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[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Evan]] [[Category:Irsa]] [[Category: Rhapsody]] [[Category: Pancake]] [[Category:Trey]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Bastet]]  
[[Category:Logs]] [[Category:Evan]] [[Category:Irsa]] [[Category: Rhapsody]] [[Category: Pancake]] [[Category:Trey]] [[Category:Garou]] [[Category:Bastet]] [[Category:Ever-Changing]]
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Evan is participating, in the snowball fight. He's from right between two of the Great Lakes and has experienced some substantial winters. He's new to being a garou but not to snowball fights. He spends some time dodging, though he keeps going back behind one particular tree....
Evan is participating, in the snowball fight. He's from right between two of the Great Lakes and has experienced some substantial winters. He's new to being a garou but not to snowball fights. He spends some time dodging, though he keeps going back behind one particular tree....
Primal Figure is not about to cheat by using a Gift for this. ONe, that's not cool. Two, people could get hurt. Three, she can't hit Evan without hitting that tree, and no one wants that. She goes for Trey inside, whiffing that slush ball at the back of his neck.
Primal Figure is not about to cheat by using a Gift for this. ONe, that's not cool. Two, people could get hurt. Three, she can't hit Evan without hitting that tree, and no one wants that. She goes for Trey inside, whiffing that slush ball at the back of his neck.<br><br>
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> <br>
<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> <br>
Trey rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes. <br>
Trey rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes. <br>

Latest revision as of 09:51, 8 May 2023

2023.05.04 Snowball Fight Gets Serious
While having a snowball fight in Tasmania, a Winter spirit ambushed the group, offended by their warmth and intent on freezing them.
IC Date 05.02.23
Players Evan, Iris, Irsa, Rhapsody, Trey
Location The Space Boat
Spheres Garou, Bastet

Space Boat - Low Earth Orbit

Space. The final frontier. Hanging in low earth orbit within the Aetherial realm is this patchwork ship. It looks like a gigantic child smashed several kinds of earthly ships together and forced them to be a single object. Many floored and wrapped in balconies like a paddle boat, spiked with massive masts like a galley, it could hold a small village worth of folk aboard it comfortably. The ship is outfitted for long voyages away from home, and crewed almost entirely by spirits. There's a glass enclosed garden to produce food that's overseen by Sun and Water and tended by plant Naturae. A Lounge is available for drinks and food, with tables, beanbag chairs, and of course a karaoke machine that is jealously guarded and powered by an Electricity elemental. A section of the lounge has been built entirely of glass, so that one can sing and dance amongst the stars without getting lost in them. The bridge is dominated by bizarre devices of umbral exploration, from a bejeweled armillary sphere for steering to consoles of mounted maps and strange navigational devices. There aren't intercoms on the ship, but there are large mouthed lizards that yell the captain's orders across the ship when needed. A pennon waves at the highest point of the ship, and it's sails are huge, marvelous things of red and gold, black and silver. A small row boat kept at the stern provides a quick and automated way to get to a planet's surface and back again.

Contents: Evan Irsa Mercy's Messenger Obvious Exits:

 Out <O>  

Evan is just sitting there in the row boat for a moment after it docks, taking a moment to catch his breath before slowly unpeeling his fingers (one at a time) from the sides where he was gripping. The guitar that was strapped to him for the journey upwards came through the transition just fine, having ignored any physics defying nonsense. As he stands and moves carefully to the main ship "Well that is certainly a thing that just happened."

On the Space Ship Imagination, Irsa and Evan have only just arrived via rowboat at the stern. Trey and Mercy are here, of course, the former tethered to the latter by a silvery thread of Gnosis. Mercy's doing maintenance today, with Trey's help, and are currently located up at the top of one of the weirdly placed sail masts, finishing fawning over the spirits bound into one of the many, MANY fetishes that makes this vessel what it is. Spiritual crew members wander around, doing their thing, having a good old time, and because they're spirits, they understand the importance of this maintenance. So when Mercy and Trey finish up the rite of the Peacock on the long, waving flag at the top of the mast and yell, "SAFE PASSAGE!" the crew immediately yells back, "HA!" in support. Three times, she shouts the name of the flag, Safe Passage, and is answered by the crew, causing the flag to wiggle happily in the Ether, its Falling Star spirit feeling quite beloved and happy bound in its long silk flag. When she spots the boat, she waves like an idiot at the new arrivals.

Trey has been telling the spirits what awesomely cool and powerful dudes they are, enjoying the flattering because hey, it's *true*, and these are the entities that let them do cool things like go to Pan and the Moon and points beyond. "Ahoy!" he calls out to the new arrivals, waving from the mainmast and grinning. "Or is it avast? Oh, hell with it, HI!" He adds, "I got neeeeews!"

"Yeah? What kinda news?" Irsa says, setting her pack down with an audible 'thump'. She's stashed a lot of stuff in the thing today, and that packrat spirit within has been working overtime. She waves back at Mercy. "Heya, Pancake! How's things?"

Evan looks up at the flag and its attention getting and sure does participate in the call and response once he catches the pattern of it. Then he grins at Trey "This is the furthest into the umbra I've ever been. I've only been to the Umbra around the Falls and our caern before. Really exciting. What news? Something super awesome I hope."

Mercy swan dives off the crow's nest, but it's okay because zero gravity! Trey is dragged behind her on the tether, until they're touched down on the deck and more or less have gravity again. She waves like a dork at the pair and says, "Hey! Welcome aboard, Evan!" before quieting down to let Trey share his amazing news.

Trey grins; he's already told Iris, but not yet Irsa or Evan. He falls freeform behind Iris, pretending to scream before he spins, gets his feet under him, and lands lightly on those feet. "A small cat whispered to the wind and the spirits heard his deeds. The winds carried his words to other cats, and they approved of the small cat's honor, ferocious nature, and cleverness. And they whispered back to the spirits that the once-small cat called Treads-on-Thin-Ice would now be seen among their kind as Aka'a, the second rank and a full adult among the People. And the spirits were kind, and whispered to the now-bigger cat a new Secret to mark the occasion."

He spreads his hands out and bows. "So, I ranked up. And this... this is just the beginning of the Aetherial reaches of the Umbra, here in this masterful ship."

Irsa's scarred mouth shifts into a wide grin. "Congrats! I forgot that's how ya challenge. Man, that's gonna open up a buncha things that you badly need t' learn. And even more cool shit to check out. So, is this th' rank where y' can learn how to step across your own?"

Once he's welcomed aboard Evan will take an ornate horn handled knife he was wearin concealed at the small of his back and now its clipped to his belt openly. Smiling and nodding to the Elder "This ship is amazing! I think I have just the song." Evan gives a low whistle to Trey "Congratulations!"

"Hooraaaaaaaay!" Mercy cheers for Trey, and Mimics the sound of party horns and noisy spinners. If she could magically create confetti, she totally would. "Come on, we'll have cocktails on the Leto deck and gaze upon the wonders of the universe while we talk about stuff and things. Are you friends here to hang out, or do you need something specific, just so I know whether or not to railroad you into anything." she asks Irsa and Evan.

Trey thanks everyone and says to Irsa's question, "Unfortunately, no -- but when I reach Tilau, our rank like yours, I can claim my own Den and it will connect me to the Umbra." One corner of his mouth quirks downward for a moment. "The fetish I was trying to make failed, unfortunately. I was then bitch-slapped by a cranky Lune and told that Selene loves me like she loves all cats, but I needed to wait until I'd earned that privilege. So... I took that to heart. I'm closer now, though." He smiles ruefully, and shrugs. He's still in a good mood, though -- his upbeat mood is something that's hard to break.

Irsa rolls her eyes. "Lunes are just wild anymore. Did ya ever hear th' story 'bout th' Lune who decided t' hold a beauty pageant, 'cause some visiting theurge had been in them things as a kid? I wouldn't take none of that t' heart. Just try, try again."

Evan blinks and points at Irsa as his answer to the Elder as he follows along, keeping one hand on his guitar so it doesn't swing or bounce into anyone's way "I showed up to a very big house because a senior garou to me told me to. For all that I've been a Cliath for a whole week now, I have learned at least that much of doing what I'm told."

Mercy laughs and says, "Yeah, I mean in some places I can see how being a little nervous about following some directives would be, but HERE, at least, 'let's go over here' usually ends up leading to something really awesome. MAYBE that's going to space, MAYBE that's fighting a corrupted werewagomorph, and MAYBE that's going to the world's greatest picnic, but at least it almost never leads to standing on a large red X underneath a precariously suspended anvil." She leads the way towards the lounge, with its glass dance floor and sparking karaoke machine, bean bags and disco ball, and sets about making cocktails. It's worth noting that she has exactly no bartending experience what so ever and also doesn't know how any drinks are made, so it's seriously just random shit she thinks up on the fly and dumps in a glass. She does have a focus on making it look pretty, though.

Trey snorts at Irsa's comment, nodding agreement. "Yeah, I'll check into that, Lunes are... kinda Lune-y sometimes. A beauty pageant? No, that's a new one on me. I'm not letting it get me down, you know me. Travelin' cat." He grins at Evan and says, "You're doing fine." He notes the guitar's bounce and nods slowly, something at least he understands, if nobody else. He decides to help handing out the cocktails as Iris mixes them, though, because hey, sharing is caring and all that. "We should go somewhere, though, isn't it customary to take new passengers somewhere? And it's almost never lethal. So far. Oh! Did I tell you all I learned the penguin speech thing? Well, beast speech, but I learned it when we went and Branton talked with the penguins. Did you know squirrels see *everything* at the sept? I got six different versions of the ritemaster's breakfast two days ago."

Irsa snickers at Trey's account of squirrel-spying on Banebreaker. "That's a good Gift. Thought 'bout pickin' it up for like, two seconds so I talk t' rats. But th' ones at Dead Mall are super chill, and I don't need it for spirits. I'll leave that kinda thing to lupus or a Galliard." Irsa slides her hands in her pockets as she looks around the lounge. "Pink out at th' caern?" she asks Mercy.

Evan totally can't help glancing up and stepping a foot to his left when Iris mentions an anvil. Turning to Trey "My tribal leadership warned me about the local squirrels. Apparently some of them had a mad on for the last Fianna galliard who was in town who was a lost cub who thought being a law enforcement officer was a reasonable life choice. Dude probably licked so much boot polish he peed ink." He grins at Trey "That gift is on my list too, but at this point that list is SUPER long. So very long."

Mercy points at Trey like he's had a brilliant idea, and says, "AND I already promised you a particular celebration when you attained a new rank, so hooray! Lightly bruise two birds with one stone!" Cause she'd never *kill* a bird with a stone, let alone TWO birds! Once everyone's got a fancy cocktail that may or may not taste horrifying, she continues the newbie tour by taking her friends towards the bridge so that she can work the rings and steer the ship. It's hard to say where exactly they're going cause of the big patches of cloud over over the earth, but the destination IS earthly. Just sailing around the globe a bit. "Yeah, Pinkie's with his daddy today. And *never* trust squirrels. Did you ever hear about the Great Squirrel Uprising? Any of you?" She *points* her cocktail at Evan. "Shit went *insane*."

Trey says, “I love learning cool new things to do. I wish I'd had Beast Speech when we found that pumonca kin cat getting harried by those fomori. Could have chilled her out, maybe." The 'pissing ink' remark getting a hearty laugh from the lynx-dude, and then he observes, "I'm just trying to wrap my head around the idea of someone with Gaia's Rage becoming a cop." He shakes his head with that. "I mean, I've been a day laborer in the past when I was short on cash, but all they did was hand me paint and rollers and tell me to paint walls. Kinda zen, actually, as long as you don't have some asshole supervisor talking to you like you don't speak English. A lot of those dudes can't tell the difference between Native and Latino, and there's a lot of crossover around here and further south, so..." He chuckles softly. "I only had one bad incident where I got pissed and upended a 5 gallon bucket of Chantilly Lace over some dickbag's head." He shakes his head about the Squirrel Uprising and says, "But they liked me, I was sharing some walnuts with them."”

"Shouldn't have been allowed," Irsa says bluntly. Galliards got a shit-ton of Rage, they're gonna make humans nervous as fuck. Plus, cops are fuckin' aggressive all on their own. Even with a fetish, I wouldn't trust that." She shrugs at Trey's account of his encounters with humans. "Humans are weird. I mean, I was born an' raised with 'em everywhere, but I don't get 'em a lot."

Evan finds himself a seat and perks right the fuck up when it sounds like its Story time. Its in his rite name as an expression of his fundamental nature. After sipping his bright green, white and red cocktail he makes a face but then sips it again after a pause and says "I have not heard that story. I figured there had to be one though, with the oddly specific warning I got." To Trey "Well one group are compulsively angry bullies a breath from violence at all times, and the other are werewolves. So maybe a bit of overlap but still strikes me as a bit of a bad idea." To Irsa "I asked around a bit, I guess he was already working for the sheriff's office or something when the garou found him and he went through his first change? Still digging at all the details. Don't have them yet."

Iris cannot comment on law enforcement, or even laws, let alone the politics of any of this stuff, she doesn't even KNOW most normal laws. Fuck you, physical realm, I got no time for your human bullshit and rules! So instead, she tells about squirrels while steering the ship. "Well stuff started going missing around the bawn. Little things, nothing major, but there was definitely a thief somewhere. Then one day that Galliard that Evan mentioned woke up tied to his own bed and hearing things moving in his cabin on the bawn. Naturally he freaked the fuck out, broke free and ran outside, then looked back in. A straight *army* of black squirrels were robbing him blind of his food, clothes, little items, just literally everything, and they were lead by a bigger black squirrel that had a fucking knife. With Leutrim up and wild, they all bailed in a wave of black fur out of a cut window screen. They stole his wallet and his keys as well. Later, Leutrim was complaining about his bank account being emptied, because he didn't cancel his cards or anything. They - the squirrels I mean - were ordering off of amazon, and ordering pizza and stuff, it was crazy. Any how, the Glass Walker found their nest, a massive underground Mad Max style fiasco, the squirrels had gone intelligent and tribal, and were creating a society under ground, lit by all the phones, tablets and laptops they'd stolen, and were force-binding spirit to flesh to make themselves sort of... like Kami, but not quite. The pack that dealt with it went balls to the walls on these little dudes, who now had weapons and armor, and in fact had stolen Leutrim's Harley and turned it into a squirrel war rig. That... blew up. Spectacularly."

Trey nods sagely to Irsa's judgment of humans. "Hundred percent. People are weird. And... yeah, allowing someone with that much Rage to be a cop? Bad fucking idea. That's like... okay, let's set this bottle of highly explosive stuff on this rickety surface in a strong wind, what could possibly go wrong?" An eyeroll follows. "I knew a cat named Steals-the-Stars once who wanted to be an astronaut. That didn't last long." A pause. "I should try sending him a spirit and tell him to go explore the Aetherial someday. He could get his wish and then some." He cracks up again at Evan's summary. "Yeah, that, exactly. Well, when you get the whole story, maybe it can be a new verse in that Dumb Ways to Die song. Or Dumb Things to Do, or something." He takes a sip from his drink. Pauses. Smacks his lips together experimentally. Sips it again. "Hey," he says at length, "This is either revolting or one of the best things I've ever had, but I need to wait for the aftertaste to know which." Tactful cat! He slips into co-pilot position near Iris and listens to the tale, his eyes getting wider and wider as the story goes on. "Holy fuck," he says at the end, laughing helplessly, "This really *is* the place where insanity goes on vacation."

Irsa eyes her drink suspiciously. Hers is purple and green, fizzing in a fully fantastical manner.Say that five times fast. She steels herself to take a sip of the thing, immediately swelling up into her Glabro form as rainbow-hued bubbles stream from her nostrils she she exhales. "Holy shit. How -- did they get hold of a copy of 'Secret of Nimh' or somethin'? What happend to th' squirrels in th' end?"

Evan manages not to give a spit take at the story Iris tells, and he nods in agreement with Trey "I do not regret coming here but holy shit you ain't wrong."

The Southern Lights

The earth scoots by under the ship, greens and blues and fluffy white clouds, the globe turning as they sail around it, until the horizon of the earth bursts into green and purple flames. As the ship draws closer, it's not flames at all, but light. Massive, dancing ribbons of color that almost seem to ice skate atop the atmosphere in a beautiful, complicated dance that could never be duplicated by wonderful dancers on earth. Purple, gold and green, a trio of fucknormously large spirits of colored light, Auroras, leave blazing patterns of color in their wake, kicking clouds out of their way and lighting the sky of the earth with their graceful steps and sweeps.

"Weeeeeell... Let's just say the squirrel population of Prospect's wilderness was DRASTICALLY reduced for a while. Once the pack had broken down what was going on, and killed the infused squirrels, things went more or less back to normal. Apparently a weaver infused squirrel met a Wyld infused squirrel - don't ask me how any of THAT happened cause I have no idea - and the Weaver squirrel tried to make a new world order, essentially. But it was a squirrel, so... Any how, it imprisoned the Wyld squirrel and was using it as a catalyst for the whole sorta-Kami thing. The only reason it ever worked though is that one OTHER squirrel had managed to touch a couple wires and got electrocuted, but was still touching the wires, completing the connection of their weirdass machine. Weaver, Wyrm, and Wyld together was the only reason any of it had worked out at all." Also, it was probably totally those cultists that kicked the whole thing off, lost their test subject squirrels and mayhem ensued. Fuckin sorcerers!

Bones snap and break, shifting and warping into a new form, as the creature before you becomes a primal, humanoid figure.

Trey just burbles with laughter at that, shaking his head. "I mean, there's totally a way you could recreate it, but why would you want to?" A pause. "Now I'm wondering if any of the current squirrels are moles for the Sorcerers. I guess I could eavesdrop on them now, but if there's nothing up..." He hrms, and then shrugs. "Well, I can do that while I'm meditating, I guess." He shrugs and chuckles again, then falls silent as they approach mother Earth and the Auroras. "OooooOOoo," he breathes softly, falling silent as he gazes at the beauty.

Primal Figure falls silent as the Aurora Borealis comes into view. She steps out onto the deck to watch the dance, sipping from her drink occasionally and breathing out more bubbles. "This is so, so pretty," she mutters to her mentor. "There's so many beautiful things out there, and ya just never know they're there 'til ya stumble across 'em."

Evan chuckles at the story of the great uprising and "That sounds transcendently fucked up." Then he just goes super quiet with a soft "Whoaaaaaa." as he watches all the pretty lights and he nods in agreement with Irsa.

Mercy slows the ship down as they approach the cosmic dance floor. There's no need to worry about the spirits, one huge purple ribbon spirit passes clean through the ship unhindered and unfelt by anyone aboard. They're light, it's not like they're going to bump into anything, you know? She brings the ship close to the earth, down around the ankles of the spirits as they shift and move and dance all around them, setting space ablaze with their cast off illumination. Putting the ship's breaks on, so to speak, she leaves everyone to just stare in wonder at the silent display of grace and delight. While they're watching these strange, creatures of Helios and Earth, she grabs a few warm jackets and dons her own Warming Wrap as she returns to the group. "Okay, let's go!" she says, and waves the gang towards the rowboat. You gotta see it from both angles, otherwise how are you gonna see ALL the beauty?

Primal Figure hunts through the selection, finding a jacket large enough to contain her Neanderthal bulk. She's done this rodeo visitation before, it's not long before she finds something that works. "Is that north-north below us?" she asks her mentor, slinging her pack over her shoulder.

Trey tugs on his jacket from the go-bag and gets ready, still watching the amazing dance of light over Mother Gaia. He lets out a long whistle, just... at a loss for how to process the beauty of this. He offers Evan a hand into the rowboat, then jumps into it with a practiced motion himself.

Evan downs the rest of his drink and moves as directed, deftly climbing into the row boat with Trey's assistance. Bard boy might be scrawny but he seems well coordinated. It also means he could easily get stuffed into a coat and is. Giggling he offers a "This is so cool!" not to anyone in particular

"South, it's the wrong time of year for the northern lights, but it's winter in the southern hemisphere, so we're looking at Aurora Australis." Mercy answers, instructing as always. The rowboat descends through waves and walls of color a surreal, psychedelic passage through color and creativity that only stops when they pass below the cloud layer, out of the Aetherial and into the realm of Gaia once more. The row boat deposits them on a snow dusted field outside a forest that's huddled in on itself against the cold of a May's winter touch. Up above the group, the dance continues, the Auroras hardly even noticed the creatures amongst them and never missed a step. But now it's seen from below, as if looking up at the spirits through a glass ceiling. "Welcome to Tasmania, a living primal cast-off of Antarctica. Please make sure to stay aware of your body, and if anyone starts getting too cold, say something. It's not as bad as Antarctica, but I still don't want to drag anyone home with pneumonia or something."

Primal Figure perks up her ears. Literally, the points of them show up in this form. She rubber-necks like mad all the way down, right until the point where the group touches earth. "Hold up, Tasmania? Like, th' place in th' cartoons?" Images of Digory Dingo and Wendall T. Wolf dance in her skull. She immediately kneels down to take a look at whatever green life might be present, especially the kind clinging to rocks.

Trey just grooves as he finishes his drank in the rowboat, neatly placing the glass in a safe spot and then just... vibing on the gorgeousness of color. It almost seems like it should be solid, it's so vibrant, and he runs a hand through the colors like a kitten playing with a sunbeam. "Tasmania," he echoes, smiling. "One of the places that's still got a lot of Wyld left," he adds, inhaling the cold winter air and flicking his scarf around his neck. He seems more invigorated than bothered by the cold, though; after he tugs on a pair of leather gloves, he offers a warming pack to Irsa and then to Evan. Second nature, plus he keeps them in the jacket.

Evan blinks a bunch of times at Iris, sounding super impressed and excited "I'm in Tasmania" Then to Trey as he takes the warming pack "We're in Tasmania!" Then to Irsa "This is so cool!"

Mercy nods to Evan and says, "Yep! Little island south of Australia, adorable little place, but very fragile, try not to squish anything." There's WAY more life readily apparent here, there's grass under the snow, trees to make a forest, all of that sort of thing, definitely not the mostly barren, rocky wastes of Antarctica. However, with Irsa's interest and Trey's comment, Mercy is quick to feed her AMAZING facts about stuff. "The bulk of this forest is made up of a specific kind of tree that... essentially clones itself. A mother tree plants an offshoot and that plant grows up and does the same, over and over again, so they're all TECHNICALLY the same plant, regardless of whether they're directly connected any more or not. Fun fact, these trees are, thanks to their cloning, the exact same trees that grew on Antarctica before it was layered in ice and snow, back when it was green and even tropical. These trees are living dinosaurs, more or less, still the exact same trees from an era of primal earth that has been gone for millennia. They know this because of fossils of this tree found in Antarctica, carbon dating, and what basically boils down to genetic testing that proves they're legitimate clones of those long gone ancient trees." To Trey specifically, she gives the guy a hug and says, "I promised you lights when you gained your rank, I know they're not of the north, but I hope they satisfy and give you a little bit of a home-vibe none the less."

Trey is watching Evan, and getting to see himself in the young man. He's grinning, so the image must please him. "We totally are," he agrees, just as eager. "This is one of the most biodiverse places in the world," he adds, "I was reading something about it the other day. Old magazine." He ohhhs at the clone-tree and says, "So technically, it's all the same tree. That is so *cool*." Time to geek out! "Trees as old or older than dinosaurs..." He returns the hug squishily and beams. "Wrong time of the year for the North, but... this is perfect, Iris," he says, voice a little rough with emotion. "Thank you -- it does... it feels right. Even if it's half a world away, the air and the lights and... everything."

Primal Figure is literally glued to the Elder's words, soaking them up like a big ratty sponge. "That -- this is amazin'. I'd love t' get a sample of this one, but I dunno if that's a smart plan. This ain't our place, and I don't wanna piss off th' tree spirits none, or th' ghosts of the lost, by draggin' a cutting off to Prospect." She's no fool, she's heard stories about the horrors that befell the Bunyip. She brushes her fingers against the bark of a small tree.

Evan isn't super focused, but he's listening. His eyes are going everywhere as Iris explains then he comments to Irsa "If there's any fallen branches or stuff maybe? I dunno. Might be time for the ole Foot prints and photos default."

"Take no samples, leave not but footprints." Mercy cautions her friends, "For we are in a part of the world where we Garou are a minority, and we are not well loved by the spirits that dwell here, not after the terrible crimes of our ancestors, the effects of which *still* ripple through the tapestry of reality all these many generations later. Our presence in this part of the world must be marked with reverence and deepest respect for all things, it's the very least we can do for having damaged this place so badly and given rise to terrible monsters we cant unmake. For our homids, imagine that youo are in a holy church from an era long past. It's beaten, battered, barely standing, and you must be very careful with it, lest it crumble and be lost forever. But, speaking of which, let's get some pictures!" She whips out her phone to get a shot of the group, sets a timer, and places the phone against a rock so she can rush to the group and get in on the shot.

Trey takes the warning seriously even though it doesn't entirely apply to him -- he still thinks it's good policy, overall, so he nods his agreement and gets into the picture with a wide smile. "Everyone say mooncheese," he says with a laugh, echoing Iris' usual line. He is deeply happy and it shows.

"I know in Australia, you don't wanna step sideways unless you gotta," Irsa remarks. "Th' Bunyip's ghosts don't rest easy." She shifts her weight uncomfortably -- anger, shame, and sorrow all flicker across her dark features. That expression vanishes when the camera comes out to play, and she begins to smile. "Moon cheese!"

Evan nods at Iris and is moving super carefully as she explains he's heard some of the stories of the Bunyip because his tribe had a role in that disaster. He looks a bit distressed because this is something he doesn't know how to fix, it maybe can't even be fixed. But then its picture time and he just blinks, a bit baffled now "Mooncheese?"

"Moon cheeeeeeeese!!" Mercy adds to the group song, throwing up a peace sign and everything while mugging for the camera. "Precisely why we're not landed on Australia. No lie, that place scares the shit out of me." She grins at Evan and says, "The moon is made of CHEESE, Evan! And one day, we will have grilled mooncheese sandwiches and it will be great. Buuuuut there's always like fifty other things to do first that are slightly more important than my want of a super exotic lunch, so... Eventually." She shows the picture around, the lighting isn't great but that just serves to catch all the coolass southern lights in the sky with the group.

"Oh maaaaan. Moon. Cheese. Sammiches." Irsa is practically drooling at the very thought of these miracles. "What kinda condiments would ya even use on 'em? Moon mustard, is that even a thing?" She leans in closer to take a look at the picture. "Hold up, gotta get you in a better one for your family," she says to the Elder, waving the group to line up again for another shot.

Trey mmms "Mooncheese, a cat's favorite kind." He chuckles. "Best served in large bowls like soup with beer mixed in." He might be kidding. He sets up again for another photo and grins broadly, flicking peace signs and calling out, "Mooncheese!" And then he adds, "I hope it comes out well, I'm going to put one in my journal. I started one on the computer with all the photos from the places we've been."

Evan is a bit baffled as he considers the grilled moon cheese sammich "I dunno, I feel like Mustard's more of a mars thing. But I know fuck all about the realms so I could be wrong. Maybe Venus or mercury because it'd be spicier closer to the sun?" The poor boy is just guessing at this point but he's gone full 'fuckit, why not'.

"Mustard," Irsa insists. "And you gotta have somethin' on th' side, like pickles or chips. Or pickle-chips." Variety, it's such a wonderful thing.

Mercy points a finger at Trey and says, "Get a Glass Walker to run security on your computer." She sure as hell wont complain about photo albums, but she's species-bound to insist on mass veil protection! Like the phones, anti-weaver hack chips that are put in them and all. No one's stealing her awesome pictures off her phone and selling shots of werewolves to the Weekly World News alongside Bat Boy of the Nosferatu." She shrugs her shoulders, silently admitting she has NO fucking clue how the moon's cheese realm will pan out, condiment-wise. "Well, I mean, you need a full meal's planning. So like some moon cheese, maybe a Venusian pickle on the side, which I suspect will be even more suspiciously phallic shaped than usual. Pick up a little but of spicy brown mustard from... fuckin... Mercury? I dunno. WHEREVER! There's an entire feast out there somewhere, we just gotta gather it up on a plate and eat the holy *shit* out of it!"

Trey nods and says, "Will do!" He has no idea why, but... right, he has two Glass Walker friends, so he can always ask them! "So this means I shouldn't start a web site?" He's teasing, probably. He mmms at the thought of all of this food. "Wash it down with some of Pan's awesome wine, as long as we're not going anywhere else for a few days?"

Evan nods at Trey and grins "I have to go to the Tech Haven to meet with one of the Elder Galliards. Eventually anyway. I keep getting distracted but she hasn't come looking for me yet so I figure I'm still safe." All the menu planning just gets more and more confusing but Evan is just all "I'm down with any of that. It sounds like its going to be amazing regardless." Writing reality out to disk. Please wait... Reality saved. Thank you for your patience.

"Make sure y' get set up with a phone. Just don't bring it inta th' caern, unless you want Iron Flail t' break your legs." Irsa dusts off her hands on her pants before warming them on the warming-thing that Trey so thoughtfully passed to her earlier.

"You're not too old for me to spank, young man." Mercy 'threatens' at Trey. She's smiling though, she knows he's not a nincompoop! She reaches down and scoops up some snow in her hands, casually patting it into a ball while looking up at the atmospheric display, "This is great! And I am *so* hungry now. Don't worry Evan, you'll go with us somewhere or another, but I prefer to avoid too much cosmic exploration until my crew have gained a rank or two, purely for survival's sake." Aaaaand then hurls the snowball directly at Irsa's head.

Trey chuckles at the mention of the Tech Haven. "Last time I was there, we had a gremlin loose... we wound up dropping the fella off at the casino for fun. Well, Irsa did, I tagged along." He looks up again, and for a moment, or a stretch of them, he's just basking in the beauty of the place. The threat makes him blink, and he notes, "So, uh... what qualifies as too old? Asking for a friend." He chuckles when she scoops up the snow; he's pretty sure he knows what's going to happen with that. Iris' declaration of being hungry makes him dig in his bag for a baggie of nuts to hand her. "Brought these from the galley." He says nothing about the snowball. He just watches as it flies. "Three, two..."

Evan nods at Iris and grins "That makes sense, Wouldn't want to be confused and completely out of my depth or anything." And as the snowballs get prepped he starts looking for cover.

"He pulled out my whiskers," Irsa grumbles. "He was bored, figured it was better he was entertained playin' with my mouth that breakin' every damn thing in th' Guild hall." She bends down as well to pick up a snowball, cleverly adding a bit of slush to give it some heft for distance throwing.

Mercy catches Trey's nuts! And then hurls her balls at his face. Her snow balls, that is. While attempting to duck flying snow and also throw it at people, she tells Evan, "You can only survive for thirty seconds in physical space before your blood boils out of your body and you freeze to death! I don't ever want to get yelled at for that, pretty sure they bust you back to cub for losing your Garou friends in the depths of space." She also adds, "The Gremlin was at the Craftsman's guild, that's a open Gaian space. The Tech Haven is the Glass Walker's home base, other side of town. It's under a community garden that sells super cheap stuff to the poor and welcomes veterans for gardening zen to combat PTSD. Some old Glass Walker that used to be here was a vet and worked a lot with the local Veterans Center."

Trey is stunned. STUNNED! He phhfffts and makes hissy cat noises as he spits out snow, the smug look wiped right off his face. He then says, "Oh, now it's ON," and goes for a double handful of snow, darting behind Iris when she's not looking and dumping a snow wad over her head! "Huh," he notes, stopping when he's corrected. "So it was." A pause. Then he scoops up more snow. Muahahaha.

Evan is participating, in the snowball fight. He's from right between two of the Great Lakes and has experienced some substantial winters. He's new to being a garou but not to snowball fights. He spends some time dodging, though he keeps going back behind one particular tree....

Primal Figure is not about to cheat by using a Gift for this. ONe, that's not cool. Two, people could get hurt. Three, she can't hit Evan without hitting that tree, and no one wants that. She goes for Trey inside, whiffing that slush ball at the back of his neck.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Dexterity(4) + Athletics(2) (6 dice) vs 6 for 5 successes.
4 +6 +7 +7 +8 +10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Evan rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 4 successes.
1 +7 +7 +7 +8 10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Primal Figure rolls Dexterity + Athletics vs 6 for 4 successes.
1 5 5 +7 +7 +8 +10 10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Primal Figure rolls 2 vs 6 for 2 successes.
+7 +10

There's laughter and whoops and chatter during the snowball fight. A snowball fight in May in Tasmania under the southern lights! What even is life? As Evan hides behind his tree and deftly avoids getting snow up his nose, a huge white shape WHOOSH!s past him and out into the open. Everyone SEES this coming even if they cant immediately process what it is, able to fall down, jump, or whip themselves aside before getting smacked by it. Except Mercy, who was not entirely paying attention. She gets THWACK!ed in the back by a snowball roughly the size of a VW Bug aaaaaand she's gone. Somewhere over that way. From the direction of the forest, from whence this snowball came, there's a sound. Less of a roar, more of a long hissed breath that is cold, so very cold! Snowflakes and ice mist are carried on the breath, and there's a great rustling as of something moving. Oh no!

Trey yipes at the cold down the back of his neck and spins, just in time to spot something big and white speeding through the group and... then a snowball big as two Crinos playing Twister flies through and takes down Mercy! "Oh, shit," he breathes, trying to spot whatever is throwing snow BUSES and making rustling noises -- shit, it's coming this way! He goes running toward Iris at double-speed, trying to see that she's all right. "Scramble!," he calls out.

Primal Figure lets out a surprised growl and begins to dart to Mercy's aid, but Trey's already on it. The Bone Gnawer sniffs the air, trying to get a sense of just what kind of spirit has come out to play.

Evan ducks back behind the tree he'd been using and starts moving his prepped ammo around to the side that puts the tree between him and the incoming whateverthefuck. He makes a motion like he's shaping another snowball and there's a flicker of light as he triessssss to send a Faerie Light in the direction the giant snowball came from, improving visibility hopefully.

The toss isn't *exact*, but it's pretty close for a blind chuck of a wisp. The ghostly light illuminates a large, dinosaur looking creature, reptilian or maybe dragonish in appearance, stocky and thick with a sail running down its back. It sparkles icily in the wisp light, snorting out frozen mist and snowflakes, and breathing out the same in much the same way a dragon might breathe fire. It's roughly the size of a city bus, pretty damned big but we're not talking kaiju or anything. Evan has a tree for cover, and Trey has run off to find Mercy, leaving Irsa there in the open while she tries to figure out what it is. That also makes her the thing's target as it stomps out of the trees, leaving frost in its wake. It breathes at her! Ahhh, breath! And M4rcy's like WAY the fuck over there, but within running distance, marked by a bigass clump of snow with unshaven legs sticking out of it.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Trey rolls Stamina(3) + Primal Urge(1) (4 dice) vs 7 for 2 successes.
2 5 +9 +10

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Mercy's Messenger rolls 6 vs 6 for 3 successes.
4 5 5 +7 +7 +10

Primal Figure loses one Magical Essence

Bones snap and break, shifting and warping into a new form, as the creature before you becomes a figure out of nightmare. <---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Hammer-Tooth rolls Dexterity + Dodge vs 6 for 5 successes.
3 3 3 +6 +7 +7 +8 +8

Treads-on-Thin-Ice shifts quickly to Chatro, those huge sabretooth-lynx murder mittens being used to dig Iris out from under the snow. Shovel, kitty, shovel! He looks over his shoulder while digging and says, "Ho shit!" He instead wraps those murder mittens around Mercy's ankles and tugs her backward, a little roughly but not painfully. Now that she's free, he can turn attention to the potential threat.

Hammer-Tooth growls as she comes up with nada. "Fuck," she seethes, channelling her Rage to immediately shift to Crinos. ~ We mean no disrespect, Spirit of these lands...~ she gets no further than that, before she's full-on attacked. She lets out a blood-curling snarl as she ducks like a hunter surrounded by deer in the middle of hunting season.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Evan rolls Charisma vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 4 4 4 8

Evan calls out from where he's still in cover "Noble serpent, kin of Yulunggur we come in peace and reverence. We play and worship this place not war on it. If you wish to join our games be welcome but please be gentle so we are not so mighty as you."

~Waaaaaaaarmth!~ the spirit hisses with disgust and offence, it's breath frosting the space where Irsa was only seconds before. The snow in that area freezes, it's still snow but it's a patch of that kinda hard snow that really sucks to walk through and makes bruises on your shins. It does not seem swayed by Evan's plea, in case no one noticed, and just stomps on, intent on freezing these warm outsiders, and swipes its tail blindly at Evan. Over yonder, Mercy mumbles as she's dug out of the snow, "No dun wanna eat eggplant, momma... zzzzz" Out cold! See what I did there?

Oh boy. This spirit isn't offended by their nature, just their warmth! Trey jumps into a snowbank and rolls in it, calling out in the spirit tongue, ~The chill is glorious! Your frost and wind are things of rare and painful beauty, Frigid One!~ He's trying to make himself look colder, and calls out to the others as best he can with a sabretooth mouth, "TRY GET COLD!" It probably comes out more like 'CRY KETH GOLLLL', but it's a try!

Look, no one likes eggplant, especially not that soggy breaded stuff. It's a perfectly legit reason for Mercy to pass out. Hammer-Tooth snarls viciously at the spirit, making one last effort to turn this into a non-violent encounter. ~ Leave,~ she Commands the spirit, invoking a Gift.

Hammer-Tooth loses one Willpower

Evan is still in homid for whatever reason and he calls out to the others, his voice heard clearly "We should take the Elder and withdraw. We are not welcome here, we don't belong here. We should probably just go."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Hammer-Tooth rolls Charisma + Leadership vs 7 for 4 successes.
2 4 4 6 +7 +7 +8 +8

The spirit hisses so fucking hard at Irsa! Not in an attacky way but more of a 'fine then fuck you!' kind of way. Obliged by ancient pacts and gift magic, it obeys the command to GTFO. But as long as it's obeying, it can still be a dick. Trey is less noticable, getting chilled down as he is, but Evan's still all pink and warm, so while it cant stop to bite him in half or anything, it can still try and give him a good smack while leaving. Sort of a frost dinosaur back hand.

Rhapsody has arrived. GAME: Rhapsody arrives ICly to meet with Hammer-Tooth.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Mercy's Messenger rolls 6 vs 6 for 0 successes.
1 -1 2 2 4 7

Treads-on-Thin-Ice rolls back to his feet, having seen the Theurge's successful rebuke, but as the creatures starts to head for Evan, Trey-cat hisses at the spirit, growling, ~Go on, git!~ The blow doesn't seem to do much, thankfully, so he looks over to Evan and motions him toward Mercy. Somehow, he manages to growl in pidgin Garou, >>What you said, get Mercy and go ship.<< He then starts back toward Mercy once the spirit is definitely departing.

>> Back away, don't take your eyes off it, << Hammer-Tooth warns, staying in front to cover the others as they all begin to withdraw. A low growl rumbles in her throat, promising violence if further fuckery is attempted.

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Evan rolls Stamina + Primal Urge vs 6 for -1 successes.
-1 2 2 3

Evan is trying to back up slowly as Irsa directs and in an attempt to make it easier on himself he concentrates to try and flex up to glabro for the extra strength but he's shivering too much. He keeps moving though, just not very fast.

Treads-on-Thin-Ice is withdrawing from the clearing where a spirit is departing, keeping an eye on the spirit as it leaves. Evan is coming out from behind a tree, and Irsa is at the fore, covering from the front. Mercy is crumpled on the snow, unconscious, near a huge snowball that apparently knocked her out. Like... a snowball the size of two Crinos dancing. He moves to where Mercy is lying, using his raspy cat-tongue to lick her face. >>Wakey wakey<<

Mercy is coming to, groggy and a bit punch drunk, but sitting up. For Rhapsody's sake, the ship is parked in the middle of the southern lights, the Aurora spirits dancing in purple, gold and green on the atmosphere. Rhapsody may well have been face deep into a pile of books and we literally forgot she was onboard. But never fear, the group is returning! Looking overboard, they're parked off the southern coast of Australia, over Tasmania. Down on the land, umbral side, the frosty winter spirit stomps off into the woods to go make frosty drafts and and snow drifts. The boat is right where it was parked, and ready to go up.

Hammer-Tooth does not wait around for the angry spirit to break her control. The moment everyone's aboard the rowboat, she nabs the oars and begins rowing like a mad thing towards the Space Boat high above.

Rhapsody found whatever book she came her to read up on, and was just coming out from the library on the spacey boat when.. uhoh.. She's not in Kansas anymore. "Whaa....." is all she manages before she realizes this is not Prospect, this is the Umbra, there are sky lights in colors of Mardi Gras, and where are people? "Iris? Irsa?" She is looking around in a state of wonder before she notices over the ship on the land there - the frost winter spirit is and her friends. "Oh shit." She scrambles to figure the best way to go help, which may take a shift and great leap to get there.

Evan is holding onto the boat with one hand and steadying the groggy elder with the other. And his teeth are clacking clacking as he shivers.

Treads-on-Thin-Ice helped everyone get into the boat, jumping in still in the four-footed mode. He shifts to Sokto once they're underway, making sure Mercy and Evan are both all right as they head back to the ship, Irsa rowing like mad. He takes off his jacket and drapes it over Evan, his fur enough to keep him warm for the moment. When he spies Rhapsody he waves, trying to warm up Iris by wrapping the shawl tighter around her.

The ship is orbital, as always, so Rhapsody definitely is too high up to see things happening on land way down there, BUT she can definitely see the row boat speeding back up to the ship with everyone snow covered and a bit freaked out in their current states, so the alarm is still warranted. The spirit crew of the boat are used to daily weirdness and catastrophes so they just go about their business for the most part, though some do things they think will be helpful. Producing water, becoming very warm, awaiting the carrying of things or people, they're simple crew, but they like their shifter people, taking their cues from Rhapsody at the moment. Mercy, getting her wits back around the time they're docking, asks, "What the fuck was *that*?" Being unconscious, she never saw any of what happened. "Where the fuck did you come from?" she asks when she sees Rhapsody. Worst host ever, she totally forgot the Theurge was browsing her notes.

Hammer-Tooth steps out onto the deck and shakes snow out of her fur, lifting one foot after the other to scrape off melting ice between her lupine toes. >> No clue, I couldn't identity the type of spirit, << she tells her mentor. >> It yelled 'Warmth' and didn't want to listen to reason. <<

Rhapsody looks very confused, but she will help them all back onto the boat from the row boat. "What happened down there? And where are we?" She will lend her hands with helping Trey with Iris and she tells the Elder, "I was in the library. I was reading up on Greece in there, trying to get some more information for Agnes, and... I read several books. Came out and here you all were?"

Treads-on-Thin-Ice accepts the hand from Rhapsody and climbs out of the rowboat in Sokto form, smiling wryly. "Damn, I didn't realize you were still below," he says with an apologetic tone. "We came here to see the Southern Lights," he explains, motioning toward the gorgeous colors of light in the sky. "We're in Tasmania. Or above it."

Evan is catching his breath and warming up "We're over Tasmania, and one of the local winter spirits took exception to our warmth. And there's a Forest down there with only one tree."

Mercy dribbles clumps of snow from her dreadlocks while listening and then smacks her hand on her head like she has a brain freeze. "Awwwww shit I forgot! I am so sorry!" She agrees witha point of her finger at Trey, "We did a little impromptu celebration since Trey was granted his new rank, and I promised him Auroras when he gained it. And then we were having a snow ball fight and then I'm waking up on a boat. Here, let me free a sec..." She shrugs free of her helpers now that she's got her feet back, and sets herself on fire to hurry up her own defrosting. "Oooooooh! Shit. I'm sorry everyone, I genuinely didn't expect to have any problems with Winter, not yet, it's so early I figured we had time before the spirits became super feisty. Everyone's alright though, right?"

Rhapsody nods slowly that she is ok. Just still a bit confused - but not much. "Congratulations, Trey!" She is happy for the cat. "So I guess I was reading far longer than I thought. Who knew?" She giggles a bit as Mercy sets herself on fire to warm up. "That is a neat trick."

>> I think so, << Hammer-Tooth replies. >> It tried to hit me with its frost breath, but I managed to duck. Evan, Trey, did it get you at all? << She waves with a big clawed hand at Rhapsody. >> Did you find everything you were looking for? << she asks her packmate.

Evan shakes his head "I ducked behind the tree I was using as an ammo bunker during our snowball fight. It hit the tree but not me. I hope the tree's okay."

Trey says, “Thank you!" He smiles at the congratulations and notes, "We don't really do challenges, we just kind of get judged by other cats as to whether we earned it." He grins and shakes his head. "No, only cold that hit me was me rolling in the snow like an idjit to try and look cold to the spirit. Seemed like a good idea at the time. I swear, someday that'll be my deed name." He hrms at Evan's comment and says, "Tree's probably survived worse, it looked okay when we were boogeying out.”

Mercy and the very-warm spirit help thaw people out a bit where they might need it. A wonderful puddle of water is forming on the deck where they're melting off snow. Mercy nods her agreement at Trey, "Yeah, it's probably okay, that forest is like... ten thousand years old or more, so it's probably had worse. WOW, we need cocoa!" The Auroras completely ignore the vessel and its people as they skate across the atmosphere around them, just having fun and being joyous spirits of light and wonder. Mercy waves the way back to the lounge for warm things and towels!

Rhapsody has to ask, "How is it a forest if there is only one tree?" But she continues and replies to her pack mate, "Yes, I did. It will help in telling stories to Agnes." A blink though, "That is an old forest, but what happened to the rest of the trees? Oh Cocoa sounds great! Can I help?"

Hammer-Tooth pads across the deck, following Mercy into the nice, toasty lounge. She's hunched a bit to fit in here comfortably, but hey, Garou are used to this kinda thing. Both clawed hands are wrapped around her cup of cocoa as she laps up the warm liquid with her tongue. Steam rises from her wet fur as it slowly begins to dry.

Evan grins "Roots and runners. It has multiple trunks but it’s been cloning itself for over ten thousand years since back before Antarctica became covered in ice."

Treads-on-Thin-Ice murmurs something about making more coats, or maybe scarves, with the Warming charm on them, and follows the group toward warmth in the lounge. "Reminds me, I found a really cool scarf that I want to make into a pillow cover for in here." Random cat is random. "Yeah, having an entire forest of one genetic tree is fascinating... kind of bizarre, too, but it's just neat."

Mercy points to Evan to Galliard up the knowledge of the one tree forest, and tells Rhap, "You could get like ALL the towels out from under the bar, that would definitely help." And while they're doing that and chatting it up, Mercy heads into the kitchen to make warm things to put into people's bodies. Platonically. Also she extinguishes her flames, so as not to set the ship on fire.

Rhapsody get right to it. "If only we had an air tube of death." That sounds weird! She gets the towels out in a big stack, and starts handing them all out. "Does anyone feel like they need anything cleansed? Or you all good?"

Evan shakes his head "I don't think it was wyrmy, just pissed. I don't know if it had human like reasoning either, the vibe I got was more of a predator running off intruders. I could be wrong though, I don't know spirits."

Treads-on-Thin-Ice accepts a towel, then looks at it with a chuckle, moving to dry his fur, as well as the long hair hanging down his back. "An airtube of death?" He's definitely curious, that much is certain. "I don't think so, Rhapsody? It mostly felt like Wyld down there. Just... angry Wyld. Some kind of cold spirit or elemental."

Mercy returns! And she brings with her hot chocolate. Like the good kind, real cocoa powder and milk from a cow she knows personally, that sort of thing, cooked on the oven and with some marshmallows Branton and Pink made. Also Oreos. People like Oreos, even if she doesn't, and they deserve them!

Rhapsody gladly gives towels out, and extras as needed, collecting any that are used and wet as she does the rounds. "Oh, I've been watching some videos of dog grooming. It's hilarious. Some dogs try to eat the blow dryer used, and the narrator calls it the airtube of death. But is is super effective for removing fluff that is shedding and turns into a furnado." Because of course, dog grooming videos are /the best/. You paged Mercy's Messenger with ‘And gets me the two kinds of renown I need more.’

Evan nods at Rhapsody and grins "One of my cousins got stuck in hispo and has really poofy fur. His sister talked him into letting her groom him, including with the hair dryer. It was Hilarious, the put upon look on his face was amazingly entertaining."

Hammer-Tooth's nose crinkles up as she scents the incoming treats. >> Crunchies! << she rumbles, reaching out to snag a few. She cronches them up happily in her jaws, not even spilling crumbs or nothing. >> Just think of all the uses for those dryers after a battle. Like all those wads of caked up hair, from everyone drooling on the Enemy. Or the other way around. <<

Treads-on-Thin-Ice ooohs and accepts a mug with a happy expression on his part-kitty fuzzy face. "Thanks!" He adds to Rhapsody, "Oh, someone linked me one of those those once, I was being horrified at the loud wind tunnel. But I also have a double-coat, so grooming me would be like...an exercise in floof. I'd be like three times the size I am if I got blowdried." He blinks at Evan's minitale and laughs helplessly, saying, "Could be worse. There could have been doggy sweaters involved. Very BIG doggy sweaters. Or bows." He accepts Oreos, because hey, food. "Well, someone could knit little cat sweaters from them?"

"I'm pretty sure bows are manditory after a good grooming, aren't they?" Mercy asks, sipping her cocoa while she goes to fiddle around with the sparking, popping karaoke machine. She feeds it a little bit of gnosis as if putting a coin into it, and pushes some buttons while taking the mic. While the gang gives her fantastic ideas about grooming them into actual spherical floof balls next time they're all passed out drunk, she serenades them with sweet tunes. Exactly like this: https://youtube.com/watch?v=XNc9phYujWY&feature=share

Rhapsody laughs! "I've got to see Agnes' cat in one of those sweaters she makes. I cannot imagine a domesticated cat liking that." She gets her own cocoa and takes a sip. As Iris begins to sing, she has to giggle. "Oh that is classic."

Hammer-Tooth cocks her head to one side, considering Mercy's words. >> Talen bows, << she suggests. >> We could bind spirits of shininess to them, and have the most gleaming-white teeth and most glorious pelts you've ever seen. <<

Evan is warm and dry and now has cocoa and snacks, laughing and applauding as the Elder goes first and goes all in on a song "That was amazing." then to Irsa he says "Like the spirits that teach the gift of Persuasion. I bet they'd be all in on that."

Treads-on-Thin-Ice grins as Iris serenades them. He's not sadistic enough to Lynx-warble at them, because that's just cruel. "I can't imagine any cat really liking it. I'm surprised her cat sticks around, honestly, with the Rage and all..." He huhs at that, thoughtful. No, Trey, you cannot go talk to the lady's cat. "Oh no, am I gonna be wearing a bow in my hair now? Shit."

Mercy hands off the mic to anyone that wants a go at it. If you cant do karaoke in space, then what is the point of living?? Flomping onto a bean bag, she says, "Well, next time I'll make sure to A) check around and make sure I'm not forgetting anyone - sorry again, Rhapsody! And B) check the weather before we go places and make sure we're not interrupting a cold snap. Evan, I hope your mind hasn't been blown too hard and that we'll see more of you on our adventures, be it here or with Irsa and Rhapsody or wherever! Not have you all, like, catatonic in the caern or anything." She also nods at Trey. Not just any nod, but the 'you're actually super lucky this hasn't already happened yet' kind of nod. It's GONNA happen. Eventually.

Bones snap and break, shifting and warping into a new form, as the creature before you becomes a ragged brown wolf.

Ragged Brown Wolf eyes that mic and shifts down to her wolf form. She chuffs at and Mercy sits down next to her feet. She throws back her head and begins to warble, just as happy as can be. >> Squishberries and bacooooon! Bacon and flaaaat things! << She continues on with this song for a good solid minute, like you do when you're a wolf.

Rhapsody has to giggle a bit, "Oh Trey, you know, at least you are not in a bubble backpack. I'm just not sure if cats really like that or not. But better a bow than a bell." Because belling a cat? Fun times. "It's all good Mercy's Messenger. At least I got some cocoa."

Evan takes the mic once Irsa is done with it and goes over to fuss with the machine to find a song "Oh I'm going to be a gibbering wreck later. But I'll get over it eventually." Then he cackles as he cues up a song "I got one for you about hard work, community, and exhulting in your nature. And Digging Holes." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DGz7lRJNeI

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======--->
Evan rolls Charisma + Performance + 2 vs 4 for 6 successes.
1 2 2 +4 +5 +5 +5 +7 +9 10

Treads-on-Thin-Ice says, "If I wake up with shiny bows in my hair, you're gonna get the lynx yowl for like ten solid minutes, you realize this, right?" Of course, knowing Iris, she'll just mimic it herself and give him back his own medicine. He grins at the singing wolf, and then bursts out into helpless chuckles with the idea of the bubble backpack. "I would totally wear a bell. And then I would *caper*. And everyone would be utterly gobsmacked at how amazing the whole thing is." He grins and sits back to watch the performances, enjoying his cocoa. And not dancing, for the moment.

The machine spits out some sunny little instrumental ditty to back yo Irsa's singing, and Mercy totally joins in, singing along while the mic is pointed at the Gnawer's face. "BACON AND FLAAAAT THIIIIINGS!" It's the #1 hit single these days. She squishes Rhapsody in a one armed hug as well in acknowledgement, until surrendering the mic to Evan. And yes, YES Trey, that is what will happen, "Yeah but I can lynx yowl too, you know." It'll just be two idiots screaming at each other non stop for ten minutes straight, as ya do, driving spirits to walk the plank rather than listen to it! She tucks fingers into her mouth and whistles shrilly in approval at the music coming out of the Fianna's face hole!

Ragged Brown Wolf throws back her head and howls her approval of Evan's song, her deep booming howl shivering the timbers of the lounge.

Rhapsody can just imagine Trey with the bell on for aminute. But then Irsa has her in that hub and she is laughing until Evan starts his song. "Oh I like that song!"

Treads-on-Thin-Ice bops about to the tune of Evan's song from where he's sitting. Afterward, he murmurs, "Now I want bacon. We need a bacon robot. We totally need one on this ship." He drains his mug. "I wonder if I could enchant a plate to always be full of bacon and pancakes..." Now he's off into contemplation about this, his eyes distant as he dreams of magical endless breakfast. "And eggs," he adds thoughtfully.