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August 2019 Moot for Sept of the Enduring Spirit
IC Date Full Moon
Players Those performing the Moot Rite: Brooke, Hazel, Isla, Johanna, Magnus, Ratsputin, Troy
Location Caern Ampitheater
Prp/Tp Monthly Moots= Previous - Next
Spheres Gaian Garou

Moots are held on +bboard 79 as of June 2018. This is a compilation of the posts for August 2019.

The Fool

A man walks out dressed as an old man with a cane in his hand.

“I have lived a long time, I have done a lot of things, that means I have no need for those under my heel, under my skill, under my rank.” The man turns slowly the eyes of wisdom with a nod of his head.”For I know it all, therefore I can do it all.”

The Fool throws his cane down now, as he puffs out his chest. "I beat 12 wyrm on my own two paws, then I was able to talk down a spirit into my blade.” He puffs out his chest again with a howl of victory. "The battle of wounded fang, where I chipped my tooth is still whispered from San Fran to Austin, Texas. I have done wonders, and for I Am the Elder, the best and there is no need for those below me in my world. Are not needed at all, for I did it once and I can do it again!”

The man strikes a combat form now getting low to the ground as he starts to throw punches and knees, and kicks. "Now then a battle alone is a true battle for honor and glory. If you need to bring others make sure they have been properly trained and bathed in blood. The lessor will only drag us all down, they are useless.”

With that he walks away from the fire, turning on his heel. "Remember failure is death, so the lessor has no use. When one is walking into battle, think deep, think hard on this lesson.”

( Written by Ratsputin )

Opening Howl

Walking out slowly to the middle of the circle is the Master of the Howl. A hand on her mid-section, she raises the other to quiet the crowd. She speaks in a loud voice, “Welcome one and all, Garou and kin of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Tonight we are here for Bear, our totem, and /will/ refill our Caern for the coming month. We begin tonight, as we all join into our ever widening circle! Hear me! JOIN WITH US ALL!” Beginning the howl of greeting with the Sept as a whole joining in with her.

“We remember all that have given their all in defense of Gaia and the Nation. We honor them and keep their memories alive. Their deeds to be shared, sung of, and kept in our hearts and minds. We look up to the stars and sense their presence looking over us.” Silence then as the dead are remembered as each name has been shared. When done, there is a mournful howl of remembrance.

The spirits are felt throughout when she begins to recite the deeds from the past month. The Glory earned, the Honor lost by some, the Wisdom shown by so many. Those that have earned rank, and were successful in the challenges are recognized. “It is up to all of us to uphold the litany, and strengthen the Garou Nation. The spirits are always watching, here to support us if we treat them right.” She bows her head with respect and moves on to the litany itself.

Each portion, each law given its due time. Importance to each word. “Respect for Those beneath you - All are of Gaia!” She signals for The Fool to come forward again, and stand with her. “Now, you did all these great things. But when you were a Cliath, did you have respect shown to you? In your first pack, did you respect your brothers and sisters bonded to you? Did they fight nobly with you in battle?” The Master of the Howl turns to the circle and asks them. “Who here has found that fighting a battle alone is best? Are we pack animals, or solitary beasts that do not give a fuck about anything else in the world? From the smallest spirits to the mighty pine trees. All that are of Gaia are worthy of our respect, and their place in the natural world. Even our foes can earn our respect. The minute we just kill and disregard others, is the minute we degenerate and are the real monsters that must be taken down.”

The Fool tips an imaginary hat to The Master of the Howl, and walks out from the circle saying, “A good reminder for us all. This Sept seems more respectable each Moot.”

( Written by Brooke )

The Inner Sky

The Mistress of the Rites, Bane-Breaker, calls forth a newer face to the Sept with a wave of her hand. Magnus rises from the audience and takes a step forward. He looks confident enough to be speaking in front of everyone, but the slight flutter in his voice as he starts says otherwise. He says,:

"I was asked to lead the Inner Sky for this moot, so here goes." He claps his hands together and continues with a little more confidence, "We have gathered our Gaian family in this sacred place of Gaia, and now we call upon our brethren of Luna!" The sound of rustling leaves grows steadier and steadier through the forest around them until a steady wind sweeps into and through those at the gathering. The winds are a mixture of refreshingly cool, hot and dry, humidly damp, bitterly cold, and warm and uplifting. The winds bring with them whispers of the spirits in attendance.

The Get of Fenris Godi turns to the east where someone is there dressed as the embodiment of what looks to be the Fiana's tribal totem of Stag, who is the master of the Wild Hunt, "East Wind! Bringer of fresh starts and new hunts, teacher of parting the umbral curtains, and guide of safe spirit pathways and quests, come to us! We thank you for bringing hope to each day and blessing us with the guidance of the spirits!" The winds from the east swirl slowly in from the east, bringing with them coolness and serenity as Jagglings of Respect, knowledge, and of course Stag, the great hunt join in attendance.

Magnus turns attention to the South with a hard chop of his hand, and the audience would note another Garou dressed as Great Fenris himself! "South Wind! Keeper of the eternal flame, usherer of glorious and honorable combat, and holder of the Rage of Gaia! Come to us! We thank you for your strength and protection!" The winds from the south come in heavy, hot, and fast as the rush of War spirits join the gathering.

Mangus points to the west with a waffle of his hands so all can see a Garou dressed as Unicorn, "West Wind! Ever changing as you gather and release rain to feed Gaia's many waterways that further nourish her chosen! Come to us! We thank you for your flowing forms and sustenance!" The winds roll in thick with fog from the west as spirits of Cunning join the party.

Magnus circles his hands to the north to point to the Garou dressed as Bear, the totem of the Sept of Enduring Spirit, "North Wind! Bitter, biting, teeth of frost, you break up the other winds to create a reminder of the passage of time! Through you we remember to keep to our traditions and learn harsh lessons to help Gaia! Come to us! We thank you for your spirit gifts and reminder of the hard reality of life that during winter, the pack survives, but the lone wolf dies!" The winds storm in like a blizzard from the north, bringing with them spirits of Wisdom.

Lastly Magnus starts beating his chest with his right hand. He starts off slowly and looks around, ushering others to join in with his left hand. As the other Garou in attendance start to beat their chests too, Magnus picks up the pace until they are smacking themselves at a good steady beat. Magnus calls out (pausing his own beating, but rolling his hands to have them keep going), "Inner Wind! Glory, Honor, Wisdom, in you all renown resides for Gaia, Luna, our Sept, our Tribes, our packs, our kinfolk, and all the spirits we call forth to our join us in our Moot! Come to us! We thank you! We thank you! We thank you!" With that, Magnus cuts his hands in a 'stop' motion for the beating to stop. Only panting is left in the silence as gnosis rises within all who have gnosis that are present.

After a moment, Magnus bows his head, hopefully causing others to do so as well, "Last, but certainly not least, Bear! Totem of our Sept! Healer and mystic guide! You are wise in peacetime and fierce in war. Come join us! Thank you for walking with us through this battle. May we honor your patronage with this Inner Sky, Moot, and actions of this Sept always." With that, Magnus looks back to the Master of Rites and steps back into the audience.

( Written by Magnus )

Cracking the Bone

With the exit of Bane-Breaker and Magnus, in walks the Truthcatcher, followed by Starchaser. They take a moment just standing there, before Starchaser steps out and raises her hand, the talking stick in the other.

"I am Johanna Cooper, rite named Starchaser, born on two legs beneath the Half Moon, Athro of the Stargazers. Daughter of Seeks-the Stars, granddaughter of Calls-Down-The-Stars-To-Judge, great granddaughter of Stardancer. Beta of Kandula's Hope, children of Mammoth. I speak tonight on behalf of the Truthcatcher. Please escort in the judged.”

Escorted into the circle is Finder of the Lost. Her head hanging low, eyes on the ground. Quietly speaking to the ones walking with her. Once she is in the dead center of the circle, those escorting her walk back out of the circle. She just stands there, not looking out amongst the Sept.

“Sept of the Enduring Spirit! Tonight I bring before you Finder of the Lost, known in homid as Mora O’Leary, Fostern Fianna Ragabash, Alpha of Ghosts of Uktena.” Moving next to the woman, Starchaser gestures to her for the Sept. “She has shown disrespect! Cowardice! And Selfishness! She tried to lie to me, knowingly under the Truth of Gaia! She has Broken the Veil! And shown contempt for Trutchcatcher, the Spirits, to Gaia. TO US ALL!”

She reaches into a pouch that is hanging on a necklace around her neck. Opening it up, she pours a handful of ashes into her hand. Beginning the punishment rite, Starchaser blows the ashes onto Finder of the Lost, and says, “Because thy selfishness has proved thee to be of jackal blood, let thy voice proclaim thy /true breed/!”

The ashes envelop Finder of the Lost, and she begins to try to say something, but it comes out as just a shrill and piercing nasal whine. She quickly covers her mouth with her hands, realizing the punishment has begun. Lowering her head again, she is submissive.

Starchaser turns to those gathered, “Let it be known to all that Finder of the Lost will now speak as she has behaved. The spirits agree, and her honor and glory have been tarnished. Until this Jackal-hound has proven herself by completing a quest of great benefit to Gaia, her true voice will be lost to her.” She gestures to Finder of the Lost to leave. The woman, now known as a Jackal-hound tries to speak, and a shrill sound comes from her mouth. She covers it quickly with her hands and rushes out of the circle, clearly embarrassed.

With that complete, Starchaser invites anyone with an issue to be settled by the Truthcatcher to come forward. All are settled, from Elder to Cub, before they leave the circle.

( Written by Johanna )

Stories and Songs

There is silence after the Cracking the Bone is completed. Respect and observance of justice has the crowd waiting on the edge of their seats for what will come next. The Master of the Howl comes out again.

“It is my pleasure to introduce tonight our newest Talesinger, Mercy’s Wings. But before he comes forward to perform for us all tonight, to inspire us further, we have one of our newest Cliath Galliards. Please give her the attention you give us all as we all start off. I think you will enjoy her story.”

She moves back outside the circle, giving a quick word of encouragement to Savors the Stories before she walks all the way out to begin.

( Written by Brooke )

Story: Rats on the Moon

The first Galliard enters the circle, and begins as she was instructed. "Ah, yes. Hazel Ayari, Homid born, rited Savors the Stories, under the waxing gibbous moon, Cliath of the Silent Striders." She falls silent and then launches into her story for the Sept.

"Piteous calls the children of the Rat, their souls hungering for that which they can not reach. The call goes out - who will heed it? Who will come to their aid in their hour of need?

Three brave warriors step forward, clad in bravery all. Settled against hunger alike, they are prepared to risk it all. Upon Luna's radiant rays they'll travel, beyond their mortal kin. Settle now for the tale to be told - the Moon Walkers Path begin.

As journeys begin it is an easy one, but all too soon they are stopped. Not one, not two, but three spirits block their path, and demand what they are due. No simple thing they want of them, but the substance so like the moon.

"A pie! A pie! A pie!" they demand, adding, "Or die. Choose one of us to give the feast, and a prize will will provide. Don't trust the others - " they argue and fight, "Only my give will see you right."

"Begone foul creature of corruption!" Their valiant leader cries, "For you are twisted and evil, we choose the Wyld tonight." They cast the pies upon the spirit of Wyld who dances in delight.

Away they go free at last to continue on their way. Moonlight shines the pathway forward and they hurry. Rat will not be patient for always.

Just when it seems their end is just in sight a lune spirit steps forward, blocking the pathway. Polite as always the questers ask after Luna, but are rebuffed. "He is not here, you must go back." Dismissive he turns to show them away from the moon.

"No!" They cry in unison, remembering the plight of the rat. "We gave our word and must go forth to Luna's shores or Rat's children will starve." Facing bravely they stare the spirit down till anger alights in its eyes.

"You are not worthy of my help," and thus it disappears. The moonlight now no steady path, but a branching lighted knot.

For long they wander, time passing endlessly. Is it a day? A week? A year? Their footsteps cannot say. Until at last they reach their end and the cheese there before them lays. They scoop it up success is theirs! But wait!

The ground beneath them begins to shake stirring war anew. What forms before their eyes is nothing short of gastly.

"That's nacho cheese!" The giant exclaims, wrinkling at what they have gathered. "You can not have it - unless you serve me first. Go fight to rid this moon of evil and I will give you favor."

"As you command," the trio declare and gird themselves for war. Stepping forward bravely they go, slipping to their combat forms.

They run upon most silent feet towards the enemy. "No!" it cries before they fall and tear it up to pieces.

Appeased the giant decides, "That's gouda-nough for me." A bow to the trio and their prize delivered into their waiting hands.

Now they come with prize in hand. If you sniff hard you'll find them soon - the mark of the moon not soon cleansed. "

( Written by Hazel )

Story: Talesinger’s Challenge

As the firelight flickers brilliantly through the night while the moot progresses, the young storyteller who has become a household name to these events have stepped forward with his guitar. As always, he starts his story with a song as he starts to strum away along the strings of his instrument in an easy going pace, one that is designed to remind the Garou of the good times of the eighties. Behind him a pair of kinfolk brings out a set of bongos and a bass guitar to play along with him in a practiced manner.

:“To the freedom fighters

To the Everest climbers
To the castaways
To the midnight riders
To the spark igniters

I am on my way

Let it be said, and let it be known
He who is free is never alone
The path before us
The world behind us
I'll wait for you there

I am on my way

To the lost ark raiders
To the lion tamers
To the stowaway
To the white tide chaser
To the black flag raiser

I am on my way

There's a song that sailors know
Lost, alone and far from home
Golden galleons
Golden guns
And find that place under the sun
There's a song on the Sahara wind
That lifts you to your feet again
That dances on the clockwork stars
That pulses through a beating heart

I am on my way…”

Once the song comes to an end, Troy who by now has been dancing to the beat as he sways with his guitar finally comes to a stop in a final leap past the fire which casts his shadows along the ground in a mesmerizing manner. He lets out a low and steady breath as he slides the guitar behind him to his back, throwing his arms out to the audience as he closes his eyes and feels the pulse of the bongos behind him pounding away.

“To my brothers and sisters of the Enduring Spirit, never lose your hunger for knowledge. We have to continue to push ourselves onwards and upwards, whether it’s across the oceans or through the strongest mountains. There are many mysteries of Gaia that need to be unlocked, riddles that need to be solved and lessons that need to be learned. When we lose our passion to seek out new knowledge, we become stagnant, stale and restless. It’s how the Wyrm gets a step ahead of us, it’s how fear creeps into our heart, it’s how depression settles into your heart and you hit brick walls instead of finding new paths to forge.”

“I challenge each and every one of you to try something new by the next moot! Whether it’s learning how to play an instrument, how to cook a new meal, or learn a rite that will help the Sept. Hell, create a new one! Something just for us! Don’t you remember when you used to be a kid and everything was exciting and new? Remember when you used to be curious and you would knock things over and your parents would yell at you? Do you remember the day you lost your imagination and your toys was no longer your best friends? I remember that day and it was painful for me. We work so hard as warriors of Gaia that sometimes we forget what it’s like to breathe, to enjoy yourselves, to have fun. I challenge you, and you, and YOU! Find your inner child again, even if it’s just for one day!”

With that, he slides the guitar into his hands once more and starts to strum, his body swaying as his voice takes to song again. He sings from his guitar, a simple poem turned song as he looks to touch every soul in the audience.

“Kids are sad, the sky is blue
There are monsters in the spare bedroom
Kids grow up, and move away
They closed the plant and the mall arcade
Kids are sad, their parents, too
Kids get high in the spare bedroom
We grow up and move away
The seasons pass, but the monsters stay”

Once he finishes his song, he reaches up to brush his hand along the corner of his eye, then gives a bow to his two bandmates, then a band to the Sept before he moves back into place within the crowds where his packmates await.

( Written by Troy )

The Revel

With songs sung, and emotions riding high after witnessing one of their own punished, another of the Fianna steps out into the circle. Already in Crinos, the Ahroun howls with vigor! The one selected as Wyrmfoe for this month’s Moot is hyped up and ready!


Not so much a speech she gives, as much as a call to RISE to the occasion.


Garou come forward from all over the circle. Cliaths, Fostern, and more. A couple of cubs wander up, looking to challenge to show they are ready for their Rite of Passage. Words are said, snarls given, and challenges made.

Once settled, the flaming red furred beast ROARS to the crowd, not needing a pedestal or anything to get the attention of one and all.


She leaps through the crowd, and gallops off, leading them out to the bawn, beyond and around seeking their prey. Attacking, ripping, threshing, tearing it all up! Once their prey is done for, she leads them back to the amphitheater. HOWLING in celebration, they all join together for what is a ruckus, awe inspiring end to the moot, as they give back to Bear, and recharge the Caern for the month.

( Written by Isla )