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The Beating of a Ghoul
One messed up evening.
IC Date January 7, 2019
IC Time 12:00 A.M.
Players Wade, Guivre and Amelie Oleksiy Madeline Martha Amelie Jolene andJackson as ST
Spheres Camrilla Vampire

The evening was normal, not a bump in the night, quiet, the Elysium since the court fiasco had not been brought up again, at least by the casual eye. The evening is interrupted by a solid thump down the stairs, the sound of labored breathing, and a hand scratching the at the door, it is around midnight, the witching hour, the hour for dreadful trouble to come to those that walk the night, or go where one should not been seen. A soft gurgle of blood, and vomit can be heard, and the moaning of someone in deep pain, right out in front at the entrance to the basement.

Amelie gets an alert on her phone and shortly thereafter, the Security Ghouls are rushing the body inside. "Bring him here!" She directs them to a couch, just as another staff puts a sheet down.

Oleksiy is carrying a report to the Sheriff, which is why he is here. He pauses at the sound atthe front door. raising an eyebrow he looks over, but waits for the security people here to do their jobs.. Amelie always hires good people, and he isnt going to tread on that.

Madeline rises from her seat at the bar, sapphire eyes suddenly serious as she watches.

At the bottom of the stairs, was in riped, slashed clothing is one Jackson Abiyoe, his face is smashed up, his eyes are blacked with coating of blood, and his throat is swollen red, under the shirt his chest seems to have been caved in. His left leg is twisted in the wrong way, he is one sorry sack of flesh, and his breath labored, he was done in with the skill of a hammer, or one hell of a hand. He is brought in quickly, to be laid down on a empty couch, moaning in pain, no words yet too far gone into the beat given to him.

The curtain obscuring one of the private booths pulls back and Guivre pokes his head out, he looks concerned and confused as he steps out of the small alcove with a closed book in his hand. He was alone in the private nook and quite possibly meditating before the drama struck. He has a spring in his step as he walks over quickly to join Amelie and see what the commotion was about, "Anything I can help with, Keeper?"

No one else in Elysium, that’s Wade’s favourite time to be there. Unfortuantely it’s not to be. He checks in every now and then though. And he’s busy talking to the harpies when all the commotion happens. Turning from them, a brow goes up, but even with Amelie’s exclamation and the strange sounds, he does not seem alarmed. Then again, does he ever? Seeing who it is, and after the last court, he chuckles a little. “Guess he was late producing his master. Oops.” Not a time for jokes? Wade disagrees.

Martha comes in with a look about the place then spots well people moving about and sniff the air with hmm, "Who is bleeding?" for a Tremere she is an off one. "He looks smooshy and Familiar, as she closes on the couch with the Damaged one and just looks at him. "Is he one of ours?" just looking at some of injuries from about five feet out with open interest, well more in how he was beaten then helping him.

Amelie gestures for staff to go get things. "Anyone have medical experience?" She is more about directing than anything. "Monsieur Abioye? Who did this to you?" She turns to Martha, "Oui, the new one from the Toreador that sent him ahead." A staffer has brought more towels, wash clothes, and a bag of blood and a cup if needed. "Primogen Beauregard, s'il vous plait, if you, anyone can assist?"

Madeline frowns "Jackson.. this is the toreador ghoul who just arrived in the city. I've not yet met his domitor, neither has the Prince"

Oleksiy makes his way in the general direction of the commotion. He doesnt seem upset, or excited, but he is curious.

"Not internal medicine, I'm a therapist." Guivre admits with a shrug and shakes of his head when Amelie asks if there is a doctor in the house. He does walk over to check on Jackson though. He kneels beside the man and speaks softly to everyone gathered, "I can give it my best shot." He takes one of the towels and starts to pat at the blood.

“If by medical experience, do you mean can I put him out of his misery? Absolutely.” Wade crosses his arms over his chest, but he’s plenty big enough to see the carnage and all from where he is standing a few feet away. No need to move.

Madeline looks to Amelie "There is likely a ghoul on your staff love that has experience. I do remember having them about for triage in some bad situations'

The sound of his voice, is just a crock of pain, he is not there he is somewhere else, deep down inside of himself, forced down in there by whatever or whoever did this. His hand is drops now, clutching something a long purple in his left hand, it seems to be part of a dress. There is some sort of white powder all over it, almost like it is a cocaine, or sand. With that Jackson moans stops, he seems to be lost in the nightmare.

Oleksiy offers "I believe that Jolene has medical training.. OH.. and Cedric's ghoul Lila, is a Nurse.. we could call for one of them."

Martha squats down and looks at him, well ok his wounds closer, "Also Angie" then she looks at all the wounds with care from her spot. "First aid until we get a nurse or doctor in here might be a good idea."

Sure enough, one of the staff rushes out with a medical kit and begins the triage. There is only so much he can do, as some of this is obviously mental.

Amelie watches. "I think someone may need to touch his mind. And what .. is.. that?" She points to the fabric. "A clue?"

“He’s a fucking ghoul, can’t he just heal himself? Jesus Christ.” Though Wade does notice the purple cloth and the white powder on it, and finally decides to step over. “He’ll live.” He sticks a finger to the cloth, he has lots of experience with drugs and wipes at the white powder, just a touch and puts it to his tongue, smacking his lips.

Madeline glances to Wade and rolls her eyes then steps over to Jackson and considers him "Give me just a moment Amelie" concentrating on the downed man.

Guivre continues to blot at the wounds without really knowing what he is doing but he stops when his eyes land on the scrap of fabric just as Amelie mentions it. He pulls a hand back sharply so as not to touch it and he motions for Madelin- but then Wade just ups and touches it. "Could you not, if we are going to use Auspex on that it helps if you don't rub it all over yourself."

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Madeline rolls Perception + Empathy vs 6 for 6 successes. 3 3 5 5 +7 +7 +8 +8 +9 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

Wade spits on the ground. “And that, is not the good stuff. That is someone left out in the sun too long, or maybe a nice crisp fire. I really don’t know, but his Majesty might not be meeting his domitor after all.” He shakes his head. “Too many fucking bleeding hearts.” He takes the purple cloth from the man’s hands, if he can, holding it up. Inspecting it, while they tend to him. “Not sure that’s how it works, Malky, but ya you can have it, I’m more of a doer though, than a procrastinator.”

You paged Madeline with The last image, was him standing with his Domitor to his left, a black haired woman in a purple southern bell dress, they are talking low of her grand plans for the city. How she will be taking it all, making them kneel before her heel, and then she is backing handing him for failing to make it go well, as he drops to his knees. There is flesh of motion as he is lifted up, and then the pain starts, and he is going black.

Martha moves back and watches them all with amusement, "Might want to talk to his Master then and let him feed him up to heal, and well if has broken bones do they need to be set to heal right, or will the Heal wrong if he just uses his blood, he is not like us.

You paged Amelie with ‘The dress belong to someone that is no longer with us, it was the toreador, that never did make it to the prince. She was ashed in one quick moment, the aura stained with saddness, and fear

Madeline sighs and frowns, eyes upon the man "His Domitor and a black haired woman were talking about.. taking over the city and making everyone kneel. Then she struck him and he was lifted, blacking out through the beating. The purple gress fragment is his Domitor's.

Amelie reaches over to Wade and puts out a hand for the fabric. "Primogen Taylor, s'il vous plait." She recovers the fabric from the Brujah. She closes her eyes to concentrate. "Oh... oui, from his domitor... she is ... oui, no longer with us. She was ashed quickly... I can sense an aura of saddness....fear." She holds back her own tears as she feels this, and then lays the fabric on the back of the couch.

“I got that there without all the fooey, or did anyone miss where I said no one’s meeting his domitor. She what you can do with a little hands on?” Wade chuckles, letting Amelie take the fabri, or handing it to her. He glances at Madeline. “Got a little more than a black haired woman, cause gotta tell ya, that leaves a lot of fuckin’ people to kill to weed it down.”

Guivre levels Wade with a cold look when he grabs the fabric, "I bet you're not sure how alot of things work." He rolls his eyes though and kneels back down beside Jackson as he watches Madeline do her thing with the Auspex. "Everyone give me some space." He even looks to Amelie so that she can call off her staff. "I am going to try and speak to his unconscious mind... I may be able to get us some names."

Oleksiy stands just a little back, watching and listening Impassively. He doesnt interupt, but does gather waht he can from what is being said.

Jackson mouth starts to move slowly, at first, his voice is soft due to the damage to his throat, but it comes out with Guivre's help."Marie, why are you home, you left so long ago." The voice is crocks out, a trickle of blood coming out of his mouth as it works, it should not be doing so but he is going to do it for that is what was asked."Who is that man......he........."The voice is stops now and there is a gagging sound, and then the sound of pain and a scream of primal rage, and then he jerks up and then he slams down against the couch, he speaks no more.

Guivre pulls a pocket watch out and holds it up near Jackson's ear as he whispers to him, speaking in time with ticking of the watch... whatever the Malkavian says is a secret. Guivre leans back once Jackson begins to speak and he winces at the obvious effort.. tucking the pocketwatch away as he witnessed the agony. "I can't make him keep talking until his body is mended, if I didn't know better I'd say his jaw is broken."

Madeline brushes golden hair behind her ear before stepping over and reaching to touch one of the man's wounds, fingers seeking to be delicate but she needs to touch to see

Martha stands and tilts her head, "So what do you do with this one, and well his Dominator, he is her's technically." looking to the others. "Did she do this to him?"

Amelie nods to Martha, "If she is no more, then he is without and certainly hurting. This Marie he spoke of, could that be the dark haired woman? It is quite unclear who did what to this poor man." A nod to Wade, "I did not hear you say that, but are you claiming to be psychic in your predictions?" She looks over Jackson and in response to Guivre says, "I am not familiar enough with healing and ghouls. Can we do anything aside from giving him someone's blood? If he could heal himself, perhaps he needs reminded?" She does not know enough about this man to know if he could help himself or what.

Wade chuckles at Guivre’s comments to him, if the Malkavian thought he’d offend Wade, he was wrong. “You’re not wrong Malky, I’ll be the first to admit I don’t know a lot shit, just what I do know. I’m not a pompous ass who believes he knows everything though, or has to pretend he does.” He steps back now, letting others do their thing, his is done. Folding his arms, he watches the man’s body animate under Guivre’s power with some curiousity. He’s silent for now, but you can see sure that will only last for as long as he sees fit. Which happens when Martha speaks. That didn't last long, at all. "She's dead, can't really belong to a pile of ash. I mean you can, but it's going to be a very sad life. Still waitin' on more than black hair, too, for who did it. Maddy? Black hair...blue eyes? Scar on her left cheek? Help a brother out. Devil's in the fuckin' details." He glances at Amelie and smirks. "No, I'm claiming old fashioned detective work can be real fuckin' effective."

"Let's not get into specifics on what kind of ass you are... we haven't the time for a discussion that long." Guivre quips to the Brujah and he keeps his eyes on Jackson with a curious edge. "I'm not sure, Amelie but I think its safe to assume Marie might be the dark haired woman in the purple dress." He is watching the wounded Jackson, "We need a proper doctor, someone who knows a bit more about healing injured Ghouls. I haven't much experience with healing other people's ghouls, either."

Madeline draws back her fingers and sighs "Something with claws, I could not see if they were from a beast or someone with protean" she says then draws out a kerchief to wipe her fingers and glances at Wade with a hint of a smile "I would if I could Monseiur, and while his domitor did strike him right before this".. she gestures to the broken ghoul "Occured, she did not do this to him"

A moan of pain comes out of Jackson on that couch, and he is rigid with the pain, and then he starts to breath shallow again, his body is healing a little bit, but not much, as if he knows not to do it, his mind protecting him from healing wrong, his leg twisted around, and then he reaches up to touch his shirt, lifting it up, there is a large hole in the middle where a claw, was plunged deep into his chest, it is almost bear like, large thick the fingers going right in and then out, you can almost see inside of him.

Martha looks at the rest of them, then looks to one of the ghouls, "So here is a question, if his dominator is dead and someone feeds him that that me they have to keep him? Also what does he do other then wear loud suits?" yeah like she has any tact. Almost dead ghoul, just lost his sire and Martha asking what he does of all things. "Oh look at that hole, neat!"

Amelie takes out her phone and taps on it. "We need Jolene. Someone with that experience as a ghoul and as a surgeon. Certainly she would have some insight." She is sending a message hoping she can come, or send someone. Her head tilts to Martha, "I would think if an emergency we could, but truly should be the will of the Prince who can take a ghoul."

Wade’s smirk changes to a grin at Guivre. “Ah, flattery will get you everywhere, Malky.” He’s not against exchanging wits with the Malkavian, despite the situation. He doesn’t seem to be overly concerned with Jackson’s health anyway, but the matter at hand. “So claws and black hair. Not overly helpful, to be sure.” He shrugs at Madeline though. When the man stirs, he looks back down, at the wounds, and just raises a brow. No comment, he has no experience with ghouls at all, doesn’t believe in them, or claws, for that matter. Listening to the rest. “There is always the option of putting him down, too, just sayin’.”

"Possibly named Marie." Guivre adds to Wade's list before hms and turns to Madeline, "What did he say his Domitor's name was at Court? It escapes me." He isn't wearing a smirk but he does have an set expression as talks turns to putting down the ghoul.

Martha hmms, "We really need to save him or put him down, it is cruel to leave him suffering. Choices and wonder if a giant dog got her, that marie, I have seen a few about the city, big assed dogs. Then again could be a gangrel."

Madeline steps back qith a quiet sigh "Wendy something" she murmers and watches the man's ruined face then glances at Martha and Amelie "Something must be done to help him recover or, to get permission to send him peacefully on. I am Primogen of Toreador but I will not declare his death" she sighs "No matter the man's domitor entered the city and offended the Prince, none here has the right of destruction but His Grace, we will need to get to the bottom of this"

Jolene recieved the page from Amelie and came as quickly as she can to Edwards, with a bag in tow with essentials she may need to help treat wounds and mend them if she can. She is unsure just how bad the wounds will be but for Amelie to call her, speaks volumes. She can tell by those gathered that the one she is here to treat must be nearby. "I do hope I can help him." Simple observation tells her where the man is and she kneels down to focus on helping him.

Amelie gestures for Jolene to Jackson. "Merci Jolene. S'il vous plait, do see what you can do. His jaw may be broken, and look at the hole in his chest from we think a claw. His domitor is most likely ashed, and we need his help to figure out what happened. Above all, to save him." She knows Jolene will have a better idea what to do. "You are an angel for coming so quickly."

“I think the word yer searching for is Werewolf, and if it’s one of those fuckers, she got what the fuckin’ she deserved. And he got real fuckin’ lucky. It’s like battin’ a fly. Even I’m not that dumb.” Wade shakes his head, frowning a little now. Wade couldn’t help if he tried with the domitor’s name, he barely pays attention in court. A glance as Jolene enters and a shrug. If no one’s dying, Wade’s not so much help.

Angie steps into the basement after texting Maddie. She looks to the others gathered and goes to the group

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Jolene rolls Intelligence + Medicine vs 6 for 6 successes. 3 3 5 +6 +7 +8 +8 +10 +10 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============------------->

You paged Jolene with ‘He has taken massive damage to the head, chest and his left leg is twisted backwards, there is a large claw mark right through his chest, and another on the side of his ribs, his body was also thrown off from a great high. But then it seems he was lovingly cared here, and thrown down the stairs, it is hard to piece togther what happened in what order.’

Guivre steps back when Jolene arrives, "If we need to bring him to the hospital I can have it arranged, keep all his medical files secret and pull some string to keep the whole ordeal behind closed doors." He hms, "So if his domitor is a Wendy something, maybe this gangrel-werewolf is a Marie something." He mutters to himself and who ever is helping try to puzzle through this mystery.

Martha blinks then laughs, "those are not real." with a shake of her head as she watches Jolene work, "Well seems like there is a plan for this one but he needs to heal up a bit to give something more coherent to us all."

Amelie will step back to make some calls and NOT LISTEN TO WADE for a bit.

Jolene is stunned that the man is still alive but may not so stunned with being a ghoul, the body can withstand a lot and still heal but this is more than she can treat here in the Elysium and she nods to Guivre. "We do need to get him to the hospital as quickly as we can. I do not have enough resources here in my bag. I can stabilize him but I need an operating room. Please Primogen if you can make the arrangements I'll do what I can here. Do you know what happened to him?"

“Are you fuckin’ kiddin’ me, Scourge? They sure as fuck are. And you sure as fuck don’t want to mess with one.” Wade just shakes his head a little, and turns back to the scene of the massacre. “Can’t someone do some mumbo jumbo bullshit and track this Marie, if she exists, or I dunno, something. I thought Tremmy’s were good at this shit?” He looks over at Madeline (she’s not here) and then at the others. “Anything else we might know, or that anyone got from the images? Where this happened maybe? What did you see? Anyone? Buehler?” He glances at Jolene. “Claws, and who the fuck knows what else, but claws.”

Angie looks to see where Jolene goes and then her eyes shift to Jackson "Oh shit!...Jolene if i can assist in any way please let me know!"

"I think our best bet is to get this Ghoul to the hospital, if we intend to find out anymore about the people that attacked him or how to track them down." Guivre points to the body, "Now why don't you make use of some of that muscle and help Jolene carry this poor bastard to the Hopsital. I drive a prius so we aren't all going to fit in my car." He looks back to Jolene, "I'll make some phone calls, my people will be waiting in the ER to assist you."

Martha says, “Were Gangrel?" then looks to the others, "Not much to be found out yet, he has to get Better so like Feed him so he can heal more Wade then we talk to him.”

Jolene offers reassuringly, "I can most likely help but first things first. My priority is him" and she is already making sure he is stable before they move him. "Thank you for helping Wade." Before he can say yes or now. She has bandaged the wounds she can so far, with practiced hands. He is in bad shape but she is not one to give up on anyone without a fight.

“Fuck. Fine.” Wade picks the man up, but not exactly gently, but it’s like carrying a rag doll with him. He does, at least, carry him properly, rather than tossing him over the shoulder. “Fuckin’ bleedin’ all over me. This is my favourite shirt, too.” He looks downa t Jackson. “If you fuckin’ cough blood on me, I’m droppin’ you.” A glance at Guivre. “Lead the fuckin’ way, before I decide he’s better in a wood chipper. I have one, you know. Just in case.”

Martha blinks "You never saw the Bones show with the frozen pig have you?" to wade.

Angie takes a step back as it is handled, watching in disbelief on how it's Jackson and how they had just talked a few days ago.

"Duly noted." Guivre comments and as they walk to the vehicle he adds, "Check his pockets. Jolene is going to have people waiting there, we don't have to ride with them." He waits so that Wade can pack the dude into the backseat of his Prius and he gives Jolene the keys.

Wade gets him in the car, and he can’t deny that’s a good idea by Guivre. He’s not gentle about it, going through the man’s pockets. If you didn’t know better, you might think Wade would make a very good thief. Wallet opened and looked at, then pocketed in his coat. The money, also pocketed without a word, in his pants pocket. And then an address. “Hmm An address.” He hands it back to the other two after memorizing it. “Not his I don’t think. Could be though, since his is in Vegas,” Then the phones, first the smart phone which he sees if it is unlocked before pocketing, then the burner, which he holds out. “Burner phone, now that’s fuckin’ interestin’, you don’t have one of these, unless ya don’t want someone tracin’ it. Sounds illegal to me. I’m in.” He pockets that, too.