous or both, because even if the character wouldn't logically know that, one of her past lives might. However, this Background cannot be used to "remember" Abilities.

System: The Storyteller can, and likely should, take the opportunity to flesh out one or more of these past selves with the player. Unless the memory is very detailed, the character, and probably the player, isn't likely to know everything about that past.

  • One Point - Deja vu memories of one life
  • Two points - Dreamy, vague memories of one life, with deja vu from several lives.
  • Three points - vague memories of several lives and one or two well remembered impressions from one life.
  • Four points - Several well remembered impressions from many lives.
  • Five points - A clear but broken thread of memories back to the Mythic Age and beyond...

Book Ref: Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#160
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26

Patagia (merit) 4 Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: Leathery wings fold up into your horrid little body. Picture the gliding wings of a pterodactyl or a flying squirrel. Now visualize them hanging off the twisted skelton of batlike wings. With the aid of an updraft or a strong wind, you can glide for short distances - rather useful for Nosferatu who skulk along rooftops, don't you think? Storytellers should know that a vampire with this Merit can glide at his normal walking speed.

Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#72

Path Natural 5 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4254 Synopsis: You're a prodigy, a natural at some mystical Path. For whatever reason (inborn talent, powerful heritage, past life, supernatural bargain, etc), you've got an affinity to one certain kind of magic. You picked it up quickly (with little or no study) and now progress through it at an unusual rate.

System: During Character creation, select one magical Path. From this point on, you only pay three-quarters of the normal cost (rounded down) when buying advanced levels or Rituals for that Path only. A natural shapeshifter, for example, would pay only 10 points to raise her Shapeshifting Path from two to three. The "favored" Path must be declared during character creation, and this Merit can be purchased only once.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#56

Patience 3 Vampire Social WW2233 Synopsis: You have learned the wisdom of patience in all things. Passions may burn brightly; but as they say, revenge is served best cold. Often, with enough patience, new avenues of endeavor open, enemies grow careless and favors shift. Those who wait and watch are in a position to take full advantage of the vagaries of time.

System: Due to your mastery of patience all Frenzy rolls are made with a -1 difficulty modifier.
Book Ref: Elysium The Elder Wars, pg.#64

Pawn 3 Vampire Social WW2204


Synopsis: You can manipulate and have some control over another vampire, one of a higher generation than you. Your hold was likely formed through Blood Bond, but it can also come from a variety of other sources, such as blackmail, bribes or threats, you make it up. The pawn does not necessarily know that it is being controlled.

Book Ref: Vampire Player's Guide, pg.#42
Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#16
Vampire: The Dark Ages, pg.#273

Pelagic Harmony 3 Vampire Lasombra Mental WW2362 Synopsis: Being close to the sea calms you and reinforces your self-control.

System: All Willpower rolls made while you're on or within sight of the sea have their difficulties lowered by one.
Book Ref: Clanbook Lasombra (Revised Edition), pg.#64

People Person 2 General Social WW8120


Synopsis: You're a social animal. You just like being around others. hell, they like being around you.

System: You open and gregarious nature makes people warm to you quickly. The difficulty of any Social roll to create a good impression on another is decreased by two.
Book Ref: Hunter Players Guide, pg.#107
Demon Players Guide, pg.#80

Perceive Vampires 2 Dhampir Supernatural WW2120
Synopsis: A dhampir with this Merit can always recognize a vampire for what it is.

System: The dhampire can automatically recognize a vampire despite makeup, Merits such as Blush of Health or Thaumaturgical rituals that let a vamprie mimic certain aspects of life. Obfuscate works only partially. The dhampir cannot see an"invisible" vampire, but knows that one lurks nearby. A dhampire sees the false image created by Mask of a Thousand Faces, but still knows that the person is really a vampire.
Notes: We do not allow the 5 point version found in the book.
Book Ref: Time of Thin Bloods, pg.#84

Perfect Balance 3 General Physical WW92041 Synopsis: Your sense of balance is acute thanks to constant training or inherited traits. It's very unlikely that you'll ever fall during your life. You may trip, but you always catch yourself before you fully lose your footing or handhold.

System: This Merit aids such actions as tightrope walking, crossing ice and climbing mountains; all such feats are at -3 difficulty.
Notes: This is intentionally used over versions in other books. If you are looking for the 1pt version, City of Hope uses Cat-like Balance for that. For more questions, see +explain Cat-like Balance.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#178

Perfect Liar 3 General Social WW4014 Synopsis: When you speak, everything is the truth. Your words never quaver, your vital signs remain normal, your facts seem consistent and your eyes betray no deception whatsoever. No matter how outrageous your story might be, an objective observer will assume that at least you believe it's true.

System: In game terms, most casual deceptions succeed automatically. Subtract two from the difficulty of any roll that involves fooling someone about something important. This Merit will not foil Mind magic, aura-reading, or other forms of mystic truth-seeking, but it will deceive any mundane detection (like body language or lie detectors).
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#166

Perfect Protocol 1 Shifter Hengeyokai Social WW3063 Synopsis: You have a natural talent for dealing with other shen; you were born to take tea with the lords of the hsien, and you can politely address even the most hideous Kuei-jin in a highly pleasing fashion.

System: The difficulty of your Empathy, Expression, and Etiquette rolls when dealing with another shen in a courtly fashion is reduced by 2.
Book Ref: Hengeyokai Shapeshifters of the East, pg.#107

Personal Aura 2 Vampire Supernatural WW20006 Synopsis: You do not project the aura associated with your road. Instead, your aura reflects some deeper aspect of your Nature or personality. You may choose the aura associated with any road (subject to Storyteller approval) or create your own, calculating your aura modifier according to your permanent Willpower.

Book Ref: Players Guide to Low Clans, pg.#188

Phantom Fate 5(7) Changeling Supernatural WW7311 Synopsis: Fate's tapestry records the life and destiny of every living being. Most lives are stitched in bright and vivid threads, easy for Fate's disciples to watch and record. Others, however, are recorded in threads invisible to all but the most discerning eye. Because House Scathach has taken up a contrarian relationship to Fate's design, some have become truly adept at camouflaging their patterns.

System: Such "ciphers are all but invisible to the Soothsay cantrip Omen (the only way to track such a character is by deciphering the "ripples" she causes when she interacts with others). Furthermore, all other Soothsay cantrips are at +3 difficulty when cast against her, though this additional difficulty pertains to beneficial and detrimental effects alike. The character is just as likely to deflect blessings as curses and may not purchase any Merits or Flaws pertaining to luck.
xxxxxScathach who attain the seventh level of mastery undergo a rite known as the Trial of Shadows and automatically exhibit this Merit - if they survive.
Notes: This Merit is not exclusive to House Scathach (indeed, even some humans may unwittingly be ciphers) but it is quite rare elsewhere. The cost is +2 points for all other fae. Moirae may not purchase this Merit and are particularly apathetic towards those so endowed.
Book Ref: Changeling the Dreaming - Book of Lost Houses, pg.#111

Photographic Memory 3 Shifter Bastet Aptitude WW3037 Synopsis: A real asset for talekeepers and spies, this talent allows you to remember things with almost-total recall. Your memory isn't literally photographic, but it's close.

System: In game terms, you can recount conversations verbatim, or ask the Storyteller to refresh your cat's memory of things that you the player may have forgotten. He may demand an Intelligence roll before doing so, with the difficulty depending on the memory's complexity and obscurity. Remembering the address of the apartment you visited last night would be 4; remembering your first boyfriend's phone number would be 6; remembering the social security number on a file you saw last week would be a 9. Naturally, you have to have something to remember before you can remember it. This Merit does not supply facts that your character wouldn't have noticed in the first place.
Book Ref: Bastet, pg.#87

Piscine 1 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: You are abnormally comfortable underwater and vastly prefer swimming to walking.

System: You get a -1 difficulty on any Physical dice pool related to underwater movement.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Pithus Alteration 4 Shifter Ananasi Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: Unlike most of the Damhan you have conscious control over exactly the appearance your body will take when you convert to the Pithus form. The actual changes to what you can do are minimal, but there are advantages to picking the spiderj form you want to employ. Most Ananasi look a certain way and. are readily recognizable by their appearance. With this ability it's easier to blend in wherever you might not be known (and want to keep it that way). Mostly, however, the advantage is psychological. Some people are more terrified by the image of a tarantula than they are by the idea of a giant black widow.

Book Ref: Ananasi, pg.#83

Pitiable 1 General Social WW2206


Synopsis: There is something about you that others pity. This causes them to care for you as if you were a Child (Archetype). Some Natures will not be affected by this Merit (Autocrat, Deviant, Fanatic, Sycophant), and some Demeanors may pretend they are not. You need to decide what it is about you that attracts such pity, and how much (or how little) you like it.

Book Ref: Vampire Player's Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#7
Werewolf Players Guide (1st Edition), pg.#21

Poetic Heart 2 Changeling Supernatural WW92041 Synopsis: You have a truly inspired soul within you, your Glamour repelling the ravages of Banality.

System: You may make a Willpower roll (difficulty equal to your permanent Banality) to avoid gaining a point of temporary Banality once per story.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#186

Poison Resistance 1 General Physical WW92041 Synopsis: You have, for some reason or another, become resistant to poisons. It could be that you are somehow naturally resistant, or that you have spent years building up your resistance against all known types of poisons.

System: Any time you need to make a soak roll against the effects of a poison or toxin, reduce your difficulty by three.
Notes: There is a 2pt version in Crusade Lore, but it is not allowed as of yet. If you want that version, please submit a +request. Until then, this is the only version allowed on City of Hope.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#177

Poker Face 2 General Social WW4014 Synopsis: A specialty of Men in Black; no matter what happens, you maintain a facade of perfect calm. Nothing short of an extra-dimensional deific manifestation can make you blink, and even that might not do it. The appearance may be deceptive - you could be screaming inside for all anyone knows - but quite complete... and very disconcerting.

Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, pg.#166

Powerful Gaze 1 Vampire Social WW20031 Synopsis: You have a quality that makes your gaze forceful and menacing. Those who meet your eyes must look away, or else are captured, almost entranced, by your gaze.

System: You gain a -2 to the difficulties of all Social rolls where you are able to make and maintain eye contact with the person you are dealing with. This means being at fairly close quarters (a few yards or less), and it only affects one person at a time.
Book Ref: Road of Kings, pg.#74

Precocious 3 General Mental WW2302 Synopsis: You learn quickly.

System: The time for you to pick up a particular Ability (or Abilities, at Storyteller discretion) is cut in half, as is the experience cost.
Pick one of the following and set a +note on yourself:

  • One primary ability
  • Two secondary abilities
  • One primary ability and a related secondary ability (you must already have at least one dot in each)

The XP cost to increase these abilities is half the usual amount (rounded up).
Notes: See +explain Precocious
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#74

Precognition (merit) 4 General Supernatural WW4010


Synopsis: You occasionally have glimpses of the future. Although such visions are beyond your control, you may try to "summon" one by entering a trance and attuning yourself to fate.

System: When employed with the Divination Path, this Merit lets you add two dice to your pool; otherwise, the Storyteller will determine what (if anything) you see and how accurately it reflects coming events. This Merit should, of course, offer some insight, but as any seer knows, prophecy is an odd and chancy business. Visions often strike without warning and are not always pleasant to receive.
Book Ref: World of Darkness: Sorcerer, pg.#68
Mummy: The Resurrection (2nd Edition), pg.#68
Halls of the Arcanum, pg.#64

Prehensile Tongue 2 Changeling Sluagh Physical WW92041 Synopsis: An additional prehensile limb is a useful, yet potentially

disgusting, feature to possess.
System: At two points, your tongue acts as a two-foot (60cm) long limb, capable of grasping and wielding objects. While not the best of weapons, it can be used for a poke in the eye or revolting slap. When the tongue is extended, speech is incomprehensible.
xxxxxIn order to use a prehensile tongue successfully, you must roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7). A success allows full control of the extra limb for the scene. A failure indicates the specific attempt fails; a botch leaves the protruding tongue hanging disgustingly limp down your front.
Notes: This merit is for Sluagh only, other kiths at staff discretion.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#178

Prehensile Tail 4 Changeling Sluagh Physical WW92041 Synopsis: An additional prehensile limb is a useful, yet potentially disgusting, feature to possess.

System: At four points, you possess a tail like a monkey’s. This tail is two feet long (60cm), and can perform simple manual tasks such as pushing buttons and lifting objects with a Strength equal to half the changeling’s rating (rounded up). A prehensile tail can wield a weapon with a Melee rating equal to half the changeling’s rating (rounded up).
You may use a prehensile tail with the same dexterous capability as any of your other limbs.
Notes: This merit is for Sluagh only, other kiths at staff discretion.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#178

Prestigious Mentor 1 Changeling Social WW7300 Synopsis: Your mentor had or has great Status among the Kithain, and this has accorded you a peculiar honor. Most treat you respectfully as a result, while some have only contempt for you, believing you to be merely riding your mentor's coattails. This prestige could greatly aid you when dealing with elders acquainted with your mentor. Indeed, your mentor's contacts may actually approach you at some point offering aid. Although your mentor might no longer have contact with you, the simple fact of your apprenticeship has marked you forever.

Book Ref: Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#165

Prestigious Sire 1 Vampire Social WW2300 Synopsis: Your sire has or had great status in her Sect or Clan, and this has accorded you a certain amount of prestige. Though your sire may no longer have any dealings with you, the simple fact of your ancestry has marked you forever. This prestige might aid you greatly in dealings with other vampires, or it might engender jealousy or contempt.

Notes: On City of Hope, this gives you +1 to your status.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300

Projectile Vomiting 2 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: This talent is like the Eat Food Merit, but twice as versatile. Food comes in; food goes out very, very fast. A vampire with this ability can ingest and possibly even taste, food and drink. He cannot gain any nutritional benefit from this ordinarily digestible matter, but he can store it for later use. When this need arises, the Nosferatu can not only disgorge his stored supply of food, but also aim it with a degree of precision.

System: For the record, projectile vomiting in the Storyteller system usually requires a Stamina + Athletics roll; the difficulty is 8, and a victim can attempt to dodge this bolus of ejected victuals. Although this attack does not cause damage (save to one's pride), the type of food ejected may temporarily obscure a victim's vision, cause him to slip or merely force him to weep with shame at a Camarilla Toreador's grand ball. Pity the poor vomit drenched Toreador...
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Promethean Clay 5 Vampire Tzimisce Physical WW20007 Synopsis: Your flesh ripples and molds itself to your preternatural will, almost before you consciously invoke the change. The difficulty to use any Vicissitude power on you is 2 less than normal, and you may activate Vicissitude powers reflexively at your full dice pool while taking other actions. Powers that require multiple turns to activate still require the usual duration - the change simply occurs without conscious direction. As a final benefit, you need no physical sculpting to use the first three levels of Vicissitude on yourself, as your flesh undulates and extrudes to its desired shape.

Notes: Only characters with at least one dot of Vicissitude may purchase this Merit.
Book Ref: Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#207

Prophetic Ability 4 General Supernatural WW2020


Synopsis: God speaks to you in signs and portents, visions and images. Some visions may be precognitive, while others might be warnings or advice. You can not request or induce a prophetic vision; they come on their own. These visions will range from the obvious to the symbolic; the exact nature and effect of the visions is up to the Storyteller. This Merit should provide dramatic moments, and players should not come to rely upon them for plot resolution.

Book Ref: The Inquisition, pg.#58
World of Darkness: Sorcerer, pg.#68

Protege 1 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: Your sire watched you for some time before Embracing you, and spoke glowingly of you to acquaintances. These vampires may be inclined to look favorably on you by dint of your sire’s recommendation.

System: You are at -1 difficulty on Social rolls with all those who’ve heard good things about you.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#75

Proxy Kissed 4 Vampire Giovanni Supernatural WW2363 Synopsis: Before the Embrace, you received the traditional Giovanni Proxy Kiss.

System: This means you have one free dot of Potence, and the other members of your clan tend to be comfortable that you were Embraced in "the proper Giovanni fashion." On the downside, you are partially blood bound to someone - probably someone other than your sire. Given the way that anziani like to balance things out, you may well have been Embrace by someone who dislikes or disagrees with your domitor.
Notes: You may take this Merit a second time (for a total of 8 points) to gain a free dot of Fortitude, indicating a very long service as a ghoul. If you do this, it means that you're: (a) partially bound to three Kindred, (b) one-third bound to one and two-thirds bound to another, or (c) fully bound to the Kindred who Embraced you, who will probably be in deep shit with the elders - if she isn't an elder herself.
Book Ref: Clanbook Giovanni (Revised Edition), pg.#77

Psychic Ritual 2 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4254 Synopsis: Your psychic is a true rarity amongst the pure practitioners of the Arts of mental magic. Some realization of the importance of the universe has crept into his subconscious sufficiently that he has even managed to create a ritual that allows him to perform some extended psychic effect.

System: You need to create a ritual, approved by your Storyteller, for one of the levels of one of your character's psychic Paths. When your character performs this ritual, you may use the normal rules for rituals and extended magic rules, with minor necessary changes. Obviously, as your psychic does not gain Paradox, the penalty for a botch falls to the Storyteller, greatly increasing the horrific effects of the catastrophic failure. Your roll is limited to no more dice than your psychic's Stamina + Parapsychology. (In this case, you may roll simply your Stamina dice, even if you don't have the Parapsychology Knowledge.)
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#54

Puddle 5 Changeling Sluagh Supernatural WW7051 Synopsis: As the centuries slithered past, the Sluagh slowly lost their ability to assume any form they desired. Gradually they became more and more restricted in the shapes they could assume, eventually being locked into one more or less human guise.

xxxxxBut not you. With the Puddle Merit, you can reduce your form to a flattened pool of goo on the ground, ooze through the smallest cracks and crannies and pour yourself into containers that shouldn't be able to hold you - and then assume your proper form, none the worse for wear. This trick is particularly useful for spies, couriers and assassins.
System: In order for a Sluagh to Puddle, the player must make a Stamina + Athletics roll (difficulty 6). Moving while in Puddle form requires Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7), while reconstituting takes Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). A botch on either of the last two rolls renders the Sluagh an inert quivering mass, easily caught and poured into a container for safe keeping. Failure simply means that the Sluagh must try again.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Sluagh, pg.#64

Pure Blood 5 Vampire Physical WW20007 Synopsis: The curse of Caine runs strongly in your veins.

System: You may spend one more blood point per turn than your generation should permit. You look especially pale and drawn under Soulsight and yet oddly flushed with abundance health.
Book Ref: Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#207

Purity (merit) 4 Wraith Pardoner Supernatural WW6304 Synopsis: You have great spiritual purity, which allows you to utilize your higher consciousness to fight off the ravages of Oblivion.

System: With this merit, you begin the game with 2 points in Eidolon. Furthermore, this Merit reduces the difficulty of all Purify (Castigate ***) rolls by 1.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Pardoners and Puppeteers, pg.#131

Quick Healer 3 Wraith Spooks Supernatural WW6305 Synopsis: Your Corpus heals faster than normal when "struck" by something in the Skinlands. Quick scrapes heal almost immediately, while more substantial injuries (getting "run over" by a car, for instance) tend to heal in about half the time they usually do for other wraiths.

System: This Merit automatically decreases the difficulty of all Stamina soak rolls by one. In addition, substantial injuries require the use of one less point of Pathos to heal.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Spooks and Oracles, pg.#51

Ratkin Buddies 3 Shifter Garou Bone Gnawers Social WW3852 Synopsis: You poor bastard. Ratkin like you. For some reason, an entire pack of them has taken a personal interest in you. On a good day, they'll swarm into your life and solve one of your pesky little problems - sometimes by twisting it around into a completely different problem. On a really good day, they'll decide that one of your enemies is their enemy, too, making the poor fool's life a living hell (that is, worse than yours). And then there are the bad days, the ones where they show up unexpectedly asking for a place to crash, eat all your food, borrow some of your stuff, or generally raise hell where you live. You've learned to be really tolerant of them, because if you're not, they'll make your life a living hell, too.

System: No more than one Garou in a pack can take this Merit. Ratkin have a chance of manifesting at a random time once every four sessions of game play. The Storyteller decides the precise moment the player must roll a die on this nifty little table:

# of dots Effect
1: Bad Day - Ratkin make your life difficult.
2-5: Sad Day - No Ratkin. Go outside and leave a present for the local rats.
6-8: Good Day - Ratkin perform a minor favor.
9: Really Good Day - Ratkin allies save your ass.
10: One Ratkin joins the rat pack, one leaves. The new Ratkin leaves you a gift as an introduction. He thinks its neat, even if you don't.

The results affect the story as defined in the first paragraph of this Merit. The Ratkin pack has a number of wererats equal to the size of the character's pack minus one. Note that Ratkin are not inclined to appear to Garou other than Bone Gnawers; if you're part of a multi tribal pack, your packmates may never learn the nature of your hidden "benefactors". As an optional rule, if Ratkin show up as part of the chronicle, the player who's chosen this Merit plays his Garou character, but every other player in the troupe can temporarily play a character in the rat pack.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised Edition), pg.#80

Recognize Garou 3 Shifter Garou Kinfolk Social WW3074 Synopsis: Over the years, you've become adept at picking out the werewolves in a crowd. Rather than having any kind of mystical awareness, you've simply learned what physical and personality traits tend to mark Gaia's warriors. They just stand out to you, once they've undergone the Change.

System: This Merit doesn't allow you to find werewolf cubs on the verge of Firsting, but you may notice their propensity for violence. All Perception attempts to notice which people in the room seem to have that special touch of Rage or wilderness that could indicate they're werewolves are at -2 difficulty.
Book Ref: Kinfolk Unsung Heroes, pg.#52

Regeneration (merit) 7 Changeling Supernatural WW92041 Synopsis: Your faerie nature is very strong, and as a result you heal much faster than other Kithain.

System: For every turn spent resting, you recover one Health Level of chimerical damage. Physical wounds can be regenerated at a rate of one Health Level per hour. While in a freehold, your wounds heal at twice this speed. Wounds inflicted by cold iron are not affected by this Merit.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#186

Rep 1 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: Your fame has exceeded the bounds of your Sect. Everyone knows who you are, what you’ve done and what you’re supposed to have done (which might not be the same thing). The publicity can be good or bad; what matters is that everybody knows your name. Whether individuals outside of your immediate social circle know enough to match your face to your name is a different matter.

Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#75

Reptile Buddy 3 Vampire Nosferatu Supernatural WW2354 Synopsis: Yes, those legends about albino alligators in the sewers really are true. You've been nursing a few of them with your vitae in the local spawning pool for years. Your careful breeding and vigilant training has produced a reptilian slave of exceptional intelligence. It has a mind as sharp as that as a five-year-old child and teeth as keen as butcher knives. The beast understands your native language perfectly and can even follow complex directions. Faster and deadlier than any human ghoul, it is a highly efficient killing machine fully capable of patrolling your domain with ruthless efficiency. Reptile buddies also love to play "fetch" with human limbs (whether attached or severed).

System: Ghouled Reptile Buddy
Physical: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 6
Social: Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Potence 2
Blood Pool: 5
Willpower: 5
Attacks: Bite (7 dice(, Tail Slap (6 dice)
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Reputation 2 Not Allowed Social WW2206


Synopsis: You have a good reputation among the Kindred of your chosen city. This may be your own reputation, or it may be derived from your sire.

System: Add three dice to all Dice Pools for social dealings with the city's Kindred.
Notes: A character with this Merit may not take the Flaw of Notoriety.
Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#9
Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#18
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#24
Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#165

Resemble Kindred 2 General Physical WW2205 Synopsis: You look like a Vampire - unusually pale and thin like them. You can move among them as one of them, but they may force the new stranger before the Prince for recognition, and he may ask for a Blood Bond.

Book Ref: The Hunters Hunted, pg.#60

Resigned Spirit 2 Shifter Garou Social WW3110 Synopsis: (Lu-Bat) You accept defeat and setbacks with a calmness uncommon in most Garou. Others find it difficult to provoke you to anger by taunts or insults and you do not get overly disappointed when you fail.

System: You gain a +2 to your difficulty to frenzy from trivial matters such as personal frustration or the goading of others. When a true occasion for frenzy presents itself - such as the sight of a place ravaged by Wyrm taint - your chance for frenzy is normal
Notes: It is highly unlikely, but not impossible for Fera to take this merit, but it will not be approved in character generation.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#129

Resistant Pattern 7 Mage Physical WW4603 Synopsis: Aggravated damage means nothing to you, at least personally. Enchanted weapons, vampire fangs, deadly spells and toxic waste can still harm you, of course, but this damage is no worse than that dealt out by ordinary weapons, cat claws, car crashes and sports injuries, any of which can still kill you.

System: You take only lethal damage from attacks that would normally score aggravated wounds, including the Avatar Storm.
Book Ref: Guide to the Traditions, pg.#229

Resonant Passion 3 Mage Cult of Ecstasy Supernatural WW4661 Synopsis: One of your mage's areas of Resonance also reflects a strong internal tie to one of the Nine Sacred Passions (pg.#43 of Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy Revised).

System: Choose one of your character's Resonance Traits. Whenever your mage performs magic that gains a bonus from that Resonance, you gain a two point difficulty break instead of one.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Cult of Ecstasy, pg.#43 & 69

Revenant Disciplines 3 Vampire Tzimisce Supernatural WW2361 Synopsis: The ties to your revenante family stayed with you well past the Embrace. As such, the Disciplines that were innate to you as a ghoul have remained so as Cainite.

System: At character creation, select the ghoul family from which you hail. Instead of the Tzimisce's standard complement of Animalism, Auspex, and Vicissitude, you instead draw from your three family Disciplines for your starting allocation (though you may buy other Disciplines with freebies, as normal). Also, you learn your family Disciplines at the cost of a clan Discipline. It's either or, however, meaning you cannot buy both the Tzimisce and family powers at clan cost unless they both share a particular ability like Vicissitude.
Book Ref: Clanbook Tzimisce (Revised Edition), pg.#69

Rip Van Winkle 3-6 Shifter Gurahl Social WW3079 Synopsis: You woke up from a long slumber, and now the whole world is new to you. On the down side, you have lost many of your memories about who you were and what you knew. You know you are a Gurahl, and you remember some of the Gifts and rites you used to know, but the rest lies buried in the fog of time. On the up side, there's a strange and wonderful world outside just waiting for you to tackle it head on. It's like a second cubhood in many ways. Maybe this time, you can get it right (whatever "it" is).

System: "Beginning the game with this Merit allows the player to create a beginning Gurahl with an auspice other than Arcas. It also gives the new character a wider choice of beginning Auspice Gifts (though she is still limited in the number of Gifts she can begin play with).
This Merit requires particular permission from your Storyteller to purchase, for although the roleplaying possibilities of playing a werebear born in the 19th century - or even the Middle Ages! - are obviously fascinating, it can be extra trouble for your Storyteller. In any event, pay particular attention to choosing Abilities when creating a character of this type. Almost no late slumberers of this nature have any skill in Computer, for instance.
The number of points spent in purchasing the Merit determines what auspice your beginning Gurahl has, and the Gift choices available to her.

3 pts Your Gurahl begins as an Uzmati, and she can choose her beginning Auspice Gift from either the Arcas or Uzmati categories.
4 pts Your Gurahl begins as a Kojubat, and she can choose her beginning Auspice Gift from among the Arcas, Uzmati, and Kojubat categories.
5 pts Your Gurahl begins as Kieh, and she can choose her beginning Auspice Gift from the Arcas, Uzmati, Kojubat, or Kieh categories.
6 pts Your Gurahl begins as a Rishi, and she can choose her beginning Auspice Gift from any category.

Book Ref: Gurahl, pg.#89

Ritual Congregation 4 Sorcerer Social WW4254 Synopsis: Some magicians require large numbers of believers to aid them in creating the resonance and trappings necessary to invoke spells or rituals. Most individuals limited in such a way become adept at manipulating or swaying audiences into helping them, unwittingly or not. You have carefully cultivated a group of at least 100 members who are at least familiar enough with the concepts of your magical style to serve as useful aids in the process. Of course, most of them are expecting something in return, whether it be redemption, social interaction, or direct magical benefit.

Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#54

Robust Health 1 General Physical WW8120 Synopsis: Your character has the constitution of an ox. She rarely gets ill, if at all, and food poisoning is a stranger to her.

System: Reduce the difficulty of any roll to resist illness or poisoning - including alcohol poisoning - by two.
Book Ref: Hunters Players Guide, pg.#109

Rugged Bad Looks 5 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: Your face is hideous, but it could almost pass for that of a really ugly human. If you were to cover every other part of your body, you could shamble into mortal society looking only slightly suspicious. While you might have a hunchback, reptilian scales over parts of your flesh or a foul stench that never dissipates, you can actually walk among mortals - with extensive precautions - without automatically breaking the Masquerade. Other vampires give you no end of grief for not looking like a "real" Nosferatu. By the way, this is as "attractive" as a Nosferatu ever gets; no merit will ever increase a Nosferatu's Appearance above zero.

Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#72

Sabbat Survivor 1 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: You’ve lived through at least one Sabbat attack or attempted recruitment. Your experience helps you anticipate situations where you might potentially be endangered by the Sabbat once again.

System: You are at -1 difficulty on all Perception rolls when it comes to Sabbat-based matters. This Merit is generally taken by groups in conflict with the Sabbat, and comes into play most frequently as a means of avoiding ambushes.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#75

Sacred Crocodile 3 Mokole Social WW3081 Synopsis: Your suchid form is sacred to a human religious cult who honor you as the embodiment of divinity. You usually live in a pool near the temple. Your worshippers are mostly Kinfolk. However, they may not know that you are Mokole. you do not get any money from them (after all, you are a crocodile) buy you are provided with food (such as animal "sacrifics") as well as a secure place to live. Often you are painted or decorated with flowers, ribbons, etc., for religious festivals.

System: You must not harm or offend your followers, or they may turn on you. This Merit is most common among Makara and Mokore-mbembe. Please note that unless the worshippers are purchased as allies, they will not do much except throw food to you and worship the "god within" you. They do not obey you, although they may listen to a priest who talks about you. unless you also purchase the Kinfolk background, the worshippers and priests don't know that you are Mokole, and will be frightened if you shapeshift, start to talk, etc. This Merit is particularly appropriate for historical games.
Book Ref: Mokole Breedbook, pg.#71

Sanctity 2 Vampire Social WW2303 Synopsis: This Merit is sometimes called the halo effect; everyone considers you pure and innocent, though not necessarily naïve. You have a saint-like quality that is hard to pinpoint but cannot be denied. You are trusted, even if you are not trustworthy. At the Storyteller’s discretion, you tend to receive lesser punishments for wrongdoing, and you are liked by most.

Book Ref: Guide to the Sabbat, pg.#95

Sanguine Incongruity 5 Vampire Giovanni Physical WW2363 Synopsis: Giovanni with this atavism are few and far between - fewer than a dozen reported instances have occurred since the clan rose from the ashes of the clan that preceded them.

System: Kindred possessing it do not bear the Curse of Lamia; their Kiss causes no more damage than the blood loss itself. These vampires acquire a peculiar pallor upon their Embrace however - they look like corpses, and no amount of blood ingestion can flush their features (as other vampires are able to do). Giovanni with this Merit are afforded wide berth, as the Giovanni tend to be quite superstitious about it.
Book Ref: Clanbook Giovanni (Revised Edition), pg.#78

Save Thy Servant 3 Vampire Physical WW20032 Synopsis: This Merit is most commonly found among those on the Path of Penitence, but it is available to any of the Faithful. Of all Cainites, it is those who walk the Via Caeli that are most often given to ritual self-abuse and vicious bouts of flagellation in their attempt to do what they believe is God's will on Earth. The paradox of such behavior, however, is that it can leave terrible wounds when taken to extremes - wounds that invariably require the vampire to hunt down and shed yet more innocent blood.

System: This Merit seems to be the means by which God has reconciled this paradox. Those graced with it have the ability to regenerate self-inflicted damage. Any wound you suffer at your own hand (and in the name of prayer or atonement) counts merely as bashing damage, no matter how grievous the wound itself may be, and may be healed with the expenditure of a single blood point, regardless of how many wound levels were suffered. Thus, if you cut off your own arm in penance, suffering two "aggravated" wounds in the process, you may regrow that arm at the cost of a single blood point. This ability may not be transferred to another not benefited from at the expense of the Merit's intent.
Book Ref: Road of Heaven, pg.#73

Scholar Of Enemies 2 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: You have taken the time to learn about and specialize in one particular enemy of your Sect. You are aware of at least some of the group’s customs, strategies, abilities, and long-term goals, and can put that knowledge to good use.

System: This Merit is worth a -2 difficulty for all non-combat rolls pertaining specifically to the subject of your specialization. On the other hand, you are at a +1 difficulty when it comes to dealing with other enemies, simply because you’re so thoroughly focused on your field.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Scholar Of Others 2 Vampire Social WW2302 Synopsis: This Merit functions identically to Scholar of Enemies, except that it applies to a group that is not necessarily inimical to your Sect.

Notes: This merit is listed in C20, but staff has decided to keep it only for Vampires at this time.
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#76

Scientific Mystic 3 Mage Sons of Ether Mental WW4658 Synopsis: Some Etherites have a special aptitude for interpreting other magical styles through the lens of their own theories. As a result, they can use mystical methods, even if their own paradigms are devoted to scientific truth. Polymath Adventurers are known for their "secret studies in the East" or esoteric technologies pulled from ancient legends.

System: This Merit allows a character to use one other Tradition or Craft's foci for one Sphere that the character knows as long as the player can justify how this knowledge fits into the character's paradigm. For example, a rune-carving Son of Ether isn't using "Norse magic", but the geometric, psychological and psionic insights of a culture whose discoveries were, no doubt, downplayed by the enemies of Science! The character may select a specialty focus, but this choice replaces the normal specialty focus for the Sphere.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Sons of Ether, pg.#58

Secret Death 2 Wraith Social WW6302 Synopsis: There is no official record of your death, and few people, if any, know that you ever died. In a society where so many of our interactions require that we prove that we are who we say we are, this can be a considerable benefit.

Book Ref: Wraith: The Oblivion - The Risen, pg.#38

Seeming's Blessing 5 Changeling Supernatural WW7300 Synopsis: All of your Birthrights affect your mortal seeming as well as your fae mien. They even function normally in the presence of mortals.

System: A sidhe would have her extra dots in Appearance, a satyr would get his extra stamina and speed, trolls would get their extra strength, etc.
Book Ref: Changeling The Dreaming (2nd Edition), pg.#164

Seldom Sleeps 2 Shifter Garou Fianna Supernatural WW3854 Synopsis: Like the Second Sight, this Merit is the product of a dab of magic in the blood. While rest is still required after exertion, sleep is seldom necessary. One hour a night is fine, and even an hour every three days won't make the Fianna more than a little red-eyed. Such people find themselves pulling more than their share of guard duty.

Book Ref: Tribebook: Fianna (Revised Edition), pg.#83

Sense Of The Metal 1 Wraith Supernatural WW6300 Synopsis: You have a good sense of how metal feels, enabling you to bend it to your will more easily.

System: All arts involving metal (such as Lightning's Bite) are at a -1 difficulty, and you gain the same bonus when trying to Germlinize or Claim something made completely of metal.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Artificers, pg.#50

Sexual Reverie 4 Changeling Satyr Supernatural WW7053 Synopsis: As a rule, Reverie requires the slow and careful cultivation of a Dreamer. The Changeling inspires a mortal to achieve greatness by tapping into the Dreaming and creating a Glamour-filled work. Some Satyrs, however, have the ability to bring mortals to such incredible heights of pleasure that the actual act of having sex produces Glamour that the goat can then harvest. This process takes more than one session usually, though in certain cases, the intensity of a one night stand is enough.

System: For these epiphanies to work, it must be more than just a literal bumping in the night: The Satyr must establish a special connection between herself and the mortal, which could be a smoldering desire that has built up over time and finally come to fruition, or a fulfillment of the mortal's fantasies, or some similarly magical circumstance. Finding the right time and place generally makes a huge difference, and the Satyr may prepare for months, trying to set up the perfect situation. For a Satyr to achieve epiphany through sex, the player must roll Manipulation + Empathy (difficulty 4). The number of successes rolled equates to the number of Glamour points gained by the Changeling.
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Satyrs, pg.#65

Sexy 2 General Physical WW8202 Synopsis: Your character's one sexy mutha. She might not necessarily be that classically good looking, but there's something about the way she moves and acts that exudes sexuality. As a result, she drawls in members of the opposite sex, or homosexual members of her own sex, with raw animal magnetism.

System: You may reduce the difficulty of any Social roll by two when dealing with a character who is attracted to your character. If you actively attempt to use your character's charms against someone, you may reduce the difficulty by three.
Notes: See +explain Sexy
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#78

Sex Appeal 3 General Social WW92041 Synopsis: You put it down to your looks and charm, but the dark truth is you have a dangerous, and perhaps unconscious, level of control over your pheromones. Your sexiness and sensuality attracts lovers to you like moths to a flame. You are the irresistible center of attention at any gathering.

System: All rolls where sexual attraction matters have the difficulty reduced by three. This Merit cannot be used to seduce someone lacking a baseline of sexual attraction to the character.
Notes: See +explain Sex Appeal
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#178

Sex Appeal 4 Ananasi Social WW3082


Synopsis: You may not be the most attractive creature around, but in human form you're pretty desirable, whether it's grace, charm, or pheromones. You might not even be a given person's "type", but most folks still find being around you a highly pleasant experience. As a result, the opposite sex is putty in your hands.

System: All Social rolls dealing with people who are attracted to your gender are at a -2 difficulty.
Notes: See +explain Sex Appeal
Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Shamanic Authority 2 to 4 Sorcerer Social WW4043 Synopsis: You are recognized as a true shaman by a select group of people. This Merit carries both significant mundane influence and substantial responsibility. These people (who can be anything from a small, isolated band or tribe, to a local ethnic community in a large American city) aid you in any reasonable fashion that they can. Among other advantages, these people will support you with cash, goods, or services. The larger and less isolated the community, the greater the cost of the Merit. Being the shaman for an isolated tribe of 60 people would be worth only two points, whereas being recognized as a shaman for an ethnic community of several thousand people living in a major city is worth four points. Your people will aid and support you in a style appropriate to their own resources. If you are living in a small community, you may have a one room home and regular (if bland) food, plus a marginal income of trinkets and gifts. Your flock will also attempt to protect you and aid you.

xxxxxHowever, in return for protection and sustenance, you are expected to act as the spiritual guide and intermediary of your community. You will be expected to heal the sick, contact spirits of the departed, bless the community's members and allies and possibly curse their enemies. Failure to meet these obligations will result in losing all benefits from this Merit (at best), and it may even cause the people to turn against you and attempt to find another shaman to cast a curse on you.
xxxxxMost Dreamspeakers with this Merit live full-time in their community. those who do not usually have assistants or allies, such as lesser shamans, who help manage the spiritual affairs of the community while the Dreamspeaker is absent. In the vast majority of cases, shamans with this Merit were born and raised in the community to which they minister.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#104

Shamanic Traditionalist 4 or 6 Mage Mental WW4043 Synopsis: Though you are a member of one of the Traditions, you had a shamanic Awakening, a calling through the spirits that took you to death's door and thence to realization of the single world. Perhaps a silicon spirit infected you before you joined the Virtual Adepts, or maybe you fell ill under the eye of a spirit of knowledge and then came through the fire to join the Order of Hermes. Whatever the case, you have some shamanic understanding combined with your Tradition ties.

System: With the four point version of this Merit, you can take the Totem Background. You likely have a totem spirit - not necessarily an animal, if you're a modern shaman - and you can speak with it just like a Dreamspeaker. You may choose to make Spirit your specialty Sphere in lieu of your Tradition's normal specialty.
xxxxxWith the six point version of Shamanic Traditionalist, you may have a totem, and you get Spirit as a speciality in addition to your normal Tradition Sphere! You don't start with an extra dot of Spirit (though you should certainly put one of your starting dots there), but it's easier for you to improve with experience points.
xxxxxObviously the Shamanic Traditionalist Merit is pointless for Dreamspeakers, who get all of its advantages already. Similarly, it's too far afield mystically to be appropriate for Technocrats.
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#105

Shame 2 Shifter Garou Bone Gnawer Social WW3852 Synopsis: Your distant Garou ancestors weren't Bone Gnawers. Somewhere along the way, one of your ancestors shamed himself in some way. As a result, his descendants were so infamous or reviled that only the Bone Gnawer tribe would take them in. His reputation precedes you, as well.

xxxxxThe good news is that you can still draw upon the strength of a few of your more esteemed ancestors. Treat this like one dot in the Ancestors Background. None of these ancestors were Bone Gnawers (of course) and none of them were more recent than at least three centuries ago. This is the closest a Bone Gnawer can ever get to the Ancestors Background (without using the optional Bootstrapping Rule).
System: The bad news is that elders may learn of or even recognize your shameful lineage. Here's the catch: Each time you meet an elder for the first time, the Storyteller may roll your permanent Glory against a difficulty of (your Rank +5). If the roll scores even one success, your family's dark past is revealed. In addition to any story complications, you then gain an additional +2 difficulty on all Social based dice pools with all elders in that sept. (If you're using the optional Tribal Disadvantage, this disadvantage stacks with that +1 difficulty.)
xxxxxThis game mechanic doesn't preclude some rival (or an inquisitive Shadow Lord) from finding this dark secret on his own as part of an entire subplot with a Bone Gnawer who tries to gain a deeper understanding of his ancestry while hiding it from his sept's elders. The ancestor may do more than simply bestow an occasional benefit to a dice pool - he may also grant forbidden lore or a temptation that may affect the Bone Gnawer's destiny forever.
Notes: Staff note: Research Bootstrapping rule/tribe disadvantage/restrictions, define on the Bone Gnawer page with HR, update this Merit Note and System
Book Ref: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised Edition), pg.#80

Shattered Avatar 5 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Although not necessarily weak, your character's Avatar has been broken to pieces. Your mage has one splinter - your Avatar rating, if you have one, purchased at the normal cost for that Background - and the other pieces are scattered elsewhere. However, what has been broken can be put back together, at least in this case. If you can find the other pieces of your mage's Avatar through questing and roleplaying, you may increase your Avatar rating after Character Generation.

xxxxxThe other pieces of your character's Avatar may be scattered about the cosmos, secreted in extra-dimensional hidey-holes with sphinxes and other creatures guarding them, or they may be part of a phylactery, of which you have one or more pieces. For instance, perhaps your mage's Avatar is invested in 10 mighty rings, 3 of which she has (and a corresponding Avatar rating of 3), but she must go and retrieve the others from those who have them. Or perhaps there are other mages who share your character's Avatar, and whenever your mage kills one, her Avatar rating grows by their Avatar rating. Unfortunately, the other mages who have this Avatar are out to kill her as well...
xxxxxDesign the nature of your shattering with your storyteller and decide beforehand what your character must do to regain a piece of his broken spirit.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#297

Silence (merit) 1 General Supernatural WW2055 Synopsis: You have an unusual ability to move quietly that goes far beyond the norm.

System: Reduce the difficulty on any Stealth roll involving moving quietly by two. You are even able to move quietly over dry leaves. Should the wind blow while you are moving, there is no way to hear you.
Book Ref: Players Guide to the Sabbat (Text Only), pg.#77

Silver Tolerance 7 Shifter Supernatural WW3108 Synopsis: You have an immunity of sorts to silver.

System: You are able to soak silver, although it still causes you aggravated damage. Also, any Gnosis loss from carrying silver items is halved for Garou with this Merit. Instead of losing one Gnosis for every silver item you possess, you lose one Gnosis for every pair of silver items you carry (always round up to the nearest number).
Notes: This Merit may NOT be taken alongside Gold Tolerance. This Merit is not available to Shifters who do not naturally fear silver (e.g. Corax). Negates the ability to collect 'Enemies were armed with Silver' renown awards.
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#16

Sleep Unseen 2 Vampire Nosferatu Supernatural WW2354 Synopsis: You can use the Obfuscate Discipline to hide while you sleep during the day. Such prolonged use of this ability requires an extra blood point (or Blood Trait) to keep your body hidden for a full day. Of course, you must at least be hidden from sunlight, and vampires using the Auspex Discipline can still detect you, but mortals will ignore your very presence. This is a useful Merit for Nosferatu emissaries and travelers; many would perish without it.

Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Slimy 1 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: Like a worm or mollusk, you have skin that secretes an oozing slime.

System: Your difficulty to soak fire damage is reduced by one, and opponents who try to grapple you must score two more successes than normal.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Smooth (merit) 1 General Social WW8202 Synopsis: Your character might come from the wrong side of the tracks. She might not have known the proper etiquette in every situation. She probably doesn't have a clue which fork to use when eating out. Yet none of that matters. She presents herself with such an easy grace and carefree attitude that people can forgive her most errors. They might not like her much, but they enjoy her company so much that her rougher edges are quickly forgiven and forgotten.

System: Reduce the difficulty of any Manipulation rolls by two.
Notes: See +explain Smooth (merit)
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#79

Socially Aware 2 General Social WW8120 Synopsis: Social interplay is an open book to you. You're the first to spot the hidden relationships between people, after only a few minutes of observation. Subtle clues like body language and position, voice tone and choice of words speak volumes to you about the underlying connections between people.

System: Gain two dice on any Perception roll involving interaction between other people and/or human-seeming monsters.
Book Ref: Hunter Players Guide, pg.#107

Soothing Voice 3 General Physical WW4009 Synopsis: Your voice is calm and soothing, almost entrancing.

System: You may add two dice to any roll that directly involves using your voice - singing, preaching, leadership, etc.
Book Ref: Halls of the Arcanum, pg.#63

Soul of the Muse 4 Changeling Social WW92041 Synopsis: You are an inspiration to creators of all types. Whether you are artistically gifted or not, other artists find it far easier to create masterworks when you are around.

System: If you are in the presence of any creator — whether you are acting as a model, providing counsel, or singing a song — that creator reduces the difficulty to create his work by three. This creative stimulation applies to works of wonder and destruction alike, as you inspire all.
Notes: This merit will only provide that difficulty reduction to a creator that has already made a connection to the Changeling with the merit. The connection requires a Perception + Kenning roll for them to qualify as a Dreamer for Musing. It's got a chance for failure, it only works instantly with 5+ successes, and the muse needs to be in the Dreamer's presence the whole time it takes for the thing to be made - easy for performance-based art, harder for paintings or sculptures or the like. Difficulty reduction for the creator will last until the end of the scene.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#184

Spark Of Life 5 Mage Supernatural WW4050 Synopsis: The vitality of Life flows within you with preternatural strength. This lifeforce is so strong, in fact, that all non aggravated wounds heal as if they were one wound level less; if you are Injured, you will heal in three days what others heal in a week. If you are Hurt, you heal in only one day. Bruises disappear in an hour.

xxxxxIf in perfect health yourself, you may share your vitality with others through the power of your touch. Anyone you assist recovers at your accelerated rate, but if the person is badly mauled or crippled, she will require months of constant bedside nursing. If the possessor of this gift is proficient in the Sphere of Life, he may heal aggravated wounds as if they were non-aggravated. All difficulties with Life magic for the purpose of healing, creation, growth or positive change (repairing congenital defects, for example) are at -2 when the touch is used. The mage's supernatural vitality aids the effect. Verbena consider this merit to be the mark of a born healer, while the Sons of Ether take it is a recessive, albeit desirable, mutation.
xxxxxOn the downside, your blood is particularly tasty to vampires, being twice as potent as most mortals, and you regenerate on top of it. Vampires have names for people like you - "Cornucopia," "Big Gulp," or simply "Mine!"

Book Ref: Book of Shadows Mage Players Guide, pg.#37

Speaker With The Dead 5 General Supernatural WW6102 Synopsis: A Speaker with the Dead can, without additional effort, see and hear wraiths and can even see, dimly, across the Shroud into the Shadowlands. This vision cannot be controlled except through the use of Normalcy (see pg.#23). A true Speaker with the Dead is never free from her visions of ghosts, and either learns to reconcile her existence in dual realities or goes mad.

Book Ref: Mediums: Speakers with the Dead, pg.#19

Special Gift 1 to 3 Vampire Supernatural WW2800 Synopsis: Your sire gave you a valuable gift after the Embrace. The Storyteller should create something suitable or choose one item from the Mystical Items list to give to you (though you can 'suggest' something). The Storyteller will decide how much a particular item is worth.

Book Ref: Vampire: The Dark Ages, pg.#273

Speedy Hammer 3 Changeling Nocker Aptitude WW7052 Synopsis: You are a fast and talented worker, even for your kith.

System: When building or repairing something, the difficulty of your craft roll is reduced by one. Additionally, you require one to three fewer successes on any extended rolls required when working on large or complex projects. This Merit also reduces the difficulties of all mining rolls by two.
House Rule: -1 per 9 succs required before any modifiers.
Notes: See +explain Speedy Hammer
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Nockers, pg.53

Sphere Natural 5 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your character is able to use one of the Spheres of magic with a greater degree of ease than other mages. For whatever reason (inborn talent, powerful heritage, past life, supernatural bargain, etc.), she's got an affinity for a certain kind of magic. She picked it up quickly, and she now progresses through it at an unusual rate.

System: During character creation, select one Sphere. From this point on, you pay three-quarters of the normal cost (rounded down) when buying levels, rituals and similar improvements for magic of that Sphere alone. The favored Sphere must be declared at character creation, and it may be purchased only once.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#297

Spirit's Mark (merit) 2 Possessed Supernatural WW3810 Synopsis: The spirit riding you bleeds over into the physical world a bit. You aren't physically any different (not as a result of this Trait, anyway) but you exude a certain aura.

System: What exactly that aura feels like depends on a) whether Spirit's Mark is a Merit or a Flaw and b) what kind of spirit possesses you. An attractive fomor might reek of pure lust, granting a -2 on all Seduction-related difficulties. A Kami possessed by a predator-spirit might engender a feeling similar to the Curse in humans (+1 to Social difficulties not related to Intimidation). The Storyteller should work with the player to decide what kind of feeling the character gives off and how it translates into game play. Generally, it should be worth a difficulty adjustment of 1 or 2, depending on how specific the feeling is.
Notes: Can also be a Flaw.
Book Ref: Possessed A Players Guide, pg.#106

Spirit Magnet 2 Shifter Supernatural WW3806 Synopsis: You naturally attract the attention of the spirits whenever you cross the Gauntlet into the Umbra. Most of the time, the Umbral inhabitants are simply curious, gathering around you to see who you are and what you're doing in their "neck of the woods." Occasionally, you attract more than you bargained for - Banes are as likely to come calling as are friendlier spirits. None of the spirits who collect in your vicinity are under your command unless you use a Gift that allows you to command them or influence them in some way. This Merit can be both a boon and a nuisance.

Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#165

Spirit Mentor 3 General Supernatural WW2300 Synopsis: You have a ghostly companion and guide. The identity and exact powers of this spirit are up to the Storyteller, but it can be called upon in difficult situations for help and guidance.

Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300

Spirit Of Healing 3 Wraith Social WW6010 Synopsis: You are a Spirit of Healing of the village you live near. Because of this, you have access to the pool of Memoriam they use, provided you give your fellow Spirits a noble reason for wanting to use it for personal purposes.

Notes: However, membership in this group means that you must perform certain responsibilities.
Book Ref: Dark Kingdom of Jade, pg.#124

Spirit Sight (merit) 4 General Supernatural WW4043 Synopsis: You can see and hear all varieties of spirits, changelings, wraiths and similar entities. This Merit provides all of the advantages granted by the Merit: Medium. Like the Medium Merit, Spirit Sight reduces the difficulties of all Spirit magic by two. Nevertheless, this ability is a mixed blessing. Seeing these things is not a choice; it is a normal part of your vision. You cannot help but see them. Being yelled at by an irate wraith who is shaking her fist in your face can be extremely distracting if you are attempting to hold a conversation with a Sleeper, and it's even worse if you are driving a car in bad weather!

xxxxxMany shamans have this Merit, and shamans often look for people with Spirit Sight as potential students. Unfortunately, most Sleepers with this Merit conceal it poorly and instead end up in asylums.
System: See +rules spirit sight.
Notes: This merit allows you to see all planes of existence - at the same time. Be aware that this is just as much of a bane as it is a boon, as you are not necessarily able to distinguish what plane things are happening on. This makes driving truly difficult. You can not "turn it off" without also purchasing the Merit: Dual Perception. This merit in no way allows a character to determine the race of another character, and does not act as a poor man's Aura Perception/Scent of the True Form/etc., it only allows a character to see other planes (Umbra/Shadow Lands/Dreaming).
Book Ref: The Spirit Ways, pg.#105

Step Sideways (merit) 7 Shifter Mokole Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: This merit is rare in the extreme and is dangerous to use, as it alerts Umbral beings who may be hostile to you.

System: You can enter the Umbra without a Gift, just as the Garou do. You may step sideways as per the Werewolf rulebook. You should present the Storyteller with a convincing reason as to why you have this merit, and it remains wholly her discretion whether you are allowed to purchase it or not.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#72

Stigmata of the Wyrm 4 Possessed Fomori Supernatural WW3066 Synopsis: These are marks of the Urge Wyrms which sometimes commune with favored servants. To "win" one, a fomor must first understand the aspects of the Wyrm (which indicates some level of insanity to begin with), then contact her own inner corruption (to discover which aspect favors her), manifest that Urge in word, body and deed, and often undergo some hideous ordeal of consecration.

System: Seeking the Wyrm within often requires a perverted vision-quest; this usually involves breaking away from all friends (including other fomori), and indulging in some excess related to the vision your character seeks until some truth appears. These excesses can include killing sprees, near fatal drug binges, wanton cruelty (brutalizing homeless folks, children, animals, etc), prolonged depressions, psychotic episodes, mad orgies, and other deadly activities. At some point, a vision of the Urge Wyrm's Maeljin Incarna appears to the fortunate one and sends her through some excruciating test of loyalty; such ordeals are related to the Urge Wyrm involved - tests of greed, cruelty, deceit, etc. A fomor who survives the tests (many do not) receives the mark of favor.
xxxxxLike the tests, the stigmata marks relate to the Urge Wyrm the character serves: Pseulak, Lord of Lies, often gifts his chosen with forked tongues. Karnala, Desire's Urge, has more attractive marks, often hypnotically intriguing tattoos. Foebok gifts his followers with forever open eyes, while Angu's mark consists of massive brands which never heal. The exact nature of the mark is left to the troupe's imagination, but it should reflect some appropriately deviant behavior.
xxxxxStigmata can be really useful in social situations with others who understand the mark; Black Spiral Dancers may revere the chosen (or may kill her anyway - they are demented, after all!), and Pentex superiors and Wyrm mystics will give her respect. Even mundanes who embrace the Urge Wyrm's principles will regard the chosen one with a measure of awe and reverence. Stigmata are usually good for one to three extra dice for Social skills when dealing with the Wyrm Tainted. Naturally the character will stand out like a beacon to Sense Wyrm and other such Gifts, and must continue to serve the Urge Wyrm whenever possible.
Book Ref: Freak Legion: A Player's Guide to Fomori, pg.#22

Strength Of Psyche 2 Sorcerer Mental WW4254 Synopsis: Your character has trained her mind to tap into the deep reserves of mystical energy she possesses. Flooded with increased power of thought or perception, her mental faculties are temporarily increased greatly, and she finds whatever task she undertakes much easier to accomplish. Your sorcerer may channel her mystical energy into mental activities other than magic.

System: You may spend Mana points to reduce the difficulty target number of any die pool for a mental action. The difficulty may not be reduced below 2, nor be reduced by more than three points. Depending on the use in question, her psyche empowers her perceptive nature, grants her insight into the strange tongue or plunges toward a solution to her puzzle.

  • House rule: Applies to any pool containing a mental attribute, including powers.
  • House rule: Only available to Subrace = Sorcerer-Psychic.

Notes: See +explain Strength Of Psyche.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#54

Strength of Shadows 4 Vampire Lasombra Supernatural WW2062 Synopsis: Permits Lasombra to strengthen the shadows they call so that even daylight.

System: The Strengthened shadows dissipate after four hours in the sun
Book Ref: Clanbook: Lasombra, pg.#34

Strong Claws 4 Shifter Corax Physical WW3077 Synopsis: Birds' claws contract automatically when they sleep, allowing them to keep a grip all night long on whatever perch they've achieved. You can apply that sort of grip whenever you want, making it nigh-impossible to pull something from your grasp if you really want to hang on to it.

System: If you decide that you absolutely need to keep something in your grasp, you get an extra 3 dice of Strength to use if anyone tries to take the item away from you. This Gift can also be used when hanging onto window ledges, cliffs, tree branches, and so on for dear life, or when trying to haul dangling victims back to safety from such perilous locales.
Book Ref: Corax, pg.#74

Strong Lungs 1 General Physical WW3350 Synopsis: The character has an incredible lung capacity, either through training or the grace of good genes.

System: His maximum time to hold his breath is figured as if his Stamina were one point higher.
Notes: Vampires may take this Merit, but it is of limited utility to them.
Book Ref: Blood-Dimmed Tides, pg.#126

Struggling 1 Shifter Garou Bone Gnawers Social WW3852 Synopsis: By hard work and diligence, you've gotten yourself off the streets. You can raise just enough money for a legitimate home, regular (but cheap) food, even a few basic amenities. However, all of your resources are tied up in maintaining this home, and you have to struggle to keep it. As a Bone Gnawer, you can't have points in the Resources Background. Thus, mustering more than a few dollars of disposable income is difficult for you - it seems like you're always paying off debts and bills. You do, however, have a way to score some extra cash once in a while. Struggling may be tough, but it's a damn sight better than living on the streets.

xxxxxDowntime is critical to a Struggling character. Even though he's part of the chronicle, your character can't spend every day wandering around looking for adventure. Drawing a paycheck requires at least twenty to thirty hours of part-time work a week, presumably this happens in the time between game sessions. Since this Merit limits the sort of tale your Storyteller can tell, it obviously requires her approval. Your character will, however, have a home, an address, and a phone number.
System: At the start of each chapter of the chronicle, the Storyteller rolls your character's Wits; every two successes bestows the equivalent of one dot of Resources for the rest of the chapter. (If you've got Wits 4 or 5, you can reroll 10's.) The words "job security" mean nothing to you, however. On a botched roll, you lose everything and have to start over (as described below). You can temporarily lose this Merit if you leave town, or can no longer work to keep up your home.
xxxxxWhether through a botched roll or negligence, you can fall through the cracks again at any moment. Your landlord is ready to evict you in a heartbeat, and your bills are almost always overdue. Setting yourself up as "struggling" again requires at least a month of downtime and a number of experience points equal to the cost of this Merit. The Struggling Merit is fairly common among followers of the Rat Fink camp, who often hold down jobs to hide their methods of gathering information, but as you can see, they have trouble holding onto them for long.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Bone Gnawers (Revised Edition), pg.#79

Struggling Awake 5 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4254 Synopsis: For most mages, the act of Awakening is a sudden explosion of realization, regardless of how long the study has taken to get her there. For some, however, the trip to understanding affinitive magic is a bout of glimmering spitters, and this traipsing back and forth across the veil may even happen to sorcerers. A subtle understanding of the broad theories that bind together vast forces of the universe can briefly seem crystal clear and quickly dissolve into a vague sense of loss. In the face of the empty feeling of a deeper understanding, the linear mage once again takes up the reins of power that have been so thoroughly ingrained in her nature, until the glibber recurs.

System: Whenever the player tries to call upon his Avatar's struggling magic instead of just practicing his normal Paths and rituals, he must first declare what he is trying to do. The Storyteller then rolls a single die. A result of a one is a botch - yes, the Awakening is dangerous - with the most likely result being some episode of Quiet as the sorcerer strives to come to terms with his consciousness. Otherwise, calculate the effects rating in Arete and Spheres. If the single die roll equals or exceeds this total, then the player rolls normally to cast the effect, using the minimum dice possible - that is, trying to affect minor forces (Forces 2) would require at least a four on the initial single die (two for the Forces, two for the Arete) and would allow the player to roll two dice for an effect. If the single die roll falls short, then the magician probably gets some minor effect in the desired direction, but fails to do anything spectacular. All other rules apply as normal to a mage, including suffering the forces of Paradox. Fortunately, specialization also applies: All rolls of 10 garner a free additional roll, and a roll of 10 on the initial single die grants one automatic success to the magical effect itself.
xxxxxAs one example, Conrad wants to summon an angel to the aid of his Red Monk sorcerer, but does not have the necessary Paths or rituals. His pedagogue of an Avatar pushes him to try anyway. Jess rolls a die and gets a 10, lucky for Conrad. Merely calling a spirit is a Level Two Spirit effect and therefore Conrad's character gets to roll an Arete of two (the minimum required) for the effect. The ten on the Struggling Awake Merit roll does grant him one automatic success, however. Rolling with an Arete of two, Conrad proves exceptionally lucky scoring a success and a 10, allowing him to roll again, which grants him another success for a total of four. Jess rules that a lesser angel hears and decides to make an appearance. Unfortunately for Conrad, this is definitely vulgar, and there is a sleeper present (surprise), so his Red Monk garners three Paradox points. "The Lord is meant to move in secret," he laments to himself. If the die rolled a mere two, Conrad's sorcerer would have had but one Arete and one level of Spirit available, and he would be potentially granted a vision of the local spirit realms and any angels that might be there. In desperate trouble, he might soon find himself joining them.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#56

Style Sleeper 2 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4254 Synopsis: Magic only works one way, and your character knows it. When other people try to pull stupid tricks, your sorcerer sees them for what they are, or at least tries.

System: Any time you witness magic that fits into your character's style, everything is fine; your sorcerer is treated as an Awakened being. Any time she witnesses any magic that falls outside of her style, she counts as a Sleeper. Because this specifically targets your character's enemies while allowing you to merrily continue with your magic as normal, this disbelief in other magic is considered a Merit. There may be times it harms your character, such as when another mage is trying to heal her and she just thinks he cannot do so. More often, however, her incredulity serves as a partial defense against the Arts of others.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#55

Supernatural Companion 3 General Social WW3108
Synopsis: You have a friend and ally who happens to be a vampire, shifter, mage, wraith or changeling. Although you may call upon her in times of need, she also has the right to call upon you (after all, you're friends). However, neither of your fellows nor hers are likely to appreciate such a relationship, and they'll punish both of you if you are found out. Meeting places and methods of communication are always risky. The Storyteller creates your companion, but doesn't reveal to you her full powers and potencies.

Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#15

Supporter 2 Shifter Garou Children of Gaia Social WW3853 Synopsis: You inspire all around you to greater efforts. (You must roleplay this, of course.) Whether by speaking, writing or leading by example, you give anyone who works with you a reason to go on and hope of success.

System: You have a -2 difficulty to Social rolls and you give any group effort a +1 to its total dice pool.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Children of Gaia (Revised Edition), pg.#76

Supportive Family 3 General Social WW8202 Synopsis: Sure, your character's acting strange these days. There's something going on that she can't, or won't, tell them about, but it's important to her. That much is clear. They're her family, they love her, and they'll be there for her. They're sure she'll get around to telling them the whole truth sooner or later. Until then, they have no choice but to trust her.

System: Unless you have also taken the Allies Background for your character, her family won't go out of the way to help her. They just don't ask questions that she can't answer.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#81

Surreal Beauty 2 Changeling Physical WW92041 Synopsis: You possess a beauty far beyond that of normal mortals, unsettling in its perfection. People stand in awe of your ideal, yet alien, form while an inexplicable nausea subconsciously rises to the fore.

System: Reduce the difficulty by three on any roll in which you try and acquire a changeling or faetouched individual’s attention, or win them over with your looks. Other beings find your beauty unnatural, imposing a +1 difficulty on attempts at winning such a person’s trust.
Notes: House rule: In this context, mortal is interpreted as anyone affected by the Mists (+rules the mists).
Book Ref: Changeling The Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#177

Swarm Attractor 2 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2054 Synopsis: You must have at least one dot in Animalism to take this Merit. Your skin exudes a grease that attracts flies, gnats, bees and other flying insects. While these insects normally buzz passively about you in a thick cloud, you may command them in a limited fashion. The bugs may travel up to 20 feet from you to sting and distract your foes.

System: The swarm does no actual damage, but any being caught in the swarm must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7). If the roll fails, the victim loses two dice from her Dice Pool that turn; if it botches she may take no action whatsoever.
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (1st Edition), pg.#24

Sweet Blood 1 Vampire Physical WW20007 Synopsis: Your vitae tastes like the finest wine, sweet and heady without the slightest trace of salt or metallic tang. As such, you may hide your blood in the chalice or feed ghouls without betraying the true nature of their draught.

Book Ref: Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#207

Swim Sideways 6 Shifter Rokea Supernatural WW3083 Synopsis: Unlike most Rokea, who cannot enter the Umbra without a Gift or aid from the Sea, you can do so at will.

System: The character can reach the Umbra, in the sea or on land, in the same way as a Garou.
Notes: This does not protect the character from the harsh rigors of Sea's Soul, so swimming sideways is safer closer to the surface.
Book Ref: Rokea, pg.#83

Sympathetic Bond 5 Vampire Supernatural WW2353 Synopsis: For whatever reason, you unconsciously cause a peculiar supernatural form of feedback through the links of the blood bond.

System: Although you're not immune to being blood bound (and cannot take the Merit: Unbondable), if you do become bound to someone, your regnant also becomes blood bound to you to an equal extent. Even if she was already blood bound to another, she now has the unenviable position of being regnant to two vampires at once. This can obviously lead to some unplanned and quite twisted codependent relationships.
Book Ref: Clanbook Malkavian (Revised Edition), pg.#66

Techgnosi 2 or 6 Mage Celestial Chorus Supernatural WW4665 Synopsis: The One is not limited by the changes of history or the challenges of humanity's ever expanding knowledge. Your character has learned to find the One in the contemporary world of technology, even gaining new and sometimes profound insights about the mystical side of scientific knowledge and the rational dimensions of religious faith. After all, the one is no respecter of human boundaries. The most organized group of Techgnostics is the Alexandrian Society, (noted on p. 46 of Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus Revised).

System: The two point version of this Merit allows your character to use technological foci that are more commonly associated with the Virtual Adepts or the Sons of Ether as long as there is some mystical or religiously oriented content associated with them. (Your character might use a religious website for a Mind Effect, for example.)
xxxxxThe six point version also allows the user to have both Prime (or her faction's primary Sphere) and either Matter or Correspondence as her primary spheres.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Celestial Chorus, pg.#62

Temperature Control 2 Shifter Mokole Physical WW3081 Synopsis: You can control your body temperature.

System: You will never suffer from fever, heat exhaustion, heatstroke or hypothermia, save in the most extreme conditions. In addition, if you concentrate intensely enough, you can avoid being spotted by heat sensors. Your body temperature cannot usually go over 110 degrees or under 65 degrees Fahrenheit, however.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#71

Terrible Footsteps 1 Shifter Mokole Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: When shapeshifting, the Mokole can invoke this merit by spending one Gnosis. The ground trembles, the trees sway and the birds and animals fee. This is not connected to Delirium and the Veil, but is a function of Mnesis. The Mokole is remembering the mighty tred of the Kings.

Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#71

The Fire Within 2 Shifter Garou Aptitude WW3110 Synopsis: (Katanka-Sonnak) The fires of Katanka-Sonnak warm you from within, making you extra resilient against cold weather or damage caused by the cold.

System: You gain two dice to Survival or other rolls involving cold weather hazards, such as swimming to shore in an icy river or digging your way out of an avalanche. You also take one less die of damage from frostbite or other cold related hazards.
Notes: It is highly unlikely, but not impossible for Fera to take this merit, but it will not be approved in character generation.
Book Ref: Rage Across the Heavens, pg.#127

The Flow Of Ki 3 Sorcerer Physical WW4254 Synopsis: Most advanced practitioners of the martial arts spend a lot of time trying to explain that their prowess is not simply a result of skill. Desperately, they seek to explain that their might comes from an understanding of the energy we all possess, the breath of the inner spirit. You understand that lesson in a way that allows you to apply it to physical feats.

System: You may spend Mana (chi, ki, whatever your style calls it) points to reduce the difficulty target number of any die pool for a physical action. The difficulty number may not be reduced lower than two, nor may you reduce it by more than three. Obviously you must already have the Mana to spend or this Merit is useless.

  • House rule: Applies to any pool containing a physical attribute, including powers.
  • House rule: Only available to Subrace = Sorcerer-Psychic.

Notes: See +explain The Flow Of Ki.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#53

Thunder's Child 5 Shifter Garou Shadow Lord Social WW3858 Synopsis: You are especially close to Grandfather Thunder, to the point where even the Theurges of your sept look on you with envy.

System: You gain one temporary Gnosis point when you are exposed to a thunderstorm, which lasts until used or until you leave the storm, and you take one less die of damage from any storm or electricity related effects (even if these effects cannot normally be soaked). You also gain one additional die to any Social rolls with storm spirits or members of Grandfather Thunder's brood (including Stormcrows, raven and Crow spirits, totem spirits and avatars of Grandfather Thunder himself.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Shadow Lords (Revised Edition), pg.#82

Time Sense 1 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: You have an innate sense of time and are able to estimate the passage of time accurately without using a watch or other mechanical device.

Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#299
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#291

Touch Of Life 1 Mage Verbena Supernatural WW4659 Synopsis: Your Avatar and your Pattern are filled to overflowing with the energies of life. You are especially vital and vivacious, and others find your presence uplifting and energizing (and possibly annoying, for those who don't care for such things).

System: You recover from injury as if your condition was one health level less serious. )A Wounded character recovers as if he is only Injured, taking a week rather than a month.) Reduce the difficulty of your Stamina rolls to fight off diseases and poisons by one. More importantly, your liveliness tends to rub off on others. Plants thrive under your care (much like the Green Thumb Merit). Injured people under your direct care recover as quickly as you do (treating their condition as one health level less serious for purposes of recovery).
xxxxxThe downside of this Merit is that your blood is particularly rich in life force, meaning vampires gain twice the normal amount of blood points when drinking from you. This might make you a target of bloodsuckers and similar life draining creatures.
Book Ref: Tradition Book: Verbena, pg.#70

Tough Hide 2 Vampire Nosferatu Physical WW2354 Synopsis: Thick, leathery skin envelops you.

System: Add an extra die when soaking damage (for anything except fire or sunlight).
Book Ref: Clanbook Nosferatu (Revised Edition), pg.#71

Tradition Herald 2 Mage Social WW4044 Synopsis: Your character has been recognized by the Traditions as a formal herald. He is granted safe passage in all Tradition territory, such as Chantries and Nodes, and he can expect hospitality from Tradition mages. In the modern age, this hospitality may just include crash space on a couch and a meal from McDonald's, but it's enough to survive.

System: Your mage may be asked to carry messages physically, since magical methods can be detected and intercepted while he can (theoretically) defend himself. Although you cannot expect to enter the inner Sanctums of most Traditions, he can ask for an audience with their heads and expect to be heard (at some point). You can also expect passage into and through territory that's special to a tradition, such as admittance to a historic Akashic monastery where other mages are normally not permitted, for instance.
xxxxxFurthermore, any Traditionalist who attacks your character except in self-defense is subject to censure and branding. If your character aggravates the attack (taunting someone until he attacks), he may also be stripped of his position and branded. In general, however, he's safe from direct fighting among the Traditions. A herald can still be challenged to certamen, though. He can speak the truth freely or even insult people in a diplomatic capacity, but he'd better make sure that he's right.
Notes: This is a PC position earned on game.
Book Ref: The Bitter Road, pg.#117

Tranquil Soul 2 Shifter Garou Stargazer Aptitude WW3861 Synopsis: Your ancestors were a particularly calm and spiritual lot. As such, it's extraordinarily simple for you to fall into a trance-like meditative state. More importantly, meditation allows an advantage that others may not necessarily receive.

System: A successful meditation attempt (3 or more successes) combined with at least an hour's worth of meditation gives the user back a temporary Willpower point.
Book Ref: Tribebook: Stargazers (Revised Edition), pg.#80

True Berserk 5 General Supernatural WW2820 Synopsis: You are a true Berserk, and the battle-fury that is Odin's gift to brave men runs thick in you. Even with the Beast within you, you must take some time to make the wod rise and give yourself over to the war-joy. You may do this by gashing yourself with a knife, burning yourself, or gnawing on the edge of your shield, the scabbard of your sword, or the haft of your ax.

System: When you are berserk, you add two dice to your strength, add one die to your stamina, and gain three Bruised health levels. Also, while berserk, your wound penalties are reduced by two dice, so you suffer no hindrance from injury until you reach the Crippled health level. Berserk lasts for the duration of the scene, or until you spend three turns calming down away from combat or other strenuous physical activity.
Notes: Berserks may not wear armor while they are berserk (and will shed such armor if entering a berserk), nor may they enter a berserk when not in human form, or stay there if they lose their human form - they instead immediately fall into a Frenzy. Berserks are generally fairly controlled, though anyone interposing himself between a berserk warrior and the warrior's chosen target will be casually struck aside. Berserks cannot Frenzy or enter Rötschreck while berserk, and conversely cannot enter their berserk state if in Frenzy of Rötschreck. Those catching a glimpse of a berserk out of the corner of their eyes during battle often mistake the fierce warriors for bears.
Book Ref: Wolves of the Sea, pg.#77

True Faith 7 General Supernatural WW2205


Synopsis: You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God, or whatever name you choose to call the Almighty.

System: You begin the game with one point of True Faith (see p. 272); this Trait adds one die per point to all Willpower and Virtue rolls. You must have a Humanity of 9 or higher to choose this Merit, and if you lose even a single point, all your Faith points are lost and may be regained only when the lost Humanity is recovered. individuals with True Faith are capable of performing magical acts akin to miracles, but the exact nature of those acts is up to the Storyteller.
See +rules true faith
Notes: For much more details on Faith, see Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#272, The Hunters Hunted, pg.#64-66
Book Ref: The Hunters Hunted, pg.#65
Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#272 & 301
Freak Legion A Players Guide to Fomori, pg.#23
Players Guide to Garou, pg.#166
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#298
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26
Player's Guide for Changeling the Dreaming, pg.#27

True Love 1 or 4 General Mental WW2300


Synopsis: You have discovered, perhaps too late, a true love. He or she is the center of your existence, and inspires you to keep going in a world of darkness and despair. Whenever you suffer, the thought of your true love gives you the strength to persevere.

System: 1 point: This Merit allows you to succeed automatically on any Willpower roll, but only when you are actively striving to protect or come closer to your true love.
4 points: This Merit grants you one automatic success on all Willpower rolls, which can be negated only by a botch die.
Both: This can be a great gift but also a hindrance, for your true love may require protection and occasionally rescue.
Notes: House Rule: Both levels of True Love will protect the PC from effects of any powers that would cause that PC from falling in love with any other PC/NPC. This includes but is not limited to Succubus' Veil, Presence, etc.
Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#301
Werewolf Players Guide (2nd Edition), pg.#14
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#290
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#25
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#185

True Symbiote 4 Possessed Supernatural WW3810 Synopsis: Possessed? Maybe, but by sharing your mind and body with a spirit, you've discovered your place in life. You have been very accommodating to the spirit inside you, and it appreciates this.

System: This appreciation manifests in game terms in two ways. For one thing, the spirit is more accessible, regardless of how much of your Autonomy you retain (-1 difficulty on all Symbiosis rolls). More importantly, if you possess Taints, your tenant recognizes the need to shed them occasionally. You may roll Willpower (difficulty 6) once per day. If successful, you are free from your Taints for one turn per success.
Book Ref: Possessed A Players Guide, pg.#106

Tunnel Vision (merit) 2 Changeling Nocker Mental WW7052 Synopsis: Most nockers are adept at working under low light and in poor visibility conditions, but you have inherited a gift from the original goblin miners. You can see in absolute darkness as though it was daylight; you suffer no vision penalties under such conditions. You can also see better than most in fog, mist, and in other situations where visibility is obscured.

System: The difficulties of your Perception rolls are never increased by more than one when vision is obscured by fog or mist.
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Nockers, pg.#53

Twin Link 4 or 6 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4254 Synopsis: Akin to the Mage Merit: Twin Souls, the psychic shares a constant psychic bond with another person.

System: This gives them the benefit of the Level Two Synergy effect. Additionally, the psychics joined by a Twin Link get +2 to their Empathy score, but only with regards to what their twin is feeling. As a 6 point Merit, the members of the Twin Link can purchase the power Synergy, in addition to other psychic powers they may have, at a cost of 7 freebie points per dot and 3 experience points per dot to raise. This Synergy power works only on the other member of the Twin Link.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#55

Twin Souls 4 Mage Supernatural WW4600 Synopsis: Your mage's Avatar has been fragmented, and he has a "soul mate" - equal in power to his own Avatar, and similar in Essence, Nature and Demeanor. A physical twin, a look-alike, another mage or a complete stranger (possibly a Sleeper) might possess this fragment.

System: When in physical contact with this soulmate (or spiritual mate, for actions in the Umbra), the two may share Quintessence and cast spells as one. Taking the highest ratings in Arete and Spheres, also gaining an additional measure of Quintessence equal to the strength of the other individual. The parts are greater than the whole. However, this joint pool must be replenished through meditation in a Node, the same as a regular pool of Quintessence. Paradox points gained from joint spells are not split, however, and each twin gains the same amount of Paradox.
xxxxxWith only one dot in Correspondence, your character will always know where her soulmate is. With one dot in Life, she'll know his state of health, and with one in Mind, she may share his thoughts. If one soulmate dies, the player of the other must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to avoid psychic shock. She must also wait until her soulmate's reincarnation before the power may again be shared. Soulmates are not just walking Merits, they must be presented and run as characters, preferably by a different player in a group. Also note that a mage does not have to get along with her soulmate... Twin souls are distinct and separate individuals, not just tag-team powerhouses.
Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#296

Umbral Affinity 2 - 3 Shifter Nuwisha Supernatural WW3076 Synopsis: Nuwisha with this Merit have a strong connection to the Umbra.

System: All difficulties for passing through the Gauntlet are reduced by 2, to a minimum of 3. With the 3 point Merit, the Nuwisha does not need to stare into a reflection of any sort in order to enter the Umbra.
Book Ref: Nuwisha, pg.#48

Umbral Affinity 3 Shifter Gurahl Supernatural WW3079 Synopsis: Unlike most Gurahl, you do not have to physically rend the Gauntlet to enter the Umbra. Like the Garou, you are able to step sideways without having to rely on the use of a rite.

System: You need only concentrate on a reflective surface in order to pass through the Gauntlet.
Book Ref: Gurahl, pg.#89

Unaging 2 Mage Physical WW4600 Synopsis: Your mage does not age, ever. Perhaps she drank an elixir in the Mythic Ages, or she tasted the Peach of Immortality, or she ate the Apples of Hesperides, or she dined on the forbidden savor of mermaid's flesh. Perhaps she was injected with the perfect Iterator nanotech or Progenitor symbiote. Perhaps her body is composed of timeless stone or metal. Perhaps the cause is a complete mystery. Regardless, she remains unchanged as the years pass by, save for scars and accumulated knowledge.

Book Ref: Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Unbondable 3 General Physical WW2300


Synopsis: You are immune to to being blood bound.

Book Ref: Vampire The Masquerade (Revised Edition), pg.#300
Mage: The Ascension (Revised), pg.#295

Unbondable 6 Vampire Ghoul Physical WW2021
Synopsis: You cannot be Blood Bound to a vampire, no matter how often you drink from his veins. This Merit is obviously very useful for one whose powers depend on vitae, and its cost is accordingly high for ghoul characters.

Book Ref: Ghouls Fatal Addiction, pg.#84

Unforgettable Taste 2 Changeling Redcap Physical WW7055 Synopsis: In a sense, Redcaps are the fae world's most sincere epicures. They've got a taste for everything, and they never forget a taste. However, some of them do a bit better at it than others, especially when moving food is involved.

System: A Redcap with unforgettable Taste has a remarkable knack for remembering the taste of everything she's ever eaten, and being able to identify it instantly if she tastes it again. Furthermore, the Merit grants the ability to sense where the nearest supply of that taste might be. Under normal circumstances, that's fairly unremarkable. Being able to tell where the nearest batch of chocolate mousse or porterhouse steak is doesn't really do much in the grand scheme of things. On the other hand, if the Redcap has gotten a bite of someone, the Merit serves as an excellent way to track that meal. Creative Redcaps have found other uses for this power, including tracking down poisons.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Redcaps, pg.#91

Unimpressed 5 Vampire Mental WW20007 Synopsis: You have tight control over your emotions and a monstrous awareness of self. All rolls to affect you with Presence or otherwise magically tamper with your emotions add 2 to the difficulty. Only characters with Self-Control 4+ and Willpower 6+ may purchase or retain the benefits of this Merit.

Book Ref: Players Guide to High Clans, pg.#205

Unknown Fetter 1 to 5 Wraith Supernatural WW6007 Synopsis: You have a strong connection to something or someone in a specific area, but you do not know what the connection is, or why the link exists. Something important has occurred in this place, or with this person or object, but no memory of why the Fetter is significant is available to you. You must discover what the link is before you can resolve the problem. Use of the Lifeweb Arcanos can locate the unknown Fetter, but Fatalism does not reveal the connection between you and your mysterious link to the Skinlands.

Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26

Unobtrusive 1 General Social WW4014 Synopsis: You don't stand out in a crowd. In fact, you don't stand out at all. People just don't notice you unless you make some kind of fuss. Naturally, such unobtrusiveness comes in handy; while bystanders are paying attention to more-memorable folk, you're off checking facts, investigating details or slipping objects into your trench coat. Being bland has its advantages.

System: Although it's not as powerful as the Background: Cloaking, this Merit helps you keep a low profile. In story terms, people just don't remember your features or name unless you make a point of impressing folks with them. You're... um... that guy... If anyone else is making an impression in the vicinity, you don't. In game terms, anyone who tries to remember meeting or seeing you needs to make a Perception roll (difficulty 6) to recall your features or name. The downside is that you add two to the difficulty of any Social rolls you attempt. (Damn, you don't even get noticed when you need to be!) Unlike Cloaking, this Merit does not in any way render you invisible or cover evidence of your existence, and you cant "turn it off". It simply lets you drift through life making very little impression on people. They see you, but they don't really pay attention.
Notes: Will be approved at Staff Discretion only.
Book Ref: Guide to the Technocracy, page #164

Unpossessed 5 Possessed Fomori Drones Supernatural WW3810 Synopsis:Only fomori and Drones may take this Merit. The spirit inside has an imperfect hold over your soul. Although you probably don't know it, you could survive the process of having the spirit removed - if you could find a way to initiate this process. As a side effect, your Autonomy is much harder to erode.

System: Any powers you choose cost /one/ point of temporary Autonomy, not two. On the down side, if your permanent Autonomy ever drops below 6, you lose this Merit - the spirit takes complete control.
Book Ref: Possessed A Players Guide, pg.#107

Untamable 5 Shifter Garou Mental WW3202 Synopsis: You are a wild wolf who has never bent to the leash.

System: You are immune to vampiric Dominations (but not Presence) and certain Gifts will not work on you: Roll Over, Obedience and Mastery.
Book Ref: Werewolf Players Guide (1st Edition), pg.#19

Unusually Fertile 1 Shifter Garou Black Fury Physical WW3851 Synopsis: The character with this merit is far more likely to become a parent than another Garou is. While Garou are not substantially less fertile than humans are, a Garou with Unusually Fertile is twice as likely as an average human to either become pregnant or cause a pregnancy after a single unprotected sexual encounter. The children of a character with this Merit are no more likely to be Garou than are the children of another character not so blessed. The specific effects of the Merit are best left to the Storyteller and player involved, especially if the character is female. For obvious reasons, Metis may not take this Merit

Book Ref: Black Furies (Revised), pg.#87

Useful Knowledge 1 Vampire Mental WW2302 Synopsis: You have expertise in a specific field that makes your conversation intriguing to an older Kindred. So long as your knowledge holds the other vampire’s attention, he has a vested interest in keeping you around. Then again, once he’s pumped you for every iota of information you possess, that patronage may suddenly vanish.

Notes: This Merit should be played like a 1-dot Mentor with a specific interest. However, unlike a Mentor, Useful Knowledge does not imply a permanent relationship.)
Book Ref: Guide to the Camarilla, pg.#74

Veiled To Garou 7 Shifter Mokole Supernatural WW3081 Synopsis: ): This is an extremely powerful merit, available only to Mokole. The Mokole and the Kings hunted and slew the Garou and their mammalian ancestors for ages. There are a few Mokole who retain that ancient aura of mind-shattering terror.

System: The Mokole with this advantage causes the Delirium in Garou, although not in other Awakened creatures. Garou react as per the Delirium chart according to their Willpower or Rage, whichever is higher. Garou, too, can make a Wits + Occult roll to move up the chart at the Storytellers option.
Book Ref: Mokole, pg.#72

Venerable 2 Shifter Rokea Social WW3083 Synopsis: You've been swimming the seas for a long time. You haven't garnered any Renown because you haven't really done much, but for whatever reason, you've decided to take a more active role in Rokea society.

System: You may begin play with dots in Linguistics, Occult, Seafaring, Etiquette, or Politics (no more than 2 dots in any of these Abilities, and probably not all five). While you begin with the same amount of Renown as other Rokea, your age gives you some respect (-1 Social difficulties with younger Rokea)
Book Ref: Rokea, pg.#83

Venomous 3 Shifter Ananasi Physical WW3082 Synopsis: Unlike most of your brethren, you retain your venom sacs even when in the Homid form.

System: In this form, you can still use any Gifts involving venom that could normally only be used in Pithus or Lilian. This Merit cannot be taken with the Human Form Merit.
Book Ref: Breedbook: Ananasi, pg.#83

Venomous Attack 5 Changeling Pooka Physical WW7054 Synopsis: Your bite, sting or claw delivers venom of some sort into a victim when you choose to use it. This may cause considerable damage and perhaps death to those so attacked.

System: You may only use some attacks when in your animal mien unless you also have the Physical Abnormality Merit. Whenever you use your venom, you can roll 4 venom dice that you roll four times at half hour intervals over the next two hours of game time, subtracting one die each subsequent time you roll. Each time damage is indicated, it is added to damage already accrued. See the chart below. The difficulty to inflict damage is a 6, as is the soak roll needed to offset it. Victims of your venom may reduce damage through Stamina soak rolls just as with normal damage unless they are allergic to your specific type of poison (an allergy to bee stings, for example). Generally, the only type of Pooka who may take this Merit are those with potentially fatal venom such as rattlesnakes, black widow or brown recluse spiders, scorpions and the like. Storyteller approval is required to take this Merit.

Time of roll Number of dice
Immediate Roll 4
1/2 Hour Roll 3
1 Hour Roll 2
1 1/2 Hour Roll 1
2 Hours No more damage

Book Ref: Kithbook: Pooka, pg.#88

Virulent Strike 7 Vampire Ghoul Physical WW2021 Synopsis: Through strange Thaumaturgical sorcery, unknown rituals or even an odd quirk of your ghoul physiognomy, you have been imbued with the power of the supernatural.

System: You can cause aggravated damage to supernatural creatures by striking them, biting them, raking them with bonecrafted spurs - whatever. This is considered standard Brawl damage against mortals, and should normally apply to only one attack form (bite, bone claws,etc.). You should work with the Storyteller to find an explanation for this Merit, and the Storyteller may disallow this Merit entirely if she so chooses.
Book Ref: Ghouls Fatal Addiction, pg.#84

Voice Of A Songbird 2 General Social WW92041 Synopsis: The satyrs say your voice could charm apples from the trees. You have perfect pitch and can sing a cappella without missing a single note or going off key. Even when only speaking, your voice has a seductive quality that attracts people to you.

System: Whenever you make a roll that involves inspirational speaking or singing, you are at a –2 difficulty.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#184

Wayfarer's Feet 1 Changeling Eshu Physical WW7056 Synopsis: Your feet are especially durable and well suited to the long distances Eshu typically covers. You are comfortable going barefoot year round, regardless of local temperature or weather conditions, and need not worry about such natural walking hazards as splinters, city debris (including most broken glass), burning sands or jagged rock.

System: For travel purposes, this character is considered to be wearing sturdy hiking boots at all times. This Merit does not protect from outright attacks or weapons of any kind, nor does it cover crossing extreme surfaces such as fire or lava. It also doesn't make the character's kicks do any more damage than usual.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Eshu, pg.#85

Way With Words 1 General Social WW8202 Synopsis: Language is a finely honed tool, not a blunt instrument. Your character is able to create exactly the effect she wants by choosing her words carefully. In both written and verbal communication.

System: Gain two dice on any Expression roll that involves words.
Book Ref: Demon Players Guide, pg.#79

Weak Shadow 4 Wraith Supernatural WW6007 Synopsis: Your Shadow is not as strong as most, and suffers a +2 difficulty in all attempts to become dominant. You are still susceptible to your Shadow's manipulations, but attempts to force you into submission are almost an exercise in futility. Your Shadow suffers a +1 difficulty in all attempts to gain Angst as well.

Book Ref: Wraith Players Guide, pg.#26

Weather Sense 1 Vampire Lasombra Mental WW2362 Synopsis: This acumen is very much prized among seafaring Lasombra. A few sires manage to pass on its intricacies to their childer. You subconsciously sense impending bad weather. The Storyteller makes a Perception + Survival roll (difficulty 7) on your behalf to give up to several hours' notice of storms and other weather problems before they manifest.

Book Ref: Clanbook Lasombra (Revised Edition), pg.#63

Well-marked 1 Vampire Laibon Physical WW2441 Synopsis: You have been ritually scarred as a warrior with a famous mark of protection and favor. This spot, no more than two adult handprints wide, is especially tough and resistant.

System: Unless your enemy knows to avoid the mark, you enjoy one automatic success on soak rolls.
Book Ref: Kindred of the Ebony Kingdom, pg.#89

Werewolf Companion 3 General Supernatural WW2204


Synopsis: You have a friend and ally who just happens to be a werewolf. Though you may call upon this being in time of need, it also has the right to call upon you (after all, you are friends). However, neither your kind nor its appreciate such a relationship, and your respective societies will punish both of you if your friendship is discovered. Arranging for meeting places and methods of communication will be difficult. The Storyteller will create the werewolf character, but will not reveal to you its full powers and potencies.

Book Ref: Vampire Player's Guide, pg.#39
Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#8
Wraith Players Guide, pg.#25

was Crack Driver
1 General Physical WW2206


Synopsis: You have a natural affinity with driving motorized wheeled vehicles, such as cars, 18-wheelers and even tractors.

System: The difficulties of all rolls requiring risky or especially difficult driving maneuvers are two less.
Notes: Was known as Crack Driver in 2nd edition, this is updated to the C20 name. Book Ref: Vampire Players Guide (2nd Edition Text Only), pg.#7
Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#177

Wholecloth 3 Changeling Pooka Supernatural WW7054 Synopsis: When Pooka shapeshift into their animal form, they leave all non-chimerical items behind. This means that the Pooka's clothing, mundane items worn or carried and treasures cannot shift with the Pooka, but must be either left wherever the Pooka changed form, or gathered up by a companion and brought along. It can be inconvenient and inefficient for the Pooka to leave his "cast offs" behind. Imagine, for example, the pooka who assumes animal form to escape those chasing him onto to discover the same people waiting for him when he gets home because his picture ID and address were in the wallet he left behind! This Merit allows you to avoid this annoying and potentially embarrassing occurrence.

System: With a moment's concentration you can subsume non chimerical objects and items into your new shape. Thus, you can always have your clothing and other personal items at hand. The Merit does not allow you to pick up and carry any other living thing along in this manner. Thus, it cannot be used to help both the Pooka and a companion escape.
Book Ref: Kithbook: Pooka, pg.#88

Wild Talent (merit) 4 Sorcerer Supernatural WW4254 Synopsis: Though many psychics lack formal training of their gifts, some lack even the most basic control of their powers. These "wild" psychics tend to have powerful gifts, though the lack of control makes up for the extra power they might have.

System: To determine the level of the Flaw, use the following table. The total Merit or Flaw cannot exceed 4 points.

Points Effect
+1 For every extra die the character has when using the power
-1 The character must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 7) to use the power.
-2 The character can only consciously use the power defensively. (i.e., A precognitive character can activate her Danger Sense, or a telekinetic can use the power to deflect attacks.)
-3 The character has no conscious control of the power, but it works more often to the character's benefit than not. (A clairvoyant who has useful clairvoyant dreams.)
-4 The character's power activates randomly (at least once per game session) and often at inopportune or embarrassing moments. (The channeler contacts the spirit of an ancient warrior during a fancy dinner party.)

Notes: This Merit may also be a Flaw.
Book Ref: Sorcerer (Revised Edition), pg.#55

Winged (merit) 4 Changeling Physical WW92041 Synopsis: You have beautiful wings, be they feathered bird's wings or batwings or colored butterfly wings.

System: They are chimerical, but they need to be free, or they increase the difficulty of Dexterity rolls by one. You may have to explain why you have cut slits in all of your coats. If you have taken this as a Merit, you may indeed fly for short periods of time. See Inanimate Chimera on p. 55 for dangers using these wings in human sight.
Notes: This can also be taken as a 2pt. flaw.
Book Ref: Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary), pg.#188

Wolf Sight 1 Shifter Garou Physical WW3806 Synopsis: In all your forms, you see colors and intensities of light as a wolf does. Your color vision is dimmer than that of humans, though you embrace the full spectrum of colors. Your night-vision, however, far surpasses human nocturnal vision. You also notice movement more readily.

System: You gain an extra die to all Perception rolls that involve movement or take place at night.
Book Ref: Players Guide to Garou, pg.#159

Work With Iron 5 Changeling Nocker Physical WW7052 Synopsis: Most nockers cannot abide the touch of iron in any way, but your skin is resistant to its bite for some reason. This ability allows you to work in many real-world situations, and other nockers envy you, though they also consider your condition somewhat suspect.

System: This merit is essentially the same as Iron Resistance (see Changeling: The Dreaming second edition); however, not only are you immune to iron, but your chimerical works are similarly resistant.
Book Ref: Changeling - Kithbook Nockers, pg.#53

Wyld Allies 4 Wraith Haunter Social WW6303 Synopsis: When you learned Pandemonium, the Wyld took root inside you and blossomed. You are now vibrant with this aspect of nature, and this marks you as a kindred spirit to the Garou. They sense your kinship of spirit, and recognize you as a fellow agent of the Wyld. Werewolves treat you with respect, and may even come to regard you as a beneficial spirit.

System: This Merit lowers the difficulty of any Social interactions with Garou by two.
Book Ref: Guildbook: Haunters, pg.#51

Years Of Wisdom 5 General Social WW4017 Synopsis: You've seen and done almost everything imaginable.

System: Once per session, you may add one automatic success to any one non-magical action, whether it is an attack, dodge, research or persuasion. When undertaking the task, you remember doing something like it before ("When I was at Shiloh...") and draw upon your experience to help you.
Book Ref: Masters of the Art, pg.#83