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Revision as of 19:06, 18 December 2019
Precinct 29 | |
Julia and Acacia investigate reports of Banes in a police station | |
IC Date | June 23rd, 2019 |
IC Time | 2:00 P.M. |
Players | Calvin, Julia, Acacia |
Location | Precinct 29, Old Police Station, near City Hall |
Prp/Tp | Precinct 29 |
Spheres | Gaian Garou Kinfolk Mortal+ |
Precinct 29. Nestled tightly in the midst of Old Downtown, its the city's oldest police station and generally kept in operation for that very reason. It contains a lot of the auxiliary departments as well in its wings, being so close to City Hall.
Its this day, that Calvin is settled upon a park bench across the ways, skateboard on his lap as the two ladies who know him best get ready to go do a walk through of the Precinct. Acacia sees naught of Wyrm or Bane so far, just weaver spirits along power lines, the station itself surprisingly solid in the Umbra. It is past a century old.
The pair meet near the steps up to the main entrance.
Julia is in uniform. She looks official. She IS official. Her hair is pulled back tightly, her boots are shined, her uniform is fitted comfortably. And the belt around her waist is full of all kinds of interesting things. Coffee in hand, she sips the hot liquid slowly, letting Acacia do her observation before moving ahead. "Just let me know when," she murmurs over towards the other woman.
Acacia spend a whole lot of time looking at things rather carefully. There probably ARE banes around, but Acacia would know what was normal vs what was WAY TOO MUCH. This is the City, afterall. And that shit happens. Acacia is dressed down and Julia probably wouldn't even notice her until she nudged her lightly and shoved a bracelet into her hand. "Hi. Ready when you are. But put this on first."
Julia jumps a little bit as Acacia nudges something into her hand, lifting the bracelet to look at it curiously, giving the other woman a vaguely confused look. "You gave me jewelry before Calvin did," she muses with an amused expression on her face. She slips it around her wrist, just in case, and turns to push the door open so they can step into the building. Banes? Normal or otherwise, she is entirely oblivious to their presence.
Acacia snorts, EQUALLY amused and she nods. "It's because I know how to treat a woman," she tells her with a little smirk. "Being one, and all that." She lets Julia go in first and stays pretty much right behind her, letting her lead the way. "You should be able to go wherever you would normally go and no one will really notice me." It should be noted, too, that Acacia has her hair down and almost no makeup. A pair of jeans and a t-shirt. It isn't even Hello Kitty
The lobby of the police station is composed of tile floor, easily cleaned, with benches on either side of the vestibule. Stairs leading up, stairs leading down flank the long path heading towards the Sergeant's Watch Desk. Evidence rooms down, office rooms upstairs. Booking and bullpen forward.
Not a single solitary glance happens their way. Normal umbra here, wispy hints of the passage of something 'sinister' hang. But nothing concrete, nothing worth mentioning.
Julia laughs quietly, nodding to Acacia. "Something like that." She grins and steps in with her coffee, sipping it slowly. She walks through the lobby slowly, looking around to make sure no one is about to jump out and ask her questions. No specific direction yet; she has to wait for Acacia to tell her which way to go.
"Just keep walking," Acacia murmurs. "Don't draw att---" She takes in a slow breath and reaches out to take Julia's hand, putting it on her elbow, as if Julia were leading her, but in fact, it's just the opposite. "What's downstairs?" she asks quietly, still moving.
"Evidence," Julia offers quietly in response. She just keeps walking as though she belongs there. And she does, really. Her fingers curl loosely around Acacia's elbow, and she moves easily along with the other woman. There's nothing to see here. It's just Julia. She belongs here. And she heads over towards the stairs leading down at the question.
The stairs are well taken care of, grip tape coating the ledge of each step. Officers come up, officers go down. Suits and normal attire going every which way. To the left are store rooms, the armory, this and that and not much in the way of any sort of taint. Sparkling clean.
At least in comparison of the right, of the evidence lock up. Several panes of poly carbonate stand waist high to ceiling to look into the evidence lock up. Several clerks are within and everything looks normal, if a bit grungy. A detective that Julia has run into a time or two is bantering in the back with someone. Sports? Its hard to tell, reading lips. The man got put to desk duty in particular, after an 'incident' that the police union is handling. Suspects reporting getting roughed up, little evidence.
All might seem normal if Acacia wasn't ankle deep in muck, pulsating and oozing to reach up her legs. Flickering lights paint a grim scene. A staff is planted in the middle of the room, with drums that are getting struck by unseen sticks. The skins jump and dance. Twisted lines of barbed wire lace tangle out and wrap about the forms of Banes of every sort. Only releasing when they swirl and drag nails into the detective's miasma form. Then latching on as he leaves to head towards the exit. Five or so clinging and letting loose banshee yells that Acacia can't hear. She doesn't have second hearing.
Acacia nods ever so slightly. "It's important that if I tell you to get the fuck out, that you do so, okay? Please." BUt then as soon as they're down the stairs and Acacia gets a good look around, she shakes her head. "Nope. We're done. Turn around. Let's go."
Julia comes down here all the time. It isn't a strange place for her. It isn't even eerie. She doesn't so much as blink at the peculiar scene. Because she doesn't see it. The detective at the end of the hall is noted, but not addressed. Not right now. Maybe later. She's about to keep walking through the area when Acacia states that they need to leave. Right now. Which earns her a confused look from Julia. They literally just got here. "What why? I work here. I'm down here all the time."
Acacia hesitates for just a second or two, then nods. "You don't see what I see. Keep going. Full tour," she murmurs, actually letting Julia lead now. She takes a deep breath and keeps her head forward, but turns her vision back on by opening that one eye really wide for a second. She looks at EVERYTHING
The detective is done, gets buzzed through to the same side as Julia and Acacia. The man's eyes slide over over the pair of them, and catch upon a man coming downstairs. Foot dragging, and a bit downtrodden. It doesn't help that the detective instantly barks at the kid. "Melvin. I knew your sack-o-shit friends and you were poking around the park that night." Acacia can tell. This guy has all the earmarks of being homeless. He is just shrugging. "Everyone makes mistakes detective...But you can fuck off." Its an instant shift, from meek to enraged. And it happens the instant the the detective grabs Melvin's elbow. And its right when Acacia's eyes open so that she can see a bane detach and writhe around a new home.
Julia peers curiously at Acacia, not entirely sure what's rattled the other woman so much, but she nods slowly. She walks slowly and steadily, beginning to lead her quietly through the area. Nothing out of place here. Nope. Everything is normal. Things are filed, locked up, and otherwise put away where they belong. She pauses as she hears the exchange, watching the detective and the homeless kid carefully. She IS a witness to THIS exchange, if it escalates.
"Oh shit," she murmurs almost wordlessly, giving Julia a little tug. "Keep walking. /Do not stop/.
Dude's tainted. Passed a bane on like a hot potato. Just keep going along. Don't go near the detective." Quietly. Very quietly. But still managing to be pretty damn casual about it to outsiders
Detective Donnie Demented. (Dimento. But people are rude.) Turns and nearly walks into Julia, reaching a hand out. "Sorry." Before turning to head up the stairs. Melvin heading to the evidence lockup to get HIS STUFF.
Further along the basement areas, the miasma clears and is entirely empty. Though Acacia can see Bane after Bane wandering aimlessly towards the evidence room, as if drawn. Interrogation rooms are clear, armory is clear. Everything else down this way is clear.
"You realize I have no idea what that means, right?" Julia mutters quietly back over towards Acacia. A small smile is given to the Detective as he nearly walks into her and she just shakes her head. "It's fine. I'll talk to you later." She purses her lips slightly at the instruction to keep walking, turning to continue on her tour. There's plenty for her to see. Rooms. Armory. It's all quite structured and fancy. Or not fancy. Regardless, Julia is comfortable here, and eventually leads the way back toward the stairs.
"Bad spirits. Infecting people." She manages to NOT jerk Julia away from the detective. Acacia murmurs about what she sees, or doesn't see, here and there, but otherwise remains quiet as they finish the tour downstairs. "Need to see the upstairs too," she murmurs, making sure she doesn't actually lose contact with Julia. They COULD. LIke they wouldn't lose each other, but if Acacia needs to ACT, having Julia right there is much better.
The stairs await, a bit busier than before. Apparently Detective Demented is a handsy mother fucker, cuz he had stopped at the top of the stairs and was patting someone on the elbow before wandering off. No banes got transferred there. Squeaky clean patrol officer. How quaint.
The bullpen looks like a Wyrm-based mudroom. Footsteps of that same gunk cris-cross the floor, steadily becoming fainter and fainter. But the holding cells have banes in them as well. Just latched onto suspects, content to worm their way in and take further control.
This place may as well be a breeding ground for Fomor.
Julia escorts Acacia pretty much wherever she wants to go. She leads the way back up the stairs to the lobby, turning to head to the other stairs that lead up towards the next set of rooms. Acacia wants the full tour, so she's getting the full tour. It takes some time, but it's still a finite size. The building is only so big. "Bad spirits infecting people. How does that even work?"
Acacia continues to quietly relay things, keeping herself smooshed against Julia. She doesn't like this. Nope. Not at all. "I'll give you the full run down afterward," she murmurs. And she will. She really will. Upstairs, through whatever areas she needs to go through, taking in every detail that she POSSIBLY can
The rest of the tour goes spiffy. The haze and spreading tendrils of Wyrm influence is clearly just from the clingers on of Banes, of a Detective this, or Officer that who has become a carrier for passing spiritual cancer to unwitting victims.
Its a literal and actual breath of fresh air when the dynamic duo exit the Police station together. On the tail of three people being riden by banes plus Melvin himself. Weirdly enough, they all turn and go in the same direction when they leave.
Julia nods slightly to Acacia's promise to explain later, accepting that response. This isn't a good place for that chat anyway. So she leads the way, showing her through the building, before escorting Acacia out of the building. She glances sideways towards the people that leave, watching them go before simply crossing the street towards where Calvin is sitting and waiting.
Acacia sucks in a deep breath once they're outside and she zeroes in on Calvin. Now she is most definitely leading the way, still walking calmly, but all but tugging Julia in that direction. Calvin likely won't notice them until they're all right up in his grill. "Calvin. We need cleansing. Like right fucking now. Back to the mall." Acacia is in charge, apparently.
Calvin has churros waiting. It looks like he had five. He has eaten nearly three. Two and a half. He putters on his skateboard like some wayward vagrant youth, gliding this way, that way as the pair approach. Nearly stumbling as he notices them and he kicks the dovetail of the board to send it up into the air towards his hand. "So I take it, Johnny Law knew what the fuck he was talking about?"
"I'm going to assume you're not talking about a shower," Julia comments over towards Acacia. Really, she looks a lot calmer than the other woman because she IS calmer. She didn't see what Acacia saw. Her arms loosely fold over her chest, and she looks Calvin over as he comes back with his board. "I dunno. Ask her. I didn't see anything. She said she did."
"They're passing on banes like herpes in a brothel." Acacia is so fucking eloquent. And she IS calm. She's more MAD than anything else. "No, not talking about showers. Cleansing. You're so new at this. Precious innocence." And really, she manages to not make that sound derogatory. "They're all over the downstairs. That's the main part of it. I'll tell you all about it on the way. As it is, I'm about to throw up. I can almost TASTE the taint. We can't even go into the mall like this. We'll have to do it in the parking lot. You CAN cleanse, right?" She's already moving away, bracelet still around her wrist. "We need to go. Now."
"Uhhh...not the Dead Mall? Julia's house? Kinfolk House?" Calvin offers churros to the pair of intrepid women who made the trek into the devil's den. Oh. The parking lot. "I guess we'll head back then." Shoulders offered up in a big shrug towards Julia. Acacia seems crazy. "I can perform the rite of cleansing."
Julia squints slightly at Acacia's mention of her innocence. "I'm not that innocent. I've seen a lot of shit. Just not... that shit." She glances over towards Calvin, nodding a bit in agreement and looking between them. "We can go to my house, if you want. I'm not sure it's any better than the mall, but it's quiet. And private. I even have curtains." One hand reaches over to take the churro offered to her, and she begins to munch on it.
Acacia shakes her head. "Parking lot of the Dead mall. Just not inside. I'm not tainting Julia's house. There aren't spirits protecting that." She picks up her pace a little, but doesn't completely leave them behind. "I think I'm going to throw up. I HATE being able to see that shit."