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Isla takes the bottle from Jes, opens it, and starts to drink straight from the bottle. When Branton hands her the glass vial her eyebrows raise. "Oh, Fire Man. That is something." She looks at it, back and forth, admiring it.
Isla takes the bottle from Jes, opens it, and starts to drink straight from the bottle. When Branton hands her the glass vial her eyebrows raise. "Oh, Fire Man. That is something." She looks at it, back and forth, admiring it.
"It's a devious talen of Black Fury design," Iris tells Sten, "It can heal the one who eats it, or it can drive all who see it to madness. Sons will trample their own father and fight with each other for the right to have and eat it. It's a good item for a Galliard, filled with Wisdom about the perils of jealousy and desire and the hope of renewal and salvation. Put it to good use to save your pack some day."
"It's a devious talen of Black Fury design," Iris tells Sten, "It can heal the one who eats it, or it can drive all who see it to madness. Sons will trample their own father and fight with each other for the right to have and eat it. It's a good item for a Galliard, filled with Wisdom about the perils of jealousy and desire and the hope of renewal and salvation. Put it to good use to save your pack some day." To Aldric she says, "For the Ahroun, a taste of Elder's might to inspire you towards greatness. In a dark moment against our fallen cousins, smash that against your heart, or against a friend, and watch your foe quake in their boots as you become a living weapon of silver. For the Theurges," Iris says with a point to Micah and Aaryn, "Guard these fetishes and use them wisely, they will help you arm your pack against the future. Micah, your drums will summon spirits with ease, they wont be able to resist the rhythms you create. Aaryn, your pipes will please the spirits summoned and they will be more than happy to rest within a fetish vessel you create for them. Also, you'll find that seasonal rites of the Earth are ever so much easier to perform." A smile for all their hosting Get, "And people say Furies and Get don't mix, right? Pfft." She looks then to Isla as she's presented with stuff too!
        To Aldric she says, "For the Ahroun, a taste of Elder's might to inspire you towards greatness. In a dark moment against our fallen cousins, smash that against your heart, or against a friend, and watch your foe quake in their boots as you become a living weapon of silver."
"For the Theurges," Iris says with a point to Micah and Aaryn, "Guard these fetishes and use them wisely, they will help you arm your pack against the future. Micah, your drums will summon spirits with ease, they wont be able to resist the rhythms you create. Aaryn, your pipes will please the spirits summoned and they will be more than happy to rest within a fetish vessel you create for them. Also, you'll find that seasonal rites of the Earth are ever so much easier to perform."
        A smile for all their hosting Get, "And people say Furies and Get don't mix, right? Pfft." She looks then to Isla as she's presented with stuff too!
Branton nods at Isla as she examines the vial and he explains "I call it 'Moon-Shine'. Burns like a motherfucker going down but it'll perk you right up like the first sight of the moon in the night sky."
Branton nods at Isla as she examines the vial and he explains "I call it 'Moon-Shine'. Burns like a motherfucker going down but it'll perk you right up like the first sight of the moon in the night sky."
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Sten looks to Iris "Thank you, I will use as wisely as I can and make it serve the pack" bowing his head then looking over to Branton "When I am deemed worthy, I will speak with you about perhaps forging a weapon" the large man downs the last of his Mead with a broad grin. "Indeed as our Alpha says we are humbled by your great gifts and warm company. And tell us your story conquring the ice below"
Sten looks to Iris "Thank you, I will use as wisely as I can and make it serve the pack" bowing his head then looking over to Branton "When I am deemed worthy, I will speak with you about perhaps forging a weapon" the large man downs the last of his Mead with a broad grin. "Indeed as our Alpha says we are humbled by your great gifts and warm company. And tell us your story conquring the ice below"
"Oh, don't make too much of it; for all you know this is stuff we've had laying around in our garage forever and we're just hoping you'll take it off our hands," Jes says with a smirk, taking a drink of some actual water before going back to mead.
"Oh, don't make too much of it; for all you know this is stuff we've had laying around in our garage forever and we're just hoping you'll take it off our hands," Jes says with a smirk, taking a drink of some actual water before going back to mead. At Isla's request he shrugs, noting, "We don't have a Galliard in our pack, so every time a story comes up they're all, 'Oh, Jes, you tell such great stories, you should tell this one!' and I know it's because they just want to drink or smoke or eat or relax or whatever and have me do all the actual explaining." Jes cracks his knuckles then, closing his eyes for a moment before beginning. "So the whole point of the adventure was that Goop Mistress Iris is building an orrery using materials from each of the Aetherial Realm's Incarnae, and it was time to pick up the pennant for the home team and meet Eshtarra. Turns out one way to do that is to hit the South Pole and go Dig Dug downward until you find dinosaurs and all that Jules Verne shit, so Iris strapped us to her baby bjorn and fucking flew us there through the craziest damn Umbral shortcut you ever saw and landed us smack dab beside a big ol' flock of penguins. Or a waddle of penguins, I guess; they don't much flock, do they? Anyhow, anyroad, I'm dressed for the occasion in a very James Bond tuxedo so I'll fit in with the locals, and I make sure to hit the powder and start marking my turf with King's gold ASAP and glad-flippering my subjects, like y'do, when we realize we're on the cusp of some fucking Antarctic expedition and shit and we've got to try to blend the fuck in so we don't get outed to the South Po-Po or whatever-the fuck."
        At Isla's request he shrugs, noting, "We don't have a Galliard in our pack, so every time a story comes up they're all, 'Oh, Jes, you tell such great stories, you should tell this one!' and I know it's because they just want to drink or smoke or eat or relax or whatever and have me do all the actual explaining."
        Jes cracks his knuckles then, closing his eyes for a moment before beginning. "So the whole point of the adventure was that Goop Mistress Iris is building an orrery using materials from each of the Aetherial Realm's Incarnae, and it was time to pick up the pennant for the home team and meet Eshtarra. Turns out one way to do that is to hit the South Pole and go Dig Dug downward until you find dinosaurs and all that Jules Verne shit, so Iris strapped us to her baby bjorn and fucking flew us there through the craziest damn Umbral shortcut you ever saw and landed us smack dab beside a big ol' flock of penguins. Or a waddle of penguins, I guess; they don't much flock, do they? Anyhow, anyroad, I'm dressed for the occasion in a very James Bond tuxedo so I'll fit in with the locals, and I make sure to hit the powder and start marking my turf with King's gold ASAP and glad-flippering my subjects, like y'do, when we realize we're on the cusp of some fucking Antarctic expedition and shit and we've got to try to blend the fuck in so we don't get outed to the South Po-Po or whatever-the fuck."
As Jes digs in to share the tale, Aaryn leans over in Branton's general direction. She waves her fingers in a gesture toward his cigarette case. "May I," she asks. This seems the sort of story best enjoyed with a good smoke.
As Jes digs in to share the tale, Aaryn leans over in Branton's general direction. She waves her fingers in a gesture toward his cigarette case. "May I," she asks. This seems the sort of story best enjoyed with a good smoke.
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Sten looks to Branton "I have seen it" nodding to him "He has alot of weapons, though it is very impressive" looking to Jes "Sure, batter it on the old man... late bloomer like me... father almost lost hope cause I changed so late, still trained me like I was going to shift any moment... though after my uncles died under mysterious circumstances... that the Johanssons witnessed.. and then my father falling in combat.. The Blixt clan was gone, uncles had no children, I and my sister the last. Jarl son and daughter.. I have no proof.. but I could feel the changing tide, and my dreams was only of fleeing.. Thank Gaia for Vesta.. I do not care if I had died, but my sister would have become a prisoner at best. Anyway.. enough about this grey old wolf of a Cliath!" Sten rises to his feet.  
Sten looks to Branton "I have seen it" nodding to him "He has alot of weapons, though it is very impressive" looking to Jes "Sure, batter it on the old man... late bloomer like me... father almost lost hope cause I changed so late, still trained me like I was going to shift any moment... though after my uncles died under mysterious circumstances... that the Johanssons witnessed.. and then my father falling in combat.. The Blixt clan was gone, uncles had no children, I and my sister the last. Jarl son and daughter.. I have no proof.. but I could feel the changing tide, and my dreams was only of fleeing.. Thank Gaia for Vesta.. I do not care if I had died, but my sister would have become a prisoner at best. Anyway.. enough about this grey old wolf of a Cliath!" Sten rises to his feet.  
Some of his pack had already heard him sing but not all. His voice was clear and strong starting an lumbering acapella song. Which those had already heard. But alas, with some alcohol in him and trying to get away from his past it was the easiest to get to.  
Some of his pack had already heard him sing but not all. His voice was clear and strong starting an lumbering acapella song. Which those had already heard. But alas, with some alcohol in him and trying to get away from his past it was the easiest to get to.  
  "Here I walk  
  "Here I walk  
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Aldric digs into his meal, having a little bit of everything on his place. He listens to the talk going on about ages, pausing as he sucks a bit of marrow out of a bone. Having at least the grace enough to wipe his fingers and face off before speaking. "I was two when I changed the first time. But it is different for Lupus." he nods, thinking about it. Then the Skald is getting into his cups and starting to sing and he shuts right back up again.
Aldric digs into his meal, having a little bit of everything on his place. He listens to the talk going on about ages, pausing as he sucks a bit of marrow out of a bone. Having at least the grace enough to wipe his fingers and face off before speaking. "I was two when I changed the first time. But it is different for Lupus." he nods, thinking about it. Then the Skald is getting into his cups and starting to sing and he shuts right back up again.
Jes regards Aaryn with a shrug, not actually seeming to be puffing his chest out for once when he says, "I mean, you're not entirely wrong, but that's kind of a choice we made together, Isla and I, and maintained when Iris and Branton joined us. A sort of credo for the pack, unspoken but undoubted, that we exist to pursue our destinies /actively/, and at a full sprint."
Jes regards Aaryn with a shrug, not actually seeming to be puffing his chest out for once when he says, "I mean, you're not entirely wrong, but that's kind of a choice we made together, Isla and I, and maintained when Iris and Branton joined us. A sort of credo for the pack, unspoken but undoubted, that we exist to pursue our destinies /actively/, and at a full sprint." He thinks on that for a second, pouring himself a scotch and swishing it around in his tumbler. "One sentence, huh? Then I guess this'd be it, guys. The world is /right here/; put your fucking mark on it and make it count."
        He thinks on that for a second, pouring himself a scotch and swishing it around in his tumbler. "One sentence, huh? Then I guess this'd be it, guys. The world is /right here/; put your fucking mark on it and make it count."
Isla swallows another gulp of Scotch. "Aye. Ye only live once, and why nae make the most of it?" She adds then for Jes, "And nae just by peeing on everything like Sprinkles here. That is his thing."
Isla swallows another gulp of Scotch. "Aye. Ye only live once, and why nae make the most of it?" She adds then for Jes, "And nae just by peeing on everything like Sprinkles here. That is his thing."
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Branton looks around and considers "In terms of years and calendars I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest person here. funny how that works out. Only known I was kinfolk for just about two years now though."
Branton looks around and considers "In terms of years and calendars I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest person here. funny how that works out. Only known I was kinfolk for just about two years now though."
"I can't hardly /not/ drink to that, I guess," Jes replies with a laugh as Aaryn makes her toast, downing his scotch and pouring another before looking aside to Isla and saying, "I told you the day we met I'd follow you anywhere. Thanks for making it insteresting, boss."
"I can't hardly /not/ drink to that, I guess," Jes replies with a laugh as Aaryn makes her toast, downing his scotch and pouring another before looking aside to Isla and saying, "I told you the day we met I'd follow you anywhere. Thanks for making it insteresting, boss." To Branton, Jes shrugs and smirks, commenting, "You've got that Yul Brynner thing going, though, where no one'll know if you're thirty or sixty until the day you die. In my case, I've gotta get this shit done while I'm young; at some point this firecracker's gonna blow and all I'll leave behind are stories."
        To Branton, Jes shrugs and smirks, commenting, "You've got that Yul Brynner thing going, though, where no one'll know if you're thirty or sixty until the day you die. In my case, I've gotta get this shit done while I'm young; at some point this firecracker's gonna blow and all I'll leave behind are stories."
"Dont get your hopes up..." Theron tells Micah and musses his hair, because that’s what you do. "Nothing wrong with going out in a blaze. It’s better to burn out than to fade away..." he quotes..somone...The Kurgan? He goes and pours himself a drink before rejoining where everyone has gathered.
"Dont get your hopes up..." Theron tells Micah and musses his hair, because that’s what you do. "Nothing wrong with going out in a blaze. It’s better to burn out than to fade away..." he quotes..somone...The Kurgan? He goes and pours himself a drink before rejoining where everyone has gathered.
Isla swigs her bottle again, cause yeah, that is what she does. Disney Fianna Princess and all that she is. "Ye will end up with Nigel one of these days. Hopefully later than sooner. We got planets to get to, realms to go. If'n I dinnae see you in the Cartoon Realm, I'll be fucking pissed. Besides, I need ye to take a picture of me riding a T-rex when we make it to pangea." She raises a brow to Theron and stands up. Much like the Highlander she states, "There can be only on!" Too bad she does not have a katana.
Isla swigs her bottle again, cause yeah, that is what she does. Disney Fianna Princess and all that she is. "Ye will end up with Nigel one of these days. Hopefully later than sooner. We got planets to get to, realms to go. If'n I dinnae see you in the Cartoon Realm, I'll be fucking pissed. Besides, I need ye to take a picture of me riding a T-rex when we make it to pangea." She raises a brow to Theron and stands up. Much like the Highlander she states, "There can be only on!" Too bad she does not have a katana.
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Micah swoops in and gathers up the Bourbon she has just poured. "I'll drink to that," he says to... someone? "That's what my dad did. Loaded himself up with weapons one day when he decided to give the fuck up and walk out into the snow. Blaze of Glory." He throws his head back and downs the bourbon.
Micah swoops in and gathers up the Bourbon she has just poured. "I'll drink to that," he says to... someone? "That's what my dad did. Loaded himself up with weapons one day when he decided to give the fuck up and walk out into the snow. Blaze of Glory." He throws his head back and downs the bourbon.
Aldric listens to the talking going on, though he does focus more on his packmates as the drinking continues and tongues start wagging. He looks curious, but says nothing to discourage the story telling, venting or revelry they're engaging in. He does find Micah's request for a smooth funny enough for his small smile to reappear.
Aldric listens to the talking going on, though he does focus more on his packmates as the drinking continues and tongues start wagging. He looks curious, but says nothing to discourage the story telling, venting or revelry they're engaging in. He does find Micah's request for a smooch funny enough for his small smile to reappear.
"I mean... I'm not out looking for it, but I do get that the way I live /it/ is definitely looking for /me/," Jes replies with a theatrical 'whatcha gonna do?' shrug as he leans back in his seat. He snickers at Isla's commentary and drinks a bit more, replying, "Hey, I still have too many promises to keep to go kicking the still just yet, hen. I just don't think I'm immortal or anything that dumb. I'm fully aware there's an expiration date on my insides and that I won't see it 'til the day it elapses."
"I mean... I'm not out looking for it, but I do get that the way I live /it/ is definitely looking for /me/," Jes replies with a theatrical 'whatcha gonna do?' shrug as he leans back in his seat. He snickers at Isla's commentary and drinks a bit more, replying, "Hey, I still have too many promises to keep to go kicking the still just yet, hen. I just don't think I'm immortal or anything that dumb. I'm fully aware there's an expiration date on my insides and that I won't see it 'til the day it elapses."
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Branton got distracted doodling diagrams on a napkin (that he'll pocket before he goes)
Branton got distracted doodling diagrams on a napkin (that he'll pocket before he goes)
Sten smiles to Aldric but does not let him lead him to the long house. He takes the apple and puts it in the towel he got it in. He moves over Jes putting a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for your amazing story, your laughter and your honesty. En Vessla med ett gott skratt" he nods to himself with a smile.  
Sten smiles to Aldric but does not let him lead him to the long house. He takes the apple and puts it in the towel he got it in. He moves over Jes putting a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for your amazing story, your laughter and your honesty. En Vessla med ett gott skratt" he nods to himself with a smile. He moves over to Branton "As I said before, I hope to speak with you at a later time, though you should speak with Theron of our pack, I think you both share interest and talents. Drömsmed" bowing his head to him and going over to Iris. "Your generous gifts humble us, I know that our Godis will seek your wisdom to learn, and they do so rightfully. Enhörnings Leende" Then he moves to Ilsa "Your pack is wonderful, amazing we aspire to do half as well as you all. I hope we can remain friends for a very long time. Eld Persika"
He moves over to Branton "As I said before, I hope to speak with you at a later time, though you should speak with Theron of our pack, I think you both share interest and talents. Drömsmed" bowing his head to him and going over to Iris.  
"Your generous gifts humble us, I know that our Godis will seek your wisdom to learn, and they do so rightfully. Enhörnings Leende" Then he moves to Ilsa "Your pack is wonderful, amazing we aspire to do half as well as you all. I hope we can remain friends for a very long time. Eld Persika"
Aaryn is among the last to leave, seeing her pack brothers to the Longhouse and giving last words, though they may be slurred, of gratitude to the Devil's Own. As she begins to lightly pick up after the evening's event, Jes' words bounce around in her skull. "Make it count, indeed," she smiles to herself. "Fuckin-A".
Aaryn is among the last to leave, seeing her pack brothers to the Longhouse and giving last words, though they may be slurred, of gratitude to the Devil's Own. As she begins to lightly pick up after the evening's event, Jes' words bounce around in her skull. "Make it count, indeed," she smiles to herself. "Fuckin-A".
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[[Category:The DEvil's Own]]
[[Category:The Devil's Own]]

Latest revision as of 20:49, 1 August 2020

2019.07.31 Freya's Blot
Fire and Ice meet for dinner on the first festival of feasting season.
IC Date 7/31/19
IC Time Evening, Night
Players Isla, Pancake, Jes, Branton, Aldric, Sten, Aaryn, Micah, Theron
Location Ravenscar
Prp/Tp None
Spheres Gaian, Garou
Theme Song The Past Still Lives On, Falconer [1]

Through the Northwest part of the bawn, near the area that eventually becomes marsh, lies the territory recently claimed by the Frostbite pack.. There, travelers can find a short dirt path that winds through the trees until it meets two stone pillars that look to have stood sentinel there for some time, waiting in the forest for someone to return home. The pillars are covered in ivy and vines and on one, a tarnished brass placard reads, “Ravenscar”. Upon the pillars, a pair of actual ravens perch. As you approach they take flight into the air, cawing an introduction.

Just beyond the pillars, the area opens up to a clearing, the landscape shaped and prepared for the construction of a longhouse. The first signs of that construction are visible in the distance. The area here practically hums with a sense of purity and the power of the wyld. The greens seem more lush and vibrant, the browns more earthen and rich and the air smells and tastes refreshing.

Immediately to the left stands an ancient coastal oak tree, long thick branches reaches their arms out as if to welcome guests. Strings of lights of all shapes and sizes hand from the limbs and from a couple of timber posts, bathing the area in warm golden light like so many twinkling fireflies. Beneath it sits a large stone fire pit. In the center of the setting is a large wooden table, round and of excellent craftsmanship. It is surrounded by crafted wooden chairs, enough for each of the guests. Two larger chairs are set apart and situated next to one another at the apparent ‘head’ of the circle. One chair is adorned in peach blossoms and honeysuckle. The other adorned in a pelt decorated with iron clasps. Seats for each of the two pack’s Alphas.

Tonight, there appears to be a wide selection of seasoned meats grilling over a grate. The selection includes beef, chicken, deer and rabbit, but no pork. Another table boasts a variety of vegetable dishes, bowls of warm grain, a scattering of fruits and sweet, decadent chocolate and caramel desserts. Two oaken barrels contain what is labeled to be ‘Honey Meade’ and ‘Peach Meade’. At last, the centerpiece appears to be a table of impressive length with several types of fresh, homemade bread. There appears to be anything from sourdough to black bread, all braided or intricately made and surrounded by samplings of flavored butters and preserves – The highlight of which appears to be in several small jars labeled, “The Fiery Bellona, Peach Habanero Preserves”.

Iris helpfully leads the way, because someone was dumb enough to let her go first! She helpfully announces the pack's presence not with a howl of 'hey we're here', no no, she instead trips over something and slams into the ground, screaming "FUCKOWSHIT!" And there ya go, The Devil's Own have arrived! Iris is trying to rub her knee and walk at the same time when coming into view. "HI!"

Aldric is helping set things up, carrying things where directed. This whole party thing outside his wheelhouse, so as usual, he follows Aaryn's direction for setting out food and whatever else she needs.

Micah, who has been up and down a ladder most of the day, hears the ravens cawing, he ducks his head expecting to have his tower buzzed as they fly up into the higher branches of the tree. He starts to climb down off the ladder and fold it up. He lets loose a sharp whistle and calls out, "They're heeeeeeeeaaaarrrr..."

Branton was not far behind Iris because they'd been holding hands a moment ago. He reaches down to help her up "You alright?" And he looks over at those of their hosts that are already about "Evening folks."

Sten the Skald was wearing a button up shirt and jeans nothing to fancy but better then his dedicated attire. His hair was meticulously braided into several braids with a few beads and bones woven into it. The large man was looking over the preparations assisting where he can of course. Aaryn was doing the organizing anyway.

But he moves over towards the pack arriving with a broad grin "Welcome, welcome to our home. For those who have not yet met me I am Sten Blixt, Stormhowler of Frostbite, Cliath Skald of the Fenrir, son of Eric Blixt, Ironheart, son of Johan Blixt, Starsinger, son of Torbjörn Blixt, Redsnow, Son of Olaf Blixt Stormhowler, born to Fimbul Winter sept, now of Enduring Spirit. Come join us, take a seat and enjoy true Fenrir hospitality." The large man motioning towards the table.

Aaryn is setting out glass jars for meade when their guests arrive. It may be hard to recognize her, as she has chosen to wear a white dress as opposed to the black goo the Devil's Own saw her in last. She looks up at the loud curse, but chuckles with an amount of fondness... And the realization that the ravens were going to learn that phrase now. She tucks a strand of hair and waves at Branton and Iris. As Sten begins the roll of introductions, Aaryn, of course, begins pouring Meade. Because, Meade.

Isla is not far behind Iris and Branton. She holds her head up, proud of her pack..and then Iris is Iris, and eehhh fuck it. It is just going to be a fun evening at this point. She grins and watches the lovebirds. "As usual, The Devil's Own at their finest. C'mon, let's get this shindig started, and make sure it is a real party." Striding up toward those coming out to great them, she bows her head just a might. "I'm Isla Ennes, rited Fiery Bellona. Born on these two legs, Athro Ahroun Fianna, daughter of Claws-of-Fire. Alpha of The Devil's Own, packed under the relentless Warrior, Weasel. Thank ye fer the invitation to me and my pack."

Aldric looks up as folks start to filter in, putting down a platter of food onto the table. He turns to look to Isla first then the rests before he inclines his head. "I am Ironsides, known amongst humans at Aldric Hegdahl. Modi Cliath to the Get of Fenris, born on four legs. Descendant of Tarjei Hardrule, Great grandson of Ragnar "Spirit's Way", Grandson of Hilde "Battlemaiden" and child of Thurston "War Hammer" Ahroun leader of the Sept of the Endless Moon. Alpha of the Frostbite pack." Straightening up. "Please be welcome." He motions towards the table and the spread there.

Micah walks off with the ladder, loading into the back of a pick-up truck parked some distance away from the gathering while the recitation of names and lineages are going on. He figures he has plenty of time, can probably get done before Sten finishes his. On his way back, he swings by the table and scoops up one of the already poured cups of meade and takes a drought.

"Noooo, I need to figure out how to just put my legs in my purse and hover when they're being a pain in the ass." Iris complains at Branton. But yeah, she's fine. Bruised knee later probably, wounded pride, but that's the extent of the damage. "Great to meet you all, and hi again Aaryn! I'm Iris Tiganites, Elder Black Fury born two legged under the crescent moon, Amazon of Diana, Goop Mistress of the Devil's Own and totally engaged THAT GUY!" she blurts with a finger point at Branton with that excitement that can only come from a very recent development. "Thanks for having us! I brought brownies, but I think I squished them." she notes while pulling out a large saran wrapped... brown pancake. Also she did dress up! Er well. Her dress is clean, anyway.

"So it is it 'Raven Scar' or 'Raven's Car'?" Jes queries his pack idly from the rear while they follow Iris' path because that's how they're sure there are no booby traps in the way. He is dressed flamboyantly, as usual; a saffron yellow crushed velvet suit, black silk button-up shirt, gold-framed sunglasses, and pink bunny slippers with the soles of combat boots. He's toting what looks to be a six pack of hard liquor: sharp eyes will pick out bottles of Lagavulin Islay Scotch, Booker's Bourbon, Corzo Plata Tequila, Redbreast Irish Whiskey, Altai Vodka, and a black bottle just labeled "Deej's 'Shine". He himself has, as usual, a Nat Sherman in his lips, which he does not bother to take out while he talks. "Because I'd honestly like to see a car for a raven. Sized for one, specifically. Like... Gaia gave me the gift of flight, but Mercedes-Benz gave me the gift of air conditioned seating. Oh, shit, they're doing a thing."

The Ragabash shuts up as Sten launches into his greeting, then Isla does hers, at which point he plucks out his cigarette and puffs jets of smoke out his nose before obliging. "Sullivan James Queenan Death's Jester, born on three legs on the night the moon forgot, Athro Fianna and Beta of the Devil's Own. Emperor Penguin of Antarctica, grandson of Maggie Queenan Punchline, Weasel's Wondrous Whippersnapper... umm... teacher, mother, secret lover... speaker of spirits, lifter of spirits, drinker of spirits... mother of dragons... all-aroung big swingin' dick... something-something-Return of the Jedi.". He listens to the other intros as they're offered, but moves to set his liquor bottles over on the table of beverages with an announced, "We brought hooch.".

Aaryn chuckles at Jes' introduction as she comes out from behind the barrels and makes her way to the larger gathering with a frosty jar of Peach Meade in each hand. She nods and smiles, "and of course, I'm Aaryn North, rite named Guides-the-Dead. Cliath Theurge, born on two legs. Daughter of Shield-of-Sorrows, granddaughter to Tames-the-Squall. Originally from the Sept of the Silver Snow, Silver Bay Minnesota. And," she hands one jar to Isla first and then the other to Aldric, to 'officially' get things started. "We are honored by your company. Thank you for helping us celebrate this first night of the feasting season!" She drops back to allow festivities to commence, and, after giving the liquor bottles a full and worthy inspection, gives Jes a gentle nudge with her elbow. "Hungry?" she asks the wolf who, for all intents and purposes, saved her life.

Branton grins and finger waves to the group when Iris points at him, while snickering at Jes' intro "I'm Branton Frederich Kholer, kinfolk to the Black Fury tribe, Klaive-smith, Pyrokinetic, and Sorcerer-Shaman in the service of Hecate, the Mother of Spells and Lady of the Crossroads." Then he pauses to think about what would go into building a really tiny car.

Aldric looks from one to another, stopping on Jes as he gives his and it keeps on giving. He nods to the brightly dressed man, "Well met. You must be very proud of such a distinguished lineage." And yeah, he's serious, the sense of humor lost on him apparently. He watches as the bottles of liqour change hands, his head tilting a little before he reaches up and scratches at his jaw. Saying to no one in particular. "I'm not going to remember this gathering tomorrow, am I?"

Micah gulps down the rest of his meade as he listens to Jes' introduction. He watches the man walk over to the table, his eyes following the large box of liquors. "Are you single, because I think I just fell in love." Stepping forward he offers his hand to Jes, "Micah. You can call me Shadow. Cliath. Godi. Get of Fenris. Born on some legs. Son of somebody. Yadda yadda. Can I look through these?"

Iris snorts at Jes and grins, "I like Weasel's Wonderous Whippersnapper, you gotta keep that one." She goes from Jes directly to Micah then, "He's just going to dissapoint you and eat all your chips, man."

The Skald cracks a smile though manages to hold back laughing at the Ragabash, though it is rather obvious he enjoyed it, Sten could not lie himself out of a wetbag if he tried. A nod with a warm smile even larger thanks to Jes now. He declares "Let us sit, let us eat and break bread together! Our dear Aaryn has placed the Alphas at the head of the table" motioning to their seats. He moves over and takes a seat at the table himself to get them to follow, the food was warm and hopefully would remain so before these Wolf-Cats got hearded to their seats. "As for Ravens Car, I doubt Hrafn would be all to excited getting a car... perhaps a cabrio... he is not all to fond of enclosed spaces" grinning broadly.

Isla nods to Aldric, "Probably not. But then again,.. " She stage whispers "Try not to fall asleep. Ye never no what the Goop Mistress could have planned." She grins a bit and winks. She keeps noticing the Peach them and looks to Jes. "I think they either found out yer name fer me, or there is some mighty huge conspiracy the spirits are pulling on us."

"Everyone kept telling me not to spoil my appetite for later any time they saw me even look at the damn kitchen," Jes grumbles with a roll of his eyes as he takes a forlorn drag from his cigarette. "What am I, a twelve-year-old fat kid? Do I look like I'm gonna play shotglass roulette with a six-pack of Dunkaroos or some shit? I mean, if swallowing your own pride was a way to take in calories I /might/ be able to say I made do with a little humble pie while everyone got dressed and Iris fumigated her dreadlocks, but if we're playing Honesty Monopoly I think my calories today have all come from hard alcohol and energy drinks. So... I mean, Tee-Ell Dee-Arr? I am fucking /famished/."

The perspicacious Deej smirks and bumps shoulders with Aaryn at the end of his tirade, showing the jest behind the snark and waggling his eyebrows. He takes a bit of mead with a showy curtsey before giving his attention to Aldric and shrugging slightly. "I mean, it's hard to really be proud of the stuff that's not my doing, but fuck yeah I'm all about being Emperor of Antarctica, even if maintaining my territory means the south pole has a urine content that would close down a public pool." At Micah's unabashed come-on he raises his sunglasses and winks, saying, "You wish, pretty boy, but I'm saving myself for prison. Good to meet you, Shadow; I /insist/ you look through those and give each one a try."

He then follows Sten's advice and takes a seat near Isla's, showing off a bit of that codependence everyone feels radiating off of them. He snickers at Isla's observation, shrugging slightly, and offers, "Or they just did what I did and looked at your ass and picked the first thing that came to mind."

Micah riffles through the box of liquors, examining each lable as people start to head over. Over his shoulder he says to Iris, "That's ok, I'm used to disappointment." He tucks a few of the tastier looking liquors in his arms and makes his way to a seat. "Looks like we're finally going to see if I can hold my booze Sten."

"Yeah but that's why cars got windows." Iris points out to Sten, and follows his lead to snag a seat. What seat? She dun care, just you try and impose rules and seating arrangements on her! Although she doesn't snag an obviously-alpha seat, cause she's not a Raggie and cant get away with the audacity. "Pfft, 'plan'." Iris grins at Isla." She unwraps the squished brownie-pancake and sets it just wherever it'll fit. Fuck it, she can even fold it in half if she has to! Not like getting squished again's gonna ruin it. Also, it's Iris, her brownies are just chalked full'a drugs. You know, for Theurge-Reasons.

Aldric waits until the guests are settled in before taking his seat. He takes a swallow off of his drink, his brow furrowing a little as he then looks at it before taking another drink. He listens to Jes, nodding slowly though at least one thing seems to register. "That is a signifigant journey." Then he's back to drinking, probably faster than he should, but he seems to like it.

"I mean, technically we're seeing if you can hold /my/ booze," Jes replies dryly to Micah, gesturing drolly with his cigarette before taking a sip of mead and making a pleased 'mmmmMMMMM' sound that rises in pitch near the end like a goddamn Skesis. He puffs again on his cigarette, mumble singing "everybody loves a clown" under his breath as he exhales before declaring, "So Peach and I -- that's Fiery Bellona here, obviously, and me because I'm the only me currently in attendance -- just recently completed our challenges for Athro, while Pancake over there attained the honored and lofty old fart rank of Elder and then got engaged to Burny Sanders of the Shiny Dome right next to her, which is a long-ass way of my saying thank you guys for throwing us a congratulatory fete without really intending it. You saved all four of us from having to plan a party for ourselves, which... like... you didn't save us from that for long, because we're gonna do one anyway just for the excuse to restock the liquor cabinets again."

Halfway into Jes's confession, Aaryn begins to grin. She heads over to grab a plate and piles it high with samplings of everything that she can manage. He said, 'famished', right? As she deposits the plate in front of Jes, she smiles at Isla, "I thought it odd he called you 'Peach' in battle," she says, "but then... Pretty much everything he says is odd." She smiles at Aldric, almost smirks, but decides she should get him some food and quickly.

Branton reaches out and takes a polished steel cigarette case out and sets it on the table when he takes a seat next to Iris "I also brought some of my green if anyone cares to partake. I've got an Awakened Matanuska Tundra plant in my greenhouse."

Isla rolls her eyes at Jes, but does not comment further. "So ye all seem to know more about us. We are the stuff legends are made from. Tell us more about yer pack. I dinnae realize there were so many Get in the area. Granted, we dinnae get out too much." A nod to Aaryn, "Aye, on both accounts. We met at our Rite of Passage. And in the traditional Fianna way, we do it naked, painted in blue woad. So nothing is hidden."

Micah sits down at the seat he had scoped for himself earlier and reaches down underneath to pull up a small pack from beneath his chair. Deliberately he begins to remove six shot glasses that seem to each have a relief painted on the side depicting something to do with one of the states he drove through to get here from Minnesota. He opens each bottle of liquor, 'helping' to make them accessible to everyone at the table, and pours a different brand into each of the glasses. If there is a rhyme or reason to how he matches each liquor to each shot glass it is not readily apparent. After each shot is poured he passes the liquor to his left or right or in the case that no one wants it, sits it in front of him amidst the plates of food. From afar, Erin waggles her brows "yeah"

Having brought a plate of meats, a bit of bread with the spicy preserves and some caramel stickiness to Aldric, Aaryn slinks off to go sit next to the Theurge. Not not Micah, the cute one who recently attained Elder Status. She props her chin in her palm and leans over to look at Branton, then Iris. "Congratulations on your engagement!" She grins before helping herself to some of the tasty Special Pancake. She nods to Isla and then says to her pack's Skald, "Stuff of Legends, indeed! Heros of the highest... Mmmmmmm! Good Brownies!" she says with a mouthful of deliciousness.

Sten looks to Branton "I do not know what that is, or what you do with it." shaking his head some looking over to Micah "Oh we certainly will see how well you hold it" grinning broadly the large man taking a large sip from his Honey Mead." the large man was nothing but smiles, it was obvious he felt comfortable, having dropped much of his usual stoic demeanor as they were now all around the table. He looks to Jes and smiles "Well it got somewhat planned into it all" he rises to his feet with a broad grin "I would like to raise a toast to the Devil's Own. For their gained ranks and the engagment between Branton and Iris. We of Frostbite are honored that you grace our humble feast with your presence and joy. To your future may it be bright, and a may a strong friendship be forged between our packs." raising his mead. "Skål!" Aldric lifts his mug for a toast, and after watching their eldest Godi settle in he looks back to Isla to answer her inquiry. He's not exactly the verbose one of the group, but he does his best. "We see ourselves less of a war pack and more of defenders. We wish to lend ourselves to protecting those that Gaia treasures, and the homes that she's given us. Be it Sept, or hearth."

"Yeah, nothing was hidden, but it was fucking /cold/, so I was all shriveled up at the beginning like a frightened turtle and beet red and shit," Jes says with a sigh, shaking his head and rubbing his face. "And right next to me is this gorgeous amazon who's looking around like she could not possibly be prouder of her fuckin' tits, shaming me from the goddamn jump, and I'm like, the /hell/ with that, it's time to cowgirl up and act a proper Garou. Probably saved my fucking life without knowing it, honestly; if I'd kept dwelling on every damn thing like that, I'd likely have died kvetching."

The Raggie puts out his cigarette on the sole of his bunny boots then and begins picking at his foods after a quick thank-you to Aaryn for dishing up him a food mountain. He adds, "Anyhow, for anyone who bothered to look -- which is all of you, don't even lie -- Isla's got an ass like a picture-perfect peach, and I said so when I was trying to help wrangle all the other cubs on our Rite of Passage. She spit it right back at me and called me Sprinkles because /my/ ass is freckly. And here we are, all this way hence, and it's still what we call each other like a bitter old married couple who hate everyone else more than they hate each other." He winks at Isla then, blowing her a kiss before raising his meat to Sten's toast. "To me 'n mine. Slainte," he says before downing the honey hooch.

Iris accepts a shot and is down with a toast! "THANKS!" she beams like a fucking loon and slams that down. And then immediately looks like she's having a stroke, but it's just booze face, don't worry. Yep, gonna pallet clense with some mead, thanks! And also much delicious foods. "I brought presents for you guys also, is this the right time? I'm not sure if you're supposed to wait till after pie for that." She immediately nods to back Jes's claim up too, "Fuck yeah she does. Stem growing out the top with two perfect little leaves, too." Sage nod, sage nod.

Micah, having raised a shot glass to the air and brought it to his lips, BARELY manages not to spew the contents across the table as Jes recounts his Rite of Passage. Unfortunately, this means that the alcohol is forced down fast and hard and partially down the wrong pipe that definitely helps make the case that he doesn't know how to hold his liquor. He proceeds to go into a coughing and wheezing fit and hoarsely croaks, "Good stuff..."

Branton does his toast and downs the shot expertly and flips open the cigarette case to show some rolled cigarettes in sparkly wrapping paper as he explains to Sten "Its a specific variety of cannabis. I grow and process from this particular plant to share with those who need stronger stuff for one reason or another. Usually regeneration capacity imparing one's ability to get fucking krunked."

"Good enough to breathe, apparently," Jes comments at Micah's coughing fit, laughing a bit and reaching over to grab his shot. He slams it without looking, and... hey, bourbon! His goes down easy, and he sighs in satisfaction before going back to his food. As Branton explains his pet project plant, Jes offers, "That's what we do on our turf. Disco Inferno over there has serious psyops-level skills with marijuana, and I ended up hiring a small army of family members to come help us industrialize that shit, which is working out like gangbusters. The pub helps; we made it as user-friendly as possible so people feel safe and welcome to come get cross-faded and then sleep over at the lodge."

Isla cackles a bit with Jes' recounting. "That dinnae stop ye from pissing on that statue of Stag though. But aye, I did save yer ass, and the Old Man, and others. Although ye eating that sandwich.. coulda gonna either way." While yes, they are an /entertaining/ group to say the least, she at least attempts to keep up with Alpha business with Aldric. "Aye. That is a respectable purpose. We, The Devil's Own, may be a war pack, but more of an adventurers guild. We are heading off before long to help Goop Mistress here complete her collection and collect rocks from all the planets." Which only sorta explains Antartica. Oh, but where is her drink? "Sprinkles, bring me that bottle of scotch ye brought?"

Perhaps it's ambitious of the Cliath, to think they can keep up with all of the treats the Gods before them have brought to the table, but as the liquor pours, the brownie is nibbled and the cannabis begins to be smoked, it's shaping up to be valiant effort. At least, on the part of Aaryn. She nods, emphatically at the Skald's toast, lifting a shot glass to a cheery, "Skal!" She downs the shot and pounds the table a couple times with her fist... Yep, she got the scotch. And after her vision clears again, she curiously leans over to investigate the little cigarettes in sparkling papers. Pausing just long enough to arch her brows to Iris, "Pressies?" She asks, "For /us/?"

Sten smiles broadly to Iris "Anytime is the right time." nodding to her. He looks between Branton and Jes curiously "Interesting never experienced that" tilting his head somewhat, then grinning to Micah "Mhmmm you sure you can hold that? Its not american waterbeer you know" shaking his head. "Single malt scotch... now I will have some of that... Islay to mmmmmm. Oak or Cherry cask?" looking towards the bottle "If I may?" the Fenrir not wanting to be all to presumtious specially with Elders and Anthro all over. Cliaths still cliaths.

"Don't have much in musical entertainment out here part from myself, and well the more going in the less... quality will come out... specially if I revert to swedish..." shaking his head "So if ya want to hear a tale or song now be the time" grinning broadly.

Micah ignores Sten's jibe, in part, because he is looking at the table and wondering where the shot glasses he sat there have gone. He couldn't have been pouring all of those shots for himself could he? That wouldn't be very social. Or polite. He holds the shot glass in his hand up, pondering the implications as he admites the Minnesota Viking emblem emblazoned on the side. Well, his system seems to have been messed up, but that doesn't mean he can't continue to get drunk a little more chaotically. He refills his shot glass with the nearest bottle of liquor as he looks over the plates of food and considers what he wants to eat.

Well hell, if any time is the right time... Iris digs in her Bigass Hemp Hippie Purse Of Holding and starts dragging some stuff out to hand around. It's actually just a normal purse, just, you know. Large. Presents are wrapped in dish cloths and held shut with duct tape. Except for Micah's, it's a bit large and took two whole hand towels. "Do you know the story behind that?" she asks Sten out of curiosity while handing him a gift.

"No, my dear; I shall bring you /this/ bottle of scotch I brought," Jes replies to Isla in a posh accent while drawing forth a separate, smaller bottle of scotch from his crushed velvet suit and placing it before her. "Because I know you love to share and you love your scotch, and I knew you would have a hard time sharing your scotch, I got you your own bottle."

To Sten, he replies, "Oak for the sixteen you've got, which... please, help yourselves, we brought enough for everyone. Hers is the sherry cask, but... I mean, I didn't give it to her to share."

Aldric nods to Isla, and as the party gets into full swing and true imbibing starts he offers a bit of a smile, which for him is a lot. "Adventuring is just as important. It brings new knowledge and experiences that one doesn't get at home." The offers of gifts has him looking surprised, and he takes his towel to hold it a long moment before opening. Looking to Iris, before he even knows whats inside he says. "Thank you...very much." unwrapping it carefully though with more than a little enthusiasm.

Sten bows his head and opens the towel and looks to a golden apple blinking "Well I know stories about golden apples... several greek... nordic... I like the nordic one abit better... bit less discord. But it has its own moral and point" looking to her "Or does it have its own story? Iduns Apples or Kallisti" tilting his head as he looks to Iris curiously. "Thank you" he looks to the scotch and gets himself some.

Micah is distracted from his shot and the food as he is handed a present the size of two dish towels. As he settles turns it over in his hands, trying to figure out a way to settle it on his lap, or on the table, or wherever there is a clear space... Hell, he better drink this shot before it gets knocked over. *gulp* Where was he, oh yeah, as he settles it down it makes a hollow thumping sounds. Curious. He upducts the towels to reveal a set of bongo drums. They look beautiful with their glyphs and designs venerating Gaia and the spirit world. He opens his mouth, about to say something smartass but then thinks better of it. Then he gets very quiet as he rolls the drums in his hands and caresses the skins with is fingers.

Branton nods at Aldric and grins "Adventuring gives me all sorts of ideas for new spells and enchantments in my own research. And sometimes, like with the adventure Aaryn went with us on, I get to shift from theory and research to practical applications. Which is way fun too. Like the time I actually made a Grand Klaive." Then he snaps his fingers and fishes in his pouch, offering a glass vial with a faintly glowing silvery liquid inside to Isla "I keep forgetting to hand this to you. Skully got the only other vial I've made so far."

Aldric sets the towel aside after digging out the small vial inside. Liquid silver moves around inside as he gently turns the vial in his fingers, watching it flow before he carefully wraps his hand around it. Again he inclines his head and says "Thank you." to their guests before going back to watching it with interest.

Isla takes the bottle from Jes, opens it, and starts to drink straight from the bottle. When Branton hands her the glass vial her eyebrows raise. "Oh, Fire Man. That is something." She looks at it, back and forth, admiring it.

"It's a devious talen of Black Fury design," Iris tells Sten, "It can heal the one who eats it, or it can drive all who see it to madness. Sons will trample their own father and fight with each other for the right to have and eat it. It's a good item for a Galliard, filled with Wisdom about the perils of jealousy and desire and the hope of renewal and salvation. Put it to good use to save your pack some day." To Aldric she says, "For the Ahroun, a taste of Elder's might to inspire you towards greatness. In a dark moment against our fallen cousins, smash that against your heart, or against a friend, and watch your foe quake in their boots as you become a living weapon of silver. For the Theurges," Iris says with a point to Micah and Aaryn, "Guard these fetishes and use them wisely, they will help you arm your pack against the future. Micah, your drums will summon spirits with ease, they wont be able to resist the rhythms you create. Aaryn, your pipes will please the spirits summoned and they will be more than happy to rest within a fetish vessel you create for them. Also, you'll find that seasonal rites of the Earth are ever so much easier to perform." A smile for all their hosting Get, "And people say Furies and Get don't mix, right? Pfft." She looks then to Isla as she's presented with stuff too!

Branton nods at Isla as she examines the vial and he explains "I call it 'Moon-Shine'. Burns like a motherfucker going down but it'll perk you right up like the first sight of the moon in the night sky."

Aaryn actually takes a moment to dust the remnants of brownie from her fingertips before taking the dishtowel from Iris. She tugs at the duct tape, finally pulling the package to her teeth to tear the silver bonding away. She pulls the towel apart and looks down at what's inside for a long moment, her mouth open in a bit of a gasp. Delicately, she lifts a set of Greek pan pipes from the cloth, running her fingers over the intricately carved glyphs and designs. An impish grin spreads across her features and regards the Elder Theurge as she imparts her wisdom. "Thank you, Mercy's Messenger 'Rhya!" she says, with no small amount of reverence. She looks over to Micah, and smiles, holding up her gift, similar to his, but entirely different. Not unlike them. After she has carefully returned the pipes to their nest, she says to the members of the visiting pack, "I, for one, would like to hear stories of what it was like when you were Cliath," she states. "It's hard to imagine, especially after seeing you in battle... And being so indebted to Branton and Death's Jester for saving my scrawny ass... That any of you ever stood where we now stand."

Micah doesn't seem to know what to say. His head comes up at Branton's mention of making a Grand Klaive and then he turns to listen to Iris' explanations of what the drums and pipes can do. He seems to be able to respond to Aaryn's wide grin with a small smile of his own. Softly, with almost a murmur, he echoes his sister's thanks, "Yes, 'Rhya... thank you." He stands quietly, tucking the drums safely and protectively under his arm. "Excuse me..." he says, before walking away from the table. "I'll be back."

Aldric listens to Iris as she speaks of the power of the gift, his hand gently curling around the vial. He holds it carefully against his chest, bowing his head to the other pack. "You honor us greatly with your thoughtful gifts. We will use them proudly in service of Gaia. Saying thank you can't begin to describe our gratitude."

Isla looks to Jes, as their story teller. "Tell 'em more about Antartica, Emporer Penguin."

Iris grins, but waves her hand, "Ah you're welcome, just don't die or do something really supid." She nods at Jes and gestures a fork at the fellow, "Oh Gaia yes, tell them your illustrious rise to power over ice world!" Leaning a bit against Branton, she offers him something he doesn't already have on his plate, because sharing is caring!

Sten looks to Iris "Thank you, I will use as wisely as I can and make it serve the pack" bowing his head then looking over to Branton "When I am deemed worthy, I will speak with you about perhaps forging a weapon" the large man downs the last of his Mead with a broad grin. "Indeed as our Alpha says we are humbled by your great gifts and warm company. And tell us your story conquring the ice below"

"Oh, don't make too much of it; for all you know this is stuff we've had laying around in our garage forever and we're just hoping you'll take it off our hands," Jes says with a smirk, taking a drink of some actual water before going back to mead. At Isla's request he shrugs, noting, "We don't have a Galliard in our pack, so every time a story comes up they're all, 'Oh, Jes, you tell such great stories, you should tell this one!' and I know it's because they just want to drink or smoke or eat or relax or whatever and have me do all the actual explaining." Jes cracks his knuckles then, closing his eyes for a moment before beginning. "So the whole point of the adventure was that Goop Mistress Iris is building an orrery using materials from each of the Aetherial Realm's Incarnae, and it was time to pick up the pennant for the home team and meet Eshtarra. Turns out one way to do that is to hit the South Pole and go Dig Dug downward until you find dinosaurs and all that Jules Verne shit, so Iris strapped us to her baby bjorn and fucking flew us there through the craziest damn Umbral shortcut you ever saw and landed us smack dab beside a big ol' flock of penguins. Or a waddle of penguins, I guess; they don't much flock, do they? Anyhow, anyroad, I'm dressed for the occasion in a very James Bond tuxedo so I'll fit in with the locals, and I make sure to hit the powder and start marking my turf with King's gold ASAP and glad-flippering my subjects, like y'do, when we realize we're on the cusp of some fucking Antarctic expedition and shit and we've got to try to blend the fuck in so we don't get outed to the South Po-Po or whatever-the fuck."

As Jes digs in to share the tale, Aaryn leans over in Branton's general direction. She waves her fingers in a gesture toward his cigarette case. "May I," she asks. This seems the sort of story best enjoyed with a good smoke.

Micah wanders back to the table during Jes' story, having missed about the first third. Taking the distracting as an opportunity, he finally piles food on his plate, picking over the scraps left by his older packmates and the high ranking guests. He then proceeds to smile and laugh with the others while stuffing his face and getting as drunk as the liquor and meade will allow.

Aldric settles in to listen after getting himself a large plate of meat. Bacon will be missed, but there's enough of a variety here to keep one distracted from that. He refills his glass, not one to get left behind in the drinking game, even if he does work on it slower.

Isla drinks from her bottle. Yes, it is nearly half empty. "Fire Man, thanks fer this. I cannae wait to try it out and see just how it goes down. Maybe I'll swig some Scotch first, lay the way."

The Skald is entranced hanging on every word that Jes tells, absorbing the story with every pore of his being. Stored and categorized in full in his library of stories that he kept. Not only the facts but how it was told, entonations, all of it... later it would of course be modified to fit his own style but keep all the details and merge well.. but for now it was just a matter of memorization. Sten was lost to the story.

So Jes goes on with his story, telling tales of audacious-as-fuck con jobs, subterranean ice tunnels, a giant turtle, and a ghost explorer. It's florid and ridiculous and punctuated with drinking and eating as he can, and the Ragabash is quite animated in its telling. Once it's done, he finally says, "So... for all that? Like... you say it's hard to imagine us standing where you stand now, but for fuck's sake, Peach and I are /nineteen/. I buy all of our booze either by proxy or with an immaculate fucking fake ID. Two years ago I slept on a bunk bed above my little sister in an RV with noise cancelling headphones in so I didn't have to hear my parents having sex in the 'master' bunk behind me, even though I could feel the whole fucking caravan rocking from it. So like... Jesus, don't put us on too high a goddamn pedestal. We just managed to get in on some very, /very/ good adventures that made folks take notice of us, is all; what we are is /lucky/." Branton nods at Aaryn and gestures for her to go ahead and select one "Let me know if you need a light." and he digs in to what Iris added to his plate first. As an example he says to Sten "Now that I've done the entire klaive crafting process myself once I'm probably not going to work alone next time. Elder Farshi's blade, Blurred Cresent, is the one I made if you get the chance to see it."

Micah blinks, "Fuck me. Nineteen. I've wasted my life." He stands up at the end of the story, belly full and boozed up. "Gotta piss."

Aaryn shakes her head at Jes in a bit of disbelief. The giant turtles and ghost explorers somehow sound feasible to her, it's his /age/ that amazes her more. She takes a slow drag from the cigarette and, after savoring it a moment, exhales a curl of smoke from her nostrils before shaking her head and addressing Jes, "I was nineteen when I had my first change," she says. "Luck or not, you're fucking brilliant," she takes one more drag and holds the cigarette out to Aldric and Sten, nodding a confirmation that it is, indeed, Good Shit. "Wisdom, in one sentence," she says as she exhales a stream of smoke, "Impart on us your best wisdom for a poor Cliath bastard. In one sentence."

Sten looks to Branton "I have seen it" nodding to him "He has alot of weapons, though it is very impressive" looking to Jes "Sure, batter it on the old man... late bloomer like me... father almost lost hope cause I changed so late, still trained me like I was going to shift any moment... though after my uncles died under mysterious circumstances... that the Johanssons witnessed.. and then my father falling in combat.. The Blixt clan was gone, uncles had no children, I and my sister the last. Jarl son and daughter.. I have no proof.. but I could feel the changing tide, and my dreams was only of fleeing.. Thank Gaia for Vesta.. I do not care if I had died, but my sister would have become a prisoner at best. Anyway.. enough about this grey old wolf of a Cliath!" Sten rises to his feet.

Some of his pack had already heard him sing but not all. His voice was clear and strong starting an lumbering acapella song. Which those had already heard. But alas, with some alcohol in him and trying to get away from his past it was the easiest to get to.

"Here I walk 
on pathways so old, 
travellers of yesterday I still behold 
Hearken to the waves 
caressing the shore 
oh how much land have they seen before"

Aldric digs into his meal, having a little bit of everything on his place. He listens to the talk going on about ages, pausing as he sucks a bit of marrow out of a bone. Having at least the grace enough to wipe his fingers and face off before speaking. "I was two when I changed the first time. But it is different for Lupus." he nods, thinking about it. Then the Skald is getting into his cups and starting to sing and he shuts right back up again.

Jes regards Aaryn with a shrug, not actually seeming to be puffing his chest out for once when he says, "I mean, you're not entirely wrong, but that's kind of a choice we made together, Isla and I, and maintained when Iris and Branton joined us. A sort of credo for the pack, unspoken but undoubted, that we exist to pursue our destinies /actively/, and at a full sprint." He thinks on that for a second, pouring himself a scotch and swishing it around in his tumbler. "One sentence, huh? Then I guess this'd be it, guys. The world is /right here/; put your fucking mark on it and make it count."

Isla swallows another gulp of Scotch. "Aye. Ye only live once, and why nae make the most of it?" She adds then for Jes, "And nae just by peeing on everything like Sprinkles here. That is his thing."

The dinner is well and truly advanced, right where the first and maybe the second plate of food has been eaten. People are well and truly buzzed either on alcohol, grade A herb or both. Gifts have been given, stories have been told and Frostbite's Skald is on his feet and singing. Micah returns from his bathroom break and walks up beside his sister, taking the sparkly cigarette from her and taking a puff.

Aaryn leans on her elbows, looking at Death's Jester as he imparts his wicked wisdom. A slow smirk creeps up and she nods, briefly looking up to her brother as he takes the Grade A herb from her. Her attention returns to Jes and her eyes twinkle a bit. She scoops up a glass and holds it out to him, then Isla, "To making it fucking count," she says, simply and with a heavy dose of determination.

The kinfolk delayed for whatever reason, it doesn’t matter because he is here now. And what a different sight he is, seems he can clean up rather nice. Gone is the combat gear and the tactical armor, no leather, no swords. Dressed in a white button up, the top two buttons undone to show just a hint of his athletic torso. The arms are rolled to the elbows to help with the heat. Jeans amd sneakers finish it off. "Hey everyone." he greets as he heads over to Aaryn and gives a brief kiss on the cheek before greeting the rest of the pack and others there.

Micah blows puffs out his cheeks and then blows the smoke out of his lungs. He leans in between Aaryn and Theron as they get their smooch on. "Don't I get one too sweety? Didn't Ryn tell you we share everything?" Yup... he's good and lit.

Branton looks around and considers "In terms of years and calendars I'm pretty sure I'm the oldest person here. funny how that works out. Only known I was kinfolk for just about two years now though."

"I can't hardly /not/ drink to that, I guess," Jes replies with a laugh as Aaryn makes her toast, downing his scotch and pouring another before looking aside to Isla and saying, "I told you the day we met I'd follow you anywhere. Thanks for making it insteresting, boss." To Branton, Jes shrugs and smirks, commenting, "You've got that Yul Brynner thing going, though, where no one'll know if you're thirty or sixty until the day you die. In my case, I've gotta get this shit done while I'm young; at some point this firecracker's gonna blow and all I'll leave behind are stories."

"Dont get your hopes up..." Theron tells Micah and musses his hair, because that’s what you do. "Nothing wrong with going out in a blaze. It’s better to burn out than to fade away..." he quotes..somone...The Kurgan? He goes and pours himself a drink before rejoining where everyone has gathered.

Isla swigs her bottle again, cause yeah, that is what she does. Disney Fianna Princess and all that she is. "Ye will end up with Nigel one of these days. Hopefully later than sooner. We got planets to get to, realms to go. If'n I dinnae see you in the Cartoon Realm, I'll be fucking pissed. Besides, I need ye to take a picture of me riding a T-rex when we make it to pangea." She raises a brow to Theron and stands up. Much like the Highlander she states, "There can be only on!" Too bad she does not have a katana.

Aaryn downs her drink in time with Jes and wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. She puts two fingers in her mouth and whistles for the Skald as he finishes his song and raises her glass. It's then that she seems to notice her glass is empty and, despite having /just/ drained it, gives it a curious look. She scoops up the Bourbon and pours, which apparently takes so much concentration that she doesn't see Theron before he's there and has delivered a kiss on her cheek. She blinks at the kiss and looks over at Theron. Then does a double-take, "fuck me runnin'," she declares, "you clean up /nice/"

Micah swoops in and gathers up the Bourbon she has just poured. "I'll drink to that," he says to... someone? "That's what my dad did. Loaded himself up with weapons one day when he decided to give the fuck up and walk out into the snow. Blaze of Glory." He throws his head back and downs the bourbon.

Aldric listens to the talking going on, though he does focus more on his packmates as the drinking continues and tongues start wagging. He looks curious, but says nothing to discourage the story telling, venting or revelry they're engaging in. He does find Micah's request for a smooch funny enough for his small smile to reappear.

"I mean... I'm not out looking for it, but I do get that the way I live /it/ is definitely looking for /me/," Jes replies with a theatrical 'whatcha gonna do?' shrug as he leans back in his seat. He snickers at Isla's commentary and drinks a bit more, replying, "Hey, I still have too many promises to keep to go kicking the still just yet, hen. I just don't think I'm immortal or anything that dumb. I'm fully aware there's an expiration date on my insides and that I won't see it 'til the day it elapses."

Sten after having sung he returns to his seat a smile on his face and getting more scotch to drink, listening to the talk and the interactions. He remained quiet though looking to the reflection of himself in the Golden Apple before him. Eyes shifting now and then to the two packs interacting. The large swede seeming to contemplate things.

"Yeah, thanks for noticing." Theron chuckles as he gives Aldric another nod of greeting, "I didn’t think a dinner party was the best place for armor and swords...but we are garou so who knows...." in other words, he brought them and left them in the car.

Branton grins and tugs down the neckline on his swashbuckler shirt to show his ultrafine weave chainmail "I've got armor on but to be fair I market this stuff specifically as concealable. Its pretty great."

Micah slaps Theron on the shoulder, "Hey you never know. Back home, right about now would be when the big boys would get out in the yard and start wrastlin'"

As she looks around the table at the members of the visiting pack, Aaryn seems to enjoy soaking up their energy. Finally, her attention shifts to members of her own pack. She reaches out a hand towards Theron briefly as she contemplates but then looks at Sten, meeting his gaze and giving him a slow nod and perhaps a mischievous smile. She slides out of her seat and offers it to Theron, "sit," she says, "I'll get you something to eat." She passes behind Aldric's seat and pauses long enough to subtly lay a hand on his shoulder and lean down to say, softly, "thanks, Boss," before giving his shoulder a light squeeze. After piling a plate full of food, she scoops up a glass of water. The food goes to Theron. The water, to Micah, before he breaks out the pudding and kiddie pool.

Theron smiles and says a light thanks as he gets the offered plate of food. He enjoys the night, food, friends and drink.

Micah takes a sip of his water, looks offended at its existence and sits it down on the table. When Aaryn isn't looking he trades it for the nearest bottle of something and wanders off with it and what remains of the cigarette.

Aldric finishes off his glass of mead and gets to his feet, it's apparently time to start wrangling his more inebriated brothers towards the longhouse for a nap. He respectfully inclines his head towards their guests. "Thank you for coming and telling us your tales. Experience is a wonderful gift to go along with the wrapped ones." Then he's walking off to start guiding Micah and Sten towards the longhouse.

Jes is liberal with the booze batallion he bought, both in sharing and in consumption, and is happy to trade barbs, stories, and jokes with folks while they eat and smoke and drink. He gets into one particularly involved joke about a leprechaun in a men's room that ends with him actually tipping his chair over and doing a surprise backward somersault in his crushed velvet suit. He is, essentially, a damn Ragabash all evening.

Iris does her best to not get completely shit faced, she's gotta go do mom duty after this probably, and supposedly that's best done when not fall-down-drunk. Before they can get away though, and before she can get away, she tells Aaryn and Micah, "Look me up, we'll go do mystic-learnin type shit sometime."

Branton got distracted doodling diagrams on a napkin (that he'll pocket before he goes)

Sten smiles to Aldric but does not let him lead him to the long house. He takes the apple and puts it in the towel he got it in. He moves over Jes putting a hand on his shoulder. "Thank you for your amazing story, your laughter and your honesty. En Vessla med ett gott skratt" he nods to himself with a smile. He moves over to Branton "As I said before, I hope to speak with you at a later time, though you should speak with Theron of our pack, I think you both share interest and talents. Drömsmed" bowing his head to him and going over to Iris. "Your generous gifts humble us, I know that our Godis will seek your wisdom to learn, and they do so rightfully. Enhörnings Leende" Then he moves to Ilsa "Your pack is wonderful, amazing we aspire to do half as well as you all. I hope we can remain friends for a very long time. Eld Persika"

Aaryn is among the last to leave, seeing her pack brothers to the Longhouse and giving last words, though they may be slurred, of gratitude to the Devil's Own. As she begins to lightly pick up after the evening's event, Jes' words bounce around in her skull. "Make it count, indeed," she smiles to herself. "Fuckin-A".