Character Generation/Changeling

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 14:46, 18 October 2024 by SassyCat (talk | contribs) (Updated Realms freebie cost to match C20 (oversight in conversion))
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Important notes

  • We are in the process of converting everything to Changeling 20th Anniversary. If you find something that has not been updated, open a +request so staff can look into it.
  • Title cannot be taken in chargen above 1. Any increases are at staff discretion post approval.
  • Sidhe (both varieties) are open ONLY at staff discretion.
    • See Birthrights wiki page for list of open kiths. Anything not listed is not currently available.
  • KinFae (Kithain + Kinfolk) are currently closed as of June 2021.
  • Shadow Court is currently closed.
  • Kiths we will approve are limited to the 13 Common ones at this time. Any others are at staff discretion only.
  • The Seelie and Unseelie Court are not deadly enemies. They have philosophical differences, and individuals may dislike each other individually, but as groups they still work together and it isn't a big deal. Their real enemies are (a) the Dauntain and other forces of Banality, and (b) the Shadow Court.
  • Commoners can enter houses. Please set a +note as to how that happened.

Choose the following:

  • Concept
  • Court - Either Seelie or Unseelie (set as both Faction and Court for code reasons)
  • Legacy Seelie, Legacy Unseelie (Nature and Demeanor are not used)
  • House (if any)
  • Seeming - also set a +note titled Seeming Bonus if Wilder
  • Kith
  • Threshold (Optional) (Musing/Ravaging)
    • Use +selfstat Threshold=Musing/Create Hope or +selfstat Threshold=Ravaging/Destroy Love
    • Set a +note as well please (Add what sort of thing within your chosen Threshold that your PC regularly does in general)
    • If your PC would use both Musing and Ravaging, list both in the +note. Only the most commonly used on in vitals.
  • Antithesis set as a +note please
  • House rule: Sidhe kith is open by Staff discretion only. If choosing one, Autumn Sidhe (C20) are listed as such on +sheet; Arcadian Sidhe are just "Sidhe" on +sheet

Birthrights: If your kith birthrights and/or house boon include an attribute or ability bonus, don't add it yourself, ask staff to set a +effect instead.

Stat Baseline Freebies per additional dot
Attributes 1 in each + 7/5/3 5
Abilities 13/9/5 2
Arts 3 5
Realms 5 2
Backgrounds 5 1
Banality 3 (4 for House Liam) Changes due to RP
Glamour 4 3 (Max 8)
Willpower 4 1 (Max 8)
Freebies 15



  • In C20, Seemings reflect his/her outlook on her life as a changeling and the Dreaming in general. While often tied to her mortal age, changelings can be any seeming at any age. See WW92041 Changeling: the Dreaming (20th Anniversary) pg.#83–87
  • Set +note for Seeming bonus based on the following:
Seeming Bonus Description
Childling +1 Glamour Childlings view the world with wide-eyed wonder. NOTE: As PCs must be at least 18 years of age, and Childlings are at least mentally underage, if not physically, we DO NOT allow Childling PCs.
Wilder +1 Glamour OR +1 Willpower (set +note) Wilders are seekers of adventure.
Grump +1 Willpower Grumps are builders and keepers of tradition.

Note kith Birthrights and Frailties. If they affect your mortal seeming, then they're recorded via permanent +effect (ask staff to set these).

Kith Birthright +effect(s) For use in Autumn realm
Piskey +1 Dexterity
Satyr +1 Stamina
Sidhe +2 Appearance Only with Seeming's Blessing merit
Troll +1 Strength/+1 Health per oath Only with Seeming's Blessing merit

House Boon +effect(s)
Beaumayn +1 Perception
Leanhaun +1 Charisma
Scathach +1 Brawl, +1 Melee

  • Descriptions: Be sure to set both your standard Autumn World (Mortal) Description, as well as your Fae Mien. To se at Fae Mien, use: &faedesc me=Description - many people use color to set this mien apart from the mortal one. We recommend also adding a line break or two at the beginning to be sure they are separated.(%r)


After approval, you will need to look into +help +rsee and +help +rexist. You need both turned on for FAE to be able to see any descriptions of the fae reality/Dreaming, as well as be seen (your &faedesc).