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Docks Raid
The Blood Sex and Drugs Gang is about to get some visitors...
IC Date September 9th, 2014
IC Time Late Evening
Players CJ, Deil, Leandro, Quinn, Rahne, Runt, Trekome
Location Deep Forest
Spheres Gaian Garou, Bastet, Kinfolk

Trekome drives the crew over to a torn up section of the docks. There's always a section of the docks in movies that looks like it's a shithole, worn down buildings and warehouses, broken windows, shady looking people that you question are human... well, turns out that the movies portray things that way for a reason. This area is that reason. There are sounds of gunshots in the distance, thuggish looking assholes in 'tricked out' cars that are really just rust buckets with some ground effects, and lookouts for dealers. And Trek is driving past /all/ of them to the area that looks entirely devoid of life. Probably devoid of life for a reason too.

"Alright, here's the deal. There's this upstart of a gang called Blood Sex Drugs that's trying to make a name for themselves. A bunch of thug wannabes that have enough cash to get a bunch of meth and are dealing. They're young and stupid, so they don't get that being utterly ruthless is going to bring unwanted attention. Now normally I'd say let the law deal with it, but they're getting aggressive with their recruiting, and they're getting more violent. Like Gorehound violent, just killing for shits and giggles. Word is they're also trying to kidnap girls to sell off as sex slaves. I want to say that's just a twisted rumor if it weren't for the fact that there have been three abductions in the area. That's as much actual reports I got to look at from the Sheriff's Department as it is word on the street." Trekome pauses and looks at Deil, "Now there's supposed to be around a dozen core members, right? Handguns and shotguns, and a few rifles?"

Rahne huffs at the name and smirks but its a dark humor given the topic, aggression showing in her eyes. She stays silent, rather off kilter being out of the forest and goes back to looking out the windows; staring, listening, and sniffing away as she tries to work out what things mean what.

Runt simply nods, letting his gaze wander out towards the surrounding area, though his knuckles turn white against the grip of his bat

Deil thinks about it and speaks without speaking. His lips stay firmly pressed together and the words emanate instead. He's been on the phone for most of the trip speaking a combination of awful French, Spanish, and some native American tongue to at least three different people. Now his voice just starts around his lips, and carries through the car. "If they had more than a dozen guys, they'd have expanded already. They have at least two locations for cutting their meth Santi says, because the quality is very erratic. Rumor is that rich couple that disappeared at sea a few months ago. They were the crew that hit their yacht. Probably where they got their stake. The found the rich couple, most of them, but the pieces were all mixed up, on purpose. I remember thinking that was some fucked up voodoo shit, putting switching people's eyeballs. I just hope they killed them before hand. BSDs aren't beefing with any gangs yet, but only because the Cajuns are too busy with the Crips. It may be that the Crips are the ones that gave the BSDs their connections. Prostitution is Crips' secondbiggest source of income." All this without moving his lips.

Leandro just nods curiously as he listens. He glances a moment to Deil as he explains more but other than that he remains silent, connecting the dots before he offers up an opinion of any sort.

CJ lets Trekome run the operation, rank means nothing when it comes to planning an operation. She's not the lead from the front type of ahroun, hence the eclipe moniker. Head on she would be effective, but she is far more useful doing what she does best. Watch from the dark and hit hard at the right target. "Just tell me what needs to be found and who to hit first. I mean there is likely a leader or lieutenant to be looking out for, right?" She starts to prepare as if this were any other job.

Trekome nods to Deil, "Great, so they're expanding. That means we're going to have to hit 'em hard and fast since the police investigation is going to take a while." He pulls over a couple blocks away from the warehouse before addressing the others again, "Their officers are unknown right now; every informant we've gotten has wound up dead, and our UC's have been hospitalized; either intensive care or the morgue. What I can guess is that they've got Spirals who are at the top of the food chain, and turning their recruits into Fomori. Even if they aren't Fomori, they're so fucked up in the head that it won't make much difference."

Trekome takes a breath before continuing. "The target location is a small warehouse. Blueprints show that it has one large storage area with four back rooms for offices and whatnot. The back offices are connected by a main hallway, with a T intersection splitting them that leads into the main room. What I suggest is hitting the main room first since it likely holds the most enemies. We hit the biggest group while we're fresh, and then clear out the stragglers. Expect up to a dozen enemies here. Leandro, Runt, take the left side of any rooms we hit. CJ, Rahne, take the right side. I'll stay center and shift as needed. Quinn, I want you set up across the street overlooking everything and making sure nothing gets in or out. Suppressed weapons on the approach, then go loud once we hit them. Quinn, I've got three claymores for you to set up for extra security."

Quinn tags along and doesn't even have to beg for it :) she looks among the ranking garou and feels out of place. "Will there be a place for overwatch? I assume I'm not heading in with you guys. has anyone gotten a layout of the target area before hand? And if they have a meth lab on premises and this is such a secluded location are we planning on making it look like a lab explotion after the bodies fall?"

A glance over to Quinn, "Play god in your little place, taking lives of the enemies from your unknown place." Leandro grins lightly, "Just make sure you're safe and call for help if your position is compromised." he mentions to her, "Lets not make any moron that doesnt think you belong on missions right." he asks of her.

Runt gives a simple nod of his head, his gaze narrowing as he looks about the area, the grip on his bat tightening...was there a faint buzzing noise coming from it now? His shoulders roll out a bit and he focuses on bulking up his form

Wolf-Rahne shifts to Lupus rather than Hispo then sidesteps to stand by CJ after Trek partners everyone up. << I do not know city rules and what is for cleanup but assume for the Veil I stay in this form so my attacks are dog-bites?>> She is rather Lab sized. Wolf-Rahne adds in quickly. <<Also.. I can not be hurt by flames so if that helps..>>

Just after she awakens the spirit of her bow, CJ's eyes begin to glow faintly. There are a couple more unseen things that happen before her form blurs and shimmers. Even to those near and that know where she is, she looks as if a hazy illusion. She looks down to Rahne, "Sure. Though if things get rough, get big. We can deal with the messes as they pop up..." There is a glimmering smile, "How stealthy can you be pup?"

Trekome steps out of the Suburban and opens the back hatch to don his gear. It looks less like SWAT and more like a military issue plate carrier with mag pouches and grenade pouches rigged for flashbangs. He straps a drop holster onto his thigh for his 1911 and grabs a very non-standard issue looking M4. He says a few murmured words to both weapons before attaching suppressors to both, then slinging and holstering them. A black bandana is tied around his head as a final touch before chamber checks and opchecking his gear. "Quiet on the way in, then once inside do what you need to deal the most damage. Try to avoid explosives in the main area since it's likely where they're cooking meth; the back offices should be free of anything that can be explosive." He looks at Quinn, "Adjacent to the warehouse is a torn up two story row house. It was confirmed as empty earlier; the sheriff's department was going to use it for surveillence tomorrow. Be careful, though, since you might have someone using it as a place to crash. Set up on the second floor on the corner, you'll have clear fields of fire down the streets." He looks at the group, "Any questions?"

Deil says to Quinn. "Watty chutta set iss tone kiffem enny rissona /tink/ tear rye. Tey ane effer kunna pee rye. I'm wishu." Then to the group he says in his projected voice. "How are we on communication. I'm a bit of a telepath. I can't link you all together, but I can link myself with as many as I like."

Before the team heads to their positions, Trekome hands Quinn her radio, and doles one out to Leandro and CJ before clipping his to his vest. The radios come with headsets that clip to the user's ears, and the setup looks like a fancy bluetooth connected to something a little better than military grade gear. Crazy Glass Walkers.

Quinn should seariously learn wolf. for now she works as a one way communicator. She nods to Trek and dons black golves and stuffs her hair in a black cap. she shoulders her pack and her weapon, pulling her .45 and torch. "Affirmative, I'll radio in when I'm in position" she checks her coms and her chambers before heading off to take up position. That is if she's not being paired up with anyone.

Wolf-Rahne is doing her Predator movie special effects thing just not very well. Where as last time she was near imposable to see standing right in front of people, now its more like the pattern of her fur is kindof blurry. Noticing that people can still see her, she looks down, huffs. <<Ok, thank you.. Umm normally I am very Ninja as Trek-Rhya says. Not so well this time.>> Shifting through her two other forms, she concentrates a moment and will catch up.

Gun drawn, Leandro falls into position as he moves towards the warehouse with the others. He'll wait and follow Trekome's lead, letting him initiate the movement so as to make sure all actions are coordinated. Positioning himself on the side of the warehouse door that he will have to target as soon as they enter. His movements careful, deliberate, not doing anything to draw attention to himself but he's not the stealthiest of warriors.

CJ is ready now more or less, she could shift now and it wouldn't likely matter. to normal eyes she would be all but untrackable. She gives a shimmer of a nod to Trekome, and moves to get into her position. After passing behind a lamp post, even those that could previously see her might have alot of trouble.

Wolf-Rahne shifts back to lupus and trots to catch up with JC, keeping at her heel and following her lead. Though does this with ears perked, nose working, and her lupus(danger)sense twitching away.


The approach towards the warehouse is pretty quiet. Well, save for Trekome and Leandro, who don't seem to have much in the way of luck, whether it's from stepping on broken glass or from streetlamps that looked burnt out suddenly flashing on. Thankfully, the group is in luck and for some God unknown

Trekome 's night vision has been shot by a sudden flash from one of the street lamps that decided to magically turn on and then burn out, so he can't see any fine details, though he does notice that they're approaching the target building from the front. No, that won't do, gotta hit it from the side entrance away from the main doors. He whispers into the mic, "Target ahead, anyone spot anything? Quinn, are you and Deil in position?"

Quinn makes her way to position through the house and takes her time to find a vantage point of her liking. for a moment she's over steps and is planely seen as she opens her chosen window but she soon relizes her mistake and corrects, taking a little more time. There is not muzzle sticking out through a window, no showdowy figure in the window. She sets up by laying out a cloth, large enough to capture brass and any trace evidence she might leave as she sets up on a desk and chair. She then check in over the radio "overwatch in position"

Deil takes position closer to the window but he doesn't have a gun to conceal.

CJ makes her own luck as she moves around a blur, always looking back to make sure that the other blurry pup is behind her. She stops to listen to the growly pup and directs her softly glowing gaze to the area indicated. "And a camera at the entrance." She speaks into the radio that she was given.

Wolf-Rahne keeps along with CJ, her less blurry form padding quietly. After the sooo soft growling, she drops back down to all four and stalks together for their entry point, waiting for the go order or hopefully not, something to go bad.

Deil and Quinn don't spot anything while approaching the row house, and there isn't anything in the house thankfully. Well, save for a bum that's so passed out drunk it's debatable if he's alive. Probably not. Once in position, looking out at the target building will show a sentry in the doorway smoking in the shadows, a sentry walking away from the group to the rear of the building.'

Deil relates what he sees to Quinn, even if it is superfluous to do so.

Quinn sits up right in a chair, her rifel on it's bipod on a desk keeping the werehouse in her scope. she notes each of the targets in her scope and the team before whispering to deil in the room "Keep an eye out, alert the team of any approching hostiles. and please keep a note on my six" all her attnention is going to be on the werehouse at the moment. "There are is an extra pair of eyes in my pack." and she directs him to the proper pocket. she says over the radio "Overwatch sees smokey man and guard. Will engage on your order." and only his order of course.

Well, that might be why the group is lucky they haven't been spotted... the roving guard is walking away and the jagoff at the door has shot his nightvision lighting up his cigarette. And the idiot must be a chain smoker because there's a sudden light from a lighter as he burns another.

Trekome gives a soft order for everyone to halt and whispers into the mic, "CJ, Quinn, take out the one at the sentries if you can do it quietly. My rifle is still pretty loud out in the open like this."

CJ whispers once again into the mic, "Sure thing. When mine goes down, then take the second shot." That being said, she draws an arrow, nocking it and pulling, taking aim at the one walking away, ready for when she lines up that perfect shot.

There might be a whisper of a sounds as the arrow leaves the fetish bow, and almost instantly after CJ is already moving towards her target with the stealth that she is capable, ready to pull the arrow from the corpse that she knew would be. Never leave evidence. And always collect a magic arrow.

Quinn has a steady hand and heart rate as she lines a living thing in her sights. it might as well be training as she goes through the steps by the numbers knowing them by heart. Before the first guy hits the ground her trigger is pulled. the shot is surpressed and sound more like a pop of air than a gun shot but then they have heard gun shots on the way up here. inside the room is much louder than out side and it's a sound that can easily be explained away. The pair die of targets die together. how sweet.

Wolf-Rahne is staying at CJ's heal, guarding her back through the aiming and arrow retrieval. She listens for any comotion, readying to dart if the alarm is given but holds otherwise. Listening, sniffing.

The targets drop quietly, crumpling to the ground as the marksmen take their shots. CJ takes hers down smoothly, and Smokey slumps against the door and falls still. It's a beautiful thing when a team works together well.

Trekome nods to everyone to keep moving, calling over the radio in a murmur, "Move to the side entrance and prepare to make a dynamic entry. Shift to Crinos and tear through the door. No quarter." It's not often that Trekome gives an order like that. It's probably something Quinn didn't even think he'd ever even consider. Still, drug dealers and sexual predators; why not?

Yeah! Kill those drug dealers. Only good drugdealer is a dead drug dealer. At least it's one less competitor for Deil and his gang. Deil doesn't bother with Quinn's spare pair of eyes. He doesn't even know what that is. And besides, his own eyes look hardly human at the moment. He's traded them in for an owl's eyes.

Quinn calls back over the radio "roger that, no quarter. Kill kill kill, Get some, Garou, Get some" moral support form over watch.

A silent nod and then Leandro is on the move to his breach point. He has his weapon at the ready as he awaits the coordinated attack. His brow furrows, not with worry, not with concern but focus. His body shifting ever so slightly, as if a wild beast coiling up and ready to spring into action. The rage in the Ahroun's heart tempered by the trained mind of a warrior. Ready to be focused on their prey. Yay. Saving prostitutes.

Wolf-Rahne just continues the motion since people are all readied, and does just that. Paw touch, door opens for friends to go rampaging in.

First-to-Fight is about ready to kick in the door and then... huh. Well then. He flashes Rahne a grin and nods to her, giving her the universal sign for 'well done'. <<New plan, go in quietly. Get in position, and pick a target. Take down targets quickly and move in. Rah?>>

First-to-Fight looks at Leandro and Runt, <<Go around back and start clearing out the rooms quietly. Make sure no one gets out through the rear; Quinn and Deil will handle this area.>> He gives the other two a nod and gently opens the door to let them in.


The inside of the main room is relatively dark; the bulbs in the overhead lights have largely burned out, and only the ones over the working areas of the, yup, meth lab, are actually replaced. There are plenty of shadows to hide in for the group, and enough noise from the 5 gang bangers chattering and listening to some shittastic rap music that they haven't noticed anything. Yup, amatuers.

Dark matters not when you have a friend like Panther, she gifts her sight to those that she protects. And CJ just happens to be one of those people. The dark would make her nearly invisible, and those gang bangers, well they are easy prey. Her now Crinos-sized bow unslung and an arrow nocked again. If she can put one or two down before melee it would be safer for everyone.

The five gang bangers are standing around a table that looks like a rudimentary chemistry set. A large scale one at that. It's like they watched Breaking Bad for too long and figured they could pull this shit off. The table is set five feet off of the far wall, with three one the side facing the group and the two others facing away. Between the group and them are pallets with 55 gallon drums of... who knows what... on them, more lab equipment, and a folding table with cards, beer, and porn.

The gang bangers are all wearing hoodies and bandanas around their faces. There's a couple handguns on the table, and those are just the easily visible weapons.

Wolf-Rahne pages: Dam mispaged three times. ;P Ok soo skooting down the hall just past them so to face her, they turn back on where you all come in. And she yips for them to hear. THus you do not hear. All weapons hearing it stop working? Jam weapon

Wolf-Rahne is in lupus with allies about her in war forms, with fetish weapons, and going in to a fight where people have weapons.. An idea. After grinning up at the 'good job' she gets a wolfish smirk and warbles. <<Trek wants to come in last.>> Then she is lupus-running off down the hall to 'yip' once in the room with the gangbangers, sliding just past them, to where she is oppiset where her friends will be comming. So to face her, they put backs to the others. The yip? <<Loosers...>> For some reason putting herself where they can all grab up guns and shoot hell out of, she seems to think is dam funny!

The back is amazingly clear for Leandro to get to, and, go figure, the door is unlocked. Fucking. Amatuers. Of course, once he opens the door, it's another story... Just as he's about to walk through the door, one of the gang bangers decides to step out of his room. And, go figure, he sees Leandro. What shitty luck.

That yip definitely got attention. The gang bangers initially look to see what the fuck that was. And there, viola, is a small wolf. Without fail, they all go for their guns, four with handguns, and one with what looks like a Mac-10. Well, shit.

Yet another arrow from the nigh invisible shooter and the fomor-banger goes down. Dead before striking the floor, and before that even happens, she already has another arrow nocked and aimed at the second gang banger, but seeing Rahne dealing with that one she turns her aim to one of the uninjured. The shift in target almost letting him survive...almost. The sheer rage bhind the arrow floors him as well.

Wolf-Rahne thought herself all sorts of cute and funny but.. The joke ends and it's killing time.. A little thing but now one with fur bristling, lips pulling back from sharp white fangs, and a horrible wrathful snarl as she begins to savage the closest to her banger. Leaping up onto him she just bites, rips away, bites again to pull out chunks of meat and spray blood. Landing atop his slumping body, she stands shivering with rage, aching for another enemy to pounce on and kill.. Instead she has to growl and force herself down. She looks at her companions to see that they are fine.

First-to-Fight gets in position just in time for Rahne to do her thing. He's gotta hand it to the girl, she knows how to make some epic diversions and figure out ways to troll enemies. The moment the gang bangers turn to face her, weapons drawn, he squeezes off a round. There's a muffled snap, more of a sharp pop, rather than the ear splitting crack of firing a rifle indoors. That fomor-banger goes down quickly, and he transitions to the second target immediately. Another squeeze of the trigger sends the round downrange, right into the next banger's skull. The effects from the fetish rifle are... wow. The skull just splits apart, sending red and greenish matter against the wall, and drops it instantly. It's a glorious mess.

Quinn hears shots and notes muzzle flash. she waits for reports of kills or casualties and keeps an eye out for escaping hostiles.

Leandro has one major advantage over the gang banger fomori that stumbles out of his room: Leandro alrady has his gun out and is ready to use it. It's a foregone conclusion with what happens, but no less impressive. The gun is brought up smoothly, front sight right on the banger's head, and round sent smoothly. The bullet impacts the banger's face, right in the T-box, and from there it's an instant lights out. The body crumples to the ground like a puppet without strings, and thus ends the miserable life of another gang banger turned something... else. <<One down, moving on.>> Leandro whispers into the radio. He continues to the first door with Runt excitedly behind him, getting ready to clear the first room.

The main room looks clear now. There are no signs of life, and the blare of shitty rap music drowns out the sounds of bodies dropping to the ground. It looks good so far for the group. Well, inside anyway. Outside a beaten up car starts to make its way down the road to the warehouse, windows down and blasting out even more of that horrible rap music. Seriously, what the fuck is it with that garbage?

Again Pict moves quickly to collect the arrows, as they are very valuable to her and also pretty bad evidence to leave behind. She growls out something in the garou tongue, <<We need to find the girls they abducted. I could care less about these drugs.>>

First-to-Fight nods in agreement with Pict, << It wouldn't do well for them to see us in war forms if they're here. Move quietly and clear the rooms, one by one, then burn this place to the ground. We can come cleanse the ashes after everything is destroyed.>> He calls over the radio, "Five down... no alarms... moving on... Quinn, report."


Quinn lines up a shot with the driver as the car rolls in and says quickly over the radio "One vehicle rolling in slowly, Three figures in the car. Hold for confirmation of targets." she asks Deil off the radio "What do you see that makes them targets? word from who?"

Deil hisses, "It's Cajun turf girl. I got my boys all over this neighborhood." He doesn't explain more than that. He certainly didn't check his cellphone. He moves past Quinn to the second window and readies himself to jump. He seems taller, bulkier, but his clothing still fits perfectly. So that must be an artifact of the dark.

Good enough. Quinn just needed some explination. on the com "confirmed three hostiles approching the building in a car. I have the driver. requesting permission to engage."

Quinn hears a growl from Trekome over the radio. She knows what that means: weapons free. Kill.

There's a sudden flurry of movement from Deil's location at the second window, he's perched on the edge, extending from his back are six foot wings extend on either side of him. Physics says that a human being can't fly like that but he doesn't need to fly, just glide down to the car in front of him. He tries to time it so that it is just when one of them is getting out of the vehicle.

Panic. you don't really keep your cool when your buddy driving the car is suddely shot, gurrgaling blood and is about to die right infront of you. Quinn makes the minor adjustmants to get the passanger in her crosshairs. She is as cool as ice, appearing to have nothing personal invested in the murder of the gangbangers. But the giant wingged creature gliding down to the car gets a "Fuck" from her as her line of sight is obstructed and she looses the person guarding her six. she calls over the radio "One down. Two to do, Deil is engaging the enimey" she adds not on the radio "and leaving me alone at my post."

The driver honest to God never saw it coming. One moment he's talking about bitches being hoes and how he's gonna wreck each and every one he gets, willing or not, and the next moment half his face is missing from a .50 cal round slamming into the side of his head. (Un)forunately for him, the angle of the round just misses the brain, so he's alive, but it's going to be the most excruciating next few moments of his life as shock and blood loss set in, and all he can do is gurgle on his own blood. The other two in the car panic, and they panic hard, freezing for a moment before one of them screams like a little girl and jump out of the car, right in time for Deil to do his thing.

The driver has finally just slumped over agaist the door, half his head sticking out of the window (what's left of it). There is literally half his face missing, bone and tissue just a spray of red across the entire front of the car. The body has stopped twitching, and whatever life was in it is now gone. Meanwhile, the other two... well, it's turning into a shitty night for them, and very quickly at that.

Deil lands next to rear passenger window. With a graceful, casual motion, he flicks his knife through the open window and finds the throat of the gangster in the back. The obsidian blade slides through his trachea and esophagus and carotid artery guaranteeing a quick but startling death. By the time Deil reaches the passenger door, the front door is already opening. Deil's first stab doesn't quite have the same reach as the passenger throws himself away from the knife. There is the quick retort of three gunshots going off, all of which bury themselves in Deil. A few feathers from his wings drift through the air. The very next moment Deil lunges into the vehicle and in a fury stabs with both knives repeatedly, probably more than was necessary.

Deil gets out of the car a moment later. He makes the knives disappear into his pockets. Then he bounds toward the sniper post. The enormous eyes, the owl wings, the increased stature. Could he be a mythical were-owl? He gets enough height on a jump (with the help of a timely wing flap, no they aren't strong enough to get him off the ground) to grab the window sill and pull himself back into the building with Quinn.


Thankfully the warehouse is small and single story, else this would be much more complicated. The main room has a door that's in the center of the far wall that opens into a hallway. The hallway forms a T intersection at the end that divides the 4 offices with 2 on each side of the intersection. Leandro has already cleared the first two on the right, and is waiting at the intersection, holding security. That means there's only 2 more on the left side to clear.

Trekome lets Pict and Rahne lead on with their better senses and better stealthiness. He calls over the radio, "Quinn... no quarter." Well, that settles that.

<<They wouldn't see me if I was standing next to them.>> Pict comments as she quickly starts to search through rooms, going upstairs if she needs to, or down if there is a basement. With her enhanced wolf senses it would be easier to pick up a trail.

Wolf-Rahne falls in with the others to help search, sniffing about as she goes along.

Pict looks down to Rahne. <<Push through the door. The first one I see I'll put an arrow in. If that doesn't get him you finish, then we take the second.>> She growls softly as she prepares yet another arrow to shoot. She takes a calming breath and draws, waiting for Rahne.

First-to-Fight gives a nod to Pict and Rahne. <<Right behind you. I'll push right.>> he tells the two. To Quinn he just growls into the mic; she knows that growl: kill.

Dire-Rahne is just starting to sidestep the door for the others but hearing Pict's orders moves back in place, swelling up in size. One paw marks the glyph of formori out then two dots. ... And she goes!

The door to the cramped room opens easily, showing 2 Fomori gang bangers in an empty office room with a body on the floor in front of them. Inside are two bangers looming over the remains of some poor bastard, his face beaten to a pulp and no sign of life on him. It's easy to tell the guy is pretty dead, and it's the two bangers that were the cause. They turn to see the door open just as the assault team enters...

Dire-Rahne goes bursting in though this time things are just not working out for her. A lot of the door coming with her and under paws, she manages to bite at her side's formori. But just as she is about to clamp down and yank her head to tear its belly apart and throw vicera across the room, paw on wood scrap, on bloody floor scoots and she loses grip, just managing to keep from falling with a surprised yip! No pay back from her just now.

It's all too easy with the door just opening to release as soon as Pict sees that first ganger. Silent the arrow skewers his corrupt heart, a wound that he couldn't possibly be saved from. And seeing as there are no other targets once Tekome is finished, she grabs the arrow and starts looking for the abductees, perhaps even in the other room if they are not here.

First-to-Fight bursts into the room and immediately cuts right, weapon pointing ahead of him, and then sweeps left as soon as he sees the corner is clear. The moment his sights swing left he gets a clear sight picture on the second gang banger, and immediately fires a round. The round flies true, right into the enemy's skull, blowing out the back of his head and spraying a nice mist of red against the far wall. The body crumples to the ground. <<Clear! Next room!>>

The second room smells... clean(ish). That is to say, it doesn't stink like corruption of two live Fomori or Spirals. Rahne's keen senses can tell it's two girls, young ones at that, behind the closed and locked door.

Dire-Rahne relays this information while shifting down into wolf and approching the door. She reaches out and presses a paw to the door, trying to unlock it but holding it closed for the others to shift and then decide what to do. Their lead to be followed.

First-to-Fight looks at Rahne and gives a nod. He starts to shift back to his homid form and pulls out his Sheriff's Deputy badge to clip onto his gunbelt. "They don't need to see me in my war form... I'll go first. Pict, Rahne, they'll want to see a female's face to calm them down."

"Yeah." CJ comments, luckly is is only her arrows covered in blood and not her. "You might want to at least call for someone that can come and give these girls the emotional support that they need. After all I'm not the most calming face..."

Wolf-Rahne shifts to homid at that and bobs her head, whispering. "Alright though. Yeah curse and all. But better than nothing. Medic kinfolk?"

First-to-Fight grins at CJ, "Don't worry, my team'll be here in five minutes after I make the call. It'll be easy to write this off as a police action, and no one in this neighborhood is going to question anything going down." He takes hold of the doorknob, "Three... two... one..." And with that he bursts into the room, sweeping it for anything they might have missed. "Sheriff's department!" he calls out.

The girls in the room are handcuffed to a pole that stretches along the length of the short room. They each have their own mattress, though the mattresses look pretty dirty. Thankfully the girls don't look like they've been through too much more than some malnutrition and dehydration. They don't give too much of a response, exhausted, thirsty, and hungry. Their eyes, though, show a new spark of life when the group enters.


The bodies of the gang bangers were disposed of carefully, though the equipment for the meth lab was left in place. It made for good justification for law enforcement to be at the scene, and considering the LEOs on scene were all Glass Walker kin, the report was neatly wrapped up. Adding in that it happened on gang territory, it was easy enough to chalk it up to a violent turf war. Really, who's going to ask questions about what looks like gang violence in gang territory, and what appeared to be SWAT rolling in heavy to save some kidnapped girls?

As for the girls that were held captive… it’ll be a slow process to recovery, with years of therapy and help. A slow process, but at least they get the chance to start it.

The leaders of the BSD gang are still wondering just who the hell it was that hit them. The Cajuns look good for it, but something seems off about it. They’re left wondering when they’ll get a knock on their door next…