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|icdate    = 2019.08.23
|icdate    = 2019.08.23
|ictime    = Evening
|ictime    = Evening
|players  = [[Aldric]], [[Sten]], [[Aaryn]], [[Micah]], [[Theron]], [[Royan]]
|players  = [[Aldric]], [[Sten]], [[Aaryn]], [[Micah Starnes]], [[Theron]], [[Royan]]
|location  = Sept of the Trollslayer, Norway
|location  = Sept of the Trollslayer, Norway
|prptp    = Trollslayer
|prptp    = Trollslayer
Line 196: Line 196:
[[Category:Micah Starnes]]

Latest revision as of 00:33, 16 November 2024

2019.08.14 Trollslayer
Frostbite travels to the Sept of the Trollslayer
IC Date 2019.08.23
IC Time Evening
Players Aldric, Sten, Aaryn, Micah Starnes, Theron, Royan
Location Sept of the Trollslayer, Norway
Prp/Tp Trollslayer
Spheres Garou Gaian
Theme Song Trollmors vaggsång - till dig som är barn

Theron and Aaryn traveled ahead to the Sept of the Troll-Slayers. The pack, invited to attend the celebration of Magni "Ice-Breaker" Auddunsson and his union with Eydis, a kinfolk of the Get of Fenris. Magni is the son of Theron's mentor, Heriolf. Once Theron and Aaryn arrived, they arranged with the Gatekeeper for the rest of the pack to join them via a moon bridge from the sept in Prospect. Accomodations made, the pack split and staying in two cabins there. Night one was fun, dinner and stories. The group learned about the Sept:

The Sept was founded as a ward against great giants came from the mountains, beings of Wyld and Wyrm energies creating monstrous beasts. There are three cabins posted a few miles in each direction in the mountain ranges as lookouts, packs rotate sentry duty at these cabins. Due to these early warning sentries, the natural elements of ice and snow, the wall like mountains and finally the fury of the Get of Fenris and the berserker kin here, the Sept has never been in danger of falling to the forces of the Wyrm. After a night of stories and drinking, the pack met with Magni's pack for breakfast...

xxxxxAnd the raven, Hrafn, has had a very interesting time indeed! From having spent time in the Realm of Nerigal, to returning to the Realm of Reality (as it were) to trying to calm down his rage filled body to then head out once more, this time to the realm of snow and ice! And, frankly, it is quite actually warmer here then it was on Mars. On Mars it was burning cold. Here, its just .. snowy cold. And snowy cold beats burning cold every day of the week.

xxxxxHrafn, therefor, has been in a peculiar mood. Looming, but seeming to be in a good mood despite that. But quiet, since the Fenrir in this Sept hold him in the regard of a visiting Fera, and nothing more. He is very mindful to not get his beak removed. Even during breakfast, he keeps relatively quiet as he pecks at his dinner; something he found somewhere that hopefully did not belong to someone else.

Frostbite pack meets Magni's alpha, Boris 'Claws-Through-Mountains' Ahroun of the tribe, Sydney Winter Sentinel Philodox, and last Jakob Strikes-the-Night Ragabash. Discussion at the table quickly turns to how its been 3 days since they have heard from the northern sentinel cabin, its all very casual, no one really seems concerned about potential danger.

"Its fine..." Boris says, "My pack will go check it out and bring supplies, we'll be back by dinner." he assures everyone with as swig of milk. "This happens all the time...weather doesn't always cooperate." he grunts.

xxxxxMicah has spent his time drinking in order to stay socially lubricated and talking with anyone who will share embarrassing stories about Theron - of which, apparently, there are many. When he isn't doing that he spends his time trying to keep Tank out of fights. This seems to be harder than expected but luckily this is a Get sept and there are plenty of people willing to test there might against a war spirit from Nerigal's realm. So in that regard, Tank stays entertained and so do the Get when, inevitably, people start betting on the fights.

xxxxxRyn, however, finds herself drawn to the conversation about the Sentinel Cabin. She's overly curious and... Well. Nosey. And well, he just drank a cup of milk.. Who drinks cow's milk, anymore?

xxxxxAldric is his usual quiet self for the most part, though here with members of the tribe even he comes out of his shell to spar, hunt and get up to some 'fun'; even if it's of a militaristic bent. He seems to enjoy it at least. Even he understands its a celebration, so manages to keep his grilling of pack alpha's to a minimum and even takes the time to do some mock tracking with some of the younger pups. As they settled in for breakfast the next day he listens curiously as the speak of the cabins, glancing outside towards the sky as they speak of the weather.

xxxxxHrafn is listening as well. But then, how can he not? Listening and watching is what the Corax do for a living, it is their main reason for existing! So, when there is talk about the sentinel cabin, the bird leaves its perch to come closer. And by coming closer, we're talking landing on Aaryns shoulder. Because, Raven-Steed anyone? He folds his wings together, his head leaning forward a bit as he speaks, "I could fly up there and look. Would be real fast." he whispers, "Should I offer my services, Guides the Dead?" he asks, "Do they like my kind here?"

xxxxx"We can go help..." Theron offers to Boris, a glance to Heriolf. "I mean..as long as we are here." the kinfolk begins to explain.

"No need..." Heriolf shakes his head as he scooops himself some more breakfast potatoes onto his plate. "You lived here Theron, you know this thing happens. I'm sure its fine. They are due some relief anyway."

"Just what we need, little brother and his pack to come save us from a little bit of snow." Magni chuckles idly, "We got this. Just keep dinner warm for us and we'll be back to celebrate another night, eh?" he says giving his Alpha a nod as he pushes his plate forward and stands to head out, apparently expecting someone to clean up after him.

xxxxxMicah isn't really paying attention to the conversation about the snow and missing...something. He's talking to a busty red headed kinfolk who has come over to gush all over Tank. The dog/spirit really is a chick magnet. Micah is entirely oblivious.

xxxxxAfter hearing from Hrafn, Ryn leans in to tell Theron that he's offered to do a little recon for everyone.

xxxxxAldric watches Magni get up from his seat, an eyebrow arching slightly at the comment made, but as they're a guest here he says nothing.

"Relax and enjoy the homecoming..." Boris says as he rises to his feet, "the offer of help from you and the Raven is appreciated but not needed. Troll-Slayers has protected its borders and much of Europe as a result, all on their own just fine." He then lifts his chin, and the rest of the pack rises and follows him out the cabin door. Off to check on the cabin.

The day is casual, Tank trying alternating between trying to help Micah pick up women, and informal combat challenges with various garou. The pack left to socialize as they wish, with Theron its alternating time with the pack and Heriolf, catching up with his old mentor and showing him how far he has come. Lunch comes and goes, then dinner comes and goes...Still no word from Magni and his pack.

As the day goes by and it begins to grow into evening Eydis can clearly be seen hiding her growing worry, looking out the window of her cabin whenever she can.

xxxxxAs the day goes on, Hrafn does what Hrafn does best. He starts to fly around the Sept and engage the locals. Those who sneer at him, he avoids but those who seem Ok with his presence, he will talk to. For talking is one of the things that the raven does very well! For the moment, he does not notice the worry right away. But he makes sure to keep his eye on the Frostbite, so he knows where all his allies are.

xxxxxAldric has moved to stand at the edge of the camp, his arms folded as he looks out into the growing darkness. His face is his usual bland stoicism, but when approached by anyone, be it pack or tribal hosts he states his mind easily. "They've been gone too long for a simple check in. Frostbite offers to follow their path and see if they need assistance."

xxxxxMicah has no idea what his alpha has committed them to. He has been flirting with (or more like being flirted with cause he's bad at flirting) with bridesmaids throughout the day. That's what single men are supposed to do at weddings, right? Things always seem to get interrupted though because when things start to progress past first base, Tank confuses this with wresting and wants to join in.

xxxxxAaryn has taken to spending time with Eydis, trying to keep the woman's attention off the Worst Scenario. Being as such, she keeps an eye to the skies, looking to Hrafn and her pack mates to bring her news, or to alert her that their help may be needed. After all, their time in Nerigal had proved that they were ever ready for those allies in need.

xxxxxTheron like Aaryn had spent most of his time with Eydis when not with Heriolf. The man isn't blind to what is going on and so he approaches Aldric, the message loud and clear and he disappears back into his room. He returns a few moments later, decked out in his full tactical gear, new shield and everything. He walks out, gives Aaryn a look and a nod. Gaze to Eydis, "We'll be back, with Magni and everyone, just in time for the party." and then he heads out.

xxxxxIts really too bad for Micah too, because one of Eydis' bridesmaids was really into him, but isn't that always the way? Duty interfering with the fun.

xxxxx"I know the way...I can lead the pack up to the Sentinel Cabin." Theron tells Aldric.

xxxxxAldric nods, shifting into his more comfortable form for the trip, and as he drops to hispo form, howls out to the encampment. <<Frostbite, come. Time to hunt.>> He looks to Theron while he waits for the others to join them, asking. <<Can Little Brother keep up on foot? Or do you need a lift for the journey?>>

xxxxxAll it takes is the nod of Theron's head. Aaryn pauses just long enough to give Edys's hand a quick squeeze of reassurance and a nod that all will be well. She's out the door and behind Theron, moving to gather Micah - And by that, I mean, gathering Tank first - ~Tank! Time for Battle!~ she calls in the spirit tongue as she moves past, letting the chaos ensue in her wake. And then she looks to the skies and lets a loud whistle out for Hrafn

xxxxxHrafn was .. somewhere. Doing something. Talking to someone, perhaps? Chances are he found a Theurge or a Ragabash to chat up. He does perk up a bit though when there is something happening with Theron. The man gets serious and goes to get his gear! But it is not until Aaryn whistles out that the bird takes to the sky. He spirals upwards quickly, sees that the Frostbite is on the move en-masse! To this, he glides forward and down a bit, to try to hoover on a wind above Aaryn, "Guides the Dead! Speak to me! What is amiss?" he wonders.

xxxxxMicah gets geared up and comes out to meet the pack, barely getting his dedicated clothing on with the way that Tank is nipping at his heels to get him moving. For those that can hear spirits speak they hear ~Guides-the-Dead Rage Crescent says there is to be battle! What takes you so long? Why are you putting clothes on, you were just thinking about taking them off with that female?~ Others just hear excited dog barking.

xxxxxMicah tries to ignore him the best he can, finally coming up to the rest of the pack, his cheeks red and maybe a slight stain of lipstick on his cheek. He shifts to Hispo for the run through the snow.

xxxxx"I'll keep up, it won't be fun travel to begin with." Theron remarks. The Travel north is a bitch. Rocky mountainous trail, snow, and forest, at night.

As the pack makes its way through the trees that have managed to grow along the mountainside they can see the cabin ahead. A soft glow of the firelight in the window the certain sign of life within. That's the good news.The bad news is that although there is a fresh snow covering the more obvious signs of a battle outside the cabin, close inspection can see it, the snow uneven from large forms having moved through it, the snow a light pink all around from blood mixing with the white snow.Then there it is, a hand reaching out of a snow covering, blood dripping down the fingers.

xxxxxFor Hrafn, it is very fun to travel. Mostly since he can fly and is not really afraid of strong winds. Strong winds is nothing to an expert flying like him. The bird makes sure to keep pace with the Pack, though, not flying ahead of them this time. He keeps himself up in the sky, though, high enough so that he has a good view to give advance warning if something comes at them.

xxxxxAs they inspect the cabin and outlying areas, Ryn's attention immediately falls to the hand. She digs her heels in and races toward the hand, digging out around in, hoping to find a sign of life.

xxxxxHunts the Shadow chuffs as he gets the scent of blood, warning the rest of the back to be wary as they approach. In the lanaguage of spirits he tells Tank to go into the umbra to watch their back there and warn them of anything that comes. <<Be careful Guides, there may be sign of what did this>> Tank barks and dematerializes and disappears into the umbra to see what he can see.

xxxxxIronsides bounds off after their Kin after he says he's fine, falling in behind him as he leads the way to the cabin. As it and the light comes into view he slows, hunching down as he starts to sniff the area, remaining in the shadows as he scouts around the edge of the clearing. He does his best to be quiet, and there's a faint growl that slips out as Tank barks.

xxxxx<Frostbite> Ironsides says, "And now any chance we had of sneaking up on our enemy is gone."

xxxxxSword drawn, Theron edges closer. "I...I have to check..." he mentions as he heads towards the hand coming out of the snow. Eyes up, more on the cabin as he approaches.

xxxxxIts Ryn that gets to the hand first. When pulled out the hand isn't attached to a body, severed and recognizable as once belonging to Boris, the pack alpha, a quick look around and parts of him are spread about, intermingled with the corpses of the first sentinel pack and some sort of wolves, twisted by forces of the Wyld and Wyrm.


Within the home you can hear a calm voice of someone, the voice a raspy rumble, "You don't understand...your family loved you, kept you. We were given up, abandoned...but you will understand. Each sacrifice will make him stronger, each body desecrated to him will make it easier to free him..."

xxxxx<Frostbite> Hunts the Shadow says, "Sorry boss. I'll work with him on it."

xxxxxUp in the sky, Hrafn suddenly makes a death defying dive to the ground. Once he comes close enough, wings extend to airbreak as he levels out and shoots towards Aldric. Once he reaches the large wolf, he comes to a stop and lands on a rock sticking out of the snow. His voice is held down a bit, "Ironsides. There is a large shape ahead, in the darkness. It does not seem to be moving towards us, but it is not far from the cabin."

xxxxxHunts the Shadow hunches closer to the ground. He doesn't like that he can't see in this pitch black darkness and isn't used to manuevering by scent alone. He sends a telepathic message to Tank across the gauntlet, ~What do you see Tank?~

There is yell felt from the umbra from Tank. A blend of rage and pain and then silence.

In the cabin the voice can be heard once again, "Oh he is here...the other one, like me, given away." a slight pause, "Too soon I think, but it will be nice to meet him...but not until I am ready...Jor'Sol....meet our guests please."

There is a rumble, and then everyone sees what Hrafn already had seen. A large hulking form stands, rising from where it sat beside the cabin. Its voice a low rumble. "Fenrir...hate Fenrir..."

xxxxxIronsides just about walks right over top of the helpful Raven, apparently, someone is a little too focused on the wrong thing. He comes up just short of giving him a faceful of fur, and then the rumbling begins and he steps back to crouch down, hackles raising as the growl starts back up and lasts this time. <<Remember. Stay together if possible. I will try and get it's attention, try and flank.>>

"Buy me some time." comes the voice in the cabin with far too much delight, "I wasn't prepared for the other so soon...almost done. Kill them if possible, feast as you will." With that command, the Troll roars back, skin of hard leather and rock. "Bones, Bones...Batter and Beat, make them stammer and Squeak...pound pound..." he charges forward to attack. Elsewhere, Micah can still sense the presence of Tank in the umbra, incapacitated in some way, an unknown but not immeadiate threat.

xxxxxHearing her Alpha call for a flank attack, Aaryn needs no further catalyst to act. She cries out to the skies, "Hraf, have Bob send Back-up!" and unless forward. The rage in her belly burns to transform her into her war form, paws grasping the dedicated axes from her hip as she races toward the troll at break-neck speed. She gives a quick spin of the axe in her right hand and, with a snarl, slices at the beasts's ankle with what might have cut the achilles' tendon in any other beast, but her blade just scrapes past the tough troll skin.

xxxxxMicah grimaces as his sense of Tank does dim. He growls under his breath as he draws on that link to gird his rage. Over the pack link he calls >>I'll keep him distracted while Ironsides and Stormhowler get him flanked.<< Trying to avoid that thick troll armor, he fires one shot, then two at it's head, trying to blind it or at least keep its eyes from tracking his packmates. He gives a satisfied predatory smile as he scores first blood, both arrows sinking into the head.

xxxxxSword drawn, Theron should have been prepared and expected this. He wasnt. Using his packs attacks as a distraction he calls upon Fenrirs favor of his berserkers. A growl escaping as rage begins to fill him.

The troll howls with rage as Aaryn attacks! Thok! Thok! Two arrows strike true on its tough hide. "Mash! Gnash! Feast and Eat, Ho Ho Fenrir, my meal at last!" he declares as he hammers down on the Get warrior-ess. She proves up to the task of taking the blow.

xxxxxSten runs towards the Troll calling out, almost sing song in his mocking/ warcry "Oh ajaj ajaj buff! Troll jävel!" the large swede shifts to hispos and bites down on it hard, large fangs rending flesh and ripping into this monstrosity. The steel grey direwolf not liking trolls at all it seems.

xxxxxSwift Wing was going for the eyes. He had a plan, but this time he was not going to try to pluck that eye out. He was going to land on the large creatures head and gouge at those unprotected eyes with his claws! But the Troll, it would appear, learned all to quickly what going up against an ANGRY Get of Fenris pack would come to mean. A quick and timely death at the hands of righteous claws and furious anger! So before the bird even has a chance to go for his attack run, the large thing falls and the bird quickly veers off, aborting his plan.

xxxxxAfter having given the battle call, Aldric rushes forward. His limbs and body twist, mid-leap as he gains his Hispo form, loping easily to flank the Troll aside his Beta. As his Beta worries the beat from the Left, he strikes at the Right with his mighty jaws, tearing through the tough hide easily. Once latched, he tears and shakes, his jaws locked onto the creature. The wounds so severe that the Troll begins to bleed out quickly.

With a final death wail and growl. The troll staggers from the onslaught of the pack. He begins to collapse, first to one knee, a wide swing of his arm that misses entirely, its just a wild lashing out death blow. Then it collapses in the snow. A long exhale. The first troll to be seen in decades, fallen. Within the cabin, there is no more talking.

xxxxxMicah begins to run towards the cabin since he is furthest from the battle. As he runs he reaches out telepathically to Tank. ~How you doing buddy? You missed killing a troll. What's going on over there?~

xxxxxBefore the troll has even fully landed in the snow, Ryn is off towards the cabin. Her axes still drawn and at the ready to face whatever she /knows she heard/ in that cabin.

xxxxxThe raven is not going to let his two friends go at it alone! He quickly does a 180 in the air, beating his wings hard to fly towards the house along with them, "Bob is on it!" he calls then, "He will let them know!"

xxxxx<Frostbite> Micah says, "He's still inside, I'll go around back and cover the back."

~Pain. Hunger. Loss~ repeats itself over and over in Micah's mind, a message from Tank in the umbra.

xxxxxTheron follows his pack into the cabin. Sword in hand, ready for war, body rippling with rage. He has already seen the bodies of childhood friends. In the distance the Gjallarhorn can be heard sounding the alert. Bob has done his job and roused the Get of Fenris

xxxxxNodding at her brother's communication in her mind, Ryn waits until Micah is in place around the rear of the structure before breaking the front door in next to Theron. She keeps an ear out for Hrafn, who she knows is guarding their skies.

xxxxxSwift Wing is with them, though. He is with the Get of Fenris. They may not be a Pack in that sense, but they are his allies! So, he swoops over their heads and lands on the roof, above the door, "I sense no other danger nearby. Its only what is within the building." He tries to keep his voice low.

As they storm the cabin they are greeted by a bloodbath. Violence was everywhere. Theron's adopted brother is crucified but alive, tongue cut out so he couldnt even yell out. There then is the twisted enemy within, wearing the skin of one of the Get sentinels as a mask. , hunched over the body of another. Carving ancient ruins into the corpse, the blood bleeding away but...not onto the ground?

It turns towards Aaryn and Theron as they break down the door, twisted blade of silver in hand. "Brother! Not by blood but in /spirit/" he hisses out to Theron. "You have come."

xxxxxMicah waits around the back exit. ~Hold on buddy, we're coming.~ Looking for a window or something sightline where he can get a bead on their enemy inside he says over the pack link, <<We need to give Ryn a change to heal him! We talking or taking him down?>>

xxxxxSten comes into the room, shifting back into homid and using his words to buy them some time and descalate. "You are defeated. Surrender and there will be justice instead of death."

xxxxxRyn's eyes narrow and her muzzle twitches. Why is this thing calling Theron its brother. She gives a disgusted chuff and pushes through their link <<Take it down!>>

xxxxxAfter a beat, Aldric enters the cabin at Ryn's heels and, after a cursory inspection of the murder scene, she holds his head low and moves carefully over, towards the crucified man, to protect him. He pushes back, <<Not so fast, Guides. This one is dealing with something else. Let the skald talk him down. Micah's out back. Sten, inch to the left. Circle up, Pack!>>

"Arent you cute..." The man says looking to Sten, giving him a smirk at the offered justice.

xxxxxIt takes all the will Theron can muster to not attack. Sword tight in hand, you can see the rage almost more than the kin can handle.

"My deed is done, the sacrifice made." The man continues as he admires the blood dry corpse, runes amd glyphs carved into its flesh. "I dont know why you would side with them brother. They gave you away, a male. Lesser and not good enough." It begins to peel away the Get skin it was wearing, beneath is revealed the man. Clearly a metis, eight long tentacles stretch out from its back, wearing armor in a traditional Greek motif but sewen together by the skin of something. Twisted by the Wyrm it may be, but this was once clearly a Black Fury born.

xxxxxSeeing the Metis sprout tentacles is enough for Micah. It's Wyrm. You kill it. He elbows the window open and then spins from his cover to put an arrow though the window into the back of the head of the Metis. The shot lands true but not enough through thick metis hide.

xxxxxThe Alpha's eyes widen at the wyrm creature, and his fur ripples. He hesitates, one beat too long, before ordering his pack with a growl what he finds he, himself cannot do, <<take it down, Frostbite! Now!>>

xxxxxSten gives a battlecry as he shifts to Hispo and lunges towards the creature with his teeth bared. When words won't work, teeth can get the point across.

xxxxxRyn grips her axes, but is startled to find that the will to take him down is stunted. She gives a frustrated growl and dries out in rage, but remains unable to overcome her fear and act.

The tentacles begin to twirl about, ripping...literally tearing a hole in the gauntlet. The arrow bounces off the Wyrm corrupted garou and it turns towards Micah and just smiles. The hole exposing the umbra, within there are a number of bane wolves, feasting with little tentacles on Tank, subduing him. A lune imprisoned and chained. "Come along my pets...our mission is done. Before the end our Brother will join us or die." The imprisoned lune creates a moon bridge, pulling the man from the cabin and to safety at some unknown far off place. The taint of the Wyrm still heavy in the air with the smell of the blood.

Theron and Sten arrive almost at the same time. A sword swung and crashing into the cabin as the man disappears, Sten biting visciously into the air as the hole in the gauntlet fights to heal itself from the wound done. Victory or defeat? The attack on the sept ended but...

xxxxxMicah looks into the reflection of the glass and slips into the Umbra, intent on getting to Tank before the banes can drain him of his gnosis.

xxxxxRyn flashes the reflective blade and slips over to the umbra, rushing towards Tank's sid as she uncorks the Brew Journey gave her. ~Tank! Tank.... Here, buddy. Drink~

xxxxxAs his packmates rush off to rescue Tank. Theron rushes forward to the one Get left alive. His brother, Magni. He sort of hacks out some blood where his tongue once was. "Oh god...this is going to hurt." he warns his Get brother as he takes one of those hands, nailed to the wall out stretched and pulls it free, attempting to free him of the crucifixtion.

xxxxxRyn pours the gnosis down Tanks gullet and then, as he groggily recovers, scoops him up and leas through the gauntlet. She blinks at Theron and gives a chuff, <<Careful, the spikes were actually stabilizing him...>> Ah. Doctors. She lays Tank down and leans over Magni, seeing to his wounds.

xxxxxMicah waits for Tank to materialize into the Gaia Realm and for Ryn to follow. He fires a bane arrow, letting it find it's way to any approaching banes and forcing them to reveal their location. Once he hears the bane's satisfying scream he shifts to his crinos form and waits for them to either retreat or for backup to arrive.

Tank returned, Theron holding Magni in his arms. "Its going to be ok...we got you." he tells him as Aaryn returns so she can heal him. His body reknits, the Mothers Touch healing the broken garou quickly. His eyes going wide, "What...was it? Ambush...a Metis?" he manages to speak as the tongue heals and he spits up blood.

As Aaryn tends to Theron's brother, Aldric and Sten leap to the Umbra to hold the line until help can arrive.

The Banes quickly halt their advance, the Get defenses seem to have returned. They don't dare approach.