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Some guys get all the breaks.
IC Date November 22, 2014
IC Time Early evening
Players Basilisk, Xaviar, Gray, Gemma, Misa, Velok, Sally, Jennifer
Location Lions Club meeting hall

Begin Log

Ever been to one of those parties where it starts out with just a dozen people, and then someone invites a few more friends, and then someone else invites a more friends, and then word starts getting around, and two hours later, the owners of the house come home and chase everyone out and ground their kid right before the show cuts to a commercial break? Well, that's kind of what's been happening with the homecoming dance tonight, only replace 'owners of the house' with 'manager of the building who may not be hauled in until the next morning'. There /are/ at least some theoretically responsible adults around, but they're bored and only vaguely paying attention. There are high schoolers actually inside the building proper, dancing and gossiping. There are more of them hanging out just inside or just outside of various side doors, accompanied by some friends from other nearby schools, along with a few people who are no longer in high school but probably should be, along with a few /more/ people who are maybe just hanging around and waiting to see if anything worthy of the eleven o'clock news is going to happen. There's a bit of booze and wine coolers going around more or less openly, and maybe some more interesting stuff in the back corners if anyone goes looking for it.

Basilisk wanders along enjoying hte night air when she sees.. a party. A not too well watched party too. This is her chance. Basilisk goes up to one of the windows, peeking in, trying to observe something she's never seen before. Teenagers being teenagers.

Xaviar, of coarse is in the middle of it all. Dressed not in his usual garb with a t-shirt on and blue jeans, looking more like a student. He looks more like a native american/spanish hippie but it works as he carries his backpack with him his side pack under his arm and his guitar for the moment is in front of him as he sings for some of the younger generation, granted they aren't much younger then him.

Gray really fits into none of those aforementioned categories, but with the ever present leather bag over his shoulder, he might. It's not particularly included in one of those 'more interesting stuff' categories, but he's around at one of the side doors, conversing with a few of the older 'kids' whom he totally fits in with! Sort of. A bit of money is exchanged, a few ziplock bags of something or other are slid into his bag, and then he's hitting on some girl who's likely both too young for him, and not at all interested in the average looking scary foreign guy.

<WRAITH> Gemma drifts in after one boy, peering over his shoulder with a look of apparent concern on her face. Her eyes flicker across the room as she gets a feel for what's going on here, but for now she's just a floating wallflower.

Misa is flitting through the various groups. Among many she's just another nerdy girl trying desparately to catch up to the other girls who've been at this for years. This is the first time she's gotten the courage up to finally go out. Some of the students... or SHOULD BE students might recognize her face when shegets close... but she dpesn't avoid that. As she's also here selling. Here and there she meets someone and awkwardly shakes their hand, mumbling a greeting and getting out about three words before turning beet red and wandering off to somewhere else while she scans the room.

Velok has chosen to wear a dark blue button down silk shirt, that probably costs far too much for someone to risk wearing to an establishment like this. He matches the outfit with comfortable dark shoes and dark khaki's. His back is empty, favoring instead the silk, dyed handwraps covering his palms. A red lanyard adorns the mans neck, matching him to the various other theoretically responsible adults milling around, one of the few signs of 'authority' at the dance, the other indication being the 'Too old to be a student' age range. He walks with his hands folded in the crook of his back, his face passive and neutral as his blue eyes dart around the crowd. He stands next to Jennifer, having arrived and spent most of the time so far since the dance started generally near the woman. Unlike the bored adults just waiting for things to end, Velok is full of life, keeping a careful eye on as much as possible. "I didn't go to high school." He says rather loudly be heard of whatever music is on to the woman he's next to, some of the first words he's spoken so far tonight. "Is this what it was like?" He asks Jennifer. His eyes flit over to the stereo system, not even asking what Apple Bottomed Jeans might be, or boots with the fur, with the furrrrrrrrrrrr.

Basilisk decides she wants to do something other then be a creeper. She goes into an alley and changes into her black dress, putting her hair up in a ponytail. She puts on a pair of shoes and moves to the door, looking every bit the awkward student. "Hi." she says softly to the doorperson. "Is this where the dance is? Can I go to the dance? I dont have a partner."

<WRAITH> Gemma looks quietly delighted as she notices Misa, flitting across the room to her. Of course, there are a number of students in the way, but that doesn't seem to bother the ghost, who just passes straight through them. "Misa! Um. Hello! I was, um, just tailing a student. Um. Nobody you know, I don't think. I thought you were, um, older than this?"

Sally is downtown on a very important mission. She needs her concealed carry permit. Which is taking the utmost of her red tape cutting abilities, and even then it's going to take a good bit of time. So better to get started sooner than later. Having dropped off this round of papers, and a photo, she's downtown, which takes her by this Lion's club this afternoon. "Well," she chuckles. "This is a party." She then steps on in, looking around, re-adjusting the backpack on her shoulder to see if she can snag herself something to drink.

A few people present would remember Jesse Lowell, aka That Guy At The Mall. A few others would insist that he's beneath their contempt. Before the door attendant has a chance to speak up, he rocks up next to Basil and hooks an arm through the crook of hers, not missing a beat. "Girl, what you talkin' about? She's with me." He flashes a school ID, which must be genuine because he looks annoyed in the photo.

Jennifer is rubbing her temples, also wearing an 'adult chaperone' lanyard.. She looks over at Velok, "I wouldn't know..." she admits but doesn't explain as the sound of the party makes talking slightly difficult. Her eyes are scanning the room slowly.

Gray gets turned away again and again from these younger chicks. "Dammit." he grunts out as his latest 'target' flees from him. "Fuckin young ass bitches." he grumbles to himself under the music. But, he's on a mission dammit! Like one of those crappy college movies where young guys go out to get laid. At least he's not one of /those/ guys, right? Slowly he stalks around the edge of the dance itself, until eventually he comes to the emo crowd, where he slides up to some unamused young lady and grins his creepiest grin. "Wanna get fucked up?" Dude needs some better pickup lines.

Misa demures away from a boy, failing completely to ask him to dance as she walks the other way, muttering to herself in embarassment. "Hey Gemma. Hope not anyone I know, you guys tenda follow people not gonna be around long." she pauses and looks around quickly. "Wait it's not me right? Ah man, am I gonna die tonight?" she says these things of course, but she can't help a creepy little giggle... that earns her a little more space from the other wall flowers.

<WRAITH> Gemma gives a little headshake. "No, no. I'm here to, um, prevent a tragic chlamydia outbreak by, uh, making sure a couple of kids use protection. Um. From the clinic." She pauses slightly, looks down at herself, and then back up to Misa. "Oh, um. I'm not being creepy! Somebody needs to do this! I'm, uh, no creepier than normal. Sorry."

Velok continues to let his eyes float over the bustling crowd, keeping that nice little circle of comfort from people who never want to get too close to the old fogeys in the room. He leans closer towards Jennifer so he can hear her response, though his eyes catch at her rubbing her temple. His lips purse and he turns fully to face her, stepping all the closer so his voice can drop as quiet as he can. "I've never asked, but can you filter it? Or do you have to hear...everything. Do you need me to help?" He seems concerned for the redhead, his eyes leaving the general room, as well as the entrance of the man of the hour.

Xaviar takes a moment looking around and then sees Basil, and a few others figuring it is probably time to head in he simply nods to the women after he finishes with his guitar and then starts in.

Basilisk comes in, trying her best to blend with the kids. She smiles brightly and her voice cracks. "I'm in high school!" she giggles and twirls in ehr dress for a moment. Yep. Must be a dorky chick.

"Shut up, fish!" one of the other kids yells, from off in the distance.

Sally shakes her head at one kid with some wine coolers, and tilts a bit. "Look, I'll pay you for it. You can't spare one?" she laughs. And well it turns out she passes well enough for a high schooler that he not only gives her one, but tries to put a move on her. She remains to talk but... we'll see if he has any chance with her.

Misa scratches her shoulder as she folds her arms across herself, finding a corner. "So preventing a clap outbreak... so you come to me huh?" she laughs quietly. "Don't worry, this cover will keep her knees together." She keeps her eyes on Jesse though, and... Basil? Huh. Damn, this night is going to be fun.

Jennifer draws away her fingers and shakes her head, "Usually it's not an issue.. the headaches only come from something else.. but... TEENAGERS.." she groans and shakes her head. "I'm going to go get some punch..." she says and moves towards the nearest punch bowl.

<WRAITH> Gemma's head swivels, and she darts off towards the kid being mean to Basil, scurrying strait through the crowd. She seems to be attempting to punch him in the jacket pocket, but after a few tries, apparently realises that she's a ghost and that nothing's happening. Dejectedly, she begins to float back to Misa.

Basilisk turns towards the voice, trying to pick out the kid. "Im not a fish Im a mammal." she heads in their direction. Always towards trouble.

The loudmouth is easy enough to spot; he's that guy with the letter jacket over there. Or is he /that/ guy with the letter jacket right next to him? There are five or so, pretty obviously a clique, along with two or three girls who are probably someone or other's girlfriend.

Once they make it into the dance area proper, Jesse lets go of Basil's arm. "Want a drink?" He doesn't wait up, just heads right for the punch bowl, 'surreptitously' pulling a wine cooler halfway out of his jacket pocket to check that it's still there.

Velok's eyes stay locked on Jennifer for the time being as she shakes her head. He frets, lightly back and forth on his feet, the jeer lost on him over the general noise of the music. As she moves over towards the punch he takes another sweeping look around the crowd. The man starts to move after Jennifer, maintaining a perfect posture to keep him at full height as he does. On his way he spots Jesse, his eyes widening, gaze briefly shifting back around to try and surreptitiously spot Misa. He doesn't, walking up next to Jennifer at the bowl. He drops his voice very quickly, leaning closer to the woman.

Basilisk notices the person holding her arm. "Hey. Did you see which one.." and then hes gone. And then theres a disco ball. She stares at it, forgetting the insult. Shin-y.

Sally is apparently with a gropu that isn't actually going inside. Which explains why this kid keeps trying to get his hand on Sally's ass, but her backpack is fortunately keeping him from any trouble. "You wanna know a secret?" she winks to the guy as she takes a swig from the wine cooler bottle. "I'm going to legally carry a gun soon. Practically a police style gun too." We'll see how the guy reacts to that.

Gray gets refused of course, again. He has no game, everyone knows that. He just sighs and runs a hand over his head. "Dammit." he grunts out, but then just starts to snicker at his own misfortune. At length, he turns around and heads back to the previous crowd, where he grunts to the same guy again and hands over some more money. It's a handshakes, of course, but then his hand goes back to his bag. His kinda party, obviously. Peering about for a moment, he takes a few steps in the direction of the punch table, although that's about it.

Xaviar is quiet as he stands near the enterance listening to everyone in the room as he simply a good wall flower.

Jennifer gives a quick shake of her head to Velok, arriving at the punchbowl just before Jesse does, "Hello Jesse.." she says softly. "Everything going alright?" her green eyes looking into his piercingly as she fills a glass and sips from it, not seeming to notice the winecooler.

Sally's would-be suitor doesn't take the hint. If anything, he looks and sounds more interested than before. "You are? That's /so cool/. So do you get to wear a uniform, or only when you graduate from the academy?'

<WRAITH> Gemma drifts through the room, eyes passing from one student to another before suddenly, and with a look of utter terror, realising she's a few feet away from Gray. There's a moment, and then she waves towards him to see if he can still see her.

Basilisk blinks and focuses on Jesse. She heads over. "Hi, Jesse. Hi. You're in high school too?" she asks, sounding quite bubbly. "Hey thats cool. Everyone's in high school! Neat huh?" yep. Awkward kid.

Sally leans against the wall now, dropping her backpack off her shoulder, and pulls out her scooter. And unfolds it in scooter mode. Not pushing the button. Maybe that'll distract the boys, so she can unwind and enjoy her drink.

Jesse looks to Jennifer and shrugs. "Yeah, I'm good. Oh, hey!" he adds, turning to look Basil over once again. "You should go dance. I'm gonna go dance." And he does, without particularly waiting around to see if she's joining him or not.

Velok stands next to Jennifer, leaning against the table. Considering the last time Jesse saw Velok, shouldn't be that much of a surprise. The British man slides his hand down into his pocket, pulling out a phone and casually texting into it. He doesn't look towards the high school kid, but he does speak up. "I'm going to go find out if that group in the back is drinking, love. Watch out for the punch." He comments to Jennifer, not looking to Jesse as he carefully drifts back away from the table.

Basilisk blinks "Dance? You mean on top of this I can dance? Sweet. Hey. Who wants to dance with me?" she heads to the dance floor putting her head back and doing a really deranged snoopy dance. You know that thing everyone says to do but please dont ever do it? Dance like no one's watching? Thats what shes doing.

Jennifer leans over to talk to Velok, "Doesn't even remember me..." she tells him, shaking her head and watching him. She nods to Velok, letting him wander and takes up position to prevent the punch from being spiked.

Gray turns away from the direction he was going, then steps back into the group nearby in the back. "Hey, fucker, gimme somethin to drink for fucks sake." he tells some random person in the group he doesn't even really know, who obliges. The back door is open there, he's good, so he takes a few sips of whatever liquor/beer he was able to get ahold of ans tries to relax. He got half of the things he came here to get, so he may as well try to get a little buzz going as well.

Misa looks to one of the other wall flowers with a frown, pointing towards Basil. "I wish I was that brave..." says the girl who was just talking to herself... probably just freaking out the other one even more. OH GOD! Are they being asked to dance by the girl who was just talking to herself?! Oh wait no... Misa starts to walk out onto the dance floor without asking anyone. She checks her phone and nods to it, making her way towards the punch bowl.

Xaviar continues to be wall flower as he stands there watching everyone...

<WRAITH> Gemma is, apparently, safe from Gray for now! But, just in case, she announces "Well, um, if we can stop trying to kill each other mister, um. Bald guy. Um. I'm sure we'll both be much happier. Sorry about all that, uh, bother a while back. Um."

Basilisk struts up to Misa and shakes her booty at her. "It sings to you. It says come to the dance floor..." wiggle wiggle "Follow me to the dance floor" she drones like a hypnotist. "You are powerless to resist..."

The scooter gambit kinda sorta works. Sally's guy and his buddies do start geeking about it, but he remembers to ask her for her phone number in the midst of it. He's got his smartphone with him and everything!

Meanwhile, out on the dance floor, Jesse leaves Basil to her epileptic fit and makes his way slowly through the crowd. No, he didn't spike the punch bowl, thank goodness; just his own cup. A smile here, a wave there, and then he finds himself face to face with Misa. "Whoa. Didn't we make out at the mall once?" The lighting really is so much different here than it was back there, and that isn't the first bit of liquor he's touched this evening.

"That's a shame, you're far too beautiful to forget, Jennifer." Velok says with a smile, reaching up with his left hand and tapping the silver ring on his ring finger. He stays away until Jesse has officially moved away, though when he returns he has a water bottle aquired from one of the nearby vending machines, handing it over to the woman and looking off after Jesse. "Trust me. Never drink from an unwatched, open container on an assignment." He says, giving her the sealed bottle. He gives the tiniest of nods as Misa and Jesse find each other, one hand coming up to play with the red lanyard around his neck. "Or at a party in general. GHB is not your friend."

Sally finishes her bottle, then smirks at the guy who seems only barely distracted by the shiny chrome scooter. "Hey give me another?" she asks, trading her empty for anohter bottle which she sips into. "Yeah go ahead and try it if you want," maybe that'll distract him.

Basilisk adds "Lets all form a cha-ain!" she sings, encouraging "Let's go grab Jes-ee. Then we'll grab Ve-lok! Then we'll grab the freak-job!" she motions to Gray hoping someone joins her congo line.

Xaviar hmms, "Ah what the heck, why not..." He mentions looking over at Basilisk and then finishes the wine cooler in his hand and then jumps in behind her and then says, "Konga line!" He looks over at Jesse a moment and then Misa..

Basilisk shakes her booty in Xaviar's hand "Xaviar is a cool one. Who else wants to Kong-a?" she says. "Im making a train in the high school gym!"

The guy on the far end of the letter jacket clique, more wobbly on his feet than the others, wanders over. No, he's not joining Basil's train, he sizes up Gray instead. "Said you wanted a drink, huh?"

Misa jumps as Basil tries to entice her into the dance floor, demuring again and slooowwwly pulling away. Right into Jesse's path. She jumps again, turning evn more red! "Wh-what uhmm no." She quickly leans in to talk ore quietly, stauchly avoiding the booty wiggling fish with her eyes. "Shhh duee yer gonna blow my cover. Chaparones think I'm a nerd." she says, letting her hand pull into her sleeve she brings it back out, now full with a tiny zipper bag filled with weed. "Makin a fortune tonight."

Gray takes a few more sips of the spiked punch he'd been handed, and as he's approached by some random person in a weird uniform he can only assume is some form of military police, he turns around and gazes at the younger person. "The fuck are you talkin about, dumbass? Turn the fuck around and get the fuck outta my face." is apparently the adult and proper way to handle something like this, and totally not a good way to start a fight.

Jennifer takes the sealed bottle and sipping from it instead. She watches the other and also continues to monitor the punch bowl

Basilisk frowns "No one else wants to have fun." sshe turns to Xaviar. "Except for you. Do you want to be my date?" she says? "Im not supposed to dance with nerds so I guess the rest are a no go."

Xaviar loosk around as he grins looking at Basilisk and then with that starts looking around as he grabs onto her hips looking distant a moment as he stands behind her looking around looking for anything out of the ordinary for the moment and then with this eyes looking distant as he grabs onto Basilisk he checks other bands of reality looking quite distant but says using basilisks hips to guide him. "Definitely not dull around here, hehehe.." He says as he chuckles, "Let's get going Basilisk."

Velok doesn't actually seem all that worried about the punch bowl, his eyes staring off towards the dance floor. He seems fixated on Jesse and Misa, watching them using that glorious thing called height. "She's with him now. Do you want to go too?" He asks Jennifer, indicating Misa's proximity to Jesse and gazing around. "He'll probably remember you if you press him. Misa thinks this is happening on purpose, and this is the night she wants it settled.

Basilisk dances with Xaviar, looking over her shoulder at the others. "So.." she whispers. "What do you do here? Im real real nervous and I get obnoxious when Im nervous." no kidding!

Jesse doesn't miss a beat, promptly reaching into his pocket and taking out a little wad of bills. "Oh cool," he says, lowering his voice as well, "can I get some?" He doesn't lower it /that/ much, but with the party in full swing, he doesn't really need to.

<WRAITH> Gemma goes back to circling the room, like a ghostly guardian ready to swoop in and promote Safe Sex at a moment's notice. Whatever else is going on here, she seems oblivious.

Sally watches as the guy tries to impress her skirt off on her scooter. Well, as much as any thing she watches to makes ure he doesn't try to dig into where the big red button is. Because that would be bad. Fortunate he's just trying to do jumps and spins.. until he falls. Don't scrape the scooter, don't scrape the scooter. Scientific treatments help with that though.

Basilisk then whispers to Xavier. "I wonder if they'd play my favorite song..." she says, leaning her head against him affectionately.

Xaviar smacks Basilisk on the butt gently with his hand, "Your fun and fine, just dance and start going with me in circles around the place. Is there something your feeling out of place hun? You don't normally get this way." He says as he smiles, "Just continue to have fun and take me around the room will you swaying your hips to the music." He whispers in her ear.

Letter Jacket narrows his eyes at Gray. "Same to you, asshole!" He at least has the presence of mind not to smash his bottle and shove it in Gray's face. He does jerk it forward, though, aiming to douse the guy's shirt before following up with a punch.

Basilisk wraps her leg around Xaviar, dancing close "I've never been to a high school before. This is new." she grins "I like it though. Its not crazy."

Misa nods again and looks around quickly as if making sure none of the adults are watching before biting her lip and giving Jesse a once over. "Well... you are kinda cute." she admits. "Sure you can have some." she says making the trade with Jesse. Hearing the shouting and seeing a fight though she quickly puts an arm on his shoulder and moves forward, hunching her shoulders and drawing her elbows in as she drws nearer, as if hiding behind him from the fight.

Jesse is down with Misa grabbing him. Wouldn't you be, if you were him? Besides, he knows there was /something/ at the mall, if he could just remember what it was... "Hey, you wanna see something cool?" he whispers to her.

Gray doesn't really react when a drink gets thrown on him and he gets punched. In the face. Not until a few second after the punch lands, when an arm comes up and shoves the guys arm away. His knee comes out, kneeing him in the junk and causing him to fall forward a bit, then his elbow swings around, almost within the same second, and hits right in the guys temple. And just like that, fight's over, unless someone presses the matter. Jocky there gets laid out pretty quick, and Gray just laughs like a creep, spits on him, and takes a sip of the punch he didn't spill.

Xaviar continues to look around as he looks at Basilisk finally focusing on her, "You should try college... It's quite a bit more fun then this..." He says as he nods, "Nothing is going on out of the ordinary that I can sense, it's safe least as far as I can tell right now." He says to her as they are close to Velok and the others it's loud enough to be heard by them.

Jennifer takes another sip from her closed container, watching the crowd, and doing her job to chaperone the punch bowl..There's really too much to watch so she keeps her eye on Jesse to the extent he remains visible

Basilisk frowns n"Is it at nighttime?" she asks. "I can only do nighttime." she looks to the fight then the others. "SOmething weird's going on here isnt it?"

<WRAITH> Gemma flits across to the fallen Jocky, peering down at him, up at Gray, down at him, up again. It seems like he's alive though and, for now, the ghost's cowardice gets the better of her.

Misa pulls herself a little tighter to Jesse as full violence breaks out. "Oh... uh... yeah let's go somewhere else, whatcha wanna show me?"

Letter Jacket's buddies do not, in fact, press the issue. "Man, who was /that/ asshole?" one of them mutters quietly, as they go to lean down and roughly haul the kid back up to his feet. Well, most of them do; one is still talking with his maybe-girlfriend.

It's not hard to imagine why Velok's attention is pulled off towards Gray in the distance, his eyes widening as he spots the man. He steps forward with a start, looking like he's going to trounce on it. Considering none of the other authority figures are rushing that way, Velok shifts uncomfortable. "Gonna blow...fucking tosser. No, no this could work." He says to himself, nodding to Jennifer for a moment and starting to wade through the various people. He takes in a deep breath as he comes up upon Gray and the knocked out football player. "What the fuck is going on here?" He asks, his red lanyard dangling as he looks towards Gray, then towards the letter jacket man on the ground and his buddies. His eyes are wide, clear anger painted on his face.

Xaviar shakes his head, "It's no big they have night classes." He mentions ash e tiltsh is head, "Means going to school though, learning interesting things.." He says looking at her.

Basilisk smiles at Xaviar. "I'd like that. What would I have to do?" she asks, dancing closer and probably a bit inappropriately for high school.

Sally looks around when some people start yelling about a fight inside. "Dude are they fighting?" So kid who wants Sally's butt gets up, leaving her to go grab her scooter and ride it over herself, one hand on the handle, the other on her wine cooler, coming around with the boys to the front of the building to try to see what's going on inside.

Meanwhile, Jesse leads Misa behind a set of metal bleachers that they haul out for grade schoolers doing athletic programs. "Okay, you're totally not gonna believe this. Check this out, right?" He takes the little baggie of weed and sets it down on one of the support beams running along the back. Okay, well, so far that's a pretty lame pick-up line.

Gray gets a creepy grin when Velok comes over, promptly flipping the leather jackets off as they haul their friend off. "Stop pikcin your battles, dumbass!" he calls out to the likely concussive high school kid. Then he turns to Velok, not seeming to take the mans approach that seriously. He even reaches out and pats his chest, then offers his punch. "Guy punched me, I beat the shit outta him. Wan some punch? Got something good in there, can tell what it is yet." It's a good night for Gray! He's right in his tertiary element, and just presenting an affront to the supposed authority figure.

Xaviar looks over at her as he leans into her, "We'll talk a bit after the party, maybe Maple Park and we'll talk details sound good? This is a bit loud, basically you just need to enroll and well take a few tests."

Basilisk then lets on to what she's doing "You want to sneak off to the bathroom?" she asks. "Everyone's distracted by the fight." and shes hungry.

Misa lets herself be lead away by the guy who might have mind raping powers. That's always a good start to the night. When Jesse starts to make a line of the weed she leans in, crossing her arms, looking equal parts HIGHLY skeptical and highly interested. "I'm checkin..." she says, letting the "shy asian geek" facade slip now that she's not in public.

The letter jackets want no part of this. Tight? Kinda. Willing to defend each other if they really need to? Kinda. Wanting to pick a fight with Gray, who can kick their ass but isn't bothering to keep it up? Fuck /that/ noise. "C'mon, let's get outta here." "Yeah, I hear ya. Hey, you see the O'Tolley's sign on the way over? They brought back the Gutbuster--"

Back behind the bleachers, Jesse reaches a hand out. No, he's not trying to grab Misa's rack, much as that would make sense for his age and station in life. No, he gestures toward the baggie, which obligingly floats up in the air like he was waving a magnet at it. If, y'know, it was that special German weed with iron filings mixed in with it.

"Zero fucking tolerance." Velok says pretty clearly towards the letter jackets. "I'd hate to see how the football team does without their star players." Whoever they are. Velok is guessing, obviously, and even avoids using the scorn when he says football. When they start to leave, he looks back towards Gray. "Henry Morris, Frank's father?" Velok says as he reaches towards his lanyard, pulling it forward to show Gray, as if Gray should recognize it. "And the same goes for you." He says, though he keeps up the appearence until the crowd of interested bystanders goes back to doing whatever they're doing, even if a few remain. He looks to the drink and shakes his head, gesturing his head back towards the back bleachers, then looking around the crowd. "Don't think I don't know what's going on around here. The drinking, the drugs, the little asian chick probably fucking behind the bleachers right now. Don't think I'm not keeping my eye on /all/ of it." He says, keeping up the appearences

Sally stays on her scooter, turning to face the building, trying to watch. The boys aren't sure if they should jump in to try to impress Sally, or what. "Dude did someone stay to watch the drinks?" someone then relaizes, and the boys scatter.

Xaviar shakes his head, "Basil, not right now..." He mentions as he looks over at her and then hears others stopping a moment.

<WRAITH> Gemma scooches quietly across to Basil, in case she needs reminding of Safe Sex. It seems unlikely, but not impossible.

Basilisk looks to the others. "Should we see whats going on?" she whispers.

Misa thankfully doesn't hear the mention of the little asian chick fucking behind the bleachers or this persona would have to run out screaming. She leans in a little more staring in wide eyes amazemet. "Thats... are you like usin static electricity or somethin? That is so cool!"

Misa is also 5'8" she isn't little!

Gray gazes up to Velok for a little while, then at the name tag, then back to Velok, then over to the bleachers. "Oooooh." he says, after the ole gears get going. "Gotcha!" he responds, taking another long gulp of his 'punch' as he motions Velok down for a moment, or stends up on his tip toes, and whispers to him. "Just lemme know if you wan me to do anythin." he informs him, then pats his shoulder and looks back over to where the leather jackets fled, grinning widely, and creepily at that.

Jesse shakes his head. "No, you just-- you just /do/ it," he explains. Because that sounds cooler than 'I found and read a book and it told me how to do this thing'. "Listen, you wanna, like, go somewhere? That one dude's harshing the dance pretty bad anyhow."

Xaviar chuckles, "Sure," He with that looks over at Basilisk and then finally lets go of her and then heads over towards the bleachers.

Velok frowns, though his eyes show far more searching, thinking. He leans in to listen for what Gray whispers, then leans back and shakes his head. "Just stay out of trouble, or at least don't let me catch you." He keeps that rather specific tone, though his gaze turns his head back around the crowd. "If I see any more shit go down, I will throw you through those doors." He raises his hand, not pointing towards the front doors where most people are entering and exiting, but instead towards one of the double doors in the back corner that no one's using, near the bleachers where Jesse and Misa disappeared to. One lazy parent stands there, but Velok glares towards Gray for a moment and turns, swishing away. He walks directly towards the doors he just indicated, paying attention to not look towards the bleacher. He approaches the parent and speaks in a quiet whisper, the woman wandering away somewhere else and Velok leaning up against the wall by the doors

Basilisk also heads towards the bleachers putting on her best tough face. "Hey. There a problem here?" she asks, crossing her arms across her chest. What a thug she is.

Sally scoots back over to where the kids ran back to their precious wine coolers, dropping her now-empty in, and winks "Thanks for the drinks." She then leans in to kiss his heek. Well he is only like a year or so younger than she is. It's not a big deal at all. IT's time to head in though. Maybe there's more to be had inside?" So she scoots back toward the entrance.

Misa wtares dumbfounded for a few moments before nodding at first. Then she stops and shakes her head. "That is so cool... I REALLY wanna go with you right now but I gotta get back home soon..." she pouts. "Wanna trade numbers? You can... uhmm show me more?"

Jesse stares, open-mouthed. Jackpot! The idea that she could be stringing him along like those other girls never enters his thoughts, c'mon he just /moved a thing using his brain/, how hot is that? He's just leaning in to steal a kiss when Basil approaches, and might anyway if Misa doesn't duck out of the way quickly enough. "No, no problem," he says afterward, either way. "We were just having some fun!" Nice PG-rated fun, no clothes removed or anything. Belatedly, he moves over a little bit so that he's standing in front of the baggie, which has since fallen to the ground.

Xaviar looks over at Basilisk, "That's showing them." He laughs as he looks over at the others a moment as he loosk back at Basilisk.

Gray gazes at Velok a while longer, taking a few more sips of punch, and just shrugging as he walks away. The empty cup is tossed over his shoulder in some random direction, and he looks over to the back door. "Oh." he says, then moves in that direction, running up the bleachers for a moment and sitting down on the very top of them. Despite the run, he's entirely silent, like the windEmurphy There he sits, tugging out his cell, and nods a little bit, having taken a seat on the side under which is Misa and the others.

Misa looks down to her phone as it vibrates and smiles a little before biting her lip. She looks to Basil then back to Jesse, then back to her phone. "Yeah just some PG 13 fun hey... I... I know I said I had to go home but..." she leans in. "Wanna come with me? My parents work nights. They put that lame tracker thing on my phone but... it doesn't say if someone else is there right?"

Jennifer has her attention drawn to Gray and Velok, but she says very little. She isn't sure what Velok's capable of let alone the other guy and as she sips from her sealed container she figures maybe she'll find out..

Jesse just stares for a moment. There's thinking you've found the greatest pick-up line ever, and then there's being proven correct. "Yeah! I mean, yeah, totally. Let's go." He leans down to grab the baggie and stuff it in his pocket, then offers a hand to Misa. He'd follow her just about anywhere right now.

Sally folds up her scooter and steps on in. With the scooter shoved into her backpack she should really pass for a student in every way except that she's not dressed up like it's a big event for her or anything like that.

Velok just waits, leaving his phone out in his hand and texting into it, staring down at the device.

Misa cheers and nods. "Sweet! Oh right. I gotta pretend Imma nerd when we get back out there." she clears her throat and shakes, changing her posture back to being unsure and nervous before she looks to Basil and mouthing a "thank you." With that she points towards one of the exits. "That one's quiet... no one should notice us leavin, you gotta lead the way though."

Gray gives a glance over to Jennifer from his highest point in the room perch, and promptly winks at her, in addition to that big, creepy ass grin. But, he soon refocuses, leaning on the guard rail a little bit as he waits for /something/ to happen. His phone is slid back into his pocket after he texts something out.

Jesse doesn't get the nerd act. Maybe it'll occur to him to ask about it later. Right now, there's exactly one thing on his mind-- okay, two things, the first of which is 'leave that direction'. He nods to Misa and takes off at a quick walk, momentarily nervous that something is going to happen at the last minute and mess this all up.

Velok is 'guarding' the exit, and playing with his phone. For an adult, he's certainly not being very responsible. He looks back up and around at the group again as Jesse approaches. He doesn't move to open the door, instead just staring towards the man. "Are you two heading out of the dance?" He asks, a tone of 'I'm supposed to ask, but I don't really care.'

Sally leans at the door for now, trying to decide if she should try to get in proper. I mean, she has no id or anything.

Xaviar looks to be following Basil where she goes as he scratches his head and then looks over at Silly a moment as he smiles and nods to her.

Misa nods quickly. "Uhh yeah. Curfew." she says. That's what you're supposed to say whenever someone asks what you're doing right? Sure. Let's go with that. We aren't going back home to screw like rabbits. Look I'm a nerd! We don't do that (don't go to conventions and prove me wrong.) She tries to scot them trhough the door as fast as she can.

Jesse decides that the best way to not say the wrong thing is to not say anything at all. He just nods to Velok, nods to Misa, keeps his head down and keeps bulling forward. Let's see, they need a ride... he was going to catch a ride with some friends later. Does Misa have a ride? Ooh, the windows of that one limo are all steamed up, /someone/ must be having fun in there.

Gray tugs his cell out and responds to another text, then nods as he looks around, and pulls a bottle of beer. It's not readily obvious, but he pulls the top off and takes a few sips. No one looks up! Right? Right? Of course not. He does tilt his head to watch Misa and Jesse flee through the door, but he seems to be enjoying his beer.

Sally looks at Xaviar, and waves back, looking him over. "Good evening" she says, with a glance at whatever adult is guarding the entrance she's at.

Velok just /glares/ at Misa and Jesse, but he does lean over and open the door for him. As the two pass he starts to mumble. "Always the Asians. Sure they make themselves look like nerds, but get them home and they suck a golf ball through a garden hose." Which should probably help spur on Jesses no doubt excitement at his luck. Velok holds the door open for the pair as his eyes look off towards Gray. His eyes widen and his mumbling stops. "OI. What the FUCK did I JUST say?" he says, forgetting Jesse and Misa and turning to practically storm off towards Gray. "That's it asshole, let's go." He points off towards the door Jesse and Misa just left out of. "I'm tired of your shit, get the fuck out of here." He seems to be waiting to follow Gray and make sure he actually does leave the dance.

Misa pulls out her phone for a moment and shakes her head. "You okay takin the bus, or you gotta car?" she asks before shaking her head. "Fuck it, let's get on the bus, it's faster than walkin and I wana see if you can uhhh make other things fly." she grins.

"Yeah, bus is good," Jesse agrees. Then he catches that comment about 'other things' - he wasn't really listening when Velok threw in his line, he was just hurrying along - and he gets that puppy-dog grin all over again. Misa's seen that one before, but not quite from the vantage point of being its target.

Gray takes a few more sips of his beer as the door guard starts to yell. "Hey, fuck you asshole! 'm fuckin twenty one!" he declares, then laughs madly as he hops up, swings himself over the edge and lands on his feet. Like a damn ninja. His feet land perfectly, shoulder length apart. He doesn't even have to roll. He'd throw the beer, but... Well, he's not /that/ wild... Tonight. Instead he just leans over and slams into the back door with his shoulder, throwing it open and turning to flip Velok off. Then he pauses, and thinks for a moment, before grunting. "Fuck... My ride left. You know where the nearest bus stop is?" he asks the person he'd just been a complete dickhole to. Punk ass high school kids.

Velok follows Gray out the door, shaking his head. "Zero tolerance, I told you." He repeats, though he sighs pretty heavily when he gets outside with Gray, taking one more looking back around. "Yea, it's..." Velok sighs and starts to walk. "It's over here. School policy says I have to wait with you." Velok says with a frown, shrugging a shoulder. "Let's go.

Xaviar looks over at Basilisk a moment then over at Sally, "Umm. Hey there." He smiles as he looks over at her. He leans back a moment as he leans against the wall.

Sally looks Xaviar over, and scoots closer to where he's leaning. "You go to the school that's having this one? I don't so.. I don't exactly have an ID to get in." She sighs softly. Two wine coolers into the night is no small potatoes but you expect much more from a party like this, to be honest.

Jennifer follows Velok as he follows Gray, cause she came with him. She seems to be a little worried this will turn into something unpleasant. She also notices Jesse is heading out with Misa towards the bus stop

Misa makes sure to keep Jesse from thinking with the right brain while they wait, now that they're in public. She clings to him while they wait at the bus, resting her head on his shoulder, asking him every once in a while what other things he can do with is hands, and of course taling about how cool what he can do is.

Xaviar nods as he looks over at Sally, "No worries," He looks over at the guard and then says, "She's with me, hear to pick up a kid named Jesse or Jerry or something like that." He mentions as he looks over at the guard and then over at Sally.

Sally figures Xaviar is high school and can't be more than a year or so younger than she is, so it's safe to thank him by stepping up to him, resting a hand on his hip, and leaning in to peck his cheek. "Thank you," she nods quietly.

Gray snorts and nods to Velok lightly, then takes another sip of his beer... As it wasn't taken away, and he's an asshole. "Sure man, whatever." he says to him having to wait for him, his head turning to Jennifer as she follows and grinning, then he's off to stand at the bus stop, away from Jesse and Misa of course. The bottle is thrown in the trash can, served its purpose.

Oh, hey, Xaviar was paying attention when Jennifer mentioned Jesse's name earlier! The guard at the front door wasn't. "Oh yeah, Jerry. Hang on. Hey, Jerry!" he adds, turning and raising his voice as he addresses the high schoolers. "Your dad's here." No doubt Jerry will appreciate being vocally singled out in this fashion.

Xaviar laughs as he looks over at Jennifer slipping her a card from his pocket and then nods, "You owe me one... Call me sometime.. and your welcome." He chuckles as he looks around standing there.

Velok keeps walking with Gray, not all that far behind Jesse and Misa. He keeps a close eye on them, seeming to drop pretense a bit, at least in how much he doesn't care about Gray taking another drink of the beer. When they come to a stand he stays next to the man. "Cold out tonight." He says idly, not actually waiting to start conversation, just waiting for the bus.

Jennifer blinks and looks at Xaviar as he hands her his card. She moves to rejoin Velok, glancing about at the strange assortment of people. She takes a moment to read Xaviar .

Gray grunts over to Velok lightly as he leans against a post and continues to wait for the bus, his eyes trailing back over towards the still going on party from the bus stop. "Is it? Can' fuckin tell that, either. Be glad I ain't some sensitive pussy you asshole." he teases to him, as evidenced by his wide, creepy ass grin in his direction.

Xaviar looks over at them, on it is his name,number, and a chemist shop off of harbor dr. He smiles at the two of them, "Good to meet you all." he says playing his part as he looks over at Jennifer, "What? Do I have something on my shirt?" He wonders looking down pulling on his t-shirt a moment.

Sally takes a card from Xaviar and slips it into her pack after a glance at it. She then gives him a wave and slisp into the dance to try to score a little more beer. Which probably wont' be easy at this point, oh well.

End Log