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(The actual briefing this time. Without the Stooges)
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Revision as of 22:52, 14 March 2014

The Ukraine Briefing II
The Actual Briefing...For Reals.
IC Date Tuesday
IC Time 4:00 AM
Players Velok (Storyteller) and Locke and November
Location Aleksei's G650
Prp/Tp The Usurping of Ukraine
Spheres Changeling and Demon and Mage


(Enter Locke, November, and Velok)

xxxxxLong flight is long. That's the sentiment, anyway. Even after the...introduction...there was still plenty of time left in the air. The seats did fold back, creating a nice second bed with some pillows and blankets for Locke. It might be awkward, given that he wasn't supposed to be on the plane in the first place. Perhaps it was some comfort in the numerous food items he got to eat. As for November and Velok, at least, the sleep was fairly relaxing. The bed was incredibly comfortable, no expense having been spared. The pilots cockpit apparently has everything they needed, as none of the three people heard a word out of them the entire flight. It's practically a hotel in the sky. After the full night's rest, anyone asking the pilots will find out they're over China, about halfway on their journey, with still plenty more time to go.

xxxxxEventually, November settles in. She sleeps for a little while and there is no more hrrking. Thank god. There's nothing worse in the world than that. So sleep. No sex. Thanks, dude. No food either probably. Good thing that November eats like a canary. So it's November that tiptoes up to the front to check on progress and comes back, plopping down in one of the seats with a little sigh. She glances toward the window, then pulls the shade nearest her closed. "China. We're over china."

xxxxxLocke... well Locke ate a CRAP ton of the food. Sure, he passed out eventually but there were quite a bit of wrappers tossed about the cabin in the... morning? He's kicked back in one of those comfortable seats and he titls his head to the side with a bit of interest but he doesn't seem to chime in just yet when Novemeber mentions where they are. He leans out a bit to look into then window eyes the expanse outside it for a couple moments. He chimes in to ask, "Where the wall then? If it's China there should be a wall... and like... Mongolians trying to tear it down." He doesn't see either, clearly she's lying to him then.

xxxxxExcessive vomiting, bleeding, and no sex. With a night like that, how can Velok say no. After washing his face, making sure everything was in order, he passed out next to the canary. They will have to make a stop for gas, so the pilots let November know they'll be restocking everything else too. They all look warily at her as she talks about progress. It's their job to not ask questions about what happens in the cabin, doesn't mean they don't know, or think it's weird. Not very long after November plops down does the door to the back open again, and there is a Velok. All his clothes are on, and he's yawning pretty profusely. He still has to duck a bit given his height, but he seems to be used to it. "It's a myth." He answers immediately, closing his eyes and stretching. "That the wall can be seen from space. It's a lie. You can't, really." When his eyes open he focuses back on November, then to Locke, staring at the man, then at the numerous wrappers around the cabin. "Jeez. What DIDN'T you eat last night?" He turns back around and goes back into the private cabin, calling towards the people. "Next time we stop for gas or whatever, we're getting more. We're not going to have time to eat when we get there."

xxxxxA little yawn from November, a full-body stretch, then she curls up, taking up only half the seat. She's a teeny tiny little girl. She wraps her arms around her knees and looks Locke over, spending a moment examining his shoes. "Sorry," she says. She didn't have very much to say before. Other than 'oh god, I think that was my intestine' or 'When did I eat THAT?' followed by more violent sounds of hurkery. "As long as it doesn't wiggle. No wiggly food. No pasta, no jello. God, please."

xxxxxLocke points to the microwave, yep... that's all he offers in a response to his question. He needs the microwave... it makes the frozen food tastey again. He stretches a bit and lets out a grunt, "Well we're not in space you know that's a pretty shitty wall if we can't see it from a plane." He offers to Velok with a grunt as he thinks about it a while longer eyes drifting back toward their end of the cabin, "Should have said something if you were hungry. "There are a few little snacks still left in the pantry... and more -should- be there... ya he's stashed thema about the cabin perhaps. "I think you should be on a liquid diet." He quips back toward Novemeber with a chuckle coming from him as he reaches back his hands lacing behind his head as he relaxes like that quite comfortably.

xxxxx"No wiggly food. Got it. I'm kinda running out of options though. I'll have them pick up produce. Like an apple. A whole bushel of Apples." Comes Velok's response before he's popping back into the main cabin. "Actually we're in China. I don't even think they have apples in China. Maybe Rice. Lots and lots of rice. Flied Lice." There's some rummaging around as Velok is very eager to find some of that food. "Really? This is it?" Velok heads carefully through the cabin, trying to find an empty chair. He brings with him a folder with several papers in it, plopping it down on the table in front of him, along with a bag of Goldfish crackers. All he could find. "Locke, right?" He asks, eyes glancing up at the man before he lowers them back to the folder. "Aleksei didn't mention anything about you, which is odd. Or your voracious appetite, which is...more odd. Odder. Otter." Velok smirks and amuses himself, then shakes his head. "How much did he tell you about what you were going to be doing?" He looks up and stares right at Locke, curious.

xxxxxNovember peeeeers at Velok. "Maggots. You're going to feed the pukey girl something that looks like maggots?" She SIGHS. "Veggies. How about some veggies? Broccoli or something." She nods firmly and sighs quietly. She reaches out for the golfshi crackers and snags herself a handful. Nibble. First the tail. Start with the tail. Eat that little bitch so it can't swim away. That's how you do things. She doesn't say anything, just turns her attention to Locke.

xxxxxLocke tilts his head to the side as he hears the words from Velok and he chuckles as he finds the goldfish, mmmm, goldfishes... they're so delicous. But his head bobs a couple times at the question when he picks up on his name and a shrug was offered in turn, "Does he always tell you things?" He asks curiously but doesn't say anything more then that... but the mention of otter he chimes in with. "Those things are suppose to be delicious. Do we have that up here?" He asks curiously, hey look at what they DO have! He leans back in his seat quite comfortable as he relaxes there... finally not eating something!

xxxxx"Oh no. I'm not." Velok quickly counters, turning his attention to November for a little bit. "I don't feed the pukey girl anything. I learned my lesson. I offer suggestions, the girl chooses what she wants." Velok stares down at the goldfish as they're stolen, furrowing his brow a little bit. How dare she. "Broccoli it is. And apples. And a milkshake, or something." Velok returns his eyes to Locke, leaning against the side of the plane and watching him. "Always..." Velok begins, but he ends it by shaking his head. "No, admittedly not. He didn't want to tell me much about this one, just that it had to happen immediately. Whatever." Velok shrugs, appearing to once again accept the strangeness of Locke's presence. "If you fuck up somehow, well...the ride home will have quite a bit more food for November and I." There's a bit of a wink, and the folder is opened. He's not eating too many of the goldfish, leaving plenty for November. "We have someone we have to find, who will lead us to someone we have to kill, who most likely is in control of a vault we're supposed to look for." He frowns a bit, looking into the folder. "Wow, he really didn't tell me very much about this one."

xxxxxJust a HANDFUL, Velok. She was puking up her spleen 7 hours ago. She needs SOMETHING in there. What better than little fish shaped bits of starch and fake cheese? She growls at Velok with mock ferocity when he eyes the goldfish, then pours more into her hand and offers the bag back over. Then she peers at Locke. "You otter slow down on the food." But then Velok has her full attention. "We don't know WHO we're supposed to find?"

xxxxx"I don't fuck up. And threats are for those that are all bark." Locke says with a grunt as he remails settled there quite comfortably. He combs his fingers through his hair for a moment as he thinks before chiming in, "I'm here for a reason. Just think about that." Well... HE'S still thinking about why the fuck he's there but really this is his only ride home. Though November just gets one of those 'REALLY' looks at her little turn of phrase but he at least doesn't comment upon it. He takes a deep breath before letting it out he nods to the fish, "So, if we're not killing fish who's up on this week of Carmen Sandiego?" He asks before his gaze lifts back up toward where the pair of them are settled in together at.

xxxxxVelok bares his teeth back to November when she growls. Growling at him!? He'll snarl back. Rawr. That's not the worst part though. The worst part is that pun. "Otter...slow down. R....Really!?" He squintyeyes at her, watching the woman who dares makes a pun this high. Velok shakes his head several times trying to get past the awfulness of all of it. "No we don't know exactly who we're supposed to find, or where the vault is. Apparently Aleksei didn't know." He folds through some of the papers, then slides one over to November. Locke gets stared at, and a wink from Velok. "Barking is fun though, at least the metaphorical kind. I'm not a dog." After November gets a chance to look at the paper, Velok explains more. "According to Aleksei, the contents have been in his family for a while, but never...exactly his. He doesn't know where it ended up, apparently it gets moved around a lot. He's pretty sure it's in Crimea now." Velok scoots through some more of the papers. "I asked him what was in it, and he told me even he didn't know, but that it's important, and he wants it." Velok leans back a bit in the chair. "What Aleksei wants, Aleksei gets kind of thing. He did tell me where to start looking, at least. Some guy named Ivan. Though apparently he's not a talker."

xxxxxNovember giggles happily at Velok. "YOu can't throw me out of the plane. We're too high up." She takes the paper and looks it over. "So it's a recon mission." The rather NOT fierce little girl offers a winning smile at Velok. "He'll tell me whatever I want him to." ANd she won't even have to suck a dick to get the info. Demons are cool like that, really.

xxxxxLocke eyes Velok for a couple moments and gives a shrug of the shoulders in return, people staring at him isn't anything new to the man he gets glared at a LOT. He stretches for a moment before slumping back down on the seat as he rests there, kicking his feet out to cross them at the ankles while he listens. He stretches out a touch to try and get a look at the papers Velok is shuffling through but he doesn't speak up letting the man work through it all as he listens. Interested at least there is a frown upon his lips before letting out a sigh, "Well, sounds like the first thing that we're going to have to do is loosen up his lips." The thought of it sounding more like a chore to him but he doesn't offer anything else just yet planning out how he might go about getting him to spill said beans.

xxxxx"You're right, I can't throw you out of the plane, but I can try." Velok glares back even as she's giggling. "But I can have them lose your luggage. Which I guess is also my luggage. I didn't really think this out." No, he didn't, so he goes back to looking down at the papers. "Yea, should be easy. Find Ivan, get him to tell us where the Vault is, go to the Vault, get whatever's in said vault and bring it to the plane, fly it back to Prospect. That doesn't actually sound that..." Velok trails off as he lifts some papers and finds another one. "Oh. Right. And kill whoever else is looking for the vault. That...that might be the harder part." Something they both said makes Velok look back up and stare towards November, then stare over towards Locke. "We're not supposed to kill Ivan. That's...That's actually written down. Hang on." Velok unsticks a stickynote that was posted to one of the papers, handing it over to Locke. On it is DON'T KILL IVAN underlined three different times, with three different exclamation points. "Yea...Aleksei made that one pretty clear. He said that we're going to want to kill Ivan, but that we're not allowed to. He threatened to tattoo that to my forehead when I kept asking if I could kill Ivan."

xxxxxNovember shakes her head. "No intention of killing him. I said I could get him to talk." She leans forward toward Velok, folding her arms over her chest. "Tell me I can't get someone to tell me anything that I want them to." She can, too. Killing? That notion doesn't seem to phase her. At all. She leans back in her seat, tossing a goldfish up in the air and catching it neatly - as it rebounds off her nose and down her shirt. She goes fishing. HAH! Digs that puppy right out of there. "No killing Ivan."

xxxxx"Can we tattoo you anyway?" Locke is back on the neck-tat it seems. He looks at the sticky note... then hands it back, no he doesn't eat EVERYTHING thank you very much. He shrugs, "And just cause we don't kill him doesn't mean he has to keep all his pieces, right?" That is asked with that almost implied foot stop. You can hear it in the words even if it doesn't actually happen. His fingers idly scratch the side of his neck before giving a shake of the head, "I don't think my method would be much welcomed." He says with a SIGH. He points to Novemeber with her hand down her shirt, "He might speak up for that." A smirk pulling further across his lips when it's quipped back to the couple, though he half expects something to get tossed at him he still finds himself hilarious.

xxxxxVelok blinks slowly at November with a shrug. He does glance over to Locke a bit nervously, then back to November. "Well you have tits. Neither Locke nor I have tits, so I guess you have a unique advantage on getting him to talk." Velok shrugs again, shaking his head. "Yes, no killing Ivan. Not that I know how Aleksei will know, but I can't necessarily lie to him." Yes, his eyes follow as she goes fishing down her shirt, but he's far more modest, choosing to accept the sticky note back and continue watching the papers. "I guess...he doesn't need all his pieces. Aleksei didn't really clarify that. I suppose it'll depend on how friendly this guy is going to be. Or if our interrogator will be feeling up to the task and not wanting to just throw up all over the poor guy." The poor guy, because Velok would totally side with Ivan over November if she was just throwing up again. "The only catch is right now, Crimea is a powder keg. Aleksei could probably profit with a war, but he doesn't want us to start one. We're supposed to be discrete and PREVENT a war from happening. A war will make it much more difficult to find what we're looking for."

xxxxxJust a gold fish. And she doesn't even through it HARD. She chunks the booby-warmed fishie in Locke's direction before she turns back to Velok. "You leave making him talk to me. No throwing up. I won't even have to be mean to him. Don't worry." She's actually being serious now. She nibbles the fins off a goldfish and then pops the rest of it in her mouth.

xxxxx"Oh sure, don't throw up on the guy that deserves it." Locke grunts not seeming to pay attention to the fish that bounces off him though he does quip back, "Why are you wasting the boob-fish?" As if it's a perfectly acceptable question to ask of her. Like how about the weather? He ponders it a while longer before shrugging a bit at the thought of it, "You can make him talk. If he doesn't talk to you... we can get more creative about how Ivan's day is going to go. I don't think it'll go well though." The man offers with a low chuckle rolling out from him and he lets out a sigh as he slumps there like a lump on a log. "So... no blowing anything up? Got it. Ish. But I figured the locals will have that covered so lets just use whatever distraction they like to get us out." He thinks for a moment before asking, "How big is this package?"

xxxxxVelok is very obviously surprised. "I don't know if she was wasting the boob-fish, or offering you the boob fish. To which I'm completely surprised you haven't eaten. Boob fish is a delicacy. Plus it's not even the weirdest boob animal I've seen. Boob lizard takes that cake." The files get splayed out on the counter, and everyone can see now. There's not much, mostly noted records of movement of the vault through eastern Europe and western Russia. Apparently it's last known location was Crimea, hence their destination. With the decision that November is elected chief interrogator, Velok relaxes. Locke raises the perfect question, and Velok shakes his head. "I don't know. Aleksei doesn't know either. Just that every so often it's moved somewhere else, typically when it's come under danger. It's under danger now, and Aleksei wants it. Could be a briefcase, could be anything. He wants it. My bet is it's not puppies and a unicorn." Velok does seem a little nervous. "We're supposed to prevent World War 3. We're supposed to prevent the explosions, yea. Aleksei wasn't really clear if it meant we aren't supposed to start it, or if we're supposed to be a weird form of diplomat. My vote is we get in, give Ivan a hug, find this stupid thing, hightail it back to the plane, and get back to where civilized people live. Hopefully we won't have to kill anyone." Though, knowing this team...poor poor Ivan. "Boring assignment, sure, but lots of money in it if we come out successful, so that's nice. And if the Vault was moving around so much, it can't be THAT big, can it?"

xxxxxDRAGON. It was a boob DRAGON. Not that November would know that. She peers at Locke and shakes her head. "You're strange." HE'S strange. He isn't the one with boob fish. She looks over to Velok then and frowns, sighing quietly. "So we don't know where we're going, what we're getting, how big it is, or even whether or not it will fit in my cleavage. We don't know if it's dead or alive. We know that we can't kill Ivan, but we have to kill someone else. No explosions." She shakes her head. "That isn't much to go on. I hope you trust Aleksei. Because this sounds like a snipe hunt."

xxxxxLocke tilts his head to the side as he thinks about it a bit though he doesn't even look back to November as he slips in, "You're throwing the boob fish," without even taking a breath he continues, "but that's kind of important information to know. Like, do we need a forklift and a get away vehicle that can handle the weight? Are we suppose to pick up a semi before heading to the vault or can we carry it out? Is gonna be a major bitch if we get there and go 'fuck guess we'll try tomorrow with something that can move this piece of shit'." He offers ever so eloquintly. Though it's only once he's got that concern out that his gaze flicks back over toward November and he chimes in, "What is it with you and things in your tits?" There is a bit of amusement in that question but he feels it needs to be aired for the good of the team!

xxxxx"No, no...hang on." Velok says as he sorts through places. "We're landing in Turkey and taking a boat ride over to..." Velok says, finding the name. "Kerch." Velok says the name several times, trying to get the hang of it. "Kerch is where we find Ivan, and Ivan is how we find out everything else." The rest of what November wants, he shakes his head. "I dunno about having to kill someone, Aleksei was just saying that offhand. We probably will, because unless the person guarding the vault is Ivan, there's gotta be someone else watching it." Velok frowns a bit, continuing to shake his head. "I didn't exactly want to play 20 questions and ask if it was larger than a breadbox, but he didn't know anyway. I doubt it will fit in your clevage." There's a bit of an inhale when he addresses Locke next, nodding. "We'll have a boat, I guess we bring it to the boat. Or we make November carry it in her bra." Don't even think about making a quip, Velok. Bad Velok. "In all honesty, that's probably why he's sending us. He doesn't know very much, so he's sending his best." There's a comedic timing pause, then Velok adds on. "And his best is bringing you two. See? It works!" Velok automatically throws up his hands to defend from any boob goldfish thrown his way from the November. "Don't snipe me with goldfish!" There's already been enough friendly fire in the airplane ride already.

xxxxxThere was only ONE boob fish and it was precious and offered as a gift to Locke. He rejected it. It now lay on the table, discarded, forgotten. She mourns it silently and nods to Velok. "Okay.. So.. how about you just let us read ALL of the papers.. or read it out loud. because that right there was a WHOLE lot more information than we had just a minute ago."

xxxxxLocke shifts a bit in his seat finding himself a bit more comfortable his eyes flick over to November and he offers, "Might want the sports bra for a bit of extra support for stuffing it in there." He's so helpful! Aren't you glad he stumbled into the plane to help? A breath drawn in before letting it out again as he slumps back there content to dwell on it a while longer as to just what this mystery item might be. His eyes turn back toward Velok, "Can we make her get the dude's guarding it to carry it? Cause it sounds heavy as shit." He points out before letting out a sigh, "Whatever it is I'm sure I can figure out a way to move it." Well that was cryptic and he doesn't sound like he ENJOYS that idea about it... but whatever it might be he's apparently at least willing to help them get this to the end.

xxxxxVelok pushes some of the papers forward on the table towards November, looking a bit exasperated. "Nope, that's really all there is. Fly to turkey, take a bot to Kerch, I'm assuming we rent one, I don't think he has one prepared for us." Velok sorts through a couple papers, nodding. The papers don't really even show that much, mostly background information on where the vault used to be, where it might be now. There's some information about Crimea, some information on what's currently going on there, then there's a profile on Ivan, and a picture attached: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/33/Lundgren_Ivan_Drago.jpg The profile is fairly scarce, but it gives the name Ivan Kosoglad, former boxer, heavy drinker. Apparently the picture is from his more...youthful days, but is the best representation. "I guess Ivan is a friend of the family, and is supposed to have more updated information on where the vault is." Velok reaches forward and takes the boob fish, tossing it back and catching it in his mouth. Mmm boob fish. Locke is the most helpful...when it comes to bewbage apparently. "We don't know what it is, but let's assume it's heavy and not something some random guy could pick up and move around." Velok seems a bit nervous on Locke's way of moving things around, eyeing the man carefully. "Don't...don't eat it. Whatever it is. Even if it's like...food." Too late. Locke is already being judged. "Beyond all that, I guess we have to wait for Ivan, and be careful we don't allow a war to start on our watch. That would not end well for our chances of fleeing."

xxxxxNovember looks everything over, nodding faintly once it's all said and done. "Well, November's had less to go on and gotten more done." She frowns slightly and peeks very briefly at Locke, then back down at the papers some more. "Oh.. but there is a problem. I can't do much unless I'm invited in." Little thing she forgot to mention. "It doesn't have to be a warm welcome, but.. yeah. Anyway." And then as for Locke, she gives him the finger, blowing him a kiss off the tip of it. "I can probably get the guys to carry it for us."

xxxxxLocke eyes Velok for a couple moments, "I don't eat random objects." Pfffft, BULLSHIT, but at least there is no evidence that he does. "I can move whatever the fuck it is so don't worry about it." His hand waving off the concerns on the matter there. He lets out a sigh, "Just be a pain in the ass is all. Shouldn't be too hard if it's not in like some tiny ass hole somewhere. That would be a bitch." He says with a grunt before shrugging his shoulders, "Doesn't do us much good to ponder it though. Sounds like we'll know when we get there and not a moment before. So, how long until we land so I can go and get something to..." a pause as his eyes narrow, "drink." That's just a little dig all the both of them... how? Who knows. But it sounds like it coming from him. It's like he just called them racists or something. Though he just stares at November, "Alright Dracula. If you sparkel I get to throw whatever I want at your head. That's only fair."

xxxxxVelok is now /very/ confused at that part. He didn't know that little tidbit, so now it's his turn to be missing the pretty important piece of information. "You need to be invited in? That...might be difficult. You better hope Ivan will talk to you." Velok doesn't seem all too worried, putting plenty of faith in November that she'll find a way to be there. Her moment with her fingers actually makes Velok openly snicker, the concealment turning into actual laughter, and he leans back to prop his feet up on November's chair. "If you need to be invited in, we'll get Ivan to do that." Velok looks back and forth between Locke and November, smiling all the way. "Good, transport taken care of, everyone loves and is happy working with everyone else. Wonderful." Velok claps his hands together and leans back in the chair. "No sparkling. And I don't know, 6 hours? There's water in the faucet, get it from there." Obviously he didn't recognize the dig, he seems just happy enough that things haven't gone to hell. Yet. "Six hours means I get to go back to sleep. Yay." He pulls his feet back and scoots out of the chair, standing up. He looks oddly at November, obviously not knowing anything about the invitation rule. "Can you sparkle? I mean, you know. For my knowledge. It could come up if I need to put you on the end of a stick for some fireworks display." Giggity. The documents are all left strewn out on the table, Velok taking a few steps towards the back. "So when we land, Locke, get us a boat. I'll find Ivan, November interrogates him. We find the vault, get into it, get whatever's inside it, go home. Sounds easy enough." Yea. Sounds easy. Mmhmm. Velok waits for responses before ducking in the back of the plane to go back to sleep.

xxxxxNovember shakes her head. "No sparkles for me. I'll tell you all about the invite thing when we get back to the room." She slides up to her feet and gives Velok a little push. "It'll all be fine. I can get an invite out of just about anyone. It's so fucking cold there, they probably never see skin anyway. Just a little flash is all that it'll take. I'll have him eating out of the palm of my hand." She's kidding, right? Push. Shove. Nudge. Off they go.

xxxxxLocke tilts his head to the side still eying November... well lets hope she's not repelled by religious objects cause someone is going to get holy water shot at her from a squirt bottle... you know, when Locke can FIND some holy water. Yes he'll steal it from a Catholic church you can't judge him he can walk in on his own! "Alright, alright I find the boat. Though I think some sort of sled bears would help us blend in more." He grumbles back over to the other two, his arms folding as he sinks down in his seat a bit more. A look back over at the documents he'll probably comb through them after Velok and November go back to their cuddlefest so he can figure out more about what the hell he's stumbled into. "I'd sleep with a collar on." He chimes back toward Velok while pointing at his own neck. She's been assigned Dracula status it would seem.

xxxxxYes! Off to the back they both shall go. Velok does glance back and seem to smile. "Sled bears would be amazing! And she won't bite me. My blood is gross." Yes. Sled bears. If Locke can make it happen, Velok would be pleased. Even as he's shepherded to the back. Once the two are in the back the rest of the plane flight is fairly uneventful. They stop in China to refuel, and reload the food much to Locke's presumed happiness, before heading back into the sky and off to Turkey. No doubt Locke will want to eat that too. And Hamburg. Those poor people.