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<font style="color: white; font-family: Edwardian Script ITC; text-shadow: blue 4px 1px 1px; font-size:50pt"><center>''Snow Fang Peak'' </center> </font>
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==<font color=white style="font-size: 14pt; text-shadow: 5px 5px 8px cyan;">'''Information'''</font>==
This freehold is one belonging to the commoners. More specifically it is [[Locke|<font color="red">Talorc Dunadd</font>]] a name heard little in history but seeming to appear under many throughout the ages that has brought this place back to life once more. A castle laid low during the Accordance War little is known exactly except that there was a kind of famine drove life from it now starting to boom once more. It is a freehold meant to bring all manner of dreams, the sheer desire TO dream to be more then what one once was. A dream for the outcasts and misfits to heart in and become all that they desire to be.
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While this is a Commoner's Freehold it's made clear that all are welcome though one should be careful about trying to throw weight around from titles or nobility this is a place of equal footing and common ground. All are welcome so long as they treat those that call it home as equals and not below them.
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==<font color=white style="font-size: 14pt; text-shadow: 5px 5px 8px cyan;">'''Icehold Castle'''</font>==
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<center>[[File:Icehold Peak.jpg|600px]]</center>
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<div class = "fiefBanner">[[File:Snowfangpeakbanner.png|700px|center]]</div>
'''Boss:''' [[Locke|<font color="red">Talorc Dunadd</font>]]    <br>
'''Lieutenants:'''                                              <br>
'''Glamour Produced:''' 1 per Night                            <br>
'''Court Affiliation:''' Neutral                                <br>
'''House Affiliation:''' Commoners                              <br>
'''Chimerical Defenders:''' Ironborn and Peak Eagles            <br>
'''Chimerical Attendants:''' Pygmy Chimera
<div style = "float: left;">__TOC__</div>
<font style="color: darkCyan; font-family: Edwardian Script ITC; text-shadow: slategrey 5px 5px 8px; font-size:12pt">'''Ironborn'''</font>
<div style="width: 90%; margin:1em;">
<div class = "fiefBanner">[[File:Snowfangpeakicon.png|right]]</div>
This freehold is one belonging to the commoners. More specifically it is [[Locke|Talorc Dunadd]] a name heard little in history but seeming to appear under many throughout the ages that has brought this place back to life once more. A castle laid low during the Accordance War little is known exactly except that there was a kind of famine drove life from it now starting to boom once more. It is a freehold meant to bring all manner of dreams, the sheer desire TO dream to be more then what one once was. A dream for the outcasts and misfits to heart in and become all that they desire to be.
Neither talkative or curious the Ironborn have done their duty since the castle was first built, stone by stone. They remain ever vigilant to guard those that would find themselves under their care. They seem to have no desire to venture from their posts or even to chill at their joints despite the time they spend in the cold outside the walls waiting to aid those that approach or ward off enemies.  
While this is a Commoner's Freehold it's made clear that all are welcome though one should be careful about trying to throw weight around from titles or nobility this is a place of equal footing and common ground. All are welcome so long as they treat those that call it home as equals and not below them.
<font style="color: darkcyan; font-family: Edwardian Script ITC; text-shadow: slategrey 5px 5px 8px; font-size:12pt">'''Peak Eagle'''</font>
The Peak Eagles are massive birds that resemble the Roc of myth. Dreams of flight and power they are few in number and do not seem to care for the closeness of people though they keep a rookery to aid the giant birds and give them aid when needed. The magnificent creatures are often glimpsed from afar but rarely see soaring past the walls unless there are threats to it, their nest.
While [[Locke|Talorc Dunadd]] is not present, he has left [[Amberlee]] to care and manage anything needed within the freehold.
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==<font color=white style="font-size: 14pt; text-shadow: 5px 5px 8px darkcyan;">'''Points of Interest'''</font>==
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<center> <font style="color: white; font-family: Edwardian Script ITC; text-shadow: Darkred 4px 1px 1px; font-size:16pt"><br> '''Dreamer's Embrace Tavern'''<br><br></font></center>
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[[File:Icepeak Tavern.jpg|center]]
Icepeak Tavern is one of the places within the Freehold that never seems to feel the bite of winter. Always is there warmth flowing from their doors as their hearth burns with heat. The kitchen almost over flowing with food now to make up for the lack there of for so long spiced wines and ciders are brought out hot for travelers looking to do business within and always a hearty meal on the menu. It seems that no expense was paid in bringing the kitchen up to date to feed them... perhaps influenced by the Boss who watches over the place. Hunters bringing in fresh meat daily and vendors bringing goods to be traded for pelts and minerals drawn up from the mountain traded out in the drill yard keep the hold well stocked.
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<font style="color: white; font-family: Edwardian Script ITC; font-size:12pt">
[[Category:Dreaming]] [[Category:Changeling]]
:'''The Good Stuff'''</font>
::* Winter Wind
::::This is a cloudy white drink that some of those around the freehold accuse the mechanics of cleaning the Ironborn with. It packs a hell of a kick making the mouth and throat tingle like they gulped down snow, minus the brain freeze.
::* Hearthfire
::::The drink is a deep amber color and smells of spices and cinnamon with a hint of apple. The potent kick of the liquor enough to discourage bolting it down but even a sip seems to heat a person through the chest.
::* Snow Angel
::::This slushie like drink is one of a light blue color and almost sickly sweet. The warning on them if you kick off the brain freeze... good luck for the next ten minutes.
::* House Brew
::::The cook makes this stuff special for the heavy drinkers. Enough liqour in there to knock a Redcap or Troll for a loop it's not recommended any but an experienced drink try to choke one down.

Latest revision as of 11:07, 30 October 2023

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This freehold is one belonging to the commoners. More specifically it is Talorc Dunadd a name heard little in history but seeming to appear under many throughout the ages that has brought this place back to life once more. A castle laid low during the Accordance War little is known exactly except that there was a kind of famine drove life from it now starting to boom once more. It is a freehold meant to bring all manner of dreams, the sheer desire TO dream to be more then what one once was. A dream for the outcasts and misfits to heart in and become all that they desire to be.

While this is a Commoner's Freehold it's made clear that all are welcome though one should be careful about trying to throw weight around from titles or nobility this is a place of equal footing and common ground. All are welcome so long as they treat those that call it home as equals and not below them.

While Talorc Dunadd is not present, he has left Amberlee to care and manage anything needed within the freehold.

Icehold Castle

Icehold Peak.jpg
Warlord: Talorc Dunadd
Court Seer: Lost to the Dreams
Rookery Master: Lost to the Dreams
Glamour Produced: 3 per Night
Court Affiliation: Neutral
House Affiliation: Commoners
Freehold Affinity: Nature (Ice/Sky/Metal)
Chimerical Defenders: Ironborn and Peak Eagles
Chimerical Attendants: Pygmy Chimera
Chief Exports: Mercenaries and Ore



Neither talkative or curious the Ironborn have done their duty since the castle was first built, stone by stone. They remain ever vigilant to guard those that would find themselves under their care. They seem to have no desire to venture from their posts or even the chill at their joints despite the time they spend in the cold outside the walls waiting to aid those that approach or ward off enemies.

Peak Eagle


The Peak Eagles are massive birds that resemble the Roc of myth. Dreams of flight and power they are few in number and do not seem to care for the closeness of people though they keep a rookery to aid the giant birds and give them aid when needed. The magnificent creatures are often glimpsed from afar but rarely see soaring past the walls unless there are threats to it, their nest.

Thiassi: The male of the main pair, who can be seen flying even in the worse of storms, soaring high above the clouds that surround the peak. He is lighter in coloration than his mate and slightly smaller as well.
Tzofi: The female of the main pair, who is the most protective of the two. It's often she who scouts out beyond the outlying area and brings in reports of things happening at the boundary edges of the hold.

Points of Interest

Icepeak Tavern

Icepeak Tavern.jpg

Icepeak Tavern is one of the places within the Freehold that never seems to feel the bite of winter. Always is there warmth flowing from their doors as their hearth burns with heat. The kitchen almost over flowing with food now to make up for the lack there of for so long spiced wines and ciders are brought out hot for travelers looking to do business within and always a hearty meal on the menu. It seems that no expense was paid in bringing the kitchen up to date to feed them... perhaps influenced by the Boss who watches over the place. Hunters bringing in fresh meat daily and vendors bringing goods to be traded for pelts and minerals drawn up from the mountain traded out in the drill yard keep the hold well stocked.

The Good Stuff
  • Winter Wind
This is a cloudy white drink that some of those around the freehold accuse the mechanics of cleaning the Ironborn with. It packs a hell of a kick making the mouth and throat tingle like they gulped down snow, minus the brain freeze.
  • Hearthfire
The drink is a deep amber color and smells of spices and cinnamon with a hint of apple. The potent kick of the liquor enough to discourage bolting it down but even a sip seems to heat a person through the chest.
  • Snow Angel
This slushie like drink is one of a light blue color and almost sickly sweet. The warning on them if you kick off the brain freeze... good luck for the next ten minutes.
  • House Brew
The cook makes this stuff special for the heavy drinkers. Enough liqour in there to knock a Satyr or Troll for a loop it's not recommended any but an experienced drink try to choke one down.

Frost Fire Spring


Healing Spring The spring is one that spreads out broadly along the rear of the keep. Accessed through the living quarters it is open to all and any who's soaked in it's water would claim that the water itself must be charged with glamour for it's revitalizing effect. The waters themselves keep the entire area warm the snow never able to take hold and even when the blizzards whirl about the peak never do the waters chill or the steams fade.


A pair of changing rooms are on the patio that leads down into the water with spare clothes for those that visit and even a showering facility to try and keep the waters more pure for those that arrive covered in the muck of travel or soot of the forge. Towels are kept in a working cycle so they are always warm and fluffed never in short supply and in peak hours the attendants can even be seen sticking their heads out to offer drinks. (Though some have speculated it is trying to catch glimpses of Satyrs in the water.)