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Magnus nods and states, ?This is their Queen I think. It sounds like she is okay if we just leave them alone and thought I was attacking...hard to tell really because the speech is disjointed and alien...even for the spirits.?. He shrugs and speaks back as best he can to leave them alone. ?. Once she is gone, he backs away and heads to a map that he has been drawing of the local umbra, ?Here...I can mark it with me scent a few times a week so no one else goes running through there.?. He bows his head, ?Sorry about te trouble.?
Magnus nods and states, ?This is their Queen I think. It sounds like she is okay if we just leave them alone and thought I was attacking...hard to tell really because the speech is disjointed and alien...even for the spirits.?. He shrugs and speaks back as best he can to leave them alone. ?. Once she is gone, he backs away and heads to a map that he has been drawing of the local umbra, ?Here...I can mark it with me scent a few times a week so no one else goes running through there.?. He bows his head, ?Sorry about te trouble.?
"We can only hope, that is so. I will be putting this gift on my list of things to learn. I think I can find a teacher." Rats nods slowly as he looks out the window, with a soft sigh."I will learn the gift of spirit speach for our pack Magnus, it will be my next thing on my list. I will then go out there and talk to it again, make sure the deal is good for it offically."

Latest revision as of 10:09, 29 June 2019

Buzzing in the cabin
Attack Bees
IC Date June 29th, 2019.
IC Time Day
Players Elowyn,Ratsputin, Magnus as ST
Location Pack Cabin
Spheres Gaian Garou, Fera, M+/Kinfolk

Ratsputin and Elowyn are in the middle of the fighting ring, they are sparring in a nice slow manner, both of them dressed for the moment. Ratsputin is shirtless in a pair of black jeans and then he is watching her in her sport gear, with a little chuckle."Your getting better lover, much better at this."

Elowyn huffs slightly as she pushes her hair out of her face as she chuckles. "I'm....trying. I'm tired of feeling useless." Dressed in some bike shorts and a sport bar, she kicks the dirt off her tennis shoes as she nods. "Even though Brooke says I shouldn't actively put myself in a a fight...."

Magnus isn?t there at one moment and then is suddenly there the next as he drops out of the umbra, sweating and what appears to be swearing profusely in old Norse. He looks up to see Elowyn and Ratsputin there and smiles awkwardly, ?Blessed day to ye both...?

"Bleesed day to you alpha." With that Ratsputin is launcheds toewards Elowyn with a wide move, he is low to the ground coming in to slam her against the ground, not in a manner to hurt of course. His hand lowering her to the ground, and then he looks down at her."You need to stay low, to the ground so I can't do that."

Elowyn gasps as she takes her to the ground, panting heavily as she looks up at him. "....but isn't staying low a disadvantage?" Pursing her lips a bit she watches him for a bit longer before blushing and looking over to see Magnus. "Are....you okay?" A slight frown of concern crosses her features now. "Everything alright?"

Magnus visibly goes erk as El is taken down. He is about to turn and let them be when Elowyn looks his way and asks if everything is ok, ?Oh aye, sure all good...just was running through the forest umbra and stumbled into a spirit bee hive by accident. They swarmed and so had to find an easy spot to drop out safely. I?m just hoping they don?t decide to manifest...?

"I hope as well, that would be bad." Rats is helping her baxck to her feet with a nod of his head."Now then take me down, the same way." His voice is soft, as he licks his lips slowly with a nodding of his head, as he waits for now. He will not dodge, or judge it is all about learning by fire.

Elowyn nods as she tucks that wooden sword he gave her. Crouching low like he told her she then smiles as she runs at him to push him to the ground. Blowing some of her hair out of her face she exhales a bit. "Like that?" Looking to Magnus she nods a bit. "Do you need anything? They didn't sting you or anything right?"

Magnus nods, ?Aye, that would be bad. It was a pretty good swarm. Nae they din sting me, but thankee?. He smirks only to grow deadly serious as the sound of buzzing starts, at first quietly and then little by little it grows louder and louder. The sound comes from all around them. ?Ratsputin and Elowyn, to the cabin...quickly.?

Ratsuputin nods slowly trying to get up, without hurting her but it is not going to be easy, as he looks up with the sound of the buzzing, he reaches for her but she has him pin too well."Elowyn, cabin now. I will stand here with Magnus." ^Yeah he did that on purpose totally on propse.

Elowyn blinks a few times as she hears the buzzing but then looks up. Scrambilng up she stands and then nods a bit as she starts for the cabin. So much for her little training. That wooden sword still in hand she moves to the porch now, pursing her lips.

Magnus reaches to help Ratsputin up as Elowyn already starts for the house. A spiritual flash of yellow materializes out of the umbra and the buzzing becomes almost deafening. The bee is about the size of a medium sized dog and has an unusually large stinger. One more comes through, than another, and another and another...until a whole swarm appears around them. There are only a few between Elowyn and the cabin and Magnus/Rats and Elowyn. Magnus calls out, ?Tactical retreat!?...aka Run!!!

"Yeah, let's book it open the door Elowyn." With that Rats is rushing towards her with a little chuckle, and then he is grabbing her yanking her into the cabin with a shake of his head."We will need to go cleans that from our lands another day Magnus, it is not safe to have that so close to us."

Elowyn does just that...books it. Dodging the few that's there she moves and opens the door. "Hurry hurry hurry!!" It's like a squeak as she continues on.

Magnus runs past the few bee spirits in his way and turns to see Ratsputin getting cut off. One of the bees is fairly fast and thrusts it?s stinger at the Ragabash only to miss, but just barely. ?Would ye quit playing and get in here.?. Magnus takes one of the benches that is on the porch and tosses it at the bees in Rats? way.

Ratsputin leaps over the bench as he uses it to valut into the house with a wicked little chuckle."But it is fun to play, with death is on the line. I feel so alive." With that he slams the door shut with a wicked little chuckle, as he beams at them.

"Oh my god just get inside!!" El was screaming it as she then watches them shut the door. Panting softly she just purses her lips a bit as she squints. "....so now what?"

Magnus gets in and starts looking around to block windows with. He calls out to Elowyn, ?Grab te bed with me an place it against te window. There are more than one window though, and a door into the forge that is open. The door by Rats starts to get slammed against as multiple bee spirits hit the door. Glimpsing our the window would show more and more bees arriving from the umbra.

Elowyn goes wide eyed but doesn't hesitate as she helps Magnus move the bed. Licking her lips she looks aorund then nods a bit. "I can go take care of the door down in the forge."

"Now then let's get this shut locked up." Rats is moving quickly helping with the blocking the door with a shelf, and then he starts towards the window."What the hell you do to em Magnus, fucking hell." His eyes narrow at all the bumping against it with a shake of his this is going to suck.

Magnus moves to help Ratsputin as the bees start slamming into the door. Between the two of them they manage to keep the door from opening with the force of the bees. Magnus grunts, ?I was running through te woods in te umbra and smashed through a thick shrubbery only to smack right into te hive. I must have awoken te spirits that were slumbering there as I had nae heard this buzzing.?. The buzzing is so loud Magnus has to shout to be heard. He asks, ?Do ye know te Rite of contrition??. Elowyn doesn?t quite make it to the door in time to close it as one of the spirit bees comes into the doorway of the forge.

"I do, I can do it if you need." Rats nods slowly towards him as he pushes on the door shut with a little chuckle, as he looks around trying to find the items needed, seeing them all."I can do it if you hold the door, it will only take me a moment."

Magnus pushes against the door with his body and says, ?Just call me...Holds-The-Door?. Magnus does Hodor it and gives time to Ratsputin.

Elowyn lets out a scream as city start coming in. Pursing her lips she then moves to start running back. "Guys! They're in the forge!" Shutting the door behind her she keeps her weight against it as she purses her lips. "Ummm....any ideas?"

The items in his hands and then he is getting low to the floor to start the ritual, Rat's words are spoken loud booming out of him, as he starts the ritual, it will take a little bit of time, but his skilled hands and his hands motion towards the bees."A stumble into your lands and hive, was most unkind, but we did not know you were dwelling there,for that we seek to forgive to allow you the land, and ours. We shall protect your hive, if you will protect our home as well."

Magnus keeps the door held fast as Elowyn keeps the one shut to the forge. Sounds of a mess being made can be heard in the Forge. The door is slowly swinging open behind Magnus? weight, and one of the windows smashes to the ground. As Ratsputin finishes the Rite, the hive pauses as one and starts to back away from the log cabin. That isn?t to say the noises from the buzzing stops, but it backs away. Magnus looks to Rats, ?Good job??

"It is what I do, I protect the pack, in all my skills." Rats nods slowly with a little chuckle, as he watches them with a nodding of his head, his hand is behind his back."Now then, we will have to honor the promise. Stay away from running, you will need to be careful. I will tell the others, if we break it will not be fun."

ELowyn slowly starts to relax a bit then clears her throat. "Okay....." Pursing her lips she still keeps her back to the door. "So....do we just live here now...." Obviously she didn't want to just take her back off of the door just yet it would seem.

Magnus bows his head to Ratsputin and then sneaks at Elowyn. The buzzing slowly starts to dissipate, so Magnus opens the door a hair to check. ?Nae, looks like they are retreating too.?. He opens the door fully and suddenly a bee the size of a Crinos Werewolf materializes on the porch. It begins speaking ina series of buzzes and hummus and wing flurries. Magnus looks to Ratsputin, ?Do ye speak Spirit Ratsputin??

"I don't I got lucky it seems, and they understood us. Or maybe the emotion itself, I will add that to my goal list." Rats looks out with Magnus with a little chuckle, as he licks his lips for a moment."Now then, it seems for today it is over. Now let us go mark on the map where they are, for the next umbra trip to be avoid."

Magnus nods and states, ?This is their Queen I think. It sounds like she is okay if we just leave them alone and thought I was attacking...hard to tell really because the speech is disjointed and alien...even for the spirits.?. He shrugs and speaks back as best he can to leave them alone. ?. Once she is gone, he backs away and heads to a map that he has been drawing of the local umbra, ?Here...I can mark it with me scent a few times a week so no one else goes running through there.?. He bows his head, ?Sorry about te trouble.?

"We can only hope, that is so. I will be putting this gift on my list of things to learn. I think I can find a teacher." Rats nods slowly as he looks out the window, with a soft sigh."I will learn the gift of spirit speach for our pack Magnus, it will be my next thing on my list. I will then go out there and talk to it again, make sure the deal is good for it offically."