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[[Category:Sara McMurrough]]
[[Category:Selene (wolf)]]
{{Infobox Log
{{Infobox Log
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|icdate    = October 19th, 2014
|icdate    = October 19th, 2014
|ictime    = Late Morning
|ictime    = Late Morning
|players  = [[Lars]] [[Connor]] [[Sara]] [[Danube]] [[Sigurd]] [[Selene]] [[Quinn]] [[Oswald]]
|players  = [[Lars]] [[Connor]] [[Sara McMurrough]] [[Danube]] [[Sigurd]] [[Selene (wolf)]] [[Quinn]] [[Oswald]]
|location  = Caern
|location  = Caern
|spheres  = [[Garou]] [[Changeling]]
|spheres  = [[Garou]] [[Changeling]]
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Selene tilts her head respectfully. "Thank you, Iron-flail-rhya. I will respect your wisdom." She says, her shoulders relaxing slightly as the perceived challenge to her capabilities was withdrawn. She looks to her brother, and gives him a faint grin. "Eventful day, yes?" She says, glancing towards the temple, then over towards the gathering crowd. "Well. This will be talked about for some time, I imagine."
Selene tilts her head respectfully. "Thank you, Iron-flail-rhya. I will respect your wisdom." She says, her shoulders relaxing slightly as the perceived challenge to her capabilities was withdrawn. She looks to her brother, and gives him a faint grin. "Eventful day, yes?" She says, glancing towards the temple, then over towards the gathering crowd. "Well. This will be talked about for some time, I imagine."

Latest revision as of 10:41, 17 April 2023

Get Gone Wild / Sara's Big Mouth
Sara teases Lars and the skies weep blood at the caern.
IC Date October 19th, 2014
IC Time Late Morning
Players Lars Connor Sara McMurrough Danube Sigurd Selene (wolf) Quinn Oswald
Location Caern
Spheres Garou Changeling
Theme Song Bad Moon Rising


The white wolf lets out a lazy chuff and growl <Only have the bow and quiver with me. That is all.>. She always has her bow on her. Benefit of dedication. Downside is when you go for a run in your wolf form, expecting to head to the springs and your weapons are all you have dedicated. <You play. It wouldn’t be fun for me. I'd rather wrestle him. The fight would be more even.>

Quinn snickers and shoulder bumps the white wolf "have I ever told you about the time I punched him in the nose" of course she has, it's one of her prouder moments and she sounds like a little sister being triumphant about catching her bigger much stronger older brother off guard. Which is about the truth of it. Quinn shakes her head to Lars, "I can't challenge you, I would need a rank to do that, so there is nothing I can do to you that would be a challenge. But if you wouldn't mind sharing your target, I have my bow here at the huts. If I happen to keep score.... well. What’s the harm in a game anyway?

Yuri enters the caern and looks around, nodding to the others. He heads to a rock by the fire pit, "Hello everyone. I hope your morning is going well."

Danube has arrived.

Connor wanders on down that forests path from above, his arm draped over Sara's shoulder as they walked along. A grin crosses his features as he spots the small gathering and he lifts his hand up in a greeting

Sara uses an elastic band to wrap her hair into a knot at the back of her neck as she approaches. Her boots make a solid sound as they thump to the rhythm of her in-time step with Connor. She gives a quick tick up at the left corner of her mouth - a brief recognition to everyone before she tells Quinn, "The harm is you'll totally obliterate their fragile egos." Was that a teasing smile?

Lars glances between Pict and Quinn. The group were actually not near a fireplace today, but rather along the tree line where Lars had been doing some archery practice. "It sounds like fun, Quinn." He offers a smile before looking towards Pict. "And if you would like to wrestle sometime, I would enjoy that as well." That one in particular has him excited. He hasn't faced off against another Ahroun in a fair while. His attention is pulled over towards Connor and Sara and he simply locks his gaze with the Kin. "I would watch your tone, kin and show respect." And then he gives Connor a bit of a lingering look. "Shining Walker." A nod of his head before looking back to the duo he had been chatting with.

<There is challenge and there is Challenge. I think that even in fun she will present a challenge. You could probably learn from her.> The white wolf growls out in an amused tone. If she thinks that Quinn is a challenge when it comes to archery, that says something.

Danube plays a little game of stalking as timing has her entering just behind Connor and Sara, timing her footfalls to match Sara's own boot-steps, who match up with Connor's.. Once close enough and words begin to exchange back and forth she steps out from behind. "I think said kin meant that in fun challenge Flames-Rhya, not insult. One to inspire the famed Heart of the Get, yes?" A plausible way to see it.. Then to those not met. "Greetings, I am Danube, rite named Nightshade, Cliath Theurge of the Shadow Lords and follower of Ares in the Magnificent Bastards pack."

Quinn tries to distract Sara with a smile and a hug from her tribeswoman. Although she appreciates the kin woman, she too wishes her mouth to learn some temper. But she hugs and squeezes Sara and makes a big deal about her being back "it is good to see you, I honestly didn't expect you back for a while. how was your stay? how is your family? I told Connor that I had family near you that I could have had drop in but he said there wasn't a need for it." She certainly needs saving from her family from time to time. "Gimmy a second I need to grab my bow" and with that she's off to grab her gear. Bracers to quiver and her modern recurve bow made of composite materials. Not suitable for a fetish, but highly functional with a heavy draw and tuned to Quinn's liking

Lars speaks calmly, without any real anger or ire in his tone. For an Ahroun he was pretty laid back. "Even so, Nightshade, not all would show as much clemency as I and offer but a warning, and not all Ahroun are as level headed as I. A good day to you, by the way." He then walks down the tree line towards the half rotten log about a hundred meters down while Quinn runs off to get her gear. Soon all his arrows are placed back in their quiver and the log is turned to its fresh face. He makes his way back as Quinn returns with her bow. The difference in bows is huge. His, a tall thick elm bow with a simple linen bowstring, hers a marvel of

Sara takes a few moments to process Lars' statement.. and she returns Quinn's hug before she rolls her tongue over her teeth again. "Lars.. don't be a twat." She exhales a little and glances at Connor, raising a finger. "I'm not in the fuckin' mood to defend my sense of humor against someone who's supposed to be family." Finally she looks back at the others.. "Sara McMurrough, Fianna Kin, and personally responsible for what comes out of my own mouth. Nice to meet you."

Quinn takes a big step to the side and lets Connor defend Sara from Lars. it is actually his job and she's not going to step on any toes. she actually step all the way out for a moment to make a phone call. Come to think of it Defends the weak might step in.... If anyone thought that Sara was weak.

Lars pauses and turns to face Sara. He then makes his way over towards her, not looking away. "Sara McMurrough, Kin of the Fianna. I find your words towards me unacceptable and contemptible. I ask that you be more respectable and you answer such with insults." Usually he would take this up with Connor, but since she claimed responsibility, he would deal with the source. So without even taking a glance towards Connor he would move to backhand Sara across the face, and do it hard.

The young blonde woman's mouth doesn't open, and even though she can see the Get ahroun winding up Sara doesn't raise a finger or try to flee the oncoming blow. There's a moment of confusion in the kin's eyes and then contact. The droplets of crimson spray from her lips, laying against her pale face and spattering in her hair.. and Sara's staggered by the force. The red and darkness that will become bruising is already flaring up on the chin, jaw and cheek.. but still she doesn't raise her hands in defense or offense. Instead both hands come to her belly and her head stayes to the side.. throat immediately exposed in a gesture that's instinctual reflex rather than clear thought.

Connor was going to say things, merely expecting a firm backhand, but to see his pregnant mate get slammed across the face and to hear bones breaking, he remained amazingly calm for one of his kind, just a slight twitch of his brow "Get out of tha Caern...now." he turns and moves over towards Sara, his fists clenching and releasing as he kneels down at her side, picking out a few things from his satchel, working a quick poultice up before applying it.

Danube bows her head to Lars after his words, accepting them like a good Cliath. "Thank you. And good day to you as well." She smiles at the hugging kin, grins at Connor in passing but blinks at Sara, face held carefully still to show a well-practiced Shadow Lord 'nothing' as she nods. "As you say." Soooo not getting involved with this any further. Then when a blow is struck to the kin and not to the kin's mated Garou, she blinks, shock showing through her mask. A dagger appearing in each clawed hand, ready though not raised showing an obviously defensive stance. She steps forward aside Connor, between Lars and Sara, adding her crinos shifted presence. <<With respect to your rank Flames-Rhy, very improper to strike a kin rather than challenge their mate!>> Then realizing just how hard Sara was struck, she does the simplest thing, howls for the <<Warder>>!

Sigurd has arrived.

Quinn steps between the Frey, yep the squishy Kin "Alright! Sara accepted the consequences of her words" if anyone thinks that Kin should be treated with as anyone else would it's Quinn and Sara WAS treated like any other lower rank mouthing off like that. She speaks to everyone, "There's no need for anything other than focusing on Healing Sara!" she looks to Lars when she says "She is Pregnant" letting everyone know that it is more urgent to help her than to continue fighting.

Lars slams the back of his hand across the Kin's face without pulling his strength at all. It was casual and without any heat or anger behind it, as if he was chastising a child or animal about doing something wrong, but instead acting with violence. When he sees that Connor is moving to help her he turns to go back to his archery when Danube begins calling for the warder he sighs and turns to look at her. "Did you not hear her words from her very mouth? She denied his protection. In that moment she had no mate and no tribe. She stood behind her insult, and she was punished for it. The matter is dealt with and done." And to him, it was. He was amazingly calm, despite everything. "Her mate did not discipline her when she insulted me not once, but twice, despite my warning." the entire exchange didn't mean much to the Get. He was Get. A brief flash of violence was what it took to enforce discipline. When Quinn claims that Sara was pregnant, Lars cast a glance at the cringing kin and after a moment he nodded. "And so she is. She should be more careful in the future, I would suggest."

Connor sees to Sara's recovery. He had given one warning, and only ever gives one. He rises and turns around, his hands digging into that satchel he tosses out a handful of mushrooms, the power flowing around him dropping them down into a perfect circle at his feet "I am Connor McMurrough, The Shining-Walker. Adren Druid of tha Fianna and keeper of tha oaths old and new." his eyes shown over with a dull blue glow and his flesh would take on the same hinted color as he continues to intone "By those oaths....Arden Rangarson, Titan of Storm and Fallin' Stars. Fist of tha North, Greybeard of tha Firstborn. I name you and summon you to my side!"

Sara isn't exactly cringing, she's just steadying herself and keeping her mouth closed. The blood was shed, healing was done.. she's still injured but in no clear and present danger. Starting to get her wits back about her midway through Connor's summoning, the girl looks a little - mortified. "Oh damn."

Nightshade does not deal with Sara, likely lacking the gifts and with her mate, already doing so. Instead she speaks with Lars. Though in crinos and armed, her eyes remain on his chest, firm but not going so far as to challenge him outright. <<She did Rhya, and I did hear as you say.. But hasty words like that are not a Rite of Renunciation, nor a loophole to get around a Challenge. Or if you to attack, should have attacked him, leaving him to discipline her after, yes Rhya? To strike the kin would be like an assassin's blade to the back of a Garou rather than an attack to the front.>> Connor is saying stuff... No clue what that means..

Emerging from the main path comes some sort of illusion. It must be, for the man that appears on the way looks almost identical to Lars. There are a few differences, the most glaring of which is how much bulkier the original is. While this copy is very muscular, he doesn't compare to how massive Lars is. Another more readily notable difference is how the copy carries a long sword in a scabbard, as well as his choice of clothing. This choice includes a backpack and what seems to be lots of travel gear. A young, blonde haired woman in similar attire walks beside him.

"Are you sure it is a wise idea to stop by the caern first?", the woman asks the twin of Lars. The twin, a garou by the name of Sigurd, shakes his head. "No", he answers, "But, it feels like maybe we should do that". The young man's lips purse before he adds, "We've been gone for awhile. Too long". As the pair happen upon the social mess unfolding, Sigurd's eyes dart around. A hand instinctively grasps the hilt of his long sword.

Spying Lars, the garou's twin calls out, "Brother! What's going on?".

Quinn hears the summoning and growls out an "asshole" at Connor as she strides past him to Sara. Ok, so it's one thing to avenge your mate it's another thing to leave her injured on the ground to go off on a testosterone battle. She goes to provide cover For Sara, and calm her as she doesn't have anything that could heal her. Protect till the real healers can come.

Oswald has arrived.

"She claimed to me that she would take responsibility. And so she did. I treated her as she would like to be treated- as a strong woman. Stand down, Nightshade, I have no quarrel with you. there is no need for you to take a form of War against me. I did not strike Shining Walker-yuf because it was not his insult, and she had renounced his protection. If she had not, I would have dealt with him." As Connor begins to do a summoning, Lars curiously raises an eyebrow, because that didn't sound like a spirit of healing to him. "As it appears I may need to do soon." A glance to his brother and he smiles warmly. "Brother! Good to see you after your long trip. Nothing to worry about. Could you prove this kin with some healing?" He gestures over towards Sara, who had received some healing but was still fairly battered.

Oswald comes striding out of the mists and shadows with heavy footsteps, one hand resting on the pommel of his swagger stick and a frown on his face. "Called I answer Fionn's son, where does danger lay."

Sara's hand moves to Quinn, it's a steady touch - she's clearly been healed some, at least enough to not be in immediate danger. Her bloodied lips don't move, even as she tried to physically pull Quinn to one side - attempting to make certain there is nothing between Sara herself, Connor and the scattered mushrooms as the large man appears. When she does speak again, Sara's not sounding playful anymore. "Don't come near me, or between us." Her words are slurred by the amount of blood still in her mouth.. but they're so much more serious than those which set off the current shitstorm.

Sigurd's eyes shift between Lars and Nightshade. The swordsman's eyes lingered with particular intent upon Nightshade's neck and hamstrings... Until his brother addresses him. Focusing on Lars, Sigurd bows his head and obediently states, "As you wish, brother!". He gets a few steps toward Sara when the summoning is complete.

"This is a precaution to safeguard the wellbeing of myself, my brother, and the innocent", he calls out as the warrior pulls his sword free of its scabbard. Focusing on Oswald and Conner, Sigurd continues his careful advance toward Sara. As the Garou draws closer, he nods to Quinn. "Good work", he offers the kinfolk who is clearly still guarding Sara.

Nightshade is obviously upset and feels strongly about this but.. When given an order to stand down, she obeys, dropping argument and as that ends and there is no fight over her pressing the argument, shifts down. She was obviously a bit scared of pushing the argument with Lars and getting her ass kicked, especially while noting that mouthing off, it's perfectly acceptable to kick someone's ass. A long breath of blown out tension and she steps back. "Yes Rhya." Ok ordering her with rank seems to work really well.. Backing up a few, she turns and walks away to check Sara/Quinn with a soft whining sound clearly a 'how are you?'. Ohhhh ok that's new... She lifts a brow at Oswald's appearance, unsure just what this is and so sniffs at him... And on Sara's words.. Backs up several paces to give room. This has obviously stopped her shifting down, cobalt eyes turn from Oswald to Siguard, narrowing a bit soooo unsure wtf is about to go on.

Quinn backs away when Sara instructs her away and when Sigurd makes his way over. She doesn't like the Brother of Lars, but she knows that he would do as Lars would ask. She doesn't move too far away, wishes or no, if she can protect the kin she will, with her life. Even if she thinks everyone is being idiots. But it's time to let the garou be Garou. she continues to talk soothingly to Sara "One of the Garou is going to heal you the rest of the way. no need to put your child in more danger, no one will get between you and Connor, just stay calm and still" she doesn't want to be in the way of her view of Connor. One of the things Quinn fears the most is Aodhan being hurt because of something she has done, maybe Sara seeing this... Maybe. Quinn loves Connor like a brother and... thinks it would be better if he doesn't come out on top of this fight. She will feel guilty about that later, for now, Protect the kin.

Connor rolled out his neck, nodding as Oswald steps into that circle. His eyes narrow as he spots that drawn sword and the movement towards Sara "Ya lay anything rougher than a mother's touch upon my kin's head and we'll be speakin' next." his gaze shifts back over to Lars "You struck my mate, my -pregnant- mate instead of challenging me like a man, those are tha actions of a coward. I have accepted ya challenge. Should you strike out again or ya brother take another step. I will see you dragged ta tha furthest reaches of tha Deep Dreamin' and leave ya there ta think upon ya actions."

The transformation is nearly instant as Lars takes on the mantle of Dominates The Flame. <<THIS IS NO SPIRIT. THIS IS NO KIN. INTRUDER!>> His growl is a howl steeped deeply in raw hatred as where once a simple man stood, now towered a massive wolf wreathed in leather with eyes golden that flash a deep red as it looks to Oswald and Connor. There is no more words from the monster, simply movement.

Sigurd glances over at Connor when the Adren speaks. The brother of Lars nods his head in acknowledgement. As he creeps closer to Sara, he holds his sword away from the woman and lifts his free hand. "This will just take a moment", he offers to Sara in a soft voice, "Ignore the display of my Gnosis, as you know, it happens when we Garou use our Gi-". Hearing Lars' words, Sigurd freezes. Then, a boiling, hellish fury floods his eyes.

Sigurd's flesh explodes in size and coarse hair shoots through the skin as he takes the Crinos form. The change is nigh instant while he yells at the top of his mighty lungs, "INTRUDER!". Gripping his sword tightly, he rushes into battle.

The little blonde may look injured, but the feral flash of those bloodied teeth is a clear and open threat as Sigurd approaches. Until Connor speaks... she starts to step toward Sigurd but then Lars shrieks an alarm. And they all tear into a fight.. Sara's injecting herself between Oswald and Sigurd now, screaming at the werewolf, "He's my grandfather!"

Oswald has just enough time to notice someone with a sword going for his granddaughter when they turn into a furry war beast and try to stab him. Enough of his troll hide blessings seeps through to his mortal seeming to turn the sword blade away but he gets practically blindsided by another screaming lunatic that grabs hold of him.

Nightshade has had a little time to consider this while backing off. Connor doing the mushroom thing, then the calling thing though not any ritual she knows and too short for one as she knows it.. More like an odd activation of a Talon or agreed condition with a spirit so she was not freaked out but was weary of Oswald's appearance.. This further reinforced by Connor and Sara's reactions.. The call to arms though forces her to make a decision: Stand back and watch, choose Get of Fenris on the attack, choose Fianna on the defensive.. Now in the snap of things, she steps forward, her sickle shaped daggers raising to the defense against Sigurd's sword, which mostly but not entirely works as she growls in counter voice. <<Fianna called kin, not an attack!>> Seeing Connor go down, she begins that way to defend him but ends up in a fending off contest with Sigurd, her blades deflecting grabby hands in her odd spinning, almost dancing style of fighting.

Connor had kept calm and in humid, seeing the attacks coming though he barely explodes into his war form in time, in fact it still did him no good and he goes down in a spray of blood

Sara is left standing in the middle of the mess as Connor bleeds out on the ground.. and the massive Fenrir grapples the man she called her grandfather. Her attempt to stand in front of Sigurd has left her within arms reach of the melee, but she doesn't do more at this point - any action could be wrong. And wrong in the middle of combat frequently preempts dead.

Dominates the Flame moved quickly to Connor, his four legs pumping powerfully to bring himself to the summoner. <<DEFEND THE CAERN!!>> He howls loudly, the sound echoing in the caves. A cry for war. He leaps as Connor shifts forms, grabbing a hold of the Crinos's thigh and shaking his head violently from side to side, the Chosen of Fenris trying to tear the limb off completely. Once Connor has fallen unconscious as bone and flesh explode within Flame's muzzle he lets the limb drop and rushes headfirst to Oswald, leaping on him with fangs bared, pushing him to the ground and putting fangs around his throat. He doesn't squeeze, just lets out a growl of warning to the summoned creature to not struggle lest blood be shed.

"MY BROTHER!", the hulking killing machine that is Sigurd thunders to Sara. It would never matter who was involved in the fight, who Sigurd was throwing himself at, so long as it was to protect his blood brother. Despite his immense size, the warrior Garou moves like lightning. One moment, Sara is attempting to get in front of him, and the next, he bringing his sword down upon Oswald.

Sparks burst into the air as Sigurd, named Vassal of Flames by rite, is stopped by Nightshade. Metal meets metal and the attack loses its ferocity. The Get of Fenris focuses its golden eyes upon the interloper. He then explodes into movement.

The sword is drawn away while a meaty, clawed hand splits the air toward Nightshade. The warrior woman deftly parries, bringing vicious steel against his flesh. Surprise registers in the Fenrir's wrath-filled eyes and the beast man mutters to her, <<Damn, you're good!>>. Once more he attempts to grab hold of Nightshade and once more she masterfully fends him off.

<<You're really good!>>, Sigurd remarks, clearly very impressed with her abilities, <<The Fianna called an intruder!>>. His eyes narrow on her. <<And you're helping them>>.

"STAND DOWN!" The voice booms from the Philodox aptly rited the 'Voice of Fire'. Selene strides from the direction of the temple, the tall Nordic woman wrapped up in a bearskin cloak and dripping water. She clearly must have just vaulted from the springs at the first signs of trouble and was answering her Brothers call. Her eyes are calm, directed straight at Lars and Oswald as they engage each other in a grapple. "Brother! Release him. Sheathe your swords and blades. Enough blood has been shed for today!" The Philodox' words carry the weight of her auspice, and she speaks with the confidence of her rank. She eyes Nightshade very purposefully, then Sigurd, and Lars in turn. "This has turned from a matter of slights to a matter of grave significance. Stand. Down. Let him up." This is said to all present, as she looks between them one by one in turn.

Quinn gives a gasp of near panic and Sara wade in. Ok she might do the same if her family was left bleeding but She still needs to be careful. Quinn makes to grab Sara from behind, around her middle and steps back with her. She's not trying to remove her just get her out of harm’s way. She prepares to take an elbow somewhere, she's seen Sara at the mud run and knows the kin is tough.

Oswald is laying still and waiting, obviously pissed off but knowing when he's out of his (considerable) weight class.

Dominates the flame hesitates on Oswald's neck for a moment but relents and pulls his maw from the summoned creature's throat and takes a careful step backwards before his body would begin to change forms to a more human body. His weapons meld back into existence, and he was missing his pants, which exploded and fell off him when he shifted. Sword belt, necklace and coat. He had dropped his bow during the shift as well. He stands above Oswald, watching him wearily. Blood splattered his face, neck and chest in considerable amounts, and some of which no doubt stained the fae's neck.

Sara's eyes are on the fallen, but she's clearly listening to the half-moon. With Quinn's arms around her the blonde girl does the unexpected. Her surrender is without drama.. hands slowly lifting and settling behind her head, feet following backwards in the path Quinn cuts toward the edge of the clearing. She's absolutely silent.

Selene’s eyes move from Lars to Oswald when the former gets himself off the latter. Then to Sigurd and Nightshade. When her other brother stands himself down and removes himself from the fight she nods her head. "Secure that one." A point in the direction of Connor. She waits, then looks to Sara and Oswald. With Sara backing up, her gaze locks solely on Oswald. "I have heard Fianna speak of spirits of a different realm that their tribe deal with regularity. Are you such a thing?" This is to Oswald, and after a moment her hand is offered to the man back on his feet. "And are you this kins Grandfather?"

Nightshade is ended up faced off with Sigurd, not use to people matching her skill level given that his first attack still got through and she only just managed to fend off his last two grabs.. She growls softly, it almost seeming difficult for her to speak during such times rather than remaining silent. <<And you. But no. I defend as I would defend you.. or your summoned..>> A pause as she looks at Connor. <<Dam I need to learn Mother's Touch..>> Curved daggers, shaped for parrying for an obvious reason now, get sheathed as she steps over, carefully shifting about Sara to not step on her with clawed feet. Unable to use healing gifts, she kneels and begins to see to the wound with mundane medical skills. Her form shrinking and fur flowing away while inspecting. Obviously listening to the Philodox-voiced one, she sees to this task, medicine bag opening. A glance at Flames and Oswald parting then she begins binding bleeding.

Hearing a familiar voice demanding calm, Sigurd looks in the direction of Voice of Fire. The lumbering menace does not pause the way his twin does. Voice of Fire was his brother by pack, and above his rank to boot. Obedience comes as swiftly as violence for this Fenrir, who begins to shift back to his Homid form.

Vassal of Flames, now Sigurd again, turns his gaze back to Nightshade. Something of a boyish grin curls one end of his mouth before the Get of Fenris nods his head to her. The gesture is followed by the warrior sheathing his long sword and another nod is given - This time to Selene.

Quinn didn't expect that but is grateful, So grateful that the fighting is over, if not the trouble. She holds Sara, able to be tender herself. once again she calms and sooths and becomes Sara's support until her family is able to take her.

Lars turns his gaze to Selene and simply nods his head before turning and walking towards the fallen Garou. He stands over the body and watches as Nightshade gets to dealing with Connor's grievous wounds, just watching for now. "He is not to be healed with gifts of magic," he says simply and calmly, as if he wasn't standing there covered in blood. A glance towards Sara and he says simply, "You can calm, but you cannot leave yet until the Philodox has finished with her investigation."

Oswald nods and frowns at Selene as he sits up very slowly "Bound in my case not just by treaty but by blood. There are three members of that tribe that have passed through the first change of my begetting. One of whom is her father. Another his twin brother." he says with a nod "To the defense of Gaia's children and her holy places. In this case to see to my Granddaughter's safety and that of her Mate."

The Philodox listens to Oswald and then bows her head. "I see. You were bound to answer the call of that one-" A point towards Connor on the ground, "-And had no choice but to do so, without knowing the gravity of the situation that you were called into?"

Given his duties, Sigurd accepts Selene's orders in silent obedience. The swordsman casts a look to the blonde woman he had entered with, who nods her head. Quietly, she steps over to cover one of the well-worn exists. Meanwhile, Sigurd takes up another exit and attempts to keep a sharp eye out. There was nothing left now but for the Philodox to handle the matter.

Sara is calm.. like the too-still eye of a hurricane. She stares back at Lars - but doesn't open her mouth to answer to his demands. The girl doesn't nod her head in acquiescence to Lars either. Her hands lower from the back of her head, and to her sides, as she lets Quinn do what she will do. If anyone has a natural sense of impending danger - it's probably being set off like multiple fire alarms pulled at once.

Oswald stands very slowly "I had given my word to stand in defense of my family wherever and whenever their was need. If Connor needs to be seen to by your Elders in judgment so be it. Sara and I will be on our way as soon as Connor is healed. If we need to go somewhere and wait till they can see us then that will be as it will be as well."

"Connor cannot be trusted to make sound decisions or be of a right mind." Selene says calmly to Oswald. "He will be stabilized and seen to so that he may live to face whatever punishments are decided when my investigation is finished. I will ensure you myself that he will not die of his wounds." She says with an air of promise. "And I understand that you have given your word. You will understand in turn that I am bound to enforce the law of this Nation, and the law for breaching the sanctity of our holiest of places is death." She says heavily. "The only reason he still breathes now is that I have no means to determine if you, Grandfather of Sara, are permitted to be here or not. The elders will be consulted, and his fate will lie in their hands. Until their judgment of him is complete, I will ensure his safety personally."

Lars keeps a sharp eye on Connor and Danube, but his voice is for Sigurd. *So, brother. Picked a good day to return from Denmark,* He says in Danish. *It is good to see you. Adalina is getting big with child... How long before I have a niece or nephew?*

Danube bites her lower lip for a moment but nods to Lars' words as she keeps working. A quick word sends some kin that she often works with on medical affairs off for thick blankets. Sadly for Connor she is a Shadow Lord and pain is not something, on Garou that they go over far in dealing with. Mortar and stone begin to grind up a roll of leaves rather than an injection of morphine, and once well roughed she replaces the old immediate use pressure-bandage with this new one to dull the pain and help his Breed-form body fight off any possible infection. And with the kin's return, she has them help slide home onto the thick roll, then cover him up with more, good leg raised. No shock on her watch..

Selene looks to Sara, and nods her head. "You are indeed, correct." She motions for someone, anyone, to take Oswald out and presumably some lower ranking person with interested piqued by the commotion would take Oswald out, permitting the player to get free. Selene then turns her attention to Sara, and she takes a slow breath. "Do you have anything you wish to say?"

Quinn would not let the hysterical woman get more than the intention out before stopping her. It's deceptive how calm and soothing she is because she's also ready to act as well. "Selene-Ryha, Sara, She is pregnant." just in case that wasn't said before "If there is any way we can calm her. I don't think she is thinking straight right now and this kind of stress level can't be good."

Meanwhile, Sigurd has something very like the English guards, stoic and unmoving - An attempt to be the perfect guard. That unyielding visage crumbles, giving way to a broad smile the moment that Lars speaks to him.

"I guess so!", he replies to his blood brother, "I see you and our brother are as busy as always". Realizing his cheer is getting the better of him, Sigurd attempts to put on his stoic face again. Even so, he continues to speak.

"It shouldn't be too much longer, I don't think. She was pregnant before father called us back - Time at court has just about destroyed my count of the days. It should be another few months or so". He pauses for a moment before permitting himself to say, "I'm really glad to be back, brother".

"Connor should be healed." Sara answers Selene quietly, after Quinn makes her announcement. "He is not a danger to this sept, not to its members.. and I will not do anything to create tension that might lead to another outcome." She glances back over her shoulder at Quinn. "I'm thinking very straight. Else I would have grabbed that gun and shot Sigurd's mate and you both - just to take as many with me as I could."

Selene’s eyes flash, and she takes a sharp step towards Sara. "You listen to me very carefully woman." Her voice is cold. "If you ever wish for your child to hear the sound of your voice you will never speak in such a way about my family, in jest or not in jest, or I will tear the tongue from your mouth and ensure it will never be healed. Your words have brought this about us all. You have disgraced your tribe, and your insolence may well be the death of your mate. He may -die- because you can't keep your mouth shut. Do it one more time, woman, just once, and I will not hesitate to follow through on my threats. Do you understand me?"

Lars actually turns and draws his blade, his eyes locked onto Sara with his eyes flashing with sudden hatred. This is not the hot flames of Gaia's hate, but the cold calculated hatred of man. A slow hatred, one that seeps and lingers. He doesn't move or react beyond that.

Danube has done pretty much all that she can for now so just sits there, under the blankets to share her body heat with Connor and make sure he is kept all heated. She has berated, stood down when ordered, defended, and now stabilized. Kind of tired.. is the young Shadow Lord. She lifts a brow at a point there. Yeah sooo not getting any more involved for now.

Alissa has arrived.

And here comes the warder, waving about his iron flail. "Enough. All of you. Put your blades away. Kin. One more word from you and I'll bash you myself."

Sara listens to Selene, and watches Lars out the corner of her eye. She feels Quinn step away and her hands lift again slowly from her sides to her arms, which cross lightly in front of her. She doesn't speak as the Warder enters - instead, she bows her head in somber note that she heard and accepts his words.

Lars doesn't hesitate to sheath his sword, though he does still seem to be on edge after the threat. Sigurd, after the threat is made on his mate takes Adelina and takes her from the caern.

The caern is a bit of a bloodbath. Lars is standing over the downed form of Connor who is on the ground with horrendous damage done to his leg. Lars is above him, his mouth, chin and chest soaked through with blood, but he does not appear damaged. Danube was currently working on keeping the fallen garou stabilized and the Warder had just arrived.

Nora slips into the caern with Alissa at her side, both slightly crouched as they head toward all the commotion. Nora pauses behind a large boulder where she peeks around it to watch the others here. Leaning back, she whispers something to her companion before quickly looking the groups direction again.

Selene remains in front of Sara, glaring at the woman with cold eyes. When her head bows and doesn't meet her gaze, Selene snorts once softly before turning to face the Warder. She bows her head slightly in deference. "Hail, Iron-flail-rhya." She says respectfully. "I hereby charge Shining-Walker with knowingly and intentionally leading a stranger to the Caern here. The penalty for such a crime is death, but there are extenuating circumstances. I will need to speak with Speaks for Justice-rhya to gain from his wisdom and insight before I will ask for punishment to be meted out." Her hand moves to Sara. "This kinfolk has willfully and repeatedly been insulting to ranking Garou, goading her mate through her childish antics into defending her, and is the cause of this problem."

"Someone heal him and take him to a holding place. Kin, come with him or don't. Your choice, but not a word." The warder mutters to himself as he finishes closing the distance, still waving about that iron flail. NOT. Happy. "Gaia save us all. You." He points to Danube. "Get him some place to rest until I get the other elders together." He eyes Oswald as he's being led away and just nods. That's fine. Whatever. He waves his hand at Selene. "The Philodox will handle the formalities. I just want this nonsense to stop."

Sara moves to follow after Connor when she's released to by the warder - but per the order she doesn't speak. Her bow of deference was notably to him earlier, and not to Selene. None but Connor and Danube have her attention currently.

For her part, Alissa lingers with Nora as the girl hides behind a boulder. But after a few minutes of watching the goings on, Alissa steps away from the boulder and reaches a hand down to try and pull Nora along with her, abandoning even the hint of 'hiding' on the bawn with a grimace, as she approaches. She doesn't speak up or call out to anyone, or otherwise try drawing attention to herself or her companion.

Quinn once Sara is with her kind she crosses to the slayers. "I am not staying here. I need something to hunt after" she motions to here Connor fell bleeding "that." her arms wrap around herself as well and she looks deeply troubled. "I... I am sorry" she's not sure what to say, not sure what she is apologizing for. but she feels the words need to be said, and said to Lars whom she looks to now.

Juliette comes strolling down the path, whistling to herself, her usual guitar case slung over her shoulder. She pauses and looks around raising an eyebrow at the commotion "What's going on?"

Selene doesn't care who Sara was bowing to, deference is deference and at least it’s a start she knows what respect -is-! Selene bows her head as well to the Warder, before looking towards Lars. "Assist in moving Connor." She says, using the fallen Garous name. She had no reason to use -Yuf anymore. "Connor is to be confined under guard to remain in confinement until he is to be met with the appropriate punishment." She intones formally, taking over in roll of Philodox from the Ahroun-warder. "I will speak with Speaks-with-Justice-rhya as soon as I have the opportunity, Iron-flail-rhya." She says respectfully. "I too, just wish for these foolish occurrences to cease."

The warder's brow arches slightly at Selene's command. "I think that you don't get much say in this, Philodox or not. The conflict was between your pack and another. I appreciate your role, but it's invalid here." The ward motions toward some random NPCs. "YOU assist in taking him. There will be no further reason for conflict."

The caern is a bit of a bloodbath. Lars is standing over the downed form of Connor who is on the ground with horrendous damage done to his leg. Lars is above him, his mouth, chin and chest soaked through with blood, but he does not appear damaged. Danube was currently working on keeping the fallen garou stabilized and the Warder had just arrived and was giving out orders. The blood covered and pants less ahroun simply gives a small nod to the Warder. He keeps his weapon sheathed at his hip and glances over towards Juliette and the semi-hidden rats. "Litany breach. It is being dealt with." He then offers a polite little smile to the woman. "It is good to see you, Verona-yuf. It has been too long." Upon Selene's orders though, he offers a bow to Juliette. "Duty calls," he says before moving over to the fallen Connor. But then he stops when the Warder calls for him to stop. He simply turns and watches the pair.

Danube bows her head to the Warder as she stands, beginning to see to it, she starts folding the blanket's edges to make it into a litter. She nods to a few of the kin she works with in her own helping with Sept medical affairs, having them get the other sides so that the leg will not be moved at all. It takes her a few moments to lock a few sticks together for a brace and wrap the leg just to make double sure before the lift and carry. To the other kin. "Once there, you will stay to observe his condition while I step across, make a healing talon, and returning, heal him enough that he can shift and heal himself back up." Use to working with the kin and her lack of the healing gifs.

Nora is tugged out into the open by Alissa and slowly approaches with her. She remains quiet though, stepping just behind Alissa as she looks to those here, specifically toward Selene for the moment before her attention is grabbed by the warder. The short woman looks him and his flail over before she studies those here she doesn't know.

Selene turns her gaze to Iron-flail, "Thank you, Iron-flail-rhya, Elder Ahroun. I will defer my position as Philodox to your rank and wisdom. It was my understanding that in the matters of defending the Caern, it was all of our duties. While the actions of my Brothers were taken against Connor, I will assure you that my judgment is not clouded by blood. I have never given anyone cause to question my capabilities of a Philodox, or of remaining impartial."

Muir comes to the caern and to the scene before him, peering to the fallen garou and the various beings here curiously but calmly. He simply remains silent for now, this was a garou matter and he had no intention of getting into the matter.

Chambers has arrived.

"And you are very likely right," the warder says to Selene. "I do not question your judgment, but let us not give anyone any FURTHER reason to call foul. This is not a slight to your authority or your integrity." Just a way to give him less of a headache later on.

Juliette glances around then looks over at Danube at the mention of healing talens "I am capable of healing. Who got messed up? What happened? Defending the Caern? What is going on?"

Sara ignores her still bleeding mouth, attempting to help with Connor.. but as the NPC joins them she steps aside, only staying to be as close as possible without being in the way. She's conspicuously silent, but her lips sputter as she glares in the direction of Lars and Selene when charges of "litany breech" and the like are tossed into the air. She makes her hands into fists.. stuffing them into her sides to prevent the use of fingers in place of the words she's so willfully choking back.

Selene tilts her head respectfully. "Thank you, Iron-flail-rhya. I will respect your wisdom." She says, her shoulders relaxing slightly as the perceived challenge to her capabilities was withdrawn. She looks to her brother, and gives him a faint grin. "Eventful day, yes?" She says, glancing towards the temple, then over towards the gathering crowd. "Well. This will be talked about for some time, I imagine."